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How many guys has she fucked?
Just Kevin.
It's me
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Everyone but Steven.
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Just Marco
Such a boring character honestly.
This is a chore to read
Luz looks really cool here
No way in hell Connie doesn't have a race play fetish, you know she's called Greg or Kevin Masta' atleast once by accident
Why do you fags enjoy making connie to be this slut? Like i hate her too but goddamn i dont like NTR
You know this just made me realize something. Steven's excuse for wearing the same thing is different from everyone else. The gems usually don't change outfits cause they're composed of light and unless they reform stay exactly the same. Steven wears all of his star shirts because that's his way of doing the same the same just like his moms. And Greg is just... Greg. You can take that as bum or Murdercock-Universe and it still applies.
Why would a dravidian indian call a jewish man masta?
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Just one, she's a loyal girl.
Wouldn't she be getting off to being colonized by a British man and acting as a stereotypical Indian woman if she was into race place?
Because its copying over the fact that not a single woman will care for them like she does Steven.
Probably this instead
>Connie fantasising about being a subservient slave to a coloniser
>Connie gets a masochistic orgasm when she earns her Indian dot by way of cigarette burn.
I tried image-searching this, but no results. I saw another page before, with them going to Rose's room.
Where can I read the rest?
Several. They can't resist her fat cock.
This is really annoying to read.
>She willingly puts on a harem outfit and doesn't speak unless spoken to, even allowing herself to be branded
Did the Indians have a slave or servant outfit? Or would it be more fitting to wear some kind of British maid outfit?
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The comic is like the porn version of these autistic deviantart comics that use cut screenshots of random characters and text written in paint.
Probably one of those really over-the-top outfits with see-through silk and gold jewelry that feature a lot of midriff.
You know that makes a lot of sense
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>Connie getting distracted mid Sword fighting training fantasising about serving drinks and dancing for her colonial master
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Just Greg. Many many times.
Thanks anon, bookmarking those right now.
Guilty pleasure, I kinda like reading these western autistic adult comics, something about them being so absurd and hot at the same time...
Thank you
Slave Girl Connie is so fucking based its unreal
This is so wrong, but that's what makes it hot...

I also like Chad Steven fucking Connie's mom. They should trade parents.
>she watches him heat the brand with a torch until it glows orange-red, waiting patiently naked
>in her head, the thoughts of the pain and how he'd comfort her afterward run about wildly in her head
>a small part still wants to back out, but a larger part wants to go through it, push through and make this fantasy real
>finally it's ready
>oh god he's going to do it
>"present yourself" he barks in that wonderful voice
>quietly turn, and while shaking, presents herself
>he grips her neck from the back to brace her body, she can feel him flex to position the brand, even from faraway the heat is there
>he's in total control, she can't stop him now she thinks
>he moves towards her
>"BabY, ba-" she reflexively tenses against his grip and the last shreds of hesitation squeak out, just as the brand presses to her flesh
>the shock comes first, every sense on high alert, his grip is strong as she bucks against it and the pain rolls in
>a shocked gasp turns to a howling scream turns to sobbing gasping and panting as she comes to her senses
>and realizes her hands, after flailing and buckling, rested at digging into herself as she's branded
>she rubs as hard as she can while screaming, the smell of roasted pork exciting her as he realizes it's her own delicious smelling skin cooking with a seal of
>oh fuck she thinks, this is permanent
>she knew but the pain's made it clear, it's never coming off
>she can't take her pants off again in public without someone seeing a branded heart on her ass
>she's marked for fucking life for him
>she digs deeper and shudders out a cum, sobbing through her clenched tight teeth as she shudders and coughs out an orgasm
>when she stops shaking, and the pain is just an angry ache, the man, still holding her so strongly, pulls her to his chest and holds her
>his sweat's sharp salty smell, the warmth of his body and a bed of short curly hairs on his powerful wonderful chest, relieves her shaking
>she was strong for him
>she's a good girl
fucking PEAK
>Connie deep down wants to be a slave and would become one should she be given the offer
the hair
Because it is more interesting than romance and loyalty. Porn is all about intensity and corruption and the sense of doing something wrong or forbidden is always more intense. That's why in porn the strong female characters get the bad end of the stick so often. And that is why the quiet shy girl gets corrupted so many times.
This is why i mostly like vanilla shit. NTR is just fucking depressing
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Just Greg
His whole page is dedicated to this. Amazing. So the art for most of these are either photo bashed or traced, right?
The idea of Connie willingly giving up her freedom would be really hot. Like she could win a fight but the idea of becoming a sex slave is just so overpowering she throws a fight.
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she'd be happier like that anyways, atleast she knows it inside

