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►►Vote: https://forms.gle/EYWGPZZfgd2Efksh6
—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-round-4-z7de


►Nomination Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IAJtg_O2AljLx9EEBTtGGiLFOp4BO6QbS3QvAzHwdGQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0
►Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iF9sSFtMQRQV_zmrAiC8KJ_ZCem4CcbkStOWbqPnK0U/edit?usp=sharing
►Round 1 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAkc9qIHW8EklKcP6obmHd3MZ21gz2cwzdpk6Os-0gJ1crzQ/viewanalytics
►Round 2 Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddkBMkBAB_dfA9-uUNIYtxts-sbbzZORPkh7XLS64LpLLEDA/viewanalytics

►Bracket: https://challonge.com/mrcolympus2024

►Detailed rules and info
>No new threads are to be made until this one archives

►Character Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Johnny Bravo
Hope Corgi

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!ZdHQK9oM3JM
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

►Nominations: >>145872414
►Qualifiers: >>145893738
►Round 1: >>145913993
►Round 2: >>145931255
►Round 3: >>145944722
►Previous: >>145951384
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OC Anchor
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Why is Mr. Incredible so wimpy?
I will continue fighting until the very end!
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Side tournaments

Round three of Barred

Mr. /co/ Bottom 128 Tournament Round 3

Round 3 of the Next 128
>What’s this?
Side tournament featuring seeds 129-256
Vote: https://forms.gle/JjDB8kze7rTJ3knF7
Timer: itsalmo.st/the-end-of-round-3-zj5m
Bracket: https://challonge.com/1bluegd2
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>md artfag as OP
even in death, /md/ OWNS all tourneys
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>Same old shit
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Reposting, for people who missed it last thread. Vote Carl and Shake!
Yup this falseflagging BITCH likes cock.
It's TADC though, which everyone knows has utterly mogged MD.
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>Gets his lucky number 13 seed
>On the year tournaments start on his birthday
Destiny is calling, bad luck is cancelled out
I wish I could draw but I can't break objects and characters down into shapes in my mind, I must be a mid wit or low wit
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Bounty Delivery for
...the Joker/Gordon suicide pact.
The men of chaos and order decide to make things right with one final act.

...It goes awry.
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I THE Hacker needs to win this barred contest, as the first step to taking over Cyberspace. Vote for me!
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don’t reply to hazbait anon
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It's morning somewhere in the world.
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Oh no kinger dressed as doomguy the jobber! He's doomed
Just like how Rorschach and Mr. Incredibles jobbed hard
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Well, absent or not, I will defeat the man of bats in little over an hour’s time, which is more than enough time as the time I would need to take care of such a pitiful and weak hero is the same amount of time I spend taking a breath, being no time at all. Vote for Mojo Jojo, that being me, the King With A Brain who will win!
10/10, made me kek
Every previous winner having a prostate orgasm.
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>Hazbin out of nowhere
I don't get tribefagging indies
Strong words, for a snake guy (a formally a sinner demon and formally a human), but I will have you know my lack of legs was merely a self-made handicap (Boom! Big Reveal!) I gave myself to make things more balanced. But I will put my legs back on if you are truly so willing to get your ass kicked by a fully powered Normal Prototype Sneed Pickle Feed Words but a Blacklight Pickle Horse Virus Rick and Seed Guy, formally Chuck in his full leggy glory.
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Eveready is ever ready to fight
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Get your last minute votes in for Courage!
you're not even in this tournament!
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Hey man, you can't do that! My anal virginity's been like a father figure to me.
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Your campaign sucks and you're a wuss
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Vote Harlan Ellison.

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vote for Spider-Man!
someone should update his wiki page
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Don't worry, I can be your daddy
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Keep Getting your last minute votes in for Courage!
We suckin' dat tournamenis?
Fuck off, you did nothing but make me look bad so you have no reason to talk shit.
It's too bad we lost the other barred writer (Pynchon). You've got my support. I liked the episode he was in.
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Ah, seems like the newth is out! What have we got? "Gotham police commithioner Jim Gordon confronts the Joker in an alley." Not the first time I've heard that one! "Black Hat caught up in falseflag thandal." Yada yada! What's the thcoop on me?

Ah, here we go!
Stuck in 2023 anon...
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Wow, looks like I'm up! That editor-in-chief won't know what hit him in about an hour! The ball is in your court, Jonah Jamethon.
>Harlan redditson
No thanks
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You're a few bananas short of a fruit stand there, Jambo. Might as well go back to flipping for peanuts before you get slagged by the old man.
>No art of Popeye and Donald being sailors together
Someone has to do it now, and fast!
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An hour left. It's not too late to vote for John Blacksad!
I wonder what it means
The average poster here is too young to appreciate Popeye and is honestly skewing a little too young to fully appreciate Donald at this point too.
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Mojo sama, your power is incredible
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I really wish I didn't have to make this the front page headline for today's news, but the hunt for Spider-Balls is going slower than I thought, so this will have to do. I'll find him with his hand in a McRib if it's the last thing I do in this tournament!
top kek, good shit anon
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Vote for Canuck, here's the last mini episode in this series:
You'll never get a get starscream only good backstabbers get them
I never heard of this and assumed he was a /pol/ meme
The continual failure of the Decepticons to get digits while Optimus Prime STILL can collect them is hysterical.
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Belated Round 2 drawing
vote for our heroes
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*Kermit and Gaston were tied and tired out, both showed the best of their skills but in the end the whole fight ended with a stalemate*
>Uffff Uffff sheeeeeeesh that took way longer than necessary, I guess our battle WAS today’s show. Although I still have my fists I’m not down to the count(ah ah ahhhh in the distance) just yet, you’re dealing with slippery hands, although we could settle this an alternate more passive way because https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbCI68eSNsA
I knew this was going to be good when the prompt won, and damn did it deliver!
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We'll see about that in an hour, you oversized fowl! More importantly, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PHOTO?!
Ahem, n-not that the photo there is real, of course... yeah, obviously it's just Omni-Man in a suit! I swear, that super-freak is working with this duck to make me look bad!
Nice. I can feel the sexual tension.
Why do you and Omni-Man look so much alike despite being completely different people anyway? That's a bit weird, innit?
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…Who are you, one of his fanboys? I’m sorry to say that your idol has FLED, for fleeing is all he can do in the face of MOJO JOJO, the one who has not fled and stands in his way, because the only way he will be going is down, which is the opposite of up, which is where I am going because I will win!
No, it's an actual character with a few comics. He's certainly not big, but he exists.
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Hello again and welcome to the third round of this exciting Mr. /co/ tournament. The stakes are higher, the battles are more unpredictable, and we're only about two rounds ahead to the Elite Eight. Let's see what's happening right now:

At match 1, Daffy Duck is driving Jonah Jameson mad as the crazy fowl is running all over the place like a madman. Jameson tries to stun Daffy by yelling into his microphone but the duck ignores his voice and repeatedly whacks him on the head with his mallet. Now even more pissed, the angry boss chokes Daffy by the throat gives him a big smack in the face. We seen tons of crazy shit in the workplace, but we never witness anything like this.

At match 4, Master Shake attempts to stab Uncle Iroh with his straw, but the old firebender causally dodges his attack as he stand there with a calm expression. Iroh counterattacks with a fire breath that completely catches Master Shake on fire! The torched milkshake run around like a manic as he tries to put down the flames around him while Iroh watches the chaos with a smirky expression. Can Master Shake extinguishes the fire, or will Uncle Iroh burn him down like hot chocolate?

At match 8, Dr Robotnik sends his Badnik army to attack Squidward. However, the cranky squid just dodges them, albeit really bored. Robotnik is getting desperate as he summons an even bigger army to have some calamari, but Squidward has come up with a plan to scrap them down to bits. Using his clarinet, he unleashes sour notes that managed to break apart the Badniks from the sound waves one by one! They're not the only ones suffering from the awful noise though, Robotnik is struggling to keep afoat, but the music is too loud for him to handle! Can Robotnik silence the squid, or will Squidward finish the performance with a bang?
same reason why 5 Jokers, 2 Starscreams, and 3 versions of me showed up this tournament, best not to think about it
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Can spinach save Popeye from THIS?
At match 13, Scrooge McDuck tries to hit Courage with his cane, but the cowardly pup dodges them as he has transformed into a pogo stick that managed to hit on the head repeatedly. The old duck tries to shake his opponent off, but this doggy is quick and soon further damages him as he transforms into a jackhammer that leaves Scrooge shaking! Can Courage muster the fear to defeat this old fowl, or will Scrooge makes his way to the ultimate treasure?

At match 14, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to blast Puss in Boots down with his ray gun that only just serves as light shows for the little kitty; he dodges them with no problem and lands a slice or two to the scientist's lab coat. This seems to irritate Doofenshmirtz enough to quickly invent the Wussbusterinator as it fires towards Puss in Boots who continues to dodge the blasts like a pro. Can Puss in Boots put a halt on the machine, or will Doofenshmirtz aims for victory?

At match 16, Plankton is piloting his giant robot to crush Wile e Coyote down like an insect. The shifty canine however, has really calculated a plan to destroy the robot by shooting giant rockets onto it's legs which nearly topples it like a stack of rocks and finally after one last rocket, the robot comes crashing down! Plankton tries to get up from the ground, but Wile Coyote has further damaged his robot with an explosive dynamite! Who will win in this battle of wits?

