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We need to actually talk about the disgusting IDW Sonic Comic, and how bad it truly is. It keeps on showcasing how much the people working on it have no idea who the games Sonic cast are, and overbloats the comic with their barely thought out OCs when they can't twist and warp the games cast to how they wish. When was the last time ANY character from the Sonic games had a actual part of the plot, beyond being 'friends' with the OCs they barely talk to?
I wonder if anyone has ever asked Sonic where his penis and balls are?
it's been done a thousand times, fuck off
Sonic's junk is there but it's so microscopically small that it doesn't appear until he gets all the chaos emeralds.
They are retractable and covered in fur.

>It's been done a thousand times

It seems to bare repeating, anon. Considering that a good chunk of the morons in the Sonic fanbase are still acting like dipshits with the Cult of Flynn.
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Must suck to be Jobdow in the "Fearless Year of Shadow".

In comparison, Silver has won almost all his battles. Just a thought.
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>Someone criticizes how Jobdow is handled in the comics

>Anon wants to kill other anon for saying the truth
Sonic the hedgehog is a sprite from a two dimensional side scrolling video game. He doesn't have a character beyond being blue mario, and the bwoooooooop noise he makes when he jumps. You can't get angry about something that doesn't exist outside of your own mental illness.
But why is he so fuckable?

>Calls anon making the thread mentally ill

>checks to see if this is 4chan, the place for mentally ill people to bitch about other menatlly ill people

>sees that it is 4chan still
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Must be mad at the competition.

Nah, Lanolin is only good when she doesn't open her mouth and booba porn.
Shadow also jobs no matter what because he couldn’t keep Maria alive long enough to fuck her when they both got older as a last ditch attempt to save her through knocking her up
You mean like Sally? The chick who ran around naked?
>Trying to turn sonic and wegman's relationship into the wierd "no kill" thing batman and joker have.
Dumb. Dumb dumb dumb
Sally was good whenever Penders or Bollers weren’t venting their spergouts into the comic. I hate how those two ruined her forever

>The chick who ran around naked

Sally didn't have mamaknockers so big, she could crush your face in.

If Lanolin had been throat chopped to stop talking, she'd be far more pleasant a character.
At this point, it's clear lanolin and sally have different personalities. Saying they're just the same is sign of retards and shitposting.

The only similarity between the two is that they're bossy bitches and whatever they said was law. The only time I liked Lanolin was when she's drawn in porn.
I wonder if anyone has ever asked Sally where her penis and balls are?
Lanolin is literally just the IDW version of Geoffrey. Insufferable soldier larper who came out of nowhere and suddenly was given a huge amount of power depsite not having any verifiable credentials, even less so than Geoffrey really. Constantly shits on the main cast, narcissistic, and receiving no comeuppance for her arrogance.

I was hoping that maybe she would get a twist villian reveal to make up for her one note characterization but it seems like Evan is not gonna do that.
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Instead, she was drawn like sex goddess most of the time.

No, she's Sally. Bossy wet blanket.

ABT doesn't want his baby girl to be anything than a bitchy ass idiot who can't take criticism.
They are safely secured inside of her cloaca, they are only visible when she chooses to express them.
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I'd argue but I don't know shit about Geoffrey cause I didn't read Archie and only know he raped Sally once.

What makes Lanolin not Sally? Besides the incredible incompetence?

It's no wonder people pretend Sally had more of a personality than 'bossy bitch who took Sonic's agency away'.
>they flop out when she gets excited or mad
Mobians are weird.
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Not even the only collage of her. Archie Sally at times was just a piece of ass.
If it were like Batman and Joker then you could reform Eggman by raping him
I thought this comic used to be cool, with shit like Neo Metal Sonic returning and Sonic fighting scrapped badnkis, when did it become about the adventures of some bossy but unqualified sheep girl and her adventures in Restoration, and shit like Surge and her sidekick competing in wacky racers?
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Crying lesbian.
See that's my problem with her, her personality doesn't really make sense without the competence and history needed to actually justify any of it, so she came out the gate talking shit to several characters way more powerful and qualified than her and they just let it happen.
The one accolade she has is that she didn't get half of the resistance or restoration or whatever killed like Knuckles did YET, which is a real low bar.
What the fuck does this even mean? They're fictional characters. None of them have qualifications. They are nothing more than vehicles for what the artists and writers think would look and sound cool. Like, fuck, do you think Goku has some kind of certifications?
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Wrong Sally. Pre-boot Sally is not only straight but a giant whore. Reboot Sally is the crying lesbian.

Its Sally, they're all crap.
Fuck you, SatAM Sally was good.
the latest arc is literally about sonic and friends dude. get better at bait
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>Insufferable soldier larper who came out of nowhere and suddenly was given a huge amount of power depsite not having any verifiable credentials. Constantly shits on the main cast, narcissistic, and receiving no comeuppance for her arrogance
This is Sally to a tee.
Archie nostalgia manbabies delude themselves into forgetting Sally had countless stories telling Tails and Amy and others to their face that they are too weak and stupid and incompetent compared to herself to take part in her secret club. One issue was literally Sally telling Tails a bedtime story about how worthless he is. Even worse is that she actively made other characters have to be made weaker to prop herself and archienic up.

Sally is not just Lanolin, she’s Lanolin on steroids.
No it's different. Sally is a princess, so she's entitled to your respect and allegiance by way of birthright

She was like that in the cartoon, too. Naggy, bossy, wakes all the attention away from Sonic...but its okay, she gave someone their first boner!

Yeah, no.
Why do all these drawings of Sonic look like a 3D model with cel-shaded rendering?
Thats just ABT's style.
>do you think Goku has some kind of certifications?
He's one of the best fighters in the multiverse, and it's actually demonstrated, of fucking course he's qualified for what he does, which is fighting.
Sonic's qualified at running, does Lanolin do a good job at what she does?
That was her purpose i.e. the responsible leader. Boner aside, what did you expect from the person leading a guerilla style rebellion?
I never really gave a shit about Sally beyond the occasional fap to her design.
Who's ABT, anyway?
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>Sonic and friends

>after many issues of just the OC cast being focused on
Geoffrey got frequently beat up and insulted by Sonic every time he appeared. He was a rival. Archie Sonic self-inserters just associate him with everything bad in the world because they’re self-inserters who can’t handle a rival and think he was some sort of mary sue (when he was literally there to be wrong all the time and get punked by Sonic and then Antoine of all people for being an arrogant dumbass)

Lanolin is Sally in every way. An unqualified girlboss propped up as somehow a superior leader to the actual veteran gamecast who are made to look silly so she can look smart. Leads the Resistance. Has her own clique of equally cringy OCs. You could write a list.
look at that hard throbbing belly button
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>Thread has devolved into Sally bitching
Best bring out the chart.
Adam Bryce Thomas, artist for IDW. Has drawn Sonic porn in the past. A expert at drawing breasts.
Boco, we’ve been over this before and idk what to tell you other than Tomboy leader character does not equal Sally.

Now I do wonder if ABT is completely behind that unchecked bitchiness. Ian and Evan wrote these characters, to the point where ABT has made different details about her past in his fan works. Idk, maybe he is. For now I’m blaming Ian and Evan.

Observe pic rel. The biggest different between Sally and Lanolin is how they see others and treat them.

Sally would be bossy because she was quite literally the acting monarch and she had the responsibility of leading her people and the freedom fighters. And it wasn’t just a responsibility. Sally had a genuine care and love for her friends and for her people. In her eyes, she had to lead and do what she could in her power to lead her people through the war and ensure that they survived, out of love. Unlike her Father, who was a weak and pathetic coward who only cared about himself and sold the kingdom out to Naugus to save his ass. This is the nature of Sally’s leadership. She leads out of tough love and care.

Anyhow… getting sidetracked.

Now for Lanolin. As far as we know so far, she was just a simple civilian at the beginning of the IDW comics. Suddenly, later on, she comes out of know here as the leader of the Diamond Cutters and is bossing and shitting on everyone around like if she has outstanding credentials. She always believes that she is right and doesn’t care what others think. Why is that? Lanolin leads out of her own ego and a desire to prove herself to others and to make a name for herself. She always shifts blame to everyone and always treats with everyone with an insufferable amount of disdain, annoyance, and maybe even hatred. She sees everyone around her as a means to an end and as an inconvenience. That is why she is different from Sally.
Even Sally already did Lanolin’s current “arc” in Iron Dominion, where she cries about how “boohoo everybody looks up to me to be their leader but i did some mistakes i failed at my job!”. And then the other ocs cry and tell her she’s actually perfect, girl, and they all want her to be the leader
Almost beat for beat Lanolin’s same crying fest in the hologram city schnizz
>Has drawn Sonic porn in the past
Yeah, everybody does that behind the scenes.
Kinda what happens when a franchise gets old enough to be made by fans of it.
To continue, Geoffrey more or less had the same deal as Lanolin. Soldier larger that came out of nowhere, acted like a dick to everyone, very narcissistic and used others as a means to an end. Except Geoffrey had more credentials to back his leadership than Lanolin. Geoffrey also turned out to be a magic wielder working for Naugus the whole time to overthrow the Acorn regime. THAT made him more interesting and explained his seemingly one-note characteristization that was detrimental to the protagonists’ goals. Lanolin doesn’t have that. Also, Geoffrey while didn’t rape Sally, Penders made that the fuck up years later after leaving Archie, he did sexually assault her when she was 15/16 twice in the comic. That is the one of the two good things going for Lanolin. Not being a pedo and nice tits.
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That's just artists being artists. This is an actual cel from one of the Rescue Rangers animators. You can search from the uncensored version yourself.

ABT is the artist that made Lanolin to begin with
>he did sexually assault her when she was 15/16 twice in the comic.
So he was a rapist then? Also what issues were those?
Anon’s referring to times she consensually made out with him because she found him hot. But because he’s a sonic self-inserter it’s “rape” even if it’s not
I just think Whisper's a really cool character when she's this quiet Wisp sniper and not stuck being the one member of the Diamond Cutters who can actually get shit done but is busy crying.
Ian Flynn needs to go.

And she's adorable.
Neo Metal fucking sucked. For a comic that loves to go out of It's way to explain shit in convoluted ways, it didn't even TRY to explain how the fuck Neo Metal came back at all, when it was debatable if regular Metal was even still alive by that point. Then the whole thing culminates in a shameless retread of Sonic Heroes, with a shitload of characters fighting for space despite nothing earning that. At the last moment Sonic becomes an idiot with zero critical thinking skills, rebuilds Metal and lets him go. It had zero setup, only for it to somehow have even less of a payoff.

