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in case anyone still gives a shit about this game which I certainly do
I'm so happy Mona bros
Wanna make Mona moan.
Hell yeah!
Is it a hot take to say that OG Mona is best Mona?
Should have been Venus instead of Mondo No One Cares About Him. And don't say it doesn't make sense because Karai never existed in this TMNT series and yet she undeservedly got made playable and considered a hero even though she's historically a huge villain who gets away with her crimes. So...lets throw logic out the window.

Man they really took way too long four years later is when they finally "realize" Mona Lisa is a beloved oldie character? Too late. I don't care about the game anymore. I've had my fill so I don't care about this and won't give them anymore more money. Doesn't help the developers are woke political freaks.
im still so pissed i paid for this and then it went on gamepass core like a week later
Of course she's the best one but that's not saying much.

Second Mona in the history of the franchise is an ALIEN. She is so far removed from being Mona Lisa that she has her own alien name and Raphael goes "Girl I love you but not enough to memorize your name so for shits and giggles I'm calling you Mona Lisa!" And she goes "Okay Raka Raka!" you know that weird sound effect that she does.

The third Mona Lisa is the IDW one. She has a cute design but holy hell is her personality horrible. She's Lisa Simpson basically an entitled brat political activist whore who whines about being mutated yet she loves it but she HAS to make a loud scene about it. And she's always unhappy that the turtles don't listen to her orders and whining and Raphael dodged a bullet in this series. Sadly Donatello is her love interest in this and I'm going to say it Donnie can do better than this bitch unless her attitude gets better.
I like that her unused sprite is now been improved better.
>No One Cares About Him
I do :(
Only for Xbox systems? Awww...
Don't get offended but the franchise never did anything major with Mondo so he's kind of a nothing character in TMNT. Even Tokka and Razar which are lame giant babies have made bigger waves they even sell merchandise.
You will never have an amphibian mad scientist gf.
Don't like Mona Lisa's portrait art it looks kind of lame. And don't like her walking animation she walks like an idiot bimbo when she's supposed to be an academic who focuses in science physics. So seeing her walking around prancing around like a bimbo ballerina is kind of.....off putting.

And if you think that's a petty complaint you haven't seen bad running animations in video games like Vanille's Gay Run from Final Fantasy 13. How a character is animated is extremely important.
I always wanted her to be the one who turned into a giantess instead of shitty Irma during that episode or for her to help the turtles when they got shrunk in the episode the Amazing Shrinking Turtles. After all like you said she's a scientist. And she's into shota because Raph is underaged compared to her so yeah she's a mad scientist.
nah, it's already up on every platform but Steam, the fuck?
Whew... okay.
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Which characters would you like to see made playable? Wish they would expand into other crossovers such as Dante from Devil May Cry.
I wish Renet gets added too.
Aren’t Mona Lisa and Mondo are already background characters on Dimension Shellshock?
Really pushing Mona lately...
She's cute

For a lizard, I guess.
It's just standard "we need more females in the forefront". It's why Rouge is part of the main Sonic gang now.
>Which characters would you like to see made playable?
I will always simp for Leatherhead, because crocodilians are cool, and he was voiced by Jim Cummings in the 87 cartoon.
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I wish I had an amphibian mad scientist gf, tho.
Jim Cummings voice practically everything in the 80s and 90s. It's nothing special.
That's only bad when they force ugly and shitty females.
She's cute and doesn't have the baggage other female characters do. Can't push Alopex and Ninjara now because they suck.

Whats wrong with Ninjara? She hasn't even been in anything for 30 years. Or 27, 28...whenever that furry mag was.
Will never understand the fandom over Ninjara she and Raph were bad for each other. Raph blatantly checked out other women which made Ninjara angry and she decided to break his heart by going with another dude. That relationship ended up showing both characters as being trash.
Laird was always a huge faggot for losing his shit over her and trying to memory hole her.
And that's a good thing!
Think it was two things that buried Mona. The first was Laird who hated female mutants especially if they were initially turtles. The second thing is the nature of old television shows meaning no continuity as the first cartoon is episodic so it was easy for a character to become a one shot.
It's been a while since I watched the OG series, but isn't that accurate to how Mona was?
>I don't like a girl walking like a girl
Okay faggot.
I really hope they are working on a major campaign update, at this point making a sequel would just be less interesting then a second campaign, there are so many enemy's still not used, and so many characters still not playable.

give me metal head and renet as new characters along with smash and his gang of evil turtle guys, add some moves to shredder and balance him to make him playable
I'm glad that show did like shit, they deserved it after removing Rouge's cleavage
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I was just thinking about making a thread for this, definitely did not expect this at all, i got the game for free on epic but i haven't played it because i don't really know much about the 80's turtles i know way more about 2003,2012, rise and mutant mayhem

i thought the game was over i kinda wanna get it physical for my switch now, seems to have a lot of content
This DLC is just Dotemu throwing a bone to the old players because of how so many 80s/90s cartoons are copying their own TMNT game.
Mona being an "academic" was a footnote on her overall character. She was a STUDENT not a career scientist who only cared about science and physics.
the black guy from the red sky season
i feel like the right move could be to make a sequel but this time it's the 2003 turtles, however i won't get my hopes up because nickelodeon refuses to ever mention them, at least they recently got a new story in comic book form

i would end this game with a turtles forever themed stage that has you portal to the other shows and you see the other turtles as cameos in the background
they would have to redesign everyone, and go back to square one, with a series that isn't as popular as 2012 or 87 that would be retarded.

The first game has 11 characters and is based on the extremely popular series, versus the 2003 series that is just popular and would probably have us go back to 4 characters maybe 5
Those Mondo Gecko sprites make him look so fucking hot.

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Was wondering where he was in the base game, so it's great to see him here. I think the other Mutanimals make background appearances in the battle mode, so they probably planned him to be DLC for a while.
>still getting updates
Fucking ACE!
Odd, Dotemu isn't advertising it. GameSpot must've jumped the gun.
I wish they would add more content instead of characters
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>Boco calling anyone gay
Dotemu confirmed that it was leaked without their consent.
>Wanting it to do shit just because they covered the big fat bat tats on the cartoon animal lady like a prude shit
>Not all the fundamental shit being shit like the writing n' shit.
LOL you petty coombrained shit.
Did Dotemu say when it will release?
Doesn't seem like it.
Ninjara has legal stuff.
Fans were birthing for a female mutant. It was either her or Jennika.
Laird was fine with her once they changed her from mutant turtle to mutant lizard/salamander at the last second.
Since when are ballet dancers bimbos?
That’s one of the most hard working physical practices on Earth.
Don’t look for Metalhead as he’s already a boss. He would be a power add on in Dimension Shellshock like Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady.

