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Turns out it's the best adult animated show of the decade.

Funny how quick haters got quiet.
Once again stuff for adults and that appeals to millennials or old people gets left in the dust because we grew up and can't care for cartoons anymore... also most of us are dead.

Leave it to Skibidi toilet to become a series on Netflix to appeal to gen-Z and alpha.
cool not gonna watch it tho
Snyder was the producer so other people could fix his ideas. Pure unaltered Snyder is Rebel Moon
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A masterpiece for the ages that won't be appreciated until 10 years from now, because "DC fans" will have to blame Gunn's failure on someone else.
I love the artstyle. It's kinda plain like modern animation but it feels western rather than fauxanime.
I don't get why it isn't more popular here. It's everything 4chan has been asking for

>manly men
>pretty girls
>western tradition
>no niggers

What else do they want? An ethnic cleansing with orcs as nigger stand-ins?
Snyder pajeets fuck off.
I will peep it..... before September ends.
>best show of the decade
Primal is a high bar to clear
Please tell me it was loki masquerading as thor.
Shut up ranjeep
Considering in the second half of the final episode Primal shits the bed and then proceeds to eat all the shit plus the bedsheets............. no.
Not enough diversity for you?
>1/40th of the show is bad, therefore it’s all shit
Snyderjeet moment
Just pointing out that Indians rated it by far the highest of any nationality
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When Mira mounts Spears charred, dessicated weiner and rides that shit TO COMPLETION, I felt I had witnessed something special. Something culturally significant.
When you dab on Snyderdrones on 4chen, make sure to act less bot-like.
4chan is unironically mostly brown and Asian by this point. Had the men been nonwhite coded orcs this shit would be arcane levels of success.

I'm not even exaggerating here.
ambiguously non-white coded I mean. think something like Mongol haircuts native American totems and arab esque weaponry mixed together.
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I was already fed up with the really shitty netflix castlevania tier dialogue but I just dropped it when episode 2 showed a guy get fucked in his ass on screen for no reason, Fucking faggot slop with historical inaccuracies
>episode 2 showed a guy get fucked in his ass on screen for no reason
Lol, seriously?
Insta-pass for me.
Was the dude getting railed at least a cute femboy?
I'm serious
No it's a bearded indian looking man
Fucking dropped. Death to snyder.



Streaming services still have diversity mandates. That's why a lot of these shows have bisexual slutty men to check off boxes.

There was also a trans witch in the main cast.
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Holy shit, you guys are redditors.
Ok, but what the hell is that quality?
this is horrible and ugly as shit
Am I supposed to be impressed by this?
Magic or surgery?
Its common-sense anon. White women are desirable for obvious reasons across the global south which is why the male protagonists/love interests being nonwhite coded is a recipe for success.

also, if you're going to include gay men, they should be feminine to avoid any backlash.
You people love to complain about how all animated series aimed at adults look like family guy rejects but when any series try to do something different you always ignore them and focus only in baby shows
except that's not true, non-whites like white protagonists.
It's more like we're just sick of all the non-white protagonists being only black and never anything else desu.
Unless he's ambiguously Mediterranean looking because that just works for everyone.
hindu indians also piss everyone else off so avoid them too unless it's a hot jeet lady with a British accent.
you know nothing of my work
Is this cape shit? I’ll check it out if it isn’t cape shit.
Same thing happened with Scavengers Reign
>Snyder was the producer so other people could fix his ideas
Sounds great. Snyder has cool ideas, so if there's other people who want to steer Snyder in the right direction, then that's a good thing.
I know you’re just meming but it’s insane to think there’s people on planet earth who will shit on Gunn while putting Snyder on a pedestal and they go about their day thinking they don’t have subhuman taste
huh, this is the first time i've heard of this cartoon existing. is it not being marketed very much?
Why hasn't this thread hit bump limit if the shows so good?
This is historically accurate faggotry though
Not in Norse mythology, You are thinking of the Greeks and Romans
The guy explains it in a later episode how fucking a guy is fine when it’s done for conquest or to a thrall, which the poet is, it’s just gay sex for love is banned.

The picture also leaves out how he’s fucking the blonde dudes sister at the same time while he’s taking it.
You do realize this is an allegory of how pajeets want to be penetrated by Snyder right?
>Blue eye samurai

Total french animation domination
Because it isn't.

Also Sigrid rule34 when
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t. Americans when they realize there aren't any trannies or negeros in Snyder's new film
>jesus out of nowhere
Yeah no fuck you Snyder
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>Thinking that fucking Zack Snyder could make a good animated series.
Unironic question, but you people watch anime, right? I hope you do, because I can’t imagine torturing yourself like this. Watching America try to make animation for adults is like watching this season’s Panthers team try to play football.
It's literally just Rebel Moon but not scifi
>more anti white male feminist shit about a strong wyman protagonist who is better then the evil and weak white men who are all sexulied and shirtless while women are all ugly and covered up
no thx
It's kinda an interesting comparison when you look at it.

Norse myths were far, far before Christianity.

Odin the wanderer, the king, the hanged.
(3 forms, kinda like christian holy trinity?)

Odin hanged/stuck to "die"on wold tree.
Jesus stuck on cross.

Yeah, Christians stole other religions.
That is why Odin was told he would be forgotten.
>Odin the wanderer, the king, the hanged.
Odin has hundreds of aliases.

People love to talk about what's bad because it's second nature
I hope you were not, because looks like shit lol
>trans witch
Accurate to Norse culture.
Being a seer and a fortune teller was feminine, and there were men that lived as women in order to 'learn' it.
Odin himself did that, and was even insulted and called a faggot by Loki in a certain story for it.
>Loki said:
>22 “Silence, Odin. You always judge battles unfairly for humans. You have often given defeat to the better side, when you shouldn’t have.”
>Odin said:
>23 “You know, even if I did judge unfairly, and made the better side lose, I know that you, for eight years, lived on the earth down below as a cow in milk, and as a woman, and you’ve given birth to children—I call that a pervert’s way of living.”
>Loki said:
>24 “But people say that you practiced womanly magic on Samsey, dressed as a woman. You lived as a witch among the humans— and I call that a pervert’s way of living.
'Pervert' here was the translator softening the language used. The original term 'argr', is basically the equivalent of faggot or sissy, with the same sexual undertone we have for it today.
>Gunn Gunn Gunn
Mind broken.
Homosex was so unacceptable to vikings that you were required to duel a guy to the death if he called you gay
>oh cool norse myhtolig
>just kiddign have your strong wyman trash again like always since no show is ever allowed to be anything other then woke trash
>we only have one token white guy who constantly gets rescued, beaten up or orderd around by the mary sues strong wyman
>also all the guys are half naked and don't wear armor but the women are fully covered up
This is discount Tartakovsky made in flash without understanding what makes his style work. It's spending way too long lingering on shots.
>series try to do something different you always ignore them and focus only in baby shows
nigga, ltierally every action show form the last 10 years has been about a strong wyman mary sue with white guys only there to be rescued or beaten up by them, how is that shit something diffrent?
All I ever wanted was this
Never Ever gonna happen tho.
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>More Snyderkino
We just can't stop winning
What went wrong?
>from Hollywood blockbusters
>to expensive streaming flicks
>to cartoon shows
Can't wait til he wins his way down to local stage theater productions.
>Funny how quick haters got quiet.
I think everyone got quiet quick considering nobody talks about it
>Turns out it's the best adult animated show of the decade.
That's Scavengers Reign, and that's also got haters who got quiet quickly alongside fans because nobody talks about that fucking show too
People here only want to talk about Family Guy clones and how woke cartoons for children have gotten so they can't watch them
Ok, I may watch it. What is it about?
Gods vs Men as Ragnarok approaches.
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>>from Hollywood blockbusters
>>to expensive streaming flicks
>>to cartoon shows
>Can't wait til he wins his way down to local stage theater productions.
Rebel Moon got renewed for a Season 2.
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Ah, more norse mythology stuff.
My tolerance for anything SJW is so low right now, if I see any female character doing the Strong Female Character face then I drop the show. It is that simple. I am done with all storytelling that does not belong before 2007. If it is not "outdated," then I do not care.
This webm alone is enough to tell me everything I need to know about how this is written. No thank you. Pass.
>random image of snyder weightlifting
Why are you people like this?
>Once again stuff for adults and that appeals to millennials or old people gets left in the dust because we grew up and can't care for cartoons anymore...

