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prev >>145866341
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Caitlyn a shit
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Who's top? Who's bottom? Are they switches?
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Man I hope Vi doesn't give up because of what the Warden did
Cait top
Vi bottom
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How about you allow people to discuss topics that are very much relevant to the show? Jilcofaggot isn't just a proud pedophile but he also loves to spread his crack ship and shit up the threads with it.

Man it feels so good to be on the winning side of history.
Well, all the mystery surrounding Vi's tattoo is because they want to reveal it either a) when she's taking a shower or b) during sex when she's on top of Caitlyn. Decide which of the two scenarios you prefer.
you have only one topic in your coomer mind
Switches 100%
First sex we will see Vi's full back tattoo so Vi has got to be on top.
This image always makes me laugh
but it’s so endearing to picture vi, the protector, hold cait. i get big spoon cait, i like it but i also like big spoon vi.
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Perfect for each other.
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They're really pushing Ekko and Heimer as a duo.
>i also like big spoon vi.
More like a parachute.
There's no need for her to top to show the tattoo... Caitlyn will either give her a shower or will softly stroke the lines of it after the sex. Or both.
yea i saw that....i don't like it.
I've been trying to upload an image,, and I'm like restricted, that sucks
If it's not a leak of ep 6 to 9 then we're not interested.
How come that this line?
>It's her blood in your veins
Get so me many interpretations when it so obvious what Caitlyn is implying? She is not calling her a dirty animal
Did you guys go to school?
"They're ALL the same. Animals."
Or did you forget she said that?
She didn't say that moron. She said "a memorial...what kind of animals" in references to the attack on Piltover.
It's the frame where a caricatured version of Samuel Jackson appears after the final battle and says, "I've come to talk to you about the League of Legends initiative, you motherfuckers
Are you trying to explain the obvious to this troll?
"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" = "dirty animal" according to 4chan
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nice art
LoL Ekko: "Run away little piltie, youre in the wrong neighborhood."
Arcane Ekko: Best friends with the 200 year old piltie
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imagine being friends with someone who shares the same hobby as you. piltover was stupid putting an inventor in charge of politics but they were too busy getting rich to pretend to care
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Anyone seen extra BD material uploaded anywhere? I don't mean the bridging the Rift, but the other extras. All S1 BDs on torrents are episodes only from what I've seen.
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What are the chances that they actually give Vi amnesia?
None. She never even got it in the game. People made it up.
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Touch starved?
All I get from this is that I feel worse for Vi. She goes from confused to desperate in the blink of an eye.
Any other /co/ girls that have actually suffered as much as Vi or Jinx?
VI is the most tragic character I've ever seen in any media.
I'm sure there are but I can't really think of any off the top of my head.
In all honesty if I had VI's life I'd have taken a long walk off the top of a tall building a very long time ago. Jinx suffers a lot too but at least she had Silco. Vi's life is a fucking nightmare and it only got worse after she got out of her fucking extrajudicial life sentence.
I hope Vi gets to be happy in the end. Her life was truly a misery since the bridge scene in her youth. She deserves to have someone to take care of her (like hopefully redeemed Caitlyn) and not only try to protect others.
vi is so resilient it’s borderline retarded
In LoL she is quite happy. Well paid job she likes, rich influential girlfriend, nice life in Piltover
Tbh I hope somehow they will address it one way or another. Show went overboard with Jinx's mental drama(and getting audience's sympathy brownie points), even though she always had people supporting her - first Vi along with Vander and boys, and later Silco.
Vi was basically playing mom to Powder since young and then spend 7 years in high security, mixed jail for her teenage years. Which she spent beating up bloody Silco's goons and going crazy over guilt and lack of information about Powder.
She's definitely too well adjusted for what she went through.

Yeah. But Arcane is changing the lore quite a lot. LoL's Vi was not much more than pin up girl who loved to beat up people. There was not even any link to Jinx, until after the Arcane s1.
Since Arcane will be replacing LoL lore, I hope they end the season on something which is not misery porn for her.
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Plz cuntlyn.....
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Caitlyn has never looked better. She's glowing.
Arcane is changing the lore because the current lore is inconsistent as hell, but I don't think they'll change core parts of the characters. For Caitlyn, that's being the sheriff, for Vi, that's being an enforcer and for Jinx...Well she's just supposed to be crazy but now she has a tragic story behind it.

Also remember, the series is also supposed to be an origin story and a love letter to the fans, if they end the series basically changing a character's whole personality, that's going to piss LOL fans for sure. LOL fans, you know, the ones that actually play the game and spend money on it.

I think there are a lot of things up in the air, but I think Vi and Caitlyn are the most likely to get a happy ending (like anon said, Vi gets fancy job, hot gf, comfy life...). We'd all love for Vi to have a family again, and get everything she ever wanted, but realistically, her happy ending will probably have some bitterness to it.
Why feel bad? She's probably being kissed for the first time in her life, and by the girl she loves no less.
Vi gets the typical older siblings treatment. She's basically never been allowed to be a child, always had to he a parental figure. That's why the audience doesn't tend to sympathise with her much as opposed to Jinx (youngest sibling).
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They need to adress Vi's trauma.
Sometimes I think about how tragic Vi's life is, and I wonder how she still holds on to hope... I truly hope she gets a happy ending..and I'm not a vifagg.
This is gonna be a 'sure bud' moment but I actually have a schizophrenic bpd younger sister and we grew up poor. This >>145908842 anon is correct, I to approach the world with a relentless level of near retarded determination just to get what all of my college peers had at birth. It might suck to see Vi going through it but remember that this is her normal. Life isn't fair.
Tends to happen when you cut ties with an abusive parent.
I think even LoL players will be happy(if they are even capable of such emotions) to make these characters different. Better. They don't need to finish the series at the established status quo, because, let's not lie to ourselves, Vi and Caitlyn released so long ago, their characters are extremely one dimensional, and Arcane shaking up the lore, even changing it drastically, WILL be an improvement.
While I think that Jayce, Viktor, Jinx, Ekko, Cait and Vi, will somehow end up adjacent to what they represent currently, they definitely won't be the same characters, as their origins changed too drastically, for them to appear the same way as in LoL. Idk what would need to happen for Vi to transform into her happy-go-lucky demeanor from LoL, considering how her life goes in Arcane.
Her hair looks only a little bit longer.
Idk, in comparison to the ponytail length from s1, it looks at about nearly a year of hair growth.
But then, it can just not be consistent.
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The hero needs to be beaten down and hit absolute rock bottom so that the audience will all cheer in unison once they get their happy ending.

Vi will have a good and stable job, a hot rich gf and a good life in general.
Vi's happy ending is having both Caitlyn and Jinx in her life.
I really hope they give Vi and Jayce all new voice lines in game because they just do not match the arcane counterparts
Earthborn/Colonist Solve Survivor Shepard (Mass Effect) has equally or even more traumatic life.
I hope. Vi deserves the best.
That said, I wonder if that hot, rich gf will end up rich in the end, or will go some ultra redemption route and give up her fortune to the Zaunites. Or even if she will become just a sheriff or something different.
Frankly, in S1 sheriff position wasn't exactly powerful, with Councillors jerking the saps around. Caitlyn Sheriff from LoL definitely has more power than that.
>/co/ girls
For Vi to choose Caitlyn, I believe something will happen again with Jinx.It seems unreasonable to me that, given they’re all together in Act 3, Vi wouldn’t want Jinx in her life.I think Caitlyn will forgive her, but I don't believe they’ll end up being friends in the end.
Arcane is meant to give the characters depth, which it has accomplished. LOL is still a game at the end of the day, I doubt we'll see Caitlyn in Arcane saying shit like "Boom. Headshot" or Vi with shit like: "Vi stands for violence!" (I mean, Vi does like punching...) but with what I've seen of S2 so far I can see Caitlyn becoming sheriff eventually and Vi staying in Piltover, which ties into their game counterparts.

We have to remember LOL is not a lore-heavy game, the characters are supposed to be simple. I don't think Riot imagined fans would get so into the lore, since it's not an important part of gameplay.

I have to admit though, it'd be hilarious if they pushed for more lore-heavy content. Yesterday someone mentioned that if all these theories about Maddie being Leblanc are true, that'd make for some interesting voice lines and interactions. I wish the LOL lore 'evolved' every season.
>There was not even any link to Jinx, until after the Arcane s1.
What? There were some lines in LOL and they made them sisters in LOR. Rioters spoke about them being sisters almost 10 years ago. The only difference in this matter was that they never grew up together. Jinx was older and she remembered her sister. Vi was too young to remember it. That's why people came up with amnesia theory...
Caitlyn might spend a good chunk of her family's fortune rebuilding Piltover after the war. Having said that, if she ends up being the sheriff I imagine the job will pay well.
With 5 episodes being leaked and not touching on it at all with an exception of showing her break down into a sobbing mess after Cait hits her, I doubt they will do it. There's no time for her to deal with any kinds of PTSD and trauma.
Vi and Jinx will become the bridge between both cities and Jinx will be more like her LOR version.
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So now that we know that Jinx cut her hair, we can now all agree that Vi is carrying Jinx here right?
>I think Caitlyn will forgive her
The Jinx forgiveness arcs are starting to get unrealistic.
Unless she turned into a fat guy...
I'm starting to this so too. Maybe Jinx and Vi dress up as enforcers to infiltrate Piltover? Jinx has already done it before and Vi still has her badge so it wouldn't be too difficult for them to pull off.
I think Jinx and Vi will part ways at the end, but on good terms (ex. Jinx watching over Zaun and Vi staying in Piltover).

