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painis girl
where is the sus
Stonetoss just never misses
Cute mom
>Tihi is able to block bullets with her weapon
>Falls to a taser
I like the main girl and the demons personality but I do not care for the side girl. Her entire existence feels unnecessary here and it really could just be the girl and demon causing chaos and it would be better for it. Maybe if she was more of a cowardly figure? Like exchange the tough girl who doesn't give a shit with a character who is obviously terrified of the demon girl but is forced to be her friend, idk it just sounds more fun to me. Anyway I don't see this going beyond a pilot in its current form as it doesn't have anything crazy memorable that would make it worth having a full on show for
wow this is mid
They got Tolmar in this huh. Pain Girl is fucking SEXY too.
Does the character named pain girl at least have obvious masochistic tendencies or is it just a cool name. Because the first thing I thought of was the pain princess hentai.
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This sucks. Waste of a good design. Hmph.
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How do you rate it /co/? Anything worthwhile about this? Any critiques?
when pain girl started twerking for a whole two minutes it was weird
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>Penni walked up to Anon one day and just decided that he was her new friend now.
>Anon didn’t know who she was, but was too afraid to reject her after seeing Penni casually gut a person earlier.
>Anon now has to deal with this murderous girl in his life with her annoying demon friend and rather cute other friend.
>He still doesn’t know when Penni will just decide to cut him to ribbons, hopefully never
jesus christ there were alot of bigname vas, i rolled my eyes hard when sr pelo just appeared to do sr pelo

otherwise got kinda bored and didnt find it all that funny or entertaining
guess teehee is hot or whatever
>Gregu Heffrey
>STAND USER: Rodrick Heffley
>STAND NAME: Loded Diper
The definition of mid, but I enjoyed the twerk scene
I'm usually a coomer but Teehee's design did nothing for me
what makes it mid? i thought it was just cringe
It's just "hey look we got this famous voice actor" for most of it
It's competently animated and stuff but the actual content is nothing. It's the kind of art where you can tell it looks nice but has absolutely no substance, not funny or charming or even exciting in its violence
Better than whatever LS Marks short was called but still mostly meh.
Oh really, what network is is being pitched to? Or do you mean "internet short"?
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Don’t you want to friends with Penni, Anon? And if you say no, she’s breaking most of your bones!
Yeah, I want to give her an ass massage
Tihi porn when?
I was expecting the joke to be that Penni's the violent but blissful one with everyone else being normies and having to deal with it but if even the straight woman is willing to resort to violence at the drop of a hat doesn't that undercut Penni's violence gag? the humor's a bit too random for me and I can tolerate random humor. This feels like a first draft got turned into the script. Cute designs tho
imagine the softness...
Yeah it feels like a guys first attempt at an animation like this... Because it is. Crae mostly does short 30sec-1min animations where his style of humor works better. Hopefully his future endeavors get better as he improves and learns
Was surprised to hear TADC voice actors in this wtf
ive been watching them and god these are so unfunny, they feel like theyre trying to do other youtubers' jokes and not doing them very well

they feel like theyre supposed to be bassetfilms and then have rigamaroles' rotoscoping
>We've reached the point where indie animation pulls the same shit as corporate animation and stacks the voice cast with (indie) famous actors to try to get people to watch their unfunny slop
God fucking dammit. Should have known better than to think they were above it. At least Ramshackle had the decency not to roll out the Glitch Crew + Pelo and Tomar like all these other faggots.
This feels like the kind of short flash I would watch on Newgrounds as a kid. If you dropped the word pilot from the title this would still be fun as a standalone piece.
Cute dumb concept, I like. Very Newgroundish (reminds me of a lower key Madness Combat?) and creator obviously has a younger sister or two.
I'm /v/-tan looking into the distance with a certain expression for Penni's Mom.
Tihi is pretty nice, plot needs some improvement...
I liked the art style, character designs and the casual bloody violence but it feels aimless. The fucking Sr Pelo cameo actually made my eyes roll.
i'd clap her cheeks
Her being eviler and fighting cops makes sense when you think about it.

She should go after religion next.
Penni needs to get fucked
By Tihi

The only reasonable excuse for Tihi to stick around Penny
i like it as what it is, mindless dumb fun.