>Sometimes Connie goes out as a prositute, not because she needs the money but because she likes being objectified like that as if she were a slave
Funnily enough the show actually addresses Steven wearing the same thing all the time.
He's not wearing the exact shame shirt, it's just that Greg has a bulk supply of merch left over from his rock star days so Steven could wear a new shirt in the exact same model every day for the rest of his life, burning each of them after use and never run out.

Which is actually a fucking hilarious gag far as I'm concerned.
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Hot idea, anon.
cute couple
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from one of his retweets
Eh, taste is subjective.
Not a fan of suffering.
>Parents' Disapproval: The parents seem to disapprove of their daughter dating Steven. They say, “Listen Greg, we repudiate the idea of our daughter dating Steven,” suggesting they're not fond of him.

>Greg’s Offer: Greg, who appears to be interested in helping, acknowledges that Steven isn’t pleasant, saying, “I know Steven is unpleasant enough not to be touched with a stick,” but Greg proposes a deal to take care of the daughter, mentioning that the parents are too busy with work to do so.

>Parents' Hesitation: While the parents seem to like Greg, they are unsure about trusting him because they don't know him well.

>Greg’s Assurance: Greg offers to take care of the daughter for free, which prompts an immediate and enthusiastic response from the parents: "Deal!"

>Mother's Final Decision: The mother is still hesitant, mainly because of her feelings towards Steven: “Steven makes me sick just looking at him,” but she seems to be considering Greg’s proposal.

>Steven’s Reaction: Steven reacts by asking if this situation means they are now a couple, to which the mother dismisses him, telling him to “Shut up” and not worry about Steven’s appearance, further affirming that he is not a threat to her.
Contextual Humor: This exchange seems to be comedic, with the exaggerated reactions and the dismissive attitude towards Steven. The dialogue suggests that Greg is trying to win favor with the parents by offering help, while the mother is torn between her distaste for Steven and considering Greg’s offer. The humor is heightened by the mother's blunt comments about Steven’s appearance, like his "sweaty shirt" and "bun," which add to the lighthearted nature of the scene.

It seems to reflect a conflict between two potential love interests (Steven and Greg), with the parents leaning towards supporting Greg while still showing disdain for Steven.
I am sure it is originally written in spanish and translated with google.
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Everyone and Everything.
This kinda fits into when Pearl was training Connie to be Steven's sword/meatshield/cocksock
Are combat sex slaves a thing? She could be a guard and a hole in one.
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Yeah, this was the biggest sign.
>combat sex slaves
I faintly remember some hentai movie that was exactly about this but the girl fighters had their minds connected to robots based on their appearances, and those sex bots would be sent into fights that turned lewd.
They're known as Gladiators Sex Slaves most of the time.
What do I have to do to get my own Pearl Connie
If Connie has a raceplay thing does that mean Luz would have one too?

I don't mean an indian and a british colonial I mean a full on Slave Girl calling guys Masta'
well then anne would have one too
Some people are genuinely convinced that Connie and/or Steven don’t deserve to be together, so you get shit like this kek
Well, Luz is bi so you could always have a nice threesome, but Connie is smarter and doesn't have autism. So my fictional money goes to Connie.
Also, I don't feel Connie as a bunny girl, I think she would fit in the kitten girl role better.
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you keeping her as more of a slave or more of a housewife?
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Want me one with a little more bite to her
Probably Anne. Good genes and a great personality.
Keeping her as more of a housewife or a slave? I imagine Anne would make a nice wife once broken in
Does Connie peg Steven?
Everyone pegs Steven.
If Stevonnie is the combined ages of Steven and Connie, does that mean Stevonnie in SU Future would be a hot cougar? Would she look about the same but older or would her body type change to be a combination of Steven being a brick shithouse and Connie being lean and athletic
Ew, but he's fat and probably sweaty and smelly.
Just like all his family.
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>the slightest connotations of a positive fate for Steven arise
>marcucks and finncells come out of the woodworks to elaborate on how that's not actually the case
like cockwork
>verification not required.
Yeah I remember a doujin that ended with as the bad end for the girls. With her training with Pearl, Connie is pretty much set up perfectly for that role.

