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When a show was in production longer than it was on the air. An example is the infamous Numaniacs reboot
At least it gave us Julia
There needs to be a documentary of this show, literally everything went wrong with it. A much bigger clusterfuck than PPG 2016.

Did any of the crew even come forward to say why it sucked so badly?
clone high s3
there was pretty much fuck-all promo for it and both s2 and s3 showed why exactly a show like clone high can't work in today's age
Nicktoons treatment
Haven't watched it, is there a quick rundown why it was so bad?
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When the show got canceled for having low ratings like the owl flophouse. That's a huge sign
>anon says TOH was canceled for low ratings
>article says it was canceled for branding reasons
Which is it?
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The Disney brand was in jeopardy since no one was watching that garbage shitshow on their network; hence, they cancelled Owl House.

Owl House is basically Disney's version of Sony's Concord. An irreparable mistake that will forever taint the DTVA brand with its failure.
>low ratings
>no one was watching
Citation needed.
no dub
Not tribefag, it's definitely "branding". And not because TOH was gay or anything, but the Disney c-suite was simply not interested in expanding its DTVA brand all that much. Owl House and Amphibia probably got a pretty good deal, given the rest of the DTVA shows were axed without mercy (Hailey, Moongirl, TGAMM).
>xitter screenshot
Not a citation. Try again.
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You're not getting anywhere with tribefag. He's been spamming our threads since... forever, because he's salty that all of his viewers went to watch Owl House. Just hide his posts and continue to stay on topic of the thread
Here's your citation, Owl housejeet. Like I said, can you cry even harder? All your seething is only making Disney giving Amphibia season 3 and more Amphibia books.
None of these are citations.

Support your claims for or against TOH being canceled due to low ratings with data drawn from a respectable media audience measurement body, either hosted by them or hosted by a reliable news website.
>Idiot thinks I'm tribefag
Good luck with your thread I guess, I tried to help you
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Lol, faggot posted it twice.
MOST programs don't rerun perpetually.
Just your average Owl House schizo. They're like the sad clowns of /co/
>Idiot thinks I'm tribefag
Nope. I have no horse in this race outside finding out which claim is true, and you both need to do better than posting screenshots.

I edited the post. You'd know that if you'd taken a moment to compare them before rushing out an attempted gotcha.
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Popular shows don't get canceled. For a show to be canceled midseason in production speaks volumes about the real ratings of the show. Disney would not spend a single penny on a show that people don't care about.

If you still want to post cope, then where is Owl house season 3? If you cant answer that simple question that means you're already in the wrong.
>no citations, just assertions
>popular shows don't get canceled
Phil of the Future
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And Owl House is still canceled. Lol
>literal who show
There hasn been one successful life action Disney series since Lizzie McGuire, Hannah Montana, Suite life, and That's so raven.
was wizards of waverly place not successful, it always seemed like it was huge
>And Owl House is still canceled.
Yes, we've established that. We're now trying to find out why.
terrible thread, nobody posts examples.
>if i don't know about it, it doesn't count!!
Okay, how about Inside Job?
inb4 "th-that doesn't count either!"
Wizard the flopping place was not popular. That show was hot garbage. Not even Selena Gomez can't salvage that trash.
Nothing can fix your delusional mental illness. Cope all you want, but the answer to your question is already there. Disney even treated TOH like a diseased mutt. Had the show actually been successful, it wouldn't get this level of treatment.
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>If I keep posting unpopular shows that got canceled, that means I'm right!
Here's your (you)
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>I resemble that remark
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Your concession is accepted
How did Inside Job flop?
Hard mode: No circular logic.
You will fail hard mode.
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Look dude. Inside Job was nothing more than some discount Rick and Morty wannabe. There isn't just enough audience who would be interested watching that show when the real thing still exist and more popular.

Take a look at Arcane as an example. Just the trailer for Arcane season 2 alone amassed almost 40 million views in just a month. That show is popular. Netflix would be stupid to not want to invest in that goldmine, hence why the show got a season 2.

Netflix is canceling their unpopular shows because the company deemed it a waste of resources and money to invest in. Why put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a show that only has a few thousand viewers when you could instead use the money that you would spent on producing those unpopular shows into marketing actually popular Netflix shows like Squid Game and Arcane? It's nothing more than a smart decision on their part. They're company foremost, not a charity organization.

>Netflix is funding Arcane
>the answer to your question is already there
Not so. But since you're reluctant to answer the question (for reasons best known to yourself), I'll do it for you. Here are the actual audience viewing figures for Owl House:

Using this data a guide, we can rule out low viewing figures as the likely reason for the show's cancellation, since the data shows Owl House was pulling in more viewers than shows like Amphbia on the same services:

More examples can be found here:
Phil of the Future was probably Disney's most successful live action show since Lizzie McGuire and aired before either Hannah Montana or Suite Life. That's So Raven was pushed really hard by Disney for some reason but wasn't actually that popular.
>No thanks
Produce a better source.
Shit thread, post more!
Planet Sheen
It was already a bad sign when Hello Nurse and Slappy Squirrel weren't even in the show. The cameo doesn't count.
Tax write off
What the fuck is Phil of the Future?
Everyone I know saw That's So Raven. You fucking nigger it gave us the best anime ever Cory in the House.
Disney Channel wants 6-11 year olds , the show wasn't doing well with 6-11 year olds. Unlike Big City Greens which was.
>the shows made for literal tumblr faggots
>flops with children
How could this be?
they were above 11
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It can work the writing just sucked and the show was too full of stuff like picrel. The episode was full of ugly and unfunny shit, instead of parodying teen dramas(which homecoming is ripe for)it squanders it on some unfunny lord of rings thing at the start and someone's giantess fetish.
>fuck-all promo
True. It didnt help that everyone forgot Clone High was greenlit for 2 seasons.
Good thing Disney didn’t write it as a tax off unlike certain shows from CN
Is this why they try grooming children? So there's 6-11 audience for their shows?
>did any of the crew even come forward to say why it sucked so badly
The usual "fuck this property I have to work on I wanted my magnum opus to become real" bullshit.
good thing pokemon still sells
Not really. It just wasn't funny. All the jokes missed and they made fun of their audience in ways that weren't as charming as when they did it in the 90s.

That's the real issue with all these flop shows. Velma, New Norm, Mr Birchum, Clone High reboot, whatever else...for all the political shit that people write video essays about, their biggest sin is that they JUST AREN'T FUNNY.
Looked worse than the original despite coming out 27 years later
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>Phil of the Future
>literal who
I hate zoomers so damn much, holy shit.
there was a new version of futurama and nobody remembers it
Voice actor gets cancelled.
id fuck the shit outta that rat
Some anon once came on here who said he worked on the show and said the biggest issue was the writers had an ego and wanted to change animaniacs to what they want
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SHIT of the future will never be Lizzie McGuire. I'd rather watch Agent Cody Banks on a 24/7 loop than having to see a single episode coming out of that dogshit show.
There's no way to take a show which success hinges on 90's humor and reboot it in current day woke Hollywood, it's DOA
The only notable thing about it was that spiel about John DiMaggio probably not coming back. But then they worked it out, and now he's doing jokes that are years behind in the public consciousness (ironic considering it takes place in the future)

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