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It's 2024, Does /co/ still hate Rapunzel?
I could never.
She didn't qualify for Ms. /co/
no, she's cute, why would anyone hate her?
She's a dyke
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That's Cassandra. Rapunzel is for Eugene.
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Cute Nudist
dead thread
dead show
dead waifu
Hate this cute blondie? I wouldn't.
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punzie bros...
Tangled was the last great Disney movie made before the Cringe Consultants took over Hollywood.
Who cares? Ms. /co/ hasn’t had a good champ since Betty Boop
>still hate
Fuck you mean? Who hated Rapunzel?
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I want to get Rap'd
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Unprotected Sex
I never hated her. I loved her since I first saw her movie on tv at 2 am.
>that expression
So what? That doesn't mean we all of a sudden hate her now for God's sake
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All of her expressions are pure sex

Is this an edit?
That extremely high cleavage line is triggering me.
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This show needed more of this
kinda weird we never got any drawfags in the show threads
Cassandra deserved to be happy with the princess.
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/co/ is pro Punzie board.
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>Gothel spends years regressing herself
>Punzie didn't get squat for age regression in the show
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Mommy and daughter combo
Why does she talk like Yoda?
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>ywn never hug punzie and pull her face into your chest
They made Gothel too attractive, it's kinda distracting.
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lol i never watched this cartoon, she still goes around everywhere barefoot like in the movie? why? she was rich af at the end of the movie
she doesn't like shoes
well i guess she doesnt need them since she has a superpower that prevents them from getting dirty or cold
>A person locked in a tower her entire life that has never worn or needed shoes ever before
This is like saying she wears underwear or something equally retarded
...Or does she?
This was supreme kino and one of the best twists in the history of Disney. THIS is how you do a fucking twist villain. Season 3 was a letdown but it doesn't take away from how cool this moment was.
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There's that kid word again.
I'll talk how I want.
This post ain't kino
Man I remember that magical time between Season 2 and Season 3. We were still blown away by the Season 2 finale, Season 3 hadn't disappointed us yet. We thought anything was possible and this show could go nowhere but up. It was a spellbinding time.
This show was way better than it had any right to be. Sad to know it'll eventually get retconned to hell whenever they decide to do Tangled 2.
I'm content, Anon. The movie is great, the show is great, and nobody can take that away from us. Rapunzel will always be one of the greatest Disney Princesses, no matter what nuDisney does with her.
I mean, if you gave the ending of Season 2 a moment of thought, you would've realised, it made no sense for Cassandra to betray everyone like that. It was VERY out-of-character after all the bonding the writers threw at us during the first two seasons.

And, honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the whole Sundrop/Moonstone thing reeked of second-rate fanfiction.
>And, honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the whole Sundrop/Moonstone thing reeked of second-rate fanfiction.

I thought it was cool. The show kind of had a "Lovecraft for kids" vibe to it that I really liked, and the Sundrop and the Moonstone were part of it. Incredible cosmic powers from beyond the frozen gulf of space? That's cool. You don't normally get something like that in Disney.

Ancient curses? A ruined kingdom? Terrible suffering? It was a fun departure from what you're used to with Disney Princesses. You even had a literal Lovecraftian abomination in Zhan Tiri.

It was well done, at least up to a point, and makes Rapunzel's show unique.
if miss piggy is playing punz in the live action, then yes
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. God no. Please God no!!!!
These people are so fucking retarded ffs. McKenna Grace is literally begging to play this character and they want to go with this frumpy, box shaped pig instead?? Fuck this shit.
There's the one episode where half the cast gets turned into kids, but Raps and Eugene stay big... unless I'm forgetting something.
At least she isn’t brown

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