Or that. That sounds a little more barbaric than the graceful guard and sex object but sure. There's appeal in it being a bit rougher.
I wish there was more of Pearl mind breaking Connie. It was pretty much where her training with Pearl was going.
Steven GODiverse won...
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What do you like to imagine is the catalyst for Connie going down a path of promiscuity and self-indulgence? It's quite the leap to go from innocent bookworm to degenerate slut.

I know the most popular answer is getting fucked by Greg, but I think other scenarios are fun to explore.

>Connie goes to college, gets befriended by an opportunistic upperclassman
>Asks her if she's got a boyfriend
>She tells him about Steven, explains how he's on some country-wide journey of self-discovery
>Friend asks how long it's been since she last saw him
>It's been months
>Friend smiles and nods, begins to think of a plan
>Whenever the two of them hang out, the friend subtly sows doubt in Connie's mind about her relationship with Steven
>"My friend was in this long-distance relationship once, then his girl just cut him off one day," "He hasn't called you in a while, do you know what he's been up to?"
>Eventually, Connie feels comfortable enough around him to open up about her feelings
>Vents about how she has to go to class and work so she can have a future while Steven gets to fuck around the country while getting bankrolled by his father.
>Confesses she feels jealous whenever she passes by couples around campus going on dates and holding hands
>Starts to tear up, saying she's embarrassed and ashamed of herself for having these feelings
>Friend reassures her, telling her it's not her fault and there's no reason to be so hard on herself
>Connie hugs him and cries against his shoulder
>He grins and slowly caresses her back

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Damn, why do people want to see Steven get cucked so badly? Isn't Connie supposed to be his LI?
t. only watched like two episodes of Steven Universe
Esteban Universo was so bad it mindbroke hundreds of adults. This is part of how they cope.
No one cares about Steven
They just want to fuck Connie or Greg
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>It's quite the leap to go from innocent bookworm to degenerate slut.
You do realize this has been a trope since... before my dad was born.
I'm aware, I meant in the context of SU canon
The same rules apply, overbearing/strict parents is usually the top of the list.
I think just going to college will do it. There would be constant encouragement from peers and the school itself, she isn't super religious/conservative so she wouldn't be that opposed to the idea of casual sex to begin with, and Steven would probably agree to a break or open relationship if she asked anyway.