Renet would be a good playing character though.
It's not on Switch Online yet.

Once again, no.
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I still maintain that Shredder's Revenge was the 2022 GOTY, and this plus the previous DLC is just the icing on the cake.

I look forward to this once I can download it on my Switch. I don't know why the update isn't available yet though
Because it was leaked. It's probably timed for the State of Play tomorrow but Xbox jumped the gun. Xbox is the one who originally posted the trailer (and since deleted it).
>Can't push Alopex
I still hope she will be added to the/a game someday...
Give us Sally Pride, Ninjara, and Alopex, dammit.
that was my assumption too. It'll go live tomorrow, but WHOOPS.
But she's cute though.
Renet. Definitely Renet.
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anon, the game has an humoristic tone, April was going to have a butt attack
The fact that Mondo Gecko is wearing pants just makes Mona look even nakeder.
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Ain’t it great!
Oh hey, who did this?

I thought they stopped working on this game? What changed their mind?
Bad writing isn't enough to make a show fail these days especially if it has enough brand recognition. It's the lack of BFBT that did them in.
Probably all the new beat-em-ups based on 80s/90s cartoons that spawned to leech off their success. Gotta remind everybody that they did it first.
I think the problem is the giant stick up your ass.
I know Toxic Crusaders has a game but is there another one coming out?
G.I. Joe and Power Rangers

GI Joe. It looks like shite.

Power Rangers too, but thats not a cartoon.
G.I. Joe: Wrath of Cobra
Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind
The Karate Kid (this one I think came out today)
Karate Kid came out last week.
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his special attack should be hitting you with a wall of text
Um, he's a little too...troublesome for a family friendly game.
Are they important characters in the comics?
a women wrote this post
where did you hear that, right after karai and usagi came out they clearly said they want to keep working on it or a sequel

Which comics?
It will never happen but Bowser from Nintendo. And don't say it doesn't make sense. Nintendo allowed Bowser to make cameo in Wreck It Ralph by Disney and one of Bowser's minions in Paper Mario are literal koopas who are parodies of the Ninja Turtles right down to being using their colors. So why not? The idea of Bowser being playable and having a blast chilling with other characters who are terrapins (turtles) would be chill. And you can't tell me Bowser doesn't have enough moves to fit a Beat Em Up.
Any. I’ve never heard of them until today and came here to /co/ to learn more about them
Probably the same interview you're thinking of where they said they were approached to make other IP's version of Shredder's Revenge.
An ESL wrote this post
Who’s another cool tmnt character you guys want added casuals don’t know? I’m a casual btw

Only two are applicable: the old Archie comic had Mondo, and the current IDW comic has them both.
They must be desperate if they're bringing her back.
I think if they do move on from tmnt they are morons, this is their most successful game EVER doubling and in some cases tripling sales they made from their other games. The game isn't even that great, its good and its not a buggy mess but its the brand that got them here.
holy shit how is this game still getting DLC
You'd think Sally being a mechanic/expert driver would give her a means to connect with Donnie and Raph, or even just do something around Mutant Town to help other people, liking building a generator or something for the locals... But nope. She mopes around until they decide she's leader material out of nowhere.
I'm alright with adding female lizards.
But they better not fucking think of adding female turtles.
The game designers wanted to have it.
It was Nickelodeon that told them to cut the female butt attack out.
Get off 4chan Laird
Only a matter of time before they add Jennika or one of the TLR girls.

IDW is off limits for some reason.
>you know that weird sound effect that she does.
The one I cum to, yes.
Because it’s still ongoing.

Yeah, probably.
It’s due to fan demand.
Even after Usagi was revealed as DLC and before Karai, fans were demanding Mondo Gecko or Mona Lisa.
Despite being despised by other TMNT fans, FW TMNT remains the most successful TMNT series, even in video games.
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Best April in FW TMNT
That's because no one tries to make a serious TMNT game only lazy soulless licensed ones based on cartoons. The Konami games used a mix hybrid take of both Mirage Comics and the first cartoon to do their own spin of TMNT games. But after that all we got is tacky license trash.

We've never gotten a serious TMNT game that is original from the ground up. What I wouldn't give to get a Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, or Metal Gear Rising style TMNT game.
Yeah, thought this was weird since I didn't see an announcement on Steam. Only heard about it from this thread!
For 1987 game, most likely.
Oh darn
Nintendo are such sticklers for how they want characters portrayed that they snapped at Disney over how Bowser holds his coffee cup. Most would say that it's not worth dealing with them.
Careful the shit mods hate anthro females.
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i can't hold all these turtles bros, switch seems like the best console to play them but there's also the last ronin game in development so maybe it's better to get them for my play station
the one snowball in hell of a chance for turtles forever 2 would be a 50th anniversary special
>but there's also the last ronin game in development so maybe it's better to get them for my play station
That game is going to suck. The studio behind it is a total slophouse that has never made a good game in their entire history. All they do is make ports. On top of that, last year they fired something like 75% of their employees.
And most of these look pretty lame, like mediocre Mobile tier
>Should have been Venus instead of Mondo No One Cares About Him.
Venus wasn't in the original series so fuck off with your waifu faggotry. Karai shouldn't have been an option either. But they need to force women into playable roles for some fucking reason. Give us a clumsy Irma or some shit.
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>Valley girl leggy lizard with a scientist twist.

Irma is not a popular character. Even if they gave her as free DLC no one would be thrilled to play as Irma. And honestly the alternative is much worse do you want media where the male turtles are useless bitch boys? Because that's how we got IDW TMNT. The main turtles are loser failure weaklings.
Heh, Karai was in Tournament Fighters which combine elements from 87, Archie and Mirage and almost the live action movies at the time (Aska was supposed to be Mitsu)
Why do I see this and am reminded of the Looney Tunes stripping lizard woman.
If they can't get all the OG voices back why bother? Turtles Forever really fucked up not getting the original VAs back and now half of them are dead or too old. OG Splinter just fucking died and he could have easily been in Forever if they didn't shit about with union bullshittery.
Renet would be cool and probably look a bit different in attacks and supers.

