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>A depiction of all of fiction
>From an Anglican viewpoint by a guy in his 60s
>Alan Moore
pick one
>all of fiction
No, just select fantastical fiction.


>a guy in his 60s
Moore was 46 in 1999 when LOEG was published. Irrespective, what do his age have to do with anything?
Ritesh, is that you?
Anglican as in in relationship with the concept of England. LoEG is very much from a British stand point with what is and isn't important in the story and what stories are represented.
They'll find any angle, no matter how forced or obscure, to meme on Moore.
Don't you know those heckin oldhead chuds can't write anything swag and lit? None of them have a dope soul.
>No, just select fantastical fiction.
There is a villain who literally only apeared on a single episode of the Avengers (shit british comedy spy show)
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too long didnt read
doing the polka
>No, just select fantastical fiction.
Squidward is in it
>james bond is a rapist working for big brother
>voldemort is actually aleister crowley
>harry potter is the antichrist
And people have the audacity to think the film is bad.
Moore’s Bond is clearly based on Connery’s and not Flemings, which fucks the whole literary angle.
>Dr. No… it was all lied, there was no doctor. Get it?
Really Alan?
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some pretty good reaction images from the first two i read
You think he was still mad about the movie adaption?
Filipino like Josh Luna
Kind of glad he didn't think REH, Lewis and Tolkien were worth memeing on

ERB got lucky with a neutral depiction of John Carter
I mean some of Lewis' sci-fi stuff was referenced.
The text pages from Black Dossier mention some REH stuff
REH= Howard? Dude was an American. Same reason Moore doesn’t meme on Lovecraft
So it's Anglophile, not Anglican, even if Moore is English himself
Kind of like Angelica Anaconda
all volumes are good.
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Oh shit it's godzilla for a quick cameo.
You don't know what Anglican means.
Utterly based and polkapilled
What's Tempest like? I haven't read it yet, but I also have no idea what it might be about since I've never seen anybody talk about it.
Alan Moore is a hack. What else is new? He never had a single original idea in his brain
These were all great. You got filtered.
The New Travellers' Almanac mentions Narnia and the apple tree. The Sorns are explicitly shown on Mars.
The Black Dossier mentions the Hyperborean Age and Crom.
Tolkien is never explicitly referenced, although Nylarathotep appears and has been referred to in other fiction as being Sauron in one of his incwrnations.
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What did you expect from Moore?
>Watchmen located in the US
>Famine in India, former british colony
>Influx of Indian refugees to US
>Indian food starts to make a big impact
Indian people in the US started in the 90s to be recognizable. See Apu in Simpsons. And in the 2000s they start to come in droves. See Big Bang Theory and Harold & Kuma for when it became visible for the general public thatit reflected in media.
>Anglican as in in relationship with the concept of England.
That's not what "Anglican" means.

>LoEG is very much from a British stand point with what is and isn't important in the story and what stories are represented.
Yes, and? It's not like Moore and O'Neil have ever pretended otherwise,

Are you suggesting that The Avengers is realist or did you skip the "fantastical" part of the quoted post?

>james bond is a rapist working for big brother
>voldemort is actually aleister crowley
>harry potter is the antichrist
Where's the lie?

>REH, Lewis
Alluded to in multiple volumes (but then again /co/ doesn't read comics).

>Alan Moore is a hack.
Go back to bed, Morrison.
No, Anglican can mean that. It's just the Anglican church because it's the church of England. Anglican simply means characteristic of England. You can say it's not proper usage because of the demonym, but it doesn't have a monopoly on the term.
Absolutely no one who speaks English as a primary language uses it that way. No one.
Why does Moore gets so pissy when other people use his charscters, when most of his books is him using other people characters?
>it doesn't have a monopoly on the term.
Actually, it does
>Why does Moore gets so pissy when other people use his charscters
He doesn't. He gets pissy with hacks (hello Geoff Johns) for not doing anything actually new with the concepts he introduced.

