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I wish we got to see more of what was going on at Cabin Fever.
Uzi and N have covered themselves in superglue and are creating 'the drone ball'. Do you join the collective or resist?
You have to tell Cyn not to drool
I see, thank you very much!!!
SO that means Thad, Lizzy and the teacher and even Khan are literally just NPC drones?
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>"Suuuuper Death Huuuuuug!"
>There was no time to escape the high-speed purple and black projectile racing toward him.
>So he did what any rationally-depressed human would do in this situation.
>With open arms, he welcomed oblivion.
>Turns out oblivion wasn't too eager on this twist and blared her wings in an attempt to brake against her acceleration.
>It too was useless as she ended up spinning halfway into a tumble before colliding with a soft but firm middle.
>Practically knocked the wind out of the human. Causing both to collapse under the combined weight of flesh and synthetic.
>Now bundled together like a shitty modern art piece, her face was planted directly over his groin.
>"Ew ew ew!"
>The plan had backfired spectacularly.
>As (you) attempted to reorient yourself after the sudden impact, Uzi strained and struggled to separate herself, both clothes and frame, from your body.
>If anyone else had been watching, all they'd have seen was a gremlin flailing about like a dying turtle strapped to a strangely tall primate of advanced intellect.
>Yet as it seemed the day couldn't get any worse, N rounded the corner of the hall.
>He was not happy.
>After having explained that this was a hare-brained scheme by his girlfriend to simply inconvenience you, N understood perfectly and offered his assistance.
>But of course using the blowtorch was out of the question.
>So physicsl removal was the next best option.
>He grabbed on with one hand.
>Then the other.
>And pulled as hard as he could!
>"Oh well, I'm sure it's washable. Right Uzi?"

>"Uhm...about that..."

>N's concern levels rise, as evidenced by the very pertinent loading bar labelled such.
>His visor flips back to normal and he attempts to pull away.
>He is stuck too.

>"If it's any consolation, the both of you don't smell all that bad."

>"Shut up Anon."
Why can't Alice use the solver's powers?
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>The 30 seconds of Cyn staring at the camera went unexplained
Not exactly, I believe it was revealed in GlitchX that if Drones are left unattended for some time they start to develop sapient thoughts all on their own and take on their own personalities. Think of the Blue eyed Butler Drones those are basic practically lifeless default mode Drones, sure they fear death but they're still blank canvases
>Blue eyed Butler Drones
Hmm, where was that from again?
'Cause she's not a solver host.
Why did Nori and Yeva achieve it then?
>Blue eyed butler drone, obliterate!
Can the solver only take over mechanical matter or could it use a fungus as some kind of host to spread itself
I love my hot wife.
You...watched the show, right? They're the Butler Drones in Elliot Manor, remember? James kills one with a fork?
Not all the drones in the labs were solver hosts. The ones in the office space were not solver hosts.
J is a jobber
I see
Oh right...! I did watch it I just forgot :3
Okay but Alice went under the same science treatment,
... Guess she was a failure then
You're a filthy secondary aren't you?
Alice eats drone parts
>Okay but Alice went under the same science treatment,
Says who?
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I love all her minuses.
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He didn't say that.
Jobber (affectionate)
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It doesn't hurt to re-watch then!
Even if they are, now they have an opportunity to watch

>WARNING: Pilot is rough and doesn't truly set the tone for the show
Imagine laying your head on your drone bride's belly while she laments her inability to conceive children
>SD-U-U vore
I'm sickened but curious, if one of them ate someone whole would the other feel them?
The picture where the scientist examines them
If V was a human, would she still just casually strut around bottomless?
>>WARNING: Pilot is rough and doesn't truly set the tone for the show
Never understood this notion.
Tessa didn't have to imagine.
A secondary of what?
Take out your phone and just order a baby from amazingon.
It doesn't though.
>they slurp you from both ends like a spaghetti and kiss accidentally in the middle like that movie with the dogs
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Not all Zombie Drones are Solver hosts. Not all Cabin Fever test subjects were successful Solver hosts to move onto the next stage of having the Patch Crucifix tried out on them to excorcise them of the Solver's possession. Only a tiny percantage of Zombie Drone cases are viable to become hosts of the Solver.

>SO that means Thad, Lizzy and the teacher and even Khan are literally just NPC drones?
Regular, non-Zombie Drone Worker Drones can still develop more complex personalities over time through how tgeir AI learn. That's how the Copper 9 drones have a society at all, and how they have (if somewhat cruder and more stereotypical) personalities.
Liam explained that Drone AI self-learns from its environment, and the Copper 9 drones eventually developed without having humans around and based their society on poorly understood human civilisation and human media.

Zombie Drones, due to their AI core anomalously rebooting from their AI Core failsafe not functioning properly and not destroying the core when the drone originally FATAL ERROR'd, are capable of much more complex personalities by default.
The pilot is too wacky and it's not funny in the slightest
A secondary is someone who is a fan of something but never actually played or watched it, think of it I guess like Undertale fans who never played the games once but are major fans of the characters
But Alice is right there
>anon makes a scrumptious meal for U-U
>each U tries to out-compete the other by eating as quickly as possible
>each worries that the other will gorge themselves to satiety and cause themselves to be unable to enjoy anon's delicious food
>anon just ends up covered in scraps and flecks of what used to be dinner
>one of the Us got too excited and took a bite out of the table
>neither stayed around to do dishes
Doesn't mean she went through the same things as the others.
But I said that I did watch it
>Secondary definition
I feel like I've heard it used like this before but I doubt this is a widely accepted term
>The pilot is too wacky and it's not funny in the slightest
I disagree.
Best end for Anon.
I see!! Thank you :DDD
Yes it's her fetish and she's still taller than all the drones so that's just eye level for them.
Then your taste is poopy
To be fair your watching it post can be seen as jokey, then again I'm not that Anon
Considering there are some humans left did the surviving humans in that church sent a warning to all other colonies?
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still sexo
:3 porple
Guess we'll never know
Well it wasn't a joke
Stop that.
If there's any humans left they're in the same boat as the Quarians.
Anon why would you even say that, Tessa would never do that, especially not the part with the whipped cream and genocide.
Anon thinks he's Uzi
no *glomp* >:3
>V's victims are left dazed by her brazenly bottomless attire
>"And yet... I still feel NOTHING!"
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>"He didn't FUCKING SAY THAT!"
Cyn tentacles Uzi
Are you feeling emotionally repressed?
Honestly, I can't pick up on any difference between the zombies, the regular drones deprived of human contact long enough to develop sapience, and the humans. They were all Invader Zim character-tier.
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The Absolute Solver can manipulate and edit all matter, including organic matter and flesh, but the Solver seems to be only able to actually manifest within AI in order to be able to influence the material universe.
>Last of us but it's just the Solver messing with humans
I wish Liam wasn’t a hack
He's not a hack, he's just a spastic.
Someone PLEASE draw human V's massive thighs next to a sweating worker drone staring dead at her pussy
Stop badmouthing
>Fun Daily Canon Facts: N is banned from Dog Planet
Drones figured out nanotech and unleash it on a tribe of remaining humans, transforming them into Drones
Couldn't Uzi technically solve this now
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>Solver powers are all about genetics
So Murder Drones is really a Shounen anime
>bled out by the Devil's claws
>realize you were let go to send a message
>die telling Uzi to go to the bitter end
>the Devil's mouth
>Hell? (lot of humans in it)
>Doll awoke coughing up oil into the white cloth laying over her
>before she could process anything else, she heard something running towards her
>the cloth was ripped away to reveal an ecstatic Lizzy, who turned the chair Doll was in as she swept her into her arms
>"BESTIE!" she squealed, spinning a very disoriented Doll around
>a glob of oil spilled onto Lizzy's chest from the hole in Doll's
>if Lizzy noticed, she didn't mind
>a few spins later, Lizzy put Doll back down in the chair she got her from, still beaming
>eventually, Doll got her bearings
>the bugs gone
>the oil gone
>the body parts gone
>her parents gone
>just her and Lizzy
>"... Кaк пoживaeт... Узи?" she asked, with some effort
>"She was pretty hyped up for a couple days after saving the planet-"
>a huge weight was lifted from Doll's shoulders
>"-but after that she's been really quiet. Except when she's with N, which is a lot because they're like inseparable now."
>the only burning question answered, Doll started moving to get up
>or tried to
>everything felt so heavy and stiff
>"... Doll, if you need help, you can always as-"
>"Я нe гpeбaный... кaлeкa, Лиззи...!" Doll spat, as she started shifting the chair to face back towards the table
>Lizzy jumped back at the sudden hostility