She isn't gonna become a psychotic nympho that sends degrading sex tapes to Steven out of spite, but they'll probably both spend their youth fucking around to "find themselves".
>"find themselves".
This shit is fucking retarded. You're not gonna find yourself in anything but hurt and depression by the end of this. You are who you are, going out there isn't gonna make you discover yourself, its just gonna put you in a situation where you're gonna have to default to survival mode. And you'll survive long enough to be come out the other side something different from when you started and its not gonna be pretty. which is why it makes perfect sense that she end up a degenerate curry slurry by the end of things
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artist name? Image search isn't giving me anything
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Connie has a big butt!
cute slave girl
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it is here:
he basically traces and photoshop everything
The ingenue becomes a hellcat because she's finally allowed to experience the world.
And once her impulses are awakened she cant ignore them. Connie already had that phase over the course of the cartoon; she isn't naive or shuttered away anymore. Becoming a gestalt with a nice one young Jewish boy and learning how to swordfight from his mom's pet cuck aren't typical cliches for those characters because that would broaden their horizons.
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Cute. Nice job anon.
none. she has a loyal toy that gets a lot of work while she's in her dorm during the semester. transporting it back to Beach City is always a hassle and she has to hide it so her mom doesn't see it on move-out day.
do her in a harem outfit, we need to see her as a slave girl
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are you sure thats who did the OP image? I looked at the art and it seems like he does the comics posted in this thread but not the OP image.
Did a bit of digging and found KohiiTiimo who's art seems to be more like what the OP image is, just can't find that particular one or and SU stuff in general
Yes, please
Fuck, you are right, i got it all wrong.
town bicycle
Imagine everyone ITT gangbanging Connie while steven AKA el gordo mamon is in the next room hearing everything.
She has a small and flat one and that's why we love her.
I only consider RelatedGuy content canon, so her dad and Steven.
Reminder that this needs to be updated in two months.
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>Connie is primarily trained by Pearl
>Becomes a glorified cheerleader with the occasional fusion
>Biggest impact is being an emotional support dicksleeve to prevent Steven from going full psycho
I don't think this one would break as easy.
So cute!
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ideal character arc desu
>that pic of Porl
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That's what makes her worth it
Nah, she and Steven don’t end up together
Fuck that
Everyone gets their own Connie and Steven can fuck off
Stop the schizo headcanons
The good ensign. Everyone gets to break in their own Connie their own way. Maybe you keep her as nothing but a hole, or maybe you let her use some of that rocket science smarts for you and then you treat her as a hole.
Wait wait wait... hear me out... rockethole
I just want her as more of a dress up doll that lovingly gives herself to me
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What headcanon? Nothing about the ending gave away them dating.
I think you are onto something. Sure she's smart enough to figure how to make herself into one of those.
That's good too. I think I like the idea of her still being smart, skilled, and fully capable to do anything and everything, but then willingly funneling all that ability into being the best hole she can be for you. What kind of outfits were you thinking?
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She definitely needs to wear skirts and dresses a lot more
Greg fucked the green dorito too btw
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It's probably for the best that Steven is a bit of a stunted retard, otherwise he'd never leave his temple room living out his craziest sexual fantasies for days on end.
And make their tits bigger
>Molly McGee
>Hailey Banks
Who gets to be the third?
We better get more of that Sexymilator/Off Model Fairy stuff
its so funny how people keep trying to push this Greg cuck trash when steven can literally shape shift and make his dick as big as the girls want hell make as may dicks as she wants
He can also accidentally kill them if he fucking freaks out
Steven is a mess
I do love this dress. Seeing it ripped up would be hot. Can't believe it isn't used more often.
Steven was a naive dumb little butterball of a boy and Connie was a shy nerdy twig of a girl, over time Connie became a prodigious, athletic popular gigastacy and Steven became a super powered Demigod that saved the world multiple times. Both of them have plenty of options when it comes to dating.
The Cuck/NTR obsession with both of them is that Steven has the pick of the litter when it comes to Gems and Women as he's rich, can shape shift and essentially has empathy as a super power while Connie could easily have plenty of simps or ride the cock carousel. Money is no object for either of them as Greg is still a millionaire and Connie's family is upper middle class
This partially stems from either playing up the rougher patches turning them more toxic or just plain ignoring their relationship going from jam buds to actual dating as it's integral to their character development and essentially swapping them out for characters that happen to look like Steven and Connie.
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all this cuck shit for broken men, meanwhile I'm maining the two of them hooked on being Stevonnie and knocking up countless women with super babies
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>Stevonnie makes bank as a sperm donor with a nigh infinite sperm count with seed that is always viable and healthy even if his DNA structure is a little odd
>Stevonnie becomes some kind of sexy urban legend as there are rumors of her appearing all over the country sucking and fucking anything with a pulse
>Stevonnie accidentally becomes the center of some kind of freaky sex cult due to their lewd antics.
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I just get off on the idea of Connie becoming addicted to fucking with a dick as Stevonnie, and she keeps going too far and impregnating women which makes Connie even MORE sexually aggressive.
I liked this ship
They never dated
>Sadie is canonically getting the living shit fucked out of her by Amethyst

I wish we could see the Sugar Cut of the whole show
Wait, what? That sounds hot. When did that happen? I thought Amethyst was banging Vidalia on the side.
>I thought Amethyst was banging Vidalia on the side.
She is/was.