But if that happens, they need to give a very good reason for Vi to stay in Piltover vs going with Jinx. Also, I doubt pilties will universally agree to forgive Jinx after all the shit she's done.
kill this theory with fire already
If so, does that mean they're disguising themselves as enforcers during the battle?
What did you expect? They copied the idea from TWD Negan, after all. Guy bashed the skull of beloved friend (Glenn) of the group (husband of one of the women, Maggie) and still was forgiven because he started saving kids, dogs and became friends with Ricks' little girl. Even Maggie (Glen's wife) forgave him.
Well caitvi endgame can only happen if 1) caitlyn forgives Jinx and 2) Vi gets to be with the both of them.
Why would they want to infiltrate Piltover in the middle of a war though? Like, everyone will be busy fighting, there's no need to dress up.

The other thing is...Assuming this is episode 9, shouldn't Vi and Cait be on good terms here? With Caitlyn giving up on her revenge and shit? Then she wouldn't need to be sneaking Jinx around.

If Jinx is down there, what happened to the blimp? Or is this before the blimp? But she has a different outfit.

UGH. So many questions.
yeap and to be honest?i don't like it.They spent 6 episodes building up Caitlyn’s revenge arc, only for her to forgive so easily just one episode before the end.
Caitlyn doesn't need to forgive Jinx. She just has to let go of her revenge and let Jinx live. Once she learns their story and how her own parents were involved in it, she's going to understand Jinx is just another victim of Piltover politics. If she wants to change things for better, she needs to start with herself.
>Vi gets to be with the both of them.
We all know this isn't happening. Jinx and Vi are estranged in lore for a reason.
Oh man, you shouldn’t have mentioned The Walking Dead.
In LOL lore, yes. But they're changing this lore.
LOR Vi and Jinx are not estranged like that.
there is very little difference between lor and lol jinx
this thread is infested with xitter users so yeah we got femanons here

IT'S A GUY. Quite a big one too. His forearm is like 3 times bigger than Jinx's.
I feel the same way. I can see Caitlyn toning it down and swallow her pride for the greater good, but forgiveness? I hope not. Caitlyn has an obsessive need to bring C to justice in lore for hurting her family, I doubt Jinx will be the exception to this.
I think part of her arc is realizing how her revenge thirst made her blind to everything else, specifically, Ambessa plotting to invade Piltover which will probably result in way more deaths than Jinx ever caused.

If the anon is right and Vi is just dressing up as an enforcer to infiltrate, that kinda obliterates the caitvi reconciliation theories. Unless they fuck but then are still on different pages.

Not sure about what will happen, but my guess is:

Ep 6: Ambessa's betrayal, Jaye, Ekko and Heimer return
Ep 7: New status quo, teams, etc.
Ep 8: Starts off slow-paced, preparing for the war. Second half of the episode is the war. It ends with the Arcane going crazy.
Ep 9: Arcane, Jesus Viktor, epilogue
oh my gosh! femanons with big smelly puffy holes? i love it so much im going to die!!!!!!
LOR Jinx aims her violence on criminals at Zaun and she's quite ok with both Vi and Cait. In a way she seems to be protecting them both somehow. Kind of like "no one is allowed to fuck them up but me". But we see her quite soft with Vi and a more of an irritating kid with Cait. One way or another, Vi and Jinx are not as estranged here than they are in LOL. And that's where Arcane is trying to get IMO.
Might be that Jinx has a battle plan and is diguising herself as an enforcer to prevent a panic amongst the ranks and avoid Caitlyn's rage. That would be a crazy redemption arc of Jinx being the one who saves piltover and Caitlyn's life for Vi's sake
People love Jinx because she creates chaos and feels no guilt about it. They can’t erase that part of her personality.
>That would be a crazy redemption arc of Jinx being the one who saves piltover and Caitlyn's life for Vi's sake
yea yea i was thinking the same anon. Jinx since is fan favorite, she will be the one to save them.
yeah Vi x Caitlyn is nice and all, but what about a real relationship in Diana x Leona
>more of an irritating kid with Cait
To be honest, in Arcane I would like to see that dynamic between Caitlyn and Jinx .I want her to tease Caitlyn and throw out innuendos
I hope it doesn't happen.
I like Jinx all right, but this Jinx's dickriding needs to stop. Other characters should be able to save themselves and not rely on changed Jinx to do everything for them.
We need this anon...I used to main Leona so i really want to see her in the future and the story between Diana from lovers to enemies
I agree with you, but unfortunately, this will happen. I hope you’ll be here for the finale so we can discuss how predictable it was.
Yeah. But only Vi and Caitlyn would be the ones to know.
they really fucked up with the zaun is a bunch of pathetic poors oppressed by piltover narrative. end game vi and jinx isn't going to land as well.
Jinx finally gets to save the day and to not be a jinx
What kind of scene will the Fantastic song play for?
Isn't diana x leona a doomed ship
>I want her to tease Caitlyn and throw out innuendos
I find it hard to accept this dynamic now considering Jinx killed Caitlyn's mother
This. I get that Jinx is the creator's pet but I'd like characters like Ekko, Vi, and Caitlyn to be able to guide their own arcs without Jinx being the driving force for everything.
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It was so sad and funny to see that all the posters had Jinx in them in some way or another. She really is the pet.
She would still be Jinx in name and chaotic still. Just not suicidal over failing at everytl turn unintentionally. Just like Vi has been essentially.
She is the red string that ties everyone together. Of course she's in everything.
The music for this scene is so,so good.
Such heartwarming, touching moment. their chemistry bursts through the screen. too bad it's ruined with the drama
I knew we were cooked when Ekko's poster had the Jinx clip in his hair.
I mean, you are probably right, but I will still held out some hope that everyone, sans Jinx, will not get shafted in the upcoming season. No point in being disappointed preemptively. There's still nearly half of the season of unknown.
I wish it wasn't this way. She has her hands in too many plot cookies jars and it's starting to feel like it's too much. Jinx is starting to feel like she's a shonen main.
I believe it will be at the beginning of the episode; I just can’t imagine which character the song is about, Caitlyn or Vi. Everything we've heard so far pertains to both, but the lyrics might have changed. For sure, the line "I just wanna be a good passenger" fits Vi. Maybe it’s an opening scene with Vi high up in Piltover under the moon, thinking about Caitlyn (kek again). Caitlyn already has a lot of songs this season. Of course, we also need a scene where Caitlyn reminisces about Vi. I really don’t know.
The "up here higher than god" lyric could be pertain to Vi when she flies up high on Jinx's airship hideout. Maybe they're in the air for awhile where Vi has time to reminisce.
I think the song fits both of them. It just feels odd if the song is from ep 8 cause the implication is that they're not really reconciled yet when the song will start playing.
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Everything started for Vi and will end for Vi. Both mothers' decisions created the reality everyone lives in right now. Both mothers represented both cities. And only Caitlyn and JINX can fix it, as they represent those cities now. Caitlyn is a symbol of Piltover, Jinx is a symbol of Zaun. Vi stands in between. She's the key, the glue and a connection. For her, both Caitlyn and Jinx will co-work because she's been through enough and she can't loose more people. She can't loose Cait or Jinx. She can't choose between them. And without them, she's gone. Broken. Dead. Vi's mother wish will come true - Zaun will change and become safer. Cassandra's wish will also come true - Piltover will change and become better. Vi and Caitlyn will make sure of that. But it will be Caitlyn and Jinx that will make it happen.
Why not. Episode 8 sounds great, as a reference to the yin-yang bed scene for Cait and Vi.
We don’t know the lyrics 100% to make predictions. However, “Paint the Town Blue” had some differences. I believe Fantasti will too. for example, I don’t think they’ll keep the line American classics etc, Anyway, the song sounds good; we will like it.
An episode 6 or 7 reconciliation is way too soon imo. As per episode 5, Caitlyn and Vi are still broken people and them coming together now would be a disaster. Let's see them grow and figure themselves out a little more before they forgive in episode 8.
That's so stupid, that's literally only 2 episodes to make caitvi happen. It'll feel rushed and forced.
Yes, expect a meeting in episode 6 or 7, and episode 8 will be the one where they finally talk and resolve things. And as this anon says, they will want to draw parallels with the bed scene, it's very important for their story.
Because it will feel exactly like that. They will reunite them in episode 6, but they will start working on them around the middle of episode 7.
this anon is cooking.
I cannot explain how badly I want to see her fully rendered.
Why is the soundtrack dropping all at once when we got it as the acts premiere last time? I want to Hellfire, Ashes to Blood and Sucker ASAP.
No it isn't? episodes 6 and 7 will be them hashing things out and building trust. episode 8 is the perfect time for the canonization to happen.
>Vi stands in between. She's the key, the glue and a connection.
She's the very heart of the story. Even if she doesn't have the most screentime, it's all about her this season.
It depends a lot on how they do it. If they reunite in episode 6 and reconcile in 7/8, it’s very different from speedrunning it all in one episode.
Nope. Soundtrack drops at the end of act3, according to the spotify, so we will need to wait for a little longer, till the end of the show.
I think it will unfold like this: They will reunite in episodes 6 or 7, and there will be some conversation between the two of them. Caitlyn will apologize,but Vi will remain distant. Then in episode 8, perhaps alongside "Fantastic," Vi will reflect on how much she wants Caitlyn in her life and that she deserves a second chance. She will decide to visit Caitlyn at her home. They will reopen the discussion, and then boom!
I love unnamed bar milf
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>she's the very heart of the story
Am i a joke to you?
Her name is gonna be Greta or something like that.
>I cannot explain how badly I want to see her fully rendered.
Why? Tell me you think she looks like Caitlyn.
Jinx will probably fake her death in a explosion just for a excuse to get Caitlin to back off her and let Vi be happy

