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If you could buy the "Avatar The Last Airbender" franchise, become the new owner and now decide what is and isn't done in the franchise...

What things would you do? Would you decanonize some things? Would you rewrite other things? Any avatar from the past that you think deserves a series? Or at least a movie?
I wouldn't do anything. Let it exist as is.
I will make all the characters asexual in order to avoid forced trite romance
The first thing I do... Reboot of the Legend of Korra, if or if, that's what I'll do.

And I'll just keep a few things and ideas that might be useful for the reboot
Decanonize Korra
Make a new series set wayyyyyy before Aang's time so that it can serve as its own story without demystifying the setting with modern technology. Not a prequel mind you, something way too old to be directly attached to Aang's story outside of there being an Avatar.
Based. Settings like ATLA should be explored, not developed.
Ideally >>145776442

But, if there HAD to be new entries, I would make Korra an Elseworlds/Star Wars Legends-type side-series (allowing for more Korra stories alongside Aang ones while keeping those two as far apart as possible), and probably decide to make more novels, either prequel ones like the existing Kyoshi and Yangchen ones, or current ones focusing on the ATLA cast before/during/after the series. I'd only do video games if Paramount stopped cheaping out on shitters like GameMill.
I think this is the answer you'll get the most nodding heads too, except for trolls and shills doing it for free a decade since the checks stopped coming in.
WITH THAT IN MIND: let's hear anons' pitches for a new series set before the time of any of the avatars named in the original series.
>Not a prequel mind you, something way too old to be directly attached to Aang's story outside of there being an Avatar.
That actually sounds rad as hell, I wish we got that instead of Korra. The original series implied that the Avatars go back ridiculously far in history, so it's not like they wouldnt have had room to work with.
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Officially liscensed Hgames.
Avatar's third series
>Korra dies saving the world from a cataclysmic event, she's in her 40s when this happens
>an anti-avatar cult murders the Earth avatar when he's 10 years old
>Tenzin is in his 90s and is desperately searching for the fire avatar
>Tenzin dies in front of the fire avatar after confirming that she is in fact the new avatar
>series is set in the 1960s
>earth kingdom invaded and is occupying the fire nation, they're the big bad that must be stopped
>fire avatar is a university student
>fire avatar only has Korra and the earth avatar to commune with
>sets out to restore the avatar connection, Tenzin's dying wish while also resisting Earth Kingdom occupation
With Korra retconned, set it in early days of the world, but not the earliest. People are aware of the Avatar and bending, but things haven't actually coalesced into bending-specific polities yet. Warring tribes and kingdoms exist for all of the elements, and the Avatar doesn't just have to deal with balancing the elements, but also trying to navigate a world that's only just getting a real hang of this "civilization" thing.
The one thing I'd change is Hou-Ting doesn't die. Maybe gets her own spinoff series.
i would make canon that really long zhao webcomic someone made. i forget who.
Set in the world's Iron Age with the Earth Kingdom expanding, except the Avatar actually fails to stop its momentum. Seriously the Earth Kingdom is way too fucking big for it to be "balanced" elementally, it's an easy plot point to tackle.
I like this idea
korra no longer canon.
I like korra's design but the show just wasn't very good and I don't like the lore it introduced
fuck the comics too

if I were making my own sequel series, I'd set it a few years after the OG series, following the five gaang members.
zuko has to deal with rehabilitating the fire nation, deal with the colonies, etc but unlike the comics he doesn't get needlessly fucking cucked.
katara and sokka are working to rebuild the southern tribe, and bringing the swamp benders into the water nation fold
toph travels around the earth continent mostly on her own and sometimes with the earth king, re-establishing his authority
aang travels EVERYWHERE looking for remnants of the airbenders.

most episodes would follow two of these groups in a side by side fashion (so it might be a zuko/aang episode)
sometimes the groups world unite (like aang haanging with toph while searching earth kingdom records)

some new setting lore: there's supposed to be an even number of each type of bender. so as long as there aren't any airbenders around, the world remains out of balance.
traditionally the air nomads had an extremely structured religious state (practically a dictatorship. but benevolent. mostly.) to ensure that their birth rate was perfect so that they would ALL be born benders. would be interesting to explore ideas like aang realizing that he doesn't want to restore EVERY aspect of his peoples' culture, such as not being raised by one's parents.
it could also include conflict in the re-establishment of the southern water tribe, since the northern tribe and swamp tribe have had WAY more benders born to their ranks since the slaughter of the southern bending population.

