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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/EYWGPZZfgd2Efksh6
—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-round-4-z7de


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IAJtg_O2AljLx9EEBTtGGiLFOp4BO6QbS3QvAzHwdGQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iF9sSFtMQRQV_zmrAiC8KJ_ZCem4CcbkStOWbqPnK0U/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAkc9qIHW8EklKcP6obmHd3MZ21gz2cwzdpk6Os-0gJ1crzQ/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddkBMkBAB_dfA9-uUNIYtxts-sbbzZORPkh7XLS64LpLLEDA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/mrcolympus2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Johnny Bravo
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145872414
►Qualifiers: >>145893738
►Round 1: >>145913993
►Round 2: >>145931255
►Round 3: >>145944722
►Previous: >>145944722
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OC Anchor.
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I, CHADDY-sama, EMPEROR of /co/ and the Cul-de-sac proudly reign over:

SHITsha Waybright, Queen of all jobbers and my slave.

Anne BITCHchuy, my one and only true jester and other slave.

SHARTcy Wu, My other jester and slave.

Jib, who I have become far stronger than.

Shovelchin, who my friends needlessly warned me about.

SISSYven Universe, who cried like a BITCH once he saw my full power.

My big brother, who provided a light workout and awakened my wish to become the Strongest In The Universe.

Sarah, who got rid of most of my fodder enemies after I cunningly provoked her just as PLANNED.

Luz JOBceda, whose incomparably puny spells availed her not a WHIT and was rightfully cast out of the Cul-de-sac by my hand.

SHITolf, whose hour-long sparring session gave me uncontrollable power level gains so massive even the time spent image training in in my room cannot compare.

Molly MOEgee, who i knocked out of her ghost form with ease and proceeded to beat the shit out of her.

The Kankers, whose """power"" I am not scared of (I hope they don't kill my beloved punching bags, but I am also too amused to help them…)
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I think this tournament SUCKS!
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Password is My Little Pony btw
>It's round 3 and no one has tried to force a happening yet
Is /co/ finally learning it's lesson?
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Round 3 of the Next 128
>What’s this?
Side tournament featuring seeds 129-256
Vote: https://forms.gle/JjDB8kze7rTJ3knF7
Timer: itsalmo.st/the-end-of-round-3-zj5m
Bracket: https://challonge.com/1bluegd2
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Plankton is gonna steal his way into E8 and then win the whole thing. Book it!
No one actually wants to do the rape off. They just want to see someone else do the rape off.
If we don't rape Barbara Gordon in front of Jim he'll never follow through on raping the joker it's the only way
Fuck off retard.
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>Joker is doing stuff
>Batman is doing stuff
C'mon Gordon it's been 4 fucking hours are you gonna do anything rape-y or not?
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Cheesecake potentially being outed as a falseflagger was not on bingo this year
I'M Batman
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This is an image of Popeye
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Fuck it, bounties can be claimed by Dubs OR rolling a lucky 7, since there's six bounties left and someone should get them (unless I claim one after I got dubs again)

As before, have to be currently alive in one of the four brackets (Mr., Bottom, Barred, or Next 128) to qualify
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Based CHADDY as always
Just as you say that, anons are trying to force cheesecakeanon as some kind of NSA-tier evildoer
draw gordon raping the joker
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>C'mon Kingsley, whatever your name is. Spiders are way cooler than a bunch of bugs! You can't even choose one of them, that's how nondescript they are! I'm sure the voters will agree with me this round.
Evening everybody! Hope you're having a good night. If not, I hope the shows might tide you over, as well as the thoughts of who you'll want to see given the Golden Question Mark this year as Mr. Literally Who? 2024. He'll get the trophy during the halftime of our Final Four, so get your suggestions in while you can! To be honest, there wasn't anybody this year whose name wasn't known to me, so this might be a tough competition this year!



Round 1:

Round 2 (New!)
Meh, it'll blow over like always, and I was thinking more of the gay weddings people been trying to force for several years now.
Wait cheesecake is a bad guy?
Did both the Donald Duck / The Iron Giant and Popeye / Eustace Bagge matchups really end up splitting as 216/164 or did one of those accidentally get copied into the wrong spot? It seems statistically improbable that that specific of a split would have happened on two spots in a row in the bracket.
I mean the whole thing with the IMG file is suspicious as fuck.
First, you spelled Eveready's name wrong. Second, I don't think Vern deserves that, his supporter didn't seem too happy with it.
That said, rolling for Eveready
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Who can stop him?
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Based, but I checked and pretty much all the Frankie pics used are just from the first page of google.
That and the Alicefag got exposed as the brapposter back in Round 3 of Miss. /co/. Don't spitevote Alice.
No it isn't, there's multiple campaigners in the previous thread using Img_ filenames.
Hard to say, it's all speculation based on stuff from last thread.
Everready Harton fucking Vern and Schizophrenia
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>Alicefag got exposed as the brapposter
I don't even know who this is what the fuck are you talking about?
No there aren't.
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See Donald and Popeye are both LT WB legacy characters that cool indie company you guys love hahahaha pls just let them win for once
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>You can't even choose one of them, that's how nondescript they are!
Is that so? Well then I have to ask, what is your favorite spider? The Brown Recluse? The Jumping Spider? Diving Bell? Funnel Web? Tarantula? Maybe the classic Black Widow. Or maybe not, that one's taken, isn't it? How about the Wolf Spider? I quite like the Trapdoor Spiders myself.
Jim being threatened his daughter will be raped if he doesn't rape the joker
Dubs huh? Ok I'll trusht you for now, but what kind of lazszy asshhole uses the first thing they find on google for their pick. It's shimply disgraceful
It's Mouse Hunt season
Within the same number group as the falseflagger? For reference the Iroh one was in the 4800 range while the one cheesecake posted was in the 4600 range.
I kneel...
well Gordon are you going to do something or just sit around all day?
Hey clown! Do something funny!
fair enough, that's a simple enough explanation
have The Joker rape Gordon
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Hello, /co/? I'd like to request a piece of art featuring one Jim Gordon being railed by a panda, a giant robot, and one handsome clown!
Nick Wilde!
I think the burner phone thing. Brapposter disappeared and then Alice posted IMG_0001. Not proven though. Honestly I don't think any accusations in the last two threads have been proven for anyone, everyones accusing everyone of everything. Cheesecake's just an easy soft target because no one likes her, next thread it could be me, or you, or Birchy, and I hope to god it's Birchy because fuck trip fags.
Eddy making Genie wishes
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You wanted me, Joker? I'm here.
Pants off. Now.
>Mr. Literally Who? 2024
Honestly, slim pickings this year, the newcomers are basically all either red-hot newcomers or classic characters finally getting their first chance

So my two suggestions are
He's "the third Decepticon in the bracket", and I've seen multiple people mixing him up with Shockwave, which is not great for recognizability.
>Mr. Fox
He's qualified before, but it was a four-year gap, he's from a really old movie, and most people forget that it was originally a Roald Dahl book.
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Finally Spider-Bro is back
seconding Mr. Fox
Birchy has admitted to being a troll before, no one's gonna accuse him of anything because we all know he's an obnoxious faggot who's only here to make the threads worse.
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Damn right!
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>not rags off
Listen if you're going to push for the rape meme bullshit, commit to the bit or don't bother.
Now, what's Eddy gonna wish for besides Jawbreakers
Mr Fox is my only real guess, although he was pretty quiet. Soundwave?
"Rags off" is Jackie's line.
Good prompt
I'm going to agree with this anon >>145947504 it's definitely one of those two, personally my vote's for Mr. Fox cause I'll be honest I just am not familiar with that nigga
>Gordon vs Joker
was this intentional?
No they phoneposted and used a Frankie image that the Brapposter did.
Anon here showed all the Frankie stuff is just on the first page of google so they were both just lazy.
I thought Fantastic Mr. Fox was pretty well known It even got academy nominations.
Kind of hard to organically weave Joker 2 memes into Gordon when he wasn't in the movie.
Mr Fox made it in 2020 so he isn't Literal Who at this point
The winner is easily either one of the three random Transformers shitters or Caine from the Circus show
When has a thematic match-up ever been good? Because Duck match was lame, the Krabs vs Plankton match this year was lame, and now the Joker vs Gordon match is lame. It's usally the oddball stuff like Karen vs Jucika that ends up being the best
alright then I consent
Robotnikfag is NSA, when running /co/ NSA used the exact same 'goes ham' gif at one point when mentioning how he was on both tournaments during a white list discussion.
Why does he sometimes sound like that guy who said number 15 on smiling friends
This is how you wanna play, huh? Bait me out and then run off like a scared, dog, tail between your legs.
The people want rape, Joker! Now are you going to keep hiding, or you going to give our audience...
...what they deserve?
>One of the most popular Decepticons
>Literal Who
No way, if she was she wouldn't have let Eggman job at finals TWICE. Maybe once, but no way a second time
Is phone posting bad?
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>Digital Circus Character
>literal who
The Literal Who Awards aren't just for who's the freshest blood. There's millions of kids running around with plushies of these characters. I saw one at a restaurant.
>Even with that many spiders, they're all still the same species. Just like there's only one Spider-MAN. Besides if you're going to list all the spider species then I can list all the chess pieces too (that are all more useful than you, just saying), but that'd just be pedantic.
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Yeah, I know you want it. I want you to beg for it, you dirty manwhore. Go on! Beg! Tell me how much you want me to fuck you.
I see lots of slop in there.
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Anon Joker vs Gordon IS the forced happening of round 3.
Oh no! Joker's avoiding rape by giving his consent! How will Gordon overcome this unexpected development?
>Joker consents to the rape
>this turns the destined rape into just plain old gay sex
truly this is a Jokers Joke
Then what's your pick? Because people are saying Mr. Fox shouldn't count, either. TADC is WAY too popular to be "literal who" so that can't be it
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>>Even with that many spiders, they're all still the same species.
oh no
you're retarded
I know Fox but I don't know Soundwave.
Franky I'm surprised /co/ hasn't seemed to have watched Fantastic Mr. Fox. One of the best animated films in the last 15 years.
The best matchups just spontaneously come up out of nowhere
Jucika for some reason is just really good at having solid matchups - vs Karen and vs Slappy were both amazing rounds
Wait a second...

