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Why did they make her an insufferable girlboss?
Isn’t Elita-1 supposed to be? I kinda recall her and the gals giving Shockwave shit back in G1
OP has never watched the G1 cartoon.
She didn't hate men in that though.
I cant believe people actually like this stupid toy commercial slop after years of shitting on Bay for trying to add some grit and realism to the setting.
America is a country full of peter pans who wont grow up.
I always liked the comics and the new movie is fine. Bay is pure shit and ugly as hell. I am not a postmodern pleb so I value esthetics and designs that don't make me vomit.
Very ironic because the new movie had the aesthetics of a kid playing with plastic toys. Bay's movies had their flaws, but the designs weren't one of them. He took transformers ans actually made them cool. They had real weight and presence and actually felt like giant powerful robots instead of whatever the fuck this is.
>the designs weren't one of them
Ehh, agree to disagree.
>He took transformers ans actually made them cool. They had real weight and presence and actually felt like giant powerful robots instead of whatever the fuck this is.
Because Hollywood misandry & Joss Whedon-esque, you stupid silly boys, writing.
>Bay's movies had their flaws, but the designs weren't one of them. He took transformers ans actually made them cool. They had real weight and presence and actually felt like giant powerful robots instead of whatever the fuck this is.
>I'm a faggot
>Bay's movies had their flaws, but the designs weren't one of them.
If we were standing in the same room when you said this I'd punch you right in the jaw you fuck. Fuck you twice.
Bayformers look like insect vagina.
When all the boys are fun and carefree, they make the girl the angry mom of the team
They're all overdesigned with too much detail & grime that makes them look ugly. Simplify them with the same general looks & they'd look a lot better. Just making them look more like the 80s designs in Bumblebee helped a lot.
Is she a hot spitfire you can tell has seen some shit survived and came out smiling on the other side
...or is she the meanspirited bullying manhating cunt that weirdo out of touch loser women and beta cucks think are strong females?
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Grit and realism? Excuse me but in what Universe is this realism or grit?

>crying GIVE ME BACK MY CAAAAARRRRR like his puppy's been stolen

Realism implies emotion and when the actual kids' advert has more emotion (case in point, Optimus' death in the first movie) Bay has no excuse.
I fapped to Sentinel.
Bro im so sleepy ive been so sleepy recently. Ive got duel citizenship in dreamland from how often ive been snoozing lol really nap piled
Don't forget Sam's mom eating a pot brownie and instantly becoming a loud blundering mess, because marijuana is well known for making you aggressive and energetic of course. That certainly was needed in a transformers movie.
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>Grit and realism
>Random chickens come out of explosions in middle of desert
>Is she a hot spitfire you can tell has seen some shit survived and came out smiling on the other side
This movie is placed before the cybertronian war, take a wild guess
She is not even close to an angry mom, more like a hateful bitch that you wanna slap right in the face, I know you have at least meet 3 of those in your life if you are at least on your 20s
You sound like a violent person
Is she even that? Like, in this movie?
I haven't watched it yet but she seemed kinda chill in the trailer. Not like the WfC Elita. Now that was a bitch.
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My wife
>hate men
Did you hurt your back shifting those goalposts? OP said "insufferable girlboss". Elita One's attitude in "The Search for Alpha Trion" absolutely maps onto that description.
Sure, but I'd never got violent because I'm not an animal nor a thug. I've ignored, or cut-ties with them if they are genuinely bad people, but getting the urge to hot a woman was never a consideration. Maybe the problem is your stupid ass mate.
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She literally is a 'girlboss', in that she's a female and the uncontested leader of the Autobot Resistance on Shockwave's Cybertron.
I think the anon you're talking to is just a kid.
This movie will flop
>75M budget
Would have to be catastrophic to not make its money back with that low a budget
This is still not airing in my country but it's the first time I am planning to watch a TF movie. I hope this means they will do more purely animated ones in the future and without shitty actors and US shit. Bee sounds annoying and I usually never like Elita (mostly because I hate her design, same with Arcee), but if the rest is decent it will work for me. And the premise sounds good at least, unlike with the other movies so far.
that’s not what girlboss means
newfag election tourists need to go back and fuck off
Nobody here gives a fuck what your retarded online microcult thinks the word means.
Snyderjeets like Bayshit
Why do women get you seething so hard?
Airachnid sexo
>not a huge fan of Transformers but still wanted to watch it
>opening day in my country
>fucking NOBODY in the whole theater. I'm complety alone watching this movie
First time this has happened to me, what a weird but pleasant feeling to have the entire cinema for myself. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie :)
I mean maybe in the first movie? Everything after, nah
Because that's literally her G1 characterization?
>Bay's movies had their flaws, but the designs weren't one of them. He took transformers and actually made them cool. They had real weight and presence and actually felt like giant powerful robots instead of whatever the fuck this is.
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I hope it won't do too badly. The issue as a non-anglo, non-Japanese I see is that Transformers is just completely unknown in most countries in the world. People have no idea who Optimus Prime is or anything and those that went to see the first Bay movies (they didn't do that well here either) didn't go in for Transformers (that they didn't know), they went in to see some generic live action shlog with sci-fi. Nobody I know that watched the movies had ever heard of TF before or are interesting learning more about them. To them it's just that random alien race from a mediocre action movie.
It's ok anon, I tend to pat myself in the back when I get this BTFO from time to time as well... wait no I don't cause you'd have to put real effort into shitting out an opinion as retarded as that
Elita has always a nagging bitch. Sometimes shes right, but that doesn't make her less insufferable.
You guys can stop replying to my bate post now. Im getting my fix from the prince of Egypt thread i made. Thanks though
we live in a time line where someone unironically defends bayformer's designs.

The only good thing about the movies was about how fucking stupid and silly they were.

Hey, they make for great toys.
It was weird that she didn't have any cool powers or weapons. She was really just relegated to action girlboss without being an actual character.

Bay is literally one of the worst directors to ever sit behind a camera. You're fucking retarded.

He made Transformers shitty and his robots were some of the worst mecha designs in all fiction
I really liked Dreadwind and Airachnid.the Prime designs looked cool for once, especially Megatronus
Her name is literally Elita-1. Elite one. How the fuck can you be so stupid that you didn't immediately pick up on that?
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>He took transformers ans actually made them cool
He went full retard after the 1st movie. You can't even tell what the fuck is going on 90% of the time in fights.
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mfw he transforms into his final form
It was supposed to be Ariel before she was converted
Bee is very annoying but not as bad as he seems (this is not necessarily praise because the trailers make him seem way worse.)

He gets one, maybe two good lines. ("I'm gonna go knife these guys!")
>It was weird that she didn't have any cool powers or weapons.
Her G1 power was stopping time. They gave her the downside of it literally killing her if she used it even once. Still kinda weird that every single iteration hasn't brought it up.
I had a lot of fun. It felt a rushed at times but there are some really intense moments and I'm glad they brought some of the Aligned lore. Hopefully they expand more on the Deceptions in the next movie.
My friend got so mad about the ending where they jack into Airachnid's mind to see her recordings that he talked for - i am not kidding here - twenty minutes about how bad the movie was because it didn't explain how they did it.
I had no idea about this; I've only seen bits and pieces of G1. That's very cool.
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>He took transformers ans actually made them cool. They had real weight and presence and actually felt like giant powerful robots instead of whatever the fuck this is.
My friend tried to get me into transformers via Bayformers because I like Gundam. The designs looked and felt like they were made of tinfoil and their designs were far too busy. The transformation sequences were just gray metal blurs, so there's no point in figuring out which part goes where. I only watched the first movie so maybe they fixed it down the line but it put me off from watching the sequels.
his battle mode was sick
On. Mother note, our girl Airachnid survived the movie. Probably the only Sentinel
Prime follower.
You just know she fucks Sentinel with the strapon dildotron
Bumblebee is worth watching but other every movie after the first one is literally worse in every way imaginable, and they keep getting worse.
I swear I saw her in a trailer with Starscream and the others. I was surprised she wasn't one of their crew when I saw the movie.
None of these idiots even know what G1 is.
Sassy CyberMommy needs Chaddy AutoDaddy
what the fuck are you talking about? How does that mean she has to be an actiongirl girlboss? Have you even seen the movie?

Note that there is a difference between a girl who participates in action and an actiongirl girlboss
but enough about ever post-Bay TF movie
In TF Prime she was her own thing, capturing alien lifeforms as trophies. Maybe she'll escape if they do a sequel.
The damage Bay did to the fandom is irreparable. They all expect Bumblebee t lose his voice at some point in the future. They have no idea Bumblebee talked a lot in G1 and his voice wasn’t even special, just sounded like a used car salesman.
she literally picks a fight with Shockwave the moment they meet each other, it's pretty great.
She doesn't hate men here either?
For her, it's the worst day of her life, of course she's grumpy.
>Is she a hot spitfire you can tell has seen some shit survived and came out smiling on the other side
She's a no-nonsense overachiever who's on track for a promotion until Optimus does the *right* thing in a situation, but it's not what her bosses want, so she gets canned.
So she's specifically angry *at optimus* because he's literally the reason all her work was for nothing.
Then he keeps showing up in her life.
Before the final act, she has a moment where she realizes she's been a bitch and apologizes for it.
Shockwave is too buff while Soundwave is too skinny in this movie.
Yeah she's kind of just portrayed as a bitch. She doesn't have a soft side or anything.

The thing I hate about her is that her abilities are just "being action girl." She's able to do flips and fight better than anybody else without having any training for it. And this becomes a problem later when that's STILL her ability after she gets her power-up. You could have had the whole movie without her and Bee and nothing would have changed.
>he issue as a non-anglo, non-Japanese I see is that Transformers is just completely unknown in most countries in the world.
transformers age of extinction was filmed in China and did huge there.
Having her voiced by that piece of ugly shit Scarlet Johansson alone is why I dodged this movie. Hope this movie fails. Hate that hideous whore who idiots pretend she's hot and likable.
she's literally wearing a jetpack for half of her action scenes.
Which she used specifically for her job for the entirety of her existence.
She uses it so much they put it on her toy.
Airachnid sexo.
post yfw A. A. Tron
No she isn't because they don't have jetpacks until the very end of the movie. The chase on the train and the fight in the forest all have her doing action flips and shit instead of anything interesting.

