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Now that I've had like....6 years to think about this line I realized how stupid this is, it's not even about Batman going Punisher, Batman's just a hardcore deontologist so if he breaks it once he'll just break down that he crossed that line and cry about it forever
this used to be my preferred “justification” for the no kill rule when I was a bit younger, until I thought about it more, like you. Now I think it’s a shitty cop-out that removes Batman’s agency. To me, stubbornly refusing to kill because of deep-seated moral conviction, even when it seems irrational in-universe and invites logical criticism, is FAR more interesting for his character than this shit.
His refusal to make compromises no matter what, even when it’s illogical and dangerous, is what makes him an interesting character. Like Rorschach.
The part that gets me is when he brings up the other villains. Kinda solidifies that Jason just wanted revenge.
Joker is very much an exception though. He is far and away the most dangerous and evil Batman villain, not to mention the one most responsible for Batman’s suffering.
Why dpes everyone act like we have to have Batman kill the Joker.
Why not a story where Joker is found jot insane and Joker defends the transfer bus to the state that enforces the death penalty, and you get a Mad Max level of action scenes of Batman fending off Joker fanatics, mob bosses trying to kake a name, and hired super assassins?
Is Joker about to get raped here?
Ir how about Joker is found not insane and is taken to jail and just given then chair.
This isn't a character trait. It's the writers trying to rationalize something that was a result of it being a kid's media. Batman is supposed to be this hyper disciplined, masculine character with really practical thinking but than he tells us he doesn't have the discipline to not become maniac serial killer if he gets a taste of blood, he is too effeminate for blood, and this is all rooted in crazy neurotic thinking that no human being in real life has ever had (it's ok for the government to kill people, for psychos, for everyone in the world except me and my friends).

This no kill isn't deep, it isn't a matter of ethics, or character study. It's purely a result of things that happened outside the narrative. Everyone fucking knows it.
You ever tried quitting an addictive substance? Caffeine, tobacco, meth, whatever? It's hard. It's hard because you think to yourself "I'll just do it once, then I quit again". And then you do it again in a few days. And then before you know it, you're back to doing it every day.

It's human nature. Batman is right, here. If you give into temptation once, it becomes easier to give in again, because you didn't experience any consequences for it.
I don't need Batman to kill The Joker. I just want Batman to stop protecting The Joker or saving him from almost dying.






It becomes a problem after decades of comic book stories of Joker killing billions and hundreds of other stories where Batman will move heaven and earth to save Joker. It's the series feeling the weight of its loooooonnnngggg history.
>If I take the most extreme measure I can against the most dangerous possible person I've ever dealt with who has proven, repeatedly, that there's no line he won't cross and that he won't ever stop and that nothing I do, short of killing him, will ever put an end to his madness
>well, then I'll just have to kill the guy who robs banks sometimes or the burglar who snatches purses, because that's how this works!
Except murdering psychotic clowns isn't a highly addictive substance.
Says you.
raping them however
The issue is that it's lame and gay. Most people would kill the fucker and sleep well afterwards. It's the fucking Joker.
>Everyone fucking knows it.
Except the manchildren who unironically believe in this shit.
Most people would be fine, dude. Batman's just making excuses.
How stupid would you say it is?
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>I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you
Seems like the most sensible, even though I thought it was edgy. When Bruce will go out of his way to save Joker, it gets to be ridiculous. Respecting the courts doesn't make sense when the courts are corrupt.
This makes Batman a terrible superhero. If he can't come to terms with his issues and worries of going batshit (pun) crazy, then he should just put up his cowl. Funnily enough, a great superhero would know not to kill/kill and not go fucking insane.
I agree with this notion. If you won't kill, don't save the villain. Let the environment do the rest.
This is a clinical study on why the "I'm crazy too" angle doesn't work for Batman. Batman doesn't kill not because of a pathological need, but an extremely strong moral code born out of the refusal to let anything like what happened to his parents happen to someone else. He doesn't kill because he'll find another way to save the lives of the innocent.