This is very gay.
This meme literally predates the latest Joker flop, why would it feel forced when it's the perfect time to celebrate the meme?
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Cool Insect Knowledge:
>Monarch Butterflies feed on milkweed plants during their long migration journeys. If you want to help them get snacks for the long trip, make sure to plant native milkweed. Non-Native Milkweed can have an intoxicating effect and disrupt their ability to find their way to their spawning grounds, or simply not contain the real nutrition they need.
Vote Kinger
If Gordon told horrible jokes, that would be worse than rape to the Joker. He doesn't have it in him to consent to unfunny humor.
Mr Fox, plenty of people have grown up with some form of Transformers and G1 still has a lot of fans here where Soundwave got his popularity from, Mr Fox is a niche Britbong pick from an old movie most people haven't seen.
I've seen a few /co/ posts saying Wes Anderson's films have forced whimsy or complaints to that effect
Because themed matchups are forced by their very nature?
Being one of the most popular Decepticons means little to the significant voterbase who knows little about Transformers to begin with, and can probably only name Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream (from the Bayformers movies) before they start drawing blanks

And keep in mind, some not actually obscure characters have won the Literally Who award before, like Wendy's and the Pixie from SMT/Persona
Livesey, too. Death and Max were great rounds.
Does /co/ normally go through 'everyone is X' phases or should I be worried.
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Literal Who is meant for Literal Who to /co/s fanbase. not solely what kids watch. They probably are aware who Marie from Craig of the Creek is but we don't.
I really wouldn't care if it has 5 billion views and every kid has a toy doll, if some random Cocomelon character made Mr /co/ they are 100% getting the literal who award because it's obscure to us
Monarch butterflies are real?
2009 is not old.
still cant believe Karen almost beat Jucika
There's gotta be at least one time it DID work
calm yourself remember why you're doing this, you're somehow making gay sex even gayer
Anon that movie is 15 years old, MLAATR is considered a nostalgic cartoon and that's only 7 years older.
>1 result
>0 results
A Megatron vs Boomhauer match despite having no chance of happening, would have been oddball and interesting than Joker vs Gordon
The CharacterAI one was only ever used by the Brapposter. Interesting
You know what?
I will only vote for whoever has the most brainrotting brainrot content, bring me your worst
Sounds pretty forced if you're doing it to celebrate a meme rather than just because you like the characters.
TADC is NOT obscure to /co/, give me a break anon that show has constant threads
It's a year away from being considered "legal" in many parts of the world
I think Transformers fans are overestimating how much the average person is familiar with the characters in their franchise, especially compared to a character from a popular children's book by an iconic author
Gordon, careful. He might be planning to get you addicted to man ass. He might throw it back so good, women won't do it for you anymore.
Barred and Bottom

Round three of Barred

Mr. /co/ Bottom 128 Tournament Round 3
Fantastic Mr. Fox is not all that unpopular, but it has a paltry presence on /co/
Nostalgia = "old"
I wouldn't call something an "old" toon unless it's at least like 25 years past.
Jim Gordon getting his rags taken off
What if Mr. literal who isn't Mr Fox, a TADC pick, OR a Transformer. Who could it possibly be, then?
What about Ben and Kaine the Spiderman clones?
I think more people recognize Matilda or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from Dahl.
>Oh whoops, had a brainfart. Anyway, your bugs can't help you now. I got this round in the bag!
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>He's a falseflag. She's a falseflag. That's a falseflag.
Some years it's rigging accusations instead so it could always be worse.
They're probably the most iconic species of butterfly, or at least they're the first thing I think of when I imagine a generic butterfly
>2009 was 15 years ago
You can argue if Mr. Fox is old but I certainly feel old...
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Is that hesitation? What happened to "I consent"? Are you having second thoughts? Good. That was my plan all along. And now...I STRIKE!
/tnt/ and tourney autists do. It's called "one guy."
Judge Dredd
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just an interesting comparison. I will not comment on who I think should get Mr. literally who
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Vote for Me THE Hacker, the rightful ruler of Cyberspace, in Barred.
Serial Designation N again?
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Why yes, yes they are. Consult your local library for further material on their habits or just search Youtube for a shiny new video to go in that next tab.
So did that Dutch Soijak Party show when it won its award, so did Murder Drones when it won the award for both tournaments and its sister show isn't that unpopular either
If something is contained there and no one knows what it is it'll still qualify. Mr is strong it its roster so no one is going to be an absolute literal who, but who would be the most to the userbase. Caine has a very strong argument to win this award this year
would be funny
>Rorschach was nominated and qualified on the 15th anniversary year of the Watchmen movie
I'll say this has been the most lively Literally Who discussion I've ever seen! But always remember that the award is a celebration of the notion that even relatively obscure fandoms have their seat at the tournament table. I see a good number of people treating it as some kind of insult and while the name of it is a little tongue-in-cheek, I don't think any fandom of the recipient should feel left out.

I've also updated the Challonge page:
/tnt/ psyop?
Mentions don't mean much cause an insular fandom can mention a specific character not popular elsewhere thousands of times.
Tai Lung
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With the panda and Megatron left with their asses gaped by Gordon will the Joker survive this round?
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This video is so dumb but it's made me laugh for years
"We might have to use more extreme means..."
-The Auditor
I'd argue against that too since I knew who Caine was long before I watched TADC
>Marvin would have been Seed #16 if he wasn't series limited
Kek brutal, knew the Wile vs Marvin faceoff was going to be tight
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Not only is he probably the most popular villain from a hit movie series, but they brought him back from the dead for the shitty sequel, this year
Like, on the movie poster and everything
That Rosarch guy, never heard of him
Why did you give it to Wendy in 2020. That made no sense.
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As you can see, my methods are most effective! Even the Joker has fallen silent!
Do you see it now, Batman? After all these years, I've done what you can't! What you wouldn't!
I think Literally Who needs more clarification. Are we talking about recognizability within these tournaments, on /co/, or to the general public? How can this be quantified?
no it’s just seems like the entire thing has become flanderized, before it used to be "why doesn't Batman just rape The Joker to stop him" and now has just become gay sex for the sake of gay sex without any of the original intent for why the raping had to happen
Gordon before we begin this I need you to find yourself again
this is so fucking stupid, just give it to mr. fox
>nooo but he qualified before
yeah, and? he's still the most obscure character on the bracket.
Just complain about it and watch the hosts do absolutely nothing.
Do death because uhhhhh I thought he was cool while he was in the competition
Robotnik isnt /co/ why is he even in the tournament?
Kinger is from a brainrot show
It wasn't him who decided that, you'd have to ask the anons who voted Wendy the award back in whatever thread it was
Also I've seen you get annoyed at this weirdly specific issue before and I still hold the stance that Wendy's is a literally who, sorry not everyone knows who your burgerstan fast food mascot is or even has those restaurants in their country
I've heard of Mr Fox, there's at least 5 guys I didn't hear the name of before this tournament
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He appeared in the cartoons by DIC Anon so it counts.
It's just Psyanon giving a consolation prize to a jobber, it's by no means objective
>he's still the most obscure character on the bracket.
The thing is he isn't. I would give it to Soundwave cause only Transformer fans specifically know him.
Pomni, look at what I found! It's a Velvet Worm! It's a Pan-Arthropod, it's the last of it's kind. Though there was this weird looking upside down thing from the Cambrian age related to it, Hallugenogenia or something like that...wait this is one of Ragatha's hair licorice pieces nevermind
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse vs Popeye 2018, you can pick either
i've hardly seen any transformers shit and i knew soundwave
Fantastic Mr. Fox isn't as well-known as a Dahl novel, but from an animation standpoint the movie has some notoriety? It's tough to say. You're going to run into it if you follow enough well-regarded animated movies and particularly stop-motion. On the other hand, it's not quite mainstream despite still getting decent regards. It's not even the biggest critical darling stop-motion of its year alone, with Coraline filling that spot instead. I'm hesitant to call Mr. Fox a literal who even putting aside the fast he already qualified in the past, but I see the vision.