It was a total shitshow that carried its stupidity all the way to the next arc.
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Why is Sonic such an asshole in this comic? I miss when he used to just be a bro who liked adventure and chili dogs.
Wait until he starts talking in zoomer speak no cap.
Anon the sheep literally just showed up one day and she's suddenly the top dog that drags everyone else down. Like, they didn't even TRY to build up suspension of disbelief here. Lanolin is blatantly an obstacle to dance around instead of an actual character.
Is it me or is he kind of a dick to Belle in particular, didn't he attack her on sight?
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He did.
Ironically he's the same guy who keeps trying to redeem Eggman despite the comic taking place directly after Forces.
I don't know what Sega/IDW is doing but the characters who are supposed to be "the good guys" are unnessicarily smug and condescending in this comic for no reason.

It's all IDW, considering any other Sonic product showcases the characters just fine when Flynn doesn't put his shit covered hands in every project.
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Didn't seem like his heart was on his attacks there, if those lame ass kicks and punches worked on actual badniks I would be questioning if they're made of plastic instead of metal.

Though maybe he was just put off by the inoffensiveness of the design.
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Looking up the specific issue numbers but I’ll provide some examples right now. >>145923040
Geoffrey and Sally have an inconsistent but easy to follow relationship in the comic. When they first meet, which was in the Princess Sally Miniseries, their kiss was consensual. There would be other such examples but as time went on, Sally didn’t want that anymore and Geoffrey wanted to have his way with her anyway. It’s actually sad when you think about it, Sally was about 13-14 years old when she was kissed by Geoffrey for the first time, when he was about 20-21. Geoffrey took advantage of a young teenage monarch using his charm and supposed credentials. Sally, not knowing that much better at that younger age, was fine with it and having a kiss from someone who’s supposedly a great leader who is older than her felt okay to her at the time.

As time went on, she got older, got closer to Sonic instead, and *usually* didn’t want his advances anymore, but he didn’t care. Artists did did a good job of conveying this later on. Behold! The great Ken Penders, who thinks a 20 year old taking advantage of a 13 year old is “good writing”. Technically, as awful as it is, it does end up making sense when Ian takes over the comic. Penders simply made Geoffrey that way just because. Ian gave Geoffrey that villain twist that explained why he took advantage of Sally over than having a bonertrip with the comic.

Actually… it’s even worse. Using the implications of Geoffrey ending up being a magic user this whole time, it is likely that Geoffrey didn’t even use simply charm to take advantage of Sally, but used *magic*. Which would is a good way to explain some inconsistency with romance stuff in the comic before Sally outright rejected Geoff for good.

I’m going to have to fish for the other examples of Sally clearly not being okay with his advances but look at picrel, even Uncle Chuck is like “what the fuck”
See ever since the start, I thought any stories taking place after Forces didn't really make sense, I mean Eggman WON for awhile, he took over basically the whole world and presumably killed millions subjugating entire countries and ravaging the world on a scale never before seen in history since he blew the world the fuck up in Unleashed, the whole batman-joker shit doesn't work between them for the same reason it doesn't work for Batman and Joker in that everyone should be out there trying to kill him at the soonest possible convenience with how much he's escalated things.
The occasional teamups with him that they still make shouldn't even happen, it just makes Sonic look like either an idiot or a sociopath for not just snapping his neck 180 degrees at super speed so the world doesn't suffer anymore.
>As time went on, she got older, got closer to Sonic instead, and *usually* didn’t want his advances anymore, but he didn’t care.

Now I'm willing to admit I might be wrong here, but I don't think any of that's true. What I do remember is Geoffrey hooking up with Hershey not long after Sonic 50 (where she was first introduced) and then Geoffrey's infatuation with Sally was dropped entirely, there was no time for Sally to "get older" and reject him, their thing just kind of stopped.
>Which would is a good way to explain some inconsistency with romance stuff in the comic before Sally outright rejected Geoff for good
But that totally defeats the whole idea of Geoffrey simply taking advantage of a confused young girl that didn't know any better. Now it's just mind control bullshit.
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Im probably wrong about some details too, it’s been a while and the lore is vast and twists itself into a pretzel. What I do know is that there are multiple instances of Geoffrey kissing Sally and touching her, with them being consensual at first and then become not later on. Point still stands. A 20 something year old Geoffrey took advantage of a very young Sally and the only reason I can think about how he got away with it that goes around Ken’s fucked up writing and lore around the age of consent is that Geoffrey used his magic to cover up his manipulation of Sally until he didn’t want or need to anymore.

This gross tard should have never been allowed to write for a kids comic. Only reason why Geoffrey ended up being an interesting villain is because Ian had to actually give him a backstory and motives for all of his actions.
True, but that makes it 100% sexual assault by default and of a minor. Either way, Geoffrey attempted to hijack the monarchy through Sally.
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...I want to give Penders the benefit of the doubt that he was just plagiarizing Fantastic Four but no. It's clear Penders made a self-insert and as the war between him and Bollers took its toll.

Yeah, I consider Geoffrey a rapist. Reed didn't fuck Sue when she was underage (or even before getting married by the looks of things). Penders outright stating that is confirmation enough for me.

Whatever faults Lanolin may have, at least she isn't a child molester.
Serious question. Were Geoffrey and Sally's ages ever actually established in the comic prior to Geoffrey hooking up with Hershey?

Growing up with the Archie comics, I never clocked Geoffrey being older than Sally or Sonic.

You're entirely right on Lanolin being less sleazy than Geoffrey, I can give you that. But I feel throwing hands with one of your subordinates - who, mind, knew Mimic enough to understand that he could be in disguise - and berating Silver for 'not working with Duo' despite Silver trying to tell her Duo ditched him to die - does not give off the impression of someone that would be good for the Restoration in the long run.
Sure, but at least the original was saying something about authority figures abusing the young, and their inherent trust in people they look up to. Retconning it to be mind control takes away any and all agency on Sally's end and renders the point moot.

Which is one of the main issue I have with Ian's writing. Even at his peak, he has this uncanny ability to strip away thematic meaning from any given story he writes about. He never stops to think about the stories he's referencing past the surface level, and it leads to unfortunate implications that blows up in his face more often than not.
Geoffrey was more "professional" than most characters in the comic at that point, but he was never exactly specified as being an adult compared to the Freedom Fighters.
>but at least the original was saying something about authority figures abusing the young

Ken never had that intention. Ken literally believes that adults dating minors is okay. It just so happened to be deciphered by readers as such a lesson. Hell, plenty of people here on /co/ don’t even see it as that and instead just call Sally a whore. And even with Ian’s potential retcon, it still doesn’t take away the weight of Geoffrey’s disgusting acts. Either way, he manipulated Sally to some degree and acted sexually towards her.
Goku has a driver's license.
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no that's mostly due to ABT trying to ape Evan Stanley art style which always looked uncanny to me
he's far better when he's just on his own, see the earlier issues
Isn't he a certified farmer or something?
The guy has a tractor.
Ehh, I always found ABT's attempts at harping the Manga style bland, mainly because he hardly does backgrounds in a good amount of shots. Even Manga like Dragon Ball had backgrounds more often than naught.
sure, I was mostly talking about how you can tell ABT actually knows how to draw sonic characters that don't look uncanny
for instance i'm not a fan of the coloring in that issue either but that's not his fault since that was done by someone else

>Backgrounds are the colourist's job

You do know you can still draw a background, right?
i did not say that dummy i was talking about the coloring
This is what this thread should be about
People want to fuck Sonic? Really?

I'm taking a look now, yeah, you didn't say that. Bleh. My damn eyes.
And Tails, and Sally, and Knuckles, and Amy, and Antoine, and Shadow, and....
It just feels like he's the one male character that, ironically, is sexualized the least.
I can imagine him bragging about how fast he can make people cum inside him.
Usually he's the one doing the fucking.
it's okay anon we all make mistakes
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Big Oof. I will never understand why this was uttered for Starline when Sonic's usually better in the games about death.
He manhandles Knux and Tails in the movie so whatever.
Its text. You can interpret how he says it in various ways.
Maybe Mimic can end up killing her.
You can't interpret the words "big oof" in any way that sounds like he actually gives a shit.

This anon gets it.

Maybe you can. Maybe he's saying it in a "oh geez that sucks..." tone.

If someone died that you kind of sort of knew, and someone was breaking down over the fact that you died, would you say 'big oof' in front of them anon?
Say "big oof" to yourself out loud right now and see if you don't sound like a redditor
Sonic is a sarcastic smartass, so yeah, he might frame sympathy with a joke.
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>reform Eggman by raping him

>Sonic is a sarcastic smartass

The games showcase Sonic being able to save the jokes for someone he didn't like for another time, anon.
If I can devil's advocate, I feel like that makes sense for Ian's version of Sonic as he portrayed it. The big ol speech he gives says (as summary) he doesn't want to be the one to imprison or kill anyone, as that's restricting their freedoms. As long as they're doing their own thing, he won't interfere. But /conversely/, especially if they're a bad guy, if they fuck up, he won't help them or even really care. They bought their own death with their actions, it was decisions they made at the end of the day. And in-game Sonic (at least from what I've read) seems to also not care super hard if villains he defeats live or die, he only cares if they want to redeem themselves.

>And in-game Sonic (at least from what I've read) seems to also not care super hard if villains he defeats live or die

He doesn't. Look at the Zeti.
He lost to gardening equipment, Metal Sonic and Lanolin's wisp.
The ages for archie sonic weren't set in stone (half from retcons or because time progressed in the story), but as early as one of the issues of sonic grams from around the 40's, editorial mentioned that Sonic and Sally as both the same age at 15, Tails was 10, Rotor a year older than Sonic at 16, Bunnie was 14 (retconned to 17 later on) and Antoine 18. Geoffrey or Elias weren't given an age, but we see a flashback with Geoffrey and Elias from before Robotnik's takeover and before Queen Alicia or Elias's disappearance, which puts Elias at 2 to 3 years old, just old enough to just barely remember Sally, and Geoffrey around 5 years old. This puts Elias at 17-18 and Geoffrey at 20 years old.