anyway in the end aang finds a hold-out of benders on some islands on the other side of the planet (that's right, the map we know? just one side of the world.)
also polynesian-themed water benders.
i would mix it up a little and have the water tribe with a maritime empire like the javanese. have some ainu or mayan fire nation guys that its implied get folded into the main empire over time.

heroine is the avatar's mom and the story is about her protecting her superpowered kid.
That's actually such a good idea that it makes the basic premise of Korra feel kind of retarded.
we all agree on wiping korra on the comics out from the face of the earth right? like even every spectrum of shipfags should be able to agree on this one point?
Yeah also this. at minimum it needs to be older than yangchens time.
so basically the rumored season 4 ideas then? i like it
no i would just rewrite it to be good.

i dont think there's actually anything wrong with steampunk atla as a concept, so long as you stay away from cringe shit like mechas and forklifts
>no i would just rewrite it to be good.
that's still in practice the same thing as decanonizing it, but fair enough.
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Pic related unironically
Whatever magic came together to make the original series as great as it was has not been replicated even a little bit in any subsequent show, comic, or adaptation to come afterwards and it never will be

Johane "Rufftoon" Matte

Water Tribe

You should read the sequel
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I've said it many times now, but a Tartakovsky Clone Wars-like take on the 100 year war mostly centered on the rank and file with the occasional focus on main story characters would be the greatest thing ever.
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I'm going to call it "Avatar the last Wokebender" and it's going to be about how Azula was actually just misunderstood and was a victim of patriarchy. And it'll turn into a lesbian romance between her and Katara.
Prequels. Aang is boring as shit, and atla is ~1800s. There's tons of previous avatars that would give ripe juicy stories and be a little more historical. Especially in the comics, like the forklifts (fucking forklifts) the tech level is retarded. You have snowmonkeys with stone tools, then go to steampunk with the firenation, then suddenly forklifts and modern factories? fuck me sideways. Finna steer clear of that shit.

Also make it about adults instead of kids (boring) or teens (melodrama). Adults are always the best characters in any series. Maybe they forget animation isn't just "for kids" and adults are the ones with fucking money to spend. Wish not all animation catered to snot nosed hobgoblins. If we could get the series at least Teen rated it would do a lot.
kino tb honest
that shit was good, but deviantart is such a garbage website. love zhao. he's criminally underutilized.
Retcon Korra's actions in the finale as being much more destructive than we were led on
I tend to meme the idea of a third series being in a more modern setting where Korra's actions acted as the benders' equivalent of "M-Day", and thus the Avatar is now brushed off as being mere myths and folklore
What I'm gonna do? WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! I'll tell you EXACTLY what I'm gonna do, op. I'm gonna rebrand it, remake it, reshape it. Into what, you may ask? A hentai, porn cartoon, erotic animated video series if you will.
Starring who, who else. Aang, who's going to get fucked in various ways. Hypnotized, tentacles, eels, slimes, insects, the staffs self inserts, you name it, he's gonna get sodomised by it. It will end, with him meeting and falling in love with Toph, and they will live happily ever after.

I'm going to hire black market artists, writers, and animators to work on it. That's right, I'm contracting the fucking French, who will be the only ones soulless enough to work on this .The voice actors, will be anonymous, as will the rest of the staff. I will then shadow drop it via DVDs, in random video stores so it will spread by word of mouth. After that...I'm not sure.
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>deviantart is such a garbage website
That's... remarkably specific
what bothers me is this comic is so much better than the actual atla comics, yet this is just a fanwork and not official, and tmk she didn't get paid for it. (I know she's industry but for this particular work it was a fanproduct.) what fucking position are we in where talent like this is left to waste and the officials we get... you've seen them. christ and god above we live in hell.
True, the thing with Korra is that it wasn't well written, including the series itself but it had some good ideas and plots... That's why I think it's fairer to reboot to her, so can work as a good avatar sequel.
She actually worked for ATLA during season 2 and 3.
If I owned the franchise, would hire Gendy for it... What a great idea Anon!
yes, i'm aware. but the official atla comics we have are garbage, meanwhile this is unofficial.
Anon, we're supposed to be trying to save the franchise... Not sinking it more into the woke than it already is
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Write the natural continuation of the story: in less than a year as Fire Lord, Zuko gets overthrown and killed by the army and with the overwhelming support of the common people, and Ozai is reinstated because nobody would actually support 100 years of a gravy train coming to a sudden halt. The war then restarts again