As a short it's great, but if this wanna be a show (as a Pilot implies) need way more work in actual plot to hold everything together. Not bad for what it is for now.
Begone, tasteless man.
i can already picture it, Tihi getting exacerbated by Penny, fucking her by force, and Penny actually liking it, exacerbating Tihi even more.
>Penni’s mother calls out to the both of you downstairs, but it was just to say that you guys were a bit too loud
>shows a split second of a naked Penni
You got balls I'll give you that
I think he means when Penni was doing that magical girl transformation
Yeah, that scene was fucking hot.
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Holy shit that is mediocre. It's really just carried by the "le cute girl with BLOOD" motif and little else. It's sadly going to get popular with cunnyfags anyway because of the main character. Maybe future episodes can add more substance but I'm not counting on said substance being all that interesting.
this and the animation sucks too.
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I don't think I have ever been so fucking bored watching a pilot. I'm actually angry about it.
The pacing is awful. The build up to everything is so slow, and then "Pain time!" out of nowhere, and then it's just really slow again. The "fight" scene is full of pauses where nothing is happening. I don't mean comedy beats, I mean they're just standing there, doing nothing, at best making idle chat. I imagine it's supposed to be some big, energetic scene, but it's all downright lethargic because of its pacing. Never mind the music being so quiet I actually had to turn my volume up to realize that the fight wasn't just happening in silence, it's just really, really dull. It hardly fits the supposed gory mayhem happening. They can hire these relatively high-profile indie VAs but not a decent composer? Same goes for the sound effects. This audio desperately needs remastering.

The characters don't even look like they belong in the same show. Why do Cakk's and Tihi's mouths just end at the bottom of their faces? Why don't anyone else's? And it only bugs me because literally everyone other than those two, and Penni and her mom, are just walking chicken nuggets. There's no variety.
Penni's magic shears being white, and nearly ALL the backgrounds being slightly-off-white, is pants on head retarded. That extremely soft red glow did not help it stand out- I had to play Where's Waldo to figure out how Penni even killed the first cop. I thought she maybe threw the shears at first.
And there's just no anticipation or payoff to any of the actions. There's no resistance, there's no effort. It just happens. It's worse than watching a match of Tekken. There's absolutely no IMPACT to any of this combat. And it just abruptly ends with a taser out of nowhere.

How do you make a pilot about a murderous young girl, her demon friend, and some reluctant teenager/20-something bitch murdering an entire police department so dull, low energy and BORING?
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Yeah yeah see what I mean, nigga? Lolifags will eat this shit up and that's the only reason it will get popular.
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Web animation seriously needs to get back to 3-5 minute shorts that don't take 7 months between each episode.
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Yeah, I feel like the “character is a grumpy person that hates the world” archetype is popping up here and there, I wouldn’t mind if we actually a character like that, a “friend” of Penni’s that goes along with what she’s doing out of fear that she’ll turn on them if they don’t.
For NG, of course there would be tasteless violence in there. Would've been good if it was still 2000's or something. Reminded me of Billy and Mandy but that show was edgier for finding ways to write fucked up stories without swearing and violence.
I like it but yeah it felt too slow. The fight should have more oompf and scale to it . Also the weapons needed to be different. Being made out of light really makes it less attached to the users. Overall i hope crea gets the critism he needs and he improves the show more.
>My name is Caine, I am your bitch!
>Blood and Gore is fine
How much more evil can you get if you’re already killing at an early age
Funny that he seems to pop up now in these animated ventures
It's not bad, I'm a sucker for completely evil girl characters. Probably got that from watching Billy and Mandy too much
But like >>145945978 said Tihi doesn't need to be here and the Pilot doesn't give any reason for why she's there other then what I assume to be "Kindred Spirits" which if then they should lean more into so it's more apparent. Tihi isn't intolerable and you can make the "Character who begrudgling hangs out with the psycho main character" work well like with Billy and Mandy, she just needs a big rework