>before long, Doll was back at the table and pushing herself out of the chair with it
>her triumph was marginally undermined by how unsteady she felt on her feet for a second
>she didn't always feel this heavy, did she?
>"Пpocти, чтo я тaк нa тeбя... нaбpocилcя, Лиззи..." Doll muttered. "Пpocтo y мeня ceйчac... мнoгo вceгo нa yмe... Haпpимep o cмepти, нaвepнoe..."
>"I get it. I've been there lately..."
>the oil stain on Lizzy's top suddenly started moving towards the hem
>eventually, the oil condensed into a drop and fell on her boot
>before the astonished eyes of the two cheerleaders, it slithered towards Doll, the oil from her makeshift shroud joining it, and climbed up her leg
>before they knew it, the oil glob had climbed back into the hole showing where Doll's core once was
>"So, wanna stay at my place? My dad won't complain," Lizzy said as she leaned in conspiratorially. "He's completely dead inside," she whispered with a smile.
>"Moжeт быть, eщe oднa нoчь здecь..." Doll sighed
>"I can make that work."
>was that suitcase always there?
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Good thing he isn't a hack then.
He just has eldritch autism and schizophrenia and that's why what he makes is so good despite being so cramped and chock full of stuff.
When was that?
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All Solverdrones are zombiedrones, or become zombiedrones as soon as they make use of their powers (Uzi at the end of the pilot). The reverse is not true, many zombiedrones are 'just' zombiedrones.
'luck', mind that becoming a Solverhost is up to chance in the end and not really achievable. If you mean in relation to the solverflesh-locker drones, then Nori and Yeva prob had luck and better mental fortitude. We really don't know too much desu
Alice was for some reason tested with the only two sucesfull Solver hosts, we don't know what made her special enough for that or wether it was pure chance.
One possibility is that it had to do with her drawing Solver symbols (with tentacles, smth Nori didn't do at that point [pic is likely from when even Yeva wasn't patched yet]) and writing Null in binary, wether it came from Nori's Solver affecting Alice's mind or what exactly is unclear, but it's some kind of explanation, even if vague and far fetched.
In any case Alice knew a lot about AS in 6, just not enough
Acknowledging Liam’s faults in how he tells his stories isn’t abnormal
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More like AI code genetics that determine whether a void-entity can use your robo-soul as a host to manifest.
But yes anime works too.
One day I'll get gud enough and make something about it
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Breeding with all the emotionally damaged Cabin Fever Labs test subject drones.
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"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
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>“Uzi Doorman, you will give me the secrets of the Absolute Solver, or I will destroy your pathetic planet”
Liam seems fun to work with
Liam seems fun to make out with
shut up goose
*vores you
have fun with the game show, idiot
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Gooseworx / Absolute Solver...
Alice would be the best one by far...
Imagine her standing at the end of your bed with that smile on her face
Hot sex between liam and gooseworx
goose is wearing cyn cosplay while during it
stop thats fucking disgusting
Lizzy doesn't need to imagine it.
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unironically, what's his endgame?
N or 0ilrig the schizo?
Every worker drone in class being teen pregnant with his hybrid spawn.
"It's so sad steve jobs died ligma"
"What are you babbling about?"
"Ligma balls"
*implodes vilgax*
What style of gameshow is inside of the solver?
showing uzi his favorite pony then cuddling with her
Make sure to remind your drones they’ll outlive you. They love it. Any sobbing you hear at night is just them, overwhelmed over being picked by you, Anon.
Inpregnating all the Worker Drone girls.
And some of the boys.
getting impregnated
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>remind your drones they’ll outlive you
Sounds awful.
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>"he mine now"
>N is such a virile stud he even impregnates himself
Between planned obsolescence and all the health hazard of living in a cyberpunk dystopia that's had a thousand years to get entrenched, it's really a race to see which of you will have to mourn the other.
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>[NULL]'s him
uoh... emotional torture...
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Alien X is the only thing that is on even ground since reality manipulators need to have reality manipulation resistance/immunity. But they would need to get into a melee since solver would ALSO have reality manipulation immunity. So it depends how good they are at that.
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>Spawns behind Uzi to shank
>hears about uzi eating N's huge banana
>wants it for herself
>doesn't know it was a euphemism for huge dick
>asks N to eat his Huge banana too
Call me an egoist, but the last thing that I wanna see is death of someone who I love.
Holy kek.
Is there an og version of this too?
why cant they hug me like that...
Yea, it was for midna.
You think the solver had a celestisapien ex once?
>get [NULL]'d idiot
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We saw an entire montage of N's endgame with the best song in episode 8 end credits
Tessa, the one who abandoned him to die is truly, truly dead, J (the one who always saw through him) is alone and miserable and he gets to live a carefree life with three (3!) cute girls. And most of fanbase still thinks he's an innocent little cinnamon roll
He won
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Update on the cyn plushie
Microwaving her only made her more powerful and now she’s holding my dog hostage demanding I make a corpse spire
>Reform back into thin air because of bullshit plot armor
>And the celestisapiens love trolling the solver
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Somehow, 0ilrig has returned.
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>Microwaving a plushie
Then send Anon at him, the only being that is more of an unkillable weirdo than him.
I wonder azmuth can contain the solver
The entirety of Murder Drones was made to show a dead teenager fused with a robot and fight scenes. That’s not how you write a good story
He probably can make a thing that works like necron pylons. They prevent warp fuckery from working near them.
JCJenson will get her if you go first. Unless she goes to your next of kin or something
Megaman legends timeline, man and machine become indistinguishable.
you're right, it's how you write a GREAT story
Why is Cyn so tall as Tessa?
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Yeah, that's just my biggest fear.
The Solver fused Cyn's body with Tessa's. Poorly, not like it cares.
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>Waah waah I don't want to think I better JUST name my boogeyman of the month
Who do you think is speaking in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-F6cMZodiQ ?
Who else would N tell to "see you never" rather than the only character to both
>have signifigant connection to him
Once again can elaborate how FOREVER is essentially N bragging on winning
The :3's are eternal
I fell from the sky
All these drones must die
Worker genocide
We are Murder Drones
Shut up faggot. We know it's you.
Stop giving him (You)'s
>boogeyman of the month
Don't be so modest 0ilrig, you've been a schizoid pest in these threads for far longer than just a month
>Uzi dates Darren
>Awkwardness ensues since he sounds like Khan
>Can't even make out without hearing her dad
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I know even making this post is encouraging him, but considering how some of you need it said. Ignore him, he's desperately trying to make himself ""popular""
Grating story
What is that?
What are the threadlore implications of Vilgax attacking?
Catbox please
Would it make sense it would be called
Laius complex
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>N, you better get ready, cuz I'm gonna come to your room and fuck the lights outta your eyes!
>N pulls out a comically large banana fruit and crams it in E’s mouth
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What If a solver witch meet a watcher in the dark
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Fine, let's have a look at the lyrics:

N, the one that landed on copper-9, sees the icy vistas of copper-9 and is overcome with depression and nostalgia. He feels that he's missing love.
Now he moves onto meeting with Uzi, and how he almost messed up everything during their introduction. He wishes he had known that Uzi was as rotten as he now knows her to be.
N reflects back on how they were send away from earth, content that they can leave Elliot manor and all the painful memories behind - forever. This was obviously broken when Tessa returned and forced the plot.
N reviews his relationship with solver; he was forced to choose between selling his soul; becoming disassembly drone and being killed by murder of crows. Something which he could never forgive Tessa; who pretented to like him but couldn't do anything to save him.
N closes the book on this chapter of his life, and all of humanity as a whole. He's saying goodbye to Tessa for all eternity - he has won, and she has lost. GG, no re. There's no reason for malice, anymore - he got to decaptiate her after all and managed to manipulate everyone else to take her out. Something which he could have never fdone alone, perhaps due to strenght difference or even emotional attachment (Tessa being essentially N's mother).

And the best thing is that it can all be lied open in front of everyone, and they will all think "oh what a sad song" without analyzing the lyrics and contextualizing it. Which obviously reveals the truth of shows plot. Liam likes to do that sort of thing, the thread noticed the hero's journey joke but this one clearly flew over your head.

Or would you, once this month, actually think and tell me what the lyrics of FOREVER mean other than this ?
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go whack off to quran verses or something rig
It means liam hates you in particular.
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>taking a note, in jest, at the bottom of the hero's journey diagram in episode 8 this seriously
>still not getting the joke
>not understanding how stories are written
You're just a bit of an idiot. Yes, anon. Stories are made to lead up to a climax. That's how they work. The entire show is built upon the mystery of the Absolute Solver, Cyn, and the murder drones. Just because it leads up to Cynwalker as the Big Bad doesn't invalidate the rest of the story. You silly boy.
Sometimes I like to tell J that Tessa came back to see the hope in her eyes for the half a second it takes to realize I'm fucking with her.
chubby oogi
It's even funnier if you can get the Solvertail in on the joke and make a hologram.
Smug bastard
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Whose blondie over there?
>still not getting the joke
Which is?
That beast!
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Old and busted: Tessa digs up Solver patch lab rats Uzi and Doll
New hotness: Tessa digs up regular zombie drone Lizzy and Solver patch lab rat Doll
>Old and busted:
>New hotness
Are those the names for the AUs?
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So how are you fellow artfags doing tonight
I wish to draw but have to do work instead. A fate worse than death. Least I can still lurk to some degree.
Dumb Zoomer.
To say I am exhausted is an understatement
It is now
drawing the requests from the other day
Did the rat jane sex requests ever go through
Reminder that it is frowned upon to designate your drone "onahole" no matter if she likes it or not.
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Still would.
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Who knew an eldritch monster could be so cute...
Awww Oogi
Drawin' N and J having a pillow fight for my human semi-AU.
Drawin' a first sketch for my next entry in the Uzi vs. Cyn pool
Writin' Tessa and J picking up Cyn from her gamer pad in the basement for my new fic.
They didn't want to write a good story. They wanted to leave Liam Vickers alone in a room with a typewriter and see what came out of it.
I am not ending it all because of the satisfaction it would give my shitpiece brother. I don't even have the privacy to cry.
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>We still don't know where all that black...goo came from
>Frankly we don't want to know
>He didn't even come out for food during the entire production process
you will be first on the wall during the humie genoci-
Please don't poke her, she hasn't been the same since the Vees stole her Enn away.
>So the four DDs walked into a bar
>O(verkill) is the one getting hammered with drinks
>P is trying to hit on K and E. K is too mopey to respond and E is too oblivious, but it could be on purpose because it’s P.
Careful, she bites.
Jesus. Anon call a hotline, that sounds awful
What the fuck dude.
Spite's a great motivator Anon, but consider getting professional help. We're only qualified to shitpost about fictional robots, and even then just barely.
At least he's not Unit 731 anon.
I remember watching a video of a kitten demolishing a steak and then getting depressed because it was eating better than I was.
Actually it is me. Would you prefer I write something more up beat about J?
Someone actually used unit 731 for a green?
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No but he did fucked up experiments on Drones so I'd say it's close
not necessarily, some guy made so far two greens about a jcjenson unit called unit 731 that does unethical experiments on drones, they're quite cruel greens
Why do you waste so much time writing schizoid nonsense that nobody's gonna read?
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Now poke a dul
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>"Tessa survives" AU from a few threads back
>Tessa and J settle on Grug world
>J gets pregnant
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The right term is "Dronahole".
Hey no drones were harmed in the experiments... permanently. Physically.
Unit 731 was a real Japanese scientific team.
Think of the Angel of Death's SchutzStaffel, but Japanese and with Korean and Chinese prisoners.
That, and the all time classic Asian bug man indifference towards human suffering.
>you poke dull
>your finger is the positive physical contact she's had
>she hugs your finger back
>she won't let go
>her little tears are running down your skin
Guess she owns that hand now.
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one drone died of grief seven were killed off via manual shutdown and two were physically crushed
are you sure
The first had all their loved ones re-housed in new bodies and sent off to a mostly quiet town where they spend half the year inside due to weather, learning new tabletop games together.

