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Can we have a Leni thread
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Finna tit fuck the dumb blonde broad
I fucking love dumb blondes
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When CAN’T we?
Fair point
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I wasn't aware minus8 did LH stuff, now I've got some digging to do
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Can we discuss other bimbos as well?
OP here, sure
How would a discussion between her and Leni go down?
Is she actually retarded or just a ditz?
Silly, yapping silliness
They’d instantly get along but their shared stupidity would sap the intelligence of anyone around them
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> bla bla bla SHOPPING bla bla bla CLOTHS bla bla bla CUTE BOYS bla bla bla HAIR bla bla bla BOY BANDS bla bla bla
Best girl
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>expert party planner
>expert saleswoman and fashion advisor
>able to design and sew just about any article of clothing
>effortlessly picks locks with a hairpin
>carves wood like a master
Most likely, she's a savant.
Leni can twerk like a pro
That sounds funnier the more I think about it
The idea of Leni becoming one of the most successful of her siblings while still being a complete airhead sounds hilarious so I’m just going to accept it as canon
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Lol this reminds remember in the mom episode where she goes undercover and Leni has a crush that straight up looked like Garabato?

To which Gara respond by making a comoc of his canon insedt fucking Leni and the mom.
>was regifted 3 times before she made it to anon
Jesus Christ how brutal
they baited him and they won.

baed loud creators.
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I want to impregnate her
She’s silly
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Western moe~
God, she is perfect! I'm sure she would also love to have a dozen children and hates spics, right?
She is not Lucy
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This better?
I’m pretty sure the implication is that she fucked up the name multiple times before finally getting anon
What's the chances that her being an air head is just an act?
Episode name?
On one hand she is shown to act ESPECIALLY retard just to avoid having to do things, on the other hand she does seem to genuinely be ditzy and bubbly so it’s more along the lines of “if everyone already thinks your stupid might as well get something out of it”
This is the dream.
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Sweet a bimbo thread
>Canonically got beaned
Uh... yeah anon, she's redpilled on 1488 too, I hear
Why did she go super syain?
Undercover Mom
Season 5 Episode 10b
How kinky is Leni?
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>mfw Gara and the fat boy are still the best looking love interests for Leni than the current one (I did like the Scottish lad, though)
She's probably almost entirely innocent in regards to sexual matters, and so can be led to do practically anything
I'd try to get her into bondage.
She sees your sick
Best update so far. This game is gonna be so cool once its finished, 2070 cant come soon enough.
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Bumping for the night
If she saw I was sick I imagine she would want to take care of me, not laugh at me. That's not really in character for her.
Why is Lincoln getting some feels?
You should see his other stuff
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Is a VG reference?
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I wish TLH got the same porn stream that it used to have
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Is this peak Leni comedy?
>tfw no tard wife
I understand you're just trying to upset him but
>canon headcanon
>by an arabic character
>who she interacted with literally once
I don't understand why /co/ can't comprehend a relationship not progressing. I bet the town murdered that guy voiced by Savino, too.
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Would you actually marry a bimbo?
>why I can't see with one eye?
Well, why can't she?
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No that would be very stressful in the day-to-day
She needs to be heavier.
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>Last panel: Ronnie standing there soaking wet
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Yes, I'd love nothing more.
>it would be hard!
My mama didn't raise no pussy.
garbage drawing
God, I love the way Koreans draw Leni. For some reason they're so different but feel so right.
Theory, Leni is secretly a super genius, but she got dropped on her head as a kid so it only comes out in specific contexts. That's why she becomes a genius in that one episode after getting a head injury, it knocked what had been displaced back where it was supposed to be.
Well if I'm remember correct Leni being retarded is why Lisa is a genius. They got a bunch of learning audio that Rita put on when she was pregnant with Lisa.
Why not do that for all of them, then? Leni is only their second one. Boy, I sure home someone got fired for that blunder.
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Keeping the thread alive with more bimbo content
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>can have Leni indulge almost any fetish I have
It seems so wrong, but so right.
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Last one
>Angry about getting attention
>Other woman steals her attention
>Angry she's not getting attention now
CLASSIC woman move
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leni sexo
i want to breed her nonstop
She's built for it, inside and out.
If I could financially support us and keep up with her spending habits sure.
Stop posting this
Continue to post this in future threads
Luna will grow up to be a fucking melon lord compared to what Luna will get Leni's are nothing but raisins