And even if the Jetpack IS supposedly her thing, literally every other castmember can ALSO use Jetpacks and uses them every day for the entirety of their existence, which still means she's the only character not to get a dedicated special upgrade. Optimus gets his smokestacks and later axe, Megatron gets his cannon, Bee gets his knife hands, Elita gets jack shit.
Did they die?
No. But Shockwave is the worst he's ever been. He's a stupid goon who's played for laughs.
>They have no idea Bumblebee talked a lot in G1 and his voice wasn’t even special, just sounded like a used car salesman.
They know, but like you said, G1 Bee wasn't anything special. Bee wouldn't be as frequently used if not for his big puppydog gimmick.
1) it's fair to complain that elita's upgrade doesn't appear in this film (given who's cog she gets, I'm pretty sure they're planning on her G1 power to be her upgrade in a sequel)
2) she is literally introduced in the mining action scene, using the jetpack, and demonstrating that she's better than everyone else at it. And the "final act" is like 30% of her action scenes.
So yeah, maybe 40% and not 50% were with her jetpack but that's still a lot.

Also, during the race, and during the mining scene, we see Optimus and Megs aren't as good with the jetpack as she is.
so... like in the g1 cartoon?
Did anyone else feel like D16's might makes right mentality needed to be elaborated on? It made sense when he was a gladiator but as a miner I don't see any situation that could've lead to him internalizing that mindset.
I hate this trend of making Soundwave a manlet he's supposed to be the same size as Starscream
He had 4 lines, he's not important.
It’s sickening, bee was a total bro and helped Spike rig moonbase 2 with a planetary load of dynamite to try to fuck over unicron.
>Did anyone else feel like D16's might makes right mentality needed to be elaborated on?
I don't think they did a good job on that, no.
They hinted at it, he's basically got the attitude of "I won't ever be decieved again. I'm gonna punish everyone who even THINKS about decieving me"
which is a very human thing to do, lol. But it's more the cybertronian high guard who has a might-makes-right mentality, and he's just coopting it to enact his own goal of punishing all those who hurt him.
He obtained power rapidly and people stupidly expect robots to act “humane”? Ridiculous.
Megatron saw that Sentinel was able to menace everybody and decided that he would never be ruled by anyone again. Everything he's ever seen has proven that you can only really get anything done through violence
Megatron is going to be the one that actually fights back against whoops Quintesson ass once that fight kicks off.
speaking of...
Quintus prime was the only 13 member not shown or mentioned in this film.
Dunno if it's cause they want to separate quintessons from the transformers, or if he'll be the villain in movie 2
Ohhhh I get it now KEK
The Q is the real foe, they don’t give a fuck who they kill to achieve their goals or amuse themselves when doing their show trials.
Even before his acquisition of power it's made apparent he was very obsessed with power structures. He idolized Megatronus specifically because Megatronus was the biggest baddest of the primes and he also accepted that he's just a weak miner bot who could never amount to anything.
yeah, he quotes, repeatedly "Megatronus, the strongest of the Primes"
>not me-gay-tron
I just got back from the screening, and I have to say, it feels weird to see a Transformers movie that actually halfway makes sense instead of being a manic acid trip. Not complaining, just saying that the franchise is so used to be insane and crazy on it's theatrical outings that a completely normal and direct "the government lied, so now we gotta take it down" story felt almost out of character to me.
Every transformers movie does worse than the last due to Bayshit making the brand toxic, but this one is the last chance to save it.

Ironically they're tying GI Joe to the next movie which is box office poison so the live action movies are definitely dead after the next one
i feel so bad for people whose only exposure to the brand is Bayshit
Why her of all characters?
I still remember discovering that fucking ORSON WELLES was Unicron's voice. That is still the most surreal moment in Transformers for me.

Yes, moreso than Kiss Players.
It's on track to perform at least as well as the bumblebee movie (when adjusted for inflation) if not better. It has a much smaller budget than the rest of the movies, so it'll definitely be profitable.
The giant question is just "will it do well in the foreign markets"
The japanese dub is getting much of the original japanese cast to reprise their roles, so it has a good chance of doing well there.

and the UK has a HUGE old school TF fandom that'll definitely turn out for it.

The rest, dunno
>ORSON WELLES was Unicron's voice
and Leonard Nimoy.
Welles died during production and Nimoy recorded the rest of his lines.
So yes, there's a scene where Nimoy is talking to Nimoy.
Thanks, you've made a bizarre childhood memory even more bizarre.
It's weird finding out that so much stuff I've taken for granted is not common knowledge to people who don't associate with Transformers as much as I do
She's very cool in Prime but she doesn't get to do too much in this movie. She's memorable but I think she's not as cool as some other characters
yeah, but have to admit, making the fact that her character has multiple eyes actually be a PLOT point was pretty neat
>It's weird finding out that so much stuff I've taken for granted is not common knowledge to people who don't associate with Transformers as much as I do
an interesting little nugget from the movie.
They're on a big train during the early part of the movie

in the original script for the 1986 movie, there was also a big train (that turned into a snake) for transporting goods during the first part of the movie.

Also, Sentinel uses a double sided rhombus blade like his bayfilm counterpart.
Yeah I get their choice, like if you want a "shady murderous body guard who is also a girl so you can have Elita-1 fight another girl and also this body guard has to have a visual theme related to eyes and optics so a child can understand easily why they gotta kidnap her" pretty much makes her the perfect choice for a character to go into that role.
Oh I'm no newcomer to the franchise, I've seen lots of the cartoons and the original film too, but you gotta admit that the original film is also rather acidy tripy, it has a lot of charm but it's also fucking insane.

This is what they want, they make these types of characters specifically to create discussion, if you complain then you are wrong and you are bad. I am fed up. And you should stop consuming this mediocrity.
>in the original script for the 1986 movie, there was also a big train (that turned into a snake) for transporting goods during the first part of the movie.
Was that the one that turned into the snake?
>but you gotta admit that the original film is also rather acidy tripy
whaaaaaa? Noooooo.....
Going to be honest, I am a Bayformers/Prime casual. I just happened to have seen the OG movie once, briefly, too. And the big metal ball left an impression.
Abominable taste. Throw yourself into a pack of wild rabid dogs.
Hey don't look at me, I'm not. Not because of Elita-1 specifically though, just because I'm done with the franchise as a whole.
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Built for humans.
did it seem like Sentinel's "spine" was broken considering he couldn't stand?
I think Megatron just landed on him which dealt alot of damage. He even lost his wings.
Name five shows with the sale premise or are lead by robots.
until earthspark and ROTB, the toys for the shows and movies did gangbusters, which is the real profit motive for hasbro
the shows themselves don't have to make as much money as they used to, it's the merch
4chan needs more trolling
We need to go back
People shooting each other with guns and using martial; arts is old as fuck and shit it's still making money.

People in ridiculous costumes jumpsuits running around beating up people using insane supernatural abilities is beyond ridiculous as shit...but you're still talking about it. The problem isn't the concept.
The problem is that they can't sell it.
Transformers is one of Hasbro's top brands. Joe is the dead one
>It's not the eighties anymore.
Transformers survived past the 80's by adapting. It did well in the 80's but arguably it did better int he 2000's due to the movies, it wasn't even the top 1 or 2 boy's franchise in the 80's(GI Joe and MOTU both did better). And yet it hung on.
>I can already see people are starting to burn out on Batman in certain areas.
Yes, conveniently this will happen in your life time. You're living in the most important part in history with the most significant changes.
Rare based janny behavior.
nah it's just that poster that says stupid shit and deletes.
If you look at what posts were deleted you can see why he got got
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you wouldn't dare
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Transformers one soundtrack
"The Fall" is great
"Battle of Titans" is such a cool fucking name for the Optimus vs Megatron track
>those first two seconds in "battle of the titans"
God I need more of that shit in movie soundtracks, Deadpool and Wolverine did the same thing with the Like A Prayer cover and it sounds just as cool in there as well
Agreed. I know, logically, there’s nowhere for me to stick my dick, but I sure wanna try.
There's always the mouth.
>Maybe they fixed it down the line
It only got worse, to the point where they gave up completely and just have them turn into swarms of tiny cubes, like the Pixels movie.
Everyone involved in Bayformers should be deeply ashamed of themselves.
Newfag here.
Were Megatron and Optimus really friends before the whole war?
Depends on the continuity, Megatron almost killed Orion Pax when they first met in G1 which led to Alpha Trion rebuilding him into Optimus Prime, it wasn't until Aligned (I.E the Cybertron games, TFP, etc) that it started to be established that they had a bit of history together before the war
They were but only Optimus was a wagie. Megatron was originally a gladiator which was meant to explain why he was so exceptionally powerful.
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I was pleasantly surprised by how well-written it was. Well, maybe "well-written" may be a bit generous, but it's outstandingly competent in the way its narrative is structured and the worldbuilding it presents. It's hard to put into words, but I feel nowadays so many movies, especially ones that are adaptations of previous works and/or are trying to generate a franchise and sequels, bungle what should otherwise be really straightforward stories and clear, concise narratives and expect us all to go along with it when all it does is create these shaky foundations for future sequels. But here we have a very clear, very competently put-together interpretation of Alligned canon that makes changes to suit the story, but still has the lore and setting makes sense and contribute to the narrative in a way that's seamless and easy to understand and accept. I can perfectly see how a sequel to this film could go in so many different directions and not at all feel contrived or confusing, nor do any of the unanswered questions left in this film feel unsatisfying or frustrating.
>A wagie bitching about freedom
Wow Optimus is very American
TFA black arachnia specifically sexo
Lol. Elita1 and Shockwave were pretty funny in the movie.
In the cartoon, Orion Pax looked up to Megatron.
I thought the movie was either too short or too rushed. D16 was like I'm Megatron now. Red eyes.