Either way you look at it, their relationship always appeared sketchy, even if all we saw was some kissing and would-be-maybes flirting.
Why does Sega even want it to be canon? Literally every extra piece of sonic media outisde of the games in the past has been it's own canon. Even the Boom cartoon doesn't actually fit with Boom (the game). And there was nothing wrong with that.
I feel like that's a valid critique of the games, although I understand there are Doylist reasons for Eggman to exist, you'd think that after defeating and "leaving him to die" multiple times, you'd be a bit more careful and aware of his ability to bounce back and watch out for that. Like sure Sonic is cool with letting people die or get punished, and it's retarded that people try to enforce No Kill on a guy who doesn't even really see himself as a hero ingame. But he's always kind of just let Eggman go after killing him and not doublechecked to make sure he's actually dead after defeating him in the games, despite knowing the guy can bounce back from really close calls. It could be considered irresponsible to not /ensure/ that at least /this/ guy isn't coming back. He's done it for other guys, like the dude in the Lamp and the Arthur projection, why can't he just give Eggman's head a quick twist after kicking his ass?

However, yeah, Doylist reasons mean Eggman will always come back, so I'm not super mad at the games for this or anything. It's just that I think a lot of game defenders get really aggressive about the Eggman/Sonic dynamic in the other direction.
Yeah, so I feel that him not caring that some villain got hoisted by his own petard is in-character, at least for IDW!Sonic.

Iizuka wants a "streamlined canon" where everything fits together.
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Did he kill the Zeti or what?
It seems pretty concrete given they never return aside from Zavok in tsr after they just poof and disappear, but then again they were allowed to show up in IDW.
By "they get really aggressive" I mean they think the story is peak and everything that game!Sonic does is deliberately handcrafted by the Sonic Team's storywriters, and any character decisions, no matter how weird, can be explained away easily by the Superior Japanese Version that is better than the Waitu Piggu Adaptations, that every one of those adaptations are trash and were better off never existing or you're a fake fan for enjoying said adaptations.

But also to be fair game-only-fans have been attacked a lot by Flynn stans and etc and Sonic catches a lot of undeserved flak for being "flat" as a game character when most of his characterization is just very subtle, so I get the defensiveness.
Reminder Archie is just as bad because it's the source of how bad IDW is itself.

And since it was based off of SatAM, it's the reason why people think the Games suck.
Why is Sally being the leader of the freedom fighters a bad thing when she's the princess and its her kingdom that got taken over? At the time of when it all happened, being around the same age means all the FFs were unqialified but had to grow into it. Even sonic had to learn how to do shit.

Sonic was made an absolute dumbass to make Sally more viable as a character than she really was.
Ian also made him a colossal condescending dickhead to Surge because forced conflict. His character is a trainwreck.
Yeah he was way more smug than he usually is to the standard villain of the week he thought she was at first.
I don't have a problem with Sonic having this philosophy, I just find him kneeling on a rock while a fucking spotlight shines on him to be cartoonish.
Sonic being a quippy hero is a SoA invention.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what it is. 3D models that are posed and traced
She acts like she's hotshit when our cast stopped world-ending threats in the past.
Eh Geoff ended up being Nagu's bitch and Ant's stepping stone for his balls to drop. So I'd say it came together well.

Sheep going down Shadow lite path would be her only saving grace.
They're too safe and typical to be awful.
The IDW Sonic comic is still in the Metal Virus arc in Japan.

I can't help but wonder what might happen when it catches up. Then again I'm told Japan doesn't care nearly as much about Sonic as the west does.
Sonic doesn't wear pants
easy access to his bum
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Sonic Team's true lore
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Problem is
1) He never should flat out SAY that to his opponents. That's something for them to figure out on their own, Sonic justifying himself goes against his very being. It just comes off as him being a condescending dickweed that cares more about appearances than actually doing good.

2) He shouldn't be so callous in front of innocent people while having that mentality. Sonic saying Big Off to Belle's face was so bafflingly OOC. One of Sonic's most consistent quirks is how he'll immediately drop any sense of bravado and snark when he sees someone crying or generally in a down mood. Him just saying nothing would've done more to communicate his contempt for Starline without it coming off as crass.

Hell, that second point is an element that IDW constantly fumbles the ball on. You can't tell me the same Sonic that consoled Cream, Elise, Shahra, and Merlina in the games would pull shit like Big Oof or pic related.
>Sally was about 13-14 years old
Sally was 16 you liar. In-story this is set in the same year as the comics were already in, and Penders has even said himself that she was 16. Geoffrey didn’t have any mindcontrolling magic either, Sally’s own internal monologue just found him hot
Goddamn the fucking mental hoops archiecucks jump through for their self-insert archienic
He lives in bum fuck nowhere. You don't need a cert to till the land.
No way, really? I know Sonic is way more popular in the west but how is it possible for them to be that far behind?
Maybe Sonic needs correction.
What the hell is a "Doylist"?
oh it comes from the term watson and doylist which is essentially the first is the in universe logic or reason for something happening and the second is the out of universe reasoning why. For example the whole why hero doesn't kill their arch enemy thing being in universe a morality thing but out of universe being cause character is to popular or established to discard.
There's two philosophies related to story creation, Watsonian and Doylist; Watsonian is the in-universe reasons something 'happens' and Doylist is the out of universe reason something is happening.

As an example, in this case, the Watson explanation for Eggman getting away is that he's hard to kill and always manages to escape, Sonic also doesn't really go out of his way to ensure Eggman dies. The Doylist explanation is that Eggman is a major part of the franchise and you can't just kill off the villain most closely tied to the series as a whole, you know?
1) To be fair, he never told that to Starline, just to the bystander, Bella. I get the condescending dickweed line, I kind of agree with you.

2) Yeah that makes sense. I don't think I have anything to say to that.

Does he go back to talk to Cream later quietly or anything?
You can blame Sega's mandates for this.
If you didn´t get it yet, the names come from the sherlock holmes fandom, since an unsolved mystery within the story can have a possible explanation from the perspective of the fictional characters within it (dr. john watson) or the perspective of the author (Sr. Conan Doyle). There's no "Holmetian" explanation because Sherlock only explains mysteries after they have been solved.
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I don't hate the IDW comics or think they are disgusting but I think they are very dull and i wish they would make way for comics that were more comfortable with being supplementary to a children's video game series. Instead it feels like the whole narrative is laser focused on skirting around subjects that are met with serious limitations from the mandates put on the comic from Sega. Why create these three characters who are completely defined by wanting to be better than Eggman, Sonic and Tails when you know full well they are not allowed to ever be a serious threat to them?
Why writer about lesbian relationship drama when you aren't allowed to actually make it a lesbian relationship? Why introduce characters like Bean and Bark only to essentially write them out of the book (burning their bridge with the only reoccurring character they are linked to)?
Why introduce Lanolin, a character who seems to be an attempt to add a level heading pragmatic character to the story, when her way of thinking is completely at odds with the internal logic of the series, thereby making he look more like an irrational idiot?
This whole comic feels like it's desperately fighting against the limitations Sega puts on it, and it's losing the battle on all fronts.

>SEGA Mandates!

Please, anon, show us where these 'mandates' are. Because as far as I can tell, there isn't any ;mandates'. Least, not ones where the characters are made to be not the characters in the games.
Why continuously point out that Sonic not killing Eggman is the reason the world is continuously in danger when it can't actually go anywhere as a plot point?

Because the writers are constantly trying to see what they can get away with and left with an awful unuseable mess when they hit a roadblock.
Blaze was original characterized as a proud loner who reluctantly opened up to the idea of having friends.
Nothing like Sally.
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The European comic are what Sonic comics should be.
No overly serious bullshit, no autism lore, no shit ton of characters, no ocs, just pure simple Sonic.

More like they have no understanding on how videogames work in general.
Blaze has a multiple-choice origin story deal though. I assume you're talking about the Sonic Rush version of Blaze. I'm only familiar with the Sonic 2006 version of Blaze because I didn't play Sonic Rush.
A debate about if Sonic should kill Eggman or not shouldn't even be a fucking thing in these books, they should just fight and not address real world shit like that.
From what I've heard, Sega mandates don't really exist, and are more like character outlines. When the character stories get written, they have to check in with Sega to make sure they are 'in character', with things getting returned/blocked otherwise.

Which makes sense, desu, if you're trying to claim you're 'canon' to the game series you want to be relatively close to who the character is. Also would explain why the Paramount version allegedly didn't get as many mandates, Paramount is not trying to be "the same" as the gameverse nor suggesting they are, several times it's been said they're doing their own thing. Plus they're working a bit more with the Sega people, I think it was mentioned somewhere that Iida was a character consultant for Shadow.

Dunno why they haven't made Whisper/Tangle canon though, I feel like they could if they wanted.

He is very cute. I don't know about fucking him, but I would give him a hug. Then again I'm a sucker for adorable type characters.
so you are only familiar with the watered down, satellite degradation of her. Pity but she is an actual character in Sonic Rush and her other appearances without her stupid retconned origin that anyone with a brain ignores and doesn't try to rationalise.
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Usually when creators are "seeing what they can get away with", they are using it to push the envelope and see how far they can take things in a foreign or unexpected direction.
IDW Sonic never takes things far enough to actually be interesting and surprising. They essentially take things just far enough to clearly outline the off-limits zone put in place by Sega, which isn't enough to actually accomplish anything interesting. it's just enough information to annoy savvy readers. Your example is a great one. Essentially bringing up a non-issue to the forefront (Sonic doesn't explicitly spare Eggman most the time, Eggman usually escapes on his own.) only to not have an interesting or conclusive answer to deliver (Shadow is a buffoon for thinking Eggman should be stopped! But also... here's a disaster that validates his thinking).
yeah 06's blaze is awful compared to rush
I'm just shock there's no TMNT crossover yet like IDW you have both IPs.

there is a current idw artist that does jsut that. nit this one, it's just ABT's work. But for the one that absolutely traces shitty 3d models, oyu can tell just by looking at sonic's quills or any other character's hair, fur whatever.
>Dunno why they haven't made Whisper/Tangle canon though, I feel like they could if they wanted.

They factually can't, Ian's explained it before.