But the flip side to this is that writers need to properly write that moral guideline. Batman isn't going to jeopardize the lives of the innocent to protect monsters like the Joker, he's going to save their lives first, and Joker's if he's able, but not in a way that enables him to kill.

You can't have Batman just slicing open Jason's jugular to defend a serial killer clown, or just standing there doing nothing while Joker slaughters a church whining about not getting a wedding invite. You have to be willing to embrace the camp a little bit, and let him SUCCEED at preventing any deaths at all, if you're gonna try and write him protecting the lives of these crooks.
To be fair...
>This scarecrow is a psycho too. I killed the joker and didn't break. I should kill him too
>Actually, the penguin creates a lot more suffering with his mafia by abusing the people at a larger scale. If I take him out, we'll all be better
>And so on...
Of course, he'd be right each time, but then you wouldn't have a rogues gallery, you'd have a rogues morgue.
He was willing to let Jason murder Joker here though. Had Jason blown Joker's head off instead of shooting at Bruce, he would have been accessory to murder for not trying to stop Jason.

What was the plan if Jason followed through?
The Joker would be dead, and Batman would leave him be, burying his son in his mind a second time. If Jason kept at being a criminal Batman would eventually have put a stop to him, but killing the Joker, however much Batman hates the notion, is frankly Jason's right. Bruce just hoped to reach him before he made that choice.
I never got why people get so worked-up over Batman's no kill rule. People that bring it up never seem to be bothered by how some cop or rando civilian does not shoot him. To keep knocking Batman for the no kill rule or acting like it is some big brain observation that maybe Batman should kill is just quibbling from a creative standpoint. It ultimately exists, for the same reason no one else kills Joker, as if not there would be no rogues gallery. If you want to account Batman's logic more than maybe there is something you can do about his fear that there is a slippery slope (does Batman also kill Two-Face?, Clayface? etc. etc.) or him not wanting to be judge, jury and executioner, yet in any case you still get back to the point that Batman is not going to kill for a creative imperative and whatever explanation you give him will never address the issue of someone else not killing Joker.
>People that bring it up never seem to be bothered by how some cop or rando civilian does not shoot him.

I'm pretty sure there's an entire comic based on the premise of a random cop finally snapping and assassinating him Jack Ruby style.
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>People that bring it up never seem to be bothered by how some cop or rando civilian does not shoot him
I bring that up all the time. The courts are corrupt for not executing him, I'm surprised the cops don't just immediately dome him as soon as they get their hands on him.
It only really becomes a problem because comics want to keep doing these long, continuous storylines where things are progressing and things from years ago still matter and are brought up. And don't get me wrong that can be a great thing, but the reason it sucks is because it highlights shit like how the Joker has a bodycount higher than Gotham's population, and the story wants you to take it seriously despite this genocide clown walking around freely.

People would rather ignore it, but comics refuse to let you.
Batman standing by and letting someone die seems even more OOC than him actively killing someone. We can't ignore that the whole reason he's doing this is because he watched his parents die in front of him.
That's the point, retard. Batman isn't normal and is a mentally fucked up person that dresses up as a bat and plays hero out of legitimate mental illness. Most people wouldn't do what Batman does in general that's the entire point.
To you, again, Batman isn't a normal well adjusted person. For someone like him, it's absolutely believable that he risks going on a slippery slope.
I can agree with this. Having the villains successful with their kills or even being too willing to outright murder is far too much of a disconnect and ruins a really cool conceptual balance. They should've been another side of the same coin where murder is a last resort that'd ruin their fun if they killed their victims far too quickly. That's when the DC heroes having a "no kill" rule start becoming bizarre if villains don't have any similar rule on average, I'll concede there.
>Batman standing by and letting someone die seems even more OOC than him actively killing someone