This round is firing up as these guys are determine to win the crown, but who will be reaching even further? Vote now!
What, you're still here? Whatever. You may have gotten legs, but you sure as hell don't have wingsss! I'll just put you out of your misssery in one fell swoop, and then the postman can finally tell me all about the homeland's great conquests over tea!
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There's a /v/ pasta about how Donald Duck is canonically the strongest character in Final Fantasy or something
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It's really weird, but I swear, he's just some crazed Bugle fanatic. Besides, last I checked, he's too busy trying to be the dog of some chaos goddess or something. What a freak!
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>reading back and seeing Gordon have second thoughts about his eternal plan the moment he gets it
Absolute cinema
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Last 50ish minutes left to vote for Master Shake this round! Throw a vote Carl Brutananadileski's way too!
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>I’m sorry to say that your idol has FLED
He's busy chasing a guy with a time belt around Neo-Gotham, so now you gotta deal with me. Get a clue Koko, you think he wouldn't be here if he thought he could lose to a hairy twip like you? That jar must be squeezing your brains.
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>r8 voter hasn't shown up yet
Got a hot take coming, but I won't share until after this round.
It has been spoken...
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The only one who will be going down is you, Mojo Jojo! One whiff of my knockout gas and you'll be out like a light!
You belong in Arkham, Mojo
>3 versions of me
>implying you're not you
Good ol' Peter and his classic mood swings
Death got him before being eliminated.
For me it's LOT3C where he harnesses his anger energy as a weapon to become a god
Zettaflare? Popeye can tank that long as he eats his spinach!
That's why I like the bottom stuff, always find something new.
too busy fapping to Max
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That's a pussy laser, Master Roshi could shoot better Kamehamehas in DB you better believe Popeye could beat that
did you not see the racist me last round?
Unironically yes
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Holy crossover, Batmans! It seems your tussle with the time-hopping thief has brought Batmen from all ages together!
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Vote for Fred!
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Vote for Iroh
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Nice try, but a Snake Guy!
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well I heard that Kinger has been race mixing, not on my watch
Yes Peter, but don't worry. I won't judge you
WTF there are cellphones in Avatar?
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It's now or never, Kermit!
>the schizophrenia returned
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I love seeing how batshit insane Donald's whole career went
How we went from what was meant as a one-off throwaway character for a dumb Silly Symphony short cumulating into this, imagine telling someone in 1934 about this
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You think I'm retarded or sssomething? I know you're not Adam and you don't have his powers! These illusions aren't gonna work on me!
If singles Kinger loses
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Well this got weird fast. Who're the silver age bozos? Don't tell me hypertime got slagged again.
With half an hour to go, what match-ups have been the least remarkable this round? The highlight here is obvious, but I do think most of the matches here have had at least something done around them.
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It absolutely is.
Funnily, Ellison also got a guest appearance on the Simpsons

Aku and Wallace both kinda slept through the first half of the tourney
I'll come clean if an anon posts the original spiderman twig image
>Ed vs. Grim
>Bugs vs. Kuzco
>Aku vs. Wallace
>Carl vs. Gromit
These four stick out the most unless I missed anything around them.
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The silentGODS (besides Bugs because everyone is still cooming)
Has Grim done anything this tourney? I don't remember
Oh I remember this now, kek
>That's my idea. You're stealing my idea.
Bugs have definitely been fairly quiet, but Kuzco has been dead silent apart from a couple scattered posts in round 1. Disappointing too, since this is the perfect time for him to fight to get back into the Elite Eight.
He tried to get Charlie to make Mandy smile
He banished Courage to hell for his porn addiction
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We're at the mercy of composite time! Everyone who has ever been Batman is both here and not here. Pulled in and out of existence by forces beyond our understand and control.
That's why there have been multiple Jokers and Spider-men running around! But there's only one Mojo Jojo, so what do you say we leave the time talk for later and brain this cranial-less chimp?
check em
Kleinerfag drew for him R1 (for a match that ended up cancelled)
Not really something he did, but he's the last man standing with a bounty from Shen on his head
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Welcome to Steven's Secret Cafe for Losers.
What would you like to eat/drink/talk about?
KleinerGOD is a drawchad too? I kneel...
He's had a few posts at least. Not spectacular support, but at least it's an improvement from his dead silence two years ago.

Still hoping that either Donald or Popeye finally make Elite Eight over a third Grim appearance. If Ed wins it might be a little more of a debate, but still going to vote for whichever classic cartoon icon wins.
>The highlight here is obvious
spider-man vs. kinger, of course
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Three of you, hm? Now this is something I am familiar with, except even the Powerpuff Girls give me a harder time, for they have powers, which you do not have, which makes you weaker, which makes me stronger! Go ahead and challenge me to see what will happen, because what will happen is going to be embarrassing for you and glorious for ME, the one who will be victorious and the one who will be glorious, MOJO JOJO! You have half an hour...
fuck Steven Universe
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I was posting with Kuzco last year but I've been busy this year to really do anything with him unfortunately.
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Maybe if you tried buying gets from me, this wouldn't have happened.
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about how much im gonna troll you tonight
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Understandable. Ironically, I felt that way with Shrek this time. He was in consideration for me to push, but I've just found other priorities instead in the actual tournament. Maybe next year I'll finally try to push for him. Believe that either Jack or Hank are finally going to win (which I don't mind), but I'd like to see Shrek in at least the Elite Eight.
>Hina out of nowhere
Hey I had that exact phone
Batkek… didn't you actually rape The Joker?
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>But there's only one Mojo Jojo
Do the time warp!
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AHAHAHAHAAA! Don't think you're going to get far, Popeye! I cast a spell to hypnotize hundreds into voting for the duck! Not that I'm much fonder of him, but at least YOU won't be claiming that throne anytime soon!
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>Bugs vs. Kuzco
>Aku vs. Wallace

I'm torn on these two. Who would be best from each match-up?
>one cuck replies to another cuck
>kidnapping kindergartners
Mojo Jojo is a pedophile?
Thankfully he was not going to lose to a Shrek character for the third straight time (unless he somehow matches with Puss late but that's next to no chance)
We avoided a disaster
This guy is full of it. Flare was available to every playable character, at least in the FFs I played.
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Hehehe. The powers of Adam can easily be replicated using the intelligence and ingenuity of Rick Sanchez combined with near-reality-warping powers of Peter Griffen. Add the Horse-power of Bojack, the Blacklight powers of Alex Mercer, and the Seed and Feed of Sneed's (Formally Chuck's) I am force far beyond that of mere Adam.
That's the one from Japan. That's the honorary way of saying, "How do you do, fellow kids?"
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Simple as
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As an entrepreneur myself, I suggest you to invest in Toon Stocks
The tense economy needs to go loose
>Daffy finally gets a one seed and loses round 3 because JJJDuck battle autism
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Gordon's last punishment for The Joker. Gordon does everything listed in that one legendary thread and broadcasts it all to Joker for God knows how long. Gordon's final, killing joke.
who is this JJJDucm? J. Jonah. Jameson Duck?
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One last repost, vote for Mojo!
The thing is, they DO get vocal, but only when the going really gets tough. They're very popular characters both in the tourney and in terms of their source, so winning is easier in the earlier rounds, therefore less involvement is needed.

I will agree, though, that these matches had some good OC potential, and it's a bummer nothing came of it.
Why is almost every post here loli porn?
Where are they even making that it's not allowed on 4chan let alone /co/
Seeing how everyone keeps reposting their OC for this tourney makes me regret not reposting my OC in Ms.
that's pretty good
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Pegasus, you wouldn't be an investor in the Iraqi government, r-right?
Same thing happened with me, I only wanted to really campaign for one guy since I knew I wouldn't be able to do more than that. I would like to make a big push for Kuzco though, so maybe that's what I'll do next year.
Anon he fights kindergartners, put two and two together.
You thome kind of oracle? The results aren't in yet, and I'd thay not to count out yourth truly.
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Well, you're certainly up there with him in terms of being an obnoxious twat. But very soon you'll be done for!
I will say it's a slight shame that Bugs and Kuzco had to face off. Wallace and Aku haven't been absent from the Elite Eight AS long, so I am likely going for whoever wins between the two.

If Kuzco does bow out here, would be poetic if he comes back right on year eight.
would your pick drink ocean water?
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After the Marvel buy-in there's been Donald Duck Marvel stories which means there's a Spider-Duck
Which Disney character would be JJJ?
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a fucking snail
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Good enough for me. You two go high, I'll go low. Watch out for that dog statue, he already got one of the jokers with it.
You wanna bet? Let's dance, Bobo. You'll be swinging your way to Arkham when we're through with you.
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Kaibaboy, I have investments in each government on earth, except South Korea
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You know the deal
5 minutes
losers are sent to the shadow realm
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Sup everybody, did ya miss me?
>Everyone was convinced NSA was removing votes from qualifiers and rounds because she was totally legit rigging
>Turns out we're getting same number of votes as last year
If You're Still in Line, You can still vote!
Yugi I think your clock is 10 minutes ahead
Uhh... Can I buy your shares in Iraq?
His name is Doof, and we'll do what he says!
I really need to campaign for Goofy next year, he has potential
Not particularly.
I do think there’s a very good reason to believe NSA rigged last year's qualifiers. The most popular theory is that she deleted enough votes from other characters just so Black Hat could qualify.
please, understand
he's never been good with digits
>#1 seed votes in 2023: 70
>#128 seed votes in 2023: 36