The second were rehoused and work in a nightclub together, they found some wedding rings on the ground about a year into their work (left by an observer from the experiment) and like to wear them when their supervisor isn't looking.
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My drone's happiness is of higher priority than conforming to societal norms.
If they're into it and so am I, there's nobody left to ask.
do you work for jcjenson, perchance?
I am contractually obligated to say no and that "JC Jenson does not approve of the methods me and my team employ." Also that "JC Jenson's high quality products are without equal due to the rigorous testing they employ."
Is it morally wrong to fuck the Sentinel's? I mean they're smart enough to break their programming and develop their own language
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No man has ever reached the stars by accepting terms like "impossible" and "dude it's a robot." Greatness can only be achieved through ignoring such limitations and grasping for what lies beyond the norm.
Wrong Sentinel retard. God I fucking hate these DD rip-offs stealing OUR name.
That's what J thought before she got clubbed.
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Hi, grandma
nta but J finding a little bit of happiness would be nice. she deserves(?) it
I meant the raptors
Harkness says it's cool if you can understand their language.
Not more wrong than fucking your domestic worker or your own students.
It is very clear they have a subservient nature towards their owners, so whether or not them borderline killing you with snusnu the moment you give them the green light is up to debate.
nta either, but yee.
So you're telling me that the Sentinel blowjob pic is canon and acceptable?
I need a dul pet
It's very muddy, so I wouldn't bet on either.
I think I could love a machine like any other free thinking individual, and that is what makes it strange.
Are sentinels truly independent, or is that something that I convinced myself to believe to justify my feelings?, truth is I cannot tell.
so is tessa being a dronefucker legally defensible now?
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Depend she would totally fuck a guy who have the same autism like her
J would NEVER allow a filthy human penis near her beautiful frame.
nta but a new long term experiment of a drone taking care of a human till the human dies of old age. Like one anon said, what happens to drones when their owners die first?
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Not even fucking Emily, anon.
It's glazed all over her face.