Based, but Katara and Sokka strike me as backwards homophobes tbqh
>Ozai is reinstated
A Firelord that can't bend fire, now that's ironic alright
The show is made by jewish Zionists..,I mean the had a corrupt powerful leader of an earth kingdom that survived a century bow to a 11 year old girl because she gave a fucking "Divine right to rule" speech.
It's a shitty show with pro elitist propoganda littered throughout.
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Just imagine webm related, but it's the original siege of ba sing se
Not exactly, she won the da li over beforehand, the speech was just the victory lap.
To think these fine fellows fought so hard just to get mousecucked.
id make teen titans go but for atla
totally episodic romps about demented versions of the old characters being pricks to one another
Fucking magic of bring the half sane crotchsiawn 8f a nigga who has failed to take over their nation for as long as he's been alive?
That she's not in a stone box under the city and ransomed off for land and peace treaties is a fucking insult to human logic,
And then the writer came into the room and was like
>Ok, so to stop people from being transphobic we need to make Firelord Ozai and Azula and Commander Zhao and the Warden from Boiling Rock trans because they're the role models we all looked up to as kids, and we need to punish the rest of the cast
make an MMO based on the franchise, it's free money
More diversity
Jet was too edgy for his own good, even if he was right. He forgot the target audience are preteen kids. Hama is simply too based to live.
Next series focused on restoring balance

Going back is running away from the problem too long, and wiping out Korra would just be a distraction

The world is a place where the dead don't really die because Korra refused to do her job and while having grampy around is cool at first eventually he goes wild and it's the avatar's job to grant him peace

New Earth Avatar has to focus on reconnecting his past lives by battling the wild spirits of previous Avatars corrupted by Koh the Facestealer, and the ultimate resolution is separating the mundane and spirit worlds again
whorra sequel is gone
energybending never existed
Aang manned the fuck up, fulfilled his duty as Avatar, and killed Ozai. The prologue episode is spent showing how over time he deals with the trauma of the killing while developing the relationship between him and Katara to end with a satisfying and believable ending where they get together.

There you go, I've solved everything. Give me money now.
korra was superior to aang, at least she had balls
Kill off the sky bison again and make Ozai x Momo canon
>Demonizes a character named Hamas, err I mean Hama

It checks out
I REALLY love these
If there was actual build up to this it wouldn't have been as bad. Azula taking over with a speech was really lame.
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Make a show set during the Hundred Year where it falls a group Fire Nations soldiers and their experiences like Generation Kill
Honestly, as much as I felt that the azula thing was ridiculous and unrealistic, I feel like there’s better examples of their Zionism seeping into the show. It’s much more evident in Korra where they go full “um ackshully if you fight back you’re just as bad” etc lmao
Cheech and Chong but with firebenders
Edit the entire original series to give every female character overwhelmingly massive boobies
The series following Korra is promoted as featuring, as would be expected, an Earth avatar, but they avoid actually showing much footage before the premiere. The premiere opens with a celebration of the Earth avatar being identified as such...only for them to be suddenly killed at the height of the celebration by a terrorist group that wants to bring things back to the times of firebender reign and hates the Avatar for having ended it. Cut to a montage showing growing unrest over the years after that, leading up to us seeing that the show was secretly about a firebender Avatar all along. It's now set in what's basically modern times, and the MC has to deal with both much of the world thinking they don't even need the Avatar anymore, and much of the world hating them because of the context of what happened to the previous Avatar. The show also introduces some kind of tech-bending that sufficiently focused firebenders can do via manipulation of electricity.