Any idea if this DLC gets additions to that survival mode, with different unlockable palette swaps too? I'm on Steam so can't check myself.
>(Aska was supposed to be Mitsu)

Getting tired of this. For all intents and purposes Aska is an original character and that's it.
This is why I suggest Renet. She was in 1987 series adjacent stuff like the comic strip.
>87 game gets time travel DLC and we get to see later versions of the turtles and characters from 2003, 2012 etc.

Shit would be cash.
Never underestimate turtle power. The highest selling western graphic novel of the past 2 years has been Last Ronin. It's smashing sales charts.
That and 4kids clearly hated 87, hell Turtles Forever just mock the shit out of the 87 turtles
I'd play her because I liked her as a kid. I'd picture someone with the lowest stats but some moves with surprising range or unique specials, like how people thought April wouldn't hold her own before the game came out.

>Heh, Karai was in Tournament Fighters which combine elements from 87, Archie and Mirage
Karai was not in the 87 cartoon, so she should not be in an 87 focused game. I don't give a shit if some later game used her and the 87 TMNT. She wasn't in the 1987 show at all. Shredders Revenge is 87 fanservice so they should use 87 characters.
the inevitable influx of new fanart is imminent
>Irma is not a popular character.
She was in more episodes than Mondo and Mona combined and it's not even close. They should just add in various mutated Aprils so you can have a team of April, Cat April, Bee April etc.
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Why not Angel?
But like anon said, she was in the 1993 video game that was about the ongoing 1987 series, that was still going on at that time.
So was Vernon, that doesn’t mean we need them as playable characters and beating up Shredder and Krang.
i oughta replay the rescue-palooza fangame again
All the TMNT video games of the 90s were mishmashes of the cartoon, Archie comics, and Mirage comics and not directly based on any one canon.
Whose slit would you penetrate?
I like cherry picking certain characters actually :)
And some Konami OCs.
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Why not add Dark Mu?
yo boco, think she might be in seth rogan's tmnt?

i hope she wont
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WAIT a second BROTHER...the update is just for consoles and pc...no mobile version...not cool...i lost all my gear in a fire...lost everything except for my phone, my dog, most of my comics...couldnt save my gf or the cat or the pc...come on based jews release mondo & mona for the netflix version

Maybe if the cartoon keeps going. Can't see her n the sequel.
the michealangelo episodes are my favorite
Sweet. Hopefully this means there will actually be people online to play with for a while
I'm glad the fans got this, and SR is still ties with Turtles in Time as one of the best Turtles game ever...but I dunno, as a final update for this game, it's kinda underwhelming.

Like this is for the real hardcore fans of 80s TMNT. It doesn't carry the same weight as Usagi & Karai coming over with a rougelike survival mode.

I dunno, I would've made something cool like playable Shredder or Krang, new moves or supers, training mode, or maybe a big guest character from outside the 80s cartoon.
It also has a new remixed soundtrack, if that helps.
Oki Ok Ok. Crazy idea but here me out:

This game gets a sequel and a Turtles Forever setup where you celebrate everything from the franchise.

The catch? Each Turtle is from one of the 4 main cartoons (80s, 4Kids, 2012, & Rise) and they all play differently.

Who gets in?
Karai in Shredder's Revenge was pretty much an OC made for the game, given how she lacks a lot of the usual baggage that comes with her presence.
>We've never gotten a serious TMNT game that is original from the ground up. What I wouldn't give to get a Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, or Metal Gear Rising style TMNT game.

The problem with getting a serious TMNT game with lots of mechanical depth is that EVERYTHING Turtles forever lives in the shadow of the 80s, including the games.

The gaming community has conditioned everyone that ALL TMNT games could only be button mashers with 4 player co-op, just because of the success of the Konami games.
Anything else will be unacceptable and destined for failure.

So I know you frustration. I have wet dreams of playing as Leonardo in a Ninja Gaiden or Strider-esque game.

The best we can hope for a Turtles game with depth is a fighter. And a real fighter, not another Smash clone with rabbids.
We got Radical Rescue on the GB at least.
it'd be great if the og va's reprises their roles
I'm still praying for Mutagen Man boss fight. Come on, kids nowadays watch Invincible. A bunch of living organs in a walking jar is nothing.
Nobody but the Turtles themselves (and Bebop and Rocksteady since they share two of their VAs) came back for this game.
>But like anon said
And like I said, she was never in an episode of 1987. So she doesn't count. She's not a 1987 character.
How did you lose your hand in a fire anon?
>So was Vernon, that doesn’t mean we need them as playable characters and beating up Shredder and Krang.
I would play as a cowardly shitty Vernon. Like having Dan in Street Fighter as a gag character.
>stil no Rex 1
Was New York's Shiniest that bad of an episode that nobody is nostalgic for it?
Would've been fun to smash Foot bots with not-Robocop.
man the mondo gecko episode is stupid as fuck
>There was a gecko in the sewers when the turtles fell.
>There was a random dude down there who saw the turtles and the gecko in the mutagen and only caught the gecko.
>This turned out to be the bad guy and nothing happened to him even if he touched an animal with mutagen
Wait, IS Mona Lisa an amphibian?? Is she supposed to be a lizard or a newt?
Sounds like she's closer to the original Mirage comics than everything since 2003. Being an ally of the Turtles and a proper leader of the Foot clan with no serious association to Shredder outside of that.
And thank God for that. If I have to put up with "MUH MASS-MURDERING FATHA DINDU NUFFIN" bitch for much longer, I might jump out of the window.
God I hate 2003 and onwards Karai.
and rightly so
Mutagen Man fucking sucks. The fewer things that acknowledge his existence, the better.
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Ok miss sunshine, how much gratification do you get from being a contrarian little shitstain for attention, do you feel fullfilled at life?
You're obviously only going to get characters from the 1987 series.
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I'm a BIG fan of 87 TMNT and Shredder's Revenge.
>03fags/12fags/Risefags already bargaining about how their shit should be included
Nobody cares about any of them. 87 is and always will be king for a reason.
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Probably the inverse amount you get for being a miserable little cunt. You're the one who is being contrarian by shitting on characters anyway so don't act like I'm being contrarian by suggesting things. I'm the one being positive here you stupid faggot.
Mutagen Man playing like a beat 'em up version of Double from Skullgirls where he turns into characters for his attacks. Irma as a sort of joke character who has the least range and low combo ability but a Shingo Yabuki style gimmick where her moves randomly Critical for big damage, guard break, gain super armor, etc.
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What's funny thing is, FW TMNT handle the original IDW TMNT elements quiet well, while IDW TMNT failed. They suck at handling
new or nostalgia elements.
Why not Hun?
Never hire a tranny to write your comic. that's the lesson here.
>entire thread is just some Venusfag and Adventuresfags arguing about why characters shouldn't be included for increasingly stupid reasons that boil down to them not being their specific waifu
>non-87fags whining that games should be made from their shows instead and in different shitty and unfun genres not understanding why nobody gives a shit about non-87 TMNT and why the beat 'em up is the default genre
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>Mondo Gecko
No love for Napoleon Bonafrog?
No offense but Old Hob works much better as an Animal Mutant supremacist terrorist. I don't like the idea of Old Hob in this first cartoon universe being a god. Sure IDW messed up the original Hob's motivation and characterization but he works best as he started a dark reflection of the turtles mutated from the same event as them. Simply wish that the writing was much better because they utterly destroyed Hob as a character and ruined the whole comic while we're at it.
I want to pick that part between her anus and the start of her tail.
Never hire Waltz a hack whose formula for writing are these two styles...