Not really, Batman killing someone is more ooc/ Punisher in a batsuit instead of him walking away. He is not killing anybody and what the anon said, it's the most sensible.
This, having DC villains actually kill people defeats the entire point. Batman's no kill rule works best when he can succeed without innocent people dying.
Is the Flash the only hero in DC to keep a balance with his villains? It's not like they kill everyone other day.
Jokerwank goes in hand with Batwank. Joker should not be written to do something like nuke Metropolis.
>They should've been another side of the same coin where murder is a last resort that'd ruin their fun if they killed their victims far too quickly. That's when the DC heroes having a "no kill" rule start becoming bizarre if villains don't have any similar rule on average, I'll concede there.
Guild of Calamitous Intent-style rules of escalation. I like it.
Batman's no kill rule only exists because of the moral panic in the late 30s about violence in comics. So Bob Kane and Bill Finger made the no kill rule, took away his guns and gave him a kid sidekick.

This was never really a problem until later comics started upping the ante and the violence came back, but instead of giving Batman his guns back and ditching the no kill rule they instead double down and made the no kill rule some sort of deep moral dilemma, and this arguably still works. The real problem is ironically the Joker. The violence, cruelty, and death caused by Joker has escalated to the point of absolute absurdity. Joker went from "Generic Bad Guy with a Clown Theme" to a literal terrorist with a body count in the hundreds even thousands sometimes.
No other Batman villain has reached the Joker's level of cruelty, not even Ra's al Ghul. It really is just the Joker that makes the any defense of the no kill rule defy logic and reason.

tl;dr The problem isn't the no kill rule, the problem is the absurd level writers have taken Joker's violence and cruelty and it's gotten to the point that it's literally impossible to argue or rationalize the no-kill rule anymore.
The key to Joker lethality remaining plausible is for 98% of his kills to be on other criminals. Let him be an absolute bloodbath and menace on Gotham's crooks and killers, to the point other villains squirm being in the same room as the guy. But for most normal, decent folks, Batman is there to save the day.
Joker works significantly better as Batman's nemesis if he simply had a hard on for torture and fucking with people. With him finding murder way too boring. It'd make the moments where he does try to murder more impactful with some of the deaths not even being intentional from Joker. Thus justifying why Batman wouldn't ever kill him.
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The no-kill code has actually gotten worse over time.
Batman is a shitty garystu and anything else is cope
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>rogues all have a rule not to kill too often because the heroes might escalate in force
>new villain on the block starts killing people willy nilly
>all the existing rogues call a meeting and go to wack his ass before the vigilantes step up their game and wack their asses
>That's when the DC heroes having a "no kill" rule start becoming bizarre if villains don't have any similar rule on average, I'll concede there.

Worm sort of solves this by even most of the villains abiding by certain norms and rules of engagement, if only to ensure they don't get beheaded tbe next time they piss off the wrong superhero.
>Petty angry old white man fails at parenthood, film at eleven
As opposed to a black man?
This is not a Black Lightning thread, so no.
Exactly. You can make so many kino storylines if the villains had any self awareness. Especially when they would unironically be more successful and could milk money or desirables if they aren't murder happy. It makes more sense why the villains are reappearing and able to run an empire if they aren't so trigger happy.
Venture Bros did this pretty well.
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How is is hard to grasp that the rule exists so they can keep reusing interesting and popular villains as per the nature of the comics medium? Which is not even getting into the child-friendly origin and later Comic Code Authority influences at play. What explanation would satisfy you for why Batman does not kill him? It seems like whatever reason they give it falls apart as: 1) they have made the Joker that monstrous and 2) it should not even come down to Batman alone as plenty of others could kill the Joker. You just have to accept that it happens per the conventions of the medium. Getting caught up in it is autistic. And I am not saying you are doing this but, this is one of those things that people act like is some profound observation when it is in a similar vein to midwits that think Batman is fascist and does not help Gotham.
This describes Killer Croc, Ra's Al Ghul, Zsasz, Pyg, Hugo Strange, Anyone from the Court of Owls, Hush, Black Mask, KGbeast, and probably a ton of others I'm forgetting because he has a fucload.

