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I only started watching Jem once it was reran on The Hub. Somehow it became my favorite 80s cartoon, even over my old favorites Transformers and G.I. Joe
and then what happened
I can't ever forgive Hasbro for slapping "Jem" on the poster for that movie that had absolutely nothing to do with the cartoon
It was a reimagining of something that shouldn't have been reimagined, and it had all the production values of a disney channel original movie, amazing they thought that was worth giving a theatrical release to
>every time it cut to Youtube videos of Jem fans in the movie
>one was clearly dressed as a Misfit from the cartoon
>one guy had the cartoon going on in the background
C'mon movie. At least make it look like you didn't just grab a bunch of Youtube videos of fans of the cartoon and pretend they're talking about Movie Jem.
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To this day, I'm still weirded out that my sister and I had the same debate from pic related.
Robert Beltran would've made a fantastic Rio
and then you kissed?
I prefer The Misfits.
Their songs are better.
Jiz > Jem
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I am curious what other genres would look like under Jem. Like what would a heavy metal or rap version of the Holograms be like.
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They basically all looked like hair metal bands anyway, though the music was more like just pop cause kid show but I feel like they tried to have more of a "rockstar" vibe with the fashions to compete with the more milquetoast Barbie
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>cartoon band look like a rock band
>music is just pop or kiddy showtunes
a trend that continued for a long time
It's for little girls OP
It’s a western show you mongrel
I can't name a good cartoon that isn't for little kids. Girls shows usually suck because they usually have minimal effort, but there are some good ones
What would you guys want from the next reboot? Do like the comics and update for the times or double down and make it the most 80s thing ever?
I doubt it will be rebooted since none of the recent attempts made any money and Hasbros renneisance is over and they've gone back to being mostly low effort. But if they did, I say just make it its own world with its own rules where everything still seems 80s, and have Daniel Ingram write the music.
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I started watching this on a whim because I saw it was on Tubi, and I hate to admit that I kind of love this show. Basically every episode ends with someone nearly dying in a horrible fashion, and that alone is entertaining enough to have kept me watching.
Some of the songs actually being good earworms and everything else being decently entertaining was just an added bonus after the first few episodes.
>But if they did, I say just make it its own world with its own rules where everything still seems 80s
Yeah this is my idea. I am curious about what a proper modernized version would look and sound like, but only as a novelty. It's not Jem if it's not outrageous, and nothing's really outrageous anymore. Some TikTok star turned singer could show up on a red carpet wearing like, live snakes or almost nothing at all, and it'd hardly be a blip on the radar. And even if it did garner coverage it'd be forgotten in a week.
>Daniel Ingram
That works. But part of me would like to see Rebecca Sugar take a crack at it.

>Basically every episode ends with someone nearly dying in a horrible fashion
It's incredible because they wanted to add action to make it enticing for boys, but its a series about bands and pop music. So batshit insane shit will happen and The Misfits will commit actual crimes and almost kill people just to justify having an action scene.
Raymond had goons on his roldex, you know he had them clean up OD groupies.
The idea of the owner of a music company basically being Norman Osborn who tries to kill a music group just for the sake of it is a major selling point alone for me.
I don't know how the woman who made this show came up with all this, but I applaud her for it.
>The idea of the owner of a music company basically being Norman Osborn who tries to kill a music group just for the sake of it is a major selling point alone for me.

Anon, that's the reality you live in.
One of my favorite parts of the show is how Eric just like slowly deteriorates over the course of the series. He starts off as the big bad, then he has The Misfits as his ace in the hole, but then they also treat him like shit and don't listen to him. And he just kinda gets more crazy, desperate, and tired over time. Like that one episode when he's openly betting at the race and then loses a bunch of money.