The movie had a villain. He was clearly angry at this villain and rightfully so. But he did a really bad thing to Orion which cemented his change to be Megatron. But why to Orion? I think they should've waited for him to become Megatron in a sequel, not in this movie.
She's funny because she laugh like an autistic.
Scanning another cybertronian's memories is canon in Transformers lore but you usually need special equipment. Like a cortical psychic patch and what's usually shown as large computers.
I thought that was strange he had a lot of emotions. He was pretty funny, though. At the same time, Starscream loves to fight. He's not a coward and loves pain like a tough guy.
My friend said that this felt like the first time Transformers lore has been laid down in a way that makes sense for non-autistic and I thought he was just joking but it was pretty much my thoughts when I saw the film too. Very well streamlined to the point you don't even question bullshit
If you need a MCU tier story to understand that pacifist robots fight viking robots, you're the autistic one.
>D16's might makes right mentality
I actually don't know why he started acting that way in the movie. I get the part where he wants to kill Sentinel because of what he did but the might makes right thing wasn't there. Its more like he wanted revenge. After he killed Sentinel, he wanted to kill everyone who was loyal to Sentinel. But that had nothing to do with might makes right which was more like what the high guard believes.
We are obviously talking about the Aligned lore bible anon, like it was straight up mentioned by name here. Does your brain work the way a pretzel is shaped?
It's almost like Megatron is supposed to be a villain or something.

Live outside of your bubble please, people act that way in the real world all the time regardless of what your college campus taught you
He was just a good boy that got mind broken after endlessly slaving to the guy that killed his idol. All that rage got him to get off his ass and do something while Optimus, whom was reckless as Orion, grew more collected as he eventually got the Matrix.
From the get go we see him making up excuses about how the authorities were right to rough him up because "he acted up" and we know he is a fan of Megatronus because Sentinel described him to people as the strongest one. You more or less already had the seeds there of D-16 already glorifying strenght to the point where he would argue in favor of his abusers just because he was the small miner and they were not.
>the first time
Transformers lore has never been complex unless you dig into shit like IDW and the primes. The story is that Autobots are peaceful and Decepticons are warlike.

I literally just showed my friend who's never seen any Transformers media before the 86 movie, which was full of new shit even for fans of the show, and she followed it fine. You'd literally have to be autistic and caught up on minutia to not get the premise.
>The story is that Autobots are peaceful and Decepticons are warlike
No, anon, that is the basis you've seen since the 80s show, but that is not what the Aligned lore bible boils down into. It's incredibly more detailed than that, and also incredibly more messy and full of retarded ideas (some that contradict each other) that only sound good to someone already invested in the franchise.
It strikes me that you might be an actual autist upset because you thought autistic was being used as an insult here so if it's that I apologize, but we're talking about different things here.
just saw the trailer, holyshit this was bad
>terrible human faces,
>terrilbe jokes,
>once badass male characters get turned into weaklings and idiots who can't do anything right
>of course girlboss is marysue who is perfect at everythign and never the butt of every joke
>cringe music
>bad voice actors
why do liberas, yes people who support leftwing causes, always demand that boys, especialyl white boys, don't deserve any thing that is about them being heros and always demand that women and blacks need to be ptorayed as better then white men at everything?
The trailer isn't indicative of the movie's quality, to be honest. It's Teen Titan Go to the movie's Justice League.
funny how writers always write female character as badass and elties but never men, despite men being the main democraphic of these franchises, but totally no agenda here
the movie had one action scene and of course it was about her being all powrful and badass, meanwhile all the scenes with male characters were jokes at their expense
looks like the same woke agenda as always. so fucking tired of it
This confused me so much because I always assumed those movies' main demographic were pothead dudebros
I don’t like how they had her as Elita-1 from the very beginning.
Orion Pax > Optimus Prime
D16 > Megatron
B126 > eventually Bumblebee

They should had had her be Ariel, level up, then be Elita One.
Blame Homer Simpson.
He ruined how adult men are perceived compared to the sensible women.
>Why did they make elita 1 elita 1?
Bro about to blow his knife out when he learns they made megatron a villain.
They didn't want to use the name Ariel because it sounds too human like.

And the little mermaid.
>And the little mermaid.

So... copyniggers?
Uh saying "all Transformers lore" equates to "Aligned lore" is retarded since that hasn't been a thing since the mid 2010s

I notice this a lot with people and Transformers, usually it's IDW fags who think that shit matters to the entire fandom and will talk about it as if its the only continuity, but Aligned is a bizarre one since it literally was shut down and called non canon before its continuity even ended.
Ariel just sounds meh for a robot
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Isnt It weird how you can kinda make a trilogy using the first movie of every reboot
They give Jazz’s name though.
And make jokes about “Steve.”
>He's not a coward and loves pain like a tough guy.
They turned him into BW Dinobot/Armada Starscream
>Armada Starscream
The problem is there's no explanation to why he believes strength is so important. In other continuities he was forced to fight for his survival so it made sense why he believed in survival of the fittest because that was how he lived everyday. In ONE he's in the same position as Orion so the difference in attitude could've used some explanation. Like perhaps Orion was just hired to work in the mines whereas D16 was captured from another colony and forced to work against his will.
>one action scene
You didn't watch the movie.
Are you that petulant that you need a relatable reason for why every person who's a little off is a little off? I can't really figure out why people are this way but extreme coddling from neo hippie gen x parents and rich neighborhoods is all I can imagine

Not every villain needs a sob story explaining how they're really a hurt puppy deep down
It would be cool if they allowed them to go back to using their own names for Transformers stuff (ie. Convoy, Destron, etc.)
I do know the G1 Convoy actor is voicing Alpha Trion in the Japanese version.
In Sunbow they didn't really know each other until Megs injured Orion and he got fixed into Optimus.
In Marvel they used to be Gladiator rivals.
I don't remember if UT had a unique backstory aside from 'opposing commanders'.
Bayverse had them be brothers (mostly in expanded materials through).
Animated had Optimus be a literal who to Megatron.
Aligned (potentially inspired by the Bay movies) decided to make them friends pre-war and that's how it went from then on.
Did anybody else like the portrayal of the quintessons in this? Outside of the bayverse I've never really understood why cybertronians feared these things so much when they're clearly bigger, faster, and stronger but here it's the other way around. A simple fleet commander can make a prime their bitch.
>Outside of the bayverse I've never really understood why cybertronians feared these things so much when they're clearly bigger, faster, and stronger
Because the Quints are smarter and also had a massive amount of connection due to being space merchants.
Is there an official list of the actual 13 primes in this movie? From what I saw they name dropped Zeta, Onyx, Micronus, Prima, and Megatronus. I could also see Leige Maximo and Solus, but who else is left?
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There was a version of this pic with the names and assumptions but I didn't save it. Not sure if there is a HQ version out by now. I wonder who it is that Zeta has replaced.
Feels like there's a hidden message about rising costs and the need to work multiple jobs in this in order to survive....
He’s red, white and blue. Literally.
Alpha Trion himself, Alchemist, and Amalgamous.

They never mention Nexus, Quintus, and the Arizen.
Prima and Liege Maximo were obviously shown but never named.
Everyone else was named.
Zeta takes the place of the Arisen.
yeah it was weird that Starscream was cool and badass. Maybe it was a "this is the origin of his cowardice" but that's a weird thing to do.

I really didn't like how some characters were treated, either. Ratchet is still a doctor, but it doesn't make sense to me that Wheeljack is a miner or Jetfire a racer. Maybe the idea is that they learn that stuff later or something but it's weird that they're in the wrong roles. Also I'm pretty sure I saw Pipes in the High Guard.
no it fucking did not. Elita barely did shit except for one single scene
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thats literally her role in the story, She was literally a girl, and a boss of the working class.
What was Megatron gonna do? Be a dictator and wait for the Quintessons to attack again? Imagine if Optimus Prime just decided to work with him, no war but Megatron is just being a dick for no reason.
Chromia was one of the racers that can transform and actually won.

I’m pretty sure I saw Mirage in the racer audience.
burn everything to the ground and have him be the king of the rubble. he refuses to bow down to anyone else of authority ever again its why he beat the shit out of Starscream and essentially took command of his crew.
Looks like those AI-generated clips where shit blends into other shit in nonsensical ways.
You are so fucking weird lol. Touch grass
What Bay did was counterproductive. They spend millions on designing the bots and rendering, and just cover it up with smoke and explosions? People want to see the robots, Travis Knight had the right idea in the Bumblebee movie, have clarity so people can see what is going on. Then in ROTB the new director fucked it all up again.
Yeah it's fucking stupid but it's surely a Little Mermaid thing
Pretty much every Transformers series completely reinvents the characters namesakes anyway. This is why it annoyed me so much how people used to call IDW "g1", as if it was just a continuation. Like nah G1 Spinister wasn't a gay fashion designer etc, sorry pals.
ROTB director was just a work for hire guy basically. That movie was designed by Lorenzo and his team of suits to emulate Bay, not by a director with a vision.
Yeah but this one is apparently trying to present itself as definitive so making some stuff very G1-adjacent and veering off on other things is weird to me
Megatron was opposed to the idea of a ruling class and believed that his strength would put him on top and prevent him from having to be victimized again. When the Quintessons come, he will fight them and kill them.

The reason he was destroying the city was because he was destroying the remnants of the old regime to build a new one. It makes sense because in revolutions if you don't scour the old leadership you end up with someone claiming continuity of power and just rebuilding what was destroyed.
Sentinel Prime had to bow down because he fucked up losing the Matrix, he had no allies aside from Airachnid. If he didn't betray everyone they could've armed the entire planet with weapons and Transformers while also still having a flow of Energon.
You don't have to be a professional racer to participate in a race. As far as we know Darkwing's job is some kind of security/rule enforcement and he still participated.
Was it DarkWING or DarkWIND? I couldn't really tell. He looks like he has the G2 Dreadwing's head instead of Darkwing's.

