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Enjoy having your hearts annihilated caitvifags.
It would explain the lack of Caitlyn merch maybe she’s gonna die
I want her to walk away. Caitlyn still will look bad for jumping into bed immediately Maddie's gone, but at least Maddie will walk away on her own.
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Who's hungry?
No champions are dying.
My heart is perfectly fine thank u Anon. I will never stop being a Caitvifag
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>let's keep making up bullshit so we can doompost
pink and blue heart emojis… cruel woman
If Maddie walks away wouldn’t that make Caitlyn look even more bad? Caitlyn Has to be the one breaking things up with some shit like
>It’s not you It’s me I like you and I tried I really did but I’m in love with someone else
otherwise it will like Caitlyn doesn’t love Vi
Bro that would make sense but I hope it wont be followed up by a Caitvi sex scene because oof...
I don't WANT to hopepost. I like doomposting! I like being angry!
Didnt they ""break up"" in the memorial scene? If not what's the point of that scene?
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Average arcane fan
I fucking hate Arcane.
My guy Ive been wondering the same thing.
To me it was a silent breakup but I seem to be a minority thinking so.
What a confusing scene.
The fuck are u doing here then. Are u retarded?
caitlyn should dump maddie, be on her own for a while and then chase vi
No, if Caitlyn is the one that breaks up with Maddie it will be even worse because it will prove she only used her for sex. Maddie should see how Cait cares for Vi to understand she can never have it with her. And let her go. It still won't look too well on Cait, but it will look way better than playing a bitch like "hey Maddie, my gf is back, go fuck yourself".
that was cait choosing revenge over love again. so yes, they broke up.
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Quads of truth.
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Moments before disaster
they're just reinforcing how distant Maddie and Cailyn are as a couple. they're not holding hands, show no intimacy, Maddie is disappointed her advice isn't even being considered. if not a break up, only to underscore one in the future when Vi comes back into the picture.

I still think they'll still continue their professional relationship, until they kill Maddie or else but as lovers it's mostly one-way. giving CaitVi a foot in the door
Cait feels shame about picking the path of Ambessa again. She goes to the memorial to be reassured that she is doing the right thing. Maddie who is actually a good person, disagree and looks away. She stops being her yes woman. But is uncomfortable doing so. Episode 6 will show us if they are still a couple. I think so. Cait has no one else. She is kind of pathetic.
Honestly? I kinda do too. Seems like the only plausible way to help both Vi and Caitlyn grow. How?

Vi is scared of change and hates how she can't control it. She never been in love before and this would be her hard dose of learning how to be an adult and get over it and move on. A hard concept for alot of young adults. Especially for those who missed out on alot or have been coddled too much. This fandom could use some of that hard knock lesson. Vi can move on with her life and seek out her own way and for once have it be about her and finally getting a chance to experience life with out any hang ups. She will always have a job and we see she gets a better apartment in the dress makers quarters.

Caitlyn will learn to leave the bachlor life style and be serious about her work and Maddie is actually a pretty good match for her. Cait might be reluctant because of the whole revenge plot, but once that is all wrapped up, I can see them being a good match. Maybe it doesn't work out in the long run but Caitlyn certainly doesn't deserve Vi at all during this time. Also would kill that Caitlyn is a slut and make her more upstanding by her staying with Maddie rather then dumping her for Vi.

Both caitlyn and Vi have alot of growing up to do, and I have mentioned it many a thread ago that their season 1 romance was alot like high school sweet hearts. For them to become soul mates means they have to see each at their worst and still choose each other. Which can happen later down the line and Riot can play with it a bit.
20x starts with an action scene.
then the creddits.
then a music clip.
that, is the work of Linke, i guess.

too bad it's always -credits + music clip- two clips in a row, the first one killing the second one.
>cait gutchecks vi
Ahhhhhh how could she show ruined
>jayce smashes someone to death
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It really is quite the contrast with CaitVi.
The only reason this is a lame thing is because Arcane is supposes to tell us the story of how Vi and Cait get to their LoL counterparts. Making Maddlyn the endgame ship makes absolutely zero sense. And comics won't make up for it
I pretty much agree on everything you wrote, but making them a couple later. First, there never will be a later. Second, they aren't actually a good match. Cait would benefit from a relationship with Vi, but not really the other way around. They both need to grow and focus on themselves. And find new people. Maddie is a horrible match for Cait. Only surface level match
Oh please stop with this bullshit. Maddie was a mistake.
I was wondering the same.
Why is Maddie so far away from Caitlyn in that scene?
In the bed scene she was all over her.. weird
I agree. Maddie is only a good match for Cait on the surface level. She's a Piltie, an enforcer and she admires and worships her. On every level she checks all the boxes for a future wife. But that's not how romance works in fiction. In that sense Vi, who is Cait's complete opposite, is the better match. She's someone who challenges her on every level and can bring out both the best and the worst in her.