Lmao. Dude.
>Netflix series.
>Gore galore
>Female lead emasculating and stealing the thunder from the male lead.
>Explicit faggotry including anal sex

>Reeeeee this is totally a cartoon that everybody could relate to so why isn't anybody watching or talking about it!?
Because it's more of the usual gay shit. Castlevania already did it years ago. Nobody wants to see this shit.
Not even if Snyder produced it. Which, lmao how is that a good thing. He's a special effects expert and this is 2D. Nothing of what he's good at can apply to this cartoon. What, the figures will move slower for the slow motion? Goodness! What a thing to behold in 2D!
I hope you enjoy niggers in European medieval setting because that's what you deserve
>he says, while promoting the very same thing
woah woah woah. cool it with the racism there zack.
worse it's a gay jeet.
I heard Freyja is a thick sassy black woman in this? Anyone got pics?
This webm may be the coolest shit I have seen in 4chan for a while, thanks anon.
That's a lie, see here >>145534345
evidence to the contrary.
>Norse myths were far, far before Christianity
Arcane has big threads
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I found a picture
>best of the decade
I like unironically like black women buy why make freyja one? Just why?
anon, gay butt sex is really only looked down upon in the Abrahamic religions
>snyderfags are so desperate for people to watch their slop that they’re lying about what’s in it
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>General Netflix faggotry
>Another gay multi-racial take on Norse mythology
No thanks. The visual style looks nice but Snyder style action scenes would completely ruin any potential the style has.
It's Seven Samurai but in Norse Mythology

I haven't even seen it yet but I'm 100% that's what it is
Just finished it. Really good, 9/10 for now, but I might need to digest it for a bit.
60% on RT doesn't give me hope
to differentiate her being Vanir compared to all the Aesir being white.
I want lesbians
I want Jormungandr and Hel rule34
animation and english dub are both shit. It wants to be God of war so badly it hurts.

>odin saw jesus
I laughed pretty damn laud at that
>black characters

Now let's not pretend this show is not woke
I saw the trailer, looks like dogshit. I'll pass.
I want no nudity at all, can I have that?
I'm so fucking tired of it.
LOL, yeah I'll skip this trash
So, for anyone that actually watched it, what the fuck is Loki's plan: it seems pretty straightforward to prevent Ragnarok, but then he is smug as fuck after Baldr is killed, which actually will lead to it
pinnacle of shit mountain.
Also love how that, because of Christianity, Hades became synonymous with Hell, despite the fact that he was one of the most reasonable gods around.

As with Hela as well.
There is a feet pic with her
It's maybe connecting black women as fertile kweenz with the vanir as fertility gods.
That or Snyder subscribes to the old theory that the vanir were the indigenous nature gods until the aesir showed up, so he's representing it as the nature loving black vanir being attacked by the racist white aesir colonizers
> that won't be appreciated until 10 years from now,
All that success is always 10 years away for failures. People will always like it if it’s just a little longer, they’ll like it! It worked for like 7 things across a literal century! Did you know A Wonderful Life got panned? Surely that will happen to us! We’re not one of the 200 other films released that year that didn’t get much fanfare, we’re special and you’ll see if you even remember us a decade from now! 10 years, and then everyone will agree!

The Stepford Wives remake will find its audience any day now and Ecks Vs Sever will be hailed! We all know how many people said Mortal Kombat Annihilation was secretly great after the new movie came out!
this has season 2 bait all over it
That owl looks so impressed by that bug
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Kek, go to church, vikangcucks
>Norse myths were far, far before Christianity.
I get what you're saying, but you should probably say "Germanic myths"

>Odin the wanderer, the king, the hanged.
>(3 forms, kinda like christian holy trinity?)
He doesn't just have 3 forms in the real stories, he has multiple names and appearances for different situations. Not sure what Synder is doing exactly with that triad. There is one text where Snorri basically splits Odin into 3 identical kings as a frame narrative for his own writing, but that's a one off thing and unrelated to Snyder's "wanderer, warrior, wiseman trinity"

>Odin hanged/stuck to "die"on wold tree.
>Jesus stuck on cross.
Death is just a strong symbol in just about every religion, especially one as a willing sacrifice for a greater cause or hidden wisdoms

>Yeah, Christians stole other religions.
It's probably best to say borrowed, it's not a unique thing to Christianity. Like how the Germanics borrowed from the Celts, Slavs from the Scythians, Japanese from the Greeks if you know you know, with Christianity primarily adapting to the Greco-Roman world it formed in
Any rips or MEGA's
Haven't you learned by now that if you give people what they want they'll ignore it.
Thor even had to disguise himself as a woman
>twilight of the gods
>not the Moore one
I sleep
Doesn't it have poly?
Netflix's wannabe anime style is so fucking awful to look at I don't know how anyone can watch it
It doesn't look like anime at all
Wannabe anime is Castlevania.
This is very American.
He's worried about being called a faggot for that
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Why does "adult animation" need to be synonymous with swearing and gore and sex?
You know, I've always wondered how he hid his face. I'm not sure if bridal veils even existed back then
>You know, I've always wondered how he hid his face. I'm not sure if bridal veils even existed back then
How have you always wondered that if the myth explicity says he wore a veil?
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>Turns out it's the best adult animated show of the decade.
Woke crap. Won't even pirate.
Yeah, but only if he said you were the one taking it. If he said "hey I saw you fucking a dude" then you didn't have to do shit, really, although you probably ought to holmgang him since he was obviously trying to start shit.
>The picture also leaves out how he’s fucking the blonde dudes sister at the same time while he’s taking it.
I will now consider giving this show a chance.
You're jewish
>Japanese from the Greeks if you know you know
This about the dude who left his ugly wife in Hell?
I wasn't clear enough. It says he wore a linen on his head plus the jotun lifted it up to kiss him and saw his eyes but somehow still didn't know it was Thor, so that must mean he was wearing something that covered everything below the eyes. I've always imagined it like Thor wearing a niqab with the linen over that, but it doesn't match the Norse aesthetics I have in my head
Fuck off you have the entire rest of the bland mush that is American animation for that.
>strong female MC
>Thor is the villain
>half the cast is voiced by niggers
I'm so fucking tired of post-modernism.
>western tradition
It's pulling a bullshit GoW stunt where the gods are le evil. That's shitting on Western tradition.
The concepts of good and evil are Christian and if you want a mythology lesson, read a damn book
>implying Thor wasn't a good guy
Thor was the god that championed man. He would absolutely not lose his shit and murder a family of mortals. When Thor gets mad, he pitches a fit but doesn't go berserk and ruin everything. The closest he comes is in his journey to Utgard when the son of the family hosting him sucks the marrow from the bone of one of Thor's regenerating goats. Thor demands restitution, and the father becomes Thor's servant for the journey. Thor doesn't chimp out. Again, it's doing GoW shit.
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I don't get why not being accurate is a problem. My favorite childhood anime is Saint Seiya and its version of Athena is basically Kannon-sama with a Greek name
This is why wizards wear robes instead of pants, robes = dresses
I realized the witch was a tranny after a couple of episodes. At first I thought s/he had a weird voice because it was supposed to sound like an old woman but then I figured it out. Probably the most anime shit in the show, (draw a girl, called it a guy)
Welp now I am no longer willing to give this show a chance. Wait is it actual trans or just cross dressing?
Man I didn’t even realize it til she fucked the poet and suddenly “hey wait the witch is a dude?!”
I completely misunderstood the whole story bit I guess.
>Wait is it actual trans or just cross dressing?
He doesn't have tits but he may or may not cut his dick. It wasn't clear during the sex scene (yeah, he has gay sex scene). Personally I think he was just a crossdresser
>The concepts of good and evil are Christian
Thinking that the concepts of good and evil are Christian is Christian
Christianity is Hebrew nonsense and therefore not western.
It's Hercules ending up guarding Buddhist temples
Snyder directed episodes 1 and 8.
its more girl power fantasy slop for Slop Snyder, nobody cares anymore
are the shills just going to pretend that there isnt a brown man getting fucked in the ass while fucking an aryan girl in the first couple of episodes, lmao
Not sure why people are bitching. It's a great show.
That second part is why I gave it a shot.
People rag on everything Snyder makes. People even complain about Watchmen, despite it being the greatest comic movie of all time.
You forgot good writing.
Why do people act like Egill is some indian or black when his background is just being a slightly more tan Scandinavian like the rest of the characters in the show?
His voice actor is Indian.
So if the action is less interesting than Castlevania does that mean the writing is at least better? That's not a high bar, but still.
lol at this retard.
>Yeah, but only if he said you were the one taking it.
lol lmao at the amount of historical revisionism gay retards do here.
anon that's still how it works today. I don't how to tell you this, but everyone is a little zesty.
If you're not pale, you're basically black
Eh... Odin did pretended to be a woman for a very long time in order to learn magic. Plus, he still gets shit-talked for knowing magic as a man
Things like God of War, where someone's OC kills Greek gods and the like feel incredibly disrespectful. I don't sperg out over every instance where someone gets mythology wrong, but things like GoW and this get under my skin.
When was that? I thought he learned all of his runes from hanging himself on the world tree. Thor though pretended to be Freyja and went on a date with a giant king though to get his hammer back.
He's Mediterranean
So we're not disputing that the show is gay, but arguing about just HOW gay it is then?
>blacks as norse gods
Is she hot at least?
If it had Arcane-level of absolutely obnoxious shills, you mean.
So is she just supposed to be genderbent Sigurd?
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We're so back Snyderchads!
This show is so retarded, why the fuck did Thor get a blowjob from Jormungandr lol
>co/faggots being filter by sexy female lead who fucks
My opinion of you guys were low, but not this low.
>femoid protag
Instant trash.
As always, pure multi-layered kino casting And execution for Thor that works not only solely for this particular version, but also in context of classic(al) painting and overall pop culture context.