- Introduce an idea and NEVER have any direction for it like the reincarnation bullshit which is central to how these turtles even exist in the storyline.

- As the story is playing out you got two maybe even three subplots also happening at the exact same time which leads to confusion and convolution. Even worse you need to be aware of multiple side books and tie ins to stay up to date.

Waltz is a horrible writer. Once he ran out of nostalgia bait it was game over for him. Time to admit that Waltz is not very good at all. In fact he's worse than Campbell.
She is a mondo babe!
Do I need to bring up the Ryona Venus pics?
Are there ryona Mona pics?
Adding to this, Irma's Critical chance starts low but increases with each level with a 50% chance at level 10, basically rewarding the player for maxing her out.
There are dickgirl Mona pics.
>No offense but Old Hob works much better as an Animal Mutant supremacist terrorist. I don't like the idea of Old Hob in this first cartoon universe being a god
FW Pantheon just an intergalactic crime syndicate. Old Hob is their leader.
I'd rather see Ninjara ryona.
It's the only reason I wanted her to be playable.
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I need to see more of their special moves.
So I take it when we play as Mondo and Lisa in Dimension Shellshock, their background sprites disappear?
You’ll never get playable 1987 Irma. Playable 1987 April was already pushing it.
FW TMNT continues to be the only good TMNT.
don't wanna be that guy but, nostalgia
Show me the non FW TMNT games worth playing. I'll wait.
I'm nostalgic for it, Anon. I fucking love Rex-1
the gba turtle games of 2003 and 2007
i don't get why is mondo gecko popular, he is literally Poochie
So is Sonic the Hedgehog, and look how popular that shit is.
shit happens
>keep pointing out how odd it is for female anthros to be dressed when their male counterparts do not need to
>then get an example where that is not the case
>sudden awkwardness sets in
Poochies are always popular. You don't think people like Chester Cheetah or Sonic? You don't think Joe Camel helped get millions of kids addicted to cigarettes in the 80s and 90s?
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Mona Lisa, who was a one shot character in the 88 series, totally mogs all you playable Irma, Punk Frogs, Metalhead crying bitches.
Mirage Karai was still a ruthless bitch who in her later years enjoyed having the Turtles fight her own men to the death solely for her amusement. SR Karai is more of a nerd who tries to act tough but isn't fully able to hide her goofier moments, like considering tire-stripping to be a capital offense or actually enjoying all the disgusting pizzas the Neutrinos deliver.
More rule 34 art of Mona when?
Because he's basically Mikey 2
Poochie wishes he was Mondo.
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Why would you not want Karai?
He's already in the game as a collectible, not happening.
Original comic characters should have priority. Casey was in the cartoon once in a blue moon, but he fits among the heroes. Karai wasn't, but is important everywhere else and she isn't a Shredder lapdog all the time. The most important comic characters missing that aren't bosses are Renet and Fugitoid.
He was in TMNT 2012 and depicted in a fairly gnarly way.
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I can deal with Renet.
Fugitoid may be a little too weak as a playable character. Unless they added some robotic features for offensive moves.
I'm a maximum furry retard so I'd ask for Venus, Jennika or Alopex.
The Frogs are captured in the story, saved by the Turtles during the game, and later given all the credit for saving the day from Vernon.
You can’t make them playable as is ruins the narrative.
Best saved for a sequel if ever.
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I read this as saving the day from Venom
The sprite artist is really good with butts.
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>Wrath of the Mutants

Do yourself a favor and stay away from that slop, it's even worse than Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
>it's even worse than Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
I agree it's weak but I disagree with this statement. I very much prefer an original, different game, than a desecration of a great one.
>This video is private
Took them long enough.
It's uploaded on multiple channels, too late.
More specifically, he's not afraid to draw big butts and that already makes him a God amongst men amongst game devs.
>That ass cheek peek on Mona during her ballet spwcial move