Soundwave on the other hand is a weird one. He was definitely the third wheel here to Megatron and Starscream, who are also more well-known overall. Transformers has oddly not been as present around here as you'd expect, so it does come off more as a fluke. On the other hand, Optimus Prime basically opened the door for the series to have a real shot in Mr. /co/. Clearly Soundwave had enough in him to make it, though at the same time I can bet on him being an one-off with Optimus almost certainly coming back next year.

I would likely go Soundwave over Mr. Fox myself, but this is a trickier call than past years like with Livesey or N. Maybe Judge Dredd is in contention? Absolutely someone you're going to know if you care about comics about any amount past DC and Marvel, but in the grander scheme I'd say he's less likely to get notoriety nowadays. Then again, maybe I'm greatly underselling him.

If you want a funny answer, then you could do the Grinch as Literally Who because of the titular race in his main story.
Gordon go and do that
If you say this, /tnt/ fags will swarm and swear you're some schizo for wanting board contests to stick to their board
I think I saw a documentary about these things, they're gross
By this logic every burgerstan cartoon is a literal who since not all of them air in every country.
Give it to "M" from Looney Tunes
Wendy's is global and the mascot is more recognizable than almost any toon girl in the world. You're retarded if you think because it's not in your minor country that it's literal who.
>Do the Grinch as Literally "Who"
Kek it should actually be this
Wholesome Spider-Man is BORING. He was better when he was a minority-hating maniac.
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The Quads...I can't argue with the Quads...
My god, what am I doing? This whole thing has gotten out of control. I...I wanted Batman to do it. But he never would. I got desperate. And now this...What am I going to tell Barbara?
/tnt/ bro btw
>Grinch as Literally Who
I can get behind this
That's a funny idea
But isn't the Grinch a "What" according to the Carrey film?
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>Nice weather for a falseflag, ain't it
That implies I watch them when they are aired on television which I do not, I watch them off the internet as I imagine is what most people here do anyways
I do hope someone set this up on purpose only to get no fucking payoff for it whatsoever.
I'm pissed at Barred because it made me go through the archives for threads on The Loud House.
Unironically this might be the best option if anons can't decide from the actual roster
If it was /tnt/ they'd be losing their minds over scribbled gay furry porn, not minorities
shut the fuck up
Not every country has stable wi-fi or has reliable subs
Rooting for Beast to make at least the top 8 in Bottom!
I have a serious announcement to make
Kinger has a strong case as well, he's only this far because the episode last week was about him
He started as /v/ and appeared as an anime character before he was in an American cartoon or comic
So a character can go through /v/ and /a/ before showing up in anything considered /co/ and still get in the tournament? Seems like bullshit to me. Should be naturally born /co/ citizens only
best character since Option 1
>Gordon vs Joker has now become a KINO event of introspection and gets
I never doubted you guys...
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No they genuinely do feel like Velvet, that name is correct. The worm part isn't though, not remotely worm.
You will job and I will laugh
Probably Dredd unfortunately. Either that or the murder drones guy.
Judy Hopplander...
if we can't reach a consensus on Mr. Literally Who psyanon should just give it to N again
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>Cheesecake isn’t a falseflagger
>NSA isn’t back
>Nothing new to say about Robotboy
I’m bored
Arthur Fleck
THE REAL FALSEFAGGING!!!!!!! Was the friends we made along the way
Uh, a grotesque flying water beetle! Heh heh
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Oh boy, two opponents
Vote for Morning Visitor
Did these digits just end the rape arc?
It looks so fluffy, I want to pet it
I think Eddy has a decent shot against Genie. I'd love to campaign for Genie since he's my pick but he's a tough character to nail properly plus I can't stay posting on 4chan all day.
Oh that's nice. I thought it was going to be a bad announcement.
Round 2 Slaughter Chart has been updated.
Most teams are down to 2-3 members.
Two teams are out, with Destined Duo, and this rounds biggest losers with 5 whole members gone, and with them the entire team, Robo Rollout.
The Bossmen and Super Sexymen are down to their final member, so they will have to work extra hard if they want to stay in this.
As for this round's biggest winner, Sly Guys manged to sneak around the competition, with zero losses and 3 members left.

And if we take a look at the unofficial Team Comics, we can see that they're having a pretty good year with 6 guys still in the running, or 8 with the duck bonus.
you still have enough time Gordon to fix it all
What is the password for barred