Then, eventually, the next show after that will take place *way* in the future and feature an Earth avatar in a context that's basically "Avatar in space." It'll explore what it even means to be an Earth avatar when they aren't on Earth anymore, and what leaving the planet means for the spirit world. There would also end up being some kind of additional lore related to Sozin's Comet revealed throughout.
I put out a movie that's 2 hours and 20 minutes of Korra drugging and abusing Asami while fucking her stupid with her gigantic futa cock. Then she pimps her out while cheating on her with every woman in town, including Pema and Lin, eventually entering an actual relationship with Kuvira. They forcibly transition Mako and Bolin and keep them as their incesteous tranny dyke sex slaves, alongside crackwhore Asami.
Make a mini series about early Hominids learning about bending
Some people are so pent up, that their imaginations run wild. Too wild.
The kind of wild that needs to be hunted, with rifles.
>What things would you do?
Make a spinoff series about Azula. After a few years of hard labor, she'd get lucky and bust out of jail. She'd move to some relatively obscure part of Fire Nation country and plot her revenge, but she'd slowly lose the taste for it, find friends and family and kinda move on with her life.

In between that boring shit, she'd fight new enemies and I'd develop new sub bending styles to keep things fresh. Is smoke bending a thing? Regardless, the point is that she wouldn't have a forced redemption arc and she also wouldn't need one. She'd be sorta like Vegeta where she does good now because she wants to protect her new friends and family and she likes the country living and that's that.
I would make a new series where a mask wearing fellow calling himself the "Spirit King" is the main antagonist. His ultimate goal is to reunite the Spirit World with the real world to return everything to a pure state, he rejects the concept of separation of the spirit/material and believes industrialization has not only tainted the nations but people and spirits and by his actions he'll be restoring balance to the world and saving everyone.

He becomes an environmental terrorists leading an internation movement featuring Luddites that hate the damages that innovation from the Hundred Year War has brought about.

The new Avatar has to master the elements while dealing with a faction that has been weaponizing Spirits and targeting influential people and innovations of the last 100 years while finding out that innovation is good, but it needs to go with a balanced hand.
>weaponizing Spirits
Please no
>rewrite Korra
>republic city instead of being modernized america light is a hodgepodge of fire nation and earth kingdom influences
>technology has progress forward but due to bending and other bullshit industrial revolution stuff is still a long ways off
>i.e theres more modern farming equipment but no big trucks/cars, assembly lines and such
I wouldn't de-canonize Korra entirely. But I would definitely ignore minor details, and even some major ones. If called for, I'd lampshade those major ones as being propaganda, badly reported, mistranslated, etc.
I'd move in two directions, to the past, probably just the Kyoshi stuff put into animation. And then to the future, space, the final frontier. I think it could work and be really cool.
1. Rewriting Korra would be a waste of time.
2. Officially decanonizing is kind of lame, like any story/Avatar you put after Aang is going to be compared to Korra. It feels like it would just draw attention towards Korra and her show, when what you really want is for no one to think about it ever again.
3. "Writing around" all of the stupid stuff might be too restrictive.
Soooooooooooo...... I'm gonna go with 3, I think if you go far enough ahead you can just ignore anything she did.
If I can change the past, I'd add a small secondary (tertiary? how many were there again?) plot to the ATLA finale. And basically it'd be a few scenes from the eyes of a lowly goon in the fire nation army. Like some engineer aboard the airships.
I'm not quite sure what the point would be, it feels like it's on the tip of my tongue. But basically it would make the conclusion a bit more believable, Ozai get's his firebending taken away, Aang puts out the fires blazing around, sparing the goons aboard their broken airships. There'd be some type of set-up and then that would all be the pay off. And us the audience would be more likely to say "Oh yeah, Aang did find a solution that everyone can work with, cool!".
something like >>145776707