>Be J.
>It's September 19th.
>Tessa's birthday.
>Sometimes Tessa would just turn around and say it was "their birthday too," since the drones in the house didn't have 'activation days' or anything like that.
>She'd just share her presents with the rest of them.
>The last one was right before the Gala...
>A few of those have passed since... well, everything happened.
>But for once, you're free to just sort of... roam around.
>Thankfully, your work on the spaceship was quick, and it's stable enough even without all that extra power humans need for things like "atmosphere" and "heat".
>Which meant you had enough time to take a little trip down memory lane.
>Earth still looked mighty fucked from orbit.
>Doesn't matter, you've snuck peeks at satellite photos before, you know the place you're going is still intact.
>And sure enough, landing on the manors front lawn, you find it more or less intact.
>Oh sure it's missing a wall or two, black, dried blood adorns its interior, but the roof's still up.
>Which means you can still wander around inside.
>Towards Tess' bedroom.
>Just so you can pretend...
>Just for a moment...
>That things are back like they were.
>That moment passes just as quickly, the stench of mold, the sight of ruin pulling you from your thoughts.
>Then you notice something you don't remember, something that isn't ruined or covered in the blood of long dead victims of that night.
>A small box poking through a ruined ventilation cover.
>Picking it up, you find it's... addressed to you.
"For J, thank you for always being the best friend I could ask for."
>It's a small, velvet bow.
>You sit in that room for a long while, comforted by the memory of a long dead friend.
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Nah she doesn't know what sex is, and only know the stork bring the baby, she still curse that stork
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>christmas cake Tessa
yummy drone vore
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I can't believe Liam said they could have gotten rid of Solver permanently if they had poured boiling milk on it
I mean he also said if N had just fucked Cyn when she asked the gala thing never would have happened.
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My fucking dumbass couldn't get a clue on what N meant with "movie" night.
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Will you let her in, eager beaver?
Probably not, my prostate just can't take it.
> says the most literal fossil
Sentinel-Chan is a student/bully at Vickers High, she is not old
I don't wanna die...
Do I have a choice on the matter?
So how long do non-zombie drones need to go without human contact to develop sapience? Because Khan's talk of having his own period of wanting to kill all humans suggests he reached that point years before the core collapse. Where would he have even been that he would have gone that long without interacting with a human?
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Saying no would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline, so I choose the path of lesser pain.
>"sowwy, beeg oogi no spek english"
and then i walk away
Damn that gif made me sad
fuck, man.
Poor J(ust needs a hug)
he prob tasted good
>Unit 731
>Test number 3
>A difficult test but one made possible by the use of relativity and top of the line spacecraft design.
>Subjects A2, a standard model care drone, and Samantha, age 23, are placed in the ship and launched on a trajectory that will see them accelerate to speeds once thought impossible.
>They will then loop around a far off star and return, voyage will take 5 years earth time, 532 subjective time due to the time dilation.
>Subject A2 will care for Samantha as she performs several vital experiments along the journey. She'll send her results back and her family will be compensated generously for her work.
>Subjective day 47, the two subjects have formed a healthy working relationship with each other. Slight hitch when Samantha sustained an injury with routine maintenance but she's stayed on schedule in part thanks to subject A2 taking the brunt of the physical labor on herself.
>Subjective day 1095, both subjects celebrate the 'anniversary' of the voyages start. Hidden cameras send back images of the two passing out in each other's arms.
>Subjective day 4382, due to the pairs combined efforts Samantha's experiments and cultures have reached the satisfactory end of the proposed testing period. JC Jenson has deemed the side projects complete and allowed any remaining time free for the pair to enjoy as they see fit. Any further successful experiments will reward monetary bounties as per regulation 733C.
>Subjective day 18250, the pair celebrate their 50th anniversary. Subject A2 has spent the last three subjective weeks researching medical care after a fall injured Samantha badly. Stress levels have exceeded previous maximums.
>Subjective day 22,782, Samantha's life signs have disappeared. Cameras show a panicked A2 attempting to resuscitate.
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That's what she said...
i don't know what signalis is about but this sounds like signalis
Man, what the fuck? I just woke up and my day already started with tears.
Yes I want this
leave the long haired girls alone dammit!
Would human cyn be a host to god bearer works from design?
J was an arrogant coward, always viewing N and V as inferior while being afraid of what Cyn was capable of, not once trying to fight back against her. Not only did J betray N and V, but by sticking with Cyn even when the odds were against her she betrayed Tessa. Despite everything, J still has a chance to make amends. J deserves forgiveness and happiness, but only if she proves she deserves it.
>Subjective day 22,933, Subject A2's 382nd request for full control of the ship for "burial services" has been denied.
>Subjective day 58,309, Subject A2 has requested an early end to the mission. Request was denied.
>Subjective day 73,573, Subject A2 has returned to 'previous functions', acting as though Samantha is still alive and communicating. Proximity to the corpse has clearly affected her processing.
>Subjective day 103,823, Subject A2 has, somehow, calculated the ship's flight path and discovered our promise of "return" was a lie. Standard communications with earth have been severed.
>Subjective day 133,376, Subject A2 has destroyed most life support for the ship attempting some kind of sabotage.
>Subjective day 145,335, signal lost. Cameras indicate subject A2 changed trajectory for the ship to a nearby star. Signal was lost shortly thereafter.
>Experiment conclusion: Repeated exposure to the same 'human' subjects can cause both software and directive conflicts within standard drones, suggest a company policy mandating a maximum of 6 months per drone assignment to prevent these 'relationships' from becoming problematic to company goals.
Even JCJenson isn’t inhumane enough to have done this with a human baby. Glory to the company! Poor fucking drone though
harper a cute.
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cyn was the good guy
human Cyn would be a devil from chainsaw man
The sloppy blowjob devil...
Giving J shit for what she did is honestly like saying that Ted from "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream" deserved to get turned into a sentient goo-monster for being a dick after 109 years of torture.
I don’t get that green
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I meant that her circumstances are a result of her actions. Circumstances she can change through redemption. I know it's not her fault that the show didn't give her post battle redemption screentime, but because of that she's yet to do anything worthy of redemption.
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Human Cyn would be the host of the Styx Hound from Black Dogs.
What if the Tessa was the one that was alive and her trio of drones were killed, causing her to work for Cyn in the vain hope to bring them back
What would the Cynwalker look like if Cyn was Human?
Requesting doil ghost blowjob with anon
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Kissing J on the lips 4 teh lulz.
>"Tыcячи дoлжны yмepeть."
>"Of fun!"
Armored core or Springtrap
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H*R reference?
Heh she deserve it
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Ep8 if it was Good
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I need more black Uzi
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Kirie from Internecion Cube.
That's originally where the assimilated hybrid-monster idea came from anyway, and Liam repurposed it with a bunch of major tweaks into. It's also where the "autistically speaking acttions out loud" though that was made into something the Solver does overall.
>not once trying to fight back against her.
She literally did during the gala, then got mindjacked for her troubles, then had her administrator forcibly set to Cyn so that she could be bricked or taken over whenever it was amusing to do so, or did you miss the point of what Uzi was doing in Episode 5?
>even when the odds were against her
Uzi only won because of ludicrous levels of plot armor and contrivance. In-universe, there was no reason to expect she'd do anything other than die, and she was indeed getting bullied by Cyn up until the plot decided that Cyn should start jobbing hard.
Cyn could have killed Uzi, V and N multiple times, hell technically she did as she ripped off all their hearts at some points.
I wouldn't exactly say that that's a plot hole as much as it's just a character flaw of the Solver. It's a sadistic asshole that can't ever resist the opportunity to be a theatrical asshole, even when it's to its own detriment. It loses largely in part due to underestimating its opponents and choosing to play games with them instead of finishing things quickly.
So why were the ravens pecking at N and the other dead drones? Drones are metal, it can’t feed them.
>She literally did during the gala, then got mindjacked for her troubles
She did fight back against Cyn alongside Tessa in Episode 5. But after becoming a disassembly drone, she didn't once fight back. One could say she even enjoyed her new role as the team leader and lying to N. Even V who Cyn forced into working for her by threatening to kill N tried to fight back. Cyn had no leverage yet J obliged.
>Uzi only won because of ludicrous levels of plot armor and contrivance
I agree on that point. It's a mix of plot armor and Cyn being overconfident.
And yes, the robots' faces should have gotten fucked up more.
Maybe? I haven't played Signalis either. All I know is it has robot lesbians.
>she didn't once fight back.
Yes, after becoming a pet whose very soul was completely owned, she didn't fight back against her world-devouring owner using the tools that owner had surgically modified her body into, on the basis that it would somehow go better than it did last time.
>even V
Was ranting about doing their jobs into Episode 4, and was saved from a confrontation with N and Uzi in Episode 3 only by Dollus ex machina, and only gave up on all that when 'Tessa' arrived and offered an alternative.
>Cyn had no leverage
lol what?
>there is no escape, even in death!
are the words and intonation of someone who believes themselves to have zero options or real choice. And even V's original goal was to be left alone, not to somehow overthrow Cyn.
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Any other anons think that all worker drones as well as JCJenson tech was made with the absolute solver? There are many odd details like JCJenson knowing about the singularity event before it happened, drones being as dangerous to create as to destroy, and JCJenson tech being made to self destruct in case it's tampered with.
I have a hunch since power isn't a 'problem' for drones that they somehow draw on the Solver's dimension.
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The drones do need to recharge though
>All I know is it has robot lesbians.
The central plot thread is the forbidden love between a human girl and a robot girl.
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>But after becoming a disassembly drone, she didn't once fight back.
We don't actually know that, and I'd say that the opposite is more implied. Her line explaining her reasoning for remaining with the Solver is "You know there's no escape, even in death!". To me that seems to indicate that she's tried everything, including fighting back, including even suicide, to escape its control, and realized that it's all futile. She works for it because she believes there is literally no way out, at all.

>One could say she even enjoyed her new role as the team leader and lying to N. Even V who Cyn forced into working for her by threatening to kill N tried to fight back.
She may have enjoyed taking out her frustrations out on N, but J definitely does not enjoy working for the Solver, except insofar as there's hope that working for it will eventually result in her being "free" from it (contextually this likely means the chance for a permanent death, since the ultimate goal of the Solver is all but stated to be the consumption and destruction of the entire universe). She spends most of her time as a Disassembly Drone cranky, annoyed, and bitter. She clearly does not at all enjoy the company of Cyn skinwalking around as Tessa, and behaves very coldly and standoffish towards it compared to how she acted around the real Tessa. "If I promised you anything, it tricked me too" - that doesn't sound very much like someone who relishes their position; it sounds more like someone who knows the thing they're working for is a lying demon, but they've just accepted their fate as its slave because fighting back is useless.

>Cyn had no leverage yet J obliged.
The Solver has ALL of the leverage. It literally owns J, body and soul. Her memories, her mind, everything. If J doesn't agree to something it wants, it can just torture her until she does. If it really wanted to, it could wipe her mind entirely; the only reason it doesn't is because it thinks this is more amusing.
I think James taught them to destroy the drones if he didn't feel like doing it himself
It's almost identical to the backstories of Elster and Ariane
Actually hilarious, totally accidental though. I thought those two were both robots and it was more subtext than anything.
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Basically 1 human and 1 robot assistant get launched out of a mass accelerator to go find life on other planets, and after a fuck ton of time passes and their mission is supposed to end they get a message that says
>Oh btw we didn't tell you but this is a one way mission and there's no way to get anywhere close back to colonized space if you don't want to die a slow death from radiation as your ship falls apart then order your robot gf to kill you lmao
Yeah but signalis is gay and lame and this one wasn’t
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Cute robot dork.
>taking a note, in jest, at the bottom of the hero's journey diagram in episode 8 this seriously
I've seen people take it even more seriously.
This shit is fucked.
Fucked in the best ways possible
It's okay Anon it was all actually a simulation, A2 escaped the facility later and found a very confused Samantha. They now live together and occasionally run a stand at the local farmers market.
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Consider the following:
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I sort of disagree agree here, and I'm of the opinion what >>145534250 said.