I figure if this ever goes anywhere the plots gonna be "Penni wants to do something but can't so she starts inflicting pain" which can work so long as the writing is spot on. Ease up on the fight scenes and just have her occasionally tear into people while her true destruction comes from the passive actions or consequence of a random kill
exasperated, you mean
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>its another uwu edgy blood gore slop cartoon
Yawwwwn. Call me when we get kino on the menu.
I liked when she screamed the guys skin off and he turned into a source engine skeleton.
I would have had my doubts about wether this show is catering to us or not if they didn't add that magical girl transformation scene.
Bad to the bone
Holy crap was that boring
Completely aimless, cringe and unironic "Lol we're so edgy"
I get what it's going for but it just doesn't manage to
mostly for the pacing
it's trying so hard to be "edgy powerpuff girls" with the aesthetics but PPG would never have had fights that slow and uninteresting
It was oddly soft and slow in movement and impact
which if anything you'd expect the problem nowadays to be the opposite, right? aren't all the zoomers fucking ADHD drug addicts?
>The fights become so fast and hard that you can barely comprehend what you’re watching
> Stonetoss just never misses
I don’t know about that. I’m pretty sure he misses his foreskin.
I-I don’t think..
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Good animation and designs as already stated, and even some good gags now and then, but the pacing is fucked. Its simple punchlines of violence and action scenes are not going well with the slow pacing
>Hard to make sudden violence funny if it's mostly followed with silence or not much reaction until a second after.
It shouldn't be obnoxiously fast paced but just make it a bit faster.
Looking forward to seeing where this will go
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Oh my god! I can't believe I'm in 7quid!
pretty much what i was expecting, Crae is notoriously unfunny (he popularized the "we have come for your nectar" meme)
i don't mind people reusing VAs but the fact they were all from TADC took me out of it. pelo was just pelo, it wasn't funny at all. and crae's mic was noticably worse which juxtaposes against the professionals' mics
the concept is... meh. i like the idea of cute characters being edgy but crae's cartoon style doesn't work for gore. it feels like a newgrounds parody rather than trying to be shocking. the demon thing was boring and the boring girl was boring. the fight scene went on for way too long, i just kept asking what the point of it was, that pretty much sums up my feelings for this whole thing. the
implies there will be more, but i don't understand why, it's so bland
Penni is thicc
Designs are good and the concept has potential, I really like the simple shapes and colours. However the Animation felt slow and lacking, not really built for the hyper violence they are seeking. Also while the TADC va's do a good job. Crae himself is pretty weak and pelo just felt like pelo, even down to the character breaking laugh which really only works in HIS cartoons as a bit.

I think there is potential but I needs a rework and probably a more robust crew of animators and storyboarders to make it work.
Seeing the general consensus and looking at crae's content, it would work better as something like Murphy and Mitzi, as >>145949848 and >>145949232
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What the fuck are these posts, man
everyone wants to fuck penni
i cant blame them
not funny, didn’t laugh
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Tihi and Penni’s mom are right there
penni's hotter
Penni is a child
still got a donk
Did you not see how big her butt was in the episode?
Where? Nothing seemed out of the ordinary
I couldn't help but stare
For real she's 25?
Where was this stated?
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Goose posted the characters' ages on her Tumblr
A-Anon, that’s POMNI, not Penni
The male va were shit, really was a weird drop off. But was fun a bit cringe I'd give it a 2nd ep chance but if still pretty listless I think I'll pass. It feels like a peppy golan the insatiable don't like the second girl she's kind of just there also makes no sense pain girl hasn't killed her if she kills everyone.
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Are you actually retarded?
I think she'd be better if she was meant to be a play on the typical mc of these types of stories. Basically imagine if she was more of a mandy type basically hates everyone and everything but isn't a killer. A fun duo because she'd be scared of pain girl like you said, imagine mandy or gaz but their tough/overpowered side is inside of their opposite. Be funny to see gloomy gothic girl who's roped into a peppy girls insane murder spree and worried she'll be next
... Why did I-- oh fuck, I am retarded...
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I wasn't sure if you were being intentionally retarded or not
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Not to shit on this, it's ok, but basically, this is just Mandy from Billy and Mandy, just Newgrounds.

If anything, it's like a mix of that timeline where she was "good" and the original couldn't stand that so she forced the "good" mandy to snap and become evil. So it's like the good mandy and bad mandy personalities mixed at the same time.
Tihi is hot
This actually sounds kind of hot, she definitely needs correction
>it's trying so hard to be "edgy powerpuff girls"
Which is redundant because that's literally what Panty and Stocking is. Even the random high detail anime transformation sequence right as I was instinctively thinking one was going to show up, made me think "why is this just Panty PPG 2.0? Even the 5fps talking mouth flaps feels like P&S.
Really nigga?
It's masochism the first thing you came up with, not sadism?
I'm impressed we don't have a mob of lolidomfags by now.
I’ve seen some in the comments on a post the creator made on le bird app, but it sounded too much like they were trolling for reactions
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>it's yet another demonic show
How come that's all people make? It's literally early adult swim now on yt anytime someone makes a "pilot".
Fuck Christianity.
Why do you want to fuck Jesus man? Not cool
We very much have a lolidom mob
1 minute in and I already hate it. I doubt I'll like it in the next 9 minutes but I appreciate the effort put into it OP.
yeah i watched it all, it fucking sucks