>#1 seed votes in 2024: 166
>#128 seed votes in 2024: 79
Nice cope NSAbro but I wouldn't call those the same number of votes
What's Loona in the picture for?
>only got TWELVE VOTES in qualifiers
>immediately lost round 1 of Bottom
Name a bigger fall from grace
The votes this time have seemed like a huge spike from last year.
Gordon gave him a furry porn addiction.
>Sir Pentious and Normal Sneed Pickle Feed Words but a Pickle Horse Rick & Seed Guy suddenly deciding to have the most kino matchup like 20 minutes before the round ends
everyone here has that
This is the best new joke character from Mr. /co/ this year. He's so hilariously pathetic.
Was Guy Gagne ever in good graces? He barely even won his races. Shit was rigged.
People post them in catbox links. Also you can check if you click on a post where the sauce was from, some images come from various off board /co/ generals like the ones on /trash/
Loona's a good character to have it to
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Got you
Nice try amigo, but it's nothing compared to this:
10 minutes btw bros
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>Gordon gave him sex reassignment surgery
Truly a fate worse than death

Yeah that makes sense
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Yes, now the real question is can Donald survive this?
meanwhile CHADco Man and The GODro are still in
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Well, Heinz, I knew sooner or later you'd resort to reusing inventions! Just wait until L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. hears about this!
>Wallace and Gromit are both still in
>nobody has brought up how the duo are getting new content start of next year

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Bobby has had quality posts for nearly the entirety of both Ms. and Mr. /co/. He shouldn't have lost Round 1.
he's too obsessed with diseased dog butt to realize how sad that is
>They are going to be E8'd and miss the boost from their new content
>FOTM won't save them in Tag Team because they got E8
When I was a kid I thought that he was awesome. I still can't believe the snail fiasco...

Now, these guys
There's ways around Netflix, you know.

Oh yeah, it would have been almost right at the same time. Wow, that's unfortunate timing.
Tag-Team is now meant for shitters like Mansley who will never qualify
>Peni cured Spiderman's racism
>The Joker cured Gordon's rapism
I can't believe The Joker is Peni Parker's father canonically this is canon.
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E8fag was the hero all along... and we fr*cking killed him....
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Time to eat all the eggs, Gaston desu!
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Come, Batmen! The time for settling is near, so let us settle this as the time is settled and I settle my score with you, a score that will be settled in my favor!
How many finalists from tag-team have actually qualified? I feel it would be the majority of them.
Now kiss.
>25 minutes left
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>this is what Daffyfags are voting for
Uh oh... That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
Yeah I wouldn't mind at all if he lost here, Bugs is still a classic and I'd like to see him return to Elite Eight as well, plus I'd rather wait until next year to really go at it with Kuzco than try to come up with something on the spot for the next round.
>exactly five friezas
What's even more impressive is not a single one of them posted on the exact 5 minute mark
GG. I love ya kinger
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Quick, what's the password for barred?
>Bugs and JJJ are allowed to get slutty all they want
>But nooooooo Daffy whoring out is heckin yikes
Racism in action
I blame upload lag.
The Gagne shitposts make me laugh way harder than they normally should
Geez, I know that this is official, but I don't want to watch the clip. Why is he doing that?
>Gone for 15 minutes so I'll miss results right as they come out
Hope you all had some rigging that'll cause 40 minute delays
See you fags in round 4
That nigga Daffy is too zesty for me, it's okay when the white boys act out but the brothers always gotta keep their eyes off other niggas ya feel me?
It's late, but might do something start of next round around whichever of the two ends up winning.
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Why doesn't Mr Krabs just rape The Plankton?
Fuck, what's the password?
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Let's hope I can beat the buzzer this time!



Round 1:

Round 2:

Round 3 (New!)
Don't make him upset, you don't want to see him acting like his stint at comedy clubs again
too small
fuck just got here
r8 picks

Daffy (funny animal supremacy)
Spiderman (Circus spite vote)
Joker (Gordon boring)
Shake (ATLA spite)
Grim (Ed spite)
Donald (funny animal supremacy)
Genie (Ed spite)
Squidward (actual /co/)
Bugs (funny animal supremacy)
Wallace (Gennedy Spite)
Kermit (funny animal supremacy)
Wallace (stop motion supremcay)
Courage (more heart than scrooge)
Puss (Funny animal supremacy)
Batman (PPG spite)
Wile E (funny mammal > funny protist)
It's too bad that Daffy is BLACK.
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he already lost
God I forgot about that. It's too perfect, why did no one draw it?
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Count the Stop!
But enough about Krabs' cock.
interent celebrities
Fuck, too late.
Good picks aside from the Ed spite. I'd rather see Ed go further than Grim go ahead again, and Eddy is just the better pick over Genie.
You're getting more desperate and lame each round
Technically Doof was raised by Ocelots, which made him officially count as an animal in the O.W.C.A files, making him a funny animal too.
Time to wait 45 minutes for the results NSA bros....
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Time's Up
I'm blowing up the ballots and >>145958596 the count
only my picks will remain
in_____ cel________
Ye of little faith, the results are out!
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Half of it is spite, r8fag is just being a contrarian troll
>Joker wins
Holy shit, what's he gonna do to Gordon now?
>The catbox in the password
jokah baby won
Gagne won't do shit to me if he can't even win against a snail
The R8fag is so sexy bros
>JJJ VS Spiderman is kill
Duckfags are boring
Oh fuck, Joker vs Master shake better be hilarious because I love that matchup idea
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What?! But.. but he has no.. but I beat Super.. CURSES! CURSES! CUUURRRRSSSEEEEESSSSSS!!!
Joker victory
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I actually thought it would be at least a little closer against JJJ. Thanks for the fun match either way, JonahCHADS! Sure Daffy will be ready to take down Spider-Man in his stead.
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He was originally gonna do something just as bad
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>Jameson lost
>Kinger lost
>Gaston lost
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A bloo bloo bloo.
Totally deserved, btw.
...Where are the results?
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Well fought, frog! I will be your match next time! ...Either way, off to dollie.
We love our survivors on /co/. Nashbros we can't stop winning
>Kinger out
Graceful defeat. Until next year, my KING.
Fuck, Jameson and Donald are out.
Clown anus status: healed.
Only result that surprised me a little was Popeye winning over Donald.
Check the OP
Cheesecake Anon is on fire with the capeshit slaying
>in 2020 JJJ vs Spider-Man could've happened but Spider-Man lost to Spear
>in 2024 JJJ vs Spider-Man could've happened but JJJ lost to Daffy
it's like one of those things dated to never happen
jameson vs. spider-man would've been fun
jameson vs. kinger would've been fun
daffy vs. kinger might've been fun
daffy vs. spider-man is ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Puss is going to have to sit in the corner and watch Death have all of the orgy fun again...
>Eddy vs Squidward
Can the kid scam the squid? I sure hope so.
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It was 50/50
t. popeye fag
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splendid results
I would've drawn for Gaston but Mr. /co/ came at the worst time this year. Hope I have better luck the next.
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>WHAT A CLUTCH, next matchup will truly take me to the test if I’m worthy of besting a former finalist. This is it folks, the big one, this could determine whenever I’ll finally reach the elite eight for real! Everyone I’m really gonna need all your support for this one because it’s now or never, let’s make this one show to remember! Gonzo, get that cannon ready, honeydew, get the labs to perfection, fozzie get those jokes in order, piggy, we’ll just be yourself. Everyone else LETS GET STARTED
Total zoomer death.
Total indie death.
They better not sure their faces here again.
Simple as.
Puss is having a panic attack!
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Seems old Jim finally got put in his place! I will admit it was a valiant effort old friend, but I'm done with you now. I've got myself a tournament to win.

Actually, I do got one parting request if you'll so oblige?
Pants off. NOW.
Are you forgetting Spiderman's crippling furry obsession? This matchup can be AMAZING
Well, good match Batmanbros. I’m a little sad Mojo still can’t break Round 3, but I’m glad Batman’s doing better this year as well as comics in general. I’ll be rooting for you.
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We need to defeat these duck terrorists.
Now watch this 9.
is Donald just forever cursed to be Top 32 fodder?
Spider-Balls rigged me out again! I've had it with this! Someone get me a fresh box of cigars, I need to clear my head with some fine smoke after this crap AGAIN!
Of course, thanks for the fun match too. It was fun shitposting with JJJ this tournament.
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>YES! Sorry Kinger, at least we learned a lot of bug facts from you. No hard feelings, ay? Don't worry after I win this I'll try to get to the bottom of what happened to your wife. Maybe she can still be saved...
See you next year gramps
>3 votes decided Gaston vs Kermit
Which ones here decided the vote?
>facing "Brutal" Carl Brutananadilewski next
>Now watch this 9.
what the
If you had gotten a hold of that peni picture you asked for, you would've won!
>Kinger lost
>Iroh lost
>Ed lost
>Kuzco lost
>Aku lost
>Mojo Jojo lost
Holy shit, some actual GOOD results for once
>Kermit (real underdog here)
>Plankton (toss-up)
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>Lost by three votes
Take that you rubbish doll! Your husbando is now gone!
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Oh sorry you startled me! That'd be nice! See you all next year!
So says the lonely chibi ningen without a husbando desu
Well shit. Guess Kermit's got to go nuclear. I'm fine with either one winning, Carl might as well take it home this year
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Bury me with gravy, Eddy.
Don't hold back on the lumps...
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I can respect it, it certainly was a very close match-up. desu! We'll see you next year, desu!
All me.
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Well, I’m dead. Good run
Hopefully this slop doesn't clog up next year. And good to see Cheesecake's pick was avenged.
who was your main
I hate duckfags and loony tunefags so much
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I may have lost but you hear me out, I will return for another battle!
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>They better not sure their faces here again.
The alzheimer's setting in? Try not to boomboom your pants you tribefagging nigger.
►►Vote: https://forms.gle/CszJqcQvrvdfrivy5
—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-quarterfinals-br7k
>Shake (Most wanted)
the answer is the gay red guy
I'm betting on either Mojo Jojo or Ed for some reason.
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Password is Ernie btw
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Sorry, Gordon. Your methods were just too unsound. I'LL be the one to bring the Joker home again.
>Eddy's the last ed on the race
Weird, it's always edd.
Hmm yes... You're right. Seeing him twerking his big butt in the catalog like that... It makes me feel things... No! I have to fight it.
Code at the end doesn't work.
Terrible tournament fuck me
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I predict every cape character loses this round.
Eddy got a tolerable bracket for once
Now fingers crossed he can make it past Squidward
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Of course that little Asian girl had something to do with this! Wait, how old is she? Would we have even been able to publish that? And what was the picture anyway?! Nobody told me what it was! That's it, I'm firing someone for this blunder, and that someone is all of you. All of you are fired! There's the door!
Ok I'm back, how bad is it?
Pull those pants down.
another imposter huh? I would never say that
There's no bigger pain than your main losing then that very winner losing in the next round...
>no marriages between participants yet
Mr. /co/ is healing.
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Peter! I knew you'd come around to the queer side eventually! Go have sex with that duck!!1! ~ヾ(・ω・)
Gagne, you weren't fast enough
Finally... Cheesecakefag is gonna save us all!
Why is the code not working, I spelt it right
Everyone I wanted to win won besides Ed, Donald and Gaston
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Nope, he made it to Top 16 once and lost by 10 votes after NSA seethed at him it isn't so bad!
Angelic trips, Bejita.
you typed it wrong
Predicting Joker is gonna win it all after beating Gordon in the rape match.
Boomerfags are pathetic
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Fuck off before I feed you to my mecha.
Try backing out then getting back in.
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The Challonge is updated:
Next 128 round 3 results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zAUo-G9vbOIhszHEL-05QCWvCjhfL7Aoro_6XxwqY3s/viewanalytics