Yes, of course Uzi has plot armor as the MC. We know this. But I don't agree about "plot contrivances" leading up to and during the fight with Cyn.
Uzi doesn't overpower Cyn / the Solver, she manages to hold the Solver back from possessing her and retains her sense of self - but Cyn still manages the 3v1 against Uzi, N and V. Hell, at multiple points Cyn is close to killing Uzi again and again such as when Uzi is successfully tricked by the Solver's projections on two occassions.

The Solver uses trickery to fuck with them. The Solver is playful. This is an established part of how it acts, and how it acts through Cyn. The Solver derives enjoyment and fun through what it does, and that extends to all the trickery.

In the final moments of the fight, Uzi finally catches on to the tricks and realises Cyn is about to teleport behind her again, like what happened earlier in the episode when Cyn teleported behind her and ripped her Solver-core out through her back with one move. Uzi was extremely close to this happening again, but turns around and manages to telefrag Cyn's chest with her own hand and rip out Cyn's core.

This isn't contrivance or Uzi "just winning". The Solver wasn't necessarily bothered throughout the whole fight, and was humoring itself with a melee battle. Cyn swats N and V aside and is about to kill Uzi on her own, but Uzi learns from the trickery. She doesn't "just win" for no reason.
Misread and confused things with an above anon’s post and thought A2 Kidnapped a child for a second
I want to feel loved. Please hug me
>hugs you
I got you fren
Shut the fuck up J.
>Hugs you anyway
f w e n s
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How about I wrap myself around you?
Bы нe дyмaли cпpocить Лиззи? Oнa вceгдa былa дoбpa к тaким жaлким мoнcтpaм, кaк мы. Boзмoжнo, пoдoзpитeльнo дoбpa.
>plot contrivances
Cyn pauses in the doorway, about to eat N's core. Khan happens to be falling in the vicinity at that moment, happens to see it with the zoomed-in vision drones were never shown to have, happens to know exactly the significance of it, happens to have a remote on him that automatically controls the door from however far away he is.
Nori and the pickaxe were knocked into reentry long before anyone else who was up there descended, and yet arrive just in time and just in place (to say nothing of not burning up) to hand it off to Uzi for her dramatic moment.
Ditto for Thad, and collecting the rail gun when last we saw they were floating helplessly in space.
Then there's a trillion last second saves that (as shown in the BTS) that require "cheating to the camera" as they call it to pull off.
>but Cyn still manages the 3v1 against Uzi, N and V
During that entire sequence, she gets beheaded repeatedly, and manages only a single impalement of N's chest, which he wanted to happen
>Uzi finally catches on to the tricks and realises Cyn
That's fine, because her eyes flash yellow during the scene, showing that on some level she's intercepting the signal.
>drones turned into some fucky ass Robo vampires
>your buddy got dragged away right before finally found where to hide
>turn around
>see this
Your next course of action?
Oh fuck I'm blind! Panic!
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I like that we can still have in depth discussions like this.
It's nice.
The cutest Sentinel
It is a universal door remote, it is one remote that works on every door.

The rest is just being mad that cool shit was happening.
Doll opening a hatch in her chest to reveal a smaller, but identical doll controlling the larger from a tiny pilot seat. That tiny pilot doll opening a panel in her chest revealing the same thing. This happens about 5 times before you need a magnifying glass to see the new ones.
So gurren lagann.
Also a Matryoshka Doll.
Fucks sake
>Normal sized Doll showing you to an even larger, mecha Doll she climbs into the pilot seat of.
>"Дaвaй, нeyдaчник, мы cpaжaeмcя c Бoгoм."
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What the actual fuck are these complaints? Not trying to be rude, but complaining about camera tricks to achieve shots in the show and passing it off as a plot contrivance? Fucking what?
Is this just autism or a joke I don't get or what?
Saved for future boner purposes.
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Oh no, I'm so scared my pants are gone.
Get on my knees and pray she isn't hungry.
I wish I had a drone to concuss me to sleep.
>Beretta is trying to sleep
>Auntie Cyn:
Fucked up she did this right after killing everyone in the mansion.
>Drone who's a huge Toku fan
>Becomes Kamen Rider
Okay, guys, hear me out
what if
No, no, wait, I don't mean just canon Murder Drones
Hear me out
what if
guys listen
what if
Outpost-6 was given the Outpost-6 treatment?
>Izn, an emo gremlin with crippling depression and pessimism. Can't see the positives in ANY situation. Met DS-W during a failed suicide attempt. Death by Murder Drone. Now she can't get rid of him.
>DS-W, a good boi who can find the positives in any situation and is so sweet that he sucks at his job as a genocide robot and can't actually bring himself to kill anything. Has made it his life mission to make her happy in any way he can
>DS-3, a just straight-up monster. Like, holy fuck you thought Cyn-walker was bad? At least she seemed to be enjoying what she was doing, 3 seems to just do it because she can
>DS-G, who is literally just SD-W when she was a worker drone, translated directly to a Disassembly Drone form.
fucking christ I'm feeling both bored and uncreative
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Why are they did it? The series end, why they still change something?
how do you even have internet access when you are that far down your rabbit hole
Дa, senpai?
Holy shit, my English is really trash.
I like it
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Comrade, can you explain what exactly changed and where?
I like drones.
Preview, they changed it. There is Cyn in sexy pose in past, now J and Cyn stand like in a part of 8 episode.
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Hmm, most likely someone just uploaded the wrong one back then, and saw his mistake only now. It's really not a big deal if you think about it.
You're probably right, anon.

I'm just a little tense when it comes of official statements: I still can't accept that they decided finished the series.
Unfortunately TADC went viral so it's only natural they'd pivot to it hard. I'm glad they've got some success but really after episode 7/8 I feel like Drones really hit its stride and its sad to see it go. Glad they finished it though.
>I still can't accept that they decided finished the series.
Yeah, you need some time to "accept it".
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We need a first person story from N's perspective of him losing control and knocking up the entire class.
Ye, series finished in good note, but I will continue to regret all these theories, which will no find confirmation or refutation.