You know people will make sprote edits when her tail acts more like this>>145617864
So was this supposed to be announce on the State of Play today?
No one knows yet.
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I can't really explain but Gecko's sprites have a strong furry energy.
I imagine it must have been since the trailer got leaked yesterday and the Syaye of Play was announced the same day
The leaked video is for XBOX, not Slopstation
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They know what they were doing with their sprites, that's for sure, in a good way.
Then I guess it will be announced in the Xbox TGS presentation?
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If they did do something like that then I think a better route would be focusing less on new playable characters and more on a new campaign based particularly around the original enemies and environments introduced in other TMNT iterations. A playable Renet doesn't sound so bad though.
Stop being a fucking homo
Apparently there's a State of Play section on the PS Store that includes Shredder's Revenge right now
Why’d they name it Radical Reptiles?
Yes, Mondo Gecko is a lizard and thus a reptile.
But Mona Lisa is a salamander which is an amphibian. Not a reptile.
It's about Mondo's two penises.
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Keep fucking homos.
Out, finish the quote
This is a hoax some game mods made and so many sites have fell for it.
I haven’t seen once official statement from TMNT official sources not Dotemu.
It’s fake guys.
Still waiting for Splintered on PS5
Then how do you explain the sprites?
Mod created.
You see it all the time on YouTube by fans.
it's real, it just was leaked early
Great on art, juvenile on writing.
Oh no.
This Mona Lisa DLC has caused the Venus, Jennika, Ninjara furries to come out of the woodwork thinking their character has a shot now.
its not the final update
Renet would be how the new campaign is done, make it a big DLC update where Renet contacts the turtles and says she needs their help and has them and basically does a turtles in time/turtles multiverse story make each stage based on different eras make the new characters like Shredder (fully playable) Renet, and if you beat the campaign the last ronin
the state of play video didn't get leaked, the xbox team accidentally released their video early for some reason.
Why hire someone who only knows how to draw humans to draw anthro characters? Dumbass. That shit always ruins anthro characters in Marvel and DC. Introduction, looks good. Other artist draw them, they look like shit, and either have to get killed off or get a power up that makes them look like a human (Cheetah is currently back to her boring body paint, no fur 90's design. They got rid of Sharpe's redesign because their artists suck at anthro stuff.).
She gets to be in board games.
When does this actually come out? My Switch still says my game is up to date
I think they should save multiversal travel for a sequel or the end of a trilogy, I think turtles in time sequel would be cool first, get some characters from the future and past like get some characters from ancient japan, from the future. Some characters from the comics.
Then the third game you do the multiverse, adding a second version of the turtles from different universes with out it feeling to much. over 20 characters with 8 being turtles is actually a decent roster
That was already done in the previous DLC. At thisvpoint they should just save her for the sequel game.
Copium much?
It's based on the 1987s cartoon, not the comics. Why do you chodes have such a hard time understanding why that's the popular version and that nobody cares about the comics or othee cartoons?
You’re assuming Dotemu will still have the license by then. Who knows how long the contract is.
>it's for XBOX
>also available on PS4, PS5, Switch, and PC.
what a weird bit to be doing
I think they may announce it officially during the State of Play >>145619175
They won’t. Because OP trailer is fake.
Sure it is. Let's get you back to bed, grandpa.
Does Mona Lisa sprite have jiggle physics?
I can’t tell.
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No, but maybe the mods do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR3YMgwuDyQ
>Rex 1
He was in even in one of the Game Boy games, weird that Shredder's Revenge forgot about him.
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What a coincidence that the new arc starting tomorrow in IDW’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Saturday Morning Adventures features Mona Lisa.
And there's was not long ago a comic that Mona Lisa was in.
Can't wait for massive titties, huge ass and visible cloaca slit mod

It's the cropped top and bottom eyes
A man... named Sneed?
Did April fuck Ace Duck?
Who knows....
Does she wear the glasses in the comic, they look cute in-game.
April was later seen coughing up feathers.
I think she only wears them during her taunt. And they might be safety goggles/glasses instead, since she’s a chemistry student.
Thanks for posting desu
Make me wish it was drawn by the guy who draws in tge Toei pilot episodes style.
No prob. Anything for 87 TMNT chads.
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Holy shit
Holy fuck, they're still working on this.
Makes me wonder if they're planning a more substantial update or a sequel, 2 new playable characters and little else so late in the game seems really random.
You failed to understand the point of the post you were replying.
The game sprite Mona Lisa is way sexier than the comics and cartoon.
Post pics.
I'm skeptical about a sequel because this game already controls fine and does so much right. A new campaign/story mode with new stages? Sure, if it takes a sequel to do that instead of DLC. But I'm not sure I want the characters redone in a new battle system.
They forgot Granitor too. Dammit.
Which i'd forgive if they somehow forgot Traag, but they didn't. Come on, now.
I think “Cement Man” was the only boss forgotten about from the arcade Turtles in Time game too.
Adding a new character is easy versus having to design and create a bunch of new levels which also involves coming up with a story, new music, graphics, etc. That's the kind o stuff you'd do for a sequel.
Yeah, I think the reason was that Cement Man was replaced by Slash in other version for some reason.
Granitor is such a cool design but he only appeared in the first season pilot episodes, could have been recurring along with Traag.
Just watch the trailer, bro.
He was a boss in the arcade game and he and Traag were stage enemies in Manhattan Project so I think that should give him a little cred. Certainly as much cred or slightly more than Tempestra
Tokka and Rahzar should have been bosses, not hologram goons for Tempestra. The video game goons should have been Shogun and Tora from the Konami NES game.
Yeah. Fly mutated Baxter Stockman also replaced Bebop/Rocksteady double attack on the home port of the original arcade game too.
Shit I'd go for a turtles in time DLC
Omani owns those 2 characters. Not the TMNt franchise.
Alternately, they could've just omitted Tempestra completely and just made it a straight Tokka/Rahzar fight
That would have been cool but I think that Konami owns them.
This is the same mind set people had with King K.Rool 'microsoft owns him' bullshit. If they were made for the TMNT franchise, most likely, they're owned by Viacom.
>Konami DLC pack
>Aska and Sisyphus become playable
>Tora, Cement Man, and Shogun become bosses.
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I hope in the next DLC they put more obscure bosses
>Movie DLC pack
>Movie accurate skins for the TMNT, Casey and April
>Keno becomes playable
>Tatsu becomes an optional boss
>background cameos by the Professor from Secret of the Ooze, Vanilla Ice, and Mitsu from TMNT 3.
Viacom doesn’t own them.
They were created by Konami to add extra levels to the arcade home port without any say or ownership from Biacom/Mirage.
>Lord Dreg