"Kills a bunch of people, No line they won't cross, won't stop short of killing them" is hardly uncommon. If he's okay with putting Joker down he's gotta be okay with going on a Punisher level rampage because why the fuck would he stop at that one? Ivy has MELTED PEOPLE and you think he can justify 'Not that one for reasons'?
Joker doesn't even need to die. All they had to do was keep his stuff lower stakes and keep him as the torture and abusive guy. Never even considering murder, just anything BUT murder maybe even things that are worse than death but never outright taking lives. That way he can be a proper extreme parallel of Batman. The two being two sides of the same coin one way or another would justify why Batman bothers to save this dickhead.
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>The Shadow
In of The Shadow / Batman crossovers this happens.
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>How is is hard to grasp that the rule exists so they can keep reusing interesting and popular villains as per the nature of the comics medium?
We know. Its just retarded, especially when the writers pretend its deep.
Exactly this. If someone with genuine mental illness like Batman gets fedup, why would he still hold back with Joker's accomplices and villains who also did heinous shit? At that point he'd run out of excuses and would have a legitimate reason to go off the deep end.
>All they had to do
The problem is we have passed that point. Like some anons brough up earlier, there is all the history with the Joker by this point that informs the character as it exists in the wider mythos and common(ish) perception.
Have you ever actually read a comic?

>Joker kills billions
The current iteration of Joker is under a dozen killed. You can't use every other version because those versions are distinct and mostly dead, this Batman is 4, yes, FOUR reboots divorced from the Joker where he turned China into fortune cookies. That Joker's been officially dead since that whole ass universe got the reboot.

>and hundreds of other stories where Batman will move heaven and earth to save Joker.
There have been 3 total where he saves Joker directly and 1 where he got him off death row, all 3 were "Either I save him or a fuckload of people die", including stopping a goddamn nuke in Gotham from Ra's in one instance, and the death row is Batman just finding the guy responsible and him feeling so bad he turned himself in. Everyone thinks he saved the Joker in that story, but he didn't. The guy in question did when confronted with the truth, batman didn't even drive him.

They solved these problems forever ago, but current comics are so full of garbage and stupidity and politics people rightfully, correctly, don't read it to even know it anymore.
Debates on batmans no kill code are literally just a test on whether or not you understand that stories are fictional/allegorical. Utterly boring conversation
I'm saying in general and DC has shown the willingness to reboot and walk back on shit. They should've did that with the Joker and they still have opportunities to do that, what with all the universal worlds and nonsense. Joker works better when death isn't his go too ever.
Does the Shadow have any reoccurring villains or does he just kill them or successfully imprison them? If you were to unleash him on Gotham without Batman there and without any meta constraints does he clean up the city by killing the villains?
>Like some anons brough up earlier, there is all the history with the Joker by this point t
That's mostly moot since they rebooted the universe again and none of it happened in that one anymore than it happened in Lego Batman. The last one who actually got to do wide scale destruction got a hole punched in him by Superman.
it's funny too, since it's clear in a lot of batman media that while he doesn't execute people, he does sometimes let them get hoisted by their own petard.
you end up killing yourself while committing a crime? it doesn't weigh on his conscious.
and you know that at least a few grunts have died during fights with him, and he's not crying over them, is he?
so stories where batman actively saves the joker just don't make sense.