Characters in the comic can only be portrayed in a relationship if said relationship was part of their proposed character pitch Sega had to approve. Tangle and Whisper were not originally designed to be together, that just ended up happening, but it means they're not allowed to actually be a confirmed relationship.
06 pretty much sacrificed Blaze to give the newer OC a typical doting older sister supporting character.
Unless you want her to always be attached to Silver, I don't think there's any real reason to consider that characterization over the two Rush games.
Technically very heterosexual, but I accept that jibe.

Really? Ian's placed blame on shoddy character depictions on mandates before when it was not really the case, I'd want to see someone else have mentioned similar.
And that's the reason the sega mandates are not the problem, and never will be. Good writers can come up with good stories within the limitations, even they have to bend around them in clever ways. Bad writers only have a story to tell and whine when they are not allowed to.

To Flynn´s credit he at least tries to keep it professional, but clearly he isn't a good writer.
>To Flynn´s credit he at least tries to keep it professional

He really doesn't.
>I would give him a hug

Oh. Okay then.
Sonic needs new writers, it's been same damn people for too long, even if you're ok with them he just needs fresh blood.
Archie Sonic had the better meta-excuse where killing Robotnik just made the Zone Cops show up and give Sonic a considerably worse Robotnik that that had successfully killed his timeline's blue blur. Telling Surge "I can ultimately save the day with this Robotnik and don't want to risk getting one where that's not the case" would have shut her up.

Ehh, I'd rather have the games characterization within the comic book over multiverse bullshit.
>Sonic needs new writers

It needs new writers who aren't latchkey fans from the Archi days and can be trusted to act with unbiased professionalism
I dunno you guys kept insisting some shit about team dark being forbidden or something and then Flynn wrote two episodes of that animation about them teaming up and Sega had no problem with that.
silver is the only sonic friend I really dislike
very superfluous and boring
>Telling Surge "I can ultimately save the day with this Robotnik and don't want to risk getting one where that's not the case" would have shut her up.

Surge's whole deal is being stupidly unreasonable, so I doubt it would have swayed her.
I hire a comic writer or children's book writer with a good track record that isn't a fan.
The Roblox game and the Akedo toyline both have Sonic and TMNT crossover content, and that's not even from having the same licensee, so I feel like they are just saving this for a rainy day.
Speaking of writers imagine what Sonic comics would be like if DC or Marvel got the license back then.
Games sonic has absolutely killed world-threatening antagonists without giving them a chance at redemption though, sometimes but not always with eggman's help. Games eggman is more of a saturday morning villain than comics eggman so the justification doesn't work as well. Most of games eggman's plans go "Oh yes, some power that will help me rule the world! Oh fuck wait I can't control it, sonic help!"
What worse thing game Eggman even do? Floated a city? I mean he blew up half the moon but that didn't really do shit.
He was pretty bad in Forces.
But there was no implication that Sonic was consciously choosing to spare him in that. He is simply a slippery fucker.
He literally broke the planet apart in Sonic Unleashed, even though the people living on it and the planet's surface itself didn't seem all that bothered by it
He did the whole Forces thing where he conquered most of the world and oppressed/genocided people in 6 months I believe. He's done other stuff like publicly blow up the moon too.

(Last pic of movie!sonic in his little MoStH getup sadly)
this is my biggest issue with it
you don't have to have sonic go for the throat or go all batman on him, just have eggman get away like he does
it is so hard to have him float away shaking his fist?
The IDW comic recontextualizes things that make it look as if Sonic has always just let Eggman go as opposed to him successfully escaping, which was never hinted at before outside of Sonic Boom.

It gives you the impression they want to build up to something, even though they haven't (and probably can't).

Ya know whats funny? Iizuka says the moon is sitll like that. We just happen to keep seeing the normal half.
So Forces was only time he was as evil as the version in the comics, wait what worse thing IDW Eggman do? He even on the level of both of Archie's?
Apparantly literally destroying the planet to unleash an eldritch abomination doesn't count for much anymore.
>what worse thing IDW Eggman do?

Unleashed a viruleant zombie plague on the planet with no prepared cure or contingency plan. This was a scrapped Archie comics plan too.
IDW Sonic was attempting to turn the world into a weird Solipsis nightmare where he would be the only sentient life remaining, using the metal Virus (they even imply he was going to eventually turn Starline into a robot too).
Which is pretty much the same thing that Robotnik Prime actually accomplished in his home world. So i guess they have the same capacity for evil, one just actually accomplished their goal.
I was the anon arguing about the Doylism aspect of Sonic not going in and finishing the job despite knowing Eggman is a tenacious little fucker a bit ago, I agree that doesn't sound like a good explanation desu and it does make Sonic look dickish when he's just mischaracterized.

I kind of wish that people would leave that aspect alone, it's something you can't really explain away and will just always be in place no matter what gets explained. It's certainly something that people will continue questioning though. Calling it "the Sonic cycle" is kind of dumb.

Like people said, he's done the Metalvirus stuff, which nearly destroyed the world of the IDWverse. Plus they're canonically still dealing with the aftereffects of Forces.

Found some cute new movie!verse pics.
Yeah I've mentioned this before but bringing attention to sonic no killing is pointless when you know by default there's no way he can bend on it in any way, there's no real tension whatsoever, it's no good pointing attention to something you can't affect in anyway
>they're canonically still dealing with the aftereffects of Forces.

Are they? It really doesn't feel like it. The Restoration is there just to be there.
I can't believe they're Batman shit with Sonic.
Thats pretty much it. Theres nothing left to fix, the Restoration only exists so Ian can have a Freedom Fighters expy group.
Yeah, they are supposed to be. It was referenced in a few places, but it's a problem that the IDW writers aren't able to show it very well. I honestly feel bad for them. I feel like they do feel very restrained by Sega, whether they have real mandates or not.
I doubt Sega is mandating keeping the Restoration around, if anything the very idea of Sonic and friends having a "home base" feels like it goes against what they've ruled on before.

>Dealing with the aftereffects of Forces

Which... long stopped being a thing.

>IDW!Eggman did the Metal Virus stuff

Which he was written terribly in order for Toothpaste Snively to form.

The Restoration is all Flynn yearning for his Archie stuff back.
yeah could have the mutant villains/Turtles in the Sonic style which would be a lot of fun
I'm not saying the mandates are what's holding them back, I don't really think there are too many mandates that are restricting their worldbuilding desu.

I said I think they (the writers) feel like they're being restricted and so are kind of mincing around the bushes and not really delving deep into things--which leads to the whole "IDW is boring and Sonic/the world is mischaracterized" issue people have. Then they get mad and complain about it, rightly or wrongly. What you're saying makes sense though.

Listen I'm not defending the comics or the writers, I'm saying that this is what the IDW writer's are trying to say is the case.
They probably pretty generic tie in comics for better or worse, DC and Marvel tie in books, Marvel might be a little wild look at Transformers and Star Wars back then but still be less crazy than Archie also DC's would most likely be completely safe, the only really crazy license comic was a Robotech mini series that was just the name only because all they had go on was the toys because anime haven't aired yet.
Sonic should not have relationship drama
We know, Sally.
>This anon wants to shill Shadally
This but Silver's.
And now I've got to commission something, thanks.

Shadow is for Tikal
Rare Boco W
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>He doesn't know
Faggot janny couldn't handle the need to shove my face in Shadow's chestfur.
they deleted my Mordred x Sally pic to, Sonic threads are the only one where draconian dictation or actual deletion of posts actually happens
To be fair, Sonic threads in /co/ are usually horrible. This thread should have been purged the moment it started.
I mean yeah lmao theride as fun and even then that also had absolutely misery in it, I'm not regreting my jump to mostly supervillain threads since Sonic threads are the same shit flinging, sally seething, IDW criticism and general Sonic tribalism or people coming in to act smug or fixate on a franchise they hate.
The retarded 4chan staff just do whatever they want and enforce the rules however they please with nobody to reign in their faggotry. Either way they can kiss my ass. I'm not going to censor myself because they're being a shower of cunts.
You guys remember the first Lara Su Chronicles read-along thread? I never thought that a /co/ thread could ever be as glum and as disappointed as that.
Dubs confirm.
It's probably Tailsfag sperging out again
Maybe if I said something like I want to shove my face in Tails' chestfur then it wouldn't be deleted.
I skipped out since Penders is to miserable and makes Bendis look like Al Ewing that it's not worth checking in his antics or what slop he has in store.

Well, this thread was made for the purpose of talking about IDW Sonic and how terrible it is because of how badly it butchered the games cast.
Yeah, like that hasn't been done hundreds of times already.
yeah but it's essentially Beat the Horse at this point. I'll say Vector seems to be mostly in character and that Mimic is the only IDW character I like since he's a cool octopus and actually has abilities that make him a viable villain plus has some feats in the issues to back it up.
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Tried to make another thread but it got deleted.

>New Shadow Manga
>It now retcons SA2 and shows that the Black Arms were mind controlling GUN into attacking the Arc and to kill Maria.
>The government isn't bad! GUN did nothing wrong! The aliens did it!

Half of Shadow's good development and years old narratives are now gone. And it wasn't even Ian, it was fucking SOJ. It's so fucking over.
Beating a dead horse is like 85% of all /co/ threads.
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More like beating off a dead horse because it's an exercise in futility.
Black Arms keikaku huh, I suppose it's one way to try and make them feal less shoehorned into Shadow's backstory/origins but still odd how much they try to whitewash G.U.N
You didn't miss out. All of us were hoping to get something out of it. At least shitpost material. Nothing. There was nothing good in the slightest about that comic, nothing to make into at least a funny joke. It's the most depressing piece of Sonic media to ever exist. I'm not joking. Not a single person really had anything positive, not even anons like guy or Boco.

Ha, and you people were excited.

See what happens when they try to be serious? They always fuck it up.
I don't know if you follow the actual games side of Sonic, but the Shadow Generations/Sonic Generations Remaster is devolving into a complete and total disaster after footage of Ian's changes were leaked, and the manga sure isn't helping things.
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Hm. How about that.
huh...well just tracks, couldn't do any of my Mordred Hood shilling or jokes either suppose so guess good missed out
The Black Arms are some really tacky shit added to Shadow's backstory innit?
Black Arms was always an unwelcome addition to Shadow's SA2 story.
I kind of like the design of the species and have some bias since played Shadow a lot as a kid but yeah narratively speaking they are very tacked on, like you could probably rework it to make them feel better implemented in an adaption but gamewise they do feel very much like a convoluted detail.
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I haven’t heard of this since i’m not following this game. Tell me more
I doubt the changes are bad since Sonic Generations is a literal nothing story so anything added to it can't be that bad
Its full of Ian's usual references. Like when Sonic meets Shadow the dialogue is:
Sonic: Found you, faker.
Shadow: Of all places...
Ian Flynn rewrote the script of the original Sonic Generations with his usual forced-expository and overly-reference heavy flare, including adding dialogue where it didn't exist before (with the lipsynch just opening and closing Sonic's mouth over and over again). He also removed any indications of Amy being in love with Sonic similar to Sonic Frontiers (which caused Sonamy fans to dig up his admitted confession he tried to end Sonamy as a ship in Sonic Frontiers but Sega veto'd it) so the shippers are very unhappy.