>when most of his books is him using other people characters?
Because he's using them in ways that add something new to the mix.
"Anglican church" in and of itself is using it as an adjectival shorthand for "of England." It's perfectly cromulent and you're being babies about linguistic development. I bet you complain about the usage of the term "rizz" for its degradation of charisma, and not because they're eating the dogs.
>"Anglican church" in and of itself is using it as an adjectival shorthand for "of England."
"Anglican church" is almost never used in everyday English. Most people say "Church of England" (or "C of E"). You'd know this if you were a native speaker.
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Isnt this why we have “anglo“ as a term?
No, that's a shortening of "Anglo-Saxon".
Please learn what a word actually means before you use it next time.
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But it describes everything related to the uk. Like Franco-Belgian.
And is practically only used by journalists.
How hard is it for you to just look something up?
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So i am right.
The word probably should have been "anglocentric" instead of "anglican" but this argument is probably better than the actual intended thread topic anyway.
Right on both counts
OP is just kind of retarded and refuses to admit it, as per usual
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But i said Anglo is referring to the UK and >>145688007 links to wiki to proof my opinion.
You're too stupid to understand what either of us said.
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I think you dont understand what i wrote?
You thought wrong.
Ok, than i am sorry.
i don't think he ever even watched the movie so he doesn't have any feelings towards it. but he's probably still mad at FOX over the lawsuit ordeal
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Read the read before necrobumping.
Is it weird that I'm imagining a Japanese LoEG which would just result in Kamen Rider Ichigo dealing the Xilian invasion?
And if you read it, you'll see that it's deeply critical of British Imperialism and the way these cultural works justify it. This is most apparent in volume 2. Wells' original works are already about colonizers experiencing being colonized but Moore updates this to address a twentieth/twenty first century notion of clandestine government activities.
>Buh-but it's in the dictionary!
So is "sidereal", but how often does anyone use it.
not at all. it's your imagination, anything goes
Way too basic. There’s not even a mention of the Land of Mu.
>A full on invasion from a varity of different aliens races at the same time occurs
>It's up to the Japanese LoEG Equivalent (with people like Kamen Rider Ichigo and Astro Boy are apart of), SSSP, TDF affiliated groups (UG, MAT, TAC, ZAT) and the JSDF
>It is revealed that this all had been orchestrated by Doctor Nazo, who desires the complete destruction of earth for the repetitive humiliations by his nemesis Golden Bat
LOEG is up there with the most overrated comics of all time
According to what yardstick?
Tempest is better than Black Dossier, fight me.
According to his overrated yardstick
But it is. Wait, there are people who think Black Dossier is better than Tempest? Where?
He wasn't in his 60s when he wrote that
We was by the time it ended.
>I wrote a story about all the story book heroines talking about their sexual encounters but It's okay because that's new.
Go clutch your pearls on xitter, puriteen.
Moore's got a new book out this week, and I didn't even know about it until this morning.
Anglican = member/attendant/believer of the Church of England (denomination of protestant christianity)
Anglophone = English Speaker
Anglo-Saxon = Englishman
Anglophile = loves England and English things
Jesus Christ, this is fucking painful. Learn how to speak your own goddamned first language properly, all of you are fucking retards.
>Learn how to speak your own goddamned first language properly
It's 2024, anon.
There's a good chance he's a butthurt hindoo.
>Anglophile = loves England and English things
You only ever heard the internet meme of what Moore says, not his actual thoughts.
The golliwog is what killed if. If James Bond is a rapist than the Golliwog should be a living blackface caricture that real black people find horrifying.
It triggered a handful of hypersensitive autists whose names no one remembers. LOEG however continues to sell.
I like the Galley-Wag. He's a fun, goodhearted character in a world where everyone is either miserable or a murderous sex pest.
I understand the "James Bond is a rapist" thing, even if it's not a problem for me. Bond definitely forced himself at least twice in the movies. He likes to fuck, and that's alright.
However, I'm unfamiliar with the Gollliwog's stories, only the context, and this lovely piece of music:
He just seems like a cartoon character.
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Moore making the Golliwog an important character was certainly a choice.
There was some kind of Old One entity in the Black Dossier, supposedly Nyarlathotep but its name isn't actually said
I'd kind of like to see Josh Luna's insane version of a LoEG-style story.
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Allegedly he got killed by Hugo Hercules at some point though knowing the big G he probably survived.
I really would have liked if O'Neill colored it.
The harry potter crap was just for Mary Poppins to step in and look cool af.
DC should officially adapt Twilight of the Superheroes
Wasn't it because Mary Poppins deals with bratty children?
yes and a common joke about the HP books is that harry is a spoiled rich kid. Making him a school shooter was an inspired choice.
Tempest is too convoluted and it reeks of an old man ranting at the sky.
While Black Dossier“collects“ short stories to fill the lore or give you additional stories.
I dont think thats how it happened. Moore decided for Potter because it consumed and formed how people saw magic and wizards. So he decided to shit on Potter and had the idea to fight him with the strongest character that beats kids he knew.
>it reeks of an old man ranting at the sky.
You'd have to be a huge snowflake to think that.
>spoiled rich kid
He is closer to an abused delinquent
>too convoluted
Simpleton detected
I think you need to be from /pol/ that this wasnt written in anger.