a reverse TLA, where the avatar is kicked out of her hick village who feared her power, and picked up by a wandering air nomad who now had to take her to learn bending around the world
focus on comics and make media focusing on he 100 war from a perspective that isn't the avatar's perspective. I would love to see what a pitched battle in the avatar universe looks like.
>nobody would actually support 100 years of a gravy train coming to a sudden halt.
it's hundred years of total war, generations will have lost loved ones.
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the 100 years war*.
but seriously I feel Avatar is one of those universes that could have a total war's game based on it if there was a bit more effort to flesh out the warfare part of the lore.
damn thanks anon, didn't know there was a sequel
Make an earth avatar miniseries and have it be about retconning all the past lives being lost because that was one of the single most retarded decisions Korra ever made
new series with Earthbender Avatar
post Korra
world is completely fucked because she left to go be gay and now spirits are possessing people, eating them, stealing their faces.
nonbenders are pretty much extinct because they cant defend against spirits without being able yo bend
discover its only been about 20ish years since end of Korra
korra was killed by whatever her name was when they got into an argument
only past life to draw from is Korra and she was too young and inexperienced to know what to do
all the older people who might have had that knowledge paased on before this new avatar was born.
now they have to relearn everything that the first avatar learned because the one past life they have is no help
avatar state doesnt even do all that much anymore
like trying to rebuild the world in an apocalypse
sounds like spitewank
Remove everything that isn't the original show and canonize Zucest based on that one writer's twitter thread.
A Far-after Korra story with a Fire Nation Avatar that soft retcon basically all of Korra by having the spirit vines basically collapse the world back to it's ATLA state with the schizo tech due to the giant spirit forest blocking trades and key ressources.
The new Avatar would basically be a street orphan who was found and raised by the Fire Nation Royal family and the show would deal with the fact that people are scared of a Fire Nation Avatar after the 100 year war and how he seems to be a puppet to the Royal Family, not helped by the fact that despite the Royal Family's best effort, the Avatar just is blatantly biased toward them and make no effort to it.
It would also deal with the fact that at the end of the day, it's the Avatar himself that decide what his 'duties' are and how to accomplish them, since the MC will often be like 'But I'm NOT that Avatar' when encountering situations related to previous Avatar, before realizing that regardless of his individuality, he still has to solve the problem since he can't let innocents suffer.
>I wouldn't do anything.
Liar. Coward. No imagination.
>I will make all the characters asexual
Either a sexually repressed freak or a pedo trying to virtue signal.
>Decanonize Korra
It was never canon to begin with, pointless
>I'm going to hire black market artists, writers, and animators to work on it.
13-year-old that thinks porn is illegal
>Also make it about adults instead of kids (boring) or teens (melodrama). Adults are always the best characters in any series
Game of Thrones larper being mad that the cartoon characters don't say "Fuck"
Settlers are looking for a place to live, just like the violent migrants this faggot simps for
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You didn't need to post your reaction nor your ugly face.
The entire premise of Korra could have been done better by just having a series about that one earth bender Avatar
That's your face, thoughever.
>No u
Make the next avatar a black gay Muslim transwoman just to piss /co/ off.
Meanwhile you're the only one mad right now and can't do shit about it.
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Everyone ITT who's answear didn't cpntain "decanonize Korra" in some form either didn't watch the show or lacks mental capacity to understand why it was good in the first place
>R-r-ruin my career and lose millions to own da chuds!
It's crazy how you think anyone cares about your self destructive tantrum
I'd probably keep it as is but have Aang enter an Ice Cocoon to heal himself after Azula zaps him. There he'd mutate into a expy of Super Saiyan 4.

Then, I'd have the Fire Sages attempt a ritual to reserect Sozin by having him possess one of his descendants. The set-up makes it look like Azula will be sacrificed but it's actually Ozai. The final battle would be Ss4 Aang vs Sozin, who uses white fire and red lightning.
Fuck it, now xey're also in a wheelchair. One more word outta you and I give xer vitiligo too!
>Fuck it, my cope fantasy is even worse now
Wow, I don't care.
We get it you don't like the "Korra genocided all benders to extinction" pitch which is the most interesting
>Several millennia before Aang
>Ancient kingdoms have attained the highest levels of development short of industrializing
>Unfortunately a asteroid is coming, a big one, a "kill everybody" asteroid
>The waterbender Avatar sacrifices himself to stop the asteroid and cracks it in two
>Half gets flung back out into space, but the other half crashes down
>The show begins 20 or so years after where all the ancient kingdoms have collapsed
>The new Avatar has been kept safely in the caverns of what will become Ba Sing Se
>He has become an expert earthbender, he knows he needs to learn other bending
>He is forbidden to leave, but defies the leaders and escapes to the surface world
>Now he has to traverse a dangerous, destroyed world, learn the other forms of bending, and rebuild.
Sort of based around an Avatar timeline I've toyed with over the years (yes, I attempted to make a 10,000 year timeline). I assumed that a world this old would have to have a few "resets" similar to our history. The show would explain the origins of Ba Sing Se, the Si Wong Desert, the Order of the White Lotus, Wan Shi Tong's library, and the beginnings of what we think of as the four nations.
I'm just going with whatever will piss you off the most. If you hated music, I'd make the new avatar a musician.
>I-i-i'll just shit over all my cope fantasy to make the people in my head mad!
I'd be so pissed off if you killed yourself right now.
No, your pitch is as shit as his, kill yourself too.
You could have at least posted Azula's.
Better than pretending Korra never happened.
jannies, do your fucking job!
You got your wish