The only thing I will ever agree with is that they both needed to see the absolute worst in each other so that when they do get together it will be by their own choice.
Btw that artwork is from way before Arcane. and even the League account reposted it like 9 years ago
Her advice is sound and she is as much of a people pleaser as Vi is, minus the rough and tumble. She has proven to be rather brave in the face of danger and willing to follow threw on plans. How do you think she is a bad match?
These threads are yet again making Caitlyn's FWB situation something more than it is. She recoils at Maddies touch, is visible annoyed when Maddie wakes up, and doesn't give a shit about any advice Maddie gives. Absolutely idiotic discussions.
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Bring back the times when we were making fun of Maddies ugly wrinkly lips and big head instead of seriously having discussions about Maddlyn as a ship
It's a really weird scene, and yes the contrast is puzzling. Was this before or after Ambessa warned against work place romance?
Hell of a choice for Vi to get with someone who beat her in enforcer blues like in prison. Honestly, if it weren't for Lol, i would have never figured they would end up together. Would hope Vi found some self worth finally and struck out on her own accord.
Cait shares her inner thoughts. She caress her hand the entire time. She smiles to her, sincerely. Maddies makes her laugh. They have been a thing for a long time. It's not insignificant anon. It's not love. But it's something.
Opposites attract, i really believe that and they will be endgame.
giving each other puppy eyes
This. Sure it seems cluncomfortable but being caight by your lover thinking again isn't a bad thing. Means Maddie cares enough to notice. Caitlyn lacked even that basic awareness when trying to get Vi to wear the badge. Caitlyn could learn quite a bit from Maddie and how a real relationship is done. Maybe we see Caitlyn open up to Maddie about her striking Vi, and Maddie give Caitlyn a stern talking to.
Believe me, if Arcane wasn't canon, they would possibly end up separated, perhaps seeing each other again in years. But now they are endgame no matter what
All this posts about Maddlyn are the new "Caitvi sex discussion" we just have to give in
yeah, they're really slow cooking it, all through out s1 there's closeness and tension between the two, far more than what's shown with Maddie Cait even though they've been actually fucking
from personal experience one-sided relationships fizzle out eventually, there's more to relationships than just bumping uglies.

does make me feel for Maddie, she's done nothing wrong except picking the wrong person. am still leaving the leblack theory open cause I don't like the idea of 'wasting' characters for drama, like they did with Sky s1
This was after Ambessa talk
I know. I am apart of the camp that doesn't believe they should be together . The DV seen was absolutely uncalled for and am still infuriated over it. But not so angry now as to see a good possible way out.
Sky was made by Amanda. Amanda was in charge of Cait and Vi in season 2.
Cait is in a real relationship with Maddie - we had this talk like 3 days ago. But that doesn't mean her feelings for Vi are completely gone. She put them to sleep after she abused, broke and left her in the sewers. They WILL come back once she sees Vi suffering. Vi's pain was what made Cait interested in Vi in the first place. She was hiding behind a mask of cockiness. That's not season 2 Vi. This girl is uterly broken and in desperate need of saving. Cait will provide that, with hopes from Amanda that it will be enough to fix Cait's character.
Weird thing is that in many ways she shows greater care to Maddie than she did to Vi. The romance is written so weirdly in season 2.
visual storytelling, they're showing viewers MaddiCait 'distance', contrast with s1 were CaitVi are basically 69'ing on her bed