Either way I hope they do a Studio Series Voyager of him. His altmode was very cool.
I liked it but I wish they looked more mechanical instead of being bugs.

To me the G1 Quintessons were scary because they were a much older race than the Cybertronians so had access to technology they didn't, and were also totally merciless and inscrutable. Decepticons are still people at least
I think it was kinda just a case of the fandom at the time.
You have to remember that Dreamwave and IDW started during the UT to Bayformers years, where Ironhide went from a red van, to a cow van, to a blue armored car to a black truck.
Or Starscream going from a backstabbing bastard, to an honarable warrior, to a loyal brainwashed thug to a backstabbing bastard again to sycophantic dorito. Or Megatron just looking completely different every series.
Back then, continuities used to be much more distinct than now, with Hasbro enforcing more 'consistency' across new stuff.
Bruh, they are robots
the argument was why did they read her mind instead of their own if you can jack into somebody's head. I didn't really argue but he made himself so mad he had to go home
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Its Darkwing. They basically used the G1 design and touched up the head and removed the mouth
at this point anything different is a good thing for me, evergreen is exhausting to keep up.
She has camera recording thingies in her head, kinda like a special power that they don't have.
Again let me stress this isn't my argument, but what he said was it didn't explain why they couldn't jack into their own minds if they're robots, why they couldn't record things too, and that it doesn't explain that she uniquely can record things or how they were able to find exactly the clips necessary in her head
Maybe the recorder like a piece of equipment they don't have, like how Orion and D-16 had helmet flashlights because it was mining equipment.

I mean they are advanced robots, but they are still parallel to human-like potential and abilities.
This guy looks like a badass warrior. I'm sure in the movie he pops up with a big smile waving his arms around and yells "PICKLES, AHYUCK!"
funny thing is G1 Darkwing was characterized as a nihilstic loser and goon.
No? He's a giant asshole and a tough security guard who bullies the main characters. While he's not a murderer he's presented as a violent threat and regularly beats the shit out of Orion and D.
Is this worth seeing in the theatre if you're not a Transformers fan?
Leaks are saying we're getting a "The Fallen" toy next year in the toyline since they're doing all the Primes. I really hate Aligned and preferred this movie's take on Megatronus by far (he's a mighty warrior instead of Satan.)

It's stupid because Leige Maximo was the evil guy in Marvel so why not make HIM the evil Prime if you have to have 13 Primes? I also just really don't like the notion of Primes as Olympic gods in general. I prefer G1 where they're just leaders.
If you like animated movies then yes. It's very friendly to non-fans. You're not going to be confused or anything.
Is it a good movie?
To add, it's pretty rare nowadays to get action-based animated movies that are boy focused so if you like action cartoons then yeah this should be good for you.
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G1 Shockwave was a bulky fatass with a monoboob mantit so his design was fine. Soundwave did seem to lack in size in the movie though.
I think so, but I'm also a Transformers fan so it's hard for me to give an objective opinion. There are no real glaring flaws other than Bee being annoying and the relationship between Optimus and Megatron is really well handled.

It also has an actual villain
> the relationship between Optimus and Megatron is
I know they're enemies in the future, does this film show their realtionship fracture or is that saved for future movies?
Its all about how their relationship fractures. That's the central focus of the movie.
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I don't like the big shoulderpads, I feel like Soundwave should be the muscle with his cassette mooks, and Shockwave is the nerd with a gun.
Cool, I think I'l go see it then.
I like how when they start getting angry or evil their eyes turn red but when they're neutral they're yellow.
Hope you like it anon! Report back and let us know how you liked it.
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Dude, writing was shit. Megs motives weren't convincing enough for him to go maniacal. Sentinel was the target of his rage but he ended up killing Orion for no reason.

I would've preferred it if D16 listens to Orion and decides to spare Sentinel only for Sentinel to back stab them and kills Orion, dropping his body into the crevasse. That's when D16 snaps, goes crazy and starts killing everyone that followed Sentinel. Orion comes back as Optimus but its too late. Megs has killed many bots already and he had to be stopped.
I don't know what this means.
You didn't understand the movie
Just a friendly picture
The movie is easy to understand. It's just too rushed & unbelievable for Megatron to go crazy as fast as he did.
He didn't go crazy his motives are literally laid out in the movie. In fact it's the opposite: Orion is the one whos motive at the end doesn't make sense.
Orion was always reckless so D-16 was upset he sacrificed his life to protect Sentinel, and went fuck it, "you're a lost cause". He felt that other robots would also be as foolish as Sentinel.

At least that's how I see it. I mean it was rushed but eh.
His motives aren't the problem. It's how fast he turns on Orion & clearly starts losing it right after being able to transform.
No, he starts losing it when he finds out his entire life was a lie
My problem with Elita was her only role was to Mary Sue up Orion. That pep talk telling him that he inspires others was absolute shit because we never saw that earlier in the movie. He risked his life to save Jazz in the mines but so did D16. All that stuff Elita said about Orion only manifested after she said it. We never saw how the other miners treated Orion or how they perceived him. If those scenes existed, it was cut from the movie.
>nostalgiafag hating on nostalgiafags
Fucking idiot
What does they transform into?
I try to stand up for Bayfags cause all the tranny side of the fandom hates that shit, but they don't help their case. They just prove themselves to be even bigger retards.
You're the Snyder cultists of Transformers.
They transform into their Siege forms.
Orion jumped in the line of fire trying to stop Megaton from killing Sentinel. He was trying to save Megatron from losing himself, and save Iacon from turning into a barbarian wasteland. Megatron asks why Orion tried to stop him, but doesn’t get an answer in his last moment of lucidity, so he seems to assume that Pax wanted to protect Sentinel, and that’s the point at which his mind just broke.
There was plenty of implications and buildup, D is the only “good guy” bot that threatens to kill anybody before the third act, he worships strength fanatically, and he’s exceedingly loyal to the caste system so it hits him the hardest to learn about its corruption.
Megatron really worked for me in this movie. Maybe because I was watching him more closely than the rest of the cast, but I liked how his fall worked.
The whole movie could’ve been fixed by just not doing Optimus Prime’s little feel-good narration over the end. Just stop the movie when Megatron leaves, and it would be a solid 8/10. That sappy outro drops it to a 6.
Shockwave turned into some kind of square elongated spaceship, Soundwave was a neat square-ish Tie-Fighter-but-the-wings-are-more-forward kinda thing. Both looked cool, I hope this movie gives toys to these.
He wasn't losing it at all. He just wanted revenge. He stated that clearly, he wanted to kill Sentinel. I didn't even see it as insane. I thought it was justified. I was rooting for him. My problem was in the scene where he accidentally shoot Orion. D16 rushes in to save him before he falls. You can see it in D's face just saying "my God what have I done" as he desperately holds on to Orion. At that point, even after all that's happened, you know D is still sane. Then for no reason, no flashbacks, no exposition, no nothing, not even a pause, his eyes glow red then he lets Orion fall and makes him a target of his ire.

I would have accepted if D16 thought Orion was dead so he let him fall already. Then he gets up and looks at Sentinel with glowing red eyes and says "you're going to pay for what you did to my friend" and proceeds to kill him.
What does this Sentinel transform into?
He didn't get to transform on-screen, but his chest has a cockpit, he has wings and seeker-ish turbines in his heels, so I think we can assume he's a jet.
an airplane
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>He wasn't losing it at all
He had a bloodthirsty rant in response to findout the lies and the first thing he did after getting the power to do something about it, he clearly gives out a slightly crazed laughter after he kills one of Sentinel's goons with his tank mode.
He was blatantly losing it, you could even see a thrill in his face when he felt empowered by people chanting his name at the High Guard hideout. It's weird you think he wasn't.
He does pause though. He looks like he's about to cry and pleads with Orion. But he just saw his friend sacrifice himself to save his greatest enemy, the guy who ruined his life. Orion fought for the system of opression that Megatron opposed, despite him spending so much time saving Orion from his own deeds. That's why he says "I'm done saving you."
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Just came back from the movie and I want more.
I don't understand why the last after credits scene wasn't shown first, that was stupid. The bee scene should have been the second one. Only couple people stayed for the end but everyone saw the dumb bee scene.
To be fair to him I was just using his terminology about "losing it." Personally I think his position is pretty well justified. Megatron isn't an asshole for no reason he has a pretty reasonable take from his perspective on power and those who wield it.