the joker should simply be a cockroach. always finding a way to survive and come back. it doesn't need any further explanation.
he falls down a cliff, assumed dead? nope, he'll be back. he blows himself up? not dead.
batman doesn't need to fly after him to save him, or pull him out of the building.
Shiwan Khan
>and you know that at least a few grunts have died during fights with him,
No they haven't, outside of the Burton movies where he don't give no fucks bout murder.
people die to one punch sometimes
when batman's surrounded by 10 grunts all trying to hit him with a pipe, you think he has time to make sure he hits them hard enough to knock them out but NOT hard enough to kill them?
he always TRIES to just knock people out. but absolutely positively he has killed a few of them.
he's not an executioner, but the occasional accidental death comes with the territory.
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With a lot of these questions it depends on what version of the rouges gallery and what version of The Shadow. Although if we go with some composite version of the character that is not really that dissimilar to a lot of the base versions then The Shadow is the same unrelenting 'peak-human' stealthy detective that Batman is but, who is also not restraining himself as he has no issue with using guns to kill, who makes use of a vast network of agents, and who also has mystical powers that give him mind reading, mind control and what is effectively invisibility, in a career that includes successfully battling everything from mobsters to mad scientists to mystics. So it is easy to imagine that he would, if not eliminate, overall counter crime on a similar level to Batman. Other than killing, the obvious two difference that stick out to me are him not having Bruce's insane level of wealth and how he is not so one-location focused like Batman but, neither of those may actually have that much of a impact for how he operates and given the scenario. The other question to ask is at what point does he enter Gotham, for him showing up in the equivalent of Year One or before is a different situation to what Gotham is like 15 years into Batman's tenure. On the meta point of the question, really Batman probably would have done a more effective job if not for the meta that makes and keeps Gotham like it is.
The dark knight returns batman put it best

>Do you know how many people I've murdered by letting you live?
>Batman's just a hardcore deontologist
Yes, he is based and a good person.
>He is far and away the most dangerous and evil
Lmao no
See? Look at this shit, batman would legitimately try to save the joker if anyone literally anyone tried to kill him and he's supposedly in the right when superman finally did in injustice? Nah fuck batcùcks fucking bootlicking faggots
Personally, I think a lot of writers are approaching this in the wrong way. You know what I think did it right? The animated version of Batman: Hush.

>Batman: "...He didn't have to die."
>Catwoman: "...What?"
>Batman: "He didn't have to die."
>Catwoman: "...You're... crazy. You're absolutely insane. He killed your friend. Tried to murder Nightwing. Hell, he almost killed me and you're SORRY he's dead?!"
>Batman: "...I had to try. If someone can be saved... I have to try."
>Catwoman: "...You do, don't you? It's a compulsion. You and your goddamn code. And you'll DIE because of this, you know that, right?! Will THAT make it all better?!"
>Batman: "Without a code... I'm no better than them."

It's a compulsion. The Riddler leaves riddles. Two-Face needs to flip his coin. The Batman MUST try to save people. He can't help himself. If someone can be saved, no matter who it is, no matter how small the chances are, he has to try. This is his madness.
>people die to one punch sometimes
Sure but like, they die of heart attacks too and you don't see people just dropping dead as you walk by.
>you think he has time to make sure he hits them hard enough to knock them out but NOT hard enough to kill them?
Yes? And he does. All the time. It's not like he can't check, you think he doesn't at least make sure they're breathing when he ties them up?
>but absolutely positively he has killed a few of them.
Never happened, sorry your fanfic didn't reach publication.

There's a story about a bunch of them getting mangled, mostly by their own actions, and trying to seek revenge while admitting nobody ever died by him though if you want. Has a guy with a bootprint for a face, right up your ally.
Jason's reply is pointing out how stupid it is Batman's reasoning. The only losing point for Jason is how could have just killed the Joker himself if he really believe in what he says.
unironic autism
>nooooo, I cant rape er I mean, kill the Joker because then I'll be no better than him!
Batman is a retarded superhero, I can't believe I used to like the guy.
Aw man. Not another kill rule thread.

Batman never said he'd become addicted to killing. He just said killing is something he doesn't want to do, ever. He doesn't want to indulge his rule and then carry on like nothing happened. He wants to believe in his rule no matter what.

This is a point worth some more attention but people have already talked about Jason's hypocrisy to death. Recently I saw someone point out that the entire story is Jason idolizing Bruce. He praises him every time he sees him. His plans depend on Batman coming to fight by his side. He believes in Batman as the most powerful.