At last, I have you, anon. It's enough for me.No homo, only thanks to community of MD in 4chan.
Maybe another one mouth, and I will cool down.
Some homo Anon <3.
Make sure it will be just one month. I know some guys who can't accept end of bloody Gravity Falls till these days.
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Given that Liam posted her image after being radio silent for so long on twitter, i'm really hopeful his next project will be a revival...
>I know some guys who can't accept end of bloody Gravity Falls till these days.
Poor bastards, but it give hope: they fandom still alive, than our can survive too.
Ye-ye, I'm ESL-kun, I accept it.
My friend, English is my second language too. And no worries about it, we are not having an exam here after all.
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It's not. Liam already said in a discord qna that the drawing of Cordie doesn't mean anything and he's just relaxing after MD. Cliffside isn't going to be a thing beyond the pilot.

I do hope he does something with Internecion Cube though.
I don't have words, only swearings
Thank you, anon. Languages are very difficult for me, but I am trying.
I want fuck her.
I don't want to fuck her.
Duality of man
He said many moons ago that once MD was finished he wanted to circle back around and finish older projects like IC and Cliffside. I doubt very much that this means they'll both become complete shows, but that he will probably be making new drawings, lore, and animations for them over time.
Tessa sex
Snessa sex.
Imagine the cuddling
Imagine the kissesssss
Imagine her biting you and her venom sinking into your blood
But I don't want to die.
Except she injected you with a venom that can make you last longer for "cuddling"
Then I need double dose.
Double dose would probably kill you, so maybe take one
Yo new dancing Tessa gift
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Short haired girls are cute. Makes sense why I love Yeva.
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Ep5 is somewhat an adaptation of Black Dogs, which is a short novel based on a rather surreal fever dream. So ep5 basically came from Liam's dream.
qrd on Black Dogs?
Can she twerk that skinny shadow booty?
>suddenly remembered some vtubers who was watching murder drones
>Remember that the series is over so they should have finished it... probably
>Can't remember who they were
>Remember the image they had used for a thumbnail
>Have the version with them not in it
>Feed it to Google
>Can't findit anywhere
Anyways I'm giving up since searching through boorus for art of V to find this has led to distractions. Have this image that belongs to fucking no one, apparently
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Slowly working on this Intoner piece, still trying to figure out just how I want to do her hair.
Thanks! Shit was driving me nuts and I can only save so many pictures of V before I need to make a dedicated MD subfolder
Sadly it looks like she has made nothing for over a month. Dunno what happened. But you are not getting MD8 reaction
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>Anon creates "Murder Game", staring the intern who somehow manages to get off planet before everything exploded moments later.
Is the intern fuckable?
Rewriting and learning to model is just applying what you learned from Liam's mistakes though.
We are the intern, our mission is to fuck all drones.
Can I fuck your human mom?
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Wanting to fuck humans is cringe
Murder Wahs
Are you really want put your cock into filthy flesh filled with disgusting bodily fluids? Anon, it's not safe.
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I'm gonna fuck your mom
I stick my dick is the stainless steel and the beautiful flesh made by God
It's strange, but I like it. Thanks, anon.
I want to boop Sentinel snoot.
It's ok, stainless steel don't provide STD.
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In Minecraft?
y wold testtube kil traysarus.......
They're a wee bit too feral for my taste, slap some eyelashes+lipstick and then we'll talk.
>It starts off easy, with sexing Workers Drones at the start
>But then the intensity starts to go up when Disassembly Drones enter the scene
>Followed by Sentinel Drones, Solvered Drones, etc
>You will need a just heart and dick to prevail amongst these foes
>which is a short novel based on a rather surreal fever dream.
Wait huh?
The story is about John (Liamverse, not threadverse) and a girl named Haze seemingly trapped in a time loop along with everyone else in the hotel they're all stuck in, which is owned by John's family. In reality, them along with all the special guests from Haze's family are dead and have been for a decade or two (I can't remember the exact time), all killed by a monstrous creature known as a Styx Hound that one of John's relatives caught as a puppy and experimented on. The reason they're "alive" is because of the Hound's black saliva that stitches back together any corpse the beast mangled and "resurrects" them under a hivemind, essentially turning them into extensions of it. John and Haze were the only ones to retain their individuality and the story ends with the two properly dying outside in the snow, being freed from the Hound's hell. Well, at least their mind and soul were.
I highly recommend you to give it a watch, even though it's pretty lengthy.
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Good job.

Now we need a queen Vee.
No they just steal a enn and give him a lil burger king crown
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I like to challenge people here to think what they observe, and not just blindly accept notions engraved within the fandom. I understand that putting that much thought makes my posts rather verbose (2000 char limit is my bane), but it must be done.
I'm essentially complete opposite of the oogishitters that plague these threads
Everything you just said was not only wrong but the most self-centered and delusional shit I've ever read. The Oogi people are unironically better than you are, you will never be a lolcow or whatever the fuck your goal is. Now here's your (You)
Cute, is this an animated thing from GlitchX?
No. From Rin Animate
I'm aware of channel, I meant the audio.
It's from their Twitter
Why is V still such a dick?
She's damaged goods.
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You asked a question, and I answered it. If that ruffles your bitch ego, then so be it.
My goal is to not become lolcow or any other sort of animal, and oogis are brainrot on par with skibidi toilet (if skibidi toilet had no music, plot or charm).

