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Welcome to Spooktober!
The /co/ thread for all things Halloween! Discuss films, cartoons, comics, and everything related to the spookiest timer we just left behind...

Previous thread: >>145867689

>SkeletalStreamer's Spooky Streams
>Friday, Saturday and Sunday @ 6 PM Central/7 Eastern
cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer

>Halloween Music Pastebin:

>New /co/llection booru (Both new and old art should be collected here)
(The /co/llection will only grow if you help it too, share what you've got so we can add it in)

>Highlighted Ghoul School art and materials (yes, even Creepy Susie)
mega DOT nz/folder/6F0SwCRL#oP39yMWTzG6r5ectFtUiyw

>Halloween Episodes and Movies:

This collection is continuously being updated, as some of the files have been purged by ControlC or Pastebin. We would love it if the writefags archive whatever they can, old or new, and link it in the threads to add, please.

>THREADIQUTTE: Only one thread is needed at a time.
>If you see a troll, hide their post and move on.
>All Halloween discussion is welcome, in addition to art and writing. We also love to see storytimes for spooky comics, to add more content and discussion!
>A new thread shall not be made until the bump limit is reached, and the thread reaches page 10.
>Any attempts to lessen or expand the number of threads beyond what we need, to derail the threads with pointless arguing and trolling, or generally breaking any of the previous rules will be banished from Halloween and boiled in Christmas pudding while listening to Mariah Carey on repeat.

Happy spooking!

Thread question: What's your favorite spooky theme park ride, or if you haven't ridden one, which one would you like to try? HARD MODE: No Haunted Mansion.
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Good evening, spooks, new thread means new anchor post. Submit all your spooky stream suggestions here, remember my next stream will be this Friday.
New thread, that means open floor for greentext requests!

TQ: Gotta be Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. I went on it for the first time when I was 8 and hated it, then rode it again 12 years later, and now it's one of my favorites. I also have an appreciation for the GoTG version in California, but I pray to God they keep the TZ theming in WDW.
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I am streaming some films based ont he works of a very racist man on this very racist day!
"The Haunted palce" is pretty far in, but "The Resurrected" begins in around 30 minutes
And after that we are doing the Sopranos Columbus Day Special
Stream Link: cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SpookyKhabraj
Elsa just got back from "shopping" at the graveyard and shows off her new parts to the girls. They're all impressed and compliment Elsa on her new parts, exept for Phantasma who finds the parts oddly familliar.
The grimwood girls meeting shaggy and Scooby again and meeting the gang. Velma and fred are having a breakdown while daphne greets them and ask them about shaggy being coach
>"I was lucky enough to find this excellent specimen! Slender and dainty are very in this season! The only flaw is this unsightly mole here..."
>"Ooh, I used to have a mole like that! In the same spot, too!"
>"Phanty, dear, isn't that YOUR leg?"
>"...oh, wow, you're right! So THAT'S where the other one went!"
>"The 'other' one? What happened to the first one?"
>"Ask Winnie."
>"I see a PERFECTLY good bone stickin' outta the ground, I'm not gonna ask where it came from! Let it GO!"
I got an idea, a rewrite of beetlejuice (the first movie).

This follows the canon of the film except the new people living in Lydia’s house are misunderstanding the situation. What I mean is that is when Lydia returns with her parents to their old home, she starts having flashbacks on a certain ghost with the most. The couple who are dead following the canon story and meeting with beetlejuice to rid of them. Except they misunderstood Lydia and Beetlejuice’s relationship as him wanting to be in the living, they set to stop him. Lydia and beetlejuice are just having a reunion between old friends and them hugging and crying in missing the other.
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a shot at a Bellatrix green.
hope you're ready for too much exposition!
>you've always been a bit of an odd one.
>”small, dark and creepy” as your schoolmates used to call you.
>your parents mostly stuck with the classics: “that kid”,”little creep”
>despite their best efforts to mold you in their own image into a haughty, miserable little aristocrat, you couldn't really help but grow up strange
>anyone who'd been seeing ghosts since birth would turn out at least a little unusual.
>(though you couldn't exactly blame the dead for your gothic taste in clothes)
>it was hard not to have a strange relationship with death when you'd seen headless men looking wistfully out of windows, or a woman with a hatchet buried in her skull lingering in the doorway of your neighbors’ house.
>harder still to be taken seriously, as you learned the hard way.
>whether you dared to bring up your “spooky” hobbies to the other boys attending the private academy your father had forcibly enrolled you in
>or tried explaining to your parents that you had something more than just an overactive imagination
>at best you were met with the cold shoulder and mockery. at worst– the backside of a firm hand.
>your parents resented you enough before they thought you were crazy, and you'd already ruined any chance of making friends at school.
>thinking it was better not to suffer any more for your "talent", you resigned yourself to keeping quiet about it, at least around your folks.
>so you stayed just well-behaved enough that your father wouldn't decide “all that devil crap” was “turning you into a worthless little delinquent” and try to clear out your room. again.
>all you could do was keep to yourself– books and music your only company.
>it wasn't exactly a happy life.
>but you managed to get by like that for a while–
>that is, until your grandfather died.
Hey swain, i have a comic idea for you if youre interested
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Well now I'm invested
Kek, Thanks mate.
That's not Swain.
kek RIP Seras /a/ fag.
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I'll go ahead and post part 2 to get more of it out of the way and hopefully light a fire under my ass to get more of it done
>you'd never met your grandfather, but if the stories you'd heard about him were anything to go by, he was a mean old bastard.
>mean enough he probably had that fatal heart attack coming to him, if not worse.
>you wouldn't have cared the least bit about his death if it hadn't been for his will
>not that you were interested in his money
>but your parents, despite their already disgusting wealth, certainly were
>within an hour of reading his last will and testament, they'd already had everything in the house packed up to move
>within two, they'd dragged you along with them out to the boonies, to descend on your grandfather’s manor like vultures to a corpse
>there was a stipulation in the will, you learned as your parents bickered on the drive up, that your father wouldn't receive one red cent of his inheritance if he (and by extension you) didn't take up residence in the family manor.
>something about how leaving it “unoccupied by a descendant of our esteemed bloodline” would be a “grave loss of face”
>petty nonsense like that was the last thing on your mind.
>under other circumstances, moving into a spooky old mansion out in the woods would have thrilled you.
>knowing that a reputedly horrible man had recently died in said mansion, however, you could only feel a growing sense of unease that festered away into dread as you drew closer to the woodland manse.
>if your fears were realized, it would mean spending countless years at the mercy of not only your father’s wrath, but the wrath of the no doubt malicious ghost of *his* father, as well.
>you shuddered at the thought, praying to who or whatever would listen that you wouldn't have to figure out how to exorcize your dead grandpa
Requesting mavis checking the terminator into hotel transylvania
>i need a vacation
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Beloved Spooky-God-Wife.