It's a metafiction commentary thing. Jason is this guy who grew up idolizing Batman, and then he felt betrayed that the good guys don't go save the day and make the happy ending. Like the people in this thread and in all the other threads, Jason thinks it doesn't make sense why Batman doesn't choose the logical thing to end the endless cycle. But Jason wants to keep believing that Batman is the best hero who is devoted to ending evil and protecting people, no matter what. But that's not what Batman is.

Batman does what Batman does, and Batman doesn't do what Batman doesn't do. That's it. Batman isn't going to do everything to save everyone, no matter how much Jason believes he would, if all the misunderstanding is removed. There is no misunderstanding. Batman limits himself, and people die. It's his choice.
Killing is a lot harder to let go of, especially if you're mentally ill like Batman
There's a ton of war vets who have seen active combat that have to spend decades of their lives trying to get over killing maybe a couple of soldiers. A lot of them admit once you get into that mode of survival your brain never gets out of it and it's one of those things that's too easy to give in to
Comic books were never supposed to be this deep
I think what they were trying to do (and you could argue they didn’t do it well enough) is that for Batman killing would be like an alcoholic jumping off the wagon. That he wouldn’t be able to have just one drink and stop. That his greatest fear, beyond anything the joker could do is giving into that urge to just kill them all.
>he doesn't at least make sure they're breathing when he ties them up?
Can he bring them back to life if they're not? People can die when slipping, falling, and hitting their head once.
What part of Batman's mental illness makes him incapable of withholding of murdering far lesser criminals when that same mental illness is why he won't kill an explicit constant threat to everyone in the world?
>Batman doesn't kill not because of a pathological need, but an extremely strong moral code born out of the refusal to let anything like what happened to his parents happen to someone else.
Does Joker have a kid yet?
If Batman killed the Joker pretty sure it'd turn Gotham against him. It'd certainly turn the GCPD against him, officially. They sort of let him operate in Gotham when they shouldn't but even if it was a nutter like Joker killing would be an issue. Have any other JLA members just murdered people?
>If Batman killed the Joker pretty sure it'd turn Gotham against him.
Fuck no, they'd be cheering him on.
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Yup YUUUP. BatGOD and JokGOD run this shit.
People downplay how much of an angry, bitter person Bruce is. He’s invested millions of dollars into a violent crusade, armed and trained himself to hurt people into submission, and is regularly witness to the city’s corrupt and criminal elements. He needs some sort of line to keep him honest since he goes full ham in most other aspects of his life.
>batman doesnt do the logical thing of killing mass murderers who abuse the system because he's a mentally ill psychopath
So why should I root for him then?
Look, here's how you please everyone, just have Batman admit the following:

>The real reason I don't kill the Joker is because I don't want to. I don't want to stop playing with him, and deep down, I simply don't care how many innocent people die as long as playtime can go on literally forever. Oh, sure, I make a big deal out of it, but that's just to keep up appearances. I shed a few crocodile tears here and there and everyone lets me get away with treating this shithole of a city as my own personal playground. But really, the only people I genuinely care about are the Joker and myself. And if you've got a problem with that, you can go fuck yourself because I'm rich enough to have your house bulldozed and replaced with a garbage dump. I don't have to face consequences for my actions. I'm fucking Batman. I own this goddamn city.

Then the comics can continue with the "Joker breaks out, Batman puts him back" formula completely unaltered. The only difference is that there won't be any flimsy pretense anymore.
>I realized how stupid this is
Red Hood only "makes sense" If you are Red Hood fan and view it within alternative universe where Batman isn't main character let alone same Batman that started in Detective Comics #27 , philosophically, but just an alternative version like Batman who laughs and shit like that.