>The idea of the owner of a music company basically being Norman Osborn who tries to kill a music group just for the sake of it is a major selling point alone for me.
Kek. He really is like Norman Osborne. And Charlie Adler does such a great job playing him.
>Yeah this is my idea. I am curious about what a proper modernized version would look and sound like, but only as a novelty
Yeah I agree, feel like if they tried to make it too modern it'd just miss the mark. It'd be like the new "The Crow" where they try to make him look more like a trap artist than a gothy dude or something and just bleh, you gotta have a love for the era in the mix even if you have characters talking on cell phones or w/e little things like that to update it.
>That works. But part of me would like to see Rebecca Sugar take a crack at it.
Could be interesting too, my preference for Ingram really comes from some of the Equestria Girls shit he did where he showed he can write catchy rock based songs, we already knew he could do pop/showtunesy stuff but I'd like to see The Misfits be a little more edgy
The Riot episode that totally wasn't about being gay was good.
I've never watched it in English because the American themesong blows goats compared to the vastly superior Italian themesong
Forgot links.
Shitty American theme

Banger Italian theme
>It'd be like the new "The Crow"
>where they try to make him look more like a trap artist than a gothy dude or something and just bleh
lmao. I just watched that last night. I think the most jarring part is that they don't make him a trap artist or something like that. There'd have been less of a disconnect if he they were trying to make him Lil Peep or something but no, he just looks like that, and doesn't even make music. A lot of odd choices in that movie.
>my preference for Ingram really comes from some of the Equestria Girls shit he did where he showed he can write catchy rock based songs
>I'd like to see The Misfits be a little more edgy
He's written some really incredible stuff for that franchise overall. Just like the original Jem, songs that are way too good to just be from a "silly" kid's show. He would be able to handle rock and pop and, I can't lie, now that you've brought it up imagining The Misfits in the vein of like The Dazzlings or even Sunset Shimmer is very appealing. I've thought about the prospect of a Jem reboot a lot and my mind went to Rebecca Sugar because, if they were to modernize it, I think she'd be able to translate the designs to something that maintained the original's spirit. And I wanted to see version of Pizzazz that was kind of like Jasper.
>Banger Italian theme
This sounds Japanese as fuck.
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This show inspired my older sister to get into the fashion industry, so I always associate this show with her whenever it shows up.
Wait, I found the actual Japanese intro. Definitely feels like they acknowledged the Cutie Honey parallels.
Nevermind I'm dumb
Italian and Japanese have fairly similar cadences. My aunt, who is very dead now, was once a very much alive Japanese lady living in Naples. Her Italian accent was absolutely perfect because it's the same as her native accent. She had some problems with H/F/P and L/R from time to time but everything else was fine.
Some of our words sound Japanese to foreigners. Terremoto and maremoto (earthquake and tsunami, respectively) both look and sound nip af.
And have you any idea how many people think tiramisu is a Japanese dessert despite that shit being from Rome?
So fun and racist at the same time!
>Italian and Japanese have fairly similar cadences
>Her Italian accent was absolutely perfect because it's the same as her native accent
Now that you mention it, I've heard the same thing about Japanese and Spanish. That's really interesting, is it just a general relation to the romance languages?
No. With Spanish, it's just Argentinian Spanish and, to a far lesser degree, European Spanish. Other New World Spanish dialects and regionalisms are quite dissimilar from Italian or Japanese (or even Euro Spanish) in cadence and pronunciation.
>romance languages
Nope again. French, Romanian, Rumansch and Portuguese don't have it, either. Even regional varieties of Italian lack the same cadence, it's just the standard Italian that has it.
Like my regional variety of Italian is one of the few European languages that has tonality, like Chinese, but since we use it exclusively to denote aspects of grammar, like conjugations or inflections, rather than vocabulary, our use of tone is considered "pitch accented" rather than properly tonal. Japanese and standard Italian lack tonality altogether except for two words each.
The Misfits were better
Naw man, the Limp Lizard are where it's at.
Except the part with the Misfits, the only good part of the movie.


It could have been great...
It was good and proves cartoons for kids can have adult themes without being vulgar or edgy.
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The Stingers had such good fucking songs. They were the best band on the show:

Anyone had the alt intro?
stormer is so fucking hot
We really didn't get enough of this genre in the west. All I can describe it as is 80s shoujo. I'm sure it would have worked if it had just gotten a bit more of a chance. Now the timing has completely passed.