it's amazing to me how she manages to be so cute while also being utterly horrific on every level. the callback ping scene is some of the most memorable body horror I've ever seen
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Don't you fuckers be tempting me now
Tucker and Dale are neighbors to the Ghoul School
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You are being hunted.
>It started hours ago at twilight, a savage beast had told you that you were to be its meal that night.
>The beast in sport had given you a head start, it would not begin its chase until the sun was down.
>You had not wasted a moment and ran straight into the woods behind your home.
>In your heart you had known this day would come.
>You had a bag stashed away with supplies to last you the night under the old oak tree.
>In your head you had gone over what your options could be in this scenario.
>Running would only get you so far, it was faster.
>Hiding was no good, it would find you.
>No, you had only one option. The hunted must become the hunter.
>You had seen Predator nearly a dozen times. You would LIVE.
>Your face and clothes were smeared with mud to mask your scent and you moved like a ninja.
>You found a perfect clearing and set to work.
>You didn't have much time.
>You did not need to stop it for good, just needed to try and stop it until daylight.
>You found a bendy tree and prepared a snare trap with some rope in your bug out bag.
>This would of course never work it was too obvious, it would however distract the beast for your real trap to work
>You had found a very shallow ravine and had worked hard and fast to make it deeper.
>You covered the hole in branches and leaves to create a pitfall trap team rocket would be proud of.
>The coup de gras was a large boulder teetering on a nearby pile of rocks. With the right push it would fall right onto the hole and trap any creature unlucky enough to find itself at the bottom.
>You had a string set up that would set it free with a yank.
>You had no doubt the beast would get out but by then you’d be on the other side of the woods and chasing the rising sun.
>All you needed now was bait.
>Before you had taken your mud bath you had stuffed your hoodie into your pack. Its smell would draw in the beast.
>Delicately you placed it over the pitfall.
>now you just had to hide in the bushes and wait.
>...and wait.
>Man this sucks.
>Suddenly you heard a stick snap.
>Your senses were on high alert.
>Your eyes were fixed on the other side of the clearing where the sound had come from.
>You held your breath and tensed all your muscles still.
>In the shadows you saw two pale yellow eyes with red irises gaze into the clearing.
>Clouds had rolled in and the forest was as dark as pitch but those eyes you could see like lamps in the night.
>The eyes glided across the clearing towards your jacket.
>They stayed low to the ground and shifted from side to side.
>Almost there.
>They stopped at the edge of your pit.
>You could hear the sniffing from your bush.
>It felt as if your lungs would burst if you held your breath much longer.
>The eyes moved forward again, they were directly over the hoodie now.
>you could hear the rustling of fabric followed by a deep inhale as it stood directly on the trap.
>C’mon, c’mon.
>It lingered there huffing your hoodie.
>The eyes suddenly shot up.
>They turned and stared directly at your bush.
>It had your scent.
>What happened next was a blur.
>The beast pressed down to launch itself into a leap but in doing so broke the branches beneath it.
>At the same time you had jumped up to sprint away from the clearing, the string still tightly clenched in your fist.
>As the beast fell into the pit the boulder clattered down the slope.
>You heard angry yowling and swearing as it fell into the hole and the boulder rolled directly onto its spot.
>It had worked!
>You allowed yourself the moment to celebrate your triumph. From under the rock you could hear the beast’s muffled swears and promises of revenge.
>You knew they were not empty promises and so you turned to begin your mad dash to safety.
>You stepped directly into your fake out snare trap.
>Nice work A-hole.
>Blood rushed to your head as an upside down world spun around you.
>Your pack, wallet and knife fell off of you and ont the ground.
>The boulder heaved and rolled off the hole. The beast had broken out.
>Glaring yellow eyes emerged from the ground.
You were still spinning but on each rotation you got a glance at those eyes and each time they were closer and closer and closer!
>The beast was right in front of you.
>A claw clenched onto your torso stopping you in place.
>Fierce yellow eyes pierced into your soul.
>In the dark the shine of white teeth of an opening maw became visible.
>In a flash they went right for your neck.
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I've already shilled it to people 9 million times, don't make me abuse the skeleton power
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>You let out a gasp.
>And then a giggle as the beast softly nibbled and licked at your neck.
>”Ok, ok! Let me down from here!” You pleaded to no luck.
>You were being hickied to death by easily the shortest and cutest werewolf around, Winnie.
“You fucking asshole!” She laughed “You dropped a rock on me! You can swing all night for all I care.”
>She ceased her jugular assault and turned to leave faux pouting.
>”C’mon, babe! You said to make it good.” You pleaded. “You would have been bored just catching me if all I did was run.”
>Winnie stood in the clearing by the pit.
>She reached down into it to retrieve the hoodie.
>She held it into her face and resumed breathing into it.
”Damn it. Its just not as good as the source.”
>Winnie threw the jacket over her shoulder and returned to you.
>She unsheathed a claw and with a hop and slash she cut you down from the tree.
>Your head thudded into the ground but blood started to flow normally through your body again.
>You felt a tug at your food from the rope still attached to you.
>Winnie had begun to drag you by the ankle back the way the two of you had came.
>You shifted a bit to try and see if there was any way to get loose.
>Winnie pulled tighter on the rope and gave a leer from over her shoulder.
“Mine.” She stated.
>With that Winnie continued to drag her prize back home.
>Occasionally she glanced back at you and each time her gaze was more depraved than before.
>You had a feeling that the last few hours were going to be the easy part of your night.

You've unlocked the secret ending!
Ok I'm loving this
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There are skeletons in my closet and her name is
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A single creepypasta robot girl will not make me watch Murder Drones.
Who is that?
I'm fairly certain nobody asked
your loss
Sorry, NTA and no horse in this race, but is this the hot new zoomer thing to say at present? I'm just a little confused by its sudden popularity on an open discussion forum where nobody asks for anything posted here to begin with, by design.
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Lady based on some painting.

>keep shilling a show most people didn't care about using the one tryhard spooky element
>offended when people still don't care
The show genuinely doesn't interest me. It's just too tumblr & Homestuck. It doesn't have a charm to draw me in.
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Good for you.
And good thing there are MANY creepypasta girls of different flavors in all of Liam Vickers' work no matter how much you want to bitch about this one.
That just proves my point with what the problem. He's as cookie cutter as VivziePop.
The series recently ended so it had a huge newbie boom. Threads were apparently big on /co/ during the series' heyday, though I only got into it after the penultimate episode, so I missed much of it.
And stuff like this is why I'm trying to avoid streaming it for Spooktober. As much as I adore the series, it's not for everyone, it's divisive, and I want as many people as possible to have fun in streams. Plus aside from a vaguely eldritch/vampire/witchcraft premise, it never came off to me as real Spooktober material.

I will not deny any posting of the characters in threads though, I love them.
>made that failed weird west pilot that nobody liked, wasn't even as good as the more popular failed weird west pilot
>basically the same design rehashed twice
>crying about people posting a spooky character they like in the spooky thread
jesus you're just a massive faggot aren't you? nobody asked you to watch or do anything
>homestuck and tumblr out of NOWHERE
brainrotten individual.
I'm talking about "nobody asked" itself. People seem to think it's an insult, and a particularly scathing one at that, when it's actually just a value-neutral observation that applies to the majority of 4chan posts by default.
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Posting spooky girls is fine. Shilling a show endlessly is annoying. People were aware of it. Most just didn't latch onto it for obvious reasons I've said already. No point getting in a huff because some critique it.
My mistake for misunderstanding. Fairly certain "nobody asked" has been used as a dismissive insult for a long while, not just as a new trend.
They're completely different characters, you're just autistically sperging out about the signature toothy smiles he loves to do but you're free to complain about whatever.

It all comes across as suitably spooky to me, honestly.
I wouldn't let the odd couple of faggots getting bitchy about harmless posting of some enjoyable characters sway you on anything. Do whatever you enjoy.
It has been, I've just noticed a massive uptick in its use on 4chan specifically in the last few months.
It's generic. MD girl is even more boring by being an impossible eldritch creepypasta type. It's Slenderman for coomers & I don't find it as a draw.
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what about me saying "your loss" made you think I was offended? I think it's a good show you're missing out on. simple as.
Because it comes as a smug dismissal it obviously is.
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it sounds to me like you're just looking for a reason to be mad and shit talk the show.
By all means prove me wrong & actually defend the show then.
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this isn't a murder drones thread, anon, and I'm not here to try in vain to convince you to watch a show you've clearly set out to hate. if you want to argue with someone about it maybe go start your own thread or something.
While the thought is appreciated, I've done my fair share of shilling the series among friends, and I'd really rather put time into movies and cartoons I'm mostly certain people will like or find entertaining, as opposed to media that is actively divisive.
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See? Don't even have a defense or rebuttable to the the criticisms laid out. If you wanna post spooky girls, do it. Don't shill a show on a single generic character then get uppity over anyone not being won over.
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You don't know what shilling means and you're just having a bitchfit over what was initially a couple posts bringing up a character they like because NEW THING BAD THEY MUST BE TRYING TO SHILL IT TO ME. Your posts reek of the dung-like aroma of a fag trying to start shit because you're an autist that can't ignore what you don't like.
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Is her show still lost media?
More dismissal is not an argument. The only one who sounds mad is you throwing insults.
I think he's just trying to say you aren't worth the trouble.
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if you wanted more pictures of Cyn you could've just asked
it's so obvious he's just fiending for an argument. why he decided here was the place to get his fix, I have no idea
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All it takes is one asshole to make a show and everyone who likes it look bad. The dude said his piece, he didn't like the show's vibes and as a fan of it, I see why he wouldn't be interested. I know /co/ only knows how to fight and argue with each other, but this is supposed to be a cozy Halloween thread, not bitch-fitting. Get back to posting spooks and monster girls.
Hello again from /x/!

Thank you for coming to our last stream. Tonight's stream starts very soon! The winner of last night's poll was "Fucked up /extreme" by a 3 to 1 margin. I'll have one milder one first then one more severe. Tomorrow's films won't be so extreme so feel free to sit this one out if you're not into gore and extreme weirdness.

We're online every night around 12:45 AM EST. We base films of the night on what your answers to the polls are and, yes, we take requests!

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's Itinerary

> Music loading time

> Tokyo Gore Police (English Dub), 2008
Gaijinspoitation filled with practical effects and buckets of blood. The film starts with a teenage girl cutting herself in the back of a cop car. She gets out, uses a bazooka as a jet pack, then has a chainsaw duel with a mutant on a rooftop. This is all within the first few minutes. It only gets a lot weirder as it goes.

