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fionna.... next year....
fionna bush
Too fat
not fat enough
What the actual fuck got posted in the steven universe thread
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>Fionna cleavage
Adventure Time, I don't ask for much, but if there was ever a time to answer my prayers, S2 would be the PERFECT opportunity...
cute kissable tummy
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So which is it, friends?
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Seconding this, what happened?
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>bunny theme with that hair tie
What fetish will Fionna indulge in next season?
Just fat enough.
Public nudism and bodypaiting
Link or you're a bitch
Connie being milked
Apparently in season 2 Huntress Wizard will cross worlds
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>ywn lay down with Fionna and kiss her muffintop
I said link bitch
>F&C is just multiverse shenanigans
Eh, I dig it.
>>145936735 #
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Multiverse shenanigans for A plot and slice of life for B plot was actually a great combo for S1.
Thats it? Lame
Remember, cake can stretch too.
She can make herself look anthro.
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Oh no Fionna, watch out!
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Would you pay her rent /co/
No, not my problem
Only if she lets me paizuri her
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>Didn't go overboard on swearing and adult humor and mostly kept in line with Adventure Time's usual style of things
>Gave us the bittersweet kino that was exploring Simon and Betty
>Disproved the raving Fincel retards and showed us that Finn is in fact living his life well and enjoying it with other people even if he misses Jake
>AND canon ends up with HW
>To top it off we got some Shermy and beth out of it.
Fuck yeah im ready. I'm so excited, I just hope we get some Simone/Ice Queen this season.
chubby pale handle
Didn't this dude fall outside the universe in the last episode? I wonder if he made it.
Nah girl, you may be cute and thick, but seriously take a shower at least every three days.
sounds cozy
Correct answer
Fionna would be a fantastic snuggler
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There’s a lot there to love
I don't know why this series in particular makes me miss fmovies so much. Something about it meshed so well with that era of cozy carefree and lazy piracy.
Would she be big spoon or little spoon?
She prefers little but likes to trade places every once in a while
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Fi’s a power bottom
More Yakza art pls
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Is Adventure Time the only cartoon to have depicted phone phreaking?
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Given how Fernona exists. What do you think her deal is?? What kind of relation does she have to Fionna?
She wants to fuck Fionna
I wonder if the team will do something with her, she could be a relative of Fionna (perhaps not the case since she and Fionna didn't interact at all when they were in the bus) or simply just a random citizen who also has rabbit teeth.
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I really hope we get something with her. I need to hear her voice. I desperately want this girl who would not only be another Fionna but an even bigger failgirl version of her.
>another Fionna but an even bigger failgirl version of her.
Maybe in this world she's better than Fionna in that regard. But I agree to seeing more of her.
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The only possible explanation
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She's doing well enough compared to Fionna to hook up with her Ex and seemingly be a better fit for him.
I have so many questions
Oof, hopefully Fionna got over him already
Disgusting fat amerifats
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saying fat twice is redundant, ESLanon
Fionna is fat in the right places.
I dropped AT before the fern shit and i find him to be the dumbest character ever
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In a story with magic, jet-powered two-headed elephants, the plant demon with a copy of Finn’s brain in it is your line in the sand?
He's literally just Finn
this is such an obvious and funny pairing. I wonder if it was something they would have done in the show proper if they were given their real season 11 and this was their way of making up for it
Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be an actual horse? They could even justify it by making it a police horse or some shit.
Probably not. Fern was destined to die after being saved.
I dropped it around the finn humiliation arc and fern focus seemed kinda pointless and stupid
Yeah why make another finn in the first place?
He's Finn, but without the growth experiences Finn had during seasons 6/7, plus demonic influence exacerbating his insecurities/violent tendencies. Symbolically he represents what Finn had to 'defeat' on his journey to adulthood.

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