"powerjobber" IS WHAT "jobber" SHOULD MEAN
Looking through the bracket it’s not a bad line up. Lots of deserving choices and no one really looks bad. Eddy has my vote out of everyone but that’s pure bias from growing up with the Eds
Is this year the farthest Charlie Brown got?
Genie's massive tits
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It appears that lazy scientist believes he could cheat his way with that machine.
I shall be ready for him soon.
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But that's the thing, Joker. I don't.
I understand now what Batman meant this whole time. There are lines that you should not cross, because you can never go back.
I'm going to be leaving for a long while. There are things I have to re-evaluate, parts of myself I need to make sense of.
I'm sorry. For all of this.
Gordon raping back into hard heterosexuality and clarity of mind is a twist M Night Shamalan would be proud of
He didn't rape the joker... How am I supposed to go on!? I bet my life on Gordon raping the joker! I'm gonna be fucking dead now
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I'll go vet some quality footage
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Well you see anon, some in the force have... conceded to the commissioners viewpoint.
desuarchive is your friend.
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It's time for the third episode, out of 5 of this mini-series.
No actually, nothing comes up
That means I'm shit and finished
I haven't looked at the question but if it's TLH thread related is it about that one anon's fanfic where one of the girls sands her clitoris off
all of bingogeta's hints are shadowbanned on desu lol
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It's about /incel/
Honestly leaving behind the rape would be more kino than forcing it, I like this new direction
character development...
i voted for pussy boobs
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Squishy little fellows they are.
>2018: Didn't Qualify
>2019: Lost Round 1
>2020: Didn't Qualify
>2021: Lost Round 1
>2022: Lost Round 1
>2023: Lost Round 1
>2024: Lost Round 2
dance with me chessman
Robotboy doesn't even qualify for these tournaments wat
Honestly these results are very in-character for Charlie Brown
>Gordon not raping
>Joker being a paragon of sanity and clarity
I don't know what to make of this, other than I'm amazed. The matchup has been redeemed.
This is exactly what r/asylum did the day of. Why are we copying reddit
Pomni the pattern on this subspecies is my favourite
>Kinger who are you talking to?
Oh just the viewer at home.
Welp, I take it back, we found the one theme matchup that actually worked.
Thanks, wow kind of good to see him make it one step up.
As someone who was criticizing this matchup really hard I have to say that brief exchange between Joker and Gordon warmed me up quite a bit to this duck match, there's still 19 hours left, hopefully there'll be just as much funny stuff after this thread with all that time to spare.
I think a redditor drank water earlier today
Anon we always were reddit
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My faith in these tournaments has been restored. Anyone can change.
I wouldn't say redeemed, but the fact that people are at least trying with this matchup is enough to keep from complaining for a while, we'll see if it lives up to the type by the time this round ends.
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Don't worry fellas, the Joker's still getting raped. The tragedy with Gordon turning a new leaf is that it came too late. Some of Gotham's finest were already convinced.
>no more rape from Gordon
>no more racism from Spider-Man
What happened?...
Not canon
Why doesn't Gordon just KILL the Joker? Not his one rule...
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I'm going to touch you Joker.
Why doesn't Gordon get Harley to fuck the Joker into not being the Joker?
Gordon? Kill the Joker
Erika, rape him again.
We can't kill anymore, we voted death out of the tournament
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There is another nonlethal solution...
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Just like how removing one element can lead to darker effects, removing more elements could lead to lighter effects. It's a little experiment I'm running.
Why doesn't Gordon just offer Joker rehabilitation programs.
Ah yes, the fate worse than death solution.
Why doesn't Gordon just get Joker addicted to crack so he ditches the over the top crimes in favor of getting more crack?
Why doesn't Gordon just restrict Joker's access to the internet?
Why doesn't Gordon just get the Joker addicted to furry porn so he's too busy spending all his insanebux on anthro commissions?
Why doesn't Gordon just put on clown makeup and out-Joker the Joker so he kills himself?
Grim's still in
why doesn't Joker realise the world is already insane so adapts to be by becoming sane
C'mon Chessman! It's time to dance. I even brought my buddy here with me.
Why doesn't Gordon teach The Joker how to be funny so that Murray will actually laugh at his jokes?
Why doesn't Gordon just frame Joker for possession of CP so he gets put on a list and everyone calls him a pedo?
I like this one
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This is what happens now if Gordon wins this round.
Why doesn't Gordon just give Joker sex reassignment surgery?
That's not brainrot, that's actually funny
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I got you now, Clown.....
Why doesn't Gordon just convince the Joker that he was actually Batman this entire time so that sudden revelation makes him so crazy he stops thinking?
Why doesn't Gordon just call Joker a nigger?
Gordon from the past you're late, present day you has left to find himself
Why doesn't Gordon just cancel the Joker for misogyny?
Joker is literally the whitest person in the franchise
He was already caucasian, and the ace chemicals accident bleached him
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Why doesn't Gordon just give the Joker a stroke?
Why doesn't Gordon just convince the Joker to rape him instead so that he's too addicted to his Commissionerussy to ever commit crime again?
You are lame
>Gordon finds peace
>Somehow this causes everyone to go insane
We have Death, and Death: Furry in this competition. Huh.
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And I-wait wrong image
Oh man I just had an amazing idea for OC for Gordon vs Joker. There's just one teensy tiny problem. I can't draw, at all.
The concept is funny but it's presented like trendy tiktok brainrot
>Gordon being consumed by a lust for Joker rape is so vital to the DC verse that him not wanting to rape anymore starts distorting reality as we know it
Why doesn't Gordon shake up a soda and hand it to Joker?
Which current runner would be the most interesting to watch experience an orgasm?
Now that's too far gone, this is DC not Berserk
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I'm enjoying the wholesome bug posts
No for real. imagine him spasming and laughing and shit. He goes double crazy.
Why doesn't Gordon just ask the Joker if he loves skub or hates skub?
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Even I will change, as for the first time I will be progressing to Round 4, then I will be going to the Elite Eight for the first time, and then I will WIN for the first time, while ensuring that you change as well as I will make sure you cannot come near the status of Elite Eight you formerly had before as you look on as I move ahead, and you will be standing still because I will have beaten you and you will have lost to MOJO JOJO, your King With A Brain, who is me, who is the one who shall be moving on!
/an/ is one of the last quality boards so I appreciate its posters
Joker, for the comedy and theater he would bring to it. Maybe he'd do a magic trick so you think he shot a blank, but then he squeezes his little flower and it shoots his cum at you.
then draw it
Why doesn't Gordon just replace all of Joker's clothes with exact duplicates that are one size smaller so he thinks he's gaining weight?
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You just had to mess with the natural order of things didn't you?
Why doesn't Gordon if when the oven comes out and from the oven then
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Why doesn't Gordon just steal Joker's breffmints?
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This one isn't a fact I just wanted to post this Acorn Weevil
Why doesn't Gordon just have the Joker's testicles surgically removed
Why doesn't Gordon force The Joker to host Ms /co/ so that he's too busy trying to keep the tournament from falling apart to do anything nefarious?
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Heh I don't think so old chum. Or should I say, KWAB!
Some days you just need the good all days of fighting a monkey trying to take over the world. Long live the Silver Age!
Why doesn't Gordon feed Joker a shit ton of anchovies so he gets really bad heartburn?
Why doesn't Gordon just talk with the Joker? He clearly needs the help
See, I was thinking Daffy for the same reason. Full-on Clampett-Daffy whooping and hollering fit while his corkscrew spasms and spurts.
Why doesn't Gordon simply turn Joker into a woman and give him to Cheesecake?
Why doesn't Gordon just achieve inner peace and realize the Joker is a problem in his head?
Why does Joker, the strongest multimedia man, not simply EAT Robotnik and his mean beans
Why doesn't Gordon stick Joker in a sealed room with a sandpaper treadmill?
Why doesn't Gordon just change the Joker into a black man and then lock him in a room with Uncle Ruckus?
I haven't watched the Digital Circus thing, is being into bugs (not the bunny) a part of his character?
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Why doesn't Gordon simply shove the Joker up his ass?
Why doesn't Gordon just force-feed the Joker nothing but cake and afterwards motivates him to lose weight so that he starts to feel more comfortable about his skin?
But I can't! I don't have the skill or the talent...
Why doesn't Gordon just take The Joker out for an unforgettable luncheon?
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Yes, his wife Queenie was an entomologist before she died in front of him, she got him into bugs.
Why doesn't Gordon just rip the Joker's jaw off with his bare hands and be like "you have no chin lol"
It's legitimately a big revelation in the third episode
Why doesn't Gordon just turn Joker into a pickle
do a sovlfvl (shitty) rendering of it or just share your idea
Why doesn't Gordon just make Joker eat a weird-lookin' bug
>has just become gay sex for the sake of gay sex
quads of truth, gay sex needs a convoluted narrative for people to really get into it
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(Still can't get King giffing on the facts page, sorry).
But it's true. Termite's have kings! KIIIINGS!
Why doesn't Gordon just rig Joker out of the tournament?
And that's why King is the best. It all has the most convoluted lore you could think of.
Jim Davis...
Why doesn't Gordon admit to the Joker that he rigged his favorite picks into making it this far in Mr?
Thanks Kinger
Jim Davis X Jim Gordon
Why doesn't Gordon just falseflag Joker's mains as being tranny's?
Why doesn't Gordon just have all the orderlies speak gibberish around the Joker and hand him newspapers with jumbled words so the Joker thinks he has a neurological disorder?
Picrel is this thread basically. Well, other than the other thing.
Why doesn't Gordon just falseflag Joker's picks as being BBC addicts?
Well, Garfield was being repped by Cheesecake. We can rape them
Why doesn't Gordon just put Joker's mains in a really unflattering acronym?
Well, at least people can't say no one didn't do anything with this match up.
Why doesn't Gordon just draw Joker wearing a muzzle?
Why doesn't Gordon just use AI pics to make Joker's mains look bad?
Getting End of Gordongelion out of it was pretty kino, honestly. Poetic ending to one of the great jokes.
Why doesn't Gordon just curbstomp The Joker?
Why doesn't Gordon just send The Joker on an adventure with the aim of finding canned food?
Why doesn't Gordon Why doesn't Gordon Why doesn't Gordon Why doesn't Gordon Why doesn't Why Why WHY WHY WHY
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>Batman, it's time you take the kiddy gloves off.
Why doesn't Gordon just
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Oh god damn it you assholes you aren't supposed to be funny
Why do you answer when there's no question told?
I miss Oswald...
Why doesn't
Why doesn't Gordon stop the Joker from voting for his picks by forcing him to say niggers?
Why doesn't Gordon just make The Joker addicted to shotas?
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Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly trained professional!
thread themes
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I can turn him into a dog!
Why doesn't Gordon shit his pants really loud to intimidate the Joker?
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>Ok I know I have to edgy to get /co/ to like me. Hmmmmmmm

>Moth Caterpillars are a common agricultural pest, also known as Spongy Moths.

Why doesn't Gordon force the Joker to have a melty by voting out his husbando?
god dammit i love this place and you faggots too
>Ms. /co/: Two Tribes
>Mr. /co/: Relax
Why doesn't Gordon just call Joker the poopdickschizo that makes all those posts?
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You wouldn't dare!
>Cheesecake is fat fetish: the character
>Frankie stuffing herself with cookies has become an especially (in)famous scene for fatfags
>One of Garfield's main attributes is being a fat bastard

Guys, I've found a pattern
Why doesn't Gordon reveal that The Joker is obsessed with cartoon dads?
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Ok guys, I didn't want to have to...wait who are you again? Oh right, the hardest question of the entire tournament, I'm so...so sorry to put you through this.