The manga Cipher really reminds me of it.
What do we have to do to get a new piece of Jem media, Jembros?
I want to have a foursome with the Misfits. No Jetta.
lmao the only thing I can remember about Jem is the theme song and an episode where someone falls into the bear pit at the zoo
Hope you goy lube, because you're getting pegged at least once.
They predicted grunge
>We are so distantly divorced from even the most basic level of somewhat quality American character design that newfags can't recognize a former staple of american television.

Alright fuck it, I give up. /a/ wins. /co/ is officially dead. No more East VS West threads, the weaboos fucking won.
Unironically the best bet would be to get Hasbro to revive it along with Transformers with Jem as the "Girl" series since GI Joe so often has to rely on Transformers anyway these days and they like doing the military stuff anyway.
Its a meme cause chinks worked on Jem, along with a lot of the Sunbow shit. But it doesn't make it anime, they just used them as slave labor back in the 80s.
Jem is unique for a cartoon because they had original songs for every episode. I can't think of a cartoon ever that did this. maybe they were not all good songs but some were
Say what you will about the overall quality but figuring out like 2-3 songs per 22-minute episode of a cartoon is pretty damn impressive. I can't imagine how attempting such a thing would go nowadays.
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stormer is storming her way to the all you can eat buffet
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>That rotund at only 20 years old
You hate to see it.
I'm telling ya, that 80s pop style is hard to get out of your head. I had sisters and they had friends, so I was subject to much of the 80s pop music whenever we'd go out or be at home. It was 1 vs 8, I couldn't win.
Yeah, but it was a thing I remember in my HS days. Just a thick girl who said she was "fat" but didn't realize if she curbed herself a tiny bit, she'd be slam central. Also, most of her "fat" was her huge fucking tits.
Extreme Nachos
Just straight up make a Hasbro verse with GI Joe, Transformers, Jem, and whatever other IPs they think can work.
Elevator Story pitch:

Jerrica is the daughter of a deceased Cobra officer/scientist/affluent figure whom has access to these technologies for musical philanthropy, promoting peace.

Seeing how things bad for MIC business, she is a target from both sides. Not sure how the Transformers would be introduced, but I’ll leave that to a different anon
Don't the Transformers have hologram tech? You could say that Synergy was an attempt to reverse engineer that.
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And then they fucked.
Central. Park. Exist[ed]
Pizza is meant for brat correction, she needs daddy's firm hand.
She does not have the fun kind of daddy issues.
You can watch it every Saturday morning in a livestream chat on youtube on Saturday Morning Cartoon Machine or Mone Media's channel consistently. Last week on Rinse Repeat's channel was nearly every cartoon's drug special episode, and he included the Jem ep. Man...when Laurie fell off the ledge, Jericca pulled a one-hand wrist grab and snatched her ass back up without even squatting.Like she weighed nothing. Wtf workout program is SHE on?
I don't think it could ever work unless it were set in the 80's. Ifive a lion, they could go that extra mile like Stranger Things did and borrow collections and props and stuff. The only place they screwed up was when the kids called mlp g1's character from Battle For Midnight Castle "Tirek" instead of "Tirak". Somebody who knew of him couldn't exactly remember his name when they remade him for g4, and nobody else was familiar with the character at all, leading to them misnaming him in FIM.
Italian sound like a bad San Remo song.