they don't even have to say anything, you can see it, like when you see a new couple from far away and you just know it
How do u know that? When was stated that Amanda is the lead writer??
Again, if Maddie turns out to be an enemy, it will look even worse on Cait. Maddie is with her during the final battle so I think that scenario is out of the book.
Go back to the prev thread and educate yourself.
i hope they show caitlyn eating vi out
she's going to worship her whole body
I'm not going to educate myself in 4chan.
Yes, I don't get why people question that. She probably lives part time at Cait's home. She has her own sleeping clothes there. Matching her size. She has been sleeping with her long enough to know her sleeping rhythm. This is not some recent thing. Why did they add something like that in a short series? Amanda is a horrible writer who loves pointless drama.
Lowkey Im so mad at the writers and I hate Caitvi rn but if they hint or god forbid show Cait eating Vi out all will be forgiven and Ill be at their feet.
The misleading thing is that Ambessa hints that its recent.
But I agree its unclear and shit.
Looks like there's some promising leaks that Mel is going to be a champion in LoL soon. I have mixed feelings about this.
yea, I'm still braced for the straight-ahead lez drama Amanda version in s2, and only hoping for more interesting plot twists that make everyone go, 'wow, did not see that coming and it was awesome'
another leblanc
Caitlyn breaks Vi's heart. Then she's fuckbuddies with Maddie. Then she's supposed to dump Maddie so her and Vi can fuck? Is Caitlyn just a shit person?
Well, just use your own life as an example. It takes a while before you start bringing sleeping clothes. And Maddie acted like she belonged there. But could be the writers are just idiots.
no wonder this season has such a heavy focus on ambessa and mel. kinda sucks this season feels like a big advertisement for these upcoming champs rather than the ones already established for 10+ years.
Caitlyn is young, stupid and makes mistakes.. Why everyone wants her to be perfect?
This proves my theory that most of the anons here didn't actually watch the leaks. They got the caitvi kiss, caitmaddie bed scene and rifle jab spoiled and now they hyperfixate on those points because that's all they know about
Naaah, she's living there.
She really is, and yes there is no way out that doesn't make Cait look bad.
Ask those who claim she could never miss. Even with a kid's head on the line.
There will be no surprises. Just plain and dumb lesbian drama
this, Without the character animations and all the work that has been done to contextualize these situations, it does not allow them to properly discern Caitlin's path.
She's a massive piece of shit and has no similarities to her s1 self.
Hopefully she gets beat up real good
ALL of the scenarios of them breaking up are fucked up and WILL make Caitlyn look like a cunt.
oh you mean the leblack thing, yeah it's just a low percentage theory but at least is interesting given BR appearance in s2

Caitlyn has already made plenty of questionable decisions, unprofessional Maddie sex included so that's just a part of her arc in s2. accidentally sleeping with spies/corrupted inner circle isn't really going to change perceptions of her that much
I never thought about the sleeping clothes thing. It's not like Cait has her size. She really is living there. I just don't understand what the fuck they are doing with this story.
>unprofessional Maddie sex included
Caitvi sex will be even less professional. No, really, if they make Maddie an enemy, it will stain Cait even more in the eyes of everyone, but especially her fans. She's one of the most beloved characters in the game. I don't think they're going to risk it. Maddie will break up with her.
This. Caitlyn is lonely and still grieving her mother, of course she's not going to make the best decisions when it comes to coping with sex.
Well its a blouse maybe Maddie wears it under her work clothes.
>ALL of the scenarios of them breaking up are fucked up and WILL make Caitlyn look like a cunt.
That's the point....
will be interesting to see what powers they give her.
LoL Mel has so much potential to interact with all the existing champions if only cause of her Arcane appearance, Vi, Jinx, Jayce, Ambessa, Viktor, indirectly Silco(LoR), Caitlyn, likely Singed & Orianna when that happens, Ekko at some point.

Sevika would have made more sense but can see why Mel, cause they chose Ambessa already
That's sleeping clothes.
>Mel and Ambeesa: brand new champs, large amounts of screen time and plot focus in s2.
>Ekko: almost 10 year old champion, beloved by fans, barely any screentime.
Got it.
I guess your not a woman. But that is clothes for sleeping. You don't wear it under your uniform. But I honestly think they didn't think that much on that scene. She needed clothes.
s2: Ekko adopts a hamster.
Also why is Heimer such a retard, but he's like 300 years old? In the WR splash screen cinematic, he can't even build anything mechanical correctly, while Viktor Jayce Ekko do it regularly. He's supposed to be their wise predecessor, the master to their apprentice and yet he's incompetent
Im a woman i just havent seen this scene in a while i thought it was just a white blouse.
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Another thread filled with Maddie sperging. I hate you all.
ah ic. idk they cut off Jinx's braids, gave birth to Caitler memes so I guess anything is still possible