After ep 5 I think she'll always look out for her older sister
Mothers made mistakes, daughters will fix them. And yeah, they made Caitlyn and Jinx symbols exactly for this reason. Vi took care of Powder/Jinx when they were kids and then took care of Caitlyn when they went to Zaun. It's about time they take care of her.
We need to learn about the daddy too.
What's the deeper meaning behind Cassandra being buried in violets? Is it to imply that Vi kinda put her in there?
Those flowers have the same color as Vi's mother's hair. Vi's mother wanted Zaun to become safer. Cassandra wanted Piltover to become better. Both made mistakes and paid the ultimate price. Their daughters need to fix their mistakes. Just in this case it won't be Vi and Cait but Jinx and Cait. They're enemies right now, yet they're symbols of their cities. And none of them can die. For Vi's sake.
>Caitlyn will apologize,but Vi will remain distant.
I agree that this is probably how it'll go at first. I think Caitlyn's big redemption arc moment will take place and will change Vi's perspective on their relationship. "Fantastic" will play as Vi reminisces and resolves herself to help Caitlyn, be with her, or whatever else it'll end up being.
You're cooking good
Yes that's why ep 8 is where the sex scene takes place. Right after reconciliation and right before the big battle.
Vi will be put through even more suffering and Cait will provide the comfort she desperately needs. That's how they're going to reconcile.
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Let the girl rest and be pampered already...
I mean, I'd sort of hope Caitlyn would do something more big and meaningful to redeem herself in Vi's eyes. Caitlyn comforting Vi is something she's already been doing.
Letting go of her revenge against Jinx seems to be a pretty big deal to me.
Letting go of her revenge on Jinx and promising (then giving) Zaun its independence isn't enough? It will start with comforting Vi though.
Or jinx fakes her death and allow Caitlyn to get some sort of closure
>Letting go of her revenge on Jinx and promising (then giving) Zaun its independence isn't enough?
I never said this?
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Same flowers that grew around Caitlyn and Cassandra's favorite place with the tree. Its the one place they knew peace together. Violet means peace and Vi will be Caitlyn's peace.
no i just like milfs. vi banging someone who looks like her mom would be weird
I hate to burst everyone's bubbles but the flowers are not Violets in Cass' casket or blowing around Caitlyn's tree spot. They're Wisteria petals.
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The ones in the coffin are violets.
And all this going happens in just 4 eps? Damn, they are going to fly to speed up the plot, because realistically, this series should have had an S3 or S2 with 12 episodes
She's not even in the show.
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My last entry for arctober
It's really good!!
Sergio, I kneel.
im restringed dont know why, but im reading the treads, we almost there and know as everything falls into place, with faith intact for cailtyn and Vi
and yes maybe i do another one with the gauglet theme,
Caitvi is endgame Sergio. You don't even have to think about it. It's a fact
It's near perfect, the only thing I would change is adding a bit more 'soul' to their facial expressions. Make them yearn a bit more
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Tomorrow is enforcers day. Are we ready to troll the arctober hashtag with the fucking Maddie lips memes?
Not liking the facial expressions. Needs more love and less lust.
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It's good but their pose it's kinda weird.
I would put more emphasis on their facial expressions. The longing, the yearning.
yall trippin', and that wrecks CaitVi, wut, Vi gonna be sneaking around Piltover after having smashed Cait? c'mon, just some random.

and when's Jinx gonna show up in her shark hoodie if this is finale. after she wakes up, outfit change? or she strips outta her shark hoodie to put on that get-up again, really? think people.
I still can't believe this scene is real.
After shipping these two for more than 10 years. It's fucking unreal to me :')
Justiceforcaitvi u never dissapoint us
>think people
Don't ask for miracles Anon.
at this point with Jinx skin leak basically biting off Vi like some kinda weirdo lil' big sis' thing, Jinx x Vi is more believable than CaitVi.

it's clear the writers are bending & altering the lore, just look what they're doing to Jinx, the unthinkable cutting off her locks like that

how do you go from dyke tank girl Jinx back to batshit cray Jinx now?
finally a voice of reason
kys you selfposting, samefagging, containment breaking turbo fag
this thread is full of faggots
every. fucking. time
thats normal for league threads
cringefem fandom
we tend to be attracted to people who look like our parents or siblings tell me i’m wrong anons
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need to see vi or maddie go between those nice tits and legs
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Just maddie in general
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Vi is a bottom 10000%
This is the correct answer
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Vi called herself a bottom
you're still not funny but the fact that you posted such a bottom shelf tier toy personally offends me. show your body more respect anon.
Vi is an awful sister. She betrayed her only family for some rich cop she knew for a week. Killing Jinx won't fix the class divide between Piltover and Zaun. How am I supposed to sympathize with a class traitor?
Fucking a rich enforcer might help the cause
Jinx betrayed her family to live with their killer. Jinx deserves to die.
are torrents of the episodes in 4k out?
>class traitor
has there always been commies in these threads?
I'm going to help you out anon. 1. You should have waited for ep4 to air because right now everyone on arcanetwt has you blocked except randoms. 2. The jokes would be better if they didn't sink of misogyny. Peak would be waiting until the caitvi sex scene and doing the 'myth of consent' meme with maddie and jinx
Can't wait to see the so called feminists on arcanetwitter trying their best to not "slut shame" Caitlyn when the e4 maddie scene airs kek.

New lore and interactions added to the game

> LB: I'm glad to see you again dear Caitlyn
> Caitlyn: You...
> LB: Don't be so surprised, what about all those good times we had together?
> Caitlyn: You tricked me...
> LB: It didn't seem to matter so much to you when you used me for hours to suck your clitoris as if I were a sex toy.
> Caitlyn: ......
>If the anon is right and Vi is just dressing up as an enforcer to infiltrate, that kinda obliterates the caitvi reconciliation theories. Unless they fuck but then are still on different pages.
Caitlyn and Vi would have their moment together and then Vi leaves in the morning it couldn’t be the first time Vi walks away
To be fair, LB is hot, wouldn't blame Cait if she wanted to tap that ass after charade is done. Definitely an upgrade over carrothead.
Anon just look at how Caitvis are reacting to the Caitvi angst they won’t be able to handle Diana and Leona. They need to go back to watch the owl house or whatever it is they like to watch that has no drama
Yeah I was thinking about this recently...also they were all so ooooook with Vi having a prison's wives or gfs during her pitfighter era so it will be pure hyprocrisy if they act all offended by Maddie...
>Caitlyn is a symbol of Piltover, Jinx is a symbol of Zaun. Vi stands in between. She's the key, the glue and a connection.
Vi’s the bridge
>Jinx is starting to feel like she's a shonen main.
This is hilariously accurate
That sounds very much like a happy end though. Not sure how one can trust VA, but according to Ella Purnell, the end will be bittersweet. So while I suppose in the end everyone (important) will live, it won't be just sunshines and rainbows.
Owl house and heartstopper made the young queers soft. They should all be forced to watch Killing Eve
no one is offended except the assblasted justice anon and her strapriders/alts

I saw someone on twitter post the s2 Spotify tracklist that showed the lengths of the songs but I can't find it anymore. Do any anons still have it?
i follow yew :3
Now do LB and Vi’s interactions
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So I'm a dumbass for not using a browser. Thanks anon.
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Give me act3 i need it now
se filtor la cancion de ep 8 , la que muestra que cailtyn extrana a Vi , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg7vvmlrRzc&list=PL25I7xf8nhFlTEa2If9R3VkKeSUqeufCy&index=173
Thanks again to the anon who posted the Spotify link. So I timed ep4 from the moment Jinx ended the monolog about Silco to the start of Sevika's speech at the Vander statue and got 1 min 36 seconds. The Remember Me intro is 1min 40 seconds and I think it fits the scene perfectly. Where the main song goes I'm not sure yet and since the tracklist isn't in order it could be anywhere.
FUCK caitlyn
Te crees muy gracioso Sergio? What the fuck is this :(
an innocent joke, a lot of trolling and sometimes hate on the threads, and messing with the frustration of being restricted, I still think what ekko says, will he tell Vi about leaving something behind?
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CaitBlanc or LeBlyn?
someone should kill you
Nigga i just took the image off adam and Eve. But your right, Maddie is a bottom shelf toy and Caitlyn should show her body more respect. Kek!
Caitvifag is mad I see cry harder
Do you really have nothing better to do than shit up a general by spamming Maddie and Caitvi.
>speaking burrito
all of you gtfo. the leaks were a mistake
I’m not spamming Maddie nor Caitvi, also do you really have nothing better to do than complain and cry all the time?
>the leaks were a mistake
Arcane was a mistake
Ok, we get the Caitvi sex scene. What happens then?
Does anyone still remember shit from The Owl House? I liked the series and I was even a fan, but with that ending (which I expected more) so cliché, it makes me deny that I ever liked it
Bitch you in the wrong neighborhood to be telling 4chan OG's to get out.
I predict that if there is a CaitVi sex scene there will be discourse for a couple of different reasons
It is an amestra work, the epitome of all that is beautiful, which subjectively can vary depending on how things end, unless they do something crazy to subvert expectations, I don't think that will happen, it will surely end as a masterpiece.
minor and a faggot
Do you like mudkips?
Agreed. It is truly a mastery of art that will be taught for generations as to define this generation of digital artists. It should be the standard for 3-D art in every animated series and movie.
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Sex happens.
Also it will make or break my future fic reading experience based on who will top. I'm keeping fingers crossed for it to be proven once and for all that Vi stands for Virgin and she's a total sub in the sheets. Don't disappoint me, Arcane.
>posting dead meme from 2007
nice fake id
>in the wrong neighborhood
>4chan OGs
What the actual fuck
>if there is a CaitVi sex scene there will be discourse