> 10 minutes intermission

> Faces of Death, 1978
The classic mockumentary about death and it's place in the world. A mix of real and staged footage that would be at home in an old school gore thread. Don't worry, the monkey is fake. That autopsy at the beginning is not, though...
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you really are. stop trying to goad people into arguing with you.
you're really siding with the guy repeatedly trying to bait an argument?
Oooh, I've heard Tokyo Gore Police is fucking insane. Sadly, I must sleep soon, so I'm gonna miss it. Greatly appreciate you sharing the link regardless.
I will leave the room up after the stream. Feel free to pop by and watch it when you can. I change out the films nightly. I just like being online for the night's premiere showing for banter and good times. Offline requests can always be left in the chat for when I get back, too! Or you can reply to me in a thread. I know I'm up late for the USA, and try to be accessible because of it.
Tokyo Gore Police is crazy over-the-top fun if you've got the stomach for the eroguro stuff it's got crammed in there with all the other gore. it's got some great practical effects.
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>"generic!" (this one I especially don't get, how?? seems like a randomly thrown out complaint just to shitfling)
I was very happy to see another Spooktober thread, unfortunately it looks like there's a particularly butthurt individual that seems to take people casually posting characters they like as some personal attack on him trying to force him to watch something he stated he hasn't watched and yet repeatedly attacks for no other reason than because other people are posting it. Strange, but like the other anon said it seems like he'a doing it on purpose just to try and argue.

Why even post this? Nobody's making anything look bad, it's one anon having a pointless fit because (from what I can gather) people said "lol okay" to his attention-whore post.

Holy shit Cordie my beloved. I've always been a sucker for Liam's 2D art. Love his creepy crawly monster girls.
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I love Cordie but I hope if Liam ever does anything with her he puts her in a more interesting show. Cliffside was... okay...ish... imo but it was entirely carried by Cordie
I'm actually of the same opinion, yeah. I like Liam's other stuff more but Cordie as a monster girl is an obvious favourite for a lot of people. He's come a long way since Cliffside though so the future's open.
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>I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. Well now...Now I've stolen them from someone else
>I love you Victor, but you're not mine
Muh heart
Emily you were too pure
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Very pretty creepy ladies..
Again since no one seems to mind or care, might as well repost
Winnie's is probably the most radically changed since she's the closest to the 'main' character in these versions, and the audience inserts for the more magical stuff we see. For most of this story, she's predominantly human, only transforming into a werewolf during full moons or when she's enraged. Her human form is basically what you'd expect it to be (curly orange hair, decently athletic build and the Plaid clothes and jeans we usually see her in, though I'm debating giving her glasses/making her hard of sight) as is her werewolf form (though in the early days due to how violent transformations are, her clothes end up shredded and she's left mostly/utterly naked as a result), both are just taller since she'd be around 16. Rather than being the Wolfman's daughter, Winnie is Larry Talbot's great-granddaughter (modern-day setting) and her mother was once the alpha of the largest wolf pack in the country until being overthrown by a rival later revealed to be Winnie's bio dad and fled to a rural town in the countryside to protect both her and her daughter, taking precautions to avoid her from learning about what she is. Until she turns 16 and some shenanigans happen, resulting in her transforming twice, the latter in front of her friends, resulting in her being sent to Grimwood's school to learn to control herself (Grimwood in this is a whole other story, probably needing a whole other reply). Personality-wise, she's a bit of a nerdy tomboy with a bit of a fascination for the paranormal (due to her mysterious upbringing).
Both sub or dub are up on Tubi. Definitely check it out and if you like it be sure to watch Machine Girl and Meatball Machine too.
Phanty is physically and personality-wise unchanged, but the former is due to her gradually shifting into that appearance due to forgetting who she was, being a sixteen-year-old girl in the late Edwardian period who died along with her whole family (save for a younger sister) on a shipwreck (I'm currently leaning toward it being the Lusitania, since Titanic is a bit overplayed and it's in her story that after lingering, she'd haunt and prank the men on the U-boat that sank it, before being quarantined to Grimwoods)
Tanis is also quite unchanged, though taller, due to being a preteen rather than a toddler. She has more royal regalia on her due to being a princess of a pharaoh who was overthrown and killed with his family. A witch cursed them to rise again if an amulet of theirs was stolen (which it was in the modern day). She'd still largely be an innocent girl but with the slightest heir of superiority due to being royal.
Sibella is still the daughter of Dracula but not raised by him. Once Van Helsing and Mina destroyed Dracula’s brides, they found a purple petrified baby in the castle, which she and Jonathan would hold onto after Helsing passes. The Harkers (after becoming vampires themselves) would accidentally awaken the child and, wanting to raise her in the light, do just that. Sibella was raised for 17 years as their daughter until situations made them give her to Grimwood for protection. For personality, she’d also be very kind-hearted and good for a pun (though which usually results in groans), but a bit more directly flirtatious to a few of the male characters I made for this.
Elsa’s physically mostly unchanged (save for maybe losing the neck bolts since that’s a thing from the movies and this take on her and Sib are more in line with the books) and is still the daughter of the creature, who made her after learning the same trick Victor did and (after realizing he can’t make a potential wife love him) deciding to craft a daughter to serve his need for companionship. But when she gets older and more curious of the world, he reluctantly hands her to Grimwood to allow her that exploration in a more safe environment
Now for Grimwood and Revolta
Agatha Grimwood and Beatrice Revolta were witches (in this world witch is gender neutral and refers to both males and females, stuff like wizard and warlock are titles) both born in the early 1700's in Europe. The former was slightly younger and born from a modest family with modest magical abilities and modest looks, while the latter, slightly older, came from a prominent family of witches and was both naturally gifted with magic and one of the most beautiful women in her era (with her bronze skin and green hair being longtime traits in her family).
They'd meet in a private, all girls boarding school for witches, and would quickly become friends due to their shared status as social outcasts and their penchant for getting into trouble (this is where Beatrice got her 'Witch of the Web' nickname since she could spin lies so effectively that all would believe her), and their bond and magical abilities grew in tandem. In their teen years, Agathe's feeling towards Beatrice would grow somewhat romantic, though whether or not she reciprocated or would play into those feelings to get her to do what she wants (or somewhere in between) is something I plan on leaving ambiguous.
When they left school ,they quickly became rising names in the supernatural community. Agatha would spend most of her time helping out the marginalized and down trodden supernatural beings, while Beatrice became increasingly powerful (both in magic and status). Her ambitions were to climb to the top, to ear the title of Warlock Supreme (the highest position a witch can get in the in-universe supernatural government), but when the old one stepped down, she was passed over in favor of one of the old guy's inner circle.
The two, seeing this as an outrage, decided that the system itself needs to change for the better, since Beatrice was far more qualified for the position, and they were both willing to do anything to change the system that brought such injustice, by force if necessary (with Beatrice starting to use both Agatha's crush and desire to help the down trodden to manipulate her).
Sometime after, Beatrice began experimenting with dark magic, which started to create a wedge between the two, which exploded when an experiment went wrong and killed one of Agatha's family members, resulting in the pair splitting apart permanently.
In the aftermath, Beatrice, her body now corrupted by dark magic (her eyes glow red, her silky hair now matted, and her bronze skin starting to scale up) began recruiting followers among other witches and supernatural beings (including one Alistair Armitage, who will be important down the line) and raised an army with dark magic, determined to seize power by force. They'd attack the city of Eldoria (the sole city populated exclusively by the supernatural and the capitol for their society) in March of 1743, killed the Warlock Supreme and countless others, until Agatha intervened and, following a confrontation, would begin the two's famous duel on March 16th with lasted for hours and ended in Beatrice's defeat and imprisonment (her form corrupted into the one we're familiar with), swearing revenge on Agatha. In the centuries that follow, Agatha would do whatever she can to make amends for her past, blaming herself for her friends fall. Following the American Revolution, she'd hold up there permanently, establishing herself a boarding house to serve as a sanctuary for all young and disadvantaged supernatural beings to learn and live in peace, while Revolta languishes in an alternate dimension prison, plotting her escape, getting revenge on Grimwood, regaining her beauty, and taking over the world
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you better not have
Tonight was very quiet, but we still had a few people show up for the stream. Tomorrow we'll be showing a viewer request! Until then, take care and pleasant dreams.
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post /co/ creature designs you love
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I remember streaming Cliffside back in the day because I thought Cordie was too cute not to share, now here I am permanently engrossed in Liam's shit
Bellatrix Green 3/???
4chan's character limit is making me feel even guiltier about how long the exposition is going on. forgive the autism.
>pulling into the front courtyard, the manor was the textbook example of a haunted house.
>it may as well have been the Addams family summer home
>for a moment you allowed yourself to forget the sense of impending doom that had been hanging over you for the entirety of the drive out
>you were simply entranced by the haunting beauty of the thing.
>your eyes danced about the grand feat of victorian architecture– drinking in the ornamentation, the ivy that crept along the walls, the porthole windows that peered out from what must be the attic
>...the flickers and flashes of eerie green light that illumined those darkened windows…
>it almost felt as though that room was the eye of the storm that brewed in the sky above.
>there was that doomed feeling again.
>the grand foyer was decidedly cozier than the exterior would have suggested, but imposing all the same
>it wasn't the sheer size of the place nor the long shadows cast by the warm glow of the old flickering lights overhead that had you on edge
>rather, it was the image that had formed in your head of retreating from your father’s wrath only for the freshly-dead old man to come shambling out from those shadows to seize you.
>if the green light you'd seen from outside had been any indication, you could expect him to descend the winding staircase that snaked its way up into the floors above.
>peering upward, it seemed the door to the attic lay at the summit of the stairs, though you couldn't make out with any clarity whether the green light still emanated from within.
You do you man. I only hope you post the full thing in a pastebin or such when you're done
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Happy 18th Birthday to our favorite happiest girl in the world!!!! Show her some love for showing us the bright side of the dark side.