When you like sphagetti with cheesesauce and bubblegum.
>to be from /pol/ that this wasnt
Are you having a stroke?
Thats your clap back? Nitpicking grammatic? Using “stroke“? You are from /pol/ or main user of /pol/!
>clap back
Go back.
I am back.
That's not grammar, that's just misspelling. You type like an Indian, or a SEAmonkey.
>From an Anglican viewpoint
Alan Moore thinks he is an actual wizard, Anglicans probably think he needs an exorcism.
>Anglicans probably think he needs an exorcism.
Isn't that Catholicism?
He thinks, therefore he is.
It's crazy to think how much work went into the post-volume 2 books and people just get angry about Harry Potter and few other things and dismiss it all.
Potterheads are cancer.
Thank you to the anon that mentioned The Riddle of the Sands in one of these threads. Great read.
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>Uses Tempest to shot on superheroes
>Superhero characters are the most likeable and enjoyable
What did he mean by this?
What are you talking about? The Cthulhu mythos gets referenced constantly in LoEG. Not to mention he wrote a series based on Lovecraft.
This, but /co/ doesn't read comics.
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What's your favourite bit of literary fushion in LoEG? For example - Monsieur Zenith is a reincarnation of Elric of Melnibone and owns Stormbringer.
Fitting, given Zenith is one of Moorcock's acknowledged influences on Elric (a version of which appears as a pirate captain in a Tom Strong story).
That's pretty cool.
Definetly the whole teke lili section in heart of ice, culminating on the reveal of the pale figure from gordon pym. Masterful use of tension and pacing
>Same reason Moore doesn’t meme on Lovecraft
What the fuck are you talking about? Heart of Ice is based on "At the Mountains of Madness".
nta, but I will from now on

also, I wish this would become a common term
Is An Antarctic Mystery/The Sphinx in the Ice any good?
The antartic mystery is kind of generic verne, is slow and nothing much interesting happens. The only thing that makes it stand out is that it is a direct sequel to arthur gordon pym to the point it gives the story a proper ending since the first book ends so abruptly. Though its arguable as to wether that is a good thing since the original ending is so haunting
I'm a simple man- M being hinted to be Mycroft and turning out to be Moriarty is great to me. Though the virus that kills the martians turning out to be made by Dr. Moreau is also brill
Yeah, that's kind of why I wanted to skip it. Thanks.
I'm pretty excited about reading this series. So much background to look into, though.
I glanced at a page from Century or maybe Tempest, and there was a Sopranos reference.
There's a reference site and book that a guy made going over every reference, but I think for a first read, at least, that's not needed
I know, and I've read the first two volumes before.
I might just read it all first, then read several more books, then come back to it. I really would like to have more of that background.
>"anyone who disagrees with me is a Poo!"
I'm not Indian, I am a straight White man, but go ahead and fantasize that so you could feel good about doing an edgy racism for le heckin' maymay; besides, I bet you have hundreds of gigabytes of cp on your pc.
>illiterate retard
Learn more words for your lexicon before you speak ill of others' vocabulary, presumptuous faggot.
The Stepford Wives being based on the Maschinenmensch from Metropolis was clever
Anglicans are just English nationalist Catholics who replaced the Papacy with the Throne.
Also loads of denominations do Exorcisms, pretty much all Christian churches believe in demons and possession, since it's right there in the new testament.
Your words might carry more weight if you actually knew what they meant.