That's also why cartoon is much better than comics because it is Indeed out of continuity thing, even by cartoon rules because before that Robin never wore comics canon shorts in modern Batman cartoons.
>makes him an interesting character.
no it makes him retarded And anti-character
>Like Rorschach.
Rorschach works BECAUSE he is so much IN-character of Batman template. >>145819231
Rorschach is a hypocrite who , for example, beats up thieves while stealing himself Dan's stuff. He absolutely Does compromise EXCEPT when it is actually important and White not to compromise, because there is good and there is evil and evil must be punished I don't do this Because it is permitted.
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It is same thing as with Moore's retarded take on Superman.
Superman, the Real one, will ABSOLUTELY kill Mxyzptlk and start a new Superman day. Just like he ALREADY did after proxy killing Metallo-1 which means Moore's story is complete dogshit even within its own world since Metallo-2 exists
A person who compromises on their morals once will then keep compromising on it, This is how people and a lot of stories work.
You're stupid for caring man, that's the truth

You should watch Monkey Wrench
Why Nightwing doesn't kill the Joker instead?
>Nightwing: See Batman, I got straight to the point by killing the Joker and saved a lot of people that way. Something your moral code prevented you from doing.
>Nightwing: You're probably mad at me. But it's something we had to do a long time ago.
>Batman: Nightwing, you are dead to me....
>Nightwing: Anyway, if you see that the streets of Gotham City don't have a terrorist attack every 3 hours, that's on me.
It all could have been avoided if Jason just fucking shot Joker right there and then rather than trying to force Bruce to do it to make a point. Fucking theatre kid.
In the comic, he was going to, but Batman stopped him. They changed it in the movie to make Batman look less worse (the way he handled it was pretty bad).
If Jason killed the Joker, Batman would find another villain to toy with, and nothing would change.
Im preaty sure killing a psyhopatic clown that has been terrorizing your city and whom you have fought for a long time would give batman a elephant dos3 of endorphine from the massive justice boner that would follow comperabel to the most powerfull drugs, theres no way it wouldnt make him consider killing again a lot more and risk going down the slipery slope
The Joker shouldn't be personally filling mass graves to begin with
>Batman is CRAZY
>this means that if he kills one guy he will become a different kind of crazy that is obsessed with killing everyone and incapable of differentiating the circumstances
This is fucking retarded and I hope you get help for whatever mental disability you have that makes you think such stupid bullshit is a reasonable argument.
Once you rationalize killing one person because they're an evil murderer, it becomes easy to rationalize killing all the other evil murderers. And now Batman's a mass murderer.
How would you know? Can you not imagine a situation where killing one man for his specific actions and crimes is totally justifiable and not paired with some total psychotic break that destroys a person's entire lifetime of beliefs?
Because that's human nature. Yeah, Joker's killed a lot of people. So has Ra's al Ghul. And Victor Zsaz. And Penguin. And Two-Face. And Killer Croc. You either go full Punisher or let the justice system handle things its way.
The "problem" stems from some idiots thinking executing monstrous people is a good thing to do. Batman doesn't kill the Joker because it's not a good thing to do.
>Because that's human nature
What part of human nature demands that someone keep killing after they keep once?
People keep reposting the pages from this scene, where is this from?
How many murders can a repeat offender commit before they cross over your "I must kill them" line?
Joker War, it's crap.
didn't this exact thing happen with flash's rogues?
batman and the joker gay sex
Early on, the Black Widows role in the Avengers was to threaten to kill people because she technically wasn't an Avenger and hadn't taken the oath.
The other members seemed ok with it.
Batman is not a serial killer or a homicidal maniac and killing once does not make someone into either one. That's not how psychology works. That not even how pop psychology works. That's how trashy horror movies work.
There's absolutely no justification why he should stop at killing one person once he decides to kill someone for being a murderer.
So what does he do in this one?
File: Batman killing joker.jpg (122 KB, 1532x560)
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122 KB JPG
Here we go yet again...
Why doesn’t he just rape joker? It’s clearly what joker wants and would make him calm down.

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