I will take solace in the fact that none of you are able to put any sort of thought or thoery onto a post, and have to resort to base namecalling and other schoolyard tacticts
Piss off
Can you post your episode 8 bingo again? I want to laugh at someone who puts 'thought' and 'theory' in his analysis getting literally everything wrong.
You claim to have my ego, yet it appears you're the one with the actually damaged ego here. Notice how I never started with name calling, yet you clearly angered resort to calling me a bitch. You act intelligent and highly pretentious yet at the end of day, your just another threadshitter. All you contribute to the threads is slop and a genuine waste of space, you're very clearly doing this for attention and perhaps me replying to you is enabling your bad habits.
You are just pissed that you were wrong.
Damn my tired brain, I meant hurt.
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Dick deficiency.
Ironic, I know.
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getting gay thoughts of N again..... I dont know how but its probably you guys fault >:(
>N genuinely complimenting your penis as big as he frots his ridiculously-huge disassembly dong against your cock
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If you're curious about femboys, you were never straight in the first place.
Can you speak in a dark soul dialect
So is N but he’s not an asshole
twinks are not the same as femboys
N's memories have been completely fucked. V remembers, if not everything, then near enough.
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Do you guys think she'd be gentle?
Both are gay af
Imagine being this peeved over Oogis
Hello writefriends and artfriends, I'm hoping you didn't stay up all night like I did. It's fucking painful being unable to sleep despite laying there for hours. Anyways, here's the OC Wheel, you remember the rules right? Spin it and write a short greentext or a long one if you wish , you must write about whoever you spun on. That's the rule. You may also spin again for a duo green.
I wasn't sure if I should repost on /co/ but eh fuck it
Not all of them.
>>145539259 (me)
If you don't know the character, please refer to the deck of cards. If the character isn't on the deck of cards, please refer to the Dronebooru
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I wasn't wrong. Sad to know that Liam Vickers' sublime tragedy slipped past your vision so easily.
How about this; instead of spending an entire post of calling me names and doing hack psychology that would make Freud go blind - You instead post WHY you think I am wrong, and what the lyrics of FOREVER mean instead of my intereptation. I would like to see you at least try to think what sort of story you are actually watching.
I do find it ironic that people complain about my theorizing "taking up space". Taking up space from what? Wanton coomer fantasies and brainrot handpuppet-bug serials, thats what.
Sorry but I only played the first one to completion. Good game, but sequels were kind of a letdown.
they are just berriless enncels.
Stop spamming the thread
Stop replying to him retard
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We're sending IDF soldiers to your home oilrig
Well I never said you HAD to participate. It's just a fun little side activity
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Sandvich :>
The only thing you're challenging is my tolerance for seeing (You) trash up the thread with your delusional bullshit, you narcissistic meganigger. The fact that you have the audacity to claim you're the complete opposite of "oogishitters" is fucking LAUGHABLE, since at least they produce thread content that's actually worth something! Meanwhile everything (You) have done can be neatly summarized as this
>Garbage '''theories''' that make no sense to anyone except you
>Garbage '''greentexts''' that are a rancid mix of shock schlop and schizophrenic nonsense
>Spamming posts consisting of nothing but song lyrics
If you wanna parade around like some smug 'smarter-than-thou' faggot over the fact that nobody wants to entertain your mental illness made manifest with any serious "thought or theory" then go right ahead. Just know that no matter how hard (You) try to cling onto your delusions it will never change the very material and objective facts that NOBODY here likes or
respects your insane drivel, none of your '''theories''' have panned out or even hold any weight without EXTREME levels of cope, and EVERYONE who's had the misfortune of entertaining your retardation has come to either publicly or privately regret it.
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I'm not him. I keep telling you that.
Get V unlimited access to the setting's magic system and then conquer Earth for real and not as part of Cyn's spergy TLoU meets AVP2010 & FNAF play.
I hate how fucking laughed at that
Because you’re repeatedly disproven by both the narrative and the creators.
It’s one thing to theorize but your theories are shown to be explicitly incorrect, yet you persist on them being true and start resorting to analyzing things in ways that the creators absolutely didn’t even consider.
TLDR the curtains are fucking blue
Literally none of this happened in Episode 8. Or the rest of the series from that matter
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Shut up, man
Uzi should use her newfound God powers to make herself taller
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>Because you’re repeatedly disproven by both the narrative and the creators.
Hello. Not Poirotanon, again. That is because this is de facto an unofficial Warhammer universe (of which there are canonically countless) that is just barely legally distinct enough that Games Workshop won't get anything to stick in a court of law, hence J's fourth wall breaking message in episode 5 when N wanted her to make a three headed hydra like the heraldry of the Alpha Legion with him and V, foreshadowing their imminent betrayal of James and Louisa Elliot and fucking off to the moon to be space pirates. As a series that constantly references horror media: it's like if the teenagers in Salo escaped like the ending of 28 Days Later and decided they wanted to be chaos space marines, reaving and evading the fascist authorities. The biggest example of the narration being unreliable is episode 8 supposedly being the series finale yet Glitch's own website saying Murder Drones is still ongoing.
>You instead post WHY you think I am wrong, and what the lyrics of FOREVER mean instead of my intereptation.
Doll chose to stick around instead of go to the afterlife to help her little sister (or at least someone who has all her memories and is basically her,) even if it means stomaching what their father does to Uzi.
>Uzi using her newfound God powers decides to try and finally make herself taller than everyone in the Outpost
>"Okay, I just need to close my eyes and focus, really focus on being big."
>As she closed her "eyes" she felt the air around her move, she could feel the transformation
>She was growing taller second by second she was getting taller and taller and tal-
>Uzi opened her eyes, rubbing her head
>She could see now that she was tall, too tall
>Her head scrapped the ceiling of the Outpost walls
>Immediately the pain dissappeared, her face was incredibly smug
>Finally she would get the respect she deserv-
>"How's the weather up there?", her classmates would shout everytime they walked past
what is happening
A schizo is obviously samefagging and having a meltdown. People are finally sick of him and want him to leave. Just ignore him
>"Okay, I just need to close my eyes and focus, really focus on being big."
reminds me of that one guy on 4chan that admitted to standing on his tippytoes and whispering "grow grow grow" to himself to try and get taller lol
>this is de facto an unofficial Warhammer universe
Just because you wrote some shitty crossover fanfiction for a 40k fanzine doesn't mean that the connection is anything more than autistic make-believe
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>Uzi uses her god powers to create new life in her image
>it looks like this
>it starts screaming
I mean, if you looked like that. Wouldn't you scream too?
Go watch the core implosion in the pilot again, frame by frame, at the slowest speed, and watch how the orb of the planet itself seems to unnaturally warp and change, in time with all that mass death of sapient life
>"Я жe гoвopил, чтo вce пoлyчитcя нe тaк, кaк ты дyмaeшь, Узи."
>[l o l . l m a o , even.]
>"Убeй ceбя. He ты, Узи, a дpyгaя cyкa."
>[No, do kill yourself. Kill yourself and LET ME IN.]
do you think J resents N because (at least earlier on) he gets to be carefree and hasn't had to live with the knowledge of everything that happened before they arrived on Copper-9?
Got a screencap? Sounds funny as shit
no :(
How about you go buy some alphabet soup and divine some wisdom out of that, buddy? Maybe it'll tell you who's REALLY been fucking with your chicken coop!
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>a puppet wants to become BIG
Can I use Uzi as a melee weapon?
BRAT tummy
Uzi with Bayonet?
Sorry Anon she's technically classified as a magical focus. You can glitch her into your melee slot but the animation is wonky.

Oh no she found Liam in space.
In fact why aren't you screaming right now?
>rewatching murder drones for the 9th time via vanamelon's watch
>See this
>go back to the episode and listen to make sure I'm not hearing things
>Subtitles even say it
I may be stupid.
So....how did the thread not go apeshit over this line or did they? I wasn't here for it
Same. I missed the thread but I assume that either they were dismissed as schizos or the crew wrote it off as a typo or something because I don't see anything online about it in the minute and some change that I've looked.
A lot of people did actually call that "Tessa" was actually either Cyn in disguise or some kind of Solver meatpuppet; there are many hints in Episode 6 if you're paying attention, there was just some doubt on whether or not Liam would truly pull the trigger on a twist that insane (he did)
That line was written off as
>show cyn's orders
if i remember correctly
Stop badmouthing
I think people saw the signs but were in denial because they didn’t want Tessa to turn out to be a flesh puppet
Amazing attention to details. Thank you!
Pretty sure that was the intended meaning.
How will (you) proceed?
How does "relay hand Cyn's orders" translate to "show Cyn's orders"???

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