Those would be some of my choices
I'm of the believe every TMNT series contributes a timeless aspect to the franchise. The first cartoon merely got the ball rolling. But it doesn't stand the test of time. If you think kids are impressed by it do think again.
>Next Mutation DLC
>Venus playable
>skins for the turtles and splinter
>Dragon Lord as a boss
>Foot replaced in the level with the Rank
>weird puppet thing, the gorilla mobster, Scott McNeil Hunter, the vampire woman, and Dr. Sleeze as cameos
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TMNT is a franchise that can retroadapt characters from any iterations. The mobile game Mutant Madness was based on the 87 cartoon but had a lot of "new" characters designed in the classic style. So any character is fair game, it doesn't matter if their from a different series or comics as long as it's still TMNT.
>do you feel lucky, quack?
Pretty sure they were designed by Eastman and Laird themselves
Pretty sure you're thinking of Tokka and Rahzar.
that was a survival mode and really was just variants of the 87 turtles its not mirage its 87 in the mirage style
Konami also invented those little skuttling robots with the part that folds out and shoots a beam, but they're in Shredder's Revenge.
They appear in the first season.
No those are Roadkill Rodneys, I'm talking about the ones that look like half domes that run around and blast you.
>Mutanimals DLC
>Fuck you you get Pigeon Pete and you can't do anything about it
Mutagen Man
Dirk Savage
Scale Tail
I know Scumbug's a background character in that survival mode
>King K.Rool 'microsoft owns him' bullshit

And those people were constantly refuted for being absolute retards.
Is Mondo gonna be taken out of the background in Survival mode?
I suppose if anyone is playing the character, that will happen. It happens in some fighting games.
Rare gave Nintendo all rights to the Kremlings and K. Rool, and they were still put into new DK and even Mario games for a while. I don't know how anybody could think otherwise.
Next Mutation is hated and is known is the nadir of the franchise.
Konami owns them. That’s why you never see them as Super7, Playmates or Neca toys in the modern day.
I liked it cause it added more villains to the rogues gallery.
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Granted, prehistoric Slash makes much more sense in the prehistoric stage than a random cement golem.

IMHO the SNES port was actually better than the original arcade version. Sure, there was the 4-player co-op, but there was some random stuff like Shredder popping up out of nowhere to teleport the turtles to the past in the sewer surfin stage, Cement man, and the gameplay was generally worse (like no combos and throwing being random).
Apparently there is some weird legal thing with who owns rex 1 apparently the guy who did the theme song has some claim on the character for some weird ass reason
I think about the only loss from the Arcade version is the human form of Shredder as a final boss, those sprites are sick.
Ah yes, that was a pity.
Dose Nintendo own the racers other then banjo conker and Tiptup from diddy kong racing?
I kinda wish Super Shredder could've been as 2hd phase after you beat the reguler Shredder and I agree, those sprites are rad.
Only the Kongs and Krunch the Kremling are owned by Nintendo. All the other characters are Rare.
Super Shredder sprite wasn't that bad but reguler Shredder sprite was so much better imo.
Sadako vs Samara
Rare doesn't own King K. Rool.
I was talking about Diddy Kong Racing.
Ooooh, never mind my comment then
State of Play's starting.
Who will be the voice actors?
Yep, it's today.
They already announced the DLC as coming later today. Characters will be paid, music is free update.
God damn it I can't get them then
How much?
Not informed. Just "later today".
Officially announced by Tribute Games.
Officially announced on Sony's State of Play.
>available on all stores at 7PM EST
Gonna be a good night anons
7:00 p.m. EST, so in 20 minutes.
Damn it, I don't even have 5 dollars to my name on Switch online...
How? The previous DLC was only $8, that added now modes and characters
I think they came up with Super Shredder exactly as a resource management measure. If you look at the sheets, Shredder has a fuckload of frames they'd have to trim down real hard and it'd probably be noticeable in how he animates. The Super Shredder sheet is made mostly of duplicates of him standing around and different blaze colors.
>Gecko's sprites have a strong furry energy.
TMNT is furry franchise
Can confirm, look up" Mona Lisa inflation" for more information.
It's coming up to $3.99 before tax for me.
PS5 version is up.
Why would you lie?
>have 300 eshop gold coins
>still can't afford it
Well, I hope you all can enjoy the DLC.
She would look better without hair
They tried that, it sucked.
The entire remix OST was posted.
Thankfully that's free, it's pretty average.
Remixes always suck
So is playable Shredder just not in the cards?
This is very cool but after playing Shredder's Revenge once, my feeling was I had fun but it only lasted a couple hours and didn't really have replay value. I assume the DLC are the same. I guess it's fun at parties?
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bros got your back, Raph.
Also, that look...
File deleted.
I want to Mondo his Gecko.
>Mona Lisa's walk cycle
muh dick
>and didn't really have replay value. I

Never understood this bullshit. Video games don't have replay value besides the novelty of playing the single player campaign and that's it. So what are you expecting that will give you "replay value"?

Once I get everything in a game the only thing left to do is to replay the game on a new file where you don't have all the abilities and collectibles. That's every fucking game unless it's an arcade game where there no unlockables so you beat it and you're done. The fact this game is a fun little experience should be enough. What do you want? A racing spin off within Shredder's Revenge? A Tetris style spin off? A random platformer ala Mario mini game? You're an entitled brat and gamers deserve to be abused by evil corporations.
You can transform into him during Dimension Shellshock DLC
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Oof, how did that end up stuttery? Oh well. Hopefully the gif loops better.
Zoomers raised in modern "game worlds filled with pointless busywork shit" are unable to understand a simple, arcade style beat 'em up where you're not meant to play a 50 hour cinematic epic but instead it's a game you bust out to kill an hour or two every so often.
so I am playing mondo and he keeps doing double up with my friends and I don't know what causes it, he even did a super for free like it didn't cost me any points to do it
It's funny because that doesn't seem to be true, Shredder's Revenge sold great. I think there's a place for this kind of game among the younger generations even still, and only the truly Genshinbrained GAAS labor-as-hobby types don't "get" it.
Stop being a fag. People care abput Mona.
Him and Mikey were on the down low and everyone knows it.
Anything from the Konami composers of back in the day?
>mona's taunt
>her slow walk
Just furries, who are definitionally tourist faggots ruining the site, and who need to go back.
Weird. It seems Mondo and Mona have the same stats for Splinter. Is this correct?
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My autism likes that there's finally a green-coded character.
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Some people like beating the game in different difficulties and different characters. The Survival DLC also lets your autismo run and you can level up your characters so they become better in that mode and you unlock extra colors to use on all modes.