Reminder the Ruby Gloom 18th Birthday Stream is this Thursday! We'll start around 3est/2cst and stream until I stop.
>personal attack
>gets personally offended at anyone not blindly in love with this show
>offers no actual refutations on the show's quality
>doesn't even try to defend it
Yeah anon you sure showed me.
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why should anyone waste their time laying out a carefully considered response when it's painfully obvious you would just immediately reply "that sounds dumb and lame lol"
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So fellas, what are your favorite spooky shorts. Not episodes of shows or specials, straight up standalone shorts less than 10 minutes.
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The Boys Are Back in Town (to Kill You)
its sequel, Kiss Me (Kill Me)
and Dinosaur Ghosts
all come to mind.
In other words you're just lazy & have no actual defenses. Again.
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if that helps you cope with how bad you are at baiting an argument, sure.
Happy birthday Rubber Glove. I wish your show had a slightly higher budget so that Skull Boy wasn't the only one with multiple outfits.
I've got a good suggestion for the 25th stream
Very handy that this is one of the few Camp Camp episodes still on YouTube.
Anonymous beware... you're in for a SCARE!
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Nice. Ruby is one of those things that I wish would come back only to remember how terrible everything is and how it could easily be ruined.
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They don't have to be /co/ related do they?
If not, My Little Goat is a good one.
It's basically The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids but with a darker tone.
Those candy commercial ones, and of that my favorite is the guy fishing with the trap beer
I have determined the 3 internet costumes for this year.

And 2 are digital circus...
Kinger and Caine (what about Jax? Jax is jerk.)
The other is Alastor from Hazbin hotel (what about angel or husk? no, just no). Beetlejuice, again? (not a bad option).

Most other costumes are shit.
Wolverine? lol. Deadpool again? loser.

I'm not sure anyone can think of better costumes for 2024?
>most people don't know digital circus/hazbin
Most people over 30 (old) don't know. (I'm old)

Anyone have thoughts on 2024 Halloween in real world/outside?
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Could always do a "time traveler"?
one of the Helluva Boss characters maybe? beyond that, maybe something from an analog horror series, those are pretty popular internet spookies
>TADC gets Halloween costumes
>MD, a literal horror series, doesn't
Uh oh...

That's just how it is when something gets viral.
Which is why you have to go out and make your own costume by taking some unsuspecting human and wearing their flesh.
It’s honestly not a favorite of mine but I think I’ll take the chance to see TNBC on the big screen at the showing my theater is doing
I hope it elevates your view of it.
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weekdays really slow these threads down, huh. shame.
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if you fellow Cordie appreciators are still here, what kind of show would (You) put her in if Liam decided to scrap everything about Cliffside except for her? something that leans a lot more heavily into the weird west angle feels appropriate, but I think it'd also be cool to see her as a Victorian era monster hunter.
A show where it's all about Cordie dating me.
>now here I am permanently engrossed in Liam's shit
Yeah that's always how it starts man. I feel you.

Something more in the style of Internecion Cube and Murder Drones, with more emphasis on the atmosphere of the Monster Wild West like his later stuff leans more into establishing the atmosphere.
And make Cordie the true Main Character.
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she's hot but damn I might need to get some holy water or a cross or something
I'd rather see the show be realized as something thar's actually coherent and funny, I don't know if Cordie can carry a show on her own without at least a straight man to fuck
That will only make her penis harder, anon.
Yeah, it sucks cause I'm always working weekends and don't want to really do anything after returning home (late). Because of that schedule, I also have to watch my daily movie/TV specials in the morning.
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She can have all of my blood and flesh if I can only have her heart.
Bellatrix Green 4/???
>your focus on the door was broken by the loud thud of a large moving box dropped indelicately at your feet and the indifferent gaze of the worker who had carted it in
>”ya pops says this is your crap, yeah?”
>you don't have the nerve or the presence of mind to be irritated.
>“yeah. thanks.” you reply absent-mindedly.
>without another glance, the mover shuffles away to attend to another box, weaving between his teammates as they busily fill the foyer with crates, furniture, and so on.
>your parents, having dismissed you with the instruction to “go and find some spider to play with or whatever it is you do" are preoccupied with micromanaging where everything is placed.
>you take the opportunity to slide your possessions out of sight so you can sift through them without scrutiny.
>keeping careful watch over your shoulder, you flick out your pocketknife and slice open the worryingly dented cardboard box containing all your earthly possessions
>everything of yours been packed away before you had arrived home to the news of your grandfather's death.
>now was the first chance you’d gotten to look through your small collection of occult curios for something– anything– that might offer some kind of defense against the looming threat of a geriatric ghost
>you could plainly see upon opening the package that your various belongings had been carelessly dumped unprotected into the flimsy moving box
>nothing you could do about that, and you had more pressing concerns anyhow
>you dug through old dented up paperbacks, hardcover tomes on the supernatural, shirts, posters, trinkets– until you found it
>a protective charm you'd bought after an encounter with a particularly frightening ghost–
>an ornate, pure silver necklace, into which a large crystal of blessed salt was set, encircled with engraved holy scripture
>in retrospect, the thing was hideously garish. but it might be the only thing that could provide you with some protection should the worst case scenario come to pass.
We kind of aren't supposed to have them on weekdays and it may be that some users are honoring that, but the board is so dead now that it doesn't really matter anymore. We're incapable of being the nuisance we once were that prompted that rule to begin with.
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the board would probably be more active if they weren't so dead set on killing the handful of threads that actually see real activity. it's like they want /co/ to die off.
I don't think /co/ can be saved because both comics and cartoons themselves have been such utter dogshit on the whole for so very long now. We have to talk about them but there's virtually nothing worth talking about coming down the pipeline at any time. It's no wonder it's just a purgatory for coomers. If you weren't around for late 00's /co/ you wouldn't believe what it was like. I just want to have that again. Holiday threads are the last precious few remnants of the spirit that used to keep us all together. October's already half over, we need to make the most of the rest of it, because this board's only usable in the immediate vicinity of quality media in active exhibition these days. I do appreciate you lot.

this could've been greater
>if they weren't so dead set on killing the handful of threads that actually see real activity. it's like they want /co/ to die off.
/tg/ is my home board and the mod over there is very obviously trying to kill off that board as well or at the least dramatically change it. Constant off topic shitposts that get you banned if you call them out and now topics of actual discussion has an obvious samefag going around saying how shit said thread is
This was my home board when it was good but /tg/ became my favorite haunt since. They ceded that board to Bumpfag ages ago. There obviously hasn't been any real accountability since Moot left. The chain of command is completely obscured and no one has any motivation to keep each other in check or abide by any standards. Classical case of corruption stemming from a lack of invested supervision and dereliction of duty, plain and simple. We have no fucking idea who actually runs this place or on what system.

There has to be a better place somewhere, someday.
If that helps you cope with having nothing but spam then sure.
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10/15: The Mummy's Curse
who the actual fuck are you replying to, schizo?
…..does anybody here read hieroglyphs?
Please do not engage with the local thread sperg that seems to believe any amount of people posting this relatively new thing they like is attempting to shill it to him personally. In reality he's just looking for excuses to be mad cus new thing bad and he has to perpetuate some generation wars bullshit.
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he's still trying desperately to bait an argument and it's just pathetically sad.
great art as usual. there's a lot of types of crazy chicks I like, but "will lock you in a cage and eventually cut off all your limbs so you never leave her" types are not one of them.
Over the past decade only three more episodes were found.
Seems like it's largely actual, Lost Forever Media, like The Most Mysterious Song/Like the Wind. Shame, the premise was always interesting to me.
>accidentally dooms the ice cream man with the curse of the pharaoh
Damn, the concept seemed fun enough. A reminder to put an effort into media preservation.
Do you talk to your mummy with that mouth?
Media preservation is going through a full-on holocaust right now, to boot.
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if you call her out on it she just calls you an unloved Bastet child and kicks you in the shin. she's Set in her ways and totally in de-Nile about it. her attitude problem is so bad that I once saw her actually gnawing on a couple of guys' legs. she bitumen, can you believe that?
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I wish we had gotten a season of Shaggy teaching at Ghoul School.
Greetings from /x/! Tonight's movies are all weird west, some modern some long ago. Two out of three films are requests made over the last day or so. Thank you to those who reached out. Please, enjoy the show! The show starts at 12:45 EST as usual (about 10 mins from now).

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Deer Woman, 2005
A film by John Landis that takes place in this American Werewolf world, though this time it's not wolves on the prowl. It's a deer who targets lonely horny men. Shorter than normal at only one hour.

