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There have been people who have said things like "everyone always talks about toxic masculinity but no one ever mentions what positive masculinity is". I believe superheroes are actually the answer, believe it or not

Men and women have differing levels of the hormone testosterone. Even the "lowest test" men will typically have up to 5x as much testosterone flowing in their blood compared to women. This testosterone gives men a significant advantage for building and maintaining muscle mass. However, it can also lead to increased aggression. As such men on average will have a significant physical advantage over women. How would you construct an ideal society with these two together?

You would have to teach the men the importance of restraint. Namely, that "with great power, comes great responsibility" and that they "live in a world of cardboard". Men who lose their temper could cause enormous damage to women. Men have to be aware, that there will be other men who will try to use their physical advantage to intimidate women into getting what they want. Men have to be aware that they must practice restraint, or risk serious injury or even death. Men have to be aware that with their physical advantage, they may be put in unique situations where they can stand up for other people.

These ideas are not unique to superheroes, the idea of the "gentleman" very much emphasized the importance of a man practicing restraint, to be "gentle" specifically because of everything I mentioned. So in the end I think superheroes in general provide a good model for men. Stand up for other people, practice restraint, use your strength responsibly and be aware of others who use it irresponsibly, manage your feelings in a healthy way so you don't end up harming other people.
You sound like a retard. Did you really think this was worth posting? Kys
>Positive mascul[inity
Anything that serves or benefits women

>Toxic masculinity
Anything that doesn't serve or benefit women
Yeah basically seems right to me, but retards like >>145864785 >>145864797 get caught up in the terminology and their egos get bruised.
I disagree. Positive masculinity uplifts other men, toxic masculinity is dragging other men down to be top dog.
No one cares about uplifting other men. People want men to compete with each other and strike each other down to eliminate competition and thin the herd, they're just too obsessed with appearing empathetic to admit it. All women want weak men to either die or serve them and strong me#n to distinguish themselves so it's easier to pick them out. The idea that men should uplift each other will never gain traction because there will never be a version of the world where men harmonising and not competing will be rewarded.
Dumb slave

This. Life is a game and only one person can win it. The goal of evolution is to create something strong enough to kill everything else. Whoever accomplishes that will be the ultimate lifeform, and their prize will be to live forever in a universe that belongs to them and them alone. If you aren't actively eliminating every potential threat to yourself, which is everything that isn't yourself, you deserve to be slowly tortured to death. Fight. Kill. Eat. Win. Win and live. Lose and die.
I mean... Yeah? That's what being humane and civilized means.
>humane and civilized

You mean weak and cowardly.
You're so tough anon. I bet you crack nuts with your asshole.
Want kill. Want blood. Want kill. Grr. Me strong.
It's that the one time the text mentions the idea that men have to show restraint as to avoid harming others, it says:
>Men who lose their temper could cause enormous damage to women
as if women were the only ones harmed by men
Beisdes the text sucks cause it only has to do with physical strength and nothing else
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tldr: Supes an Alpha +
You live in a comfortable, luxurious first world society where you can safely survive off your wagie mom's tendies. Wtf are you talking about.
Superman is the most chud loser power fantasy ""hero"" there is. Any moment this character can throw devastating temper tantrum and wipe out everything.
man I hope to achieve y+
Replace "women" with "society".
i don't think anyone ever validated Chris Chan's lifestyle.
>Alpha +
>sex sex sex sex sex
Sounds really boring. Also, does anybody else see these kind of like fortune cookies? Like, the alpha + "doesn't let anyone tell him no" while the omega - "is so deluded they can't be corrected. It's two different ways of saying the same thing, it's just one is popular and works.
I'm not tough, I'm weak as shit. In a better age I'd have been killed at birth. It's what gives me insight into the fallacy and hypocrisy of "we're all in this together" narratives
This but chad Golden Age superheroes
Why did they make him lose after this speech, he was cool for a minute
>wisdom and insight from the bottom of the barrel
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>bUt WhAt aBoUt tHe MeN?
I'm not that "life is a game" fake alpha faggot. I merely have no illusions about how intrinsic male competition and expendability is to the system we live in.
Good thoughts anon, problematic in today's society though.
You kill yourself you freaking pinko
>Being a superhero is the ultimate metaphor for positive masculinity
Superheros aren't real and have nothing to do with "positive masculinity" it's a childhood fantasy
Toxic masculinity doesn't exist (just like toxic femininity) because neither masculinity or femininity have inherently abusive/cruel aspects to them.

>When you say "toxic masculinity", what's more fitting to say is misandry, plain and simple.

That being said, pulp heroes are the superior form of ideal masculinity.
>You live in a comfortable, luxurious first world society where you can safely survive off your wagie mom's tendies
Being either homeless or wasting your life in a 9 to 5 and die alone from overwork such luxurious and comfortable first word
much be so nice to be a woman because only a woman would think how comfortable life is
I am between gamma positive and delta positive
Leave it to leftist to complicate a simple idea of alpha fucks and beta bucks to some dumb philosophical nonsense
Sanity holds humanity back. Humanity's spirit must be purified. The ideal state of being is a mindless beast that howls and snarls and claws and bites forever until everything around it is dead.
Didn’t read a single word. Women will always prefer evil because they were the first to be beguiled by it,
>Also, does anybody else see these kind of like fortune cookies?
These are pretty much horoscopes for men.
Dumb mutt, it's the other way around. This classification came first, then retards came and popularized the alpha and beta categories and ignored everything else.
So you would be okay with being evicted tomorrow, stripped and being thrown into the woods to survive with the wolves, right?
Yeah that makes sense
I would be okay with all of humanity being stripped of sapience and reduced to mindless beasts.
Speak for yourself faggot, go run in the woods naked if you want but leave us out of it.
Ever heard of "team sport"? Where men have to hold each other accountable?
>Dumb mutt, it's the other way around. This classification came first, then retards came and popularized the alpha and beta categories and ignored everything else
Nice try but your gaslighting won't work
>Like, the alpha + "doesn't let anyone tell him no"
It doesn't say that anywhere though
>does not entertain criticism
But go ahead, be pedantic some more.
"does not entertain criticism" =/= "entirely oblivious, these males are completely beyond redemption" though.
The devil is in the details
Sigma mindset. Be supportive and lift people. Alphas are just betas trying to put on a good face. It's how weak people survive.
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The concept of a society wouldn't exist if men didn't work with each other, anon.
Dog eat dog world is true in some cutthroat environment, but even animals understand cooperation and synergy.
Nice fantasy.
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>Nothing exists
>makes a bunch of empty space for no reason and only one planet that matters
>nothing ever improves
Evolution is about the survival of the species, not the individual.
>well well well darksied what we have here is a rare opportunity for me to CUT LOOSE
>five seconds later
no it isn't, being a superhero is just a personification of western society's sense of justice.

it's a pretty bland concept.
whoever made this is unemployed
Idk but being a superhero sounds like being a wagie cuck slave to society
Well what about a layer deeper? Not just superheroes but mythical men of legend. Hercules and such. Men of awesome strength and power is a common theme across the world.
>The same guy that got raped by russians and took it (muh humility)
>The same guy who's authors let his cousin from an alternate earth get with black bulls
>The same guy who lets lois see other people
>The same guy who lets lois dominate him in bed
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Superman is a pussy. Real men are not gentle. Real men do not ask. They take.

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