this might be appealing to a very stupid 10-year old that is easily amused by cartoon gore and swearing

i hope the showrunner makes something good in the future and we can look back at this and admire how much he grew as an artist
I hope so
No idea how you get Mandy vibes from this, Mandy's sadism is completely opposed of any on this show, Mandy is methodic and cold yet not senseless.
It really lacks pace. Jokes that should be snappy are way slower than they should and the dialogue is more meandering than it should be considering how little is being conveyed.
There's some potential here but it needs a lot of polish.
Cool name, what I wanna know was which parent having the last name Painkiller
Don't see 'em, only the damn female child crowd.
I wouldn't even call her a msgk desu, she's more of a snotty brat than the type that annoys you intentionally, holy shit, all that murder for some fucking crayons??
She might just use your blood for the color red
It's Tihi's gig to tard wrangle penni, I think, she can get her some.
And talking of tard wrangling, where's the psychopath that fathered penni?, because she seemingly didn't get it from her mother.
>youtube link
>not newgrounds link
Tsk tsk tsk
Is Newgrounds a popular place still?
it has its peaks, like every time Elon does a silly funny, like today.
It's funny how many times I've seen artists and people say "Oh Elons gone too far! Catch me on Blusky or Instagram!" And eventually they just come back despite whatever shitty things Elon does. Is there even a possible breaking point for people to actually leave short of making you pay for twitter?
I was tired at the time, my bad
I can see that actually, she's more that annoying kid that you want to hit because their parent let's them do whatever they want so they don't understand boundaries or restraint
Took me a while to realize their heads shape is the shape of their weapons
Oh shit, I noticed that too
Penni is thicc
Frankly, that bored me.
Nothing really sticks.
The thing isn't energetic enough for what it's trying to be, and having characters going "teehee, we're evil" doesn't fix that.
There also wasn't a good enough twist or implementation of knowingly evil characters, especially when it seems that sort of thing (characters that either revel in or are indifferent to violence and gore) is rather common these days.
The pacing of the massacre scene is not good. It's severely underanimated, especially for the action-heavy parts, which linger too long on shots and never build that sense of kinetic energy and dynamism.
The magical girl transformation thing went on for too long and didn't have sufficient payoff in terms of the visuals of the combined form, or its abilities.
When they'd been beating cops with handguns and shotguns, a taser from nowhere represented an anticlimax.
Demons are kinda played out as a concept. It seems like every other indie idea these days is something about them or hell.
Them getting off with a light prison sentence doesn't sell me on the idea that they live in an interesting world, or that there's an attractive overarching concept for this beyond a series of shorts of them engaging in shenanigans.
I'm not sure what the intent behind the music is.
It's very Newgroundsy, but not in a quality way.
The jokes didn't really land; gags and punchlines tended to be predictable ("you'll be the one on a leash...not in a weird way" or "down here [in Killsville], nothing bad ever happens...ack")
The displayed text (angry, no fingernails) tended to be redundant to what was on screen.
The mobility scooter mowing down that guy kinda evaporates the entire concept; if even randos in the world are casually killing others, then the main cast isn't that special.
Pain Girl?

More like Porn Girl.
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The fact that they put coombait in to try and make it popular that way is kind of sad. Unless the creator is a based man but then I think it would be much better if he was
I would say you're too far gone if you called this shot coombait, but then I noticed the skirt being see-through.
I really want to fuck her, man.
And, well, the fact there was a full second frame of her being completely naked, without nipple/pussy detail, but literally, entire bare body was seen for a single frame
Le coombait argument is null and void pal, they played it straight.
Creepy rape porn on ATF when?
Penni's butthole must taste like heavens for Tihi to stay around her.
they edited that scene after releasing it
Huh, so they did. It just flashes directly to white, no clothes exploding at all.
did anyone save the original?
Probably, though I didn't. It's preserved in some reaction videos if you're just curious what it looked like.
I always forget timestamps don't work with embeds, but if you don't feel like seeking it yourself it's 7:46 for this one.
penni needs COCK
She is just black mage Evilwizardington, except far less....Well evil, and without all of the charisma
>Unless the creator is a based man
as someone who knows his work from FNF he is not
Eh, I don't know man, he literally draw a little girl only having their nipples and vagina covered by tinny clothes fragments.
That’s what you think, anon
>backpedaling at the obvious Sailor Moon reference joke
Damn losing even more respect for this...
oh, you mean 'based' like that
he's an insufferable faggot irl
>now the unedited transformation sequence became a rare piece of media

