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She is cute
Her TTG episode was surprisingly decent.
she's hmong
That she is.
Is she lesbiana?
She should be in an ivy-pheromone induced orgy with Cass and Steph.
That’s the “I fucked your dad” face.
That she is
What does she do in her spare time? Any hobbies?
Hey come on Rose superfans. Why are you letting her thread die? Are you okay leaving her to the Jason threads?
so she's just female deathstroke?
So is Terra's whole character just being a based cunt?
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What if this but a female version of Ravok from Apokolips Now?
I unironically miss Rose's bad girl era even if it wasn't written that well.
Pamela Adlon was a good choice to voice Ravager.
Yes she is. Dick and Tim didn't want, and Hosun was too scared of Slade to do it, even after they got married.
Incredible how TTG is by far her best design, it's so good it actually seems taken from the 2003 series.
>seems taken from the 03 series
Isn't that the point? She's just fem!Slade
Or fem!Sladed Robin
They could've put her in the Suicide Squad game and no one would've complained. Easy DEI points. She's already a dyke too. But instead they put a fag Joker, a dyke Freeze, and Deadshot's Tiktok-using daughter. I hope a nuclear power plant has a meltdown near Rocksteady's studio.
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Her mask is really stupid, it's not a shock that they try not to use it anymore.
It's weird that she's a regular on the show but Slade's never appeared in it outside of the movie AFAIK
Even a bunch of those who hate Cereal Lord had to say that she and Eddie were the highlights of that shitfest.
I can still here Pamela Adlon.
Keep in mind that the moniker Ravager isn't strictly Rose's alone.
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Dads girl
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Slade wants Dick
Those bunny teeth are a great touch.
Is she based on Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver? Because that's all I can see.
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Don't think Perez ever really gave an exact inspo for her, but it wouldn't be surprising. He said his directive was to make her as deceptively innocent as possible so that you'd see her with that makeup and with Slade and think "Wow, what a slut"

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