>Wait, what? That sounds hot. When did that happen?
Art Sugar made was found and posted, one of which is outright SadiexAmethyst stuff.
source? reverse gives me nothing and paheal sucks fucking ass to sift through
Sugar needs to not hide her power level. Becky is kinda based sometimes.
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A Sugar Cut would be pure sexual bacchanalia and hot women everywhere. It's clear her power level had an ugly limiter on it thanks to Cartoon Network and puritan panic.
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>a stereotypical Indian
I cant even picture this, care to elaborate?
So Sugar really did have more relationship ideas than she was able to put into the show. I was aware of the Greg and Pearl stuff but didn't know about this. That's interesting. I wonder why she wasn't able to add this. Or if this was something she ended up liking after the fact.
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>I wonder why she wasn't able to add this.
For the same reason she couldn't add Pearl x Greg, and had to fight tooth and nail for just Ruby and Sapphire to be recognized. She was opposed on all sides by insane crew members with agendas and overbearing executives.
Damn. The writing room really must have been a hell hole if not even something as simple as a final pairing like that was possible. Honestly, it's a miracle as much of the show even happened if the loons in her crew fought over things like that.
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As usual, there's an insane fear of bisexual women, so Pearl could not under any circumstances be allowed to want Greg, even if that was Sugar's own intention all along. Depressing shit.

Sugar is based beyond all for being into fat guy x really skinny woman stuff, Greg with Pearl is perfection
Does that come in a bigger res?
Shouldn't Connie's be the smallest?
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>Connie has fused with Steven so many times that some of his Gem nature has seeped into her
>Connie doesn't realize it, but she's been slowly shapeshifting her body to her own desired ideal
>Because of this, her tits steadily grow to gargantuan size
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can steven heal her?
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this was a nice thread, bye bye
White Connie isn't half bad.
I'm in it. But only if she grows a cock too.
Zero. This cartoon is for babies.
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>oh fuck she thinks, this is permanent
>she knew but the pain's made it clear, it's never coming off
>she can't take her pants off again in public without someone seeing a branded heart on her ass
>she's marked for fucking life for him
Unless he happens to literally kiss it better.
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Cool combat Connie stuff.
great work, i love character squatting
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Why is teenage pussy so damn appealing, bros?
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personally I agree, but in a different more fucked up way.
Connie makes a better cuckquean.
Intense angle. Nice to see a return of the lewd socks too.
you are getting better at anatomy, i do remember the drawings from some weeks/months ago, now they are far more cute and sexy
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perfect smeet, kinda too NSFW but i liked
Intensely lewd. Can we get some pregnant Connie?
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Amazing. Really outdoing yourself here Smeet.
wow smeet, calm down, this is a blue board
After looking up the image md5 on desuarchive, I found a version of the image with a paheal name, which let me put in the number to find the image in the url.
But for real, give me a bit longer
For sure. No worries.
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the sentiment is nice but you're kinda late haha

Ah well. Guess I was late. Still, that's a lovely Connie there Smeet. I was expecting something lewd and such but this feels warm and intimate and I really like that. Like lazing around with her naked together kind of feel. Love it and her intensely pregnant belly.
Not enough is done with Connie getting ruined and then healed back up.
does samson even updates anything anymore?
havent seen his stuff in a while.
jesus smeet
needs to be milked.
Ok, this one in slave gear is starting to sound like a good idea.
They broke up
Steven is a bitch who invites antipathy.
Steven is a shit protag who deserves it. Only moment he was interesting was when he was in his pink pompdour form and even then that was brief.
No that’s Greg. Her ass is grass.
she is gregnant
Pearl stuffed her good.
>she is gregnant
for once the meme is accurate
I don't hate her but I don't like Steven
IDK why latinos decided to choose the actual dress wearing femboy as their masculine harem fantasy self-insert. Surly there are better /co/ latinos.
chat gpt-ass post
Plan on finishing it?
because she is one, she is a college student
probably he did just a sketch
Puu is so fucking cringe holy fuck
Because he sucks really hard man, he is such a lame character, his dad is no better either, so I have troubles finding any ground in this shit as I also dislike futashit.
he probably sucks mens too
cool connie
Carrying Greg's baby
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Connie was in this game too? How was it?
too bad the development of this game stopped.
loved how they did connie.
what's this? a hentai game?
I wish this guy did more with Pearl and Connie slutting it up. He teased at it but since then barely done any.
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Only Steven of course, Who else would have the power to buff her?
Sadie got pounded out by Lars and then bragged to Steven about it, the Sugar cut would be a wild ride
Did she have any plans for Garnet?
yes she have
yup. stopped developping to my knowledge.