>A. Fire Fly

>B. Lightning Bug
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>You're right. I do need to get edgy to beat you. It's time to take the kiddie gloves off. It's time to bring out... The symbiote suit.
Why doesn't Gordon just reveal The Joker's IP on plus4chan?
Why doesn't Gordon just say "it's Gordon-ing time" and Gordon all over the Joker?
Why doesn't Gordon constantly call the Joker the worst E8 member?
do it and I shoot
Lighting Bug.
Why doesn't Gordon just say "it's Gordon time" and Gordon all over the Joker?
But first, let's dance! C'mon Chessman let's go I've been inviting you for awhile now. It'll be fun!
Firefly no duh
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Spoken like a true dork!
HEY PSYANON! Check out this!
I DID THAT JOKE HERE >>145948688
Why doesn't Gordon just take Joker's iphone away so he can't shitpost anymore?
Why doesn't Gordon just ask Rorschach to kill The Joker?
I'd like to make myself believe
Why doesn't Gordon just backstage politic Joker into being booked as a lowcard jobber?
Why doesn't Gordon just steal Joker's jokes?
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Why doesn't Gordon just add email verifications so none of Joker's picks have enough votes to get in?
Why doesn't Gordon just cross the road?
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Why doesn't Gordon just jerk off?
Why is Kinger rolling dubs every other post?
Why doesn't Gordon just jerk the Joker off?
Why doesn't Gordon just make a shitty sequel to a beloved Joker film about where Joker's a raped cuck that dies in prison?
Why doesn't Gordon have The Joker jerk him off?
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You are correct, for I have no reason to aid my opponent, even if you are a pathetic excuse for a villain compared to me, the opposite of patheti-
Nevermind, it appears this is what my pathetic opponent does NOT want, and so I shall be using the Anubis head to transform your pathetic self!
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God Damn. Jokerfags are having a real melty.
I feel like fucking with them. But not too much. You'd hate to see the kiddy gloves come off.
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He's unironically the only stabilizing force in this thread keeping us from going utterly loony.
Why doesn't the Joker just feed him a bunch of doughnuts until he becomes diabetic?
Why doesn't Gordon just rename The Joker to The Jerker?
Wait no I meant Gordon oh god oh fuck that clown's in my head bros fuck
Yeah that's right now you're getting it! You can dance in your own way!
(Oh no! This is getting tough. He has the power of the Jester buff on his side. I need to think of something to get the people to vote for me.)
*blink* This is the best fucking thread I've read in my life
Jokersister's how do we recover from this?
Why doesn't Groudon just Precipice Blades the Joker?
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>Ctrl+f Gordon: 115 matches
>Ctrl+Joker: 112 matches
This has become the greatest hype matchup in tournament history
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>I wish that I truly believed
>The days tick by, so, slowly
>But it's hard to say I'd rather leave the dark then stay insane
>Cause what's a King without his lovely Queen?
Jokerbros, we can't RECOVER from this...
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I can't stop laughing bros...
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Gordon, the rape was one thing but this is downright despicable.
(Yes that's it! Now I have the power of the dubs! I gotta dance more, move more! C'mon...)
This NEEDS posterity
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Didn't Gooseworx also do Thalasin?
Good, now no one can hear him rig the tourney MUAHAHAHAAHAHA
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Ya'll good?
No wait, that's not funny! That's not funny at-- woof.
Please slay these capeshitters king?
What happened to incognito mode huh?
who is this literal nobody that i've never seen or heard of?
Ammyfags got btfo irredeemably.
Yes! It worked!
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Can I keep it, dad? Please please please!
I'm sorry I ever doubted you guys... This one thread is better than the entirety of Ms. this year.
Not only it's once again pushing a character that has nothing to do with this thread.
Do I dare make this the next OP image, anons?
Nah, Cheesecakeanon is still better than this.
I'm not actually THE Cheesecakeposter. Just copied the filename to get a reaction after watching the fireworks last time.
I take back every single bad thing I've said about this matchup, I shouldn't have underestimated Gordon sama and Joker's power, I'm sorry.
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>Gordon realized as he watched the thread descend into insanity that backpedaling on the rape was Joker's plan all along
>so he had to come up with something even worse than rape
It's what had to be done.
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Should I do a full Owl City Fireflies parody song? Got some inspiration.
Well in that case you should have changed the filename to IMG for better results.
>Joker is a God larping as a clown
I don't even remember any matchup other than Gordon vs Joker and Kinger vs Spidey. They BTFO everyone else this round.
Same here. I was actually disappointed Megatron lost, but jesus did Gordonfags actually deliver in more ways than Duckfags ever could
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>Jim Gordon
>Ji(f)m Peanut Butter (Gordon)
Susiefag btw not sure if it matters
I would call them old if they were made before the year 2000
Rorschach bro...
I was also disappointed when Megatron lost to Gordon, but this has more than made up for the loss, I haven't laughed this fucking hard in ages.
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Everyone check your backs, sleep with one eye open. He's on the loose and now no one can stop him
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>tfw no joker rape
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I quite literally don't care who between Gordon or the Joker wins this matchup, all I know is now i want one of them to be a finalist I'm actually crying from laughter
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Actually, I have something serious on my mind today…

Harleen Frances Quinzel, if you are hearing this, Arthur Fleck is very sorry he didn’t go far enough to make you love him. He hopes you can find it in your heart of hearts to forgive him.

PS: Edward Nygma, you still owe me $5 you bum!
This was absolutely the Joker drawing it himself. Prove me wrong.
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>The fourth "villain" is Gordon raping the other villainous champions
It's another falseflag. I think it's the same guy spewing the NSA = Robotnik thing.
Vote for Yuckie Duck and Sledgehammer O Possum!
Add this one to the list too!
he does like chaos
This won't be based until Cheesecakeanon's pick decimates capeshit again.
That wasn't even them, apparently someone's intentionally fakeposting as them.
And probably egging on the massive Robotnik = /co/ or /v/ fight last round.
Wait...Egging on....Egg...OH MY GOD HE'S IN ON IT
I still don't know what his fucking picks are supposed to be in mr.
I've been waiting for Joker to get some good tournament content for years, and it's just as beautiful as I could have imagined. It's chaotic in the most fitting way for him. I like Gordon and all, but do hope Joker actually wins here. It would likely be better in the long run.
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Jesus Christ what an awful thread. Just a bunch of tired jokes, irrelevant capeshit, and FOTM indieslop is enough to get you guys to bust a nut these days.
Stop impersonating me fag. I'm finally here to clean up all the trash.
why doesn't Gordon have his own themed car so he and The Joker can go racing?
We'll when all the capeshit is gone. This is going to be Susiefag destruction part 2.
Who has a grudge to pick with Eggman and Cheesecake, hates NSA, uses 4chan, and is a man?
Gentlemen, get this IC cucks rags off
>tricked /co/ into supporting /v/
I'd be okay with Joker winning the entire thing just from this thread alone bro, and there's still several more hours left before this thing has to wrap up good God, I can't stop fucking laughing.
Me? minus the eggman part
Batman, of course! You know a man like that just fits the type!
>falseflagging Cheesecakefag
Temp already does the job of ruining his own reputation, why be this needlessly cruel?
Grimm Black Souls (he is lactose intolerant)
/v/ chads we RUN these tournaments
So, someone who's insecure about their weight, didn't like getting kicked off-site to Plus4chan, has a rivarly with Eggman, and is insecure about /v/ /co/ status...