If your whole life was ruined by those in power it's perfectly reasonable to want to tear down the corrupt system and protect yourself from ever being a victim again.
So... French? British? Czech? Russian?
I agree and the same thing happened to me. I thought the Bee thing was the only one but I was posting on 4chan during the credits so I was still in my seat by the end
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That is basically Nominus Prime's altmode. Interesting.
Love this toy and the voyager looks good too. Sentinel can't stop winning.
There was another character that made it clear the movie staff googled Primes on TfWiki, they replaced the "thirteenth Prime aka Optimus" with a Prime called "Zeta Prime" who had the colors and body of the IDW Zeta Prime but a head inspired by the WFC game Zeta Prime. It was neat.
>clearly gives out a slightly crazed laughter after he kills one of Sentinel's goons with his tank mode
Bee was cutting bots in half and it was used for comedy. You don't see Orion having issues with that. Besides, Orion wasn't a pacifist either. He violently tore one bot in half using his transformation but he has an issue with D16 blasting Sentinel in the face? This movie needed at least 30 more minutes to make sure character values were consistent.
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Take it from a Normie who only seen Prime and 2 maybe 3 Bay movies. It's a competent moade with a pretty straightfoward plot. My biggest gripe is that Megatron turns evil way too suddenly. Plus I was a bit taken aback by Soundwave talkin then again I am a Transformers Prime zoomie.(WHich is propably not the most shamefull thing a zoomer can be)
Does Do Figueroa get any royalties considering they aped a lot of the elements of his War Within Design?
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I am glad they were thinking of Zeta. It's one of my favorite bots but nobody I would ever expect to appear anywhere ever again so this is more than I hoped for, even if they would probably make him less of a LARPing templar. Personalitywise he's pretty much ONE Sentinel. Sentinel is closer to Zeta than to IDW Sentinel regarding behavior and everything.
haha, no.
Don might've gotten the biggest monkey paw any fan who got elevated to professional has gotten
I wish they would pay him. I would have loved to see him working for TF again and considering the twitter profile he still loves TF. Dude created some of the best designs out there. Nova and Bomber Megs are two of my five favorite TF designs and it's not even close. The others are from Milne, who also worked for Dreamwave and designed some of his coolest early designs during that phase.
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>My biggest gripe is that Megatron turns evil way too suddenly.
I thought it was done well until He dropped Orion. But I didn't have other complaints, even Bee was more bearable than I was expecting, though he could have been removed from the movie and nothing would be lost.
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
Optimus Prime, il es français.
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Mayhaps it's me beein' a joyless faggot. But i really expected Either Sentinel of Arachne to just rip Bee's Robo vocal chords. Mostly because he was annyoing me
I wish Bumblebee was more the heart of the movie rather than a psychopath. I know Olaf from Frozen is annoying too but at least there's some warmth there. Bee is just somebody I wouldn't want to bee around.
I like how everyone who doesn't have a cog is a manlet peasant.
Orion didn't have problems with Megatron killing the guy either, he looked put off when he started cackling madly about it, and even then he didn't criticize him and dropped the subject instantly after Megatron told him he was fine.
And Orion tried to stop him from executing a guy that was already on the floor sniveling, wingless, disgraced by the revelation of his machinations and scurrying away, which is fairly different from killing someone in a fair fight.
That was hilarious, and then they were made to be miners which is hard work, Sentinel gave no fucks
I like the detail that losing the cog stunted their growth. It makes them visibly different, obvious at a glance, <spoiler>easy to round up if they try to run away.</spoiler>

Really liked seeing Jazz and Ironhide in Pax’s mining crew. Only works as a prequel because we know them already, but it shows they have a close connection without having some sappy origin scene that interrupts the flow of the movie.
Killing someone who can kill you, is war. Killing someone who’s defeated, injured, and unarmed, is a war crime.
Dude literally invented a slave race. Peak villain.
Their designs near the end after they got cogs looked sweet. I love the way they exaggerated the "Mohawk" of Hide's helmet
Why are all Primes called -us Prime?
Megatronus Prime had a sick design, he looked kind of similar to Tarn (face plate, big and wide as hell)
It's like a Greek thing
Not all of them, Sentinel and Nova are twoobvious ones, as well as Leo, Vector, Onyx, and a few others. But since Rodimus was the first named prime after Optimus, they ran with the -us suffix
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Probably latinization or greekification in order to make them seem more ancient and noble and set them apart from the common bots that have mostly english names. Nova and Zeta don't end with -us but are Greek respectively Latin as well.
Sentinel is an exception but it fits his role. In IDW as well as IDW2 he was just a lackey of a greater thing. IDW2 had him be but an enforcer, he was more of a soldier than a ruler and it's up to a debate how much of his actions were influenced by Proteus (another Greek name). G1 Sentinel was just a slave robot and gladiator that later rebelled, so it fits.
They look like Action Masters
>But since Rodimus was the first named prime after Optimus, they ran with the -us suffix
I kinda hate the Rodimus name ngl.
yeah its fucking horrible lmao
This is just the One thread, so I'll ignore your point for now.

That said, I thought it was fine visually, but the core conflict between Megatron and Optimus was a bit too underdeveloped.
Sentinel was a valid combatant. Besides, he was neither defeated, injured nor unarmed at the time. He was literally the most important target because he was behind the whole thing. If they were gonna kill someone, it was him.
Right? Why can't he be called Rod Prime?
That's because The Fallen's modern designs are all based on the idea that his face becomes the Decepticon logo, because of Revenge of the Fallen.
I'm fine with it since I always felt his Dreamwave head was a bit... generic? Like he pretty much looks like Bombshell with a different helmet.
I hate it too it sounds like some cartoony name for a rodent.
He was dragging himself across the floor with his wings missing and visibly struggling. He was blatantly injured unless you want to believe that he suddenly became suicidal and wanted to die. He couldn't even pick up the pace when his guards arrived to distract Megatron.
Because that's worse.
He should have just chosen a completely different name as prime like Optimus
>what are The Wreckers, Ultra Magnus, The Dinobots, Optimus fucking PRIME
I think anon is talking about cartoons in general. And the "Action Girl" trope is pretty well documented so he's not really wrong. Transformers is one of those boy focused series though so it's got a history of doing that, but in many cartoons the girl is the hyper-competent action girl and everybody else has to work around her.
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What's the point of keeping Sentinel alive? The same reason why Batman keeps the Joker alive? Sentinel was a valid combatant. No one will judge you if you kill your enemy in a war regardless of the conditions. Now if Megatron decided to keep killing everyone who was loyal to Sentinel Prime, then that would be an issue. That's excessive.
>a valid combatant.
He clearly wasn't in the moment Orion stopped Megatron. And that's not getting into the fact that Orion was clearly growing worried about his friend getting increasingly more nutty, the camera pans to his worried face multiple times across the movie when D-16 is showing the violent authoritarian urges.
Optimus is arguing from a philosophical position of morality while Megatron is arguing from a political position
I can't believe Megatron made his own anarchism club
Megatron just wants to be a better Megatronus that didn't fall for bullshit.
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If we have another movie what will it be about
Ironically it looks like, after having a movie where Optimus and Megatron go their separate ways, the next movie will force them to work together again against the Quints
The Quint arc was my favorite part of Cyberverse. Seriously they should use the Quints more often again, I am a bit tired of the generic endless Megatron vs Optimus war.
I wish I knew what Ruckley had planned to do with them in IDW2.
That's what I was thinking, it'll flesh out more characters, then they're gonna have to team up
Orion Pax starts out as the rule breaker, but realizes that some structure is still needed if change is going to be successful.
D-16 starts out as the rule follower, but realizes that change is only successful if the proceeding structure is razed to the ground.
They flip-flop.
>Why her of all characters?
She deserve love
She had like dozens of eyes, her fidelity might have been more convincing than a normal Cybertronians.
I realized that but it just seems foolish. There were several Primes and only one was a dick that betrayed everyone for personal gain, and in the end they all shared a common enemy, the Quintessons, and if they were gone, they could live in peace. So Megatron's continued reason for being reckless is shallow.
Well, I thought the quintessons were bioforms in this movie at first but I took a closer look and they're definitely robotic.

So unless this is a weird universe like G1 (cartoon) where robots can sometimes just evolve naturally I'm expecting him to show up.
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>Mfw Hot Rod become Hitler Rasputin
The movie implies they're gonna deal with the Quintessons next. Where I figure that where any hopes for peace between Autobots and Decepticons are shattered and leads to the War For Cybertron. That leads to the third movie on the worn torn planet.

It coulde be a kino trilogy is all.
I wonder what the new cartoon is about and if it's tied to ONE in any way.
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Megatron tearing Sentinel in half gave me a boner
>Sentinel giving Megatron his rise up line
Zeta replaced "the arisen" so Optimus isn't reincarnated anymore.
I see now quintus IS in the back there though, so that answers that.
So Zeta, Nexus, Amalgamous, Alchemist, Micronus, Solus, Alpha Trion, Megatronus, Prima, Quintus, Vector, Onyx, people say they saw liege maximo, but I didn't. Given colorschemes, someone mightv mistaken Quintus for Liege.

From top left to bottom right, I see Prima, Amalgamous or Onyx (hard to tell), quintus, Megatronus, Zeta, Solus, with Nexus below her (and smaller than I thought he'd be, but we get a pretty good look at his face during the movie so there's little doubt) and below Megatronus is Alchemist, and then down in the bottom right is Micronus
>He didn't get to transform on-screen
we see him, in jet mode, flying in front of other jets
I am so glad Bumblebee is dead in the comics. I am tired to see him everywhere.
you are GROSSLY misremembering the war within designs
Fucking incredible scene. I think kids are gonna be talking about that for years and years.
Damn the live action is ugly, glad Bay is now doing skibidi toilet instead
Off the top of my head, the movie referenced the following past media in some way or another:
G1 cartoon
G1 Marvel
G1 Japanese toyline
Beast Wars
The Ultimate Guide