But not everyone likes that, so that's it. Hope the fun you had was worth the price (or your time, if you got it for free).

He's way too sexy. I wish I could gargle on his cum and eat his ass.
This costs money? How much?
One pair of Roll's panties.
4 bucks at most on the switch.

I want more Lee the Eel
4 dolleridoos on the Basedstation, half of the previous DLC since there's no extra mode. The alternate soundtrack is free.
Her Super is kinda busted
Mondo comes off as very slutty
His next attack would involve Cerebus whining about shoving a sword into his pseudo vagina
Why are you like this
87 sarcastic Raph is much better than angry one.
... You do know how batshit insane Cerebus the Aardvark is, right?
The fact that retards can't see why the 1987 version continues to reign supreme with everyone over the other "better" versions is eyerolling. It has a great, appealing aesthetic that's bright, eyecatching and memorable. The characters have large and amusing personalities and designs that keep them memorable. It's instantly and easily appealing to people of any generation and requires no investment on lore or having to watch an entire series to enjoy.

For as lame as '80s cartoons could be minute to minute, there's a reason they've had almost eternal relevance regardless of episode quality compared to their updated versions. The people creating them understood how to make something that would grab kids' attention and hook them and TMNT 87 is maybe the one that understood that the best.
>In this final content update for Shredder’s Revenge, your favorite ninja squad are joined by two fan-favorite characters from the classic 1987 TV show, Mondo Gecko and Mona Lisa!

It was a good run. I'm pleased with the extra characters we've gotten. I wished they cleaned up survivor mode a bit and made more of the powerups worth taking. Still it's a pretty solid game.
Wait this is the final dlc?
I would assume they're working on a sequel.
Is the Last Ronin in the original Mirage continuity?

Is The Last Mirage the end cap on the Laird and Eastman original comic?
These are all being made by Mobile tier companies.
Your mom is slutty, shut up kid, you are goin to military school, get out!
yep, usagi-karai-mona-mondo seems pretty fair enough
Then maybe they should save these two for that.

I want a inspector Gadget game that is good, but will never happen, and if it does, it will be done by these knockoff companies.
It was probably something quick and easy to throw together as a final send off, the way KoF XV is getting Vice and Mature as a last hurrah DLC or SFV had Akira, Luke and them to close it out. This shit is normal. Characters are the easy part, relatively.
So do their Survival Mode cameos disappear?
>Poochies are always popular.
Like the black kid from the red sky season?
>is known is the nadir of the franchise

From the movies? I can dig
Already precedent since he was in Hyperstone Heist and the beat 'em ups are all based on the '87 cartoon.
>Is the Last Ronin in the original Mirage continuity?
Isn't it in the main IDW continuity?

Weird how they made Mike kinda vicious when fighting in the cartoon pilot.
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Mona Lisa if real
Track 15, made by the composer of the NES TMNT 3.
I hope you get nothing and cry about it.
No one was expecting another DLC and this came out of nowhere. We are just assuming that's it.
>My better judgemebt says BE SCARED but i am too confused so i shoyld know whats goin on.
TLR is a bastardization of various continuities that is technically it's own thing, but Waltz gets to claim it was the finale storyline that Eastman and Laird always intended to write
Not real enough, needs to be full scally and grotesque like the Michael Bay turtles.
I'm fine with the turtle's personality change. For me, I'd like to see Mikey and Donnie become more aggressive and have some angry moments.
No, it's listed in the Steam store page as the last content update. It's done.
My guess is that, since Mona had a scrapped cameo from the start, that she and Mondo were going to be the original DLC, but then the opportunity to add Usagi and Karai arose. They just decided to not scrap the work they already had done and release them anyway.
>Is the Last Ronin in the original Mirage continuity?
No. But it has references to classic stuff.
>Is The Last Mirage the end cap on the Laird and Eastman original comic?
Laird's name is on the cover just because they came up with the idea back together back then. But did you know that Laird has the right to make TMNT comics without going through Nick? He said he put that in the contract just to be sure, but it doesn't mean he will ever do it.
>Isn't it in the main IDW continuity?
It isn't, as this Anon said >>145627456 it's not the future of any timeline, it's an alternate take. For example, Karai has different origins in each one of them.
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>did you know that Laird has the right to make TMNT comics without going through Nick? He said he put that in the contract just to be sure, but it doesn't mean he will ever do it.
Not that anon, he had been doing it, but last I checked he hadn't updated in years.
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I really thought they were going to use this design for Mona Lisa. They even took some inspiration with the use of chemical vials as an attack.
I think he was continuing the Mirage comics before the sale. There's a whole last arc that was never released in a collected format anywhere. After the sale, Mirage closed. But in recent interviews he said he's not against the idea of returning some day, just don't get your hopes up.
Far as anyone knows, Laird has full legal rights to continue the mirage comics with a certain number of new issues every year. Not long after penning that deal, he pretty much stopped making anything. I genuinely do not know if the guy even draws anymore. Eastman still does and will do the occasional cover or a few pages for IDW, but Mirage TMNT is dead entirely because Laird refuses to work on it.
So Mona's first skin is her 80's cartoon appearance
Second is her Playmates toy appearance
I believe the third is the same colors she had in 2012 Nick Turtles?