never left
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Snyder has a higher sense of art than any other movie director currently working in the industry.
I'm on ep 3 atm and it's not bad. Nice visuals, violence and gore and neat designs.

It is gynocentric, there's no way around that, but the male cast at least for the moment doesn't feel like its been super dumbed down or degraded as modern media usually does. Maybe that will change in the next episodes and shit will turn 100% lame somehow, but for the now, it's not as bad as the filtered say it is.

Writing is also alright. It's stylized, simple and made to fit the pacing and theme of the show. Could be better, but for what it is, it does the job. Definitely heard worse.
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If you are obsessed with pajeets so much why not to just travel to India/Pakistan and get raped there by them and then turned upside down and hidden in the forest?

All women are dumb cunts and any portrayal of them in a positive light such as being smart or capable or strong is so detached from reality, it actively hurts any work as a result.
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owls are so silly
>nonwhite coded
Oh shut the fuck up, faggot.
In one of the songs, Loki accuses Odin of dressing like a woman and using feminine magic

I've forgotten which one though
Jormungandr is the only being with a long enough throat to deepthroat Thor
>Explicit porn on screen
Yeah nope
Just finished it.
It's woke shit full of interracial sex scenes, feminist power fantasies and trite nu-viking myths, don't watch it
>inb4 not true
The whole thing about "jörmungandr eating Thor" at ragnarok is interpreted as she (yes, the World Serpent is a she) giving Thor a blowjob ("eating" him). I'm not kidding.
Have you forgotten about the nigger magic archer, the tranny witch and the gay bard, all part of the protagonist strong wemen group?
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have you ever actually read a myth that wasn't sanitized by Disney or a PG-13 ratings
I did and Jörmungandr is a literal snake as big as the world that in the end times eat Thor, not a random pixie-haircut bitch who goes around shipwrecks offering blowjobs to gods.
This show is trash and not even good trash.
You might as well have just said old people millennials are just what 2, 3 years from all being in there 30’s and up.
Zack Snyder coded...
Pretty much sprinkle in some god of war and you got it.
I'll never understand why modern society has started trying to represent Thor as the bad guy, like in this show or god of war.
He's the god of thunder, of storms and rain, the defeater of giants of ice and fire which (by tradition) are evil by nature. He drinks and laughs and fights, what's not to like?
I hate the term "adult animated show", and when I see it used I always assume OP is shilling.
because show's PoV is of ... you won't believe this, a giant off-spring.
>This show is trash
Thor is a giant's offspring, he's 3/4 giant to be more exact. And he has a 7/8 giant son. He just hates evil giants
you could blame Christianity, thor does a lot of things that are bad from a Christian point of view.
he drinks in excess, eats a lot, pick fights and kills people just for fun.
now that Thor became popular thanks to marvel it may had atracted the atention of people looking at him thinking ''you know he was kinda of a unChristian bad guy''
It is, though
not an argument

Show is awesome, even you know that
the people shitting on the gods here are the same people shitting on christianity. it’s anti religious/ pro enlightenment. you’re fucking retarded
>he thinks the people making this shit are christian
What fucking planet are you on
I've noticed recent stuff like GoW and this have just removed Frigg entirely and just left Freyja. Pretty gay to not have both, especially since Frigg is the one that shows up in other Germanic records and Freyja doesn't even have a real name (freyja means lady)
>I did and Jörmungandr is a literal snake as big as the world that in the end times eat Thor
Thor fights Jormungandr and wins, but drops dead after taking nine steps because he'd been injected with Jormungandr's venom.
TWO R-rated giantess stuff in a same year from Zack Snyder!

He is forever the Greatest.
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very funny
I choose to believe that Based Zack only introduced the Ryan Choi Atom in the Snyder Cut to adapt the story arc where he dates Giganta.
4D chess

probably was "hottest thing on Earth" quote related build up
So is it worth checking out?
Obviously. It is like cool misleading video game ad except 8 hours instead of 2 minutes
This is why I truly visit 4chan
Same trvthnvke as the Germanics are actually Chinese
Sounds like autism.
uncensored edition
8 episodes of slop
It's trying to subvert your expectations, but they've been doing the same thing for years now so it's already our expectation at this point
Nobody will ever like stronk femoid protags besides faggots
I just don't care enough to suffer through any more Strong Female Characters. I'm sure the "modern audience" will support this show, and all shows, so nobody needs to pander to chuds and their "female characters should not all be the same angry girlboss" regressive nonsense.
I watched 3 minutes of it, and it looks like the main character is a lesbo. Someone tell me she gets a dick in her or I won't give it another chance.
Wanting a self-insert is not gay and I will not be shamed for it.
So what's the deal with Odin seeing crucified Jesus when he hanged himself and when he traveled to the future and knelt in front of the church? And what's with that ending? Can somebody please explain?
>canon Sigrid feet
He wanted the witch to show him the future so she did, and he saw how Ragnarok is inevitable and all the gods die and humanity abandon their pagan Norse gods and embrace Jesus.
As for the ending I assume it’s second season bait.
>god of war
Wasn't GoW Thor a pretty decent dude otherwise who's only after you because you killed his sons?
She's travelling with her boyfriend/fiancé the whole time and the conflict with Thor kicks off because Thor interrupts her wedding.
I like the first episode so far...
No, she's not a genderbent Sigurd. She does kill Fafnir in one episode along with her squad though, but that's about it
literally in that episode he fucks her bf
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>directed by zack snyder
Turns out the brown coded dude was not cucking the master. It was all consensual between the three of them and not revenge. therefore, it's lame and gay.
also, the story thinly veiled Hebrew nonsense