in my eyes it doesn't really matter that much which one of them breaks up or if it's mutual, outcome is basically the same, they just weren't right for each other
I don't think either is going to hold malice against the other, as they're shown to be working together professionally in the back half, we're assuming. Maddie prob more sad about it than Cait if I had to guess
I fucking called it
Do we know what role she gonna be yet? To me she seems like she would be a support or maybe a mid laner
Is Caitlyn the devil incarnate?
Stop trolling.
I dont like this at all
Why not Sevika???
can't wait for the four hour breadtube videos complaining about homophobia because the lesbians were given actual character arcs the same way straight characters would be given
What damn time is "Come Play" supposed to come out tomorrow?
Because the Arcane team has been dickriding Mel for years now.
Sevika is most likely going to die.
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They're really gonna kill Vi off huh
Mel is too regal to be a botlane support water-carrier, midlane burst mage with what they've shown

could argue some ally shielding like how she saved Jayce but not Viktor. RIP Viktor mains
It'd be absolutely moronic to advertise a major plot point like this. Not even being subtle about it either, just straight up saying "I Die" kek. I never understood this theory.
I just saw they fired the dude who made the expensive Faker Ahri skin
It says
So yea she’s probably gonna die and Ekko is gonna save her
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act 1 caitvi
Hair that long is act 3 Caitlyn.
Don't believe that anon. They will say that anything they didn't like was written by Amanda. She's executive editor and wrote episode 5 of s1. Other than that, she creates the show alongside Alex, Christian etc. There is noone that makes decision on their own. As if Riot would allow it.
If anons watched BtR they'd know nothing in the show is one man(or woman) work.
You fucking retards. Yes sure Vi is going to die because the confirmed schizo who is currently having a feel good redemption arc with a gimp thought so. Gtfo or watch the leaks. Keep acting retarded and I'm going to flood this thread with screenshots.
No that’s act 1 Caitlyn she has it that long rewatch the scene where she’s shooting and Vi stops her
where come this_?
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I'm not sure. Her hair doesn't look that long.
Bro, why did you tag my comment? I was disagreeing with them KEK.
I don't think they were dating long nessarily for Maddie to noice Caitlyn unable to sleep. I think she noticed a while ago and it being a constant thing where Caitlyn would stay late in house to follow leads and do extra work. Probably what lead to Maddie shooting her shot to help with Caitlyn's insomnia. As for clothsles, i don't know why i was thinking that was Caitlyn's shirt as Maddies body type is smaller then Caitlyn's which means she is accustomed to wearing Caitlyn's clothes. Very girlfriend territory.
Nothing to troll about a natural progression in relationship and personal growth. Because what Vi and Caitlyn not being a thing feels more organic at this rate then them being an item.
It’s from a Weibo promo video for Jinx’s new figure
Dude Maddlyn came out of fucking nowhere. Stop trying to push this agenda.
The Vi dying melodrama theory makes no sense considering all 40 million of us who watched the trailer know she's not going to die. What stakes or emotional value could it provide when we know the outcome of it being reversed? It's like showing scenes of Jon Snow in s6 to the world before Jon's death scene.
You caught a stray. Here's a papa warwick.
I wanna know too
Nigga what agenda?! I am fucking pissed about what they are doing but I'm not going to delude myself into believing something that was never confirmed in the last 10 fucking years of their character introductions. We got A fucking kiss. There was something at one point and now its gone. They have have appeased the old time shippers who sensed something was there and were right. Now it's over. Fucking pack it in already and be happy they atleast stay friends in the end. Other wise there would be no point to Caitlyn death line of "Tell Vi I-". They are not a thing. Cope.
must not be familiar with weibo. the arcane account there has no concept of nuance.
God shut the fuck up already you self hating turbofaggot
Vi dying would be a mercy...
This is the consequence of you watching the leaks and stewing on it for months. Guaranteed you would not feel this way if you only had to wait 1 week between each act like we were supposed to.
True, an end to all her suffering.
Fuck off or talk about something actually interesting rather then doomed dyke relationships that won't fucking happen then. Christ we had a cool thing going with Ambessa maybe ripping Viktors heart out to gain magical properties. Where the hell did that go?