All this was revealed by someone who leaked footage of the Switch version of the game online.
Ian changed one line of dialogue involving Chemical Plant considering Pontaff wrote Sonic and Tails like amnesia victims. Calm down you bitchbaby.
Also Shadow’s a literal nothing character. It’ll just be the 20th year in a row of repeating “muria…she died…on the ark…but i’m still a le hero…so chaos blast!”
If they did something of Tails or Knuckles having a character moment or beating up a villain i’d be surprised but this is just the same shit they’ve been doing over and over with Shadow since 2005 and 2006
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Also this.
I'm fine with this. It's not like we ever got a clear reason for why GUN raided the Ark in the first place.

>his admitted confession he tried to end Sonamy as a ship in Sonic Frontiers

Huh. Good for him.
I'm assuming this is just a really bad angle that's forcing Rouge's wings further down than they're meant to go on her model because otherwise they'd clip into the back of her head.

The fact we haven't seen any other footage of her back in clear view just leaves me suspicious.
Generations gets a pass because the entire game is cheap references anyway. Even Frontiers made sense in the context that the entire island is assembled from Sonic’s memories also he wanted to stop the series from yet another soft reboot. Really IDW is the only place they feel out of place in.
The “memory” shit was just a bad excuse to lazily reuse generations levels in cyberspace. The actual island and game had nothing to do with their memories
Just don’t understand. Yes, Ian is not the greatest writer in the world but he is more than capable of doing better than this. Instead, he is pulling a Dave Filoni beat for beat and has become an endless memberberry machine. Can someone just… idk… shove one of his best Archie issues in his face to remind him that this is not the way?
I'm surprised Sega hasn't given Ian the boot yet, considering he's literally accepting money from fans to leak information to them on his podcasts.
I mean Generations is literally reference the game so it's probably the one time it's less intrusive to be fair, though I hope it falls out in future games so can move forward in the series now.
You're angry that he added a reference to a past game in a game full of references to past games?
He just wrote the dialogue equivalent of pic related.
Iizuka really likes him, apparently. He "understands the characters well" or something like hat.
I’m more annoyed that Tails Knuckles and Amy still won’t do shit in this next game.
Fucking told you hacks they only pretended to “get better” in Frontiers to wank off how “inspirational” sonicuck is. They were never actually gonna do shit.
Yet people will still claim Izuka hates non-Japanese for some reason.
So he's yet another one of Iizuka's bad calls huh, that figures.
Tailscel, Fiona is never going to fuck you…
Its a port of an old game, they were never going to get more than what they had.
I mean hey, Tails actually deserves better. Kid should be like Iron Man by this point with his tech. But for the case of this being obviously Tailsfag talking, he can go kick rocks:>>145933066
It’s been 2 years since Frontiers. Anyone with a brain knew that from shitty Frontiers itself, anyone with half a brain should’ve known when 2 years later they’re still sonic’s shitty cheerleaders
>Sonic self-inserter thinks everyone who doesn’t wank his manbaby corporate self-insert is le boogeyman
Go buy another funko pop, neckbeard
how is Sonic a cuck if he's the one doing things and taking initiative while everyone else watches?
you are literally using all the buzzwords he does lmao We can wish the Sonic cast did more without being crybabies or idiots about it
If you require every other character to be demoted and degraded into cheerleaders for yourself to look good, then as far as i’m concerned you’re basically one of those anime protagonists like kirito who are just the cuck self-inserts of the author getting shit handed to you for being the generic protag
> It keeps on showcasing how much the people working on it have no idea who the games Sonic cast are
That’s more the fault of the games characters not having any character at all.
>Sonic is, uhhhh… a good guy who likes to live freely and dispense fortune cookie tier pearls of wisdom
>tails is a cowardly mechanic. Powers? Adventures? No he’s sonic’s chauffeur, fighting scared him.
>Knuckles is stupid. A complete fucking retard. The dumbest blackest gorilla nigger you have ever seen.
>Shadow is the coolest. Never characterize him in any way.
>Amy is le cute and will be totally reinvented every game because we have no idea what to do with her
>not wanking off your soulless boring coporate idol is being an idiot because it makes you shit your diaper
Go buy 2 funko pops, consoomer. All the cast being demoted to wanking off that shitty shallow cerealbox mascot is the worst thing that ever hapened to this series, no matter how much you obese neckbeards self-insert as sonic
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Literally no one else uses types like you. No one else uses terms like “Sonic self inserter.” You’re fooling no one. Get a tripcode like a good little faggot.
so you think for 32 years that everyone that has written Sonic has self inserted as him?
Yes. If you listen to interviews of Maekawa and shit they think Sonic the character is the deepest most profound spiritual leader ever written. Sonic X was the worst of it with how cringe they pushed it
>everyone who makes me cry is the same person, because i’m a manbaby with a victim complex
Spoken like a true sonic self-inserter. Multiple people can dislike the constant wank of a character at the expense of literally all the other characters
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>Does he go back to talk to Cream later quietly or anything?
Nope, hell Cream just tends to get ignored by the comic in general unless they want to torture her or have her in the background.
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lmao I only self insert as the best character, buy some therapy instead of being this mad. Also yeah the supporting cast getting fucked over is bad but being this mad at the name of the franchise isn't gonna fix their underuse or sidelining,
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>no one else uses types
pack it in folks, it's schizo time
>it was ayy lmaos all along
such a weird decision, this is the kind of thing that happens when something goes for so long without a real direction, it just ends up iterating its origin with twists over and over again
Literally no one else spends multiple threads crying about it like you do.
you’re that manbaby on plus4chan and the dead general who had constant meltys over pornartists drawing Tails x Sally instead of Sonic x Sally
This literally confirms it, you shitty self-inserter. Sonic will never be “deep” and the franchise was ruined thanks to wanking such a cringe soulless corporate mascot off and shitting on all the other characters to do it
don't forget the for 3 or so years at minimum part
>30+ year old Sonicfags have been seething over Tails and the other cast because some schmoe drew porn with Tails x Sally
Autismos always have really bizarre and petty reasons like this. I’m not surprised
>but being this mad at the name of the franchise isn't gonna fix their underuse or sidelining
If you removed of even ramped down Sonic from the games it would 100% have fixed it, mordredfag. Most main characters don’t do this stuff to their sidecast
I bet 10 bucks he’s going to start posting AI slop next.
Who are you talking to, cringe nigger? Speak like a man. Or go on another crying fit about Tails because he dicked down Sally in an online picture
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alright that's 10 bucks for AI, I'm betting 15 he'll keep fixating on the Tails and Sally angle as a gotcha when he has posted about nothing else except how angry Sonic makes him
Wow. This thread went to shit so fast
Everyone’s gonna keep fixating on it, since you legitimately are a big baby over Tails because of it. Sonic ruined the games, you’re just a crying fag over Tails because you’re obsessed with porn and have no life. Reap what you sow, etcetera
It was shit from the start.
ah doubling down on the Tails angle then, think we can call it a night. Also lmao he's cool but I feel sad that he's got you in his corner
Especially cool when he’s dicking down Sally, lol
Unfortunate for you that you spend every thread making tantrums over ShadowxSally and TailsxSally, since you’re a 30 year old manbaby who self-inserts as a very uncool boring and shallow coporate mascot for the pretentious and low-iq
RIP, that is another mark against the comic I guess.

Last pic of this little comic.

Who is tailsfag
You see the guy acting deranged above for 4 years straight going on how much they hate Sonic in threads and having posted gore in some instances, yeah it's that guy. He's mostly known as Tails guy since he's the main shilling point and hyperfixation for him. Shame as Tails is a good character that he does the impressive job of making it hard to bat for him with how insufferable he is.
Why would you admit that Tails is an 8 year old since that makes you come off as a pedo advocate?
>Shame as Tails is a good character
If saying Sonic should stop getting pretentiously wanked like he’s Jesus in every game is “insufferable”, then the problem is you.
Stop self-inserting.
Another Sonic thread turned to shit, what a surprise.
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>Because the writers are constantly trying to see what they can get away with and left with an awful unuseable mess when they hit a roadblock.
This, and it's frustrating seeing how they're not even flexible with that thinking. They don't go the usual creative writer route of "introduce fucked up concepts so that you can meet corporate halfway and sneak in the stuff you ACTUALLY want". No, it's just their way or the highway. Ian is especially guilty of this.
>Ian: "Okay, so Shadow decides to remove his inhibitor rings so he can recreate that one scene in Sonic 06, but it doesn't work and he gets corrupted by the virus"
Sega: "No, that's stupid and makes zero sense."
Just zero foresight or self-reflection.
Because artists can draw what the fuck they want. What I find laughable is Sonicfags legitimately crying and harassing the lolisho artists because they didn’t draw their self-insert hedgehog instead
Oh hey you did end up posting the AI art, 10 bucks to that one anon
Judging from your history, you don't even like these threads to begin with and like starting shit too. You're a giant faggot.
Someone just won a bet, lmao
What AI art, bro? That’s a selfie I took. As a sonic self-inserter I can confirm that we absolutely all look like this
All the Sonicfags on these threads are fucking faggots.
They just get incensed because people troll them for being a gay and incredibly thin-skinned circlejerk around how “cool” their cringy comic is (by comic i mean mostly just shipping sonic and the chipmunk between cringy melodrama, they don’t care about the actual comic)
Suppose, shouldn't of let him know was me since now he's gonna be hung up on it forever now. It's funny cause this is like first time even engaged with anything Sonic in ages, been miserable time to pop in again.
I feel like to get around that I would have him try to save as many civilians as possible, depending on his ULTIMATE LIFEFORM abilities to keep him from getting too affected. It works for a time but starts to overwhelm his system. He gets a few more people almost on their way out before he realizes, then starts trying to take his inhibitor rings off to give them a few more seconds.