Does King Koopa have an alibi?
Gordon (falseflagging as Joker)
Hey, I agree!
I'm still laughing at them murdering Rorschach in the first round. Up there with Bob Parr and the Drones.
Temp will tell you he's been banned 110 tikes, and he'll also claim that he did nothing wrong and just so happened to be banned by 110 antitempmitic moderators
>One thread was all it took to make this match up completely worth it and there's several hours left before the rounds ends
I'm not sure I'm prepared for what's to come after this guys.
>he was actually supposed to RACE the Joker
My God
Yeah I really don't think it's Temp or Numnuts or any other namefag. Cheesecake's been a thing for years it just kind of elevated itself to meme status with the Susie Debacle
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Before it ENDS? Dude we aren't even halfway THROUGH. This is several hours since it's BEGUN.
Nothing else is gonna happen probably, most people will go to sleep
Rare Bejita W
Why doesn't Gordon just bracket maneuver into a themed matchup with Joker?
Ohhh God...
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Ah, a king after my own heart. Nice to see SOMEONE left in this debacle has enough gray matter to respect the noble yet hardworking monarch butterfly.
...Henchman, are you fucking with me right now? Is this really the sort of people I have to work with?
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It is I, Don Pabl- I mean Don Diego Coronel y Zúñiga and I have come to plead for your aid in helping my fellow Pablos against his two opponents in this current match up for he is out numbered. but do not fear for there is hope yet, by voting for "Don Pablos of Segovia" you give him a fighting chance. Now hurry there is not much time to aid him.
Post your ideal E8 at this point
Some of these are really tough
>an icon has to be fucked in the ass in front of millions for comics to finally get a win
Tell me. How is this not the most beautiful plot the Joker has ever devised? It's like Joker is controlling the annuls of history
Ok the two falseflags at once thing makes me think the falseflagger is Tourney/Dayshift/Numnuts
Imagine if that was how Joker 2 ended
more like controlling the anals of history
Cheesecakefag IS Temp and it was already blatant during Ms. /co/. Not that I have got a problem with it but it's funny how the dude's autism an incapacity to read the room gets the better of him.
more like the anals of history
>Daffy (JJJ would be great too)
>Kuzco (tough call)
>Carl (Kermit would be great too)
>Courage or Doof (either works)
Temp is fucking based then.
Temp has posted pictures of his life time ban and 'most' of Cheesecakefags stuff was computer posted so not them. Speech pattern doesn't line up either.
Numnuts would be out switching between apologizing and resuming faggotry every other second, it's not him either.
Mr. Monarch, your drawfag here. I'm sorry that the despicable duck got away with your victory. But fear not, I will contribute for your campaign with Shake in Tag-team on January
Where are those ms. /co/ fags who were shitting the matchup now?
I really don't think it's TempAnon, he used to be Dan Anon and the campaigning style doesn't match up to Frankie at all.
>Speech pattern doesn't line up either.
Gordon racing the Joker
B-but, campooning is BAD.... we were supossed to have boring silent picks win.... thread quality wasn't supossed to matter...
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I'm here. This matchup still sucks and so is this round as a whole. We really need to get rid of all those shitty capefags. Garfield is so much better than them it's not even funny.
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>Joker orchestrated his own rape to win an imageboard contest
He fucking would.
Batman being killed by Cheesecake Cherrywell
Joker Gordon suicide pact
Spider-Man being run over by Cheesecake Cherrywell
Are you Temp Anon? Are you Numnuts? Are you Perifag?
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God, I come before you today, humbled and tired, to ask you for one thing... Just one thing for next round...

Mojo Jojo vs Plankton
Daffy writing his own tabloid to slander the competition, including JJJ.
I'm Rorschach poster, slandering the one who beat me. Hurm.
>t. Veidt
btw Temp Anon going to crash this tournament with no survivors
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Interesting match up, wanted to draw them both together.
Best thread in a while.
based, ms. was better anyways
>signed by NSA, with love
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Fool, you can only rely on digits supplied from MOJO JOJO to call upon the power of luck, luck which always shines brightly on me with digits when I require them.
I disagree.
ABAP, baby. ABAP.
Batman? Curb stomped by Cheesecake
t. Verrukt.
Wake up Doctor. The dead have woken up
I know who Cheesecake Anon is. Her middle name is Boeing 747. They've come to silence us for what we know about the rudders and doors and MCAS Oh my. Run.
>Anon committed window throw very sad
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Seems Mojo Jojo stole the precious digits from the bat! HEHAHAA!
HOLY trips
I'm seeing duck ass in the catalog
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OUR HEROES... Are fighting
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Looks like we found who Cheesecake Anon is voting for. So long batty boy.
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>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the Mass
Finally the thread is getting good.
Wow! I didn't Frankie was actually a GOOD winner this entire time!
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No! Stop! Don't leave me, voters!
Now that's some good art!
I like to imagine the actual FrankieAnon is asleep and is going to wake up tomorrow to mind this mess in their name. Beautiful.
>t. is mad his pick will never get based fat art
so is that coyote going to speak?
Should have thought of that before you went campooner. Now all capeshit will suffer.
I don't think he can
Gaston, there's no princess behind that frog desu! Here, kiss this instead desu!
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Potential fourth villain to join the boys:
>Mojo Jojo
>Eddy (scam counts as crime)
The only ones I'm definitively in favor for are Shake, Wallace, and Carl. I can be swayed with the rest.
Unironically the Cheesecake Anon is Psyanon. There's audio of him promoting her. He never does that. https://vocaroo.com/156bs5Cha1Y2
Speaking of that....
What if a FUARKING HERO ends up joining?
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Well yeah, it's the reason we're voting for him in the first place.
Damn, who wants to vote for a prude like Jameson when you can get THIS instead?
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>Shrek out
>Psyanon turns out to be the new NSA
Now there's a twist.
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>That's what I'm trying to do.
Where's Recap?
At the end you nimrod, we aren't even halfway
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wasn't this because Zatana fed him magic mud which she eventually shat out into a clone of him?
>Zatana fed him magic mud
What kind of JongaMind tier shit is this?
This was a slight shame from last round. Maybe next year's his year?
Master Shake has a higher kill count than at least 7 of these guys. I'm not sure about Joker because I know he became near-omnipotent at some point.
>my CLOWN carried it to term
This is why I want him to win.
Oh shit.
Hey, Eddy's scams are kinda legit, just sometimes half-assed on purpose and using property that isn't theirs without permission. A misdemeanor at worst.
I don't even remember a single post made in support of him this year.
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>Zatana fed him magic mud
>shat out
Damn, I'm supporting her next Ms. /co/!
oh, well I've got nothing to do
This has to be AI manipulated
I could have supported Shrek, but just didn't have the energy to go into a huge campaign this time. That, and I feel there's just a lot of attention elsewhere this time. My only regret in that regard is that this could have been the bracket to do it.
Can't you purchase Psyanon's services for money? And get him to record things for you too?
Yeah I wouldn't jump the gun, Psy's done more than enough voice acting for someone to AI fake him.
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it was from a series of backup comedy stories where Joker tries to find love
The small images are great.
What, does he end up fucking the clone?
no he ends up showing the clone to Zatana
There's no villain like Gaston.
Didn't Psyanon explain he didn't know who cheesecake was and did this on a request? I know for a fact that he took requests before on /tnt/.
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Gaston somehow coming through to win the same year Suiseiseki won a tournament (even if that was a scam) would be incredible.
>NSA, Numnuts, Temp, CIA Guy, Birchy, Judy, and Psyanon in a room
>”Your Cheesecake, she’s Cheesecake, I’m Cheesecake! Are there any other Cheesecakes I should know about?”
>FrankieAnon meow
>CIA guy twitches bottomtext ‘no survivors’
Draw it.
Stats is Cheesecake
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Bounty Delivery for

What do you give to the man who has everything?
This is a strong contender for my favorite OC I've done this year

Good prompts, bounties claimed, three remain (...not counting Grim)
The Eds should have won more. They have made some crazy attractions that actually worked.
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T-that was in a VR MMO! for children's card games!
The Joker is Cheesecake.
Pretty sure it’s a meme and nobody is actually accusing anyone. One falseflagger and now everyone is a potential Cheesecake
>Puss, Death, Horner, and Lord Farquaad all have more regular tournament support than Shrek himself
Except it's pretty obvious Temp is Cheesecake/Frankieanon.
I just Cheesecake'd in my pants.
Stats disappeared the exact same month she first showed up.
How the fuck does one campaigner attract this many fanatics?
Why doesn't Gordon bake Joker a nice Cheesecake as a peace offering?
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No, but I'm here if you want to talk little bean! NYEHEHEHE!
Campooning and campooners should just be renamed Cheesecaking and Cheesecaker's.
there's a reason ms. 2024 was the best. god tier.
>Master Shake
>Bugs Bunny
>Scrooge McDuck
hey wait a minute
It’s Birchy talking to himself, I’ve been convinced of that for a bit. I don’t need to prove anything
Okay that makes sense
>a savvy solo campaigner like Hexfag or Amityfag gets renamed to "Cheesecake factory"
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I'm tired.
I just had a hilarious thought. I don't want to force it at all, and if anything it's very unlikely to actually happen. Still, wouldn't it be hysterical if both the Joker and Batman were able to make it into finals before the former causes the latter to experience the runner-up curse he's always been associated with up until now?
Didn’t this all start because two people used the same Frankie image from the first row of google images
I actually could go for some cheesecake, it's been a long time since I've had any.
Hex should have gotten Ammy's spot
Stats = Woman proven by science!
Spitellennial bro...
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What? Sorry I don't hear small images NYEHEHEHE
How do we know we aren’t all Cheesecake? What if everyone in this thread is a closeted fatfag in massive denial who doesn’t get enough sunlight and we’re all denying the truth.