Round 4 of the Next 128
>What’s this?
Side tournament featuring seeds 129-256
Vote: https://forms.gle/AKmUZCRbNCFE8G8L9
Timer: https://itsalmo.st/the-end-of-round-4-y4et
Bracket: https://challonge.com/1bluegd2
kay never mind it works now, that was fuckin weird
no i didn't
Remember: The losers of the Sweet Sixteen are still the highest performing characters that get to come back next year, giving them a good shot at pulling through, if they can survive the Biennial prior E8 that is.

Who’s joining Ninth Place Nani and Jessica “10th” Rabbit?
Jameson... I'm sorry you had to find out this way,
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I assure you I am the real me. And I assure you that most people would agree with me, that duck's ass needs a pounding.
Get outta here Peni you don't wanna see this.
Who has officially etched their signature into this year's hall of fame? Who got so close but in the end, it didn't even matter? Only one way to find out...
Whoa! I didn't think he'd win by that much of a margin. I expected it to be much closer. Regardless, this is another victory under our belt, lads! Let's keep the momentum going!
Why can't we see the round three results of Barred?
>Iroh lost
Best any of my nominations ever did so I’ll take it
malding circusfag
All left is all right.
Here's my Mr. /co/ All-Stars lineup for this year
>Master Shake
>Bugs Bunny
>Carl ATHF
If Grim steals Popeye's E8 spot and goes for a third time after doing NOTHING because he's the early 2000s CN villain checkmark imma be mad
Out of curiosity, I looked at the top 128 and found 48 Warner-owned reps.
Just because you plug your ears and cry if you see a character from anything after the 90s doesn't actually make them go away.
Dozens of old characters have been voted out too, ya big baby.
Let's go Saddam!
Nice double dubs, by the way.
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uhhheheheheh how about a wedding between uhhhh Daffy's butt and like Chel's butt
>heheheheh yeah yeah that’s be cool heheheheh umm Chex em
>literally everyone is voting against Peter
Yup, it's over.
>Wallace going up against Bugs
>We're in for some premium Were-Rabbit OC
Drawfags, don't let me down!
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Thanks bejita, i thought it was the other red fag elmo
I don't know about all that but everyone who posts about generation warring is gonna have a dead mother after tonight with no way to undo this curse.
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Sorry about that. Life as a wanderer isn't for everyone. Your trip had to end sometime.
Based. Total capeshit death.
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As the guy who nominated for grim, I recommend voting for Popeye instead.
Generational tribefagging is retarded and it's obvious this is the same guy whining about zoomers just falseflagging.
And yet every time there's a character from a new series boomerfags throw a tantrum and start crying about le zoomers and vote for literally anyone that's against them.
As the guy who nominated Popeye, I recommend you vote for Grim instead.
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YES! I THE Hacker have won again ! One step closer to taking over Cyberspace
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Shh, shh! Shut up before you jinx it, you idiot!
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He did it, the absolute madlad raped Gordon, is there anyone who can stop him at this point?
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30 seconds till you’re on Carl
*You've got some food here? All I see is some stinking Chinese food laying around *

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ9yAV8uQ7g (Insert Carl name here)

>Come one come all it’s the fourth /co/lympus muppet extravaganza! Our very next guest is a former finalist who faced off against a mean green mantis from outer space. He is plump appearance shouldn’t be fooled for he almost won one year, give it up for Carl Yaaaaaaaaay
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You make a convincing argument. The more the merrier I'd say.
Virgin circus fan
Kinger lasted longer than most characters, ya big baby.
As the guy who nominated both Popeye and Grim I recommend both these posters get raped by Joker.
As a guy that didn't nominate Grim, I recommend voting for him.
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Bye-bye, Mr. Spider-man! It was nice talking with you!
No one has said any of the shit he's said. All I see is that guy whining.
>had to use an old pic this time
guys its over he's ran out
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I've been here longer than you have, alternate universe Peni from the universe where genitals don't exist in fact, of course! How silly, that you'd be just like me if a little hole was poked in you... Maybe we could get Gwen to poke it into you!? (・ω<)
I like to watch sometimes~!
>Batman beats Mojo Jojo
>faces off against Plankton, who is effectively just a moderately lower quality Mojo Jojo
Well, alright.
Listen, if Peter makes it out of this round, he's got my support. I gotta go with the duck for now. He's in my high priority list.
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She's 14? What do you think the Bugle is, a safe haven for pedophiles? I'm glad I lost if it meant not putting this on the front page! It wouldn't even have been good on page 12! Get out of my office now!
Nice quads
I'll take more tonight for the next round, I just can't take any right now because I haven't showered yet. I hope that's okay with you!
>I remember this picture!
Spongebob is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more beloved than Powerpuff girls not just in /co/ but across the entire site, don't get cocky unless you want to risk Batman eating a loss before he can make it back to the E8.
Who the fuck is Cheesecake?
r8 my picks

Daffy (more fun and colorful than generic capeshit)
Joker (Justice for him. I love Shake but Carl is already probably winning so I'd rather even it out)
Grim (genre wise, I enjoy magical spooky stuff more than le tough sailor man. Totally subjective though)
Squidward (Ed spite vote. Simple as. He's the worst one too)
Wallace (cute design, claymation rep, and Bugs is overexposed and kinda too generic at this point)
Carl (funny relatable guy. Kermit is just too basic)
Courage (easy choice. Doof is funny, but Courage is really lovable)
Batman (idk he's just cool)
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>1 vote
*glug glug glug glug glug glug*
Wait Peter's gonna use the symbiote?
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>the other me is turning into a queer
not on my watch
Why do you hate them anon?
kick fucking ass, this needs to be the next OP
guess i'm going all in on batman and joker.
spider-man is also acceptable.
I could swear daffy already won back during the gay wedding year, I remember the pic saying that he won
>If I pretend it's not real, it goes away!
Looks like you're two off, Decepticon.
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>That's it, ripping and tearing time.
*Mech starts ripping the imposter Peni to shreds*
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>See ya King! It was very nice talking to you as well! I'm sure you can do better next year!
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And you're off by one, what's your point?
I'd rather see Popeye pull it off over Grim.
>votes for Daffy because muh generic capeshit
>Also votes for Batman
Shame on anyone who ever thought these were genuine.
>Remove the "Disney" label from Gaston, Donald and Scrooge and change nothing else
How well do they perform
The same
Mr. /co/ Bottom 128 Tournament Round 4
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I deflect! (︶▽︶)
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Damn that is CLOSE
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are you trying to make us look bad?
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Absolutely pulling for Popeye
Great character and I want to see him get out of the hell my boy never will be able to
no stop it lol, we see the catbox links we don't actually look
literally says that on the vote that its an older pic
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Hey Joker, back that ass up. You too, Carl.
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aww Menyus is out
>Gagne as the header
He's my main.
His campaigning is fun, while Shake's is mostly absent.
Don't really care about this match, but I watched Billy and Mandy way more than I did Popeye, so he's my pick.
Never liked Squidward and the CHADDY-sama meme is funny.
He's hot and I never cared for Wallace & Gromit.
I think he's gonna lose but I don't want it to be that ugly.
Tough one, but I'm going with Courage because I like him slightly more than Doof.
Backup main.
Not me as I voted for Gaston
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>You know, after all that excitement I am feeling a little
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Lord Megatron?! But what am i doing wrong, both of us haven't got a get yet!!
You were trying very hard to get something earlier and failed, while to us autobots it came without being forced.
Maybe it's not worth focusing on the numbers, but on the heart of your posts.
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I feel honored for you using my art as the opening pic, 48/52 was pretty close. All in on Courage and Eddy now.
>w-we don't actually look
Uh huh, sure.
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>Eddy, it's up to you, now! You've taken us this far! Don't let your guard down!