lastly this shit is dogshit. that is all
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Well now! :)
Aww... Should've known it was too good to be true :(
Shalom, Moshe
I thought it was pretty good and I don't even like Snyder, his films are garbage. This had a good aesthetic, very metal, lots of violence and sucking and fucking and a suitably Viking sense of pervasive doom. I see in this thread that it pisses off retards too which is a nice little schadenfreude bonus.
>mature means we say bad words and show blood and boobs!
I was kind of hoping I'd like this, but it turned out to be pretty bad and either insanely derivative or a series of terrible coincidences.
Had to give up after the team-building montage, whole concept is bile-inducing. I'm open to being convinced to give the rest a try, but it seems like the rest would be a bad, boring time.
>Funny how quick haters got quiet.
Hater here.
I didn't even bother watching it.
>that MC Hammer song plays when Thor is onscreen
Is the witch supposed to be trans?
Yes, but its actually culturally appropriate.
Magic is considered women stuff, so the original witch foresaw her son would live life as a woman to be a witch like her.
>pagan gods
>western tradition

Why did Sigrid get to go to Vahalla but her companions didn't? The Valkaries wouldn't take her companion because she had a cursed weapon and Hel took her. Sigrid also had a cursed weapon.
>He's the god of thunder, of storms and rain

And people used to fear thunder and storms because it was a sign of Gods being angry
There were 193 Popes before Norse Mythology was even written down. Plus, all those similarities are incredibly broad.
**Let me post 4chan.**
No, but one of his plots caused it.
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>pointless slo mo
Snyder alright
>Odin, you help the wrong people win!
>Maybe, but at least I'm not a fag
>But you are a fag!
Makes sense, how else would he avoid it like the plague?
Because he represents what men aspire to be.
>what if Superman is evil
>what if Thor is evil
Snyder is just a hack doing the same shit over and over again.
>Loki I think you are looney troon and fag faggot
>but it is YOU who is a fag, wtf
>Why isn't he like the Thor in my comic books??
>what if Thor is evil
Thor butchered giants like pigs.
really woke and super anti white male feminist propaganda
white men really are not allowed to have even a single thing for them
>super anti white
it's norse mythology bro
there's not a more white culture on the planet
>Despite being more burn scar than man, Spear was still able to get hard and knock up his crush.
What a guy.
>every fight scene feature white guys having to be reacued or getting killed by women
>women never get rescued or defeated vy white guys
>99% of the important characters are girlbosses with no flaws who order around and lecture the remaining white guys who are depicted as weaker and less competent
>male characters all are shirtless but and only women wear armor
The giants in this were depicted in a much more sympathetic light. Usually they're violent and monsterous and canabalistic so Thor is culling them to keep them from starting wars and eating defenseless villagers.
It's Zack Snyder so shirtless men are pretty much a given like slow motion fight scenes and cringe music choices.
Much more sympathetic light than what? In the original myths the jotunn aren't, like, good guys, but they don't eat anyone that I remember.

Nobody cares about your emotional validation issues anon, go whine on your blog
>'Pervert' here was the translator softening the language used. The original term 'argr', is basically the equivalent of faggot or sissy, with the same sexual undertone we have for it today.
it is similar how only Zack Snyder's film 1:1 adapted faggot moment from the Watchmen comics
It is Netflix produced + it is 2024 + Zack Snyder personally directed enough of male centered , especially The White MAN centered epics, let girls have their heroes too sweetie.
+ he is on similar creative arc as Jerry Siegel who wrote Silver Age (ie original) Supergirl (which he never even created) as much more competent than Silver Age Superman in HIS comics.
Trust the Plan.
You never read about the Norse mythology, did you?
Giants are the enemy of the Aesir and Vane and Thor is the protecor of Asgard.
I have, Thor is kind of a dick. Remember when he tried to murder Utgard-Loki in his sleep?
More anti-God blasphemy and sodomy made by atheist fake jew faggots like snyder.
Again, because Giants and God's are enemies who constantly try to trick each other.
Thors hate is directed against them, not humans.
>Again, because Giants and God's are enemies
The lead of the show is a giant on a blood vendetta against Thor specifically. Thor will also absolutely kill a human motherfucker who offends him.

Pagan gods were not generally nice guys and neither were norse chieftains. Apart from being played up some for the antagonist role nothing Thor does is in the show is particularly out of character.
when was the last time a western action animation was about a competent and cool white male hero and not a girlboss?
even the 2 shows I can remember that have male leads always make sure that they are mostly incompetnt and the butt of every joke c while intreducing tons of girlboss "side character" who are more competent then him at everything and again resuces him every fight.
I genuinely love that, to you people, even an ass-kicking deadly serious husband and wife team who have hot threesomes with a female concubine are still part of the plot to drain your precious bodily fluids.
>Pagan gods were not generally nice
They were not all the same. Like other pantheons, so,e gods are more benevolent to humans than others. Thor was to most popular among the worshippers and considered the closest to humans.
Thor was considered a protector of humans against inimical forces, yes. You seem to have strayed pretty far from any kind of point, let me know when you get back to one.
>tits gore and swearing means we're MATURE
fuck off, this is garbage.
Tits gore and swearing means you're METAL, you fucking dweeb.

What even is your point?
Thor was never considered evil by humans and I made it pretty clear and you seem to agree after all.
>but Giants
Don't matter for the pov of humans.
>Thor is kind of a dick.
> Apart from being played up some for the antagonist role nothing Thor does is in the show is particularly out of character.
>Thor is fRiEND to HOOMan KiND
Can you elucidate your complaint or are you just going to say this over and over?
>Thor does is in the show is particularly out of character.
Thor is not the antagonist of human. That is completely against the position of him in the Norse mythology and completely ooc, so yes you are completely wrong.
So I know it will be girl boss and emasculated men

I'll pass
Snyder is known as the King for a reason.
Why are they still doing this shit ?

BlackRock must be running out of other people's money by now, how can Netflix be this retarded.
Nta, but if you look at the root of the word jotunn, it actually meant "devourer" so there likely were myths about them eating people. They just didn't survive until today. They probably all just had the same basic formula though, something like
>oh no, that jotunn is eating people!
>Thor or the cool village kid is here and killed him!
>we're saved!
Correct, "Thor is not the antagonist of human" in the show. He's antagonistic towards a couple specific humans who are helping a giant and Loki try to kill him. Much like he was antagonistic to those people who lamed his goat, or to those house-breakers he killed. Is that all?
>Girl boss saves man
>Evil white norse god tries to kill them
Ahh yes, I wonder why the (((media))) loves this show...
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>>from Hollywood blockbusters
>>to expensive streaming flicks
>>to cartoon shows
>Can't wait til he wins his way down to local stage theater productions.
WB just hired Zack to make a prequel to 300.