Samefag but as I said you can expect:
>A lot of top/bottom discourse.
>If the sex scene doesn’t show as much as the Jayce/Mel one you will see people complaining the lesbian couple didn’t get the same treatment
>If the sex scene shows too much skin you will see them complaining that Arcane is sexualizing them

and I’m sure there will be more discourse for other reasons
nailed it. no matter what is show it won't match their hcs or fanfics so it'll get roasted to some degree. I can't stand the top/bottom discourse every couple i know switches.
Thxs for lewd as well as forcing me to reverse search the artist
Yeah, no matter how it turns out there will be complaints about something, whether it’s too long or too short, too explicit, too vague, people pissed about Vi or Cait being a top/bottom when their hc was the opposite…

People will find ways.
The bottom/top is a meme at this point. They both will swtich but Vi will be pleasured first to show Caitlyn's commitment, and Vi will return it later to show she can be just as good. I imagine it will be alot like when Guts and Casca fuck for the first time.
>no matter what is show it won't match their hcs or fanfics so it'll get roasted to some degree
Yup. no one will be 100% happy.

>I can't stand the top/bottom discourse every couple i know switches.
Yeah but we don’t know if they will animated them switching and if you have seen the discourse you know how upset CaitVi shippers get about top/bottom headcanons so you know there will be people genuinely mad if the one who they want to be the top/giver ends up being the bottom/receiver and the one they wanted to be the bottom/receiver ends up being the top/giver
>no matter how it turns out there will be complaints about something, whether it’s too long or too short, too explicit, too vague, people pissed about Vi or Cait being a top/bottom when their hc was the opposite…

>People will find ways.
Many times here we joke about the top/bottom dynamic, but personally, I’d like the idea of the fem being the top more, since you don’t see that often in wlw couples on screen. However, they’ll most likely show them as switches to satisfy both sides, plus it helps with the tattoo reveal.
All I see in these threads is yuri gloating. Making Vi only want vagina is a crime worthy of death, I say.
Fans have built up huge expectations over the past three years, and it's understandable that nothing will fully satisfy them. In my opinion, it was a mistake for Amanda to hint at a sex scene. It should have been left as a surprise
To be honest, I’ll just be fucking grateful if there’s a caitvi sex scene at all. I watched S1 expecting the relationship to be left ambiguous or drowned in subtext, the kiss is already way more than I asked for so a sex scene would be the cherry on top. Oh, and if they’re implied to end up together, they’ll hit my wlw nirvana.

And yeah, I hate the DV and all but I think that if they went for that it’s because the pay off is going to be massive.
yea same anon, same.
LeCait obvs
the same, But why put Vi through so much misery? It wouldn't make sense if she didn't have a moment of total happiness.
No it's not.
Would it be crazy to think that I could unite Vi with Ekko? I don't think so Jaice, he has Mel
>In my opinion, it was a mistake for Amanda to hint at a sex scene. It should have been left as a surprise
Yeah I agree
I'm sure the sex scene will be a 10/10. Just look at how well they animated the kiss,the french really put love into CaitVi scenes.
Vi is far more fem then Caitlyn surprisingly. So Vi topping as the fem would be cute.
>Vi is far more fem
fortiche disagrees, in the panel the other day fortiche showed a tweet where someone refers to vi as butch
Butches don't use makeup
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since when vi is more fem than caitlyn?kek.
you better delete this comment
kek Caitlyn is the definition of a fem.
says who? they can if they wish to do so
Wearing makeup is not masculine
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What if there not is a top or a bottom, but instead side to side face to face jaja
:( i just want my lesbians to be happy
damn that tattoo goes all the way down to her ass crack
i thought this was obvious vi is more masc than cait but not more fem than cait. vi can be a rly cute fem the same way cait can be a rly cute masc.
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Caitlyn doesn't wear make up or dress effeminate. She wears her uniform and disguise. But once out of it she rocks shorts or pants. That and the need to help while also commanding the room with her dominate presence screams masculinity. Vi on the other hand, does wear make up and lipstick, is the softer and more nurturing of the 2 and between the corset and wraps revealing an ample breasts, she doesn't mind showing off her goods. I think you guys are obessed with muscles = butch. Which Vi is hardly the type. She is muscular from being small and taking on bigger opponents, but just because bad bitch can fight doesn't make her masculine. When you grow up broke af in the ghetto, you have to fight.

Going to put money down that is there is a gala in the epilog, Vi is going to be the one wearing a dress while hanging on to Caitlyn's arm who will be in military uniform.
if trends continue, cait will continue to be the dom and vi the puppy sub.
Since she keeps acting like a women in love and emotionally vulnerable so she lashes out like one.
You think that top is just who is physically on top of the other person and bottom that one under the other?
Because that’s not what that means kek
Top is the giver
Bottom is the receiver
if vi were a real life woman PMDD would have killed her ages ago
I saw someone who signed a NDA with riot to get Vi’s full tattoo design and they are still not allowed to show the other part or something
how different do we think viktor final form be from his league design? if he doesn’t look machine enough League fans will be upset
Probably her tattoos are very important to the story I guess ? Something like Michael’s tattoos from Prison Break Kek
I think it will be essentially the same but with a hlowing blue hue since its Hextech. I genuinely want to see the advancments he made. We can not have other campions come in till we have augmentation introduced.
This. Vi weres make-up and probably concealer to hide the gash across her nose. Between all the scars and damage to her body over the years, she probably just wants to be told she is beautiful. Thus why all the corset and keeping her hair long to one side. Because god damn, she is one beautiful women when dressed with her hair down.
I’m begging you please go to arcanetwt and say your opinion about vi being the fem . I want to see their reaction .
I think the writing regarding Caitvi is sloppy if their intention is to make them endgame.
Vi is drinking herself to death while thinking about Cait constantly, while Cait doesn't think about Vi once and immediately moves on to Maddie. It's gonna be extremely hard to make caitvi believable after this.
Viewers are dumb and will immediately assume that caitlyn never had any sort of feelings for Vi and/or that she's a cheater.
I don't have a twitter account. You can just screen shot and share with the rest of the retards.
I got you senpai. To arcane confessions!
>It's gonna be extremely hard to make caitvi believable after this.
The writers knew this stuff wouldn't be well received "the part your probably going to hate" but they did it anyway. I was doom and gloom too but clearly the have a plan and we'll just have to see where it goes.
Very nice, love that lighting. And vi's fat dunk too of course
>Vi is far more fem
This is a weird take. I love Vi cause she's a perfect mixture of masc and fem but for Cait to be more masc than Vi? that's a bit much
Butchness is about behavior more so than if a person wears make up and/or has long hair or not. Have you ever seen any manly, bulky, masculime man wearing make up and dresses? that's right, it feels awkward cause you've gotta "feel" the feminity. Vi just isn't it.
Well, Vi won't be close with Jinx like she used to be with Powder. So it is bittersweet. They will be sisters, just not like they used to be.
Great work sergio, thoguh once again gotta work on that facial expression. Cait looks like she's there against her will.
I will never forgive them for making Caitlyn use force on Vi. This part I really hate.
>having feelings is gay lmao
You do know this is what you sound like right? except you treat Vi to the standards of a straight male protagonist.
*Insert CJ gif “here we go again”*
>> Vi is drinking herself to death while thinking about Cait constantly
>> while Cait doesn't think about Vi once
“I go to you big shiny house of yours and forget me “ she is doing exactly what she said to her
>> immediately moves on to Maddie
Immediately isn’t the wrong word , time has passed and it’s very clear that Cait isn’t into her , it’s casual , adults do that all the time .
>> Viewers are dumb and will immediately assume that caitlyn never had any sort of feelings for Vi and/or that she's a cheater.
I agree that the average viewer is stupid that why they gonna address it , in episode 6 somehow .