anything else?
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>Zeta replaced "the arisen" so Optimus isn't reincarnated anymore.
For the better. Seriously the old 13 lore sucked, I am glad they are changing it at least. Also, it's probably the only way to bring Zeta in for a story that doesn't want to focus on past Prime lore as IDW did. Zeta is a special case even there since he was added later, to fill a gap that would have caused a plot hole otherwise. He ruled for one million years into the war, but despite that all we actually see of him are a bunch of pages in the Optimus Prime comic, sadly.
Maybe he has a better chance at being relevant again if he's one of the 13. Also, he looks like Nominus or a mix between him and ZetaSentinel or whatever the name of the WfC Prime was.
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>Megatron ripping Sentinal in half
>Optimus getting sent to see God.
>Megatron takes his new core
>Optimus is given the Matrix
>Arise Optimus Prime.
The whole climax was kino.
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>high guard, eject
I had a chuckle
So does he have his minions yet or will he get them later on, it seemed like he didn't even have them
>I think kids are gonna be talking about that for years and years.
I don't think this movie will do amazing, but I think it's gonna leave an impression on the kids who do watch it.
In 10 years you'll see clips of this movie on Gen Alpha social media the same way El Dorado, Atlantis, Treasure Planet, or others got a second life on social media. They'll lament we never got more and how we gave up on peak or whatever equivalent term in favor of stupid humor comedies.
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I'm pretty sure it's also a nod to the prime before optimus in g1
but here, have a better pic from today, looks like it was onyx up top, and amalgamous is missing
Later on
I hope they give him his vocoder effect in the next one, that might be one of the only few things I felt was missing here
oh, and:
He had one, it was just less prominent.
Well, in that case I hope they crank it up a notch
Erm, that's ackchyually not Airachnid, that's Elita.
It's a very fine line, they've applied it too much in the past and made Soundwave hard to understand.
The scene where the Quintesson leader had Sentinel held up with tentacles made me feel funny
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Nice, thank you. I wonder if Megatronu's design was inspired by Tarn or if he just looks like him because that's how the Decepticon insignia looks like.
Reminds me of that concept art for a Megatron version for TFA that looked similar to IDW Tarn. But it happened to be coincidental and it was just multiple artists having the same idea of creating a bot that wears the logo as the mask and giving him tank treads.
Same. There better be fanart for this.
I'm not sure if Amalgamous was even in the movie. There's definitely 13 figures but one of them looked like him
There is a 0% chance he is inspired by Tarn. The body looked just like his Aligned Bible body but with simplified "g1 shapes', so we can assume that's where all of his details came from.
I mean the logo itself came from Soundwave's face. The Last Autobot(actually one of the first Autobots) set the precedent of literal insignia interpretations as faces, and the desig is inevitable to come up again
Transformers Prime Megatronus (the one that was actually in the show, not the one done for the aligned production bible) basically looks just like the way he is in TFO
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Prima looks like a white Magnus. Do we see them properly in the movie?
It strikes me as odd to give them those relatively detailed designs just for a single scene in which you see them being dead or something.
Man I totally forgot about him. That was the guy who also worked as the bartender in Cyberverse IIRC.
>I'm not sure if Amalgamous
I remember when I saw him I was like "Oh, I'm surprised they put him in"
We really only saw his head, the rest was that flashback dust stuff
He had a really wide, thin vizor, looked kinda like shockwave.
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I wanted to hear more of Buscemi's Starscream, he did a good job
But Megatronus never appeared in Prime. Unless you mean the RID15 Megatronus, but that one looks nothing like his TFO design either.
Some of them get specific name shoutouts, others we see only blurry, grainy images of because it's a flashback sequence.
So it's hard to know who's who, but we DO know Zeta and Prima are both OG primes. It's hard to tell which is which cause A) Prima has had like, 5 completely different colorschemes prior to this and B) the inclusion of Zeta could be any NUMBER of designs.
My guess is the center one, next to Megatronus and Solus is Prima because A) he's got a crown and B) his lore is connected to those two
I thought Prima was a girl
In the orion pax episode there's a storybook styled flashback. Still images, slow pan, he's there.
How is Starscream's voice? Please tell me it's scratchy again, it's not Starscream if he doesn't have his annoying Starscream voice.
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Primus beget Prima who beget Prime Nova, who beget Sentinel Prime, who beget Optimus Prime
In later continuities, they made those after Prima not "real" primes until Optimus.
judge steve buschemi for yourself
It's just the name that sounds female, it was always a dude.
I hope they get to do more in the next movie if it ever happens, I thought it was funny how they were ragtag fugitives sabotaging Sentinel
He sounds just like your average version of Starscream at first, until D-16 chokes him so hard he actually breaks his voice box and makes him sound extremely squeaky
It's scratchy but he gets his voicebox crushed so that it becomes high pitched
What the hell
But good. I mean, that's an interesting way to implement it and explain his voice. But damn, that's a bit dark.
Starscream was one of my favorite bits of the movie. He was very cool, and it made it make sense as to why he'd want to usurp Megatron, and kind of make sense why Megatron wouldn't just kill him too
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Is this movie better than the trailer makes it out to be?
Definitely, but it's still mostly just alright
Yes, I hated the trailer and loved the movie
Yes? Never trust trailers, anon. They're made by *looks around* the marketing team.
The movie IS a bit dark
Basically, once the PLOT TWISTtm happens at the start of the 2nd act, Megatron stops giving a shit and things just get darker from there.
There is nothing in that flashback that looks like Megatronus though.
I like the idea that Optimus was a regular blue collar guy. Probably looked up to and seen as a uniontype leader.
But not a fighter.
Not till the uprising started by the deceptivons/warrior class.
>The movie IS a bit dark
no shit, it's about body mutilation and slavery
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He did nothing wrong
oh, I might be misremembering with another piece of art then
it's got all 13 lined up
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None of the Sentinels ever did.
I need a crossover episode in which they all meet and ally.
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yeah, it was from 2017 IDW
here's the original concept for the 13 back in the archer years if anyone wanted to see it
Yeah I like either warehouse worker or data clerk Orion. I hate cop Orion so much.
I love cop Orion the most. Miner and dock worker is also good though, but I hate the gay data clerk with all my being.
Cop Orion is dogshit because it turns Optimus from somebody who turns to violence only out of necessity into Rambo. Dockworker is best because it takes a laborer and elevates him into someone who power is thrust upon. Data clerk is fine because it's kind of the same, but I prefer a blue collar worker working amongst the people to someone shut-in and studious. Miner is basically the same as dockworker so it's fine too.
I went to watch that movie with 0 hype and went out of the theather satisfied. Best Transformer movie ever made.
My issue is that I cannot buy a guy being super pacifist leading an army in a never ending war. As leader he has to resort to violence all the time, so some hipster job like data clerk is a no go. Cop is good because I can actually imagine a guy turning from cop to a leader and I prefer Optimus as early rebel like IDW1. Opposed to the peace loving guy that gets dragged into a war without even understanding why Megatron rebels in the first place or only acting as the voice of reason.
Miner and other labour jobs are good too because someone from the lowest caste who is used to manual labour will be aware of the struggles of the common worker and also be used to physical exercise. Data clerk is the worst and I hope that they silently forget about this and never use it again.
But the entire reason Optimus is able to be a good leader is because he doesn't WANT to use violence - he's forced to. Going from gun blastin' supercop to a soldier is just exchanging one form of violence for another. It's not somebody you can trust to want to install peace.

Early IDW is very bad but I can understand getting attached to it if it's your first foray into Transformers. I hope they never dredge up that cop shit ever again though.
That's what the Matrix is for. It gives you all the tactician skills and wisdom
This. But you have to have the heart to be worthy of it.
I prefer Optimus as an active force. His storming of the senate in the comics was by far one of the coolest Optimus related scenes I ever saw (didn't watch the live actions). My main issue with most Optimi is that they are too passive and acting like sheltered twats. You can use violence when you consider it necessary and be a rebel without being edgy or a violence adoring brute.

Him threatening the senate was the right thing to do and I cannot respect characters that face an oppressive regime and think "We can solve this peacefully we just have to be nice and talk" while their enemies keep killing their citizen. Optimus shouldn't love violence but he also shouldn't have any qualms resorting to it to blast Starscream's head away when it saves lives. And I cannot imagine that a sheltered data clerk kiddy will ever do it.

Pacifism is fine, but it should be made clear that it's not an option when his enemies are mass murderers or you go full Jesus but then you have to rewrite and make shit more complex, because a self-sacrificing messiah is honorable, but not someone many would follow. There would be radicalized sub-factions of Autobots in that case. How bad a too peaceful OP is can be seen in WfC (Netflix) or IDW2, where he is getting his comrades killed due to dumb radical pacifist beliefs and I just wanted to punch him everytime he was on screen.
>There would be radicalized sub-factions of Autobots in that case.
that's the Wreckers
its weird that you can just kind of pull out T-cogs as an accessible module? What purpose does that serve? Unless T-cogs are pre-coded to a vehicle mode, which would only make sense if Megatron had changed altmodes after swapping cogs.
look you can access sparks without external modules. It just is what it is.
It's just weird that you can pop a piece of your guts out and swap them around despite them not explaining how they're all different.
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Does she boss Spike around? That would be something h-hahaha.
He did change appearance a bit when he inserted Megatronus'
That reminds me, I absolutely want Impactor in a cartoon for once (one that isn't WfC). I think Autobots need some radical dudes. There would never exist an army that big without them and Impactor is an asshole but a cool one.
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Dammit I want to watch it too. Fuck my gay country.
I hope you don't mind shitty pajeet ads in camrips, this is the best there is for now
All the times they said "miners" I giggled. I play Blue Archive.
>doesn't want to focus on past Prime lore as IDW did
I one day want a TF media where there's no 13 and its a single lineage of primes thats passed down like in 5FoD. And they're all badass best of the best (one or two bad eggs like Nova is fine) not "uhm ackshually all primes and leader figures before Optimus were pieces of shit!"
I have never heard of that game. Is it racist against miners?
She reminded me of how those girls on Indiana Jones and Star Wars were written with attitude. Also not very interesting characters, at least not in their first appearance.
She definitely fucked Sentinel
It was mostly empty in my theater too, but I watched it on IMAX 3D. Hopefully the regular screening has more people.
Not a bright look for its box office performance despite very good critical reception.
I would love that too. The golden age of Cybertron is one of the most interesting bits of lore of this franchise, but we don't get much of it.
I don't even want all of the former Primes to be flawless but I would love to see most of them being mostly good but controversial now. IDW2 Sentinel and IDW1 Nova (before dark cybertron) are great examples for this. Nova modernized Cybertron, made it rich and developed it to the point at which it was later referred to as the golden age. He was also an expansionist and initiated morally questionable experiments and weapon development, he founded a ton of colonies and those colonies meant more prosperity but also the extinction of certain species. Many of them are probably animallike, not humanoid. It's a mixed bag. I never considered him bad. He's the ancient hero that happens to be problematic when you judge him by modern moral standards. That doesn't mean that newer critics are wrong, but it's not the same as him being a crazy villain. IDW1 Sentinel's fuckboy and Zeta after his corruption were the only genuinely evil overlords. And I argue that Zeta had a good reason for radicalizing over the ages thanks never-ending terror acts. He wasn't good before, no. But compared with the majority of IDW characters he wasn't really bad either before his templar phase.
I wonder why. I don't think it's the trailer. Maybe lack of advertisement? I haven't seen any posters here or anything. Wonder if it's the lack of familiarity with the TF franchise. If I wasn't a TF fan I might assume that the movie was something for its fans, not something for outsiders. Pixar shit is always original, so people don't need to know or be fan of anything before they go there. I assume that a TF movie for an outsider sounds like a Naruto movie for me. I would assume I would have to know the "main series" first before watching it, or that it wasn't special and just a way of milking a popular franchise.