He's still doing blockbusters. And Gunn even feels threatened by his presence.
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>Makes a Nordic mythology movie
>Make those white gods evil
Ahh, thanks (((Hollywoood))) at least the Valkyries won't be black in this I suppose
>nothing Thor does is in the show is particularly out of character.
they made him comically sexist to the point his own wife wants him dead. Every interaction he had with Sigrid was a rape threat.
He's a viking you pussy
Vikings were extremely elagitarian for the time, and actually even now

Women could get divorce, for reasons as simple as personal dislike

Of course there's no surprise that (((Netflix))) would paint the masculine white Vikings as misogynists and their gods as evil
Whoops, my mistake, if I'd known you were retarded I wouldn't have said anything.
>Tits gore and swearing is METAL
>Heavy Metal
Truly embarrassing. Go sup at the table of actual metal, then you'll see why we're disappointed.
Actual metal is for Tolkien nerds with no musical taste, what we want is classic S&S fantasy.
We all want that, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to praise something just because it pisses in those waters.
>In the original myths the jotunn aren't, like, good guys, but they don't eat anyone that I remember.
Jotnar are what you actually think of when you imagine christian demons. Jotnar are explicitly described as being disgusting mutant abominations that like to rape and torture people (except for the ones that don't. Norse mythology is arbitrary like that sometimes).
Characters threatening to send each other to jotunnheimar so they can be raped by mutants definitely shows up in Skirnismal, and I think it shows up in at least one other poem. Maybe Helreith Brynhildar.
>Pagan gods were not generally nice guys
you're just reimagining all other pantheons through the lens of your perspective on the Olympians, who are notoriously callous and mean-spirited. It's a little bit of that plus you thinking "vikings were bastards, so their gods must also be bastards." But the Aesir are actually pretty cool.
>we are told that they created humanity out of love in voluspa
>Thor literally kills himself to save humanity
>Odin shares the runes, the fruits of his own sacrifice, with humans for our own betterment
and the saddest part about Voluspa is the fact that the norsr gods were basically magical neet wizards originally who just wanted to live in Asgard and chill out, and they only became violent war deities because of the threat of Jotnar destroying the universe.
>Jotnar are explicitly described as being disgusting mutant abominations that like to rape and torture people (except for the ones that don't. Norse mythology is arbitrary like that sometimes).
Jotnar can be hideous or beautiful, big or small. It would be better to think of them as a vague class like "fairies" than "hideous Christian rapist demons except when they aren't".
being abominations is their default state. They stop being abominations when there's a relevant story reason. Like Skathi and Gerthur are both beautiful because they both marry into the Vanir and the Aesir, respectively. Gunnloth is beautiful because she falls in love with Odin, only for him to break her heart. It's mostly women who aren't hideous. Thjazi also seemingly wasn't a mutant, but his ties to the Aesir seem to be greater than what Snorri Sturluson suggests in Skaldskaparmal going by the fact that, according to Grimnismal, Thjazi literally lived in Asgard.
>Like Skathi and Gerthur are both beautiful because they both marry into the Vanir and the Aesir, respectively
damn, I'm retarded
I don't know why I said that
they both marry into the Vanir
Its like X-Men 97 people soon shut the fuck up about that
Jord, Thor's mom, would've been a better example for a jotunn marrying an Aesir
>They stop being abominations when there's a relevant story reason.
Their appearance is often unspecified. I don't see that there's enough information to go on to make this assumption.
>Their appearance is often unspecified

>Hymiskvitha says Tyr's grandmother has 9,000 heads, Tyr's father is giant brute made out of lava and ice, and Tyr's father's army of Jotnar was made up of men, many of whom had more than one head, and all were made out of lava
>Skirnismal describes Jotnar as having three heads
>Alviss the dwarf (who is probably actually a troll/Jotunn) is described as looking like a walking corpse
>Vafthruthnir says that Jotnar are made out of poison in Vafthruthnismal
>The witch in Voluspa says that Loki and his band of Jotnar will ride to war on a ship made out of toenails during Ragnarok
>Brynhildar calls the Jotunn woman mocking her a "bride from the stones" (whatever that means, but it doesn't sound nice)
I think the record is pretty clear, actually. Whenever the appearance is unspecified (Thjazi, Vafthruthnir) or is specified as being beautiful (Gunnloth, Skathi, Gerthur) it's usually because they aren't meant to be the villain of the story. The norse believed strongly in physiognomy.
That can't be a real post.
I'll take your word for it, on the basis that I can't name as many giants as you.
The account's name is Mack Wyder, what do you think?
Not at all sweetie.
Different structure and a lot more sloppy since Snyder didn't actually write it unlike he did for Rebel Moon which is why one of the best and most scientific sci-fis and especially sci-fi fantasies out there. Much better than Star Wars especially when all details are intricate and by design instead of something made up not by creator
Mindbroken kek
I never said that
I never stop to think about it, do you have to draw more frames for animated slow mo?
Go and lick Gunn between the toes. That's all you shill are good for.
name a myth where thor specifically rapes someone
Odin is the patron of Vikings. Thor doesn't like Vikings or the things they get up to.
>first five minutes
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>Being a seer and a fortune teller was feminine, and there were men that lived as women in order to 'learn' it.
>Odin himself did that, and was even insulted and called a faggot by Loki in a certain story for it.
Proof that paganism is gay lmao.
I guarantee you that /co/ specifically is over 99% english-speaking whites, with a small handful of hapas and black nerds making up the remaining percent
Everybody around the world came with wanks of why it was OK to fuck men under certain circunstances but the Abrahamic religions decided to be contrarians
>Everybody around the world came with wanks of why it was OK to fuck men under certain circunstances
>the tranny witch
The witch isn't a tranny. Only played by one.
crossdressing is supposed to be an objectionable aspect of Odin's character, assuming he even did it, considering that Loki at the beginning of Lokasenna literally says that he's going to slander (lie about) the gods.
Germanic people literally ritualistically murdered gay people in bogs, and accusing a man of being a fag gave the accused the legal right to kill his accuser in scandinavia. Of all the criticisms to have of paganism, it being gay is the most retarded possible one.
I just saw a clip with some characters saying something along the lines of
>We get to kill a fucking dragon?!
>No. I get to kill a fucking dragon
Sounded like your typical "adult" animation slop. How is it any different?
Critics are foaming at the mouth at the sight of Snyder's name. Theyre so pathetic
This also
Lokasenna is likely actually referencing the myth in Gesta Danorum where Odin disguised himself as a seid-woman, gained the trust of a royal family, then worked his way into their sick daughter's room and raped her so that his son prophesized to avenge Baldr could be born. Loki is just leaving out the context for the slander
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Why do people act as if those two arent irl friends?
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Do you know if Gunn and Warner are so nervous about Superman Legacy possibly failing?
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>two arent irl friends
>neopagan cringe
kill yourself, you have a shallow understanding of religion, history and culture as a whole
cause by extrension then everyone stole from the epic of gilgamesh
whyd you post the statue that is in front of my cunts parlament
Technically he and Odin get Loki raped by a Horse.
>there are no niggers or gays!
>second episode a nigger gets anally penetrated
>Odin disguised himself as a seid-woman, gained the trust of a royal family, then worked his way into their sick daughter's room and raped her so that his son prophesized to avenge Baldr could be born.
sounds like a Chinese cartoon plot
This but with an additional twist: the original Chinese who built Chinese civilization were blonde haired blue-eyed Aryans who were conquered and chinkified by their barbarian mongol neighbors who were also blond haired and blue-eyed
only Loki had sex with a stallion, and he did it consensually.
Greco-Buddhism is pretty interesting stuff, we can thank Alexander for influencing Buddhism so much. There’s another Japanese Buddhist goddess Kishimojin that is actually the Greek goddess Tyche
I detest Snyder slop
All these motherfuckers are moving like powerpoint presentations
it was fine tbqh. I'm not even sure what the complaints are, I could make a couple of my own but looking at this thread I see one guy upset it had tits and swearing, some christcucks, some people upset Thor wasn't a superhero, people complaining about wimmen and joos, people who don't like that Snyder's name is on it and people who didn't watch it helpfully telling us why they won't. None of those are real criticisms
Jewish revisionism. Gay sex was never accepted by those Western societies, but Jews need it to, to prevent people from looking too deep into what went wrong in those societies
I see dumbshittery within dumbshittery, conspiracy theories refuting conspiracy theories, a whirling ouroboros of horseshit, a hydra where every head is empty
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What do you think? WB's stocks have plummeted. This is the only big project the company has.
You have shit taste.
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>Odin murdering tranny while he has noose on his neck
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>best adult animated show of the decade.
Wrong set of gods
>God of War invented the trope of evil gods
You are retarded.
Also, most of the things the Greek gods do in there are not even out-of-character for them. They were always canonically assholes, you were just supposed to stoically deal with it because that's just how life is. Not the most uplifting message.
it is true for jew religion too
The gods were pretty "evil" by modern standards. Read the Illiad at some point and you'll see.
>The gods were pretty "evil" by modern standards.
the Olympians maybe, but the Aesir are pretty straightforwardly good.
He doesn't strike me as the reading type
Not really. Especially considering most of the material we have on them comes from Christian sources and post-Christian traditions.
>Not really.
this is just wrong.
>considering most of the material we have on them comes from Christian sources and post-Christian traditions.
now this makes me wonder whether you've actually read any of this material, or even really understand what it is
The main source of our understanding of norse heathenism comes from the codex regius, which is just a compilation (maybe christian in origin, but no one knows who actually wrote the thing) of authentic heathen poetry.
The next big source of norse mythology comes from the prose edda, which was a book written by Snorri Sturluson who was a christian icelandic historian (he wasn't associated with the clergy as some seem to think). Snorri was attempting to parse heathen poetry, expand on it, and also tell people how to write in norse meter, because, while he was a christian, he also really liked icelandic history and paganism.
People accuse Snorri a lot of accidentally infusing christian influence into norse mythology, and if that's a concern, then you can always just defer back to the codex regius, which contains the unmolested norse oral tradition that Snorri was drawing from. All the handwringing about muh christian influence in norse mythology is a stupid smokescreen people put up to justify not knowing what they're talking about.
I was just about to go watch it to see if it's good but I read the thread so now I won't. Why would I watch something with stuff like that in it.
Ancient cultures were gay as fuck.
Greeks only accidentally fucked women.
because you will
Can anyone explain the ending? Like was it set up for a continuation or is just meant to be tragic and unsatisfying?
watch it and make your own opinion faggit. don't be a thoughtless sheeple fuckboi.