Relax, boys! I've got this in the bag! Watch out, Tennisballs! I'm in the mood for calamari!
what is he doing here?
>no stop it lol
The penises will continue until morale improves.
Scrooge lost because /co/ doesn't read comics.
>While Shake's is mostly absent.
Have you been paying attention because I've sheen Shake in just about every thread
>Ellison lost
All in on /co/nrad now.
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Kinger had a pretty respectable run. I'll be voting for him next time.
Oh shit
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This was the matchup I wanted to happen the most
I'll be back in a bit
Shit man Jake has been doing good so far, nice to see him actually get ahead of the game this time around
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>Not for long.
*Pops the imposter's head open.*
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Or you just buy from me instead, anyone can, but Starscream has pay triple for them.
Nice, Canuck's still in.
If no one else, then I will. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to use this tournament, but I'm very glad the two of them went through together. Certainly the two have a lot in common from a bad rival/neighbor to a terrible girlfriend to the same nephews.

P.S. Huey, Dewey and Louie have more personality than Popeye's nephews.
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...my mind is crystal clear now.
I know exactly what I'm going to do.
I'm going to RAPE Daffy.
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We have to put all our backing behind /ourduck/, it's the only way
Gagne WILL sweep next year, none of the other nominees this year have anything close to the level of pure cinema that Gagne has:
>Ai slopmit
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I'm voting Joker too, but Shake has a prominent campaign.
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>Shake's is mostly absent

(audio warning for this one) https://files.catbox.moe/pad6uk.mp4

I also did some roleplaying, especially with Death and Iroh, and the Deathanon made some stuff.
You can vote for krtek
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>Its a hologram
Popeye has nephews?
It ain't rape if he's willing.
Now that my main’s gone I’ll push for Popeye so there’s a reason to vote him over Grim
How was I half-thinking on Flatland being here? That's a really cool pick.
Wallace got a boost thanks to the latest trailer for his new movie
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Based Hank
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>Hold still damn it.
*Nuclear missle launch*
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>A German detective
>Spider-Man (Peter needs it more)
>Joker (I think he needs to get far, love Shake, but I love Carl more)
>Popeye (Grim had his time, now it's Popeye's turn)
>Eddy (the best Ed possible for E8 and as a champion)
>Bugs (rather him than Daffy for Looney Tunes)
>Carl (like him more than Kermit)
>Doof (love the Doofposting he's been getting)
>Batman (best capeshit and I don't want another SpongeBob character in E8)
Absolutely not
The WB circlejerk as the "hipster" company vs beating down Disney as the "mainstream" company gets a bit comical
it's rape if it's duck season
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>It's still a hologram
8/8 impeccable taste
Yeah, I might do the same. Have at least one other character I want to make content around, but Popeye really needs the push right now.
Thirsty little slut, just begging to get his asshole webbed.
Never was all that big on Daffy, but spidey's one of the best capes. It's about time he makes it.
Close, but it's the jokah baby.
Always been a main and all-time favorite toon character.
EEnE is my favorites kids show and Eddy is the best character. Also Edboys never making E8 is jank.
>Bugs Bunny
Best looney tunes character.
A GOAT character. Kermit is cool but doesn't feel very substantial.
Very close. Comes down to me preferring Courage as a series I guess. Doof is pretty much the lone highlight of P&F.
Up there with spidey. Just one of the best capes and Plankton is the weakest consistent spongebob rep. imo.
Heh! Hey, Frylock! Meatwad! Look at the clown! Let's see if he can make a balloon animal for us or tell us a funny joke!
>Shake, that's literally the Joker! He's a wanted supervillain!
Shut up, Frylock! You know clowns can't be evil unless they live in the sewer!
>Let's just put in Courage, Daffy, Grim for the 15th time for doing nothing
Bottom is a odd contest, it always seems like a good amount of the interesting characters get pitted against each other first while the fodder material gets further into the Elite 8
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>Popeye has nephews?
Yes. Yes. In addition to having a son, Popeye also has four nephews named Pipeye, Peepeye, Poopeye and Pupeye. Say what you will about Donald's nephews, but they don't look exactly like Popeye's nephews who speak like a Greek chorus.
Shit, must have missed it somehow.
Anyway, still voting Joker, but my only reason now is personal preference.
What is this ridiculous ceremonial garb you're wearing? This will do you no good on an adventure.
inherited the baldness gene it seems
If you think Courage and Daffy haven't been doing anything this whole time you need to stop sleeping through the entire tournament
Grim has ben 100% AFK though so that's fair
Great picks, even down to the couple matches I found especially close. Only one I disagree on is Spidey over Daffy, but can respect a different opinion here. If anyone finally takes down the duck, I'd love if it was Spider-Man.
>Joker (Justice for him. I love Shake but Carl is already probably winning so I'd rather even it out)
I would not risk it if you love Shake. Carl has the runner-up curse which has always been strong and there are two other more consistently strong runner-ups like Daffy and Grim still here. Shake also has been so close to Elite Eight so many times before. I think it's about time Shake got in.
>if I ignore what they got, they did nothing
I can't believe we're gonna get an E8 full of silent shitters, damn.
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>I didn't want to rip off anime but…
*Begins harnessing Spiral Energy, ensuring that the imposter's bio signature is completely wiped out.*
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Now that I think about it, Spider-Man and Frankie would be a good couple...
Yeah yeah, say the line, Bart.
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Over half the characters here are former Elite 8, including a couple matchups with both of them and half of 2022s.

Match 2 is the only one with only newcomers, albeit both of them have been Sweet Sixteenth before. It's kind of a reverse trend. Joker started off amazing in his first run getting to the Top 16 and then did good again in his second year, but has utterly crashed since, losing in Round 1 twice and falling to qualify at all in two years. Meanwhile Master Shake got wrecked early on by spitevoting for the Korra incident, but has slowly recovered and made Top 16 last time.

So either Joker reverses his fortunes out of nowhere and goes from Zero to Hero, or Master Shake continues his slow and brutal crawl to beat the spite stigma from 8 years ago and finally get to E8.
these are the costumes of heroes
Courage has been getting several pieces of art every round and support posts. Daffy has had less art, but he's still gotten some content and definitely posts in his favor. Both have absolutely been vocal, and certainly been defending their high card status.

Grim is more debatable. He's not as silent as he has been in some other years, but I do think he's still been too much to the wayside. Popeye would be the right pick here in my eyes, especially because we're very likely getting at least one other returning E8 (Carl).
Miracle Machine vs The Morning Visitor should've been like an Elite 8 match goddamnit
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I defeated the Monarch, I defeated the stupid journalist and reporter JJJ, now I will defeat his employee Peter Parker, because I am the best superhero duck hero ever, because I am DUCK DODGERS IN THE 24TH AND A HALF CENTURY! VOTE FOR ME!
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Joker can wed Frankie without her even realizing he's slipped in, he has the perfect disguise
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I think Peter is better than Daffy
... which is exactly why Carl must win, Frankie can't have anything good
She will take the fat ugly bastard
Vote for Everett True
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>Okay that's complete bullshit. But maybe the solution is to be nonviolent.
*Flash freezes the imposter.*
spooter mang
There's still a good amount of interesting characters in, I'd say.
Well if Joker loses by single digit votes we know who's responsible.
...Bubble you can't post that
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By the way Knatterton is actually a pretty funny cartoon but it's only in German, Finnish and Swedish sadly. If you know any of those it's the best early Batman parody you could ask for.
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Aren't all of FrankieAnon's mains out?
My votes
>Spider-Man(Its time for the web-slinger to be represented)
>Master shake(Funny and he deserves it)
>Popeye(Really long overdue, plus grim being in the elite eight for a third time after doing absolutely nothing would feel like a wasted spot, especially if he just gets knocked out immediately again)
>Eddy(Squidward already had his run and one of the Ed’s really needs a break)
>Wallace(Like BB but I genuinely do enjoy this character and think he deserves another chance in championship)
>Kermit(Great campaign and Carl already had a spot while doing somewhat nothing this year, plus finally some puppet representation)
>Doof(this one was a coin toss but it ultimately came down to him)
>Batman(Do we really need another SpongeBob rep for a third year in a row?)
Maybe you can generate a better comeback.
Favorite work from each of the sweet 16, because why not:

>The Scarlet Pumpernickel (Daffy)
>Into the Spider-Verse (Spider-Man)
>Batman: The Animated Series (Joker/Batman)
>Return of the Mooninites (Shake/Carl)
>Jacked-Up Halloween (Grim)
>Popeye Meets Sindbad (Popeye)
>All Eds are Off (Eddy)
>What's Opera, Doc? (Bugs)
>A Grand Day Out (Wallace)
>The Muppet Movie (Kermit)
>So in Louvre are We Two (Courage)
>Across the 2nd Dimension (Doofenshmirtz)
>Dying for Pie (Plankton)
Honestly either is fitting. How do we know Joker's vow to not rape Gordon is any different from him not wanting to end Batman, part of the game? Just because he doesn't want Batsy to die doesn't mean he can't kill anyone else, so...
even with my main pick and secondary picks out it's still pretty interesting mixture going on.
alright but can you do this duck man?
It is funny seeing secondaries in Marvel Rivals threads on /v/ going "why did they age up Peni!?"
Guys lets spitevote against Grim now
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he has a powerful chin there
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Doesn't mean they couldn't be lurking for revenge. Aren't Milkshake's super fattening? I wonder
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This is the Mr. /co/ 2024 map. Claim a tile and draw! Each square tile is 200x200px and there are 25 in total.
>you can request any tile that is adjacent to a completed one. Check the latest update to see which ones are available or have already been claimed.
>you can draw several tiles, but only claim one at a time
>try to make your tile connect to those next to it
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My favorite part of Everett True is that when Everett gets angry enough he can ignore physics and laws of nature to obliterate the pest in question
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>Oh you bitch! That's it, I'm hitting the instant transmission button.
*Teleports them out of the tournament and into a different dimension*
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>I defeated Doctor Doom
>lost to the dog Courage
Looks like I didn't stand a chance in the Elite 8. Maybe better next year, when I won't have such tough opponents. Best of luck to Courage, I hope my nephew Donald has passed on.
could Master Shake outrun multiple Jokers that inherited the Rape Force?
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*sniff* This must be what RECOGNITION feels like... Maybe I never needed that stuck-up main tournament after all...
Maybe you'd be best served by some cannibals at a campfire being dressed like that. You could be part of a man eating serpent cult for all I know.
Intentionally seeking revenge isn't really their style
wait. something's not right here.
nobody's asked to be spoonfed yet.
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>Dodges. Also you are raped by Gwen. And you die.
Bitch why don't you just spend some of your money to rig to Elite 8
Bingogeta spell out the password
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Of course yes. Look at me. And you're despicable!
You know who to vote for!
Scrooge I...
How long has D1 been claimed for?
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>Can't die when we're both in the Cancerverse dumbass. You and I going to be duking it out until this tournament is over. Now put em up you porn addicted skinwalker!
Knowing him it's one of his weapons
then show off your best moves
>Daffy Duck
>Bugs Bunny
>Kermit the Frog

>The Joker
>Master Shake

>Carl Brutanadilewski

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Ms /co/ artist....
Congratulations Pentious you definitely deserved it. Glad you could stick it to that jobber Adam. Now I just gotta remember to nominate myself next year.
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Who are you calling a bitch?! What do you think I spend all the wealth I've been earning since childhood just like that? So Glomgold and Rockerduck beat me and have more money than me? How about no? You should have paid for that cheating, not me. Get back to work, I'm not paying you to laze around here all day.
three characters from it were nominated and the greatest one got the least amount of votes
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>Bugs Bunny
Losege McCuck
We were THIS close to Plankton vs Mojo
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>>Daffy Duck
We might as well rename the competition to Mr Warner Bros
I wish that this tourney's daffy was the cool, mad, angry, arrogant daffy. Not the faggy daffy
Huh, that's way more heroes and way less villains than I would've expected
Not once he shifts into maximum overdrive
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Based taste
it's not looking good for the villains
Doesn't Master Shake advocate against diet and exercise and sabotage meat wad losing weight with fudge and gummy bears ? I'm just saying
Must've been an illusion. Once dispelled, he was food all along.
Sounds like you need to throw in a vote for Spider-Man
he varies between neutral and hero and minor stints as a villain but those aren't good shorts
You didn't watch Space Jam, Duck Dodgers, Back in Action, The Looney Tunes Show?
Daffy is a hero. Daffy is MY hero.
Daffy is an asshole, but that doesn't mean he's not a hero.
On Bizarro World that is
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Nuh Uh! You are raped by an alternate universe Gwen for eternity. Now watch this five, Fake-Peni-Chan~!!! ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝
The Speedy Gonzales ones where Daffy is just openly racist?
Handbanana could just rape the Joker. He's made from Shake's DNA.
didn't Shake get fat multiple times?
>Daffy is a "villain" because he doesn't want Elmer to shoot him with Bugs interfering
When will this shitty meme end, Daffy is on the good side
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Plankton will save the villains team
Total Neutral Victory
I feel like Daffy and Shake are neutrals. Shake is an asshole but not cartoonishly evil in the vein of a supervillain or the like.
Mr Krabs posted this
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Hello Ruber, my name is Brak! I heard your are Zorak's best friend. I'm also his best friend! Say, can I be a pirate too?
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I defeated stupid Homer, I defeated PINGAS Dr. Robotnik, who's next? Eddy? A teenage version of Mr Krabs? No problem, time to teach that jerk some sense too. Because I'm not the best squid-octopus at the bottom of the sea and in the whole universe because I'm very talented.
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>Nice 8 dumbass.
*Beats the shit out of her imposter while the rest of the tournament goes on*
We should have an anti-hero do well next time.
But Wakko and Yakko didn't make it
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Tell me how you REALLY feel about me to my face
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>Eddy isn't a villain
BITCH, he literally has a villain persona
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I think you SUCK!
You're not a swordsman, I am, because I'm SCARLET PUMPERNICKEL!
But The Brain is in the other tourney
line graph kinger up
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Squidward is hero.
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Professor Scam is a HERO.
Hurm indeed...
Would be a great winner but needs more OC
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Okay dork, keep beating up that hologram. I'm gonna go have sex with my wife now~!!! (๑>◡<๑)
>Losege McCuck
Okay, Rockerduck. Eat your hat. You lost.
But making OC is hard...
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>Daffy (I like him more, even though Peter is also great, if Joker loses out and Spidey manages to make it through I'll vote for him the entire way though)
>Joker (The rape match was fucking hilarious and the man himself has had a lot of great material to shine it throughout the years, sorry Shake, at least Carl will probably make it through)
>Grim (Rough match, I like both of these guys a lot but I like Billy and Mandy a hefty bit more than I do the Popeye cartoons, Grim's been almost completely silent but Popeye hasn't done much either so there's no campaign factor to sway me at the moment)
>Squidward (I like Spongebob just a little bit more than I do EEnE and Squidward is fucking great, he also doesn't have the drawback of being part of a duo or trio to hinder him like poor Eddy does)
>Bugs (I have a lot more fond memories of the Looney Tunes shorts than I do of Wallace and Gromit's work, thanks Boomerang, also like him a lot more as a character, him being the only sexy pick still left in the bracket also helps)
>Carl (ATHF was a fantastic cartoon, Carl is hilarious and I was never that big on The Muppets or Kermit, pretty easy choice here)
>Courage (Doof's been more active but I just like Courage and his show a lot more even if P&F is also great, better luck next time)
>Batman (He's way more interesting as a character and a ton of good cartoons, movies and comics, even if I have more nostalgia for Spongebob Plankton's just outclassed here)
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Gaston was my hero... Kuzco too, so fight on, Kermit!
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My rigging worked! Suck it, McDuck!
>Triple 5s
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Thia year's King /v/ winner right here.
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I mean, as long as I get the glory and the ladies for it... Just don't make me fight any actual villains.
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Fine, you want some Bugs lewds?
I'll post what you've been wanting, you've been warned
>Redditbob already lost
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I see Shake's brought some shells.
Well, looks I'll need more firepower. We'll have to break out the BIG GUNS.
what a shameless slut
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Oh, phooey! Why did I lose again? Why? Why can't I get to Elite 8? This year has been so great! I'm going to cry now!
>Zone-tan did so much damage to Jenny's brain she's making shitty decisions now
RIP first Ms. /co/
These are all good decisions though
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>Fuck your trips and your fetish. Feel this motherfucker.
*Disables all holograms and beats the shit out of Fake Peni*
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>Squidward is a hero
He humiliated Spongebob at his own workplace and laughed at him all the while. This man is no HERO of mine.
None of those decisions are bad though.
>real peni is an itoddler
two can play this game, my web blade will cut through your steel now en-garde
>The Peni schizo is pushing his shitty meme where Peni isn't even competing
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All heroes have their weaknesses. Peni's is shilling Apple products like a bug man.
Pathetic. You don't even realize that all along...
You were also a hologram.
I believe that was you.
>posting SpongeBob FAKING
Save your envy for later, when my handsome self rides off into the sunset with the redhead!
Getting a trip to show which one is the real me. Also knock it off with the Eva plot twist.
I'm vote for:
>Daffy Duck (pretty based)
Simple as.
In fairness Eddy gets a pass from the normal duo/trio problem since he is the clear leader of the trio and arguably the main character of the entire show since he sets basically every single plot into motion, even the movie is all about Eddy specifically since it's about going to see his brother
I would compare him in this regard to Master Shake who also works on his own instead of as one part of a whole, since he's largely the one setting everything into motion. Whereas Meatwad and Frylock (or Ed and Double D in Eddy's case) are roped into dealing with whatever his scheme of the episode is
Voting link is up. Time to start bringin' out yo A GAME as we're left with only the best of the best.
do Jordon
>Tripfagging phoneposter
Peni would NEVER
Watch later seasons and tell me is Squidward still a villain?
>all these copers
>Master Shake
These four men are hoping to follow in Marceline's footsteps this year and break their perfect combo by making E8 for the first time.
Will any of them pull it off?
>later seasons
>nominated both Rattlesnake Jake and Stitch
Vote for me! Before those blasted kids and their bird get in here.
I had to desperate things to get that imposter from smearing me. I hope you can forgive me.
So we all agree /co/nrad should win this, right? It only makes sense.