Wondering if anyone saved it with no crap on top.
>draw little girl almost completely naked
Ah shit, here we go again.
I could have sworn I saw that part with black lines covering her naughty bits.
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And yeah it's real
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He covered all possibilities, huh?
>Penni is a little girl
>Penni is a petite adult woman
this just make censoring >>145965640 even more pointless. Heck, the Sailor Moon transformations were more revealing and those were actually 16yo. At least Penni is an adult on that scene.
I mean in today's climate I get it. You can get cancelled for way less than that
Casytay here, what do I draw the little girl doing? UOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Casy, I....
Why yes, crazed power tripping penni mounting a cop, bonus points if said cop is the Pelo cop.
This should go without saying, but make her FLAT LIKE A PLANK!!!
got it
[Spoiler] Penni giving a blowjob with lust crazed eyes while claiming she's totally 18yrs old and presenting a totally not fake Id [/spoiler]
You see, today's zoomer women will have a fucking meltdown over shit like this even if it's legal and not weird.
Penni sitting on Tihi's lap, both naked

>captcha: RATA
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>penni is 18
Penni proclaiming that (you) are her new friend, while hiding her weapon behind her as her pupils glow red
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She’s 18? Jesus is she stunted in maturity then, still drawing and coloring stuff as if she were still a little girl
>shes just really stupid
That might explain it.
i like everyone has been evading saying what she is, a retarded girl.
on this
this is not NSFW tho
>”She’s shown drawing and having a teddy bear”
Do these people think it’s exclusive only to kids?
Oh, you said to just give you ideas, my bad
Besides autism/brain damage of some sort being the reason, yes. Adults grow out of these things.
Is El MaMagúebo aware of this pilot's existence?
Painal/secret masochist
I am not a fan of this art style at all. It reminds me so much of a 15 year olds first bfdi knockoff made with flipaclip.
I wouldn't be surprised if Crae said this to avoid controversy with porn and the naked scene (but he removed it anyway so he's kind of a pussssssyyyyy)
It's too late to pull out from that, we already have birthday suit penni archived.
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>Penni is 18

Not a loli fucker but the appeals kind of gone knowing she's just short and not a bloodthirsty kid
Makes her more cringe honestly especially the crayon drawing. Now we need a creepy pasta that she's just super autistic and it's all fake since she literally has a 7-12 year old girls room and hobbies.
>How to kill your pilot in one sentence
I was going to draw her too but now I won't out of spite
jaxbros we are in hag heaven
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>7 months
That's cute.
Crae might be stupid, he already put the naked transformation scene on the original upload, no matter how much he retracts it and edited it, and how much he insist the character is +18, he still made the naked transformation scene, it already exists, retracting it just proves it was coombait and not just a neat funny absurd magical girl trope reference.

For a proud NG user, he lacks balls.
>made with flipaclip
crae uses flipaclip so you're not wrong
He's a NG new-fag. Of course he lacks any kind of stone, nor does he understand what made the old shit work.
>uses flipaclip
Lmao nigger paid for shitty phone app and not pirating Flash.
>character voiced by jax
>called cax
he uses his finger
I hate it when fags use the word "pilot" like this shit will ever get greenlit someday by Nick or CN lmfao. Same thing with Catching Up..
what happened to just making cartoons
not everything has to be a series
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Yeah and you're sitting here watching cartoons.
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It's an algorithm thingy, I think.
Like "and that's a good thing!"
Yes, as the faggot creator said, she's just "stupid
Age is literally a meme now. Only a clown would think the number is the problem, it's the fact she's mentally a child that should have made you the pedo, not the body type alone.