and dont worry, the scary gays won't win because you watched a pirated cartoon nor will the corpse conservatives spare you the rope if you dont watch it.
The raunchy innuendo was off-putting, then they syarted sucking fingers like porn. I quit like 5 minutes in.
Because jews are more gay than other ethnicities, and if they didn't ban it, they would have died out
Mm-hmm. Did you have anything to say that's actually in support of your claim, or is this purely a historiography lecture?
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This guy gets it. Should also note that Snorri often includes details that don't show up in other texts but show up in the archeological records, which really shows he knew a lot more than people often give credit. He often seems to know even more than the pagan poets compiled in the Poetic Edda. One example is like how Voluspa says Vidarr killed Fenrir by stabbing him through the heart, while Snorri says Vidarr killed him by sticking one foot in his bottom jaw and tearing his mouth apart. Then we found a stone carving made around 300 years before Snorri was born that agrees with him exactly. Another is like how Thor's foot broke through the bottom of his boat while catching Jormungandr only appears in Snorri's writing, but lo and behold it also shows up in pagan era carvings. Probably the worse thing Snorri did was his Prologue, but that's basically just a short disclaimer for his audience that quickly ties Scandinavia in with the new continental traditions about the Trojans before getting back to the real stuff. Now this isn't to pretend he didn't occasionally accidently misinterpret things through a Christian lenses in his explanations, but too many tards seem to just write Snorri off entirely based on hearing some pop history garbage about him being a monk (which he wasn't) and not being able to get past the Prologue without raging
In support of my claim that the Aesir are straightforwardly good?
I already did that in a different post. See >>145585731
Would it be your assertion that the Norse believed their gods didn't approve of the actions they took during war and raiding? Because this guy >>145601799 explicitly says by modern sensibilities.
But Rebel Moon sucke-
>Zack Snyder barely had any actual involvement
Ahhh. Good. Might check this out then.
>Would it be your assertion that the Norse believed their gods didn't approve of the actions they took during war and raiding?
Thor doesn't like Vikings or raiding, which is explored in the poem Harbarthsljoth. Odin "likes" viking raids only because they produce dead warriors which can increase the number of the Einherjar and (in his mind) increase the chances of stopping Ragnarok (which is, of course, a threat to the entire universe, not just to Odin personally. Essentially, he's taking a selfish approach to solving a problem common to everyone, though the problem itself is not a selfish one)
He saw how the Norse will sell out their religion and most of their culture for those sweet-sweet legitimate trade contracts. Blood may be thick, but money honey is heavier baby. Who needs Wodin when you’ve got a fat wad?
I've made a note of it, ta.
Wasn't the tranny inmediately revived when gay dude started crying over his corpse?
Love Zack Snyder, but ending fight reeks of same problem as any other thing where ESTABLISHED "Superman" doesn't just kill everyone in one swoop for Some reason. But he didn't write this, only directed.
Because Thor is considered a White male and considered Nazi ubermensch propaganda by Leftists (especially those in California) and thus must be the villain now.
This but unironically. Only thing that would make me care enough to watch it
>ubermenschen spokken unt witt lieber notten fokken onneyn wommen
>stopping Ragnarok (which is, of course, a threat to the entire universe, not just to Odin personally.
I heard after Ragnarok we get Baldur back and there's an age of peace, how much is Odin paying you?
>even the animation has loads of needless slowmotion
What is his fucking obsession
zack snyder loves two things above all else: jesus imagery and slo-motion. get him to direct a remake of the passion and he'll do the entire movie in slo-mo.
Have you ever seen a condom full of silly putty get shot with an exploding bullet in slow motion? it's pretty cool
What if we brought you finest heroin and sweetmeats? What if we used esoteric techniques to massage your asshole? Please, tell us, how can we make you care enough to watch this show? Everyone on 4chan is literally dying for this one goal.
>I heard after Ragnarok we get Baldur back and there's an age of peace,
it's cyclical. After Ragnarok, the world goes back to its pre-evil/pre-jotnar state. Then evil reenters the world, represented by Nithhoggr at the end of Voluspa.
Wtf even is this thread, imagine worshipping a fucking movie director lmao
Well that's awfully convenient for you, Odinson, but my friend's cousin got taken by the Wild Hunt and she didn't vote for any of this.
I'm not on Asgard's payroll, unfortunately. It's good pay, but I hear the turnover rate's really high.
Had a lot of fun with this (except for the ending).
Absolutely couldn't stop laughing a Jesus randomly popping up.

Only thing I hate about this and nearly all Netflix series (especially animated ones) is how the last episode is always just begging
It's a pasta of something Mark Waid said he did when he saw Man of Steel and flipped out in the theater when Kal killed General Zod.
Is every guy in the show hung like a horse?
This is what Genndy dicksuckers were pretending Primal was
Watched the whole thing, it is literally an incomplete story, and all the sex, even when it was literally plot-important, yes there were "plot important" sex scenes even though it was in relation to character's backstory, it still felt unnecessary. The sex was both too explicit to be ignored but at the same time it felt like they were holding back, like they were scared of angering the censors even though they were showing what was essentially porn.