I assume that TF is big in the US though. I am not sure where you and others are posting from. I hope it doesn't mean that the US cinemas are empty too.
>Maybe lack of advertisement?
I'd say it's the complete opposite in this case, with the amount of early screenings they handed away like chocolate candy, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the folks that attended those things didn't feel like going back to theaters to watch it again
I hope good word of mouth and reviews can save it. It has 97% on rt from audience so that's looking good.
Also when I watched the movie there were only like 2 kids, it was mostly zoomers and millennials which was funny. Does gen alpha not like transformers?
>Does gen alpha not like transformers?
Most of them were born as the bayverse was dying and the shows were getting lamer so I'd assume that might explain why they're not as interested in it as us
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>Optimus and Megatron's iconic phrases coming from the Primes and Sentinel
>Megatron refers to Optimus as "Prime" as a demeaning term because he hates the title
>Starscreams cracked voice is the result of Megatron fucking his voice mold
>Everything about how Megatronus Prime became the Decepticon symbol and why the Decepticons are even named like that
All of that was kino. It's surprising as the worst parts of prequels are giving the origins of things nobody asked for, they're usually the worst part of any origin story. But in here it's the best part.
God I can't wait for the digital release so that I can loop the shit out of this entire sequence
Probably multiple factors at play here. For once kids don't play with toys anymore. In my country that trend already died when I was a kid in the 90s since toys got replaced by video games.
The cool kids (like me!) were either playing outside or playing video games, it was only the few sheltered kids that had toys. Considering how much more mainstream and social games are now I assume that it's way more extreme these days. And kids usually don't read either so that only leaves Cyberverse, WfC and Earthspark that could have influenced them. But the time of TV is over too, and kids rather watch youtube shit or twitch (or maybe tiktok, not sure) and otherwise only the super popular shows like star wars shit.

I heard some kids talking about cartoons and anime in the subways and everytime they called it "childish" and made fun if one of them liked it. Everybody younger than 22 is a Call of Duty kid now that considers themself too cool for cartoons.
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Interestingly, next week's robot movie, which I thought would be destroyed at the box office by Transformers, is set to be the biggest box office opening in years for an "original" property.
It feels like last week would have been a better release date.
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I see a lot of best boy fanart. Did people finally get some taste?
It's why I hate modern Bumblebee renditions, they essentially just wrote over the "little guy doing his best despite being outsized and outgunned by most of his enemies, also the most friendly with humans" archetype into essentially being just Hot Shot/Sideswipe except with a gimmick of not being able to talk correctly. He's not even that small anymore compared to the average Autobot.
Bumblebee was actually a decent movie. Will we ever have a sequel?
Yeah. Personally I don't like pixar and dreamworks so I ignore all of their shit. But it makes a lot of sense why people would be drawn to original content instead of established IPs.
Hero stuff is a bad comparison because I believe that Batman or Spiderman are just immeasurably more popular and ingrained in each country's media culture than TF and the capeshit movies have a never ending stream of new installments for decades, so their fans never fell out of it and young adults have seen at least one of these movies as kids in the early 00s.

I bet that ONE would do way better if it didn't have the "Transformers" in the title. At least when talk about worldwide box offices. It might be different in countries where TF is more well known.
>TF is more well known.
Transformers is extremely well known in America. It's just that the movies don't have a good reputation at this point
But the shitty last one made a lot of money last time I looked it up. I watched it ripped after the BD released and fell asleep after the 25 minutes or so so I explicitly looked it up and realized in horror that it had one of the top box office numbers of that year.
i will guarantee you the reviews for the Wild Robot will have people citing how it isn't a "dumb, violent" movie like Transformers and decry TF as being just a toy add.
I hate all of this quasi mystical bullshit.
It should have started and stopped with the fuck stupid matrix/force crap then been reconned into the all spark in bw and be done with it.

Fuck the matrix. It should at best be a mimicry of the all spark that the leaders of the transformers leave a piece of their soul on. Like a combination of the innervoices of abomination and the ancestries of the black panther priest run not that ridiculous faggotry from the MCU.

The chosen one sht was fucking terrible and it's part of the mystical bullshit likebprimus and then thirteen primes that ducking sucks all of the fun out of transformers.

Optimus being a blue collar regular street nigga bro from lower middle class means he's physically strong, no stranger to danger and violence and allows for him to know both the struggles of the slave class and be shown in a leader role.
No. That's something for like Ironhide hound or cliff jumper. Dataclerk that's for elita preceptor grimlock.

Optimus being dragged into a class war between the decepticons/warriors and the primes quintessons to carve out and defend a peaceful place for the refugees of the war is best.
Him falling backwards into having to defend the ruins and try to create something then ultimately warring against Megatron who will not stop till he rules everything and have destroyed all who can stand against him....

Brb. Trashy AU to create.
The last shitty was one was literally last year, and the movies have made less and less money with each release. The franchise is clearly poisoned in public perception.
The lack of "violence" is one of the main reasons for why I cannot stomach dreamwerks and such (besides the cringe humor). It's always sanitized bullshit that seems to be aimed at toddlers and the conflict is always some generic lack of self-confidence and validation bullshit which yet again makes it feel like a movie for toddlers.

I am genuinely surprised that adults are watching this. I never met an adult that did, mind you. But considering the numbers there must be adults there otherwise it couldn't make that money, children are a small minority in most western countries.
>budget is $75 million
>has to make $150 million to break even
I assumed it being based on a famous IP would help it, but I guess not in this case.
Yeah that's the one I mean. I mean it still made $439.2 million and it was pure shit and looked like shit, so I am surprised if ONE would do so much worse. Especially since it's obviously something new, not tied to Bay shit or anything.
>I am no longer D-16... I am now Megatronus...
>Except that there is no more US, Orion Pax... so just call me MEGATRON
pure kino
Audiences seeing this aren't going to think "new shit not tied to bay shit!". They're gonna think "that bad franchise that is dying made a kids movie? ew, that will be even worse".
Sadly its probably that perception that live action is better than animation or something.
Animated movies however have a secret up their sleeves, and that is keeping them in theaters for as long as possible so they make bank. Despicable Me 4 underperformed compared to previous Illumination releases at first, but now its one of the company's biggest releases ever. So it will depend on how long they keep this in theaters.
Usually when a Transformer gets a spontaneous body rework you have to question where all the extra mass is coming from. I like how in One, you can see that all the dust is adding to their bodies, and that the colored parts of their new bodies has some swirled effects to it when the light hits it right.
Just forget that the dust is the broken-down dead bodies of the 13.
RotB WAS the sequel.
I think this is because cartoons are watched by enjoyers, live action by consumerists. I don't mean to devalue every live action with that, there surely are good ones. But literally 100% of the casual cinema goers I know watch live action only and never, ever, actually like them. They always deem them "dumb, but the action was good so I watched it" and literally forget its very existence a few days later. It's more of a ritual and the only attributes a movie needs to have to attract them is 1. be a "blockbuster", 2. non-stop action shlog and 3. lots of CGI shit but with real actors.
t-cog swapping has popped up a few times in past media
He appeals to everyone's inner bigot across continuities
It's all relative, 2023 was a terrible year for movies with only two breaking the billion mark and sending execs into a spiral wondering what's going wrong.
ROTB had the summer "nothing to do, go watch a movie" crowd. As a September release, One is doomed with less numbers.
Plus frankly less adults are libel to walk into an animated movie as randomly as they would a live action movie. A lot of those ROTB sales just come from people watching any random movie that looks vaguely interesting
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So he the Cartman of Transformers.
It sounds like you just don't like Transformers
The movie also had a lot of early screenings to build good word of mouth so maybe that shot them in the foot.
IDW2 is such a great design for Sentinel.
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Shouldn't that have no influence in the grand scheme? The early screeners also paid for the tickets, so the money is in regardless. The only issue I can see is that the box office of the first week might look worse because a lot of people watched it before.
What makes it worse is that UK, Germany and other countries don't even screen the movie any time soon. No idea WHY, but I hope that the execs are aware of this because a not-irrelevant part of the world isn't even able to spend money on it yet.
>my gritty, edgy, realistic military, car, and toy commercial featuring ass, farting, and MTW DEW is better than your animated toy commercial!

