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Isn't this pedophilia? Isn't Damian supposed to be like 14 in universe?
You are baiting me. Please no ... Wonder Woman wouldn't get dragged through the mud to fulfill someone's fetish ...
>Wonder Woman wouldn't get dragged through the mud to fulfill someone's fetish ...
I mean her whole identity as a character is masochist fetishism
When I become editor of DC I'm cleaning fucking house I swear to God.
So what?
Anon, I...
Totally in-character
Damienbros ... I thought he was supposed to be a super cool assassin.

Okay then, just a wholesome little comic. OP was just baiting. Steve will soon put a bun in the oven.
Fucking older women is super cool IMO
Wowzers someone read my shitposting about Wonder Woman needing a shota sidekick (i was gunning for either amnesic shota-morphed Clay Face or orphaned Damian) and thought I was onto something.
Kek she literally got Vored by Clay Face once.
I hate Damien so fucking much
He deserves this. (((They))) took away his best friend.
death to Damien trinity and their faggot friend
>King crowbars in his Jewish neuroticism & mommy issues.
You don't say!?!
I am gonna tell this to my cousin once she gets older because my aunt and I spent a lot of summers together.
The best Damian story is when Deathstroke makes Batman think he got cucked by Slade (he didn't) as a way to distract him while the Terminator's team rob Gotham.
The only thing assasin about Damian these days is character assassination
This feels like this should've had more threads yesterday
Or something Rich the Leech would have leaked
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Finally, some good fucking /ss/
I mean this is hot but its kinda retarded I feel like shes talking to him like a retard, I dont see her calling him a "man"
I dont see damien sinking himself into her tits tho, obviously fetishistic on Kings part
There was a storytime yesterday but anons don't reply unless you bait them to it
Actually this never happened like this and is only the way Damian tells it since he's following the trope of unreliable narrator
….then why does Damien act like he does in all the back ups? Like the little girl is just a few years younger than him and Jon

Man I never thought about it but he writes Jon and Damien way too young in those back ups. Like they’re still young teens and not 20 somethings
That's something really weird too. I don't know how it works that Trinity is aging from toddlerhood to well into her teens but Jon and Damian remain exactly the same.
Either it has something to do with the artist or she's aging fast somehow
ahhh ok interesting.
Damian makes the best /ss/
He’s bases them on his two sons and Trinity on his daughter.
Where are the drawfags when you need them to add an extra page of Damian explaining Lizzie how he creampied her mom's cunt to the brim with his BSC

Nice try but I will NOT read Tom King's shit.
I'm getting the distinct impression some people ITT just didn't understand this was supposed to be a biased and ridiculous retelling from damian's perspective. It's so crazy because the comic is being very hammy about it for comedic effect, but it still seems like some people just don't get it's supposed to be a joke.
It's not funny, It reeks "How do you do, fellow kids?" when he tries to write young people.
This is just shit because King is trying to force Damien’s relationship with Diana to be a boring stock “he sees Diana as like a platonic mother figure”…when he already has an actual mother figure who he spends time with frequently. It’s dumb and symptomatic of having no creativity
Flatline SISTERS!?

Our response?
Damien literally watches Steve making out with her and ships them. He’s taking credit for giving Diana a nice talk at the end telling her she’ll be a great mom to Steve’s kid (Trinity)
Just King’s cringy tryhard mommy issues shit projected onto Damian
This issue just feels like King wanting to justify Trinity.

But he knew that Damian and Jon have more weight, and used them to justify Trinity instead using WW characters
Why does Boomerang sound so unnatural and robotic?
This feels like a really edit-able panel
Then do it
I fucking dislike Tom King. I think I could shake his hand and wish him well and move on with my day and bear no ill will toward him if I saw him IRL But I absolute hate that faggot's writing ability and the shitty stories he has swimming around in that fuckin' head of his.
I'm not entertained by Tom King or his "jokes". Point blank period. I expect he's going to ruin another fucking character. I don't go into any book with his name on it with optimism. Not anymore.
>This issue just feels like King wanting to justify Trinity.
No, its more of King trying to justify *King*. Everything he does with comicbooks is just a form of personal therapy. He works out his gay traumas through the characters when he really needs to fuck off because he isn't good.
>hey boy, want some /ss/?
it's called ancient greece bitch, and you're in it
holy shit, it does feel liek a start of some porn fanfic
>4000 year old woman
>14 year old boy
exactly like my fetish
>/ss/: WOOO!
>King: Never fucking mind!
Talk about a monkey's paw.
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I know this panel is a joke.

But reminder, Damian almost got raped just like his brother Dick.
I'm absolutely floored that there are so many people ITT that don't seem to catch this. It's laid on so thick it's impossible to miss. I guess /co/ really is the dumbest board on this site.
>seething just because they didn't get the joke at first
/co/ is truly ngmi
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I mean WW x Damien is like Artemis x Red Hood
Both are 100-year age gap
You probably think Dan Slott is funny too.
Why haven’t we gotten non-loli Trinity rule 34 yet?
Never said it was funny, just that it made you seethe
When Marston puts his fetishes into a story its alright, but when Tom King does it he's a loser/weirdo.

This is correct because Marston made his own characters with personalities and stories to facilitate said fetishes. Tom King is making characters act wildly out of character in order to get moments he likes and to put his fetishes. Damian doesn't act like this, Widner woman's story doesn't read like one, and the upcoming Black Canary story is gonna feature Finah fighting a character that way out of her league and will more than likely see her be a soft-dommy mommy because that's what Toms Tom King's King.

No, the fetish was just a supplement to her story of liberation as second wave feminism was all about that. Being able to wear and be your own woman. Not this total degeneracy.
Yeah I fucks wit her
This Robin costume is so good, Gleb was a great artist for Damian
Ignorant and apathetic, not dumb. Nobody here questions how Damian could be her father because nobody cares. They never cared. About any of this. The OP is just a pretext for fanfiction.
Damian is a faggot and a shitty character. Jason Todd at home.
Fixed it
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good shit. god can you imagine?
Ummm.. Ackhually it's pederasty and it's their traditional Hellenic culture, bigot!
rare cute Damian moment
Holy fuck that's gay.
Why are all Jewish men effete like this?

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