I enjoyed the violence though, action scenes were pretty on-point imo.
You’re taking a step too far pajeet
Because we're living in a post-modern hell. Ironically, it's Odin who acts more like a villain, but he, Zeus, and every other pantheon usually get blindly accepted as the good guys. Coincidentally, Disney is responsible in most cases in one form or another: animated movies for children or capeshit for manchildren.
As for Thor, he's the most human of the gods, and that's who you'd pray to. Thor will bring you victory.
Odin is the one who'll arbitrarily screw you over.
There's one story where Thor is on one side of a river and calls out to the ferryman on the other bank. The ferryman refuses to pick him up and starts insulting him. He calls Thor a dumb oaf, a peasant, a coward, and worst of all, an oath-breaker. Thor talks about the mighty giants he's slain, and each time he asks the ferryman, "What were 'you' doing then?" and the ferryman brings brags about wars that he started and women he's fucked. At one point, I think he says that every woman that every woman who's cucked her husband had been fucking him. Then he calls Thor a cuck and his wife a whore. He tells Thor that his mother died in her sleep, and the only thing he'll return to is misery. Thor throws boulders at him, but the ferryman always dodges, and finally Thor decides that there's no way he'll be crossing the river and leaves as the ferryman continues making fun of him. The ferryman was Odin.
>it's Odin who acts more like a villain
Loki is such an unambiguous villain in norse mythology, it's not even funny. Every bad thing that ever happens in norse mythology, even in the heroic tragedies, somehow seems to always trace back to Loki being a cunt. Odin is an anti-hero, not a villain.
>There's one story
You're thinking of Harbarthsljoth, which is a social commentary that casts the vikings, using Odin as an avatar for them, as deranged psychos. People on this site have been brainrotted into prima facie rejecting any nuance ever, but norse culture was not monolithic, and many segments of their society had very complicated views of the vikings. Thor in Harbarthsljoth represents these older, more conservative parts of norse society that were skeptical of the vikings.
Why can't we at least get one fucking Norse show that gets the mythology and culture right. How is it so fucking hard to follow the source material and scholarship
How much does it ape from Marvel?
The pantheon is ranged to be about 1000 to 2000 years older that Christianity.
More likely that'll happen to you since it's your homeland.
Pretty much nothing. There's some annoying Whedonesque dialogue, but this version of Odin, Thor and Loki are much more inspired by mythology than by Jack Kirby.
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I'm tired of norse paganism and vikings just as much as niggers
>People on this site have been brainrotted into prima facie rejecting any nuance ever
Well excuuuuuuuse me princess for not being up to date on my Norse anthropology. I've read it, but I've not read about it. How am I supposed to infer such meaning? You imply that it should be obvious.
>Loki is the real villain
Most of the gods wouldn't have the items they're known for if not for Loki. In my opinion imo Loki only did two evil things: get Baldr killed and prevent Hel from releasing him. Everything else was in good fun.
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Well I know someone who won't be returning to Hyperborea.
Vikings are the only type of whites to be liked by modern society since they were snow niggers who stole and raped from other Europeans.
>Watched the whole thing, all the sex, even when it was plot-important, yes there sex scenes. The sex was explicit but it felt like they were holding back what was essentially porn.
Sounds like you had fun.
So no sympathetic “sad bo” shit for Loki? That’s already a good sign, do they balance Odin well?
That's normal isn't it?
Doesn't seem like it.
He likes comics and wants to recreate them on screen. And maybe a bit of >>145608094
Name at least one thing that actually Ends.
You are brown
Notice how you can't even write that he/she/they/them/whatever is wrong
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Fitting ad
It is always some kind of collective browngroid hivemind, it is never "I" with you "people"
Imagine having such a deep brainrot that Thundercats 1985 would be too """SJW"""" for you.
Jerk off THEN post
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triggered browngroid!
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More Snyderkino of the way bros.
>are excited
No. I can't wait for anything 300 after Snyder's DC or Rebel Moon or even after Army of the Dead or no not even Sucker Punch.
Snyder's 300 is great for opening and closing on JFK assassination symbolismus and Rise of an Empire is great for Sparta = red capes Troya = navy blue capes. And that's that. Potential completely fulfilled and released.
Unlike with Snyder's DC or Rebel Moon and something in the vain or imaginary stories of Sucker Punch.
Globally of course it all serves to the Great Superman Restoration. Along with all Henry Cavill projects.
>I am not only of Greek desent, but my lineage can be traced back to the Spartans so I am thrilled about this decision
What an absolute faggot.
>In my opinion imo Loki only did two evil things: get Baldr killed and prevent Hel from releasing him. Everything else was in good fun.
things that were apparently "in good fun"
>murdering an innocent man in Lokasenna because the man was getting more attention at a party than Loki was
>slandering the gods because they kicked him out of a party for murdering a man
>helping to lead the Jotnar to destroy the universe as revenge for the gods torturing him for murdering an random innocent dude and then slandering them
>knowingly giving cursed weregild to Hreithmar, leading to the total devastation of Hreithmar's family, the Volsungs, the Gibishcungs, and Atilla the Hun's family
>randomly mutilating animals according to one of the last few weird stanza of Hymiskvitha????
Just what I needed, more norseshit
so tired of everything having to be the same feminist proganda
>so tired of proganda
Sleep sweet prince
Nah, he was described in the first game as a total monster. In Ragnarok its just revealed he’s a monster because Odin made him that way. And while that doesn’t excuse his actions at all, he is in a game where the protagonist was also a monster in the past, so there was a chance for him to be better too.
You are legitimately obsessed
Gunn wrote Snyder's first movie.
Haven’t watched it. What’s the worst/funniest thing in it?
Worst thing is inconsistent power scale/danger of Thor (Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader and its consequences...) and natural results of 2024 (actually post 1989 capeshit, Batman by Tim Burton started this all but it became fully retarded when they racebend even in animation/non movie related vidya) production having darkies where they aren't supposed to be, but at least not as egregious.
And looks like tranny is at least actual myths accurate more or less.

Everything else is great. But that's a given for Snyder produced thing.

I don't find war and death funny.
>Haven’t watched it.
While we're on the subject, I haven't watched the Sopranos, or been to Oslo, or done heroin.
Snyder is literally one of few genuinely pro God ie pro Truth filmmakers working inside big Hollywood machina.
Which is why he is exclusively hated by swarthiest kind of jews and other browngroids.
Snyder has never ONCE proselytized the Book of Mormom you lying black jewish atheist machine faggot.
Don't all you godless atheist paedophile liars say you can't prove a negative?
>inconsistent power scale/danger of Thor (Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader and its consequences...)
Could you explain what you mean by this? But please don't screech, if you have to invoke jews, women, darkies, christians, atheists et al I retract the question.
What to explain? It is typical problem of evil/unrestrained Superman and Superman that is Already established as incredibly powerful without establishing any real weakness or "stamina" at all.
At least for now. Maybe they already wrote some big reveal or 180° twist for Season 2 and this isn't The Boys all over again.
I don't want to spoiler and I don't know how to do spoiler in 4chan

Also wym don't invoke, this is Norse myth based. If Hollywood suddenly decides to do Haitian voodoo myth stuff or Islam and then instead of what you would expect to see Papa Legba or Prophet Muhammed (PBUH or whatever) to look like you would see Anthony Starr or Henry Cavill here?
Also what do you fear?

I already saw some browngroids on Xhitter and YouTube comment on "white Jesus" even though TotG Jesus Is tanned at Very least.
Anti-whitness shall be stopped or else it will be doom for everyone since there wouldn't be any place to immigrate to anymore. Let alone space for any kind of decadence like trans hobby or whatever.

