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3 more days until Pomni and the gang get spookified!
Aww Ragatha looks so happy
what do you think the theming will be this time? last ep was the alligator dood getting sentience, what will be this eps big meta narrative?
>spooky episode
>it isn't released in Halloween
>even though it's October
It's like they WANT to fail
So are the characters actually gonna get turned into these horrifying things, or is it just for marketing?
If you look closely at the trailer and out-of-context screenshots on Goose's Tumblr, you can see the spooky heads in a room Pomni and Kinger are exploring.
Kinger gets a shotgun and Zooble gets therapy.
It's Digital Circus and it's spooky. People love both.
The courage to face your fears and keep going / stand by your friends. I think Zooble's hangup will be someone having abstracted on one of those adventures and hashing things out with Caine who ultimately isn't a bad guy.

Pomni will also come to appreciate Kinger who may also talk things out with her when she freaks out at his antics along with all the other crap. From the teaser we see small shots of guarding Pomni and he might see something that will hit him hard personally but deal with it for Pomni's sake.
It's called Spooky MONTH for a reason. Not all spooky themed episodes have to air on Halloween itself.
Gangle looks like she's gonna ask me what's my favorite scary movie
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My wife <3
They're not a TV network, they can release the episode whanever they want
By releasing it earlier in the month, you can tag on a "DON'T FORGET TO BUY YOUR POMNI AND CAINE COSTUMES AT YOUR LOCAL SPIRIT HALLOWEEN" ad and make more money.
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She is so fucking pretty
God I hope the show doesn't start sucking
It's just going to be spooky for this one episode, and only for a few scenes. Then it's back to being a comedy about how fucked and miserable these people are.
they could if those things were officially licensed
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>it's a vacuum cleaner vore episode
Oh boy.
This feels purpose built for them to reference Thalasin somewhere.
>Jax messing with Pomni
>Pomni doesn't immediately pound him
Last episode she was ready to kill hiim
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there better be a game show in there
Nah, this will be a suck-o-lux reference
>God I hope the show doesn't start sucking
Pretty show it started in episode 2 what with Pomni being a bitch to Ragatha for no reason when she was being nice and forgiving to her even though she left her to the abstracted Kaufmo.
I only see two ways this going
>it doesn't work and is a throwaway luigi's mansion joke
>it works on the ghost after pomni forms a deep bond with her
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>inflates your pomni big and round
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What is this image from? I've seen the Pomni one in the browser game but I've never seen the other ones
Nevermind I'm retarded, it's from Glitch's twitter:
People with very little self-worth tend to be very bitchy to other people. But it looks like Pomni is beginning to learn.
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hard plastic mini zooble construction toy
also i got so fucking scared from seeing this

the pomni-being-stretched scene from episode 2 shows goose can do whatever she wants and i am extremely afraid
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I could see it playing it like Army of Darkness
Imagine Pomni gets succed and spends the whole episode stuck inside the vacuum with the ghosts talking.
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That Ragatha genuinely befuddles me. I'm so fucking pumped, my dudes.
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I hope she gets torn apart this episode and screams her head off!
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Pomni needs to let Ragatha take care of her already. They both need it...
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Son of a bitch
itd be inflation 100% inflation

I thought this was supposed to be a fun lightheaded show for everyone. How 5he fuck is this family friendly
she reminds me of the gungan leader from star wars.

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