Putting someone like Pomni next to this bitch and they are somehow "the same age group" is a massive insult and just validates that women are never adults ever and are always child for men to rape. What idiots.
Only grown women I knew that did that were into ddlg or super fucked up and did it behind closed doors. At least where it seemed weird like with her
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Kek, you can't win with this shit.
Shoud have owned it, or not do it at all.
This. The moment that person asked for Penni's age Crae should've just ignored it. This isn't like TADC where Pomni's age is actually relevant, Penni's age adds nothing (quite the opposite), so that question wasn't worth replying.
Yeah, also for what the show is her being that size and vibe just make her a kid. She'd get porn either way but trying to fight it is dumb. Why I lose faith in creatives that aren't fully indie they tend to do a lot of stuff to try and make their stuff kosher and ok with everyone. But the concept suffers, also could have done like "how to be cool"

>How old are you
>I'm 21
>Yeah some one your ag- Holy shit 21

But releasing it as a twitter thing shows odds are wasn't a idea until they told themself they wanted to make a series from this concept.
He did it because he wanted to be able to turn this into a show. New creators are pussies and get on their hands and knees for fans, if he had any type of balls he'd have said something like 1000 years old(a joke on the old loli) but ironically her being 18 won't save him if he makes nsfw or lewd jokes at her. They'll say "she's child coded"
I saw this in my recommended but the artstyle looks like shit. Is it any good?
Do you like kids?
If you do, you're shit out of luck, she's a fucking womanchild.
Why does /co/ bash LGBT people (especially artists and their works) when most of you guys are open pedophiles who think pedophilia is "based"
Knock it off, anon
That's a pretty good Jennifer Hale impression.
Penni getting BRED by Tihi
She's definitely autistic
We don't like them, and they don't like us, I think it's a fair deal.
/co/ goons to doodled on kids. LGBT people has been having a problem with being openly sexual in front of real children.
Who would you rather be around? A fat hairy coomer who crusted his undies to Harriet the Spy art, or a gay man who wiggles his ass and dick at some kids in the pride festival?
Both are unsettling, what’s your point
We should all collectively kill ourselves.
How would you improve the pilot? It probably has potential...
By having a scene where Tihi gropes Penni's ass and slips a finger in her tight pink anus
What's it about?
Loli kills people
Local tard Penni Painkiller causes a massacre in an ice cream shop over a dispute over strawberry ice cream.
And her friends are there too I guess, a punk girl and some weird looking imp that calls itself a demon.
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>Tihi is a year older
In terms of growth spurts, Penni was given a bad hand
>Make Penni a kid cause a violent but cutesy little girl is better premise than a violent womanchild
>Tihi is her reluctant babysitter
>Episodes are Tihi trying to minimize the amount of collateral damage Penni causes when she goes on a rampage.
>No one suspects Penni is evil except Tihi and she can't prove it.
Tihi loves how short Penni is, it makes her easy to carry around and use as a fleshlight.
My headcanon is thought she is 12 but has a made up ID that says she's 18 so she can do whatever she wants
imagine if she got a job at a strip club
Imagine if you stopped being horny
im not horny its just a funny scenario
I bet it’s you behind a number of these posts, it’s getting old
project much?
Give the whole chaos a reason to be, like actually build a plot, senseless violence gets tedious fast.
Build actual characters, good designs aren't enough, all these characters are just archetypes.
Make action more dynamic. Animation is alright but the timing is off.
Unironically way better good job Anon
pennis mom
Penni’s mom has got it going on
Cute mom.
Could have also worked as an off screen character, but we got to have mom ass, I guess...
Penni, you need to get fucked by your mom NOW OR YOU'RE FIRED!
The coombait worked on me, I love Penni's design but I'm old, I grew up on Newgrounds. I've had my fill of Powerpuff style animated gore by cute characters, I don't have a lot of nostalgia for this stuff, so I won't be watching, If there are threads on /co/ I'll contribute to the porn.
please draw her getting fucked by tihi
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>All this forced horny