Yeah, I'm not familiar with the website. Anything else they've accidentally gave away over there?
100% if Cuntlyn acrually had any feelings for Vi, may it eat her up inside.
I am just happy we got to see Vi be happy alittle bit by holding her family finally after all this time. I am happy with knowing that and everything else that has lead to these great theory threads. But fuck do i hate these fucking dyke cultists.
You sure? Leona and Diana's lesbian poem was chalk full of nuance since, well, you know.
If that was this case Vi would've moved on during her pitfighting sequence. Her waking up seeing Caitlyn is proof that the ship is not going anywhere. Also Maddlyn's peak is the bed scene because at the memorial its, as we said previously, awkward and quiet and we can deduce that Caitlyn picked her revenge over Maddie/peace.
I think this is to foreshadow Cait choosing Vi over her revenge but we will see.
You guys are such doomers today jeez.
I've been wondering anons, 3rd party dubber who works with Netflix gets compromised and leaks are spread. Heartstopper? All episodes leaked. Dan Da Dan? All episodes leaked. Terminator Zero? Ranma 1/2? All episodes leaked. Arcane? 5 episodes. How convenient.
That was rather convenient wasn't it? Is there THIS much discourse over the other shows leaking?
Yeah well we rarely see the immediate aftermath of eps in s2 so you know 6 will start with some character other than jayce. S2 makes me so mad it's unreal
Embrace the doom posting anon. Its the only way anyone will feel better when this shit storm comes in.
Yes. Today people have been somewhat pessimistic, it must be that anxiety is increasing instead of decreasing.
Mel and ambessa suck. They just want more black people on the game. But they're boring character wise
Im more pessimistic because im near my period, guess all 4channers are now timed kek.
Mel confirmed in league
Pretty sure she'll end up being a deus ex machina in the final battle.
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>Mel and ambessa suck.
The team turned two of their OC's into champions annoys me, especially since they're currently overshadowing PnZ champs that have been in lore for years. Fucking sucks.
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Caitvi reunion
Kino. This fanfic was pretty good. Jinx bullying her sister into giving it to her sloppy style
jajja remind me the The IT Crowd - Aunt Irma Visits, , is wonderfull https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLkOxsD2Mc
Are you kidding? Vi is acting like the classic girl with her first love. You don't get over that easily, and they have done a good job show casing how much of big heart Vi has. Their high school skins were a hint to this. Vi is just going threw the natural process and when the time comes, the logical progression to adulthood will be that Vi rejects Caitlyn. Make no mistake, She will forgive her, but they can never go back to what they once were, because that innocence is gone. Infact them being partners in the law would make more sense this way. They get their job done, Vi is free and Caitlyn will always protector from a distance. That out come personifies 'Moon dust' and 'both sides now'.
Like Camille...this shit is so ass
Sorry but I'm not going to /a/ to find out. I might be trapped here but that doesn't mean I lose my standards. Leaked ranma has less censoring that's all I know.
Really??? Guess she will have a final form as well then. Where did this info come in? Because it will be a spoiler for the normies who have been speculating her death.
Arcane creators don't have time to feature champions like Mundo, Camille, Ziggs, Blitzcrank, Urgot, or Renata but found the time to push 2 new champions nobody cares about. Oh, I am beyond pissed.
Caitvi sex when
They are so cute
Keep Renata out of your mouth. She was added because the chembarons in Arcane couldn't hold up on their own. She's unironically too good for the show.
Did the maddie doom posters shut the thread down?? I just left for a few hours and the thread was hoping again.
Now we discuss caitvi sex
1) She'll probably die
2) Sevika is a very obvious top laner, and for that they're already giving us Ambessa

Mel makes sense as a midlaner or support, I imagine she'll do some whacky magic shit which I'm guessing we'll see in act 3.
she has champion plot armor now since it's been confirmed, which means there's 0 chance of her dying in season 2. it's getting ridiculous.
sometimes I think they (Riot/Fortiche/Netflix) leaked the episodes on purpose
>I imagine she'll do some whacky magic shit
Mages like Lux had to be tutored on how to use and control magic. Mel randomly performing spells all of a sudden when she has no prior knowledge or training would be strange.
cait between vi’s thighs when

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