American is like Debbie Gibson.
I'm surprised Jerrica never got another band to sign on. Would have lead to some hijinx for sure.
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What if Jem were inflated to an enormous size?
*second sentence: "If live action". Company bathroom stealthposting
how many seasons and episodes?
His little hypocriticism that I find common to other people from the '80s. All the guys are all vilifying G1 My Little Pony, saying it's for girls, when it's full of action, adventure, potential death...as a boy, I found nothing girly about it, unless not having a male lead character is enough to get a cartoon labelled "for girls only". These same guys, you included, would then proudly say that they all love Jem, which was just basically just some uber-girly drama show, complete with ROMANCE and relationship issues, only animated. Jem was far more girly than mlp. Were you guys also watching Gilmore Girls, Party Of Five and Sweet Valley High when you got older? Just curious.
A little hypocriticism that I find common to other people from the '80s: All the guys vilify G1 My Little Pony, saying it's for girls, when it's full of action, adventure, potential death...as a boy, I found nothing girly about it, unless not having a male lead character is enough to get a cartoon labelled "for girls only". These same guys, you fellas included, would then proudly say that they all love Jem, which was just basically just some uber-girly drama show, complete with ROMANCE and relationship issues, only animated. Jem was far more girly than mlp. Were you guys also watching Gilmore Girls, Party Of Five and Sweet Valley High when you got older? Just curious.
It's just cause MLP became just as trendy to hate as it was to love, Sonic syndrome. The whole reason FIM got an audience was cause it broke away from the rut of G2 and G3 MLP and went back to its roots of mixing in some adventure and a little darkness
Italy just makes better theme songs for some reason. The first Sailor Moon one for example is one of the best themes for a children's cartoon ever done.
>Were you guys also watching Gilmore Girls, Party Of Five and Sweet Valley High when you got older?
I'm not sure those aired in Italy but Dawson's Creek was ENORMOUSLY popular in the late 90s/early 2000. And soap opera cartoons like Lady Georgie and Candy Candy were popular with everyone of all ages when I was a kid.
>Lady Georgie: the story of a blonde Australian girl who wants to be incestuous with both her brothers but it's okay cuz she's adopted
>also people kept faking their deaths
Any other links we should know about? Did the voice of Jerrica go on to do Angry Beavers or something?
id lick the legs
We know Paul.
>Jem but Jem is basically treated as an She-Hulk-like alter ego
What the hell is this from?
90's sequel series where the Limp Lizards gain alt-rock superstardom to the bafflement of the Jem girls.
She was the voice of the nurse from Morel Orel.
What about Pizzaz?
Another thing is, most people who complain about MLP never watched it. It was on Hub, and they couldn't afford that channel.
Minx and Techrat should'a hooked up
I do know of a fic where he hooks up with Jetta.
"Glitter and Gold" is the best Holograms song

I also remember this show in the hub. Also, this feels like the embroidery of the 80s. It almost impressive of decade defining it is?

Also surprised this got a cameo in Transformers one.
MLP was explicitly marketed as a show for girls, just like Jem. Also Jem has a pretty massive, all things considered, gay fanbase which tracks with /co/ liking it. And yes, I did watch Gilmore Girls.

I'm actually ambivalent about the cartoon, it's got some fun aspects but it's kinda dull and most of the songs feel low-effort. I got into Jem through the comic, which I'll admit has some major flaws but I love.
It would be interesting to see Cypertronians interacting with Earth AI. Would they feel an uncanny valley effect?
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Yeah that one rules. I also love "Like A Dream"


Britta Phillips was so good
>I just shit my panties
Still gets me
Grunge was just punk mixed with shoegaze and and other 80s indie rock movements, repackaged and made marketable by studio execs for radio airplay and middle class kids.
Pizzazz is one of the greatest characters ever created.
That's literally Hazbin Hotel.
It's assembly-line pop, made by a boardroom of writers and marketing gurus. It was a common complaint about music from that era; hollow commercial slop. Same as boybands/girl groups of the Y2K era and basically everything from the 21st century.
Like A Dream is always stuck in my head.
That's what pop music is. It's a formula designed to be appealing. Nobody thinks pop music is supposed to be prog rock lol.
I know. I was explaining why they were able to crank out so many songs for the show; because the music genre they were using was designed to be cranked out as quickly as possible. They weren't writing Beethoven
A decade ago this changed my life.
Female magetronr
I don't understand why the Misfits gave a shit about them. Some 80s punk band should not have a glam pop band on their radar at all. They should be out trashing hotels with Sid Vicious.
Jerrica stood up to Pizzazz and she was having none of that.
Probably a cause of recond focusing to complete and movie.

Also we're any packing guns
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As opposed by the Hologains.
So apparently Hasbro united canon. synergy is a Cybertron computer that hems father so how can into contact with.
Me, I made the source up for this thread.
I always though it looked nice

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