Brevity is the soul of wit, and verbosity of the insecure twit.
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is this poster Professor Moriarty?
Randolph Carter being related to John Carter is all I can remember. I really need to read it more closely.
I don't know about that. Wasn't the grand finale a nod to Kirby/Lee's Fantastic Four?
No. Moriarty would know what 'Anglican' actually means.
Is this a thing?
I wish the whole Opera adventure with the french League was an actual comic, not just a text-piece.
The way the OP used it is uncommon and old-fashioned, but not incorrect.

It's a hip-hop/black thing. There was a fun horror blaxploitation type comic a few years ago called Old Head by the guy who did Fuck This Place and the 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton.
I wish we got to see Les Hommes Mysterieux in the comics, as well as their fight with the LOEG. Sadly, with Kevin O'Neill's passing, that's not happening, unless Moore gets a good artist.
>who replaced the Papacy with the Throne.
So, Protestants.
By definition, but unlike other protestants who made a hard left turn into austerity and iconoclasm, Anglicans retained a lot of the grand trappings of the Catholic church.
Plenty of other protestants also at least ostensibly kept their religious leadership separate from the throne, whereas Anglicans went all in on divine right to rule with the king as the formal head of the church.
Tempest was one of the worst things I've ever read.
That's because you're weak.
The post-volume 2 books are total garbage.
>My reading comprehension is elementary level and I think that's anyone's fault but mine.
I can smell the child predator coming from this post
>"I'm retarded"
Thanks for sharing
Kyle Carozza hands typed this.
Obvious samefag
So you agree that it is just misspelling and completly understandable? Than why all the fuss about it? You got no argument other than trying to “character assassinate“ me. You are a citizin of /pol/. I can assassinate you too.
Honestly the work/art is great, it is just Moore ranting and writing which makes it bad.
>Than why all the fuss
Who knew it was possible to write posts in crayon.
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>james bond is a rapist
I can't believe that a character who spoke about the "sweet tang of rape" could be a rapist. Really stretches credibility.

I know, right?
I understand why you wrote it, because you are mentally subnormal.
>james bond is a rapist working for big brother
>voldemort is actually aleister crowley
>harry potter is the antichrist
All true.
It's off from pretty much the first page
>please help, Dracula is too complicated for me to understand
>t. Moore
>Dracula is too complicated for me to understand
Now I definitely have to read it.
>Mina is an angry feminist who goes on about how terrible the men in Dracula were, how she can't forget loving Dracula, how her husband abandoned her for being raped by him, etc.
>Moore is on record as going with this because he couldn't see how such a strong, independent woman like Mina would stick with a sissy like Harker
>meanwhile, in the actual book
>Mina is disparaging of New Women, which ends up being a pretty good joke as the book makes it painfully obvious the "chivalrous" attempts by the male heroes to protect her from the dangers of the plot only served to put her in more danger and them all working together, combining their talents, is the way to go
>Mina's sympathies for Dracula are entirely platonic, driven by her recognition that as an unholy creature who can only dominate other beings, he has no friends to help him and is on the run from the, again, truly allied talents of the heroes
>Jonathan Harker overcomes a lot psychological trauma to escape Dracula's castle by climbing down the dangerous cliffs outside, makes his way back to civilization, and is roused from his depressive state once he realizes Dracula is in Britain and shit needs to get done
>literally, and I mean literally, Jon declares that if they can't kill Dracula and prevent Mina from becoming a vampire, he will follow her to the depths of hell to be with her
>starts using a kukri knife to physically fight Dracula
>also, like, she explicitly has a kid that I guess Moore, in his infinite wisdom, just didn't want to have to bother to deal with
I remember reading League long before I ever got to Dracula, and actually reading it severely hampered my ability to take the comic in anyway seriously with its pretensions to literary commentary or even just surface level crossover entertainment. Honestly, it's even worse than his self admitted unthinking hit piece Neonomicon. That at least he made up for with Providence. We're stuck with this silly "reading" of Dracula.
And, to be completely clear to the anons who still haven't read it, read it years ago and forgot, or like Moore are simply too pea brained to comprehend a one hundred year old urban fantasy book, none of this is subtle or subtextual. Every single one of those points is the character coming out of the book, looking you dead in the eye, and explaining in obvious terms what is meant by the scene. The male heroes explicitly think they're keeping Mina safe by shielding her from their plots to stop Dracula, only to realize this left her vulnerable, not knowing what to look out for as Dracula preyed on her. They all, again explicitly, realize their error and that they need her help to stop Dracula. Mina's sympathies to Dracula are entirely down to her knowing he will lose because of the power of friendship, like she's a shounen anime protag. Jon goes through the shit in the story and every time decides to press on. Again, explicitly, as they're realizing Mina is damned to be an unholy monster if they can't stop Dracula in time, he very clearly says he doesn't plan to kill her or abandon her, but to damn himself as well to follow her.