Or maybe it’s Judy.
That and one of the pictures posted kind of had the same IMG of the falseflagger posts.
I know you're joking, but Hex lost to Curly in the second round. For what it's worth, she got to at least face the wall.
Dubs and Plankton rapes Skeletor with Gordon's help
Campaigning wise maybe, game wise not a chance. Okami's a classic, Pokemon is overrated
They went far in the coper's bracket.
Face the winner. No idea why I said wall.
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>he doesn't think this is sexy
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Do me do me! Am I cheesecake Anon now? Who else has this name
Batman wins and laughs at Joker.
I’ve been gone for a few days. Anything happen? Any good matches?
Given that Cheesecake Cherrywell comes from an anime parody comic, it makes sense for her to target capeslop.
How does Plankton rape anything? At his size he's at worst a talking suppository
Oh anon, scroll up. You just missed some wild shit.
>All my picks got whooped and can't get in on the fun
Sad times
Gordon did that thing to the Joker.
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>Lost the Monarch and Starscream last round
Guess I'll throw my vote for Robotnik so my defeat isn't in vain. Also I like the Eddy brat's campaign so far even though he irredeemably fucked up Soundwave's system
Nice try but that file name isn't high enough numbers to compete with the falseflag posts.
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Dubs of truth! Why else would he marry a computer? Even when he tried making a second wife, this was the best he could do in terms of chest size.
You could stretch him over your dick and use him like a condom to fuck his wife.
Starscream, that was Steven's gay porn that fucked up Soundwave, not Eddy's.
I’m not a chubby chaser
mechanical raping machine
It's not about targeting capeshit you retards, the joke is that Garfield is a glutton and Cheesecake is a fat fetish character.
Dubs and Skeletor rapes Plankton by shoving him down his uretha.
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It's true. I was the one that did all those posts. You guys should've thanked me for making these threads so good.
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My turn
Joker got turned into a dog and muzzled, and Gordon giving up on raping the Joker drove the thread mental.
I think Cheesecake anon should be raped.
Now it's too high.
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I’ve got this ya yellow belly (vote him for king of /v/)
I hate my job. Is there a waifu/husbando trick to help me get through it
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Oh yeah, he can keep her. I have my own goth hellhound babe who loves me and treats me as her master! I think you would be of good use as chewing gum for her NYEHEHEHE
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Quite so
>fat fetishes are anti-capeshit
It makes sense if you think about muscly they are
Can you post the actual falseflag post that started this whole thing
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I didn't sign up for an aquatic penis plug!
For me, it's
Hamill Joker = Ledger Joker > Dimaggio Joker > Phoenix Joker > Nicholson Joker > Michael Richards Joker > The animated Dark Knight Returns Joker
POWER GAP, ALL JOKERS FROM HERE ON SUCK > BATB Joker > The really lame and gay Joker in the Lego Batman movie > Leto Joker
I haven't seen the others I don't have an opinion on them
Oh shit, Plankton has reached full rape mode. Dubs and the raping begins
I’ve read enough BoboTheHobo/Sulla76 to know that’s dead wrong.
How is that rape? If anything Skeletor would be the one raped, stuff inside your peehole hurts
Which post?
The falseflags are all from anon's ass.
>they gave a metal computer a slit down her "chest" to imitate cleavage
Post-movie Spongebob did some really weird shit
Anon post the falseflag. Post it. We’ve kinda spent a whole thread trying to solve this and if it was made up we just spent a thread accusing everyone of being Cheesecake for nothing.
Eddy's problem was that he set out to be predatory on purpose, even though his ideas are actually good and he doesn't actually need to trick anyone. Even when they know how he is, the kids still often will pay. Shit, I'd go on that cruise and let them keep the money if wild Kankers attacked. I'd pay extra, in fact.
Rape isn’t funny
Where’s the post?
Agent 47...
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Dubs and it's funny
I think one of the Cheesecake authors comics has a capeshit parody in it, I’m trying to find it right now but I only have one image to go off
Dubs and joker and gordon are married
Dubs and Harley had an arranged marriage with Cheesecake
Why doesn't Gordon just make Joker check these dubs?
Why doesn't Gordon just force the Joker to get dubs?
It would be extremely painful
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I will stop rape with these dubs
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Very unfortunate for you, as I am fortunate and you are not! The digits are on my side, and I am sure the votes will not be on your side, for they will be on my side!
It will be me and not any of the others, because I will have already taken that spot, the spot belonging to MOJO JOJO, who is me.
>he's doing the thumb pose
Don't worry guys, he's going to job trying
Cheesecake Anon is no prior Anon, and that’s the scary part. The next horny shitposter could be anyone of us.
It's finally over
Gordon and the Joker have to reconcile
Bejita is who marries them.
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Oh no you don't. Check out these dubs
>Satan Trips
Well shit that settles that. Does this mean I have to get Bob Dole to read from the comic at meetings now?
Cheesecake bro I'm sorry about all this, but learn this as a lesson.
Don't draw unwarranted attention toward yourself on an anonymous website. It might be good short term but it rarely works out long term
.... to Loona's butt
Has anyone here actually read the comic she’s from. Can I get some highlights or a summary or a gore warning
Dubs and Bejita gets double-teamed by Gordon and Joker instead.
Why is Loona's butt such a magnet.
Hello Satan
Dubs and one of the hosts rapes Bejita
>What am I going to tell Barbara?
She's doing her own rapings, she'll be fine.
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I mean, come on
this was only like, two episodes ago
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No one will ever see this
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And its MINE to claim! NYEHEHE
This. Learn what happened to Judyfag. Now he's the most hated campaigner in all the tournaments, and for good reason too.
Judyfag literally did nothing
He was a thread personality.
Maybe screencap I don’t think they’re here
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Calm down, Woody. With posts like these you broke Bo Peep in one of your blind rages
The falseflags were posted this morning but I can't find them.
Also he's a whiny shotafag.
Like Mussolini, and Gandhi. He’s a 4chan personality
I think we all deserve a round,.
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Dubs and I eat EVERYTHING
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You don't get it, do you Buzz? Those falseflags were all made by Judyfag. We need to stop him and his shota addiction.
crying manchild phil sucks and is dimeless
-er version of Chel
>This entire thread devolved because of this
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No, Woody. Since your mains died your mental health's been declining. Everyday you'd be drunk and looking kind of ill...
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No you're lying! My mains can still win. We just need to get rid of Judyfag...
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Agh you found me. Take this and go.
I don't know about all that but AEW is the only fed worth a dime.
Why doesn't Gordon just make Joker the center of falseflag attention
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It's too late, Woody. I''ve taken over leadership of all of Andy's toys. I'm sure you understand, this brings me little joy... But guess what Woody, I've been poisoning your tea, for many, many, years and I rigged your picks out!
Before the night is out each one of us will have knocked back, roughly 7 quintillion calories that’s not including snacks, and our weight gain will be something North of 6 trillion tons, and your fat ass will be denser than the gasss of the sun
…Buzz I drink coffee.
Why doesn't Gordon do a falseflag falseflag so that Joker's picks win and are never in the tournament again?
The falseflag falseflag already falseflagged Judy as Birchy falseflagging Cheesecake against Jonkler
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Just save the fatposting for /v/, they already sacrificed Splashwoman
Vegetable, what does the scooters power level say?
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I love you brucey~ <3
All tournaments should have fatposting
This is a fancomic, but it's basically the same thing
And Jiren hosting them
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Ah, it seems the jig is up!
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No need to apologize, Henchartist, your efforts did not go unappreciated. We came close to triumphing over the mallard, and with your continued dedication to the Cocoon we shall come closer still until my victory is had! Until then, stay alert and prepare for the next time your Monarch takes to the polls.
it's about tree fitty
wtf this means joker is trans bro's
Sigh…put it on the OC queue behind the face one
FATren? Repair Man Man Man victim.
Second or Next thread OP
Holy kino wtf
How did I miss these
KMR's Joker is so underrated man. I think I can understand the voice acting being different, but here in latin both this Joker and BTAS were voiced by the same person so there wasn't any criticism towards KMR's Joker there.
Very good! Love your style of linework.
Joker really wants to marry Frankie huh.
For it's Brave and The Bold Joker, hard to go wrong with a silly psychopath who just wants to screw with people.
Gordonbros, we lost.
Any chance of the reverse being drawn?(Cheesecake in Joker makeup)
Not as funny.
Another Joker I can't hate because here he was voiced by the same person in latin too. Ruben Leon voiced a lot of Jokers in animated movies and tv shows. Hate to dig through Facebook for this but here's just a small example of the amount of Jokers he's voiced, even John Dimaggio's
The rape is back on with these gets
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Nice try, Gordon! Too bad I already got a torpedo aimed right at your ass!
With these dubs Gaston will eat all the eggs
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You all suck, I'll rape the Joker with these dubs
How about now?
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I don't know if this counts as OC or if this has already been done, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to do it.