As someone said the other day , they want us to wonder if they ll end up together .
Depends. Original lol caitlyn? She is absolutely Fem. Current lol with pulsefire? I would not rank her nessarily as fem. Arcane Caitlyn strikes me as the tall, dark, and handsome type when busting Vi out of prison who is only a dork when taken out of her element. Ditchs the skirt when becoming the strike team and grand commander for aa snappy fitted uniform. Vi comes off as way more fem in all cases but aagainst OG caitlyn.
Must be watching different show, because Vi is 100% mother. And there ain't nothing more feminine then being a mama. And she a hot mama.
Fantastic work my dude. Only feedback I have would be to relax Cait’s fingers a bit more, so they wrap around Vi rather than float on top. I actually like Cait’s expression though. Feels puppy-dog-like, which, sure, we’d usually associate with Vi. But puppy-Cait makes me think of season 1 Cait, and is adorable. I miss her pining over Vi like she used to.
Anon... my homophobic mom wouldn't immediately point at Vi and call her a dyke if Vi was a fem.
she has the behavior of a teenaged boy with too many responsibilities, and later on a toxic masculinity man who loves to brawl instead of talk. As I said, some anons here equal emotional vulnerability to femininity and that's just a weird take.
No, that is what you want to believe anon. Vi is an excellent female protagonist, but she is still a women dealing with emotions like one. Especially with love.
>mom is homophobic
So any tom boy or girl that plays with a GI joe would be a dyke to her. K.
And men/masc women are not allowed to have emotions and fall in love? Cause this is exactly what you sound like.
i hope fortnite is going to release new skins for the new season. i need caitlyn ingame
Not at all what i am saying and you are purposefully twisting it. I am just stating the fact that Vi is acting like a typical women in heart break. With the added bonus of being completely free to do whatever she wants as a free women.
>they gonna address it , in episode 6 somehow
This. People forget we were supposed to watch 4-6 in one sitting, not randomly getting cut off at episode 5 with the leaks.
Reading comprehension is 0.
Arcane fanatics will understand but the average viewer (around 30 million of viewers?) will not understand.
The writing is sloppy and rushed, and what they did to caitvi in eps 3, 4 and 5 will come across as Cait never having had any sort of feelings for Vi, on top of being an abuser and a cheater.
It's gonna be extremely hard to convince the average viewer of caitvi endgame.
would anyone like to wager vbucks on s2 predictions? LOL
Me too bro. I would buy it immediately
I don’t know how much Ekko’s voice actor can know about this but someone asked him about Caitvi and he said to wait a few days more for season 2 that all the answers will be revealed and that all will be worth the wait. in the another video he said that “all will be revealed in the true essence of who people are and who they need to be for each other it will make sense and it will matter to you”
you can check the videos in twitter
the account that posted them it’s @vispunchbag
>It's gonna be extremely hard to convince the average viewer of caitvi endgame.
The average online shipper you mean? The average viewer has probably watched HoTD where viewers accept and unironically ship stuff like Daemon/Rhaenyra (which is 100x more toxic than Caitvi can ever hope to be).
That's your typical "I know what happens but I've signed a contract that doesn't allow me to tell you, so I'll give you the most vague answer ever" response.
caitlyn left maddie to go jork it to vi’s puppy eyes
>Unfortunately, your Arcane Blu-Ray: Collector's Edition shipment release date has been pushed back to October 23.

Fug. It probably won't even get to me until a week before s2...
This. even outside of Vi's trauma with being abused (years of prison abuse), what reason did Caitlyn have to hit Vi with the butt of her rifle? she could've simply jerked her arm away from Vi's grip and walked off. Nop, she just had to cause physical pain to Vi.
Idk what that is, but a google search shows me this is a straight pairing?
no way caitvi will get the same treatment lmao. lesbians in show have to fight tooth and nail for the average viewer to even recognize they're lesbians.
based on the reception in S1 alone, there are still people who unironically think that Cait and Jayce have something going on, and that Vi was 100% flirting with Jayce that one time. they simply cannot comprehend anytrhing beyond heterosexuality. Anyway, that's the danger with making caitvi in S2. you'll have the exact same audience who thinks they're straight, except add some cheating, abuse and drama.
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And she did that with smile on her lips. They close up on her mouth before she uses her rifle, you can see her smiling. She realized she fucked up when she sees Vi crying, but it's too late. The damage is done.
You stupid or what? She's angry not smiling
how do you guys think caitlyn is masc and vi fem you all must be trolling
smiling? r u retarded
Nah, she's angry, but this is a devilish smile on her lips right there. She already knew what she was going to do - hit Vi.
Jesus Christ you are stupid
is2g, sometimes I feel like I'm being gaslighted cause no way in hell is Cait more masc than Vi
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i need to see them fuck already i feel like committing suicide
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the average viewer doesn't analyze media they accept the story as it's told. seeth more about how they ruined caitvi because that's the entire show to you retards.
jinx is that you?
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That's the same look she has before she calls Zaunites animals. it's to showcase animalistic anger.
>And she did that with smile on her lips. They close up on her mouth before she uses her rifle, you can see her smiling.
Kek amanda broke vifags they are starting to see things that aren’t there/didn’t happen
Caitlyn knew Vi was abused and chose to use this particular method to "punish her". Just like wardens did for so many years. Amanda can try to defend it as much as she wants, but people won't accept her justification. Most of them will probably forgive all of it if there really is a caitvi sex scene.
How could she even think it makes the show better? Is she even a lesbian?
are you saying this is masculine?
She loves catradorra, another toxic wlw relationship. The only difference is that Catra had a whole season to redeem her actions. Cait gets 3 episodes tops.
naw that's a bad comparison. Catra makes multiple attempts at Adora's life and she even deletes all of existence out of pettiness. Cait's actions are nothing compared to Catra's.
vi kept stopping cait from getting revenge then leaving. vi tried to hold her hand and be affectionate like before but the damage is done, she feels too betrayed and defeated and in the heat of the moment pushes her away. i’m sure she regrets it the same way vi regrets hitting jinx, that’s the parallel afterall
>pushes her away
that's a cute way of putting it.

>i’m sure she regrets it the same way vi regrets hitting jinx
awful parallel then, Vi was trying to still get back to Powder but was kidnapped. cait doesn't think about Vi ONCE
Jinx is a homophobic
ur a retard
>i have no way of replying so i'll just call them a retard
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jinx is also a raging dyke
>cait doesn't think about Vi ONCE
How do u know Caitlyn doesn't think about Vi in ep6?
Showing her thinking about Vi in ep4 would be to soon.
Fishbones looks sick
I love this gif , this scene says a lot about vi , she just want to have fun with Caitlyn so bad…
>>i’m sure she regrets it the same way vi regrets hitting jinx
>awful parallel then, Vi was trying to still get back to Powder but was kidnapped. cait doesn't think about Vi ONCE
Vi is not only a sister but also took a maternal role in case of Powder who not only didn't listen to her, but also caused a lot of death. Their father and brothers included. It's a very different situation. You can also see Vi being terrified with what she did. She walked away to cry and calm herself (she doesn't really cry in front of Powder with an exception of 2 scenes).

>vi kept stopping cait from getting revenge then leaving.
No, she stopped her from potentially killing an innocent child. The risk was too big. Sure, she could've taken Isha out of the way, but her being on the line was needed for Vi to stop Caitlyn. It's a poor writing. If Isha wasn't there and Vi would prove to be not capable of killing her own sister, allowing her to leave on top of that, the whole sequence would've been way better. Sometimes wanting to show more drama makes things stupid. This sequence is a perfect example of it.

Different anon here: if she thinks about Vi while she fucks Maddie and builds a life with her, she's even worse than we thought. No, she doesn't think about Vi at all. Amanda says at some point in BTR that she'd like to bring Vi BACK to Caitlyn's mind. Meaning, Caitlyn stopped giving a damn about her.
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People forget that Maddie and Cait have been dating for a while. Maddie probably knows Cait in ways that Vi never did (cause they never became lovers). If Cait was thinking about Vi that whole time it makes Cait into an awful person who was just using Maddie.

The ugly part about adding Maddie is that Cait will look bad no matter how they do caitvi. Either Cait breaks up with Maddie going like "oh sorry, Vi came back into my life and I love her after all" or Maddie breaks up with Cait because she can tell that Cait isn't that into her, or Maddie dies but that means that caitvi is only possible if Maddie dies.

whoever had the bright idea of adding a love triangle in a show with only 2 seasons and a hundred different plot lines was a retard.
Well in fact she is using Maddie to forget about Vi. She is trying to move on.. this happens in real life too.
You can tell by their interactions that Caitlyn is not into Maddie.
We don't exactly know what kind of relationship they have. Maybe they agreed to be just fuckbuddies maybe not.
Well, it's clear Maddie knows about Caitlyn's fears and doubts so Caitlyn shares her burdens with her. They're a proper couple, whether people like it or not.

The best solution would be Maddie leaving Caitlyn. However, it still will make Caitlyn look bad because she's going to have sex with Vi like 10 minutes later, like if she didn't care enough about Maddie. On top of that, if Vi learns they were a couple... it will hurt her a lot too. No matter how we look at it, they messed it all up starting with Caitlyn hitting Vi.
They don't seem like just fuckbuddies to me. Maddie is way too comfortable and gentle in her approach to Cait, like a girlfriend would be. I agree that Cait isn't into Maddie at all though.

This is the problem. Cait will jump from one girlfriend to the other. And someone will end up broken hearted no matter then end result. we may not care about Maddie at all, but it's a fact that she loves Cait and the girl didn't deserve to be used like that.
>You can tell by their interactions that Caitlyn is not into Maddie.
She's a workaholic and insomniac. She would be exactly the same with Vi in this case. You can see they're soft wit heach other. Cait is stroking Maddie's hand, leaning into her a couple of times, smiling and even laughing a bit. She's comfy with her. And Maddie reads her well. They're a couple and they live together in the mansion.
>all, but it's a fact that she loves Cait
“a Fact” we don’t know that
I read that differently. Cait tries to act couple'y with her, but after every single attempt she leans away or looks away from her. Maddie is constantly trying to initiate more intimacy, but Cait brushes it all off.
The face Maddie makes after Cait gets up from bed and walks out is very telling.
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"A part they MIGHT like" - Caitvi kiss, reconciliation, sex.
"A part they're probably going to hate" - Cait hitting Vi, not thinking about her for all this time apart, having a new life with Maddie and everything connected to Maddie overall.