Big flash, he fails and fully roboticizes before he is able to. He turns on the family he was trying to save and the others swoop in.

IDK, I'm not an IDW writer nor super immersed in the Shadow lore, but would that feel more reasonable? He doesn't manage to get there in the end, but he still manages to rescue a bunch of people and it's more attempted Noble Sacrifice than him being dumb.
Self-Insertion is a deadly disease indeed. It rots what little minds they had to begin with, to the point they can’t handle reality where their cringy tryhard gary stu is treated like jesus inside their stanky comic but isn’t treated like jesus by intelligent readers
Congrats my dude, honestly bets with him would be rigged lmao guy is so predictable, if you bet fixating on specific anon or people on the ride you could've gone double or nothing.
>ruin another thread by acting like a Sonic manbaby
>someone posts a reaction pic of you being a Sonic manbaby
Damn, Nostradamus. Take my upvote
Wasn't it hinted in Sonic Adventure 2 that Shadow's memories were modified?
Tails should get a comic, that would be fun to see. Maybe they could bring them back and modernise them, maybe Speedy becomes the new leader of the faction.
This is why archiefags should be banned. Did you not read the OP pic? It says "IDW". Go away now
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He already got one, it brought those lame villains from Tails Skypatrol back.
yeah by Gerald
Should've renamed it "Flicky's Skypatrol"
Suppose so, I don't mind this to much since I'm like one of 5 people who unironically like the Black Arms but it is weird how G.U.N keeps getting their evil actions and questionable morality swept under the rug
archiefags cannot read
You’re not Tailsfag
Ah was thinking a more modern timeline one honestly, I think the only time the skypatrol minions looked good is when they got redesigned and Carrotia was a Hypno slattern.
IDW is literally Archie lite, they can’t help it.

>Verification not required
Does anyone even like these guys?
Black Arms have pretty good designs. If they were in a different series than Sonic they'd be really liked
Yeah I'm the guy he singled out just now cause I don't like pedo smut and like an irrelevant Snake from the comics
That would mean Shadow originally knew the cause of Maria's death, but Gerald, who had already went mad thinking it was solely the government, tinkered with Shadow's memories and had him take revenge on earth when the real enemy was Black Doom.
you'd complain about it
Gerald basically just removed Maria's wish for Shadow to help the world didn't he? Idk seems like an obvious retcon, which it is
Ah my bad lol
It kinda makes sense when you remember Black Doom flashed Shadow back to the events of the Ark massacre and told him to "remember what the humans did to you". How would Black Doom had known this?

Dude was manipulating Shadow from the start. He's been trying to make Shadow go evil and follow his will.
Ya good, I should get round to comming more Sonic redesigns sometime, probably Shadow or Black Doom to be topical.
That probably what it originally was, but with it being canon that Gerald tampered with his memory, they can easily have it that be the reason why he doesn't remember the Black Arms.
Japs love their pointless keikaku. Not even the ones where it's intended from the start, just a random bullshit one at the very end just so they can say "see? Plot twist, bet you didn't expect that!"
Remember the MHA shit with Shiggy?
The zombot one was fucking horrific, motherfucker was actually getting raped or something with all the slime and being scared
I actually think they look to out of place the rank and file Arms or the Black Oaks. it's Doom that mainly sticks out but seen some cool more in style redesigns for him.
>dude what if we made the convoluted bullshit for shadow even more convoluted with more bullshit
Reverse Flashism strikes again.
yeah but still why would Gerald not want him to avenge maria? In this case the humans did nothing wrong and shadow forgot the real perpetrators
Yes, that would basically be the point. Gerald just didn't know the REAL cause of her death when he reprogrammed Shadow.
It’s so fucking retarded. Idk how SOJ did it but they managed to outdo any fuckups that Ian has done.
then why did he erase the memory of the black arms drones being there?
Because he thought it was the government. Look, it's shaky, but it boils down to Gerald blaming the wrong people.
Connecting Chaos to the Ancients and making him an alien was still retarded, just a different flavor.
Predict what else will be revealed to be aliens doings
Noone but Sonic and Shadow matter, and Sonic won't get a backstory
power of corporate mascot >> power of pointless loretism
I mean all the birds in Sonic are descended from Aliens with the Babylonians
I'm dreading the idea that Sonic and all animals like him are actually an alien species.

I feel like the Ancients opened that doorway because they supposed to have mutated over generations and are related to the Chao which can adapt animal features.
Don't think look out of place, god damn autocorrect slut
Gerald going insane and trying to genocide the earth is probably going to be an AYY LMAO ploy too. No morally gray faction can exist anymore.
If only this had a proper translation that makes sense.
Reminder that there is a theory that Black Doom could be a corrupted Ancient (Has similar horn-like things on his head and has no mouth) and he is basically the equivalent of a Dark Chao to them (has the same colors of black and red).
Because Gerald, using the government's money and resources, made a deal with an extraterrestrial being that the UF had no idea if they were friendly or not (surprise, they're not). Giving Sonic X the win here.
Shadow's own game already retconned Sonic Adventure 2 by having Black Doom's involvement in his creation in the first place and having Gerald create the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the Black Comet.

Now it's being implied that Black Doom has been orchestrating events the whole time all the way back to the Ark massacre. This is really nothing new. If another Shadow centric thing comes out it'll be revealed Black Doom was working under someone or something else who wants Shadow to be their puppet.
Blame Sega. The game characters, by mandate, are can't evolve or have relationships or whatever which doesn't work for a comic with an ongoing story. Either the OCs are dropped in favor of banal done-in-one stories where nothing happens and there's no real story or you have a story but the focus is on the OCs since the retarded mandate means you can't do much with the game characters. As usual, Sega is a stupid company that has always succeeded in spite of itself.
>it'll be revealed Black Doom was working under someone or something else who wants Shadow to be their puppet

That sounds so dumb that I could see it happening. Probably say the end was behind it or some shit
I'd prefer the Black Arms be their own seperate race, the setting feels smaller if everything is connected. They are fine as an old but slightly younger then the ancients space faring colonizers.
Only for the lips.
Connecting everything does make for a simpler lore which something as big and messy as Sonic might need.
I mean the Birds already are since Sonic Riders Zero Gravity reveals all mobian birds are descended from aliens.
Suppose, though I'm used to how messy and yet interesting the lore is on its own. I'd be fine with them fleshing out what they have before adding more stuff, the Zeti are super underdeveloped for example.
The mandate excuse is becoming pathetic. You know every single licensed work has them, right? You just don't hear about them because of NDAs. Ian should be lucky he can speak about them because he would've gotten blacklisted everywhere else.
I'm trying to think what else Ian has worked on besides Sonic, Megaman and one issue of TMNT
I don't think anything has anything as draconian as Sega's "the characters are not allowed to evolve, change, have backstories, romantic relationships, anything that deviates from the IP in any way" mandate. Of course that's also a (stupid) response to Penders but still.
Translate the original one with Google lens then.
Not really, Dark Gaia did way more damage and even then he just sorta flooded the world with monsters and make people depressed.
Is it me or does anyone else notice we can’t really tell what Sonic’s personality should be?
Either we make him cool but caring or some joke cracking wise guy, or some dude with the best heart and mind, all while being a chill guy here and there?
Because IDW Sonic isn't a real character, he's a mascot.
Imagine Toucan Sam getting up on his high horse and lecturing you about how you can't kill the Joker. That's IDW Sonic.
I feel like deep down Sonic can be a character and not a mascot, he has the potential and heck, Mario is something out of a character himself despite you probably calling him a mascot.

Him and sonic hold a lot of greatness that could be a hit or miss, sure, but it still kinda goes and they try.
Sonic doesn't have a personality, he's just a bundle of catchphrases and finger wagging like some signboard in vegas. His "personality" is whatever the execs damn want it to be
and whatever they want it to be is whatever sounds hip. Whether that's being "a true pure hero with a heart of gold" or a wannabe loner spirit of the wind goku with some pretentious song about there's nothing right and wrong (except the doctor who is wrong and evil in this very simplistic plot and imma stop him torturing animals for fun) or a quirky approachable redditor everyman saying cringe zingers and spouting the power of friendship from his iphone.
If you want him to be wanked as the most heroic perfect inspirational mascot ever, plan A, if you want him to be pretentious and faux-deep to pseuds, plan B, if you want him to be marketable for generic audiences and toys, plan C
You'll get retards nitpicking which one is the "real" Sonic when they can't even keep his design constant let alone care about any vapid character he never had
the whole series is boring cancer just like its shitty mascot. Pray for it to die
If you were in charge of the big new Sonic character to add, what animal would they be and are they a hero or villain?
Wanna kick the hornet's nest again?
Archie Sonic was treated like a real character. He had friends, a family, a home, and so much more. All of the above helped make him feel like he belonged in the setting of Mobius and personal investment in the war against Robotnik.
Who's IDW Sonic? Fucking nobody. He just so happens to exist in on this one unnamed island and fights Eggman because muh freedom. And then there's this organization of other nobodies and crying lesbians that he's loosely affiliated with.
They are a living cancerous tumor and their power is to give Sonic brain cancer and kill his entire series forever
I wouldnt add any new characters and Id reboot the series a year from now with a new better thought out storyline, while trying to maintain its charm
When you say reboot do you mean clean the slate as it is, like a Legend of Spyro deal or a sort of Crash 4 deal where it's a new entry but also serves as a soft reboot?
Using illusions to convince Shadow you were responsible for everything to ever happen to him would be kino.
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I don't care. IDW's isn't bad but it ain't my Archie kino. Archie's the best stuff ever, and Sally Acorn is my queen. All this hate is so forced.
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Here's a leaked cutscene if you're curious. It's not for the faint of heart, though.

The fanbase literally said this exact shit with Frontiers, and Ian has only gotten worse since then. Like, he's unironically degrading into a parody of himself, and it's hard to be confident that he'll be able to shake it off by the next game when even in IDW his writing is still awful.
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Yum Yum Yum
Stop kicking us while we're down. No comic, no cartoons, no games. It's clearly good enough if it has this much of a following, it doesn't have to be a perfect masterpiece.
the only following it has are some overly nostalgic oldfags who never let go producing 90% of the "fancontent" which is just porn. Noone in the new generations knows or cares for it. Even on modern sonic videos and shit the best it's ever done is only 1M views over years of time
Stop being such downers. Why is everyone so heavily critical and dour on 4chan. IDW isn't that bad, it's mediocre at absolute worst. It's completely readable and enjoyable with the right mindset.
the mindless consoomer mindset
>He doesn't have a character beyond being blue mario, and the bwoooooooop noise he makes when he jumps.