it's so sad that I know people like you irl, who even dared to say how One had a different style to 'the best one' from live action. I hate bay so much, idc that he produced this a bumble bee. he damaged the brand so badly.
He's a SLUT
It genuinely makes it hard for me to root for optimus. Maybe megatron became a bit too evil after dropping optimus, but at least it wasn't mustache twirling.
It's just his TR toy, which IDW1 partially used.
>I hate all of this quasi mystical bullshit.
I mean, the planet itself is doing it, nothing all that magical besides the energon.
It's honestly my favorite as well. It's ironic, because IDW1 Sentinel looked different and Hasbro was probably too lazy to make a new mold for him so they just recolored Astrotrain and made a unique head for Sentinel, but it happened to be such a good design and IDW2 adapted it. IDW1 Sentinel is great too because he's cool, but the design is overly complex and I prefer the simple looking handsome one with extra orangeness.
I kinda wish they expanded on Megatroon meeting Starscream a bit more. They fully dive in Megatron and Optimus rivalry, but they forget these two are destined for an endless cycle of cooperation and betrayal for the rest of their lives.
Megatron saying sparing him was the last time he would ever show mercy is hilarious considering their history, but maybe that was an intentional irony.
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God she is still so hot. She should come back as Black Widow
its funny how easily orion and the gang were able to bring themselves to kill and murder other bots with zero hesitation. Orion even splits someone in half with his transformation
The problem are edgy fags and ironic watchers that don't want or cannot genuinely engage with fiction anymore, so they don't want feelings and character focus because it's "cringe". They only watch things to mock them, fawn over the badass CGI action or to laugh about the kills and gritty humor in it. When I was a teen this was an exception and it was limited to gore movies and a small fanbase, now it's the majority.
you could argue that whatever horrors and tortures mgs inflicts on scream are not meant to kill him but to teach him a lesson. so no need to "spare" him at all if he always intends him to survive the pain and suffering
genuine question, how do people find her attractive? even in her prime she was never a looker, and she certainly can't act.
I like how Sentinel has become an amalgamation of the previous incarnations before him. You can definitely see design hints from Dark of the Moon, Animated, even a bit of Zeta Sentinel from War for Cybertron
It can be done wrong. And it can be done right. Ignoring IDW2's later part since it was rushed and cancelled I really, really loved its worldbuilding and it was probably the most fantasy-heavy TF lore so far. Helps that the author wrote stuff like that before and you could tell. But it was a unique experience and I wish more series would focus on this and introduce even more mystical shit like the immersion of the comic and thematize IT/the hate plague and all that.
I think it's only stupid when there is 0 focus on the lore and cybertron so everything sounds like pure sci-fi and it only ever matters when they talk about a mcguffin. If the rest of the world was more mystical the matrix would fit better in and have more of a connection with cybertron itself like the "soul" of the planet in IDW2.
I do think the idea of Megatron allowing Starscream to stay with him just because he shares his vision of strength and hatred of the Primes is a good excuse, but I guess we'll see if they do anything with their relationship in the future. I hate how the Bayverse handled Starscream, and how only the original movie has portrayed their twisted animosity on the big screen.
I think its literally Bays fault too. People always cite Ironman (2008) as the start of this always ironic and joke filled action but Transformers came out a whole year before it and hard all of that.
I have no idea who that even is. I assume a voice actor?
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Primus looked like the one from Cybertron, did anyone else think so
forgot to quote
It's crazy but I feel like the mainstream doesn't touch cartoons because they consider everything childish or cringe or "naive" and therefor dumb, even if it's a gritty anime or something and the only ones being into cartoons are the loners, autists and outsiders to whom cartoon characters feel more approachable and sympathetic compared to live action assholes.
Other than maybe that Japanese golden rodimus toy that's been the only really physical representation of Primus they've had
I mean everyone has different tastes but she was a pretty popular sex symbol for most of her career. She had big tits, a nice ass, blonde, thin, dsl, etc... its easy to see why she was popular anon, but maybe your tastes are unique
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He also appeared in the genselects comics, he was pretty cool
If I show this movie to my little brother. Will he start to like Transformers?
Shrek was the cancer of irony

Transformers did inspire MCU though, just because they did it more "classy" doesn't mean they didn't follow the Michael Bay formula almost to a T minus piss/tit/underaged girl jokes
it did feel gen z coded, but less so than others. they balanced dialogue pretty well so my millennial ass enjoyed it.
>gets pissed because she lost her promotion and she got demoted
>Didn't girlboss the WE ARE TRANSFORMED scene and failed her alt mode like everyone else
>Does absolutely nothing except abuse Shockwave and beat up Airachnid
She's useless
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Did anyone else get a poster? They were giving them out in my theater, they didn't have Optimus but that's fine because Megatron ended up as my favorite.
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I hope (but doubt) they will do that here too, I would get Megs as well. Unless they have Sentinel too.
It's because most western cartoons don't have natural feeling dialogue at all and just feel obviously made for kids.
I appreciate what One's trying to do, but it still feels like a kid's movie. Even normies watch anime these days, sure the dialogue isn't entirely natural but there's less mugging for the camera that American cartoons are constantly doing in so much of them.
Like this clip. Even Shockwave is wacky and losing his tempter. It's for young kids.
Still sorta wish they kept her previous name Aerial. But then again Orion and D-16 didn't get their new names until Orion got the Matrix and D-16 Megatronus' T-cog so I guess it makes more sense in the context of the movie
Just the main 4, sorry. Would have definitely copped a Sentinel poster if they had it.
It was me and a small group of aged mentally 'different' people who went to the noon opening today, so I didn't see any handed out.
have to say, my confidence took a hit seeing who I was with. at least they were quiet when it started rolling.one even told me about the after credits scene, so thanks guy I bet you're here too [spoiler/]
>mugging for the camera
This is something I genuinely hate and I don't know why it's so ubiquitous in cartoons. I cannot remember a single instance where it was ever funny.
Like I can imagine it working maybe if it was tied to the very theme of a movie but it's done everywhere, even in stories with a more serious plot and setting it absolutely does not belong to.
Don't worry they'll go to an organic planet and get screwed while she gets abandoned there and becomes Blackarachnia and Optimus gets demoted while CHADtinel Prime is highly regarded.
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>Transformers did inspire MCU though, just because they did it more "classy" doesn't mean they didn't follow the Michael Bay formula almost to a T

The MCU was already underway in 2008 (and had been in planning even longer), before a second Transformers movie even came out. So what template was there to follow?

Why is it that no one can ever use a calendar? Next you're going to tell me that Queen ripped off Vanilla Ice.
Sentinel and Airachnid in the movie were just this
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So next live-action Transformers movie is (re) confirmed to be the GI Joe crossover with Hemsworth as star.

Will it kill both franchises (live-action wise) or save them?
>So what template was there to follow?
...the first one. This isn't hard to comprehend guy.
>>So what template was there to follow?
>...the first one. This isn't hard to comprehend guy.
Yeah, no one ever made... ONE movie before. Lighter fluid isn't for drinking, you dizzy cunt.
Why is it always the good male characters that have to die?
It should've stayed dark or at least serious because the comedic beats do not hit.
God damn it I hate that you're right
You are right too
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>Steve name Easter egg

Shit’s great
half the bayformers movies were already that though. they just didn't name them as GI joes yet. So what, they'll have the GI joe movie cast or will they fire lazers?
Last thing I heard about it is that they don't even have any ideas for a plot yet so I will skip this. I don't like the live actions anyway. I don't want to see 3DPD faces when I am about to immerse into my escapist alien robot fiction.
99% chance of killing it.
The movies lost their appeal long ago, only genuinely retarded indians seem to still like them (Even Chinese folks disliked ROTB) so adding a dying franchise to one that is already dead is just an inhumanly retarded idea.
we aren't talking about MCU ripping the idea of a franchise off transfomers, we're talking about the style of cynical, ironic dialogue and scenes that bay did that the MCU drove into the ground. again, this isn't hard to comprehend.
Thats dumb as fuck, but if Hemsworth is in it, I hope he plays a GI Joe, and its just a separate character. Like how John Cena has 2 roles in 2 different TMNT iterations, rather than force a crossover with One.
>(Even Chinese folks disliked ROTB)
Thats because they made it about colored folk and rap music
It won't do great but it'll survive flopping around. Paramount really has no major franchises. TMNT, Friday the 13th, Star trek, and Terminator, plus whatever nick shows. That's it. Mission Impossible dies with tom Cruise and is not a big fish anymore.
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Bee and Elita were the weakest parts of the movie for me but Bee had some moments that made me chuckle, this in particular.
I liked it, but the voice acting all around was not really good. Chris tried to change as orion upgraded but I just couldn't get used to it. All the decepticons sounded off too. I know they're avoiding the old timer VAs since they aren't long for this world, but couldn't anyone from the energon trilogy get called up?
>but couldn't anyone from the energon trilogy get called up?
I think some of the minor characters like Jazz are actors who already played those roles before.
Agreed, when Hemsworth was making his speech to the minors he really sounded dead.
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He actually look like the one from The Ultimate Guide.
>energon trilogy
What are you referring to? The Unicron Trilogy? Those VAs are all Canadian and thus not available for US union productions. Except david Kaye who moved to the US.
None of the Prime Wars or Netflix trilogy guys are worth calling back.
The Animated/Prime/RiD cast would be worth calling back at least
>thinking a million dollar theatrical movie would use tv anime voice actors
oh yeah was this scene uploaded anywhere yet? people only seemed to get their phones ready for the one with the decepticons
Bee scared me in his introduction.
Unicron Trilogy, it was my intro to Transformers so those voices actually hit me harder, I only remember peter cullen from toonami.
>He dropped Orion
Imo it would've been better if he simply failed to catch Orion and believing he had just killed his best friend, he goes completely berserk.
You guys are lucky. I had to listen to the horrible spanish dub and there was no subbed option. Bee and Megatron made me want to tear my ears off.
Bee was already annoying and now I have to stand his awful dub voice
Yeah those are all Ocean group from Canada and thus won't get US work.
Cullen was only in the Toonami trailers, which was cool
>spanish dub
American or European?
sad, plus they want want big names attached to animation now. but I kinda like the corny pre-movie thank you that actors have been doing since covid. Feels classic.
American, they got literal who e-celebs to voice both bee and megs last second, and in the latter's case, the difference between his original voice and the dub one sounds fucking laughable
>unicron trilogy
It's baffling that they haven't taken another shot at a TF anime when everything seems to be getting an anime adaptation nowadays and the appeal of anime is wider reaching than ever
Latin american.
Trigger will do it
Japan doesn't really like Transformers. They consider it for babies, which is why all their fiction is gag dubs for little kids. They can't even sell toys at retail anymore over there, just as collectibles through web retailers. Japanese Transformers fans import and translate western Transformers media.
>Japan doesn't really like Transformers
100% dead. Joe is box office poison
Yes? This is just a fact.
Japan has remarkably shit taste in most things.
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My boy made it to the top 5.
>all those extremely well-known names in that shot alone
>i somehow just noticed jetstorm
jesus christ
>the actual racecar guy
>behind the tractor trailer truck
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Actually shocked they referenced a beast machines character of all things. It's a shame we didn't see him physically.
To be fair Jetstorm was one of the few good things about BM
Jetstorm is what they called Jetfire later on when he got redesigned
No, that's Skyfire.
She was pretty annoying.

Shockwave gonna pound her.

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