> The Backwater Gospel, remastered (animated)
A ten minute short film with a delightful art style and surprisingly good animation for a single person to have made. This is the brand new 4k remaster. A viewer request!

> Intermission music

> Ravenous, 1999
Another viewer request!

A lieutenant is exiled to a remote outpost for cowardice during the Mexican–American War. While there, a half-frozen survivor comes to them for aid. His wagon train was trapped in a mountain pass for months. He begs the soldiers to help those who are still trapped. One of the soldiers warns the rest not to rescue anyone who has eaten human flesh. Cannibalism turns you into a monster: the Wendigo. The other soldiers ignore him. He wasn't joking.
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shamelessly reposting my WIP from the last thread, surprised to find out that fan art of this franchise is virtually non existent. Working on >>145916664 right now
Holy based
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to the anon who requested Numbuh 362 - I decided to draw her with Numbuh 1, made a really rough sketch of their poses (sorry if it's difficult to see) but I think you should choose their outfits for halloween
>secret ending
1 with the same costume as the Halloween special with 362 as a nurse?
got it. I actually started rewatching KND a few weeks ago but I'm only through the first few episodes and haven't seen it in 20 years. Would you happen to have a reference for the nurse outfit (it can be from any episode) or should I just draw something generic?
Christ I just realized where I recognized Ives from. He was fucking Durza in that bullshit Eragon movie
Thank you all for coming! We had a decent turnout today. The results of the poll was "just make it weird" and so I will try to find some unusual films for you all tomorrow. Until then, the room will keep repeating the same films for those who missed the premiere earlier.

Thank you all for coming! Rest well and happy dreams.
>tfw my local theaters showed TNBC as well but only until october 2nd
>they send me countless emails about every shitty new movie coming out but nothing about this
I will curse them forever. It wasn't a Halloween thing either, just Beetlejuice Beetlejuice promotion, so they probably won't do it again next year.
something generic
lookin good
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good lord.
I know Castlevania has always been received with mixed reception, but why did people who liked up to season 2 turn on it when season 3 and 4 happened? Also even normalfags hated nocturne, was it THAT bad?
Nice legs!
I'll always click for legs.
Some good shapes here, lovely lines.
Alucard getting assraped in that third season aside, it finished adapting the game it had initially set out to adapt and just started making up its own shit instead of moving on to another game's story, so there wasn't really much reason to care about it after that point.
All right, which one of you suggested the Gargoyles Halloween Special for Toons and Spoons at Nitehawk? I know it was one of you.

Excellent fucking choice.
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>Bit in spanish
on what?
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On fucking geocities
All of the hybrids have this distinctively Fronkensteenian tragedy to them not to mention much of their screentime involving chasing children
Also given what a fucking bitch Wu turned into by the end, I can picture him committing sudoku in public for no other real reason than to further traumatize any kids that are around

When will we finally get more episodes?
Lonesome Ghosts
It’s a good one
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The last horror comic I read and enjoyed was The Black Monday Murders and that's just permanently on hiatus
What else is out there worth looking at that's not Hellboy or the like?
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since nobody asked, here's the worst mummy pun I could think of:
>there was an incident at the museum last night. the ancient pharaoh emerged from his sarcophagus and attacked the two night guards stationed there, biting them and leaving the wounds coated in a dark resin: the mummy bitumen.
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if you can stomach some whedonistic writing creeping in now and then, Count Crowley is pretty fun.
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I liked Done to Death. As weird as it sounds, do not read the first issue. Start at Issue 2 and the whole thing becomes a fun murder mystery making fun of Anne Rice and the like.

You also can't go wrong with the pre-code horror comics. Creepy, Tales from the Vault/Crypt/Witch, Astonishing Tales, Weird Stories, and more all are out there. Not high art; just good fun.
That's pretty good, actually
Maybe just remove the slightly redundant first reference to biting and let "their wounds were coated in dark resin" lead into the punchline
For music interludes/videos, did you ever stream Carpenter Brut's Leather Teeth/Leather Terror vids by Silver Strain?


and not by the same video maker but kind of in the same story:
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Greetings from /x/! Good evening everyone! The winner of last night's poll was "just make it weird" so weird stuff is tonight's theme! Loading music starts around 12:45 AM EST with the film coming along once the music has finished.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Strange music videos (loading time) 12 mins

> Altered States, 1980
The classic "trip movie" in which a scientist attempting to understand schizophrenia decides to put himself in a sensory deprivation tank. The hallucinations he experiences inspire him to dive deeper to see what he can find.

> Intermission: More weird music, videos. 9 mins

> Meatball Machine Koduku, English Sub. 2016
A middle-aged debt collector just can't catch a break. He's bad a his job, which is putting him at risk of going into debt himself. The girl he likes not only seems to barely know he exists, she's fallen in with a cult. And he just learned he has stomach cancer. And now aliens are invading that turn humans into flesh-mechs...
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Tis the season of goth girls showing their bare butts
Time to put my cock into them all.
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Nice. Who's the artist?
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need yandere mavis gf
This. The other matter of fact is the older classic animated and comic media becomes, the more barriers to entry begin to arrise. You can see this with comics already. The oldest comics most people will read are 40 years old at the oldest. Nobody but the diehards is going to give 60+ year old comics the time of day. Now that capeshit is losing popularity rapidly that proccess has only been expediated as what remains of the comics industry spits out total garbage. Western animation isnt that far behind in that proccess. This despite the occasional hit like a Puss 2 or Wild Robot. It's a real mess.
/toy/ has become victim to the same tragic fate. It feels like the site overall is on life support. Most boards I used to frequent are lucky to have one or two good generals up at one time. The rest have become host to perenial porn threads. Ironically /trash/ of all places is the one board where it seems like the most actual discussion happens.
Makes me wonder if its a site wide attempt to ruin 4chan. Bunkertroons are already known to do that and you are more and more likely to get banned for being problematic.
>mercifully, you were quick enough to reseal and return the moving box before your parents noticed and decided you were behaving suspiciously
>you’re about to undo the clasp on the necklace before you think better of it. were either of them to see you wearing it, they would no doubt begin to wonder whether your “delusions” had “suddenly returned.”
>you dread to think what they might do with you then.
>shaking off the unpleasant thought, you hope beyond hope that the charm will offer the same protection tucked safely away in your pocket as it would have dangling from your neck– and set off to sweep each room for paranormal threats
>at least that was the plan.
>you only got as far as taking a tentative peek into the cluttered library at the end of the main hall before your plan was halted in its tracks.
>you found the room occupied by the spectral form of a young maid– deathly pale and wearing a tattered old dress– who lingered at the far end of the room, meandering between the bookshelves.
>the maid herself wasn't cause for concern, in fact you might like to try and speak with her later if you got the chance.
>no, what made your insides begin twisting themselves into knots was that she was here at all.
>that she had ostensibly died of anything other than old age on the grounds of the manor suggested that your grandfather may have been far worse than even the most appalling of stories about him had already led you to believe.
>before you feared his ghost might make your life a living hell
>now you knew he might try and end it altogether.
>the grim thought wasn't allowed to sit and fester for more than a moment.
>before, you had intended to delay your inevitable doom in the attic for as long as possible by carefully scouring each and every other room.
>but whatever lay within that attic refused to be ignored– a nightmare cacophony of ghastly shrieks and wails ringing out from above made that much painfully clear.
Reminder that at 2 PM CST/3 PM EST is the Ruby Gloom 18th Birthday stream!
I will be trying to stream as much of it as I can but I cannot promise every episode.
Are there any episodes you guys wanna see the most? I will be doing all the Misery episodes and some other standouts, but I wanna hear from you guys in case I miss a couple.
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As much as I love Ruby Gloom I always seem to get a nostalgic sadness whenever the thought of watching an episode comes to mind. Bygone days.
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Starting early with something else (Really Wild Animals) because I can! Come in and join us to celebrate!
cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)MolluskLite
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Susie a cute, should've been Lydia's daughter instead of neo-Wednesday. I don't wanna air grievances and spoil it now, but I hope Saturday's stream opens up some discussion
10 minutes or so til Gloom time!!!
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I love Ruby
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>Oh, Mr. BEAR!!!
Requesting Elvira wearing a Ruby Gloom shirt but her massive milkers stretch it out like pic rel
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forgot to attach..
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>Vhat am I doing? Vhy, I'm making sure my boner is vell hung.
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This stream is going smooth
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I would like to do this but still have 2 incomplete requests in my backlog
What a great art style fit.
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A glimpse into an alternate universe where the show was given more budget than a single ham sandwich
I prefer nothing scary ever happens to me
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the same happens to me with most early childhood waifu cartoons. I can only assume its the result of realizing how much time has passed since then. Pic related
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Really great! Thank you for drawing it.
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Storytime, this time featuring the objectively best Archie girl
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The end. Expect more Sabrina soon
Does anyone have that comic of a guy dating an evil witch and she bends over to show a skull.
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How did she become a seasonal FOTM when it's only possible to watch one episode of her show?
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Stream was a fun watch from what I saw. Never seen Ruby Gloom before, so it was interesting to see.
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Thank you for streaming my waifu Ruby all day! Here's a little gift as thanks, idk who drew >>145975385 but not gonna complain about double booba
Whedonistic seems a bit harsh, the humor never feels like it pops up an inopportune times like Whedon constantly does.
Oh hell yeah, oh fuck yeah
Absolutely amazing as well, thank you so much. I love the eyes stretched out!
Thank you again!!!!
Would you mind lowering the resolution to your drawings? By about 50% or so. They're pretty massive.
You're massive. Fatty.
looks fine on my desktop, how does it look on your iphone 10?
Kidnap the Sandy Claws, fuck him in the butt
Prod him in the prostate and see if he will nut
Children should not be speaking of such things. They might get their mouths washed out with soap. Talk about a trick!
Because Mr. Oogie Boogie is the gayest guy around!
If I were on his booty call
I'd get out of toooooooown!
Six episodes, all on youtube.
As for how... vampire.
Hey everyone! I'm a little behind tonight but nothing can stop the signal. Tonight's movies are on the way! Loading music is running now.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Film itinerary