A part people might like doesn't mean they will like it at all. I have a feeling with everything done for a simple shock value they really overdone it and caitvi endgame will be bittersweet to watch. We will love the fact they end up together, we will love the sex scene. But we will hate the path to it and the way all of it makes Cait look like.
Oh yeah the way Caitlyn leans into her when Maddie is kissing her neck is very telling.
Are we watching the same show Anon?
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Exactly my point? she tries to be couple'y but moves away from her almost immediately
If you think she wouldn't act like that with Vi you're delusional. Cait is married to her work first. If there's something on her mind, nothing else matters. Watch the scene again and listen to their conversation. Cait is open with Maddie like she's never been with Vi. She shares her fears, problems and burdens with her. But at the same time she puts the work before anything else. Which is exactly what she does in the lore too.
This is about her body language anon. I didn't say a word about what they talk about.
Her body language screams lack of physical and emotional interestin Maddie.
Once again... she's married to work first. She's leaning into Maddie quite a couple of times, smiling, stroking her hand and even laughing when Maddie calls her "Ambessa". But she's not interested in intimacy when her head is elsewhere. So of course she's not letting herself go for it. She would act exactly the same with Vi.
She isn’t into her it’s very clear…watch how she is acting to vi in season 1 and then watch this scene…
Now this is just your assumptions. A person can be preoccupied with work, and still be responsive to the physical initimacy being initiated. Caitlyn tries but her body betrays her.
You really want her to be downgraded to a simple slut, don't you?
Assumptions again? Arcane is all about visual storytelling. Yes, Cait is a workaholic but she's also a very physical person as showcased in S1 with her many interactions with Vi and that drug addict guy she randomly hugged.
To have Cait acting that cold and distant with a girlfriend tells the audience that she's not into her emotionally nor physically. Does it make her a slut? I never said so, but it does make one wonder why she's even together with Maddie.
>She would act exactly the same with Vi
Sure thing buddy. you keep telling yourself that.
They think they can make caitvi look better by trying to force the idea of Cait not being interested in Maddie, but they don't think about the consequences of such image at all. If Cait is using Maddie it only makes her look even worse than she already looks like and it actually goes into toxic and slightly abusive territory. Because you know, if she's using Maddie, she's using her sexually too. That's sick.
She's not S1 Cait anymore. And she's in charge now. Situation is completely different. You're the one making assumptions here.
It isn't exactly a better look on Cait to jump from relationship to relationship. If it's true that Cait is into Maddie, then might as well declare caitvi dead.
that and Maddlyn is a ship that would've come out of nowhere with not previous development.
>It isn't exactly a better look on Cait to jump from relationship to relationship.
It's slightly better because it doesn't go into abusive territory. Still looks bad. Just not in a very twisted way.
I don't think Cait is using Maddie. I think Cait likes her but the feelings don't really run that deep. It's perfectly normal to get into a relationship where the fire simply dies out after being together for some time. It wouldn't even be surprising if Maddie initiated all of it, and Cait just went along with it because they were already friends and she's cute so why not.

Especially if you put it in the context where she had feelings for Vi. Caitlyn getting into a relationship with someone she somewhat likes is very realistic. But once again, Cait's body language betrayes her. She wants to like her, wants to be couple'y with her, but can't.
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Why would you waste your time talking about a dead ship like Maddlyn? It came out of nowhere and it's going nowhere.
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Heh love the detail of her eyebrow still appearing red.





Because solving this problem is necessary for caitvi to happen?
hey which LatAm country r u from?
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boring thred
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send them this
From Chile. What about u?
>it makes Cait into an awful person
She already is and it is not possible to redeem her enough for caitvi ending to be 100% pleasing. They know it.Chris admitted he would've done things differently if he knew how big season 1 would turn out to be. They missed the point with too much unnecessary drama and overstepped some precious lines. Arcane twt community will become even more toxic for a long time, if not forever. Blind fans will always defend Caitlyn's actions and decisions made by Amanda herself. They will attack everyone else. Vi fans will get divided even more too. I wonder if Riot know what kind of shitstorm is coming to their doors.
Exactly this, and the party that I'm going to make if we see that
Blind Cait fans and transmasc he/him top/dom Vi fans are already prepped for war.
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Even if I want Cait topping Vi I actually predicted that is going to happen a scene like this
But in the position the other anon has shared, both can give and receive pleasure by touching each other. And then who would be top and who bottom if they both touch each other at the same time?
I think most people don't catch this part because they are so focused on the physical part. But Cait very much opens up to Maddie and share her inner thoughts. This is some sort of relationship. Such a weird thing to add.
Even if it happens like this, Vi will melt completely and cry from all the positive emotions overwhelming her. Cait will praise her, kiss her, pamper her...
Yes please I will grab the popcorns
caitvi is not that important for Chris to refer to it specifically. I'm pretty sure he's talking about the other 100 plot points that aren't the lesbians.
I thought all South Americans hated one another
Caitlyn has a fuckbuddy who is the only person whom she can be open with since Jayce is MIA and Vi is buried deep underground. so what? still doesn't mean she's that important, else why put this shit ship out of nowhere? maddie is really just there to add more unnecessary drama for caitvi
It was Amanda that added Maddie her thing with Cait. It just screams her idea. Cheap lesbian drama. They can't help themselves.
But I love war crimes and drama in the story.
Cait all the way!
You pussies don't appreciate the potential payback from it, and hold Cait to some wierd moral standards, when things like lashing out in anger, rebounding, and potentially getting back together is a staple of romantic stories, irl and in media.
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80% of the discussions is about a non character like Maddie. Amanda knew exactly what she was doing.
I think Vi is more masculine than Cait, but not hypermasculine. She also doesn’t have dysphoria or hate her femininity. You can be butch and masculine without hating every aspect of femininity, and Vi does have some feminine traits.
On the other hand, Cait is more feminine than Vi, but not hyperfeminine. She also has masculine sides, and she’s definitely a gentlewoman.
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oh yes, she will melt in her cupcake's arms. once again we will see life in cait's eyes again, she will be making those cute puppy eyes at Vi and all is well
>Caitlyn is using the fuckbuddy for sex, doesn't give a single shit about her, just wants pleasure from this relationship. The moment she sees Vi again she's going to jump into her dirty carton-boxed bed. Abusive tall bitch.

There. I fixed it for you.
>CTRL + F Maddie
>54 results
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It's Vi that makes those eyes kek
>when things like lashing out in anger,
I guess you'd love to see her lashing out like this in the future, huh? Make Vi a literal punching bag for Cait. This pup will forgive anything, right?
I don't have anything new to add, since others have already pointed it out, but it's clear this is a relationship of some kind, even though Caitlyn doesn’t love her back. It’s a major complication, and the optics will always cast a shadow over Cait and Vi’s relationship, no matter what happens next. And it's frankly unnecessary in such a short show.
but hey, apparently some people love abusive bitch cait...
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so does Cait
I wish everything didn't need to be put into neat little boxes and labeled forever.
As you said, both have typical feminine and masculine traits, like literally every person ever, but ofc they need to be strictly labeled and then you end up with big portion of the written fic material with Vi being stone butch/FTM and Cait being delicate flower in flowery dresses.
None of it ever happens, yet they are stereotyped into being completely different characters.
Granted, Cait didn't have a lot of characterization in S1, so I hope s2 will shake up the faggots a little.
>vi tried to hold her hand and be affectionate like before

Please stop breaking my heart anon
This is different, she was being comforted lol. And she quickly changed her demeanor.
In this case Vi should also never be forgiven lashing out at Powder?
Come play sounds cool
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Yeah, I don’t understand why this is so hard for people to grasp. No matter how the Maddie situation plays out, it’s going to make Cait look like someone who uses people. Given everything that’s happened, we’ve already reached the point where Cait is going to be a controversial character, permanently. It’s strange, considering how she was in Season 1. The writers messed up again—they tried to reassure people that Cait hadn’t moved on without considering how it would look. And honestly, that lack of awareness applies to Cait's entire relationship with Maddie.
nah we're not like europeans who keep killing each other every few hundred years or so. LatAm countries are brothers and sisters
Vi = sister = maternal. Powder killed their family.
Vi: terrifies herself with what she did, walks away to calm herself down and was trying to go back.

Cait = love interest. Vi stopped her from taking too big of a risk with a child on the line.
Cait: walks away, never thinks of her again, have a new life.

See the difference?
The lyrics tell us "monsters in my head" or something like that, probably referencing Jinx or even those possessed by LeBlack.
kind of what I expected it to sound like. curious about the part with young miko

Arctober prompt list kind of implied this is a Vi song
the difference is clear. Sisters are forever, blood is thicker than water etc etc.

a love interest is nothing compared to that bond. one can change love interests multiple times during a lifetime. Cait got that message very, very clearly considering the Maddie situation
I think they are clearly fuckbuddies
>the difference is clear. Sisters are forever, blood is thicker than water etc etc.
I would call it more into the role Vi took as a mother in this case, actually. She slapped her like a mother would. And instantly regretted it. Just like a mother would.