connie stop just before where it gets interesting if you know what i mean.

peridot is not even implemented.
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A very frightening sketch of Pearl I did. Be careful when you open it.
Retarded faggots like you are the ones that are using aishit to create more femboy shit. Marco literally hated the whole dress thing until S3 when we know well that some autistic femcel with delirious of grandeur got a higher position and fucked up the show.
scared stiff.

need more lovely swain pearl.
Downright horrifying. Definitely needed the warning to prepare for it. Love your Pearls Swain. Highlights that sweet dork aspect of her and her slim physique and cute pointy nose.
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>peridot is not even implemented
Literally or metaphorically?
It stopped? I thought it was going along decently at a point. How far did it go?
Jesus swain, this is a blue board
get real, Connie’s the town bicycle of Beach City
That is mean :(
Brutal. I'm into it. Especially the slave outfits bit mixed into her locks. Yot a Catbox or page where you posted the uncensored version?
catbox the uncensored version please
Alt if anyone wants it
>repressed Indian slut goes to college full of white men
>I loved this drawing, but it was far too vanilla for my degenerate cravings.

I'm sorry that wholesome wasn't enough this time.
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>Only actual enemies are poor minorities
> 30 year old in a 16 year old body
>Half mexican, yet can't even speak spanish
>Fumbled all of his relationships on the spot

He's the perfect representation of them.
both arts are wholesome
Noice, it's very dynamic
Love the perspective and posing!
>Surely there are better /co/ latinos.
Such as?
Oh, don’t apologize. I’m just a bit greedy, is all
who is the father?
A lot less guys than Toot from Drawn Together
im very aware of this picture but peridot isnt actually implemented in the game.
Pearl. Their training got intense.
They really didn't get around to her before the project fell through? Would have thought she'd be one of the first.
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The same image but much, much darker.
they did the main 3, started on connie and died.
According to that NTR comic I read, she never actually fucked him. He pussed out before she could finish blowing him
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>designs progressively become more distinct and closer to the actual show
Genuine props to you swain and the three and a half drawfags making these threads worth a damn
peridot is not this sexy
Work out Connie is cute and intense.
Now it's extra spooky. Fantastic stuff Swain.
He doesn't need Connie, he can do it himself.



Check this out. HRM HRPH MRP
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connie need to suffer more
bye bye this was a good thread
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>Threeven Jewniverse is nearly a decade old
Oh hey you’re in luck
connie needs to be more humiliated
men? 0
women? dozens
look on /dlc/
>limb-enhancer peridot
Sweet dorky witch.
who is the artist?
not these legs, but i liked this gif, who did this?

Being Christian is acknowledging and actively believing in Satan.
can you fight something you pretend doesn't exist?
Satan is acknowledged in the Ketuvim.
I don't pretend, I actively worship. Proud Satanist since three consecutive Satan trip post in a row back in 09, my lord has been good to me.
cool story bro
No need!
You fags like to act like this is funny and cute but where I grew up a guy actually shot his dad over some shit like this. I honestly struggle to think of a worse betrayal you could commit against your own son, maybe circumcising them is about as bad.
boohoo nigga retards kill each other over video games, get over it
Looked like she was.
More than you!
How did the project fall through?
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>IDK why guys decided to choose the actual dress wearing femboy as their masculine harem fantasy self-insert
It's been like this for a while now.
Why did Jannies get rid of the follow-up :(

I censored it and everything
I'm impressed and relieved to see you didn't eat a vacation. I've seen pieces like that get deleted even if only the face was posted.
because she is too sexy
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Was Jasper, the perfect quartz, truly the best villain that Steven Universe ever had?
he's secure enough in his own masculinity to wear a dress and take it up the ass.
There's a difference between being over it and being deluded to the reality you're making light of.

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