No, it's worse than admitting it was never canon and doesn't matter.
If I can't make my own character, I'm not buying.
Make it canon that Toph forces fire nation boys to lick her filthy feet clean
There's no other way to justify a "restoring balance" or "start a new cycle" plot
Yes, there is, just ignore LOK and make up whatever you need to have happened between your Avatar and Aang.
This thread lacks Zucest
Make korra a hot water tribe guy
Nice try, but I know what reverse psychology is. Good to see I've pushed you to "telling people to commit suicide" levels of rage, though. You're just a puppet dancing on my strings.
>He didn't have the balls to piss me off
Lol, pussy.
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This but also retcon Korra with swamp Korra
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That's a great one.
Yeah and? The mass looting and enslavement would make the losses worth it in eyes of the ruling and middle classes. Japan (i.e. the Fire Nation) even after being nuked and losing the war has tons of people who thought it was all worth it. They looted an incomprehensible amount of gold and priceless antiques from Asia (see the M-fund) and got to use Manchuria as a giant slave plantation. This is uncomfortable for the liberal morality which prefers to see the masses as politically inert because they don’t want to countenance communism. This is why when the Gaang goes to the Fire Nation the show gives us the impression that school children (in a semi-feudal setting, these would not be peasants) are being propagandized to support imperialism (it’s totally not the real material benefits that does that!) That’s why the ending of the show makes zero sense. Zuko would be reviled and would be dodging assassination attempts every month.
>Middles classes
>In a medieval asian setting
You're retarded.
wow some fucking discord tranny got triggered as hell by an inoffensive avatar thread
No need to speak of yourself in the third person.
There were middle classes (i.e the burghers, princes and mayors of the towns who transition to the bourgeoisie in Europe or the merchant classes generally)

And I used the term semi-feudal for a reason. You aren’t intelligent and should learn to read
>(yes, I attempted to make a 10,000 year timeline). I assumed that a world this old would have to have a few "resets" similar to our history.
I’m VERY interested in your headcanon anon. Please post.
How is flooding your own village supossed to help the earth kingdom fight back against the fire nation again
honest i am genuinely surprised that an account that seems to be focused on -routinely posting about aang is trying to defend the guy that was making moves on 'his' girl behind his back
>There were middle class
>Proceed to name categories that weren't middle class in the slightest
>I used a random retarded term to feel smart so it doesn't count
>N-n-no u, y-y-you should learn my retardation
Okay so you are indeed retarded.
>You aren’t intelligent and should learn to read
The irony of that statement coming from the brainlet who said a MAYOR was middle class while also admitted they were what would become the bourgeoisie is just insane.
It's beyond being illiterate, you straight up don't know what you said yourself.
Pseuds are seething because you BTFO’d them.
>Edgelords are braindead
And water is wet, more news at 11.
>I-i-i-i totally did good!
Lol, samefag.
Fun thread while it lasted, derailed by autism
>I didn't get my way, the thread is dead!
Fuck off.
The autism is what makes it good. Austists are always the ones who are interested in these kind of questions.