Just like with the basically worthless Neonomicon and Lovecraft, Moore decided to just go with the common knowledge, mainstream interpretation of Dracula rather than anything even approaching the actual, original text. LoEG has other, fine qualities unlike Neonomicon, but it still means I don't really respect any of its interpretations of anything. Especially the other things I haven't read in it, cause there's no way to know if he hasn't botched those too.
These might be fair criticisms if Moore claimed to be strictly following the books that inspired him, but afaik he never made that claim.

>she explicitly has a kid that I guess Moore, in his infinite wisdom, just didn't want to have to bother to deal with
Moriarty didn't survive his plummet off Reichenbach Falls either, but Moore wanted to tell a story where he did.
Nothing takes me out of a story faster than feminism. I can't think of a single story where it doesn't come off as retarded and contrived.
Pouring one out for the ornery one fag that used a LOEG thread to extensively bitch about Orlando being "obscure" literature. You can't pay for that kind of entertainment.
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God, I'm sad I missed that.

I do remember some sort of Harry Potter clone bitching about how at least the HP books gave him more reason to care about Ron than League gave him to care about Orlando
^clown, not clone.
Not untrue, people don't really read anymore. People are more likely (not very likely) to know it through that Tilda Swinton film.

Now I'm going to go wank to the thought of Elizabeth Debicki and Gemma Arterton from that shit Vita and Virginia film fucking the shit out of each other.
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I like how Moore handles feminism. His women get equal rights and equal lefts.
Obvious samefag, and a pedophile, too
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Try again, Kyle.
>Caught pedo runs defense and projects
Retard, if you're going to shitpost, at least put some effort into it.
Sounds gay.
What books should I read before reading the original comic?

I've read 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Dracula, The Picture of Dorian Gey and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but its been a while.
Because i dont care that mich about you you read my text for correction.
Crayons are good enough for you.

you don't really need to read any.
Personally, I read the comic then went and read the books the main characters came from
>What books should I read before reading the original comic?
Use these annotations as a guide.
This stuff should be second nature. If basic English requires effort from you, you're probably dyslexic.
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I don't recall Mina ever saying anything about loving Dracula in League, the opposite is implied, though.
>Moore is on record as going with this because he couldn't see how such a strong, independent woman like Mina would stick with a sissy like Harker
I don't recall him saying anything like this, but I do seem to remember him saying something along the lines of that he wanted a tough female character from that era, but there wasn't much to choose from, so he thought Mina might work, if you took the idea that she was hardened by what she went though.

Look, it's very unlikely Moore failed to grasp the basic elements of the book, he's very meticulous in his research and attention to detail, he's just been selective in which parts to follow for the sake of the story.