If he was still Blue Mario, he would've been charming and timeless character that all gamers universally love.

But because Sonic Team is filled with more autistic DBZfags outside of Mexico, Sonic just become cocky shonen protag template #34 and constantly needs to re-invent himself to match the times, lest he becomes dated as the Poochie he truly is.
Based and True. Dubs confirm
>An unqualified girlboss propped up as somehow a superior leader to the actual veteran gamecast who are made to look silly so she can look smart

Tell me you where barely a sperm in your father's nutsack during the 90s where Sonic had barely 4 characters and 2 of them where annoying kids, without telling me you never existed back then.
Neo Metal return and the Metal Virus being so out of place are just symptoms of Flynn relying on aborted Archie arcs instead of having a fucking idea where to take an all new original comic.

His only devil's advocate is that SEGA and IDW forced the book out too quickly to remove the gap left by Archie's cancellation.
I don’t care much for IDW, I follow the games. Not a big fan as you guys what with Surge and the OCs.
I like that sonic has friends, a purpose to do better for everyone, a place to protect, no matter what it may be, etc.

And he shows his flaws, that’s what I like about him. But I don’t consider him a redditor or whatever you guys say because of it
barely 4 characters and Sally turned half of them into annoying kids to make herself look good
In the 90s Tails was a superfast superstrong supersmart flying fighting jet pilot superhero. Archie Amy didn’t even get to do fucking anything until the Y2K sa1 adapt but before then she at least took part in Drift and Drift 2 and R and Fighters and Adventure and Shuffle and archie still found a way to cripple her story in sa1 and force it to be about sally
>Sonic was made an absolute dumbass
And? Sonic has always been an absolute dumbass.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a faggot

>Sonic being a quippy hero is a SoA invention.
And the only reason Sonic has any fucking worth outside of his autistic fanbase.
If it wasn't for him being quippy, he would have joined Spyro & Bubsy in obscurity where he belongs.

>i wish they would make way for comics that were more comfortable with being supplementary to a children's video game series

the comic would not have fucking lasted as long if that was the case. Especially since they can't really do much with the game characters.

The best scenario for that is to stop making monthlies and just make a collection of annual one-shots or make annual OGNs. The IDW Annuals are the best stories, so sticking to that format would make better sense if you don't have an actual plot for readers to invest in.
Problem is that only Sonic fans want to write for Sonic and most Sonic fans aren't professional writers. Sure, SEGA can just get a bunch of interns to ghostwrite a kiddy book, but don't expect anything good out of that.

Actual pros are either too old to give a fuck about vidya or think Sonic is a fucking joke. Anyone else curious would just do like 1 or 4 issues and then fuck off to better ventures as soon as they realize they can't really get residuals from a license book by making OCs (looking at you Bendis). Speaking of...

>imagine what Sonic comics would be like if DC or Marvel got the license back then.

Ok so it's 1993. Marvel is at peak X-tremeness and DC is trying to kill and/or cripple all their icons.

Who gets stuck with the lousy job of writing Sonic license books for kids outside of lv 1 Ken Penders?
>In the 90s Tails was a superfast superstrong supersmart flying fighting jet pilot superhero.

No he wasn't you infant. He was just the Player 2 character in case you had a little sibling that wanted to play. Then he became Sonic's sidekick and chauefer. He only became useful when they gave him playable flight in Sonic 3. And he only became a hero in the Game Gear games, which nobody but I played.

> Archie Amy didn’t even get to do fucking anything until the Y2K sa1 adapt but before then she at least took part in Drift and Drift 2 and R and Fighters

Classic Amy is a fucking comic relief and damsel in distress. She was made for the series not be such a sausagefest

> and Adventure and Shuffle
again, you're an infant. You don't know what you're talking about because you wheren't there back then.
I best you never even had a SEGA console: Your first Sonic was probably on a Nintendo.
I don't remember Sonic ever being written like that outside of IDW. Sonic isn't supposed to be a psychopath.
IDW Sonic seems like he's lacking in sincerity and genuine empathy. It's what makes him dislikable. He doesn't really listen to anyone, and he just kinda one-sidedly pushes his own opinions and beliefs. It's a major and critical difference from how he's generally written in the games, at least prior to Colors. Though, even after Colors, he wouldn't really say stuff like this.

In Japan, Sonic is actually typically written as rather stoic. I know "stoic" isn't a word most people would associate with Sonic, but it's true. He doesn't make excuses for himself and he often doesn't even try to defend his actions, even if they're justified. He takes action because he wants to, and that's usually all the justification he needs. Subsequently, it doesn't always necessarily matter to him if others agree or disagree with his actions, since he's not someone who does things out of a sense of right or wrong. Everything he does is because he wants to, not because he has to. This was actually a pretty common theme to his character from Sonic Adventure up to Sonic Unleashed, and it was the foundation of his behavior and relationships in Sonic X. Rouge even spells it out at one point, that he doesn't do things out of obligation or a sense of justice, but entirely because it's what he wants to do. His desires just happen to align with what many would consider righteous. This is why he generally doesn't lecture others, nor does he make any attempt at redeeming Eggman.
>Blaze: "I must protect my world! And I don't need anyone's help!"
>Sonic: "Hey, chill for a second. You're way too tense."
>Blaze: "Why are you still here? If you won't leave..."
>Sonic: "Hey, are you going to fight me?"

>Blaze: "I said I would defeat him!"
>Sonic: "Stop it. This isn't going to change anything!"
>Blaze: "What would you know!? I am the guardian of the Sol Emeralds... It is fate that forces me to live with my curse, my flames... Because of my powers, I have always been alone... And so, I must do this alone! This is my responsibility!"
>Sonic: "I admire your fortitude, but... Carrying the entire world on your shoulders?"
>Blaze: "Enough!"

>Sonic: "...Not too bad. Can you stand up?"
>Blaze: "I... I must save the Sol Emeralds. I must..."
>Sonic: "A bit overzealous, aren't we?"
>Sonic: (Looks like she's had a rough past.)
>Sonic: "Hey now, don't try to bite off more than you can chew. Just be yourself. You don't need to do everything on your own."

Sonic shouldn't be someone who would make light of someone's suffering or grief with a quip or a joke. His sincerity has always been his most important trait.
funny enough this also sort of encapsulates why I like Sonic and Blaze's dynamic. Though yeah, IDW Sonic is way to talkative, despite his verbal jests and carefree attitude he is someone who often lets his actions speak more and at most says a sentence to explain himself.
>the comic would not have fucking lasted as long if that was the case. Especially since they can't really do much with the game characters.
I don't understand what keeping it alive NOW, it's so damn niche. A huge portion of the English speaking Sonic fanbase is totally oblivious to this series, and it's even less popular in non-engliaj speaking groups.
The fact that Sega stopped even using it as a platform for cross promotion, even during Year of Shadow, where they even got Lego doing special shit, really malese think this comic is surviving off fumes.
>A huge portion of the English speaking Sonic fanbase is totally oblivious to this series,

Because nothing interesting happens in it.
Thank you anon, you are a gentleman and a scholar. 10/10 example
>the comic would not have fucking lasted as long if that was the case. Especially since they can't really do much with the game characters.
>The best scenario for that is to stop making monthlies and just make a collection of annual one-shots or make annual OGNs.

Honestly, why not? Just switch to like one anthology every three months or something. The self contained IDW comics are the best ones anyways, because they seem to accept the status quo and explore it, instead of aimlessly taking swings at it.
Love the wild turns in this thread. Went from how Mobian private parts stay hidden to Lanolin vs Sally vs Geoffrey to Shadow Manga to Tailsfags to how IDW is flawed in general.
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>Aw, son of a bitch!
To be fair, did no one ever question a soldier shooting a child for no reason?
I know burgers kind of think It's ok for cops to shoot people for "resisting" but everywhere else is kind of retarded to shoot an unarmed child.
Blame SEGA for not letting them do something interesting with the character
With government coverups they do whatever they have to, up to murdering child civilians. Its a common thing in media.
And in real life.
The last time they did we got Penders Echidnaverse, I dont see them risking that again, specially with Flynn still in
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It was pretty well accepted than GUN was just corrupt back then. Them putting civilian lives in danger for no reason was part of their MO in SA2. The whole reason they were on the Ark was them vying for power. But the Shadow (ironically remembered as an edgy game) dialed back on them and 06 ran with that interpretation.
I assume it's more of a black op "clear the site and recover the VIP" so they were killing everything in sight
it really is just a lose-lose situation
Yes, unironically why? I don't like Shadow very much. But he's supposed to be competent. Besides him getting infected by the metal virus because of his arrogance, most of these just feel like he's being used as an OOC punching bag. There's nothing satisfying like that. I want shit like Emerl beating his ass in Battle. I want Shadow going all out and having his pride in his power thrown in his face. I don't want this slapstick banana peel shit.
That's not going to happen because yes, he is that good
Why leave the other kid alive then?
Emerl beats Shadow in Battle's story, that was me recounting something that happend, not expressing a desire.
No one reads that shit, compare him in the games and the movies, and it is just clear someone on the comic has something against shadow. Literally the only place where he is a complete disaster, but again, no one reads that thing.
Didn't they literally indoctrinate him? I think that stop counts as cleaning up a lose end.
In X they said he shot her on accident while aiming at Shadow. Had a whole news interview with the guy who did it and how remorseful he was and shit that he missed
He's pretty bad in Boom too. But yeah, separate version.
Boom the game? That whole thing was canned harder than 06.
Boom the show? Shadow is hypercompetent and most of the time loses due to external factors.
I can get most media dickriding him can be tiring, and we could do more with him, but the comics feel like someone is salty over him.
Yeah I meant the game, he's treated like some random Eggman minion who's lower on the totem pole than Metal.
Similarly, Metal seems to get special treatment in the comic. Beats Shadow, Silver and Gemerl (probably the most ridiculous one), and was beating Surge until the fight went 2 vs. 1.
Yet he's usually not much more than a miniboss in most games where he doesn't get a special form like Heroes and Chaotix.
Don't forget that weird panel of Eggman talking to him like he's his special boy, when he literally destroys Metal himself when he fails to outrace Sonic in CD.
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I would give them them some leeway for their actions even if you only consider SA2 because clearly geralds' research for the ultimate lifeform/immortality was getting really suspicious if you consider the killer floating blobs, teleporting giant lizards, and the overpowered space laser. With sonic battle and shadow the hedgehog there´s also the rampanging ancient combat robot and dealings with aliens from outer space to consider.
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She was with the science team.
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No no anon, Black Doom made them do it! So says I, the infinite wisdom of Sega of Japan!
>Ian can't have romance in his mango so he has to destroy romance (a one side crush) everywhere else
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All of the Mobian female characters in IDW are basically Sally with different window dressing, minus any of the good qualities that early Sally Acorn hard.