>a love interest is nothing compared to that bond. one can change love interests multiple times during a lifetime. Cait got that message very, very clearly considering the Maddie situation
With an exception of rather not beating the love interests up, unless you're an abuser. She lashed once. There's no guarantee she won't lash out again. This one act will stay there forever. And if she's using Maddie like some people say, it only proves she's abusive.
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They all hate Argentina and Brazil because the bullies of the continent.
Hitting a child, who is also your sister, who depends on you for everything and you are their protector and you knew them most of your life since baby. You are put in jail where you have nothing but time to desperately think about your dead family and sister.
Hitting an adult who you counted on to help you in the most important mission of vengeance for you, but in the end they took the choice away from you from taking the shot. Also you knew them like weeks or at most months by that point. Romantic tension nonwithstanding. Later put in extremely important and stressful situation where you lead the military and have to play politician, and be responsible for countless lives. Just because she never says it(to whom even?), doesn't mean she doesn't think about Vi.

Ye I see the difference. But both are justified in their rash decision and deserve forgiveness if they atone for it.
>There's no guarantee she won't lash out again
caitlyn blames herself this whole time for her own mother's death, the only way for her to resolve this was to enact her revenge on Jinx, which Vi literally just stopped (again)
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Yes, these models have a temporary rig, since I needed something to do for Arctober, the final one will even have wrinkle maps and well, better skinning.
>Hitting an adult who you counted on to help you in the most important mission of vengeance for you, but in the end they took the choice away from you from taking the shot.
Hitting a tormented adult with ptsd after seeing her ready to kill her own sister for you, knowing this hit will break her because what she's been through and she trusted you fucking blindly to never change and never harm her. You do that because this adult had stopped you from probably making the biggest mistake of your life.

>doesn't mean she doesn't think about Vi.
Amanda: here I'd like to put Vi back into Caitlyn's mind.

She doesn't think of her. At all.
really nice art,the intimacy it evokes
The ironic thing is, they set this whole issue up themselves. All they had to do was show Vi hooking up with random people during her emo phase, but instead, all we saw was her thinking about Cait. That contrast is what gets to people, even if they don’t realize it. There is something deeply unromantic with this dynamic
>All they had to do was show Vi hooking up with random people during her emo phase
I would hate that too. She's a virgin, she's keeping it for Cait. It's sweet. Too bad Cait is like "meh, bitch is just a zeunite garbage, I don't give a shit about her". Untill, of course, the fate brings them back together.

All they had to do was not add too much drama to the show with such little amount of time because there's no way they can solve it in a tasteful way. No matter what kind of solution they will pick, it won't look good.
They are fuckbuddies, it doesn't give the feeling at all that they are in a romantic relationship. At best they are friends the problem is that for Cait Maddie is someone close to whom she can tell her problems and have sex to blow off steam but Maddie has always been a simp for Cait and has fallen in love with her but it is an unrequited love. Still Cait being the way she is I doubt she tricked her at any time, Maddie knew perfectly well that Cait didn't want a relationship.
She';s talking abouit the shower scene in S1
Yep. it is one sided and appears to be unrequited, unattainable love. it just adds more suffering to Vi's arc, too. As if being inprisoned for 7 years and losing Powder to Silco wasn't enough suffering already.
Because Caitlyn is on her 'villain' arc, so it stands to reason she's meant to be probably disliked, at least for a time. It is clear for audience, she is in the wrong here.
Vi is not getting random hookups, is suffering, lost everything, and, once again, she doesn't do anything for audience to dislike her, which puts her in the morally right and pure position in comparison to Cait.

It is clear that one who will need to make amends is Cait, and it's not even funny how blatantly clear it is. And Vi will have FINALLY decision to make whether forgive her or not.
Ofc it always have some shades of grey and nuances, but in general terms, it's a simple concept.
>All they had to do was not add too much drama to the show
All they had to do was :
1) cut out Isha from the fight, let Vi stop at the very last moment on her own, protect Jinx from Caitlyn.
2) make Caitlyn verbally, terribly lash out on Vi instead of hitting her. Vi would break anyway, especially if Caitlyn woud've said something like "I should've left you in prison to rot."
3) don't add a love triangle. They never work!
Cait is going to breed her butch
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we really need some happy Caitvi fanarts. these discussions make me feel depressed...
Ofc. Caitlyn needs to extend her Kiramman lineage by putting lots of pups into her hot Zaunite wife. Truly, Vi will be the bridge between the cities.
They're going to adopt Marcus kid. Watch it happen.
No, I totally agree with that. It’s just cheap drama and such a huge shift in tone from season 1. But if they felt the need to go this route, there should’ve at least been some balance to make it work.
That's why in ep 6 Cait will think about Vi. Amanda said she will put Vi "back" into Cait's mind and show that she misses her, she hasn't been thinking about her at all in eps 4 or 5.
But there are more positive comments, try to focus on that, surely in the end everything will be worth it, after seeing so many treads, usually the main theme is Cailtyn and Vi, that says a lot about the intention of the authors.
It would be hilarious. She would look like Maddie's kid.
Anyone has theories about what Come Play is about?
Here are the lyrics:
> making bank was mine, it wasnt out of time
> if you wanna come play
> you gotta start with me
> and the monsters in my head
> in my head
> i got blood on my hands
> and you're my revenge
> and you push me to the edge
> the edge
> do they want a compromise?
I kind of wonder how it's going to happen. Maybe Singed will reveal who the beast is. Cait knows Vander's name and she knows he was telling Vi and Powder bedtime stories so she knows he was at some point raising them up. Ambessa doesn't really need to betray Cait at all. Cait can connect the dots herself and see through her. She could go to Zaun to find Vander on her own, thinking that maybe if she kills him Vi will never find out. her father had changed. It would parallel what Vi begged her to never do before they separated. Everyone in Vi's life either changes or dies. And Vander would be another proof of that. Of course, Cait would find them all together... and maybe they could try saving him instead, with "the mirracle doctor's help" (Viktor). That would explain why Ambessa is in Zaun only with Noxians and why she's attacking Viktor's place.
Amanda is talking about season 1. She's not talking about season 2.
Cait and Vi vs Ambessa.
Cait never stopped thinking about Vi in S1. That's clearly S2.
could be, could not be. by the time BtR came out they were already writing for S2
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Thanks sergio, you're one of the few good ones left
Oh shit that would be awesome, nice theory anon
did Viktor and Jayce fuck?
Yes, in every eps in s2 so far
Zaunites fuck off
already confirmed vi song
they are talking about season2 that's why alex mentions "giving everyone nukes"
The problem is, they’ve spent five episodes showing us no real reason why those two should be a couple. I don’t think Episode 6 will have much interaction between them either. There’s so little time left, and so much plot to wrap up. It’s going to feel rushed, and Vi will probably forgive too easily. I doubt it will be satisfying.
Yeah I agree with you there.
Why should they be together? Vi is Caitlyn's moral compass, but what does Caitlyn brings to Vi?
Financial security? How fucking sad is that?!
Love and care? We have no proof of that.
And even Vi as a moral compass, I think Caitlyn needs a yes woman in her life, which Vi definitely isn't.
I adore LOL Caitvi and S1 Caitvi but I fail to see the point of them as a couple in S2.
>Vi will probably forgive too easily.
She won't even do that. She's blaming herself for what happened. I bet she's going to beg Cait for forgiveness...
>Vi is Caitlyn's moral compass
More like a punchbag.
>what does Caitlyn brings to Vi?
>Love and care? We have no proof of that
rewatch S1
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Stop being so dramatic. Caitlyn brings Vi love, care and comfort and a new place to belong after becoming an outcast in her own home.
man you are such crybabies, can't handle a little bit of drama.
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Love, care and comfort indeed
>you are such crybabies, can't handle a little bit of drama.
Thanks anon, like their s1 dynamic died with this scene.
The events that happened in s1 are not forgotten but their dynamic is totally dead. Their interactions are going to be much different when they met again.
She looks so good here
Im just wondering whats the point of them being a couple.
If they become girlfriends instead of staying friends, the only benefit that we can foresee is sex but I think we all guessed by now that Vi's not sexually driven and for her to open this way to someone would be way more sentimental than for pleasure.
So idk if they can show us what they gain from being together sure ill be happy, for now i just dont see anything that's worth the trauma Vi's suffered through due to Cait.
Maybe this is gonna be better in fact, since they will know each other better after going through this. If they still end up as a couple, it's after they saw the worst in one another.
>Im just wondering whats the point of them being a couple.
Vi loves her and wants to be with her. Isn't it enough that Vi will be happy to have her?
>the dynamic between vi and jinx died when vi hit jinx
>the dynamic between vi and jinx died when jinx tired to mow down vi and caitlyn down with a machine gun
>the dynamic between vi and jinx was destroyed at the tea party!
change jinx to caitlyn to see how retarded you all sound. shit happens and the characters move on. we still have 5 episodes. go flick your beans and relax
On it admiral
Ekko. This is his style of music. The monsters in his head would probably have him facing off or working with Jinx in a fight. That or he is another dimension.
Thread is going back to normal.
Bunch of retards Caitvi haters/trolls as usual.
I wanna talk about come play
The Ambessa vs Vi and Cait theory is my fave so far
I’m guessing they’re relying on season 1 as the foundation for their relationship, because they definitely didn’t build on it in season 2. It’s just another example of odd writing choices.