> Loading Music for 10 or so minutes

> Event Horizon, 1997
A ship called the Event Horizon vanished on it's maiden voyage using an experimental propulsion system. It reappears seven years later, sending out a distress signal. A crew including the designer of the propulsion system is sent to retrieve the Event Horizon. The rescue crew finds out too late that the new propulsion system has had some unforeseen side-effects.

> Intermission: spacey music and... Pokémon?!?

> From Beyond, 1986

A small team of scientists is working on a machine that can access other dimensions. The machine works, but the more often it is used, the more both worlds bleed into each other.
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My comic got 2 views, I’m moving on up!
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can we still request stuff for the halloween mega? if so, some scans of pic related would be nice
if calamity jane could be found surely her series can be too...right?
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Need more purple butt cheeks
...surprisingly rude response. I really hope neither of you are the artist.

Their images are at around 2500px, when a more typical range is around 1000-1500px.
Need to draw something else
Phanty completely shitfaced off boo-ze
Yotsuba meets the Ruby Gloom gang
Have cartoon beetlejuice pranking the ruby gloom gang with his hijinks with Lydia and ruby talk about things while oblivious to their surroundings.
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T.W. Turtle doing the model scene.
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You made it to Friday kiddies! Here have a spoooooooky greentext from yesteryear

>Anon sleeping soundly in his bed.
>Beside the bed is a coffin, decorated with engravings of roses and lined gold.
>It slowly creaks open, eyes peering out from the crack and watches Anon until certain he is asleep.
>Sibella Dracula, daughter of the prince of darkness, vampire lord, Anon's ambiguous lover, alchoholic.
>ANGRY alchoholic.
>On an average day Sibella could empty 4 bottles of pinot noir.
>The last few weeks had not been average.
>Anon bless his soul had been trying to 'help' Sibella curb her drinking.
>Despite Sibella making arguments about being undead, the health benefits of wine and being centuries old enough to make her own decisons Anon took away the wine.
>First he asked nicely, that was cute she thought.
>Then he started placing garlic around her stash.
>This was irratating but nothing a broom and nose plugs couldn't fix.
>Next was especially irritating; he got a priest to sanctify the wine.
>That lost him his coffin visiting priveledges and the wine had to go.
>It had been days but with a little help from one of her ghoul friends Sibella had a bottle ready to go.
>She had stashed it away in the attic and been biding her time until her live in dork had gone to sleep.
>Now was the time.
>It was right where she left it, her precious bottle of Transylvania '39.
>Holding back laughs of glee Sibella floated to the kitchen to get the cork screw. Her key to ruby red revelry.
>Sibella opened the drawer.
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>And immediatly recoiled, hissing at the sight of the corkscrew placed over a wooden spoon to make a cross.
>"I'm dissapointed Sibella."
>Sibella turned to see Anon in his count chocula jammies leaning in the doorway.
>"I know I've been harsh about this SIb but I can't believe you would go behind my back like this."
>Sibella stood silently her hair covering her face.
>"If you'd just cut back I wouldnt feel like cold turkey was necesarry. I hate seeing you like this."
>Sibella took a deep breath.
>"Oh Anon," She says stepping closer to him "My sweet sweet Anon."
>Sibella embraces Anon, he returns the embrace.
>"My sweet AB- with fruity tones Anon."
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>Sibella takes another deep drink from her goblet, red liquid on her lips.
>"Ahhh, that was just what I needed. I'm sorry if I went off on you too hard Nonny~"
>Sibella leans back and lays in Anon's bed wrapping an arm around him. Her face flushed red.
>"If it makes you happy I promise to cut back on the vino on weekdays ok? I think its more than a fair compromise."
>Oh but since its Saturday,"
>Sibella reaches over to the night stand and grabs the still unopened bottle of wine.
>"What say we split this~?"
Draw madame pandora from petite vampir
And suddenly I'm reminded of that one Vault of Horror/TftC story that ends with the guy's neck literally getting tapped like a beer keg.
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if she can't physically grow up, I bet Tanis is the heaviest drinker.
Good afternoon, spooks! I'm not dead, just been extremely busy this week outside of when anons posted Murder Drones spooks, of course but I am hard at work, finishing up this week's streams. In 6 hours, tonight's stream will focus on the anniversary of Ghostbusters!
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by all means
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I drew these three tanis pics after a good friend suggested the idea of tanis hosting her own podcast.
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>just 6 episodes
we should have really added her to the viewer recommendation stream
What kind of supplements does she sell?
You still can! Though I think she's barely in the episodes that have been found, if memory serves me right.
I'm ready to bust ;)
>she's barely in the episodes
No clue but Im open to ideas. I was tempted to draw her recreating the Elon Musk doobie meme but I wasnt sure if it would land with you guys or not.
isn't one black history month enough?
Sounds funny to me, if you can work with her unusual facial features
Got wolf man Raph in the mail today and had to do it.
The color versions or their B&W variants? The sculpts on those guys is amazing even if Im not a big fan of neca.
Her show was terrible and her character sucked. Her design was the only good thing she had.
Do it
It's always a good thing to mock the Musk
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Colored. All I was missing was Raph and thought I didn't need the variants. It's the opposite for the Universal line since I started with Black and White Franky. Since they didn't do a mad scientist I made one of the Perry's into one.
based! I still wish they had reserved igor for a different turtles character but I get why they went with leo. Creature Leo is my favorite of the line thus far.
By complete chance, today's art prompt is "Ghost Hunter" so that works out just fine for me
ONE HOUR til the Ghostbusters stream!
>What's your favorite spooky theme park ride, or if you haven't ridden one, which one would you like to try?

As a little kid, my family took me on the Extraterrorestrial Alien Encounter ride at Disney World. I was way too young for that ride and it scared the jibblies out of me. I remember even trying to get out of my seat and run but my mom held me to my seat with her arm. Fucking ride traumatized me and made me afraid to go on other rides.

As a mature adult, I wouldn’t mind redoing that ride again. Sadly it was closed.
Did this a long ass time ago.
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If there’s something strange in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?

The GHOSTBUSTERS, obviously, who have been entertaining the living and fighting against the dead for 40 years. Tonight’s Spooky Stream pays tribute to this beloved series, with the two original classics, plus a sampling from each of the Ghostbusters cartoons!
Plus, there’s more! To begin tonight’s special stream, we showcase an episode of the OTHER Ghostbusters, the ones who actually came first, and then came back and tried to steal the limelight from the movie Ghostbusters with their own cartoon. Then, a collection of horrifically entertaining Looney Tunes shorts are collected in DAFFY DUCK’S QUACKBUSTERS.

Stream link: cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer
There's no real reason for Ghostbusters 2 to exist and I can think of nothing it did to justify itself past the goo coming out of the bathtub drain actually spooking tiny me a bit but you could have done so many orders of magnitude worse with literally any other sequel. Looks like a lovely tribute show, old sport.
Yeah, I never bothered to watch Afterlife or Frozen Empire. I have exactly one good memory of FemBusters, and it's getting a can of Ecto Cooler at the theater.
Based. Pissed they stopped bringing it back around for the others. It's the one good thing!
The best part was that the Ecto Cooler made me have to piss and I left the theater twice, so I got to watch less of FemBusters.
Moments before she sits on Winnie’s face and forces her to proclaim the superiority of vampires over wolves.
Are there even recent Halloween specials on TV nowadays? The closest I've seen is a Halloween themed episode of an ontherwise not spooky show.

Oh shit it is Friday isn't it?
The secret to maximizing enjoyment in that situation.