Just not the good kind of autsim
No, this thread was frankly shit and all your ideas are terrible.
It's..not my thread nor my posts but..you take that back!
I won't, all the ideas in this thread are bad except mine.
Series that takes place during the time Aang was missing. Lets say its smack dab in the middle of it all, but before the southern water tribe benders get taken out?
Our MC is a non-bender just trying to fucking survive and find a safe place to live out his life. Has no powers to connections to get into a safe city, so has to keep pushing his way farther into the unknown to get away from the war or something. I'm willing to workshop on his motivations.
Automatically lame.
The bourgeoisie (burghers) in medieval Europe were the middle class in feudal times then became the ruling class in the modern period. “Mayor of the town” was also not mayor in the modern sense but the leader of a chartered city under various arrangements. Again you are postering as intelligent but have no real knowledge.

See above. You two should stick to cartoons
>except mine
which is? i personally propose sending pakistaní ninjas to brykes house
Should be pretty obvious which one's mine, kiddo
>They were the middle class
No, they were not, the concept doesn't even slightly apply, you retard
That one >>145788827
All the other ones are bad
You should stick your ABCs since you failed to understand not only a cartoon for 10 years old but also what basic words mean.
>just is blatantly biased towards them and makes no effort to it
what did esl-kun mean by this again? And it would be about what, the Avatar dealing with spirits? A generic villain like Ozai or the manlet Kyoshi killed trying to build their own empire?
I mean since the anon mentions this new Avatar will have to deal with similar problems to the ones previous incarnations had to face.
>What did the guy who said 'My idea is the only good one, all the other ideas suck' mean?
Are you retarded?
Are YOU retarded?>>145796834
He said what did he mean by them being blatantly biased
>powerful spirits threat avatarworld like it's their playground
>at best, eternal courts of endless feverish idolatry for narcissistic spirits feeding off the emaciated enthralled hopes and lifeforce. At worst, Berzerker meets LooneyTunes
>MASSIVE technological regression, to the point that tanks are threated like blackbox technology and ancient archeoartefacts of legend
>life is a crapsack world where humans are threated one step above cattle by the lord spirits; some of them even go around suppresing benders to stop the possibility of humanity revolting due to personal grudges
But hey, gotta have vanilla on chocolate tiddies amirite?
I would make official hentai of the characters, starting with ty lee
>what did esl-kun mean by this again?
He just blatantly side with the Fire Nation, their philosophy and interests when the subject comes up and the Royal Family itself (here mostly represented by the prince who's said Avatar's best friend and mostly travel with him, both because he wants to and because he can NOT be trusted to not start a diplomatic incident) being the ones who kinda push him to actually objectively engage with the situation instead of defaulting to his 'Street urchin' mindset of 'This is my group, they get all the goodies and are my priority'.
>And it would be about what, the Avatar dealing with spirits? A generic villain like Ozai or the manlet Kyoshi killed trying to build their own empire?
Depends on the episode / season, the overall goal is to travel to each nation and gain their trust so he can effectively accomplish his duty as the Avatar on the long term, with the side quest of making travel between the nations easier and minimize the impact of the spirit forests on people who can't defend themselves added.
Which would obviously run into spirits, either just defending their territory or being malicious assholes or having a misunderstanding with nearby humans AND into humans who distrust the Avatar, have a grudge, want to take advantage of the current chaos, also just want to defend their territory or also just having misunderstanding.
Obviously you'd have the obligatory 'Spirit is pissed over X Avatar doing Y' and 'random village has weird custom about Avatar Z' episodes.
The idea behind the Royal Family being the good influence toward the Avatar this time around is that Aang influenced Zuko for the best, who transmitted that to the future generations of his family who now influence the new Avatar for the best.
I think it's neat to a chain of positive influence like that that loop back to the Avatar.
And it's a lot funnier if people's fear that the new Avatar is a Fire Nation puppet / could be used as a weapon by the Fire Nation is made untrue not because the Avatar is a perfect figure who'd never side with the Fire Nation but because the Fire Nation genuinely has become better and wants the balance too now.
Retcon korra but keep the idea of aang's family. The next series would be called the avatar first energybender and it would be about aang figuring out that energybending alows him to bend the energy in his own body, as the lion turtle said, which gives abilities like increased speed or punching hard, things like that, this type of bending would be for fights that are more martial arts like dragon ball (before it was about shooting lasers) but you can only do one enhancement at a time and you can harm yourself if you do it wrong like punching something hard without increasing your body resistance or punching really fast without the proper technique, both instances would break your bones.