Honestly, it’s kind of bad writing. Season 1 gave us a really sweet and interesting dynamic between the two, and now Amanda has torn it apart for cheap drama. I doubt whatever she has planned to resolve it will be any better.
THIS scene always hits me hard and in my most honest oppinion it's even worse than Stillwater. Vi never got betrayed and hurt like this. Caitlyn fucking had to break her, didn't she? In the most toxic and ugly way possible...
Thank you anon! Thats what I was trying to say but couldnt find the words!
We all loved Caitvi for how sweet and tender they were toward each others, why are we suppose to ship them in S2?
That sweetness is gone, so ok alright, whats the point now?
Vi loves her? Vi has trauma and a lot of issues, i dont think her settling down with someone that traumatized her is good at all.
Wonder if we will get more snippets.
Come play sounds cool
>they definitely didn’t build on it in season 2
Caitlyn only listens to Vi.
The scene where Caitlyn talks about her mom, Jinx and Vi, and Vi is represented as the one who calms her down.
Caitlyn finally allowing herself to break down in front of Vi.
Vi choosing to join the enforcers for Cait's sake?
The kiss???
the dynamic between a mother/maaternal older sister and a child dies down when the mother slaps the child for doing something really bad...

you retarded or what? vi and jinx are completely different case than vi and cait. compare cait and vi to lovers/married couple instead. if cait was a man you would never defend her.
>Caitlyn only listens to Vi.
Har har
>> making bank was mine, it wasnt out of time
>> if you wanna come play
>> you gotta start with me
>> and the monsters in my head
>> in my head
>> i got blood on my hands
>> and you're my revenge
>> and you push me to the edge
>> the edge
>> do they want a compromise?
>if cait was a man you would never defend her.

> Vi does all of this for Cait and still gets abandonned and hit in the guts.
You guys cant be serious with this.
Caitvi's not good this season please hold these writers accountable a bit. They fucked it up!
Ty anon holy shit I feel surrounded by a bunch of fucking abusers in here
Nice one anon I love this. I think you're spot on!
This is a testable theory. How about i slap the shit out of you then go knuckles deep in your pussy while inside my mansion. You're thinking too fucking hard for a cartoon made by Riot Games.
??? Caitlyn literally just lost her mother? of course she's the one in need of comfort now? and you conveniently ignore the kiss and how Caitlyn allows Vi to give her advice and actually listening to her.

Exactly, people are nuts with those double standards only because Caitlyn is a hot lesbo. If she was a man she would have faced a lot of criticism and absolute hate from exactly the same people that are defending her now.
>You're thinking too fucking hard for a cartoon
Funny how you like to always pull on a cartoon idea whenever it fits your defence mechanism, but when someone elses does the same you're on the opposite side kek
Cait emotionally blackmailing Vi into joining the enforcers when she had nowhere else to go, and kissing her just to shut her up and manipulate her into siding against Jinx, aren’t exactly healthy behaviors. Cait listens to Vi up to a point, but when it really mattered, her love for Vi didn’t seem to mean much. Honestly, I see the Cait arguments, but Vi gets nothing healthy from this relationship.
THANK YOU ANON big smooch!
Vi gains nothing from being with Cait in S2!
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Sergeant, the Navy is for fags
I still believe it's mainly a Vi song but I'll entertain Vi v Ambessa because all the songs seen to split among multiple characters
Sucker - jinx + silco/chembarons
Ashes to Blood - Vi and Jinx
There are only three anons that I enjoy discussing with and I wish I could have them outside of this hellhole
what the fuck am I reading
Where are you guys finding the songs? I've only been able to find Fantastic and even then only the short clip of it.
I still listen to over half the S1 ost. Especially Guns for Hire and What Could Have Been.
Hell, I was trying to get rid of this scene, forget about it completely. It hurts. We've never seen Vi break until this happened. Just how cold Cait is if she's capable of turning around and leaving Vi alone, broken and sobbing... instead of at least trying to apologize somehow, freaking out of what she just did. I hate it. So. Much.
I've listened to the full version of Fantastic and believe me when I say that it's not the same at all from what you've heard.
The truth hurts
But for the worse? The song is beautiful, and it fits Caitlyn and Vi perfectly, or has that also changed the meaning completely?
Same my guy...I wish we could make groups to separate anons but that would defeat the anon concept
Omg anon send the link come on dont be selfish
It's called knowing when to fold anon. Betting all your cards on an argument about fictional lesbian side plot wins you nothing. There is some valid discourse that can happen with Arcane but it deals with major plot points like class warfare and family relations.
I know right? what a way to start the week. Reading a bunch of stupids post on 4chan from retarded Anons
I'm not allowed to talk about it. but you are spot on.
Who's spot on? Wdym?
I believe u Anon. But its way too different?? Or the vibes are the same?
The lyrics are changed
How much changes with the inclusion of the One Republic singer?
Ok lemme shot my shot,
Does the lyrics stay from mostly Cait's perspective?
Or crazier is fantastic not even about Caitvi?
It's a really good song. I think it will hit hard.

Don't ask me questions I can't answer lmao.
Well make sense because American Classics sound weird hehe
Ok ok anon thanks for your insight ill be patient
>It's a really good song. I think it will hit hard.
Uff u got me excited Anon ngl
i see we learned nothing from the last troll who claimed to have seen the caitvi sex scene at the fortiche panel
Yes, these people never learn
That was me and its because you retards dont understand that i meant the bed scene from s1 e8 people even posted screenshot from the event
He said bed scene... No sex scene.. And he was talking about ep8 s1.
>Cait fags

No chance. Problem is that it's Vi who feels bad and misses Cait. So that little puppy is going to come running. I hope people end up hsting it though.
It will hit hard?
Ok so it wont be a ballad it will be a banger. So DEFINITELY not a sex jam!
not you anon there was a troll who ganked after the thread split
Hm guys the Come Play arctober prompt is in 2 days...and the part being on instagram, maybe they will do music releases on prompts that are song titles?
So we were suppose to have the Blue video clip that got delayed
Come play snippet will maybe release on the 16th
Just got back from work, opened 4chan, saw hundreds of messages, thought we might have something new. Read through them all, nope,same old whining about Maddie. Oh wait, something new: we've hit a new low in this shit forum, now we're calling Caitlyn a slut. Very Noice.
Wow im a prophet they just posted that the song will be released on the 16th
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Hm guys was this in the leak? I didnt watch them much personally
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>that filename
My guy...
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Kek sorry I wanted to be on theme with this whiny thread
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Stop the whining, we haven't even seen the entire season yet!
Yes. Ep3
I'm pretty sure they haven't touched another human body besides their own.
Ty anon i give you big kiss
What a gorgeous shot
This clip kind of reveals that the song is about Cait, Vi and Jinx. Perhaps a team up together against Ambessa

You sure are simple anon. Pity to be you.
Yeahhh smart smart
Fuck I want these 3 to have interactions so bad...also some Caitlyn and Jinx scenes would slap so hard I need it
I wonder if Vi is a child with special needs..
picrel anon is based
that sounds like nothing they could have at least added Tom's signature whompa whompa whompa
Omg a fellow Tom conoisseur, lets see maybe he has a part of the song mroe focused on his style
Or Cait and Vi vs. Jinx
Jinx and Vi vs. Cait
Its one of the last songs, at least according to playlist. It def need to be in some final fighting moments or something. So that's probably spot on, unless something else comes out at the end.
I hope Cait kills both of them... I meannnn
I hope Cait fucks both of them... you know how it is
Bro Jinx washes the floor with Caitlyn be real anon.
Totally agree with you
I mean it's pretty damn obvious. They show the three of them in their typical combat motions. Vi and gauntlets, Caitlyn and Jinx shooting their respective weapons.
someone asked Reed to describe s2 caitvi WITH 3 songs and one of them was WHIP AND NAE NAE WHAT , what that songs mean,, keep in mind reed is a troll
I mean, obvious is obvious when Riot isnt trying to mislead you.
What's the chance that these tidbits are actually from ep9 and not anything in 7 or 8? What if other fight happens in ep9? I don't know, and I wouldn't put it past them to lie in teaser.
Btw by tidbits I meant Caitlyn with big dick rifle and Jinx with her short hair.
Still. I don't trust Riot to not lie in teaser or trailer.
No way someone asked him that...poor guy
he's a legend and i did some homework on stray kids. they do have songs that would flow with him. jjam and god's menu off the top of my head
reed is milking these fools for easy patreon money
is a video form twiter , i saw, i think is form cameo
As if the Ekko VA would know shit about caitvi s m h

His own fault for wanting to get too involved with the fandom. Also he gets to choose what to answer so it's on him
Based on what we've heard so far, I don't like "Come Play", it doesn't have the epic quality that the final battle should have, unless it refers to something else.
Blood sweat and tears will be the final battle song
samefag from >>145922001 but dude needs to get off social media. i get he's riding the high from arcane's success to build a following but getting too close to this fandom will bite him in the ass. just wait until someone asks him about transmasc vi or jayvik. that's how amanda got cornered after s1
Talking about Amanda, why has she been gone from Twitter for 3 years?
Exactly! I don't know why they think Amanda is talking about S2 when is clearly the shower scene
The context of that discussion was her, Chris and Alex talking about the final episodes of season 2. Not to call you out anon but this is why the fandom sucks so bad at following the plot. They take individual actions and dialog out of the context of the greater plot.
I'm gonna rewatch it right now 'cause all of you are delusional

season 2 my ass...they are talking about Caitlyn's shower scene.
oh dude I see Amanda, and I really want to believe that she has written something good for Caitlyn and Vi in the end.

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