Is anyone else's "Verification not required text suddenly tiny?
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there were new family guy, spongebob, and mickey mouse halloween specials this year but they were all streaming exclusives. Im surprised they didnt have that hotel translyvania show ready for this halloween.
the pachyderm genuinely seems interesting
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do you prefer your vampires room temp or cold to the touch?
The scenario here is 11/10.
cold to the touch seems more fun dont you think?
I prefer them ashes.
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Well done
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>he runs his business honestly
My stream is dying and it keeps happening
same here, been jumping around multiple browsers and the video is still fucked
Cold. I live in a hot region, so I wanna cuddle a vampire or ghost.
Bump, 20 minutes until Ghostbusters 1!
My gf has the coldest hands and 'fun' isn't how I'd describe it past New Year's. >>145993917 has a good argument, though.
Any of you guys ever had a paranormal experience? I've got nothin' and it bums me out.
Whatever the fuck they want man. I am not in control here, the real question is what type of human they prefer
Some of this candy is too sweet to binge on. I guess I really am getting old. Or candy corn really is just too much.
What is it about Cushing's Van Helsing that made him so untouchable?
Stream's been working consistently fine for me for probably the first time, sorry guys. I absorbed your powers
I see your Cushing Van Helsing and raise you
TIM CURRY VAN HELSING in the audiobook
Stupid ghost, I wanted to watch the awkward Daffy Duck anthology to completion!
And I jinxed it. I fucking knew I shouldn't have posted this
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pay for your sins boy, now no one gets to watch Ghostbusters
Technical difficulties, so we're doing the shittier movie first, Ghostbusters 2 is streaming now.
The whole Cleric class in D&D was based on his Van Helsing, and specifically thrown in to counter a vampire PC powergamer friend of Gygax's.
Nevermind, Ghostbusters 1 is fixed.
its like eating your veggies before the main course. get it out of the way
Sorry nigga, dessert first
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you're not in control of her base body temp, but neither is she. I'm not asking how you set the AC, I'm asking if you prefer a vamp that's always as cold as the grave, or one whose body temp is roughly the same as the ambient temperature like a corpse
He has such a determined wise spirit to him.
The former has more of that supernatural air about it and is less "literally how real life dead bodies work"
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Would you become a Ghostbuster if you could?
I'd take it over a wageslave job any day
I bumped up my sync threshhold a bit and that seems to have helped
It'd be like any other pest control job but more frustrating.
Now remember, never, under any circumstances, cross the streams.
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but I get to see ghosts, and then fight those ghosts
Bumping, Ghostbusters 2 FOR REAL THIS TIME in 20 minutes.
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ooga booga!
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>im going to miss the beetlejuice stream because I have work on sunday morning
fuck my life
I feel you brother. I gotta do homework on halloween
Egon is so handsome
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he needs a kitty
Room temp
I would totally would unless I get simplified versions of ghost information and texts
Posting a bit late, but I am streaming as well tonight if anyone wants to pop by! Films start at around 1 AM EST. Right now is loading music. Last night's poll winner was themed anthologies, so tonight's collection each has it's own overarching theme.

> Tonight's itinerary

> Music loading time.

> Killroy was here, 2022
I am going into this one blind, so I can't assure quality. All I know it it's a Kevin Smith (Tusk, Mall Rats, Dogma, ect) film featuring a strange monster based on the old Killroy was Here meme from the 40's.

> Intermission music

> Tales of Halloween 2015
An anthology that all takes place in and around Halloween. Sometimes scary, sometimes cheesy, but overall great for shooting the breeze. Happy weekend, all!
I feel like I would get PTSD from all the ghosts and demons.
Final bump, Ghostbusters cartoons in 20 minutes.
This guy was such a non element in the movie, he and his henchman sucked ass
He was a huge element throughout. It's just he doesn't say much & jobs pretty easily considering he's beaten by goo vibes.
Yep. It's interesting Vigo has way more screentime than Gozer, but Gozer has more presence.
requesting the randy cunningham 9th grade ninja halloween episodes dawn of driscroll, night of the living mcfizzies, let the wonk one in, and the curse of mudfart
Gozer was very cool, Vigo felt like background noise and despite having a concept that sounded neat on paper had nothing interesting going for him when executed. I'd prefer if they had a huge ghost infestation the crew had to whittle down instead if the big bad guy was going to be so dull

There's a lot of weird things like that in Ghostbusters 2 where it feels like the uninteresting, non-consequential stuff like scenes between Peter and Dana drag on in between all the funny/good bits like the courtroom scene and the ooze in the sewers- kind of a sloppy script overall
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All better!
Excuse me while I wag
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>chat is getting redpilled on Extreme Ghostbusters
More hardcore than I expected
It was a damn good episode. The Cenobite leader guy's voice was so fucking cool, and the episode was way more gruesome than I was expecting.
Now if only there were a way to watch it.
now he's a happy fella and doesn't need to conquer NYC
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I dressed the Elsa model like Noi
you can get it on the pirate sites at least
Thanks to everyone who joined tonight. Got held up by last minute stuff before bed. See you guys tomorrow for a double dose of the Juice.
Thanks for hosting.
And the movies are done for tonight. The room will remain open playing the same films and music for the rest of the day. cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

Tomorrow's theme as chosen by you: Horror Comedy! See you all tomorrow around 12:45 AM EST for the premier. Pleasant dreams.
>fell asleep during Ghostbusters
Damn it. I really should consider taking a nap before the stream starts.
Happens to the best of us, bro.
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Very nice!
Please draw sweaty mavis in the sauna with a towel only wrapped around her waist so her tits are exposed but use steam to cleverly conceal her nipples so its blue board safe
Bellatrix green 6/???
is anyone reading these or am I just taking up space
>what kind of monster must your grandfather have been in life that he should sound so utterly inhuman in death?
>as though some indescribable horror had crawled up from the blackest abyss only to catch fire in the daylight, loosing a legion of damned souls upon the world with each shriek of agony as it burned
>and of course, you were the only one who could hear it, as you could plainly see by the handful of remaining movers’ continued indifferent shuffling of boxes about the manor.
>as the nightmarish noise trailed off into silence with a gurgling death rattle, you tried to still your trembling. clenching your fist tightly around the necklace in your pocket offered little comfort.
>you had to go up there. you had no choice.
>if you were to face your spectral doom in this house, it was best to get it over with now
>wasn't it?
>better that than to spend days subjected to your usual torments compounded upon by growing paranoia and fear– until at last whatever unspeakable evil your grandfather had evidently become descended upon you.
>at least that's what you tell yourself. that's the most palatable explanation to why you find yourself moving as though compelled to the foot of the great staircase.
>maybe it was some kind of horrible curiosity.
>maybe it was something worse.
>whatever it was, it guides you step by creaking step
>upward past the second floor without a glance
>up into the shadowy stairway to the attic
>a dark wooden door the only thing between you and whatever horror lay within.
>that same eerie green light still flickers out through the edges of the doorframe, and faintly you hear a voice quietly muttering and grumbling.
>you can't be certain, but it hardly sounds like the voice of an old man.
>the thought is interrupted by a ghastly wail accompanied by the chittering of an immense, unseen swarm of insects.
>steeling yourself (and ignoring the strange thrill you feel) you take the necklace in your hand, despite all but knowing it will prove useless
>and slowly open the door.
I'm reading them

>horror d’oeurves
Damn that’s a good one
that looks pretty good, anon
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And Venkman has the nerve to call himself the victim!
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sex with vampire girls
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For me is sex with werewolf girls
sorry to hear that, anon
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Get physical!
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Don't know who's keeping this but it's still missing:

ghostbusters special: The halloween door, series eps s1e8, s3e7
randy cunningham s1e10/11, s2e15/16
teen titans go s2e19, s3e13, s4e2, s4e40, s5e8, s6e3, s6e29, s7e25
supermansion, drag me to halloween
smurfs s3e23?, s4e24
Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow (movie)
smurfs(2021) s1e12, s2e67
wild grinders s1e19a/19b
arthur and the haunted treehouse, arthur s11e7a?
berenstain bears (02) s1e5b
the cat in the hat knows a lot about halloween
michael jackson's halloween
kick buttowski s2e24/25
bat pat s1e2, s2e7/8
dorothy and the wizard of oz s1e17a/b
talking tom and friends s1e12, s5e13
rugrats(2021) s1e13
middlemost post s1e14a, s2e12
growing up creepie s1e17a/b
oliver's adventures s1e10a/b/c, s2e9a/b/c
haunted halloween -the jetsons s2e26
martin mystery s1e16
the strange chores e8
tutenstein s2e7
toonmarty s1e11a
team galaxy e47
atomic betty s1e9a, s3e7b

Pretty sure all those meet the criteria.
>captch\ae: 04rhn a good type.
awesome stuff
1 Hour until the next Spooky Stream! Featuring our favorite ghost with the most and the lovely Lyds, both the original and the sequel.
You don't wanna miss it.
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cy(delete this part)tu(DOT)be(slash)r(slash)SkeletalStreamer

Haunting ghosts and specters populate tonight's stream, with one standout terrifying us in our Main Show. But first, the associates of the Black Hat Organization must terrify a seemingly fearless superhero to save a haunted mansion. Then, straight from the pages of Mad Magazine is a collection of bizarre Halloween sketches and shorts.