You seem weirdly bent out of shape over this, like Moore did something to upset you
>Because he's using them in ways that add something new to the mix.
>what if x was a rapist?
Why are you entertaining this midwit? All these retards ever do is work themselves over a shoot because Alan Moore made fun of their super heroes.
Presenting Bond as the rapist bastard he is straight is adding new to the mix specifically because his books want/need him to be the hero.
Curious that you skipped this post >>145714047
Everybody loves rape on 4chan. You need to fuck off back to kiwifarms.
>ESL gibberish.
Aight Hadji, back to the call center.
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I can't help myself sometimes. And, I guess I was curious if he actually believed what he said and I wouldn't want someone to read the bollocks he wrote and believe it
There's zero legitimate criticism on good authors in /co/. It's always some schizo doing a bit, or worse, some kiwifarms troon trying to drum up interest in their harassment campaigns.
This. You have to go to /shelf/ threads now if you want a real discussion with people who know their shit.
/shelf/ is full of retards too.
>how much work
a lot of work ≠ quality
The reader has to put some effort into the later LOEG books too to get something in return. If you go in expecting to be spoonfed, you'll come out disappointed.
Or i got standard US school education?
Same thing.
He's based.
What the fuck is this thread? Enjoy what little good media there is related to this godforsaken board.
Oh sure, of course, but we're going to be going "it's fine for James Bond to be a rapist because it's true to the character" then it's a bit weird we're also going "Mina can be whatever cause Moore wants it."

Moore just wanted what he wanted, and there's no reason to try and justify it beyond that.
My apologies, I let my autism get the best of me. I was thinking of this quote:
>"…She has seen it all , that’s why she’s dropped Jonathan [Harker]. Because Jonathan is such a milk sop, I mean, I’m going to have her say, when we find out why she is so traumatized. [Quartermain will say] Was it because of what that fiend did to you? And she says ‘no, I loved him, and I helped them kill him.’ And that’s all she says about it."
Of course, that line is nowhere in the comic, nor is any real sign of anything really pointing to the first part of it either. So Moore at least had the good sense to keep it out of the story. Or at least the first two volumes.
>What the fuck is this thread?
A case study in why anons don't deserve good things
>Japanese LoEG
Isn't that just Concrete Revolutio?
Both can be true, dummy. Bond is an evil rapist government goon because Moore wants it. He could have just as easily had him be a traditional good guy spy, but choosing to do something out of the norm with him works better, same way making Mina more proactive and in charge makes her more interesting as a character. Especially in the early stories where she’s with people like old man Alan etc. who are meant to be men of action.
From how I understand it, yes but more blatant.
ah, didn't see that before. Guess you have a point on that one
That's what I said: it's just what Moore wanted to do. So there's no point trying to justify by the text, since it's clear the text doesn't matter.

Which, obviously, isn't true. Of course the text matters. >>145715264 says Moriarty didn't survive his fall the original stories, but the story still goes out of its way to show that what we "see" in the story happened anyway. It's basically the joke: we jump from the literal text of that story, rendered in comic form, full of polite banter and Doyle's style. To a broken Moriarty ranting and swearing and calling Holmes a drug addicted sodomite. Even the wildly bizarre version of Hyde and Jekyll is explicitly explained as being their "condition" developing to a new extreme.

This is all pretty distinct from how Mina is treated. She alone isn't really given an explanation that squares her with the text she's from. Indeed, Moore flat out says he just had an archetype in mind and went looking for someone to slot it in. Mina's the way she is cause of what Moore wanted to write.

And my complaints aside, he wasn't wrong to choose her. Mina does have a lot going for her in Dracula proper. She's less caustic, obviously, but its her initiative and essentially "clerical" skills and information management that forms the bedrock of the investigation/hunt. As said, the other heroes try to cut her out for her own good to everyone's peril, hers and theirs. Her narrative role in League fits. It's the rest of it I find objectionable.