Shut up
If you're gay you can always go to a gay focused thread. No need to hate on straight people just enjoying themselves.
She looks like the mom from Robotboy.
Constantly saying you want the characters to fuck each other throughout the thread is what’s annoying here
Just more..square-ish
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Yeah, they should be fucking Anon instead!
why is every indie pilot paced and staged like this? this could've been 4 minutes long
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You see how artists draw a canonically underage character and then they state they're +18 in fanart?
What if you do the inverse?
The fight scenes in this and ppg are night and day
Isn't that what Andava and Born-To-Die does?
These short clips are wayyy more entertaining than anything that happened in that Pain Girl "pilot"
>Anon at Penni’s mercy when Pain Time turns to Horny Time
>Penni’s mom is so thankful to Anon for calming down Penni, he must be given a reward
>Anon and Tihi casual fuck here and there
Some of the very first cartoons were comedic porn flicks made for men to watch for a cent
Animation started out as only for adults
I think you misspelled honey you silly ol' bear

Make penni actually stay a child/10
Have them be sisters living in a crack house type situation where the mom thinks shes a normal mom but is actually a crackhead
Tihi should remain the same except have a certain soft spot for her sister you almost never get to see
Their father is a hero who struggles to keep them from evil
Make it shorter, tighter and smooth, like a monk's head.
But memes aside, inventing any plot that is beyond the mundane would have helped.
Maybe something like the CIA picking an interest in Penni's murderous tendencies to use as one of their mercenaries.
Twitter tranny slop.
Jesus christ, man
what happened?
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The other anon just described El Tigre
NTAB, How about a friend who is more kinder and moral than the demon? Have the demon tries to tempt Penni to be bad while her best friend tries to keep her on the good and moral.

Really I think it would've been better if Penny wasn't a murder but a kid who really like pranks and doing dubious stuff; all without (intentional) malice; a cheery demeanor and a smile on her face, like have all of her peer be afraid of her while penni herself is oblivious that her ways of play are harmful and concerning.

She won't be like Mandy from TGAoB&M, someone who never smiles and know she's evil, she'll be one who always smile but doesn't grasp that tying the neighbor boy to a tree is right; like maybe the ever-teased-but-never-fully-seen child Beth from R&M who is suppose to be a very "troublesome" child who wanted her father to build her a ladybug tazer.

i.e. a "genuinely sweet" kid that just so happen to like squishing bugs, loves horror movies, and her favorite game is duct-taping the neighbor boy to a wall and throwing water balloons at him. no blood or gore necessary.
when did she twerk? did i miss something?
When she did that little celebration buttshake and it jiggled
She didn’t, it’s just anons being horny
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I read that as penis mom for a sec.
technically true, she has a cock and lets penni suck it
He is Hispanic
A JEW Hispanic. Shit ass mix.
So now everyone's turned off by the main character?
Yet I still see certain Anons jacking it to Mary Dahl with no secondary thoughts. Wow.
I'm turned on by Penni AND Mary Dahl
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I never understood these kind of rorikons.
If she's cute, does it really matter if she's 7 or 700?
Animation is for everyone, chud
What ass? What are you even talking about nigga?
just ignore that anon, it's been in a psychotic state since this dropped.
hes right though
Any porn yet
i haven't seen any. Which is telling of the actual reception this thing has had. Like views are one thing, but getting porn fanart means actual appeal on your product.
Use the medium to express the themes.
Does she find joy in causing pain? Linger the shots on her causing pain and relishing in it.
Is she a psychopath that throws pain and death out like candy without even thinking about it? Create a normal, down to earth life around her and have her disrupt it constantly with no focus and go on about her day.
Is it just supposed to be funny times? ...I dunno, actually make it funny?

Rehashing cliches and lingering the shot on it to give the audience a chance to get something they already got decades ago isn't funny. Fundamentals, people. Timing. Subversion. Specificity. A third thing.
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Not the samefagging
do you just assume these threads are the same 5 people talking the whole time
in this particular thread it seems to be the case...
its probably just people agreeing that penni has major ass
Jesus loves you
Wait, the drawfag who said they will draw porn genuinely decided not to just 'cause Penni is 18?
He's still going to draw it, he's a man not a bitch.
Maybe, if you weren’t doing a bad job pretending to be other people
You're schizophrenic
you people are pathetic sheeple

she was absolutely added strictly so people can go, "erm milf monday am i right" and everyone falls for it
Not casy, just wanted to try my take on this
Fact no porn is pretty telling also feel we don't count as we will make a few oc just for shits and giggles. But no porn and barely any fanart yeah pretty bad sign
It's something at least
That's actually hilarious if true
Not bad at all kept on model too.
I wanna see her feet
How big do you think Tihi's bush is?

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