Strong, stoic, gay and BORING.

Eh, its only Sonamy, no loss.
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Except for Jewel though, she's the only feminine character in that who series, so I'll give her a pass.
Until he has the chance to retcon Knuxrouge
Sonamy is like Mickey and Minnie, come on now.

You know that's what pre-Woke SEGA was going for.
Standard Wuxia heroism. He's a virtuous soul who doesn't need to be told or convinced that something is good or bad. It comes naturally, and that's enough.

It doesn't work so well when spoken aloud. More to the point, it doesn't work when the stories he's part of are lacking in poignance or subtlety. A Wuxia protagonist is a man whose essence is written into the narrative and the aesthetic; he doesn't have to talk.

Sonic - before environmentalism or comics code morality or pretentions of being 'The Wind', is a vehicle for adventure. Thus, when well-written, he embodies it. In all its aspects, he is at home. When without it, he flounders.

There is very little true adventure in modern IDW.
That is not even a thing in the games beyond one scene in SA2, literally only the comics ever entertained that idea.
>only the comics ever entertained that idea
What do you mean with "entertained"? Mind elaborating?
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Ever since I saw someone post this here, I like the idea of these two together.

Wow, imagine Kit's reaction.
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Alright leakers, did Ian remove this line?
And Sonic's, that what makes it fun.
>he accidentally calls her "Sonic" while they have sex
Kit would straight up snap and blood bend Tails. Not even joking. He already hates Tails in the comic. What do you think is going to happen when he sees that Tails has seemed to have replaced him as Surge’s buddy?
Oh and he might also kill Surge out of anger for all we know. I know that the comic will never get to that point but this whole entire time, Kit has always been hinted that he is the more mentally unstable of the two, he just hasn’t cracked fully yet. He’s like a dam that is ready to burst at any given moment and just the right reaction will make him go completely batshit.
Or it be the classic conflict of I can't kill him because my best friend will hate me.
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Lmfao, it writes it's self.
Nah. Kit is too mentally unstable for that. He will crack. That’s something big enough to do it.
Ironically, the Classic IDW stories tend to do a pretty good job of capturing that adventure. I wouldn't say they're perfect either, but they're generally better than Modern Sonic comics because it doesn't even bother getting caught up with morality crap and tend to just tell fun stories.
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>You're angry that he added a reference to a past game in a game full of references to past games?
Not him, but I'm annoyed that it's yet another instance of Flynn awkwardly hamfisting shallow fanservice into random dialogue.
People can try and fall back on the whole "but Generations is supposed to be full of fanservice" bit if they want, but what will be the excuse next time? And the time after that? Flynn's writing has already received criticism for this kind of shit for a while now (e.g. IDW's forced attempts at inserting song lyrics into dialogue between characters), so it's clear its inclusion has nothing to do with the general premise of the game, that's just how he writes. And it sucks.

He needs stop to trying so hard to write "for fans", and focus more on writing dialogue that doesn't end up making a chunk of said fans roll their eyes. At this point it really isn't that much different from the lame jokes Pontac and Graff would write.
Someone needs to shove his best Archie issues in his face to make him remember that he is capable to do better than being present-day Dave Filoni.
Is IDW really that bad, or is this just a case of the usual autism from the Sonic fanbase? I'm only asking because I'm thinking about reading it.
Boco is the resident Sonazefag, you'll see him post about it on /v/ too. Of course he is going to support anything that will make his ship have a chance of happening (even if it's totally impossible).

Now now, part of it is just general Amy apathy. With no shipping, theres one less reason to keep her around.
Compared to Archie, it’s bland for the most part and full of melodrama that a lot of people don’t care for. It also has a problem with a picking a lane with tone. There are some stories where Eggman is as evil as Archie Eggman and did horrible things, yet the cast just treat him as a regular goofball villain like usual right after such events, gaslighting the readers into thinking that maybe Eggman wasn’t that evil when he really was.

If anything, read Scrapnik Island. That’s the best story in the entire comic and it stands on its own, you don’t need to read anything else before it to understand what’s going on.
Sometimes I feel Ian just makes references out of spite because people complained about it in IDW.
Why do people even had much faith in SOJ in the first place
Maybe people need to face the reality that no one involved in this franchise knows how to write Sonic.
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He teleported a city's worth of artificial chaos emerald into space to save everyone from the impending explosion. Why did you not include that?
>Now it's being implied that Black Doom has been orchestrating events the whole time all the way back to the Ark massacre
That was implied all the way back in StH 2005.
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Because this IP is constantly bringing in new fans who have yet to experience their own "hype bubble popped" moment, which leads them to try and defend Sega/Sonic Team's typical incompetence for no real benefit. It's nothing new.
I think people in these threads just suffer from terminal Flynn hate autism.
There was never any indication he played a part in GUN's massacre. Or even knew what GUN was.
You need better things to do than white-knighting Sega's latest hack you'll never meet.
Maria should have big tits
I'd say that "wind" thing is still apt. He's like a force of nature. He shows up, does his thing and leaves without a word.
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The worst part of the comic was tangle talking whisper, the character who up until that point was actively planning on killing eggman, down from taking the fucking shot during the eggperial city arc when both of them knew the only reason the metal virus arc happened was because they let eggman live. It's not like killing eggman was off the table since multiple characters got big moments chewing sonic out during the metal virus for not ending eggman when they had the chance. And nobody will say anything about it the next time eggman gets somebody hurt or worse
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>I seem to be wounded
Thats a nice ass
You're an idiot if you thought anyone would kill Eggman in a licensed Sonic comic.
Yeah, there was. It was a passing line from Black Doom about "punishing" Gerald for his betrayal by fucking with the Artificial Chaos (which then eventually led to GUN's intervention), and I remember not being a huge fan of the implication.
>get mocked for frothing transparent obsession
>y-you're just a white knight
The mockery will continue, and you will never stop justifying it.
>black arms psyop shadow into hating humans by killing maria so he'll more willingly join them when they arrive
honestly not a bad retcon since it doesn't change the story of SA2 or StH
Sounds more like Black Doom just made an already bad situation worse. GUN still covered up the incident and froze Shadow for half a century.
Calm down, fanboy.
How would PSYCHOnic entertain himself if his favorite punching bag wasn't around?
They did that in Archie. Although an eggman from another reality did come over to the main comic timeline to take his place
Which is kinda dumb, honestly. It always felt to me like one of the writers really wanted to kill Robotnik off but then Sega or whatever caught wind of it and told Archie to reverse it.
I thought the Black Arms felt tacked on at first. But thinking on it further, I appreciate the idea. Shadow being a partially alien organism adds more reasons for why GUN got spooked and raided the ARK, why Shadow was so angsty over his purpose, and why he's both naturally good but also very whatever-it-takes. His genetic donor, after all, was a psychopath. The Black Arms were never needed to explain any of these things, but I don't think they hurt Shadow either.
>i literally cannot contain my autism and you must be The Enemy
Archie planned on the comic being over at issue #50 and alt-robotnik was just a bandaid to both maintain continuity and satisfy mandates
you want vegeta

They did. Sega hated how Robotnik was dead for 25 issues and demanded he be back for issue 75.
This, black arms are a hive mind, Black Doom only made a bad situation worse from what he saw from the larva, but it was still GUN who raided the ark to cover the whole operation.
>On the same move, he takes revenge on Gerald and takes out any emotional connection Shadow could have with humans
Black Doom even loved shoving down that scene to Shadow on StH at every chance he had.
Ian has no idea who you are. You don't need defend his honor on a anonymous image board.
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>Surge hands him a wrench while he's working then secretly feels very happy about helping
>Tails builds Starline robots so Surge can destroy him all day
>Surge makes Tails dye his fur different colors and try out piercings
I'm not defending Flynn, obsession-kun. I'm mocking the inability to stop hate-loving him.
This. Instwa dof constantly retreading old ground, Flynn should be writing dialogue that's worth referencing on its own.
Unironically love all that plus Tails really doesn't have a girl in anything, so why not, so might say Cream but ehh nah..you know what fuck it give let Kit have Cream lmfao.
I made this one post and you started hounding me like a schizo. The only one obsessed is you.
You were pretty happy to keep jeering back up until this point. What happened, was the fanboy comeback all you had?
What the fuck are you even rambling about?
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was mocking multiple autists. I guess learn to read comment chains before you post.
As I read some Sonic gag manga made for literal young children, I think it might be for the best that none of this got official English releases (in Superstars’ case here we got Fang’s Big Break instead).
Sonic fans already bitch about personalities and stuff in Archie and IDW, can you imagine how much worse discussion would be if this was thrown into the mix too?
You just need meds and a life.
That's pretty funny coming from someone who literally cannot stop themselves from malding.
The Sonic manga seem pretty lame compared to other video game manga but to be fair the best video game manga fighting games and Zelda.
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>Still hasn't been topped.
That comic was kino, I don't know what you're on about.
>can't stop replying
>don't stop believing
Hold on to that feeling.
Damn you both for making me find this.
/co/ has a janny that hates even benign furry girls
even stuff like nimh threads are policed pretty hard
the threads themselves won't 404 but a lot of sfw images get bombed for some reason
Aye was a real bitch in the ride when was posting comms, funny thing is full on porn I posted out of spite near the end actually stayed up in thread lmao
I don't hate it as makes Black Doom feel less like a one shot villain shoved into his backstory and more so a highlighted part of his life and history that came back to haunt him and emphasis the whole put my past behind me deal Shadow has.

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