It's fun stuff, though. I'm just a big Dracula mark and seethe eternally about everyone getting it wrong. They keep adapting the damn play!
The text is your starting point. It’s just not the be all end all. It depends on character and what you can envision them be based on the text and how you can use them beyond the text. You cannot be a slave to the source material if you’re doing League. That’s why complaining Moriarity not being dead is dumb and misses the whole point of what Moore is doing. Bond becoming outright rapist villain and not just being rapey works because of this because you can see where it comes from. Mina similarly becoming more strong and assertive after her experiences in Dracula works. And some liberties are always bound to happen. Things need updating and developed and fixed. Expecting everyone to be static copies of their sources is silly.
>I'm just a big Dracula mark and seethe eternally about everyone getting it wrong. They keep adapting the damn play!
Based Draculautist
Spider-Holmes, Spider-Holmes
Cocaine addict Spider-Holmes
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feels like this thread got better in the end
>>A depiction of all of fiction
The fuck you talking about? ALL fiction? It's mostly English fiction that focuses on the Fantastical.
The running themes of the series are British elitism, and sexual repression.
>good guy spy
No such animal.
No lies detected
>a guy in his 60s
Even if this was true (which it wasn't when Moore started writing LOEG), why does it matter? He's very well read, and an older Moore would be a Moore who's spent more time reading and thinking about the books LOEG is based on.
In the end?
I still haven't read The Tempest or the second and third Nemo volumes. All in all the series is quite enjoyable.
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I guess it's not over yet, but it did feel like it was winding down when I posted that
Nothing ends, anon. Nothing ever ends.
It's been winding down for a few days now.
damn, I didn't realize the thread had been around a few days
Based Nevinses. Francis wrote an amazing book on Cornell Woolrich that I'd love to buy in paper.
So what you're saying is that as long as Moore did it, it was the right choice in your eyes.
A fundamental issue with crossovers is that you are writing with someone else's character. Yes you don't have to be "a slave" to it, but if someone else reads your work and thinks you wrote the character wrong then their opinion is just as valid as yours. If all you have to fall back on is "well my story is better this way" then sure, but why use that character in the first place?

That's what all the "lollll you're just mad your favorite (shit) character is treated like the shitstain he really is" people never seem to get. It's all about respect. If you don't respect the works you're referencing, then the fans of that work have no reason to respect you.
NTA but where does Moore demand respect from (particular) fans of these characters?
He didn't, and from what I've heard of him I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't give a crap. The problem (as always) is his fans, who demand that you respect his works no matter what because Moore wrote it and he's always right. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then either scroll up or look in a mirror.
I followed the chain of discussion already, thanks, and you're making a lot of erroneous assumptions about both Moore and the people replying to you.
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>The problem (as always) is his fans, who demand that you respect his works no matter what because Moore wrote it and he's always right. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then either scroll up
I'm not seeing any of that in this thread, personally
That's a lot of annotations
Might check it out.
It's pretty dead now.
The fun part is that anyone could basically keep the universe going because it's just a bunch of borrowed characters.
Have you come up with any stories for it?
SoP tier?
If you’re doing essentially a giant IP crossover where everyone somehow inhabits the same universe, changes have to happen. And half of the point of the series is to also reinterpret and recontextualize the antiquated characters and look how to do something that isn’t just repeating the old shit they already did.

Why aren’t you whining that Dr. Moreau is alive and working for the British government? Or how Griffin is alive despite being killed in the novel? Or how Mr Hyde is depicted very differently from the source? Because you only care about certain more modern characters and are angry about them changing.
>If all you have to fall back on is "well my story is better this way" then sure, but why use that character in the first place?

Because the entire enterprise is based around reinventing classic public domain characters and doing something new with them. Do you complain as much about every single Dracula, Dr. Jekyll, Invisible Man, etc. adaptation that doesn’t follow the books to the letter? These characters are so iconic and old that they literally require changes to make them distinct and interesting and stand out from the decades of previous adaptations.


Oh go fuck yourself. With your attitude you basically have to whine about every single subsequent use of most of these characters that took place by other authors or in a different medium. It’s the type of obnoxious fanboy idiocy that makes people hate nerds.
>"stop taking me at my word, I was just erp'ing with you
You got exposed, pedophile, the least you could do is break your neck.
No way. It's quite good.
Is it though?

>anyone could follow Moore
The Tom Strong guest issues suggest otherwise.
>The Tom Strong guest issues suggest otherwise.
For me, it's the Top 10 follow-up issues. Christ, what a disappointing way to prematurely end such a brilliant series.
Guess Promethea ate up all his attention.
It was worth it for the JHWIII art.
While Promethea and J.H. Williams III are great, I would have preferred more Top 10.

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