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>Anyone can cook
>but only certain rectums are made for storing zucchini.
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If I squeeze her nose, will it make a honk noise?
*anyone can cooks in your path*
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I'm impressed that Ratatouille avoided being expanded into a whole franchise like other Pixar films, and frankly I hope it stays that way.
That's because a rat preparing your food is extremely unsavory.
Just because you posted that, someone reading this with connections to disney is gonna speed up their strong independent Collette prequel spinoff script and they're gonna give her a hook nose.
I don't think you can. Not only is >>145534786 correct the premise BARELY works for a fictional story but there's also the factor that rats only live like one year. Remy's new restaurant will close down in less than a year due to him already being an adult rat throughout the first movie. You really can't make sequels out of Rataouille. Unless it's one that takes place immediately during the epilogue of the first movie continuing the story. The other problem is what story can you even do that isn't a repeat of the first movie with people yet again finding out a restaurant has rats in the kitchen.

The only idea that comes to mind is Remy has a family which would be generic boring a fuck.
I haven't seen this movie in forever, did Linguini learn to cook?
Disney will find ways to force more if they actually want to. Sequels, spinoffs, prequels, nothing is off the table for this soulless corporation.
>why are you doing this?! Open the door i dont want to die!
>your crime? Subpar taste in cartoons.
Post it.
Cool it with the antisemitism, Anon.
mama mia!
Jesus oh mighty lord of thunder
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GOD I wish that were me
Still better than American goysIop.
>but there's also the factor that rats only live like one year. Remy's new restaurant will close down in less than a year due to him already being an adult rat throughout the first movie. You really can't make sequels out of Rataouille.
He's a cartoon rat. Practically immortal.
The story is devastating if you think about it for more than 5 seconds. Like just imagine being Collette: not only have you spent years mastering the art of cooking, but you fought to claw your way up through a professional world that doesn't respect you and become a chef at a world famous restaurant, even if it's past its glory days.

Then along comes this rat, who has barely been alive for a year, and hasn't actually been cooking much at all his entire life. All he's got is a good sense of smell, but that innate and unearned talent is enough to immediately be the greatest chef in the world, and he somehow also instant picks up all the physical techniques for cooking the instant he sees or thinks of them. He's constantly correcting your "mistakes," he's able to propel the garbage boy to the world stage while awkwardly cooking vicariously, he wins over the most acclaimed food critic in Paris (who also killed the restaurant when he was previously unsatisfied), and now he has his own restaurant that you work bitch at.

No matter what, her and any dream she had of prominence as a cook was conclusively BTFO by a piece of literal fucking vermin. Even when he dies and she takes over, she'll be working HIS restaurant and will know that she was never able to surpass him--potentially even owing any success in any venue/venture after to that rat (not to mention, if she keeps the restaurant, she'll have to remove a star, lol). Plus, how many other rats might just be better than her? Remy's an outlier for his sense of smell, but it's not impossible there's another, and they get like that just because they're born that way. Her ego would never find any peace even if she somehow finds a way to cope over Remy, as she'll be aware that there's easily scores of other vermin out there that would also innately blow her the fuck out by virtue of existing, and her ego was only ever protected by the fact that they were too verminous to be allowed to cook.
Nah, he became a rollerskating waiter.
I want to put a bun in her oven, a baker's dozen in fact.
Wouldn't that be far too hot to taste?
Did he want to be a chef?
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and anyone can get sexually assaulted and played off as "romantic" because of Lasseter

now you know why Ratatouille didn't get a sequel or live action remake.
She's a strong woman ... a terrifying woman.

Hey, he washes his hands.

It's a good thing she was so horny or that could have ended badly.
Nah, not really. Dude just wanted a job, and for something to go right in his life for once. The chef thing was just something he had to roll with.
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I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass.
Supple french lips :3
>He doesn't have the extension
Also it was Linguini getting anal Zuccini while Collete strokes his Weiny.
Ok, now what were >>145535206 and >>145535342 replying to?
the same thing. he evaded.
This isn’t a double standard, he never believed in the line
the only way her design could be improved is two thick eyebrows
I agree, and I've had pet rats as a kid.
it doesn't need a sequel lol.
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>half the thread is scorched earth'd
What in God's name did I just walk into..
It's so weird Collette changed personalities and became submissive to the ugly guy so quickly.
Disney/Pixar Presents: RataTWOille
>rats only live like one year
Wait until you hear about Mickey Mouse
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>Anyone can cook
Is that really true?
Yes, but only if they learn from somebody that can cook already.
No. Anyone can follow a recipe but not anyone can cook.
That's a bad example. Something like that is done on purpose so it can be posted online for views. Real bad cooking is Jack Scalfana.
it would be extremely squeaky.
She's french, she enjoyed the drama
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Everyone always forgets the moral at the end of the movie in favor of its setup, which is a shame, because it's a genuinely great life lesson.
>...not anyone can become a great artist, but great art can come from anyone.
She had a "woman in the workforce" deal going on, fierce as a defense mechanism. She met a guy who was kind and who appreciated her talents.
Not everyone can cook but anyone can cook.
Let me guess, angry you got rejected by the Austrian School of Gastronomy?
yes, great art can come from AI.
You're a fille grande.
Why? It's steaming, not boiling.
It's too bad they didn't use the actual three-star Michelin system in the movie (and if branding is a problem presumably not saying "Michelin" would cover that). If they lose one of three stars from Gusteau's death and another because of bad leadership, then they're down to a single star and one the precipice of falling into the ocean of no-star eateries, which obviously means the death of the restaruent. The staff would probably quit en masse and try to get jobs at non-disgraced fine dining restaurants.
What am I looking at?

The only thing I can sort of identify look like chunks of Oreos.
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lmao imagine taking dining advice from this guy
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She's so cute when she's processing things~
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Why would you force this upon mine eyes
Not anyone can cook, but a great cook can come from anywhere. Clearly not from wherever you live.
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Pour toi.
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Did you mean to say "unsanitary"? 'Cause Remy seems like he's got great fuckin taste
NTA but unsavory can also just mean unpleasant.
gets me every time lmao
Just check the archived thread, ya goof

This is your archived post:
Brown Rats live for about 2 years in the wild, but can live up to 4 or 5 in good human care. Of course, by year five they’ll be begging for death like poor Mr Jingles.
Underrated kek
What did he mean by this?
The nose and sleepy eyes make her so hot
Would you rather have a rat prepare your food or an indian?
speak for yourself
Streetshitter? No, I value my bowels too much for that.
Rat? Depends. If the rat in question is Remy I would have no objections, since he's actually aware of basic hygiene principles. Streetshitters are also somewhat aware of said principles, to the extent that they've noticed exclusively using one hand for shitting and one for handling food results in less cases of the shits.
He's the son of Auguste Gusteau
kek. Saving this for a filename thread.
You need to be retarded in order not to understand it.
Chefs basically just stop taking fire damage after a while.
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Just post the pic of linguini getting cucked by the buff rat already
OK, but what did he mean by this?
Is that A RAT?
ayo why luigi lookin at remy's lil rat penis
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Ratatouille should've won Best Picture.
It didn't? A shame.
"Raccacoonie" was like something out of a Friedberg and Seltzer movie. The fact that Everything Everywhere swept the Oscars still disgusts me to no end.
Goddammit i knew what it was going to be and still clicked

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