i see what you did here.
Your waifu doesn't have to be the best at everything you know. Do you think she'll get a bigger ass than Lori too? 16 is awful late to start breast growth.
She'll be a pair of walking ass and tits ones she is finished
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I prefer Lori
She looks confused
Very cute Lori, perhaps the cutest one I've seen. I like her normal design too, though.
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Thoughts on this special edition tiny Leni?
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cute, but I have a soft spot for the funny edition of Leni
>She's Leni, you're Leni, she's Leni? Are there any other Lenis I should know about?!
Can we use this thread to discuss tonight's TRLH episode ?
I think the episode discussion wouldn't comprise much of the thread if you did that. Plus that might make it look like kind of a general thread.
Would protect and raise as my own
How so?
My idea was more or less to derail this character specific thread into a TLH/TRLH general
I guess you might as well if it doesn't pick up, then.
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Human Frankie is the quintessential millennial women. Imaginary Frankie all the way
The better relationship a sister has with Lincoln, the better liked they are in fandom.
You're wrong.
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Based and meme pilled
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It's an easy choice.
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>No was a real heifer back then
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What did he mean by this?
Alright, I made a thread:
>> 145958300
I wonder why that is, hmmmmm.
What is going on?
Not him but I think it's based off a fanfic.
Is it ‘Regret’/‘Regrets’?
The Prodgical Linc, probably one of the edgiest LH fics ever written
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>I'm like a walking cheeseburger apocalypse!
Her being hot and bubbly doesn't really have any applications outside of sex.
I disagree, she has lots of other great things about her, like >>145941176 details. Plus she's obviously very maternal, she's been caring for the family when the parents aren't home for a couple of seasons, I think she would make a great wife.
Well if we're talking about Leni in particular then yeah that's a but different since every Loud kid except Lincoln are PHD holders in whatever their interests are. well, Lincoln still counts if you could get a PHD in Ginger gay orgies.

But yeah IRL Leni would be kind of frustrating to deal with and I'd rather a few of her sisters before Len, in saying that I do like her a lot.
I guess, idk I guess things like that don't bother me so for me she only has upsides.
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I just feel like her shenanigans would get old, like in Schooled when she thought she was a toddler.

She is a cute drooling retard though.
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That's fair if that's not for you, I don't think I'd mind being the Marge to her Homer really. I don't tend to stay mad about something for more than a few hours already, I don't think I could stay mad at her, cause she almost always means well. If anything that stuff would just keep me from getting bored, I like the idea of protecting her and taking care of her. To each their own.
Yeah I've got three younger siblings and an older sibling who acts like a 15 year-old so I'm just not that guy to be with someone like Leni lol. She'd be an interesting wife though, you're right about that.
>white claw
That's such a small edit, but it makes more sense
How edgy we talkin here? Can I still read it out of a morbid sense of curiosity?
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Fuck im late
Dat bounce.
Man, they're really pretty.
I'd like to have a go at her feet
Pretty sure she's a b cup.
Ranking the Sister's breast size, and this is going by their full potential when they're adults