I hope Henry Cavill will found his company one day and hopefully it will be ultimate gatekeeper production. Black is black, white is white. A is A, B is B. Samurai Jack is Asian, even tho he is voice by Darkie. Etc. Only he can save capeshit.
Finished it. Okay if you have nothing else to watch, nothing special.
Your command of English is incomprehensible. I'm sure I could puzzle out what you mean to say if I tried, but I don't care to; anything east of England is swarthy or tawny. Go consort with your fellow niggers and decide how to order yourselves as you please, it's no concern of proper people.
I’ve never once heard about this.
It was announced only a month or so before release. Virtually no marketing. If Snyder hadn't made it it would've gone unnoticed.
>Snyder pajeets fuck off.
Why do people here hate Snyder so much lol?
>What’s the worst/funniest thing in it

odin seen jesus and being left in despair
He did a couple bad superhero films and he has a loud online fanbase. I think? I don't pay attention to this shit.
If I had a nickel for every time I've read about a Norse god being shocked and depressed by foreseeing the coming of Jesus stealing his worship in classic 70s-80s fantasy literature I'd have two nickels
Everything you know about Norse mythology was written by Christians, you idiot
technically true, as christians (probably, we don't actually know for sure) recorded several poems in the norse oral tradition, but the original poems themselves were created by pagans
The idea of Odin's sacrifice was invented by a pagan originally without reference to the myth of jesus' crucifixion, which we can say pretty confidently, as the actual purpose of Odin's sacrifice is related to a recurrent theme in norse mythology of people achieving great power when they straddle life and death.
An anon ITT pointed out that what we think of as the Elder Edda is heavily derived from the Codex Regius which is of uncertain but probably non-Christian origin.
Who's the writer?
>WoN: Talk us through the collaborative process of working on the show alongside Zack Snyder and Eric Carrasco — how did you work together to develop the show?

>I briefly mentioned it above, but in addition to how we all started, Eric, Zack, and I would sit together and discuss the series as a whole. Eric would write out a breakdown summary of each episode based on what we all had agreed upon. Then, Zack and I would add our notes and then Eric would then hand it off to his writing team or write it himself. Eric and I were in constant contact, and he would often ask me some details I had mentioned in the original pitch to Netflix, and he would then find a way to weave that into the episodes.

>Zack and I often focussed on the story’s broad strokes, and Eric and his team would fine-tune it. It was a great collaboration to see my original story evolve into what Twilight became.
I just realized that Jay Oliva basically spoiled the show's ending in that interview

>...that Ragnarok did indeed happen, that the one true god fought in that great battle and that a man and a woman also survived. The time we live in now is the aftermath of Ragnarok, and we are all descendants of that original couple that survived and fought alongside the gods during Ragnarok: Adam and Eve.
>I’m paraphrasing, of course, but this idea was really interesting to me as a filmmaker. I wanted to tell the story of these two humans and the world that ended around them during Ragnarok, the death of the Norse gods.

I guess we'll see Adam and Eve next season and maybe Sigrid somehow converting to Christianity
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Ay lmao! Cope and seethe Gunnfag tranny.
This makes pajeet LARPagans seethe.
I didn’t want to engage, but fine. Primal is a show with almost zero dialogue that manages to create some really great characters with emotional depth without it. The action isn’t the main focus, it’s the characters.

None of that applies to twilight of the gods.
Why don’t people try to sell this show on its own merits instead of going “THERE ARE NO WOMEN OR GAYS OR BROWNS” (all of which are highly present).

If you need to lie about a show then the show isn’t good, simple as.
Because no one cares about it
I hope it's extremely homoerotic with no actual gay love/sex.
If they really want to spook people they should have had a gay orgy of men frotting!
Honest question: Why does this show seem to be so popular in India?
Brahmins aren't white, Rajeesh
Indians love snyder for some fucking reason. I don’t know why specifically but they’re all over him like feces on an Indian street. Even looking at IMDb scores by country have Indians rating it the highest.
the only "sad boy" element Loki has in this is Sigrid learns the big reason he's manipulating her to kill Thor is if she does it then Jormungandr, who's a cute snake girl in this, doesn't have to die to kill Thor so Loki is fighting to save his family.
You are just too retarded to comprehend me. Your country was niggered to much...
So you don't know but you will respond anyways
Sigrid may be(come) Lucifer
It, luckily, isn't. You can't even guess correctly, truly this is over for you jeet fetishist, you played this game and it bested you already so soon.
Unsubstantiated claims. In the end you are here and not in Primal thread. And you can't even Really tell what you liked about Primal simply because you can't, you hate Zack Snyder more than you like anything. B.
Holy ESL. I literally gave you the reasons I like primal you mongoloid. You probably didn’t even understand it on account of being a cow shit eating brownoid.
You didn't, you just wrote generic word salad.
You are brown, not me.
Not to mention that carbon dating of the earliest new testament fragments shows belief in the crucifixion and resurrection centuries before any christian could have met a danish pagan.
The internet didn't exist in ancient rome.
You would prefer someone who's certain they do know to reply? I don't think you know what you're asking for. Trust in diffidence.
Carbon dating is unsubstantiated jewish myth
Carbon itself is 666 so the word means dating the liar
Second century Christians could have met Germanic pagans. It's just extremely unlikely that Germanic paganism influenced the New Testament. Also, the earliest New Testament fragments haven't been carbon dated, it's a destructive process and nobody likes doing it to ancient tomes when there are softer methods available.
Radiocarbon is 668, that's the whole point of carbon dating
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>It's adult because it has gore and sex in it.
Things are good or bad independent of whether they have gore and sex in them. Why are prudes hanging out on 4chan? Either you liked it or you didn't, stop moralfagging.
Also I remembered another issue I have with TotG, which is also was in Invincible (the pro-White comics, no idea what will they do in anti-white cartoons) is that during frienemy clashes no main character actually get killed or badly harmed despite that there Are people sliced badly and/or presumably killed.
Unfortunately that's just bane that most just can't overcome and why DC were in the right with 1941 censorship which reached its sanest peak in 1960s.

But the thing is, there is No 1960s like anything anymore, at all. Except Wonder Woman 84 movie.

Even in comics it is just looney troon mess where there are just "good" characters that are supplied with their "bastard" variants that "can" kill or do any real wrong.

I will take unrestrained even if it is inconsistent over trans-morality any day, but obviously I'd prefer if it was honest power scale and if people Would get killed and badly harmed at "random" OR if it was kids gloves for All the parties so it wouldn't be like picrel.

Because (YOU) can always fan cut the (more or less) honest capeshit, while dishonest capeshit will always be like that.
Yes, and Also because there is nuance and healthy PoV adjestant view on events. Which is in all Zack Snyder produced things, same can't be said or written about most others.
>It's adult because it has gore and sex in it.
I mean they're not exactly PG-13 themes.
these people want to sexualize kids
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I did make a point though you fucking brownoid. People say primal created great characters with no dialogue and has violence with weight because we care about them.

ToTG is dialogue driven, thus the first point doesn’t apply to it. The only thing these shows have in common is that there are adult themes, everything else from style to substance is completely different.

So no, this isn’t “what /co/ said primal was” it’s completely fucking different (and not nearly as good)

I don’t expect you to grasp this due to your ESL tendencies but I figured I’d try explaining this to you.
Browngroid-sama, You are here, in TotG thread telling everyone how "better" Primal is. Not the other way around.
As it usually happens btw.
>last panel
Kjartan either Knew or accidently posted ironic Trvthnvke, considering both Shuster and Siegel did "porn/R-rated (for that time, espeically for Shuster because in 1950s even fucking kisses were crossing the "line") " with "Superman" , both did that before Watchmen ie first ever "Superman having sex" book published by "official' DC, and almost decade After Watchmen was released Curt Swan also did "porn Superman".
John Byrne run brainwashing moment was really deep kino cut when you put it into perspective and context.

I don't know if Wayne Boring ever did "porn" with Superman tho, that would be "missing link" if he didn't, for many people and certain fake fans pretending he doesn't really matter he Is important even if he was George Lazenby/Timothy Dalton esque in terms of longevity of his art style being dominant one.
I haven't seen it

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