I was torn on him vs Emmet because Emmet's anon had some nice campaigning in the past, but now that /co/nrad won my vote is cemented.
no I'm pretty sure he fucked that squid chick
Yeah but him having to go Mr all by himself still hurts, he can manage some solo stints but a lot of his best moments come from the shenanigans he gets up to with Ed and Double D, in the early rounds I'll almost always vote for him, but by the time the bracket starts to get small it becomes difficult for him to find an opponent who I like less than him as an individual.
Can we get Gordon and Joker next?
Is this the first time Popeye has made it to the fourth round? If he were to make it past the Elite 8, he would be the first character older than Betty Boop in these competitions.
Pretty much. Hank is cool but all the other interesting picks have been eliminated.
You're the one smearing Peni. You started posting after her.
poopeye lol
Having a tourney for entire shows could be fun.
Just like Gordon's goal, it was tight
Popeye has made it to this stage before, either once or twice.
Plankton if Batman wins would be just as big a surprise. He would be the third SpongeBob character and the fifth Nicktoon character to enter the Elite 8.
Kinger dressed up as doomguy was what made him lose
Gordon was legit winning that most of the time.
Doof and Puss
After she started with the cringy dick girl routine! Come on, that shit wasn't funny in ms. and doesn't even belong here.
Can we get Squidward vs Robotnik?
>if Batman wins
If Plankton beats Batman, that's what I meant.
That's sick. Did the Gordon lead line up with the kino thread?
Donald/Popeye just so I can have a visual to represent how much Duck fans suffer in these things
That would work great as a side tournament, as is making more main tournaments on /co/ can't fly, jannies will get too pissy.
fuck I thought that was /m/ and the /m/ tournament was finally happening
i'm sticking with Dr. Domino
I didn't nominate Hank but I will see him to the end. I nominated Sanford.
Saddam is by far the funniest so I'm voting for him
damn, we really dodged a bullet
Side tourney would be alright, but how would nominations go? It's not like Barred.
Buddy, relax, NTA, and it sucks to see someone smear your girl even outside of Ms, but giving them more attention is only going to give them more of an excuse to keep shitposting about her.
I'm actually praying for Shake to get in finally. I think I've hit the ceiling for how good I can make my campaign for him.
Saddam must win.
Penischizo btw
I'm the Hacker poster so I'm locked with him for as far he goes.
I guess the One Direction was down.
I'm only slightly annoyed, I just the whole Peni Strikes Back for a bit. I really don't get how the whole futa bit even started.
Who the fuck is Penis Chizo? You sound insane.
Seconding >>145959740
Not as insane as posting ms. shit in a tournament for men.
>my only exposure to Looney Tunes is the shitty DPF shorts
Peni Striking back is part of the Spider-Man rape-arc.
didn't Carl rape Shake at the end of Space Conflict from Beyond Pluto?
>Spider-Man is recreating the Rape-Verse and the other Spiders have to choose a side
saddam is funny, i agree
but Dr. Domino is something specific to /co/. He's a villain that showed up in a single comic and has never reappeared or even been referenced since. Nothing about his scheme had anything to do with dominoes. His head being a domino is never mentioned and never explained.
But enter any /co/ thread about Wonder Woman's villains, and you will find him. He is mentioned as consistently as her biggest names. He is championed alongside the likes of Cheetah and Crice. /co/ is obsessed with this one-off villain and it fascinates me.
That is why I am voting for Dr. Domino, and will continue to do so for as long as he remains in the running.
On Bizarro World.
Zone won.
fuck why did this make me laugh
I can perfectly envision their penises dueling entwined like this.
Who are you
>voting for copers
Penis Chizo is the Japanese translation of Robotnik's PINGAS. Very little known fact.
Bejitard btw
So... In other words, he's a complete meme pick.
I'd be more down to vote for him if here was more of a culture or some local lore behind him but as is I don't think he should win, and I say that as someone who loves goofy villains
who who who who
I'd like Zone to make porn of my waifu so all she's known for is porn
Isn't barred the meme pick tourney to begin with?
Oh, so angry. Careful Jennyfag too much anger can be dangerous for your sys-Oh nevermind what I said ;)
No you don't.
>So... In other words, he's a complete meme pick.
it's barred, everything is a meme pick.
When your competition is the board OC, being a meme pick is underwhelming
>Jennyfags finally started to show their true colors
It's official, Frankie was the only good winner
You must either be really bored or really angry if you're posting this much about a single list.
>Peter (Forma De Venom y No Racismo) Parko
>Parque Del Pene
>Gwen Spider Forma De Transgenero
>Spidero-Gordon (Universo de la ClownRape)
>El Fishyjita De La Felis
>El Peter Parker (El Verso De Raimi)
>Jame Jonas James
>El Joker y Los Batmen (Detectivos)
>El Spidero Gris
>El Spidero Gordo Piggy
>El Peni Holografico
>Daffino Pato
as opposed to the non-meme pick of "the outline of Saddam Hussein in a diagram of his hideout"
Board OC isn't that different from being a meme pick
He beat him with a tire iron.
Hank should've qualified.
Wow you're lame
>bored or angry
So basically the entirety of 4chan's userbase
Judyfag was still worse.
dude last year's winner was the fucking nostalgia critic
why are you being pretentious over barred of all things
he's too close to do that so he clearly raped him with it
How many screencaps do we have across the entire site that confirm this again? I've lost track.
Not me, I'm horny.
On a rough look, yeah
I should really change these to have time on the x axis once I have the time
It could've been worse
Domino guy was the one who started with the analysis.
Barred's current line-up is mediocre even for a meme tournament
and we're only on page 8
Gentlemen... I'm hungry.
t. /v/ tourist
Check the screencap threads
you are unbelievable. i can't believe you.
There's more to the world than rape.
>/v/ is less anal about a meme pick tournament
Not the gotcha you think it is.
Too bad there might not be a Ms /aco/ or a Ms /trash/ this year.
Now I really need to see how Gaston/Kermit went
/v/ tan was literally a contestant lol
Well... while we're on this topic
>David Hasselhoff
>Sir Pentious
>Ghost (True Capitalist Radio)
>Hank J. Wimbleton
>THE Hacker
>Saddam Hussein
>Dr. Mother Fucking Domino
thoughts on this lineup? I'm surprised neither of the Dragged In reps could make it.
Might even beat last year's Elite 8 for me
>Judyfag is seething right now
for me it's david hasselhoff
Judyfag, Penifag, Cheesecakefag, and Kleinerfag walk into a bar...
I'm just happy the snek did so good but I like all the other characters in there as well.
so was that False King fucker even a real character? I searched up the thing he's from and found nothing
Damn, Squidward must've caught up at the last second. GG I guess.
For me it's Ghost, Hank, /co/nrad, and Saddam
The only good winners here are David Hasselhoff and Saddam Hussein.
really should put a sign up, that bar is really hard to see
Got an image of what he looks like?
>actual /co/ barred
>meme pick
>actual /co/ barred
>meme pick
>actual /co/ barred
>The year is Mr /co/ 2047
>Dozens of favorite /co/ characters have ascended into /co/halla
>Elite 8 includes Skibidi Toilet, Mr Fox, some character from Primos and Guy Gagne
>Gaston, Donald, and Scrooge are still stuck at round 3/4 waiting to get in
When your competition is David Hasselhoff, even the main tournament is underwhelming.
Why does my poor boy Hank keep getting left out of the 128, he even had an animation release just a few weeks before Mr, is he really that niche?
Dr. Domino is a coper
can't since image limit but here's his nomination
go Nachito go!
Is this the round to determine the E8?
Your votes will determine this year's All-Star roster
His series is Hungarian words, maybe he's just an extremely obscure foreign character?
I'll be voting for Gagne even if all the other Turbo characters including The Sponge won in the prior tournaments
sir pentious is the only bad one here.
people complain about copers but characters who fail to qualify can still be amusing enough for barred. especially if they're a true blue Never Ever. but pentious really screams "i wanted this character to qualify for the main bracket but he didn't so i'm settling for barred" to me.
i still voted for him though, because i want to have sex with him.
How many /co/ barred characters even are there? Certainly not enough for a 128 character bracket.
I like it
>>Gaston, Donald, and Scrooge are still stuck at round 3/4 waiting to get in
This would be terrible. Especially considering that Donald and Scrooge are already hundred-year-old characters. I guess some of them will make it to the Elite 8, especially Donald and Scrooge.
>Some character from Primos
Damn near everyone on this entire board suspects that the Primos threads are being samefagged by a few guys, no one from that show is ever getting into Ms, let alone Mr.
Hey I just don't think Dr Domino is that funny.
And he deserves to win... /v/'s Barred
/v/ has a barred?
Characters that fail to qualify aren't barred, a coper winning is like a female character winning Mr. /co/
The point being is that by that time it's 20 years old and the 4chan userbase grew up with Primos and it's this nostalgic series the way 2000s CN is for /co/ now
Am I the only one here that likes barred?...
Hacker was nominated but was left off the qualifying forms
Barred originated on /v/, newfriend
yeah, The Nerd won the first one after beating El Donte
I can respect that; being funny should be important in barred
Also Grim made Elite 8 about 11 times in a row
>main tournament is such hot garbage people would rather discuss barred
What went wrong?
Nah, The Loud House will be one of the nostalgia picks, Primos being a shittier knockoff of it's Casagrandes spin off plus anti-Disney bias will ensure that it'll never qualify even if it somehow manages to get actual fans on this site who post about it regularly.
Both times last year won by copers: Koshi (I think three-ruled, but being supported by Touhoufags meant she was pushing it) and Sekiro.
I've been in those threads, unless I've only been talking to one other person hmm
>a female character winning Mr. /co/
hey, i nominated blue snowman but she didn't get enough supports
>11 times in a row
Impressive considering this is the 7th tourney. not even Chel could do that feat.
Oh anon
If Plankton passes, he will be the third SpongeBob character and the fifth Nicktoon character to be in the Elite 8.
image limit
Nigga all people have to say about Barred is complaints
C'mon, I get Gagne lost to a snail (mega KWAB), but even he is better than The Sponge
Hank "MOTHERFUCKER" Wimbleton not qualifying in main bracket
I think you're really overanalyzing a joke post because it brought up Primos
Have you been in those threads to actually talk about the show or have you been in those threads out of morbid curiosity or to leave one or two posts calling it shit before leaving?
well, i do.
so there.
Bill allowing copers is what went wrong
I think people are still jaded on Barred from the Ms. /co/ barred where Brisby silently sleepwalked to the finals and won just as a cope consolation prize for not qualifying basically
Mr. /co/'s barred is more fun in my opinion, there's a good mix of funny shitpost nominations, actually barred by the rules, and Never Evers who are never going to qualify for anything anyways
That just means you should vote for Pentious in qualifiers next year so that he can at least make it into the Next 128.
We're on 4chan, everyone here is somewhere on the autism line.
The degree of seethe that the Primos threads generate is remarkable, given significantly worse shows like Hailey's On It got consistent threads that people didn't accuse of samefaggery
They should bring back the IP counter but then people would just claim "the samefag is using proxies".
I would've liked Carl to go further but these are fine. Better than Ms. /co/'s Barred.
To talk about the show. I've actually watched it.
Neither of those shows will be nostalgia picks. They're too minor in their own era here. It'll be stuff like Hazbin and Amphibia.
everyone is better then Gagne, especially The Sponge
I will concede to all the complaints about "copers" if you fuckers can come up with 128 characters that actually qualify as /co/ barred.
Hard mode: no shitpost characters.
Too predictable who wins
Late 90s, early 2000s always win, earlier or later loses
Warner Bros always wins, Disney loses
Villains or questionable morals characters always win, heroes lose
There's no point trying when the circlejerk is too strong and you know who is going to win in almost all cases
next 128 is fucking gay
>Donald Duck has lost every year to JJJ, Joker, Tom Cat, Marvin the Martian, Daffy Duck, Hank Hill and now Popeye.
Bro, how much is Donald going to suffer? Until 2034?!
I didn't even notice Hailey's On It's existence until it's finale aired.
Wasn't last year an 80s winner
shove all the nominated characters into a randomizer and add the ones chosen
Niche for this board maybe. Madness Combat is relatively popular.
So who's Mr. /co/ this year?
There's twice as many heroes as villains in the bracket right now THOUGH >>145959389
There's like one guy that obsesses over it for some reason and keeps bringing up "DTVA pedo's." They're a non-entity and don't really warrant attention at all.
He's more known for the Masters of the Universe series that aired on Cartoon Network in 2002
>the NSA era finally ends, tinally allowing Donald a win
no he ain't
No he isn't.
Master Shake