>1. Lisa
>2. Lori
>3. Lily
>4. Leni
>5. Lucy
>6. Lana
>7. Lola
>8. Luan
>9. Lynn
>10. Luna
How exactly did you came to this conclusion?
Probably Lisa modifying herself with science, no idea what his basis is for the rest though.
Wanna get my hands on those puppies so bad
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Me too anon, hahaha
> Lisa is a Stem chick and Stem chicks are freaky as hell so I feel like Lisa would become a Titty Monster
> Lori is a Stacy but it was a toss-em up between her and Leni having the bigiger tits but Lori gives off "Has huge tits and ass but has bigger tits than ass" and vice versa with Leni
3. Has future party-girl/stacy energy which would manifest in large tits
4. See Lori
5. Lucy feels like she would have a huge ass but she would probably pack some pounds w=since a lot of goths are kind of on the chubby side which puts her pretty high up the list
>Lana and Lola would be pretty simmilar. Lola is all about Ass though thats where most of the fat go and Lana would be similar but her boobs would be slightly larger with her diet growing up. Lot of hormones and testosterone, I don't know why but girls with high testosterone always have bigger tits.
> Luan would be pretty balanced on boobs and ass, not much to say
>but Lori gives off "Has huge tits and ass but has bigger tits than ass" and vice versa with Leni
Interesting, most people tend to get the opposite, so you think Leni would have a huge butt? Not that that's a bad thing.
Futa Leni sticking her big stupid dick in you. Filling you with bimbocum.
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That sounds extremely painful, I would very much rather she didn't.
but I would still love her, even if my ass wouldn't
Titcow Leni and Pawg Lori defs make sense but I dunno, there's just something there that makes me think otherwise. I think Leni's baby fat in her face tips her toward the ass category and Lori's Valley Girl vibe gives her the edge when it comes to titty.
>Three brothers
Poor Frankie is gonna get a train ran on her, at least she's imaginary so she can't really die, right?
She only needs 1 brain cell to clap your cheeks. Missionary do you can see her goofy expression when she bursts.
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That's totally incorrect, Leni is for Lucy's dick.
>3 brothers
One for each hole. Its perfect.
Your perspective intrigues me, anon. I may have to further consider this big butt Leni idea.
I think these two posts combiend made me lose a braincell or two, but at least I laughed.
Taking Leni to Dark Carnival repeatedly for the tunnel of love section while she just thinks I really like the campaign
I love bimbos so damn much
Does anyone have the Go Bike! gif
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also found this
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Crossover never
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Don’t we all
That’s the one
That bounce
Information on the absence of the /trash/ loud house threads for those who care:


Use base 64.
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literally who
A schizo spammer who was so horrible that everyone died. The end.
Now we have an option to discuss TLH without him being allowed in.
Who's the artist?
Super cute, imagine the cuddling.
This, but on my face.
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Nice some OC in these threads
What do you think goes through these kinds of characters' minds on a daily basis? What do the average ditz and bimbo have going on up there?
Soft, softness everywhere you move. A dick’s heaven
Being smothered to death by happy, giggling girls with gigantic knockers doesn't sound so bad.
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Reminder that the dragons lair comics contained canonical bimbofication
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wait there was a comic?!
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Yeah and it’s fairly good even past the writers thinly veiled bimbo fetish. I’d suggest giving it a read
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Why make a comic about a video game from the 80's?
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I love Leni!
There's not very much good Leni belly related fetish art, and that makes my penis very sad.
>Captcha: AAAAH
>seems your sick
>gets the ick

I want my rib back
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Why not
Truly a travesty
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Thread theme
why can't Leni threads just stay about Leni what the fuck is all this cringe bimbo fetish shit
girls really are cutest when they're almost retarded
I don't get it.
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Report and move on
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the fuck is that image?
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If you want more Leni then post her
Is this from the cat prospective?
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Is Leni aware of her looks?
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If she was one of those jolly, genuinely kind and polite types that only seem to exist in fiction, and we could support ourselves properly, sure.
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Leni did the right math but selected the wrong answer. Honestly, the test is more to blame by using a numbered list instead of lettered
She's my second favorite after Luna
How did Clyde not fall for this?
You remind of the episode Clyde and Lincoln try and redo pics from his childhood. Clyde is on a teetor totter. Leni not knowing the situation genuinely ask if she can play with him, and he tells her no. I was like dude why the fuck did you pass that up.
Clyde has a mommy femdom fetish. Leni’s too soft and bubbly for him
I was always out of touch so I never noticed these trends
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Probably considering how fashion conscious she is
Any stories about leni running off with lincoln and having tons of incest babies? No? Well I hope someone makes it one day.
They kind of get intermixed sometimes as some consider Leni to be a bimbo even if she's more on the Ditz side of things which isn't exactly the same
Leni > Peridot
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Low bar desu. Leni deserves better comparisons
Tru, but who can compare to my favorite cinnamon roll?

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