Bullshit! It's Hyperbolic Time Chamber time for you!
Riggatron and Rigscream are over. The GETS from here on will be good.
I disagree! You seem like a way better fit for it, Bejita!
How the fuck does he do it?!?!?!??!
CHADimus-sama, I kneel...
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Look! Everyone laugh at this clown!
Off by oneker...
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>Knew I can count on you big guy.
Absolutely my 2025 main. I love the Decepticons but if anyone from Transformers should take the win it's Chadimus himself
It's happening again
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Joker is going to win this isn't he?
Look at the number again! I wasn't aiming for dubs.
RULE 34ker…
This would be a great year for a cape to finally win.
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>Both missed dubs
I wouldn't mind at all. He'd be the fourth villain, sure, but he's one of THE villains. If there's any worthy act to follow Skeletor in that regard, it's the Joker. He's not only iconic, but has several fantastic portrayals over the years from both comics and other media. His campaigning has also really picked up this round, so long as he doesn't go quiet after this I'm very happy with him as a candidate.

I'd have more problems with Gordon advancing. He's definitely stepped up this round, but I'm not convinced he has the same longevity as his opponent.
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>He'd be the fourth villain, sure
Do people really take this into account when voting. I vote for the characters I like the most regardless of how many villains have won before.
Considering all the heroes vs villains posting leading up, people seemed to embrace the idea of keeping vs breaking the status quo for fun
I don't really care that much. Would be nice to see a hero come through, but I'm not going to force it. Just mentioning it because it's the most obvious criticism I could see tossed at the Joker. Well there's FOTM boost, but that is hardly the only reason he would win if it comes down to it. He can't coast on it as much either if he wins this match-up.
Quit talking about yourself.
One thing is to have it as a posting gimmick/theme, but if used as a genuine criticism that's just gay.
I wouldn't mind Joker as a Mr /co/ winner but it's gonna be kinda disappointing if he wins due to rape memes. I don't think any winner who wins through rape memes can be classed as good.
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>tfw Eddy wins now and defeats Robotnik next round
>Which is Round 4
>The same round Eggman lost to Glamgals and Knockout Kings before they became champions
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I don't know about all that but I'll say Gaston is a hero!
Does it count if it's Robotnik and not Eggman himself? That would be a first for sure though
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I had no idea that Mr. /co/ had so many HEROES in it!
Yeah, that's why I don't want Gordon to win. I would not complain about him joining the Elite Eight since he's still a great character, even if I'd rather see Joker or Shake make it before him. Winning is another matter. He'd have to pivot hard on why he's a good character in the first place, and while I wouldn't count that out I'm skeptical. The Joker has way more of a general brand of chaos behind him, and he's also had more actual presence in the tournament.

Not dissing at all on the people who have been propping up Gordon. Just would rather see him go out in glory this round than actually advance.
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You'll get raped by Sentinel Prime with these dubs!
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To clarify, I mean the Joker has actually frequently qualified for the tournament. He did skip 2021, but in general he's bowed out to fairly reasonable opponents. Gordon has been in twice in the past, but it's still not as consistent as the Joker.

This also happened in 2019.
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31 lives left
Kek at joker killing off the ducks one after the other.
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Maybe have one worth living first.
Snufkin fishes a lot, do you think he'd be able to pull off the perfect cast?
Given he's a real countryside wanderer, probably
can't let this gem go undiscovered.
Dubs confirm
Always glad to see good art not get the Kiryu treatment.
How many copers left in Barred
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A few
I'll take the title with pride, Mr. Monarch. Nice dubs and I'll see you again! Best of luck!
Nothing on the level of Mrs. Brisby again since the host left 129-256 out due to a separate tournament + complaints from last month. If you want everyone who I believe was up in qualifiers:
>Sir Pentious
>Postman Pat
>Rex from Dog Nigga
>Hank J. Wimbleton
>Dr. Domino
Not sure we need to see Normal Sneed Pickle Feed Words but a Pickle Horse Rick and Seed Guy formally Chuck win, but there you go.
The Hacker wasn't in qualifiers?
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So is a milkshake liquid enough for Master Shake to be a waterbender?
Surprisingly can't find him on the form. I searched twice. Honorary coper?
Nice to see Iroh stepping into this thread.
Something random will happen.
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>Mojo beats Superman
>steals Batmans trips
is Mojo the cartoon comic slayer?
Did anyone see where Mojo Jojo was during Round 1? Starting to get real concerned about the Rorschach match.
What does it mean?
Guess this means next 128 is doing its job
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Got distracted with some late night pai sho
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I can't get over how civilised the Mr. /co/ threads are compared to the Ms. /co/ threads. It's unreal.
>minimal spitevoting
>not much Boomer vs. zoomer rhetoric
>overall tone more light-hearted.
Even my first post in this comp was a false flag, but now I see things are different here and I'm not gonna stir shit.
I was a salty Megatron fan but the way this thread turned out made me see the error of the ways, and I'm glad I was wrong.
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This is it, the last act of revenge from Gordon to Joker. Gordon does everything, everything listed in the thread then forces joker to look at it, all of it. For how long? Nobody knows... Yes this is a reference to that one scene from The Killing Joke.
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No! My dinner!
Thanks, Prime Sample!
>Ywn have Zatanna shit on you
>Tfw Shrek is love, Shrek is live is over 10 years old
Optimus bless
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You bet ya!
dead asleep tournament
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Actually, I think I shall simply use it on you as well Batman, for you deserve my wrath, the wrath of me, who is full of wrath at my opponent, who is you! We will see how you do against me when you are stuck as a pitiful dog with even less powers than you already had, which was already at zero, making you even less than zero, which I am highly above, making me better than you!
>minimal spitevoting
Just because people aren't stupidly vocalizing that their spite voting doesn't mean it doesn't happen
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I prayed hard enough for the Eddy and Genie matchup and it's delivering. I hope it happens too for the Mojo and Plankton matchup
Excellent work, Eddybro!
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Donald Duck has no real patriotism—he had to be drafted to serve in World War II, and when the Vietnam War came around, he was nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, Popeye willingly enlisted in World War II, proving he was the true symbol of freedom and the American way. Popeye’s the real deal!
Wow, this thread still hasn't archived?
got out of bed to make the bread like an hour ago and we're still on page 10 pipipi
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Get back in my belly you two
Are you challenging me?
eating a mcrib rn fatren, want some?
I'm sorry but I got some bad news to tell you guys. Cheesecakefag was Judyfag all along and he's also me. I'm sorry, I just had to.
>Eddy asks for his Brother to love him
>Sorry kid I can't make someone fall in love with you.
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A McRib?! Oh, I see, Spider-Balls is nearby! He must be at one of the 90 McDonalds restaurants in Manhattan! Quick, get reporters out to every single one of those burger joints! We're catching this fiend now that we know he's somewhere in New York!
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Some music while you wait
you'll never catch me! now let me recharge by eating 20 big macs, 25 happy meals, 15 large cokes, 200 mcnuggets and I'll wash it down with 1 of each mcflurries and some jack daniels I have in my pocket
I got excited for a moment before I remembered that you’re a Britbong.
Why doesn’t Gordon just rape a McRib?
Well, since there isn't much happening, I might as well talk about this.
I've mentioned this twice now, once after the colors tournament and in Ms. /co/, that I'm interested in hosting a mascot tournament next year. This tournament would center on brand-named mascots such as Ronald McDonald, Wendy, Mr. Clean, Michelin Man, etc.
It will be hosted on /tnt/, of course, since I don't want the risk of pissing off jannies.
>It will be hosted on /tnt/
Burger King will win with a silent sweep.
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Some Jack Daniels?! Looks like our webslinging menace is also a drunk driver! Just another thing to add to your list of crimes against this board! I'm already narrowing down the specific McDonalds you're at, and you're not getting away this time! Oh, and I'll be taking that Jack Daniels when I get you, for my own keeping of course.
So no sports mascots?
That is what I want to ask you guys about. What do you think should or shouldn't be allowed in?
Don't allow stuff like Mario or Mickey Mouse in if it's part of a series that exists for reasons beyond marketing. If the mascot was deliberately to represent a company, product, team, etc. they should be eligible. That covers edge cases too like Ronald in the 80s/90s.
I’d like sports mascots just to add more options to the field.
Yeah I was already considering banning Mario or Mickey Mouse since they already take part in the /co/ and /v/ tournaments.
I do want this toto allow more then just fast food mascots since I think that limits the amount of characters that can be nominated
If you people want to add sports mascots, I can allow them
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You're still lucky you had a former winner at your side. I could still taste those eggs.
How about people who are sort of the face of a product's advertising, but aren't a made up character? Should they count as mascots for this sort of thing?
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