2000s Cartoon Network villain, the ultimate power combo
>Brisby ruined a whole tournament entirely because she didn't qualify
Then why was most of the campaign and imagery based on the original 80d version?
>Warner Bros always wins, Disney loses
It's quite interesting how both companies tear down their characters, but for people's nostalgia, and most of them here are fans of Cartoon Network, so they'll choose Warner Bros rather than Disney. Disney is just too hateful.
>cartoon network in 2002

The entire point of Barred is to have all the joke picks that are barred from not being allowed like fucking Bejita and the few picks that were barred due to host incompetence participate in a joke tournament.
The way to get rid of copers in Bottom is to stop letting people nominate characters for open bracket slots. Maybe establish an automatic bye for 3-ruled candidates, they're truly barred
I mean, CN hasn't REALLY shat on it's old IPs that much, TTG is the biggest example and that's only a single cartoon.
This show was great, but no. The original show was a hit and persists on both memes and nostalgia. A lot of people didn't realize the 2002 show happened.
>Being a Duck/Cabs fan
>Not suffering ever
It's gotten to the point of comedy
Get used to it babe we're in for the long haul
He is literally a superhero
no he fuckin isn't
It was hateful back in the 2000s. Fuck Kim Possible.
Grim and Master Shake are not villains. Aku is defeated by Wallace.
As the person who nominated her for Ms. /co/, I was hoping she'd bow out respectfully in quarterfinals. I was rooting for the Mona Lisa as my own main.
By 2047, most users will be people who either don't browse 4chan now, or aren't even born yet.
2010s and 2020s board culture will be irrelevant for them.
you wanna complain about copers? fine.
hank jmotherfucker wimbleton fucking sucks, fuck you hankfag, you don't belong in barred, i'm voting against you and you should kill yourslef.
and yes that typo was intentional.
In other words it hits that very specific nostalgia point and criteria of /co/'s voterbase that they vote for in winners. People here grew up with Skeletor because of this show
So is Homelander.
Come to think of it, Deimos was nominated, but was not in the qualifier list. Not that he would've made it, but he's absent. Least we've got Hank somewhere and that's pretty in-character for Deimos, he smoked one more and got smoked one more time
you dare forget The Drizzle who definitely isn't Shake but just a good friend of him
Got your fragile ego destroyed with a look?
How is WB not as hateful when most of their cartoons are gone from streaming?
Definitely better than last month.
Brisby was a /tnt/ furry bridaged pick. The tourney autists over there kept speculating how she was gonna get far and maybe even be a winner. When she didn't even qualify she became the shoo in conciliatory winner of barred.
3-rulers are even bigger copers than never evers
Ah yes, I remember all the memes being passed around the 2002 version
that jobber never even qualified
>Joker pulled out at the end
Glad I decided to keep the momentum going with him toward the end of the round.
What will happen to us relics? We all know the vast majority of the posters from the early days of 4chan aren't here anymore, will any of us stick around, forced to effectively be spectators in the tournaments where we used to be the primary voter demographic?
Then what's the point of bringing up Primo's at all. I doubt /co/ will even exist then.
Hurry up and die, thread, I've got images to post
Interesting, I didn't know that existed, I knew the 80's series existed more.

Cartoon Network even contributed to Scrappy Doo hate
Okay Angones. Of course you lost, Don Rosa and Matt Danner won.
Where did they all go? Where? Please tell me. They were my people.
Squidward TANKED that!
As long as people want an outlet to post their art or opinions anonymously there will always be a /co/, even if there might not always be a 4chan.
do we rename the Duck Match to the Rape Match and have Duck Match now refer to a disappointing Rape Match?
you have to show the newer generations why your characters are worth voting for
you will have to campaign
If Angones had posted a tweet about Gosalyn in August 2020, Gosalyn would have falsely reached the fourth round of the Ms. /co/. Hahahahaha...
Absolutely not
This show might have been the only time He-Man was ever actually good, but it's pretty obscure all things considered. People remember the original far more, or at least they remember Skeletor. The reason Skeletor won was general recognizability and inofensiveness.
The /co/ you're talking about isn't really /co/ then.
Skeletor is just great in every single adaptation of the show.
there was also other, more "fabulous" media featuring he-man
Joke aside, they all just got tired and fucked off to greener pastures, like Zone, he was around on 4chan during the early days and he's still alive, but he doesn't have anything to do with 4chan anymore, same will likely happen with the vast majority of the people posting in this thread too.
Bob Iger and David Zaslav are good guys.
But there are no greener pastures, anon. There are hardly any other pastures at all.
What are these "greener pasture." Zone basically just sold out to normie net.
It doesn't matter because next year is the final official Mr /co/ anyway before we have our official Elite 8 and the grand finale tournament for the definite Mr /co/
In my headcanon btw forgot to mention that
Normie net is the greener pastures
Those are unfortunately the greener pastures, worse than this place, but there's way more content out there even if it's all censored and prone to being deleted to placate the corporations, the guys who left either decided to become normalfags or are hanging out on way more obscure imageboards.
>there's a non-zero chance that more than half of this year's E8 was also in 2022's E8
2022's E8 was the best one so that checks out
Peter... You go get that duck ass. You deserve it.
We're basically recycling at this point
Only ones who never made it like Plankton, Kermit, Popeye, Eddy are interesting contenders
Only Courage, Daffy, Grim, Carl and Squidward.
Krtek bros lets do this
People like to go on about how Mr. /co/ has so many great picks. Then why it is always the same characters who do well?
Because they're great picks.
>"only" 5 characters, as in more than half of 8
but half the characters who made it good are already gone
Because they're really good characters
And others aren't?
I like the Courage stuff
The others don't have enough fans to push through yet or need a luckier bracket.
Who said that? There's just greater picks.
Isn't that to be expected? Only one character can win each year, and we aren't even on the 8th year yet with elite 8 members restricted to every second year. It pretty much guarantees that we're gonna be stuck with very similar alternating elite 8s every tournament until its been going on long enough to push fresh faces up there. That's assuming the tournaments last that long and there isn't some great purging from the jannies after some colossal fuck up.
It would have been even better if Dr. Livesey managed to get into the Elite 8 back then, but because of those haters who say Zoomer is a meme and Russophobes, unfortunately he couldn't. I'm certainly glad Max won and made the Elite 8. If nothing else, he defeated Primal.
I don't think Squidward is beating Eddy, especially after he almost lost to Robotnik going off Spideranon's line graph.

Could see either Courage or Doof winning this round. Both have had fun campaigns, good art, and just more vocal hype this year.

Grim is a weird one. He's definitely not been as vocal as Courage or Daffy, and he's not as consistently powerful as Carl as been this year. Out of the four, he's the most quiet despite a few posts in his name this time. On the other hand, I think it's a hard call if Popeye is going to beat him or not. He also hasn't been the most vocal