Our first movie tonight, a Spooktober classic, concerns the story of helpless ghosts haunted by the living. Pushed to desperate measures, they summon the sickeningly hilarious Bio-Exorcist, BEETLEJUICE, in order to scare their new mortal tenants away. But that's not all, because afterwards, straight from the theaters, is an all new story about the Ghost with the Most, who is called to the mortal world once again when new ghosts threaten the Deetz family, and the afterlife at large in BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE!

For our late show, we

20 minutes until Beetlejuice 1 begins!
>a beverage of sorts?
Are you stupid? He has a looming and frankly frightening presence throughout the whole movie.
The Jimmy Neutron Halloween episode
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Did some minor touch ups you probably can't notice from the current pose. Any idea on what I should try with the Elsa model?
This film reminded me of a suggestion...
The BBC show Ghosts. It is phenomenal.
The musical is my favorite in general they did such a good job, the 2019 one if I need to be specific.
Favorite cuts are "Say My Name" "Home" and "That Beautiful Sound" in case anyone wanted to give a song a listen if they never knew about it.
That vampire milf's dress from RE8?
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It's supposed to be an outfit that a character wore in Dorohedoro
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not "The Whole Being Dead Thing"? it's the obvious pick for a reason.
I like them all and that song is very amusing but those three are my favorite.
Bumping, 20 minutes until Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the new sequel.
excited to see what anons itt think of it
ThatGhoul here taking green requests.

Are we only supposed to do 2-3 recommendations in general or per category
(for example can I recommend 2 TV episodes and 2 movies)?
There's no real way to track who has suggested what, since anons are...well, anonymous. Note that the final stream will only have room for 2 or 3 movies at most, and the typical preshow and late show.
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Tiny creature
In my experience, 4chan hates it and everyone from anywhere else really liked it. Curious if that holds.
Isn't that what happens with literally all new media?
this is my first watch... pretty good so far

also I need an idea for what to draw tonight, something beetlejuice related
Beetlejuice vs the Boo Brothers
I guess so, but most of those other opinions I've read are from Halloween afficionados I generally trust (though a number of them care a little too much about fast food tie-ins or chip bags/cereal boxes/soda cans) rather than just assorted reviews from other websites this time.
Milf Lydia dressed up as Elvira
Anons loved TF One despite it's problems.
Milf Lydia's wig is so bad it has to be on purpose but they never contextualize it. Really kills what should have been a guaranteed 12/10 look.
If you're fine with something lewd, then Lydia in her cartoon spider web poncho only her spider web poncho, wirh a little gust of wind blowing up the back
Is the cartoon Beetlejuice worth watching?
You can watch it on tubi for free.
The backgrounds look great. Though it has ALOT of puns (depending on your love for puns, you will either hate it or love it).
Tubi is a pretty good platform.
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Which Bob would you want as an employee/henchman?
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what >>146012871 said, or maybe with Sibella and a classic drac cape instead. for inspiration: https://youtu.be/g29CoRUlync
Did Tim Burton really go to the press and claim Beetlejuice 2 would use no CGI?

If so, I'm honestly rather offended he expected the public to believe that
Beetlejuice Bob. He’s a good boy.
American stop motion these days is indistinguishable from CG. Just look at Laika's later movies.
Right, no question.
Loyal to the very end.
It’s stop-motion. But using digital cameras with high FPS makes it look like CGI.
I've watched a couple episodes in the streams this month, and it's alright. Beetlejuice and Lydia are fun characters. The episodes feel like they go on too long though, like it's stretching the story because they have to write a 20 minute episode but there's not enough plot for the runtime. The show is kinda random too, as if the writers just put in whatever popped in their heads at that moment, so the story feels like it's taking a detour.

It also annyos me how everybody pronounces the netherworld as "nee-therworld."
WELL that was Beetlejuice Beetlejuice...
It was Force Awakens all over again. Top tier backgrounds, stellar extras, baffling script and everyones older... a solid 5/10
Man, I'm going to miss Laika when the Nike money runs out.
>It also annyos me how everybody pronounces the netherworld as "nee-therworld."
isn't it a pun? "NEITHERworld"
Final bump, 20 minutes until our late show, featuring the Scooby Doo and Addams Family crossover, and a bonus movie for REAL EERIE PICTURES, Viy.
At least the scenes with the main man himself were fun. Wish they actually focuses on a single villain though
And I don't lie, the soul eating scene made hard
they already laid their golden egg... you know what I'm talking about
Paranorman fuck you its better than Coraline and you know it
I don't regret watching it but yeah, its one of those 20 year late sequels thats like
>why did you make this?
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Would you trap her in a trick afterlife marriage forever, /co/?
Hell no it isn't
Having recently watched both, I can safely say
No it isn't, not even close. Still good, but Coraline is honestly on a different level
The sister is still as hot as ever though
the baffling script is on account of it being Frankensteined together out of various existing scripts for potential sequels they already had lying around. the netherworld scenes were great visually if nothing else, most of the BJ scenes were fun– but I had problems with it from the very start of the movie. Delia is the only character that really felt consistent with the original movie
you just want to fuck the other mother, doesn't make it a better script and you know it
It's mah boy Danny DeVito!
They say it like "nee-ther" though, not "neither."
we should have gotten Beetlejuice in Hawaii then (20 years ago)
a movie is much more than just a script. if you are only interested in writing, read a book!
Fellas, fellas, calm down! They're BOTH so good!
>a movie is much more than just a script.
>I also want to fuck the other mother and perhaps see incest between her and Coraline!
doesn't make it a better movie
it does for me, baby
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I want to fuck the REGULAR mother thank you
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Excuse me? You don't need to jump to assumptions and project onto me, I saw the movie just a few days ago and thought it was a masterpiece through and through.
I haven't watched Paranorman for a long time however, but I doubt I'd change my tune if I did watch it again
I think some Brits say N(eye)-thur
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Hey Skeletal Space Ghost

Didn't you know Kubo is better than Coraline AND Paranorman
*OTHER coraline
I don't say it like that. I say it like >>146013759
Not even British, I'm American.
I'm partial to Missing Link, myself
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okay. it's still a play on words.
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Show the pin up
Happy Saturday from /x/! Tonight's theme will be horror-comedies. I found two from the 80's you may not have heard about. Loading Music will start around 12:45 AM EST.

cy(remove this)tu(dot)be(slash)r(slash)X-Halloween

> Tonight's itinerary

> Loading music

> Bad Taste, 1987
Peter Jackson (yes, the Lord of the Rings) made this film with a few friends, a camcorder, and some time off on the weekends. A splatter comedy about a few inept fellows trying to stop aliens from turning humans into fast food.

> Intermission music

> TerrorVision, 1986
A big budget ball of nonsense involving an alien accidentally beamed to earth through a TV set. Over-the-top cartoonish characters, bright sets, and a silly script melt together to make this either a fun popcorn flick or total trash cinema; depending on who you ask.
Oh my.
[desire to bury face intensifies]
Well alright then.
Oh man, I watched these both with friends within the past year and they were fucking wild. Great line up.
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forgot tail
Thanks muchly. I always try to pick decent films.
beetlejuice doing the jealous gf meme with astrid being checked out instead of lydia
tail is needed for proper grip
>Miss Scenterfold
I'm not sure you'll get the full experience until 4chan implements smell-o-vision
No advice on what I should do with the 3D Elsa?
Maybe work on shading and rigging? There's a good start, but also a lot of room for improvement.
What kind of shading should I go for?
Well that was certainly a soviet movie of all time
good stream Mr Skeletal
Thanks for coming, everybody. I'm fucking beat, I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow night for Vampire Hunter D.
That's up to you. But, as this is CO, you could try cell shading. That's hard mode, though, and might be easier to do with lighting than hard shading on the model
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Better? Or keep going?
Better, but keep going. Also watch the bust weight vs support. Things look a little floaty.
Bust weight vs support? That's just the boobs at the rest pose because I didn't want to shapekey them being supported yet.
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Psst, hey kid. Want some smut?

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Delores should've been the sole villain, hell her introduction scene was probably the coolest part of the movie. The evil boyfriend(s) were lame, and I didn't like Lydia's daughter either because she was a total drag. Just too much baggage that could've been easily cut out for a more focused script
Does anyone have any good ref picks of wednesday's noose hair from the illumination Addams family movie?
Any suggestions on what I should put her in next? Probably going to need to make new clothes entirely again since I'm going to be going through the weight painting on her joints.
Ooh, can you draw sibella and seras victoria swapping outfits?
Good Mourning
Good job.
Good morning, spooks. Seems like we're nearing the end of this thread. Guess that means the next thread is gonna host our final stream of the weekend tonight at 7 EST!
Very nice
Silly little guy
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I'll see you creeps in the next thread

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