Why do you have to be THIS insufferable.
Cause I'm not a fucking mouth breather like you, holy shit, calm down it's pixels.
To be fair, it's not like I was hyped for more. As far as the original continuity goes, I think I'm okay with stopping at the end of v2 or so.
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This series quickly become a dumpster fire. Flashback plot is redundant. Donnie and Splinter death are so fucking stupid. Donnie dies because Splinter agreed to a second truce. For the most part, Mikey is still fighting robots, Karai's son was killed by his nanosuit. Killed Mikey and made Apri's daughter replace him as Splinter. Now, she leads four new turtles with superpowers.
So Mona and Mondo don't get little exclusive cutscenes like Usagi or Karai?
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>Mona Lisa is a salamander
Any recommendations for the comics?
Batman x TMNT crossovers were great.
Use them as toilet paper.
I'm not really a zoomer but it's just not the type of game I typically play. I'm used to RPGs where it takes dozens of hours to beat the main campaign and you can fiddle around with different builds and strategies. Shredder's Revenge was fun but the pricetag was pretty steep for the amount of playtime I got out of it.
>palette swap
It's colors. Palette swap is a different character i.e. MK ninjas. Skins are for 3D games.
>Tranny kills off established character to replace them with his own soulless OCs
This is what they always do. It's like grooming but with IPs, nothing but an assimilation fetish gone mad.
Stop being fucking faggots. Alternate colors, costumes, who gives a fuck you know what they mean.
Total Tranny Death would improve the entire world.
They don't mean the same thing McBussin.
Stop being a fucking prig.
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Last Ronin writer is Tom Waltz.
They do.
Same difference
>Remember that Mona was a human and she should not like mutants
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this isn't IDW Mona, this is actually a good character Mona lol
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>a human would never find mutants hot
IDW Mona is just another wasted potential. Even having her be a terrorist against Old Hob would be better than being a protester.
I still die on the hill that the best/most consistently good IDW TMNT character is Bludgeon. Genuinely has a good arc and never acts like a bipolar drama magnet, he's just a blind badass shark monk. Though I'm biased cause like Hammerheads, why orca chick is neat to me to.
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PS4 owners beware, the DLC is supposed to be a bundle with both the PS4 and PS5 versions available on a single purchase, but the version you'll find on the PSN Store on the PC is only for the PS5. You can only get the correct bundle if you buy if via the PS4, by going into the game icon and checking the available DLC contents.
Salamanders are Amphibians, not Reptiles.
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>playable Mona Lisa
Oh baby.

I thought they were already done with the game. I'll take it.
I feel like the only reason Mondo Gecko was picked was so they could recreate how Bart fought in the Simpsons beat-em-up (aka Konami's other big licensed claim to fame).
Goddamn, April's got a great rack there.
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As she should
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There's nothing worse than Leo. Especially no-kill rule make his role even more awkward.
so far no one is able to pull off the swinging mace attack for mona
Is it her flying attack?
Shouldn't there at least be some connecting fiber? The new turtles don't have to be blood related to the old ones but at least have them be trained by one of them or something. Instead they never even meet.
The original turtles are more legendary and mythic to them. A powerful legacy they have to emulate and aspire to be.
if the 00:15 second mark at the trailer is to be believed
That's kind of a weird angle. Specially since Mikey was in the same room as them before they were mutated.
It's like the worst of both worlds, timing wise. Too soon for their legacy to really settle into the mythology of the setting, but not soon enough for the torch to actually be passed directly.
It's her Dodge Super.
>Shouldn't there at least be some connecting fiber?
April's daughter.

>After Michelangelo wakes up, April introduces Casey Marie to him. She tells him of how she has been training in kendō and learning the ways of martial arts from a book left behind by Splinter.

>Eventually, Michelangelo notices that she has some sort of enhanced abilities, and April informs him that she and Casey absorbed low-level radiation from being in the presence of the Turtles over the years, passing on a mutation of sorts to Casey Marie.
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Go watch the episode. She's such a big fan of the TMNT that she both risks her life trying to stop Captain Filch and then continued to fight him after becoming a mutant. Not to mention the way she was throwing herself on Raph at every given opportunity.
Lot of people assumed the 4 baby turtles at the end of the original TLR were supposed to be the original turtles reincarnated. I don't think it was even confirmed that they were going to be 4 all new characters until a year or so later.
I like that comes from her original playmates toy.
And as an adult I know now that salamanders and puffer fish have the same type of toxin
Wait! Is the yellow on her body actual clothing?
I always assumed after she mutated, she was naked and the yellow was apart of her body.
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It's totally unclear. Otherwise, she's running around in only a belt and a neckerchief.
Since we’re nearing the bump limit, I hope we satisfied you OP in giving a shit
It's meant to be dubious, but there's absolutely no official art that suggest that the yellow part is any sort of clothing, espeically since while there's a yellow strip on her back, it doesn't connect with the yellow parts in her front.

For all purposes she only wears a scarf and the belt implies she was supposed to become a regular character matching the belts of the turtles.
Some casual said it’s weird seeing her next to Mondo Gecko.
He wears clothes while she obviously doesn’t.
Every time I pick Turtles in Time back up, I forget how to do the throw move, meaning I get stuck on the damn "throw foot clan at Shredder" boss.
Now to be fair, the turtles are barely wearing clothes either. Their shell counts as being naked.
Easiest way to do it is hit the enemy once then get closer to him while pressing attack.
The clothes are meant to show that he's a 90's totally bodacious gnarly dude with the 'tude. As much as I'd like to see him naked doing all these moves spreading himself around in all these fucking sexy moves, I understand why he's clothed. And as said before, whoever designed her planned to have her to be part of the gang and it would be weird to have her wearing clothes while the four brothers don't wear any.

Definitely not intuitive. You have to stun them with a regular blow or a shoulder bash (for these soldiers that block), and while they're stunned you either

a. walk to them, let go of the d-pad and press attack. This causes the ground slams

b. walk to them and while holding forward, press attack, this throws them into the screen
Well, it's been a good thread, everybody. Sometimes, /co/ can almost be decent.
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I think I keep mixing it up with Manhattan Project, where the turtles hold Down+attack to do their toss move. Holding down to throw seems like the obvious "throw enemies towards the player" button combo. But I guess the devs thought it should be more obtuse.
When it comes to the 80's fred wolf turtles, of course
Salamanders don't have scales. But Michael Bay WOULD probably get that wrong.
Turtles In Time just controls finicky. Something that Hyperstone Heist has over it is that dash is mapped to a separate button. Trying to dash in TiT is frustrating at times.
Eh, I find they're usually 50/50, depending on the actual poster-to-coomer for April ratio. At least Mona's announcement for the game offered some actual topic of conversation that wasn't just lusting for the lizard.

And since we're talking trash thread, don't forget the Murder Drones fag.
You can dash with a button in Turtles in Time, it's an option in the menu. The genesis game does play faster though.
My mistake, you can change from auto dash to two presses on the dpad, not a button.
I’m surprised there have been no interviews with the game creators on why they decided to include Mondo and Mona in DLC.
Usually there are interviews to advertise the DLC release.
Probably because they're popular characters and were highly requested

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