Keep aang's death but explain it differently, in the new story aang discovered that energybending allows him to give bending and not just take it, he decides to start giving people airbending to bring back the air nomads but after giving it to many people he is told by wang that because he isn't a lion turtle, all of the bending he had been giving was actually wasting his own soul, aang decides to not take his energy back and sacrifices himself for the sake of restoring the four nations. Bumi, instead of being powerless, is now the only energybender there is but because the uses of energybending were only recently discovered, he only has what him and aang created and must learn to use his abilities. Aang's kids are all young and they go on their own adventures to protect republic city and find the next avatar. Make the sequel to this be korra, the previous protagonists are back as adults. Bumi will now be a bending teacher for korra because him and his kids(new) are the only energybenders. Non-avatar energybending allows them to block bending for a moment like ty lee which is the reason why people think amon is an energybender but because his is permanent people don't know how he has that power when he isn't related to the avatar (plot twist it's bloodbending)
Azula is for.....
Big Brother Cock
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>I would make official hentai of the characters,
Big Airbender Cock
It's weird how that isn't more popular. Since people really like pairing villainess with heros.
Well I guess it's not too surprising, since she's paired with Zuko a lot and that has the thrill of incest. And Zuko got more development than Aang did, unfortunately
Based original.
Cringe copy.
>It's weird how that isn't more popular.
Aang and Azula literally never interact, don't even have any meaningful ideological opposition and both their personal struggles don't have the slightest similarity or connection.
There's literally nothing to make an interesting story or dynamic with.
I'd probably keep the majority of things the same but have some Airbenders survive and expand on them more.
Make them more of a culture than a stereotype
>really like pairing heroes and villains
yeah that's whats known as zutara in these series
And it's trash
Redo Korra, take redo all of the retarded comics, and probably have some prequel shit about Iroh and Ozai.
Do these people not understand the concept that the rebels can be bad guys too? Like the idea that just because you’re fighting against invaders doesn’t mean that you still can’t be an asshole.
They understand, they're just mad you dared to say it because they think they are the rebels and thus they can do no wrong and neither can any character they associate withv themselves.
Both are but at least Zutara gets some decent smut from time to time
That's what happens when a ship is dominated by horny young women
>Both are
>but at least Zutara gets some decent smut from time to time
Meh, smut written by women suck and men haven't written Zutara since the rape fics stopped.
>Make more Chibi shorts
>Make a real-time strategy video game and a beat 'em up
>A anthology of shorts (each about a different avatar and each one done by a different animation director/studio)
>A new mainline series about a new Avatar whose intended demo is 6-12 year old boys, no one else (could be interesting)
College AU because I want to see the world burn
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This, I want an avatar Szeto season.
I want swamp Korra so bad
she should be used as breeding stock to help bring back the airbenders
I imagine that after a few air-nation kids she'd become a total air supremacist, always trying to find ways to improve the status of her kids
They've been a fan favorite ship since all the way back in S1 where Zuko was the main antagonist and half of zutara fics have the same 'i can fix him' theme that a pairing like azula/aang or the much more popular tyzula/sokkla offer.
The other half is just teenage girls salivating for the guy with a bacon in his face.
>rape fics stopped
holy shit i really have to get off my lazy ass and start writting shit once again
What happened to this series?
Can’t believe Shinji’s father butt-bended Korra
I miss IconicPants, his smut was great, especially his Mai x Zuko smut since there's literally no other option for not-boring smut for that pair.
I would re-release it on VHS because gen alpha, and the zoomers deserve to try out a VHS tape.
Now this I can get behind its actually plausible and shows the consequences of Korras retardation. Its also simple enough that even the shittiest of writers would have to TRY to fuck it up.
Enjoy losing money over time sitting on an IP that does nothing but maybe go from stream service to stream service.
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I would say that everything after the first show is noncanon and that Aang immediately formed a harem of his air acolytes in order to raise the airbender population.

came here just to say this
Based. korra has so much contradictions with original lore it's canon only on paper.
isn't that just the netflix show?
when in real life anti-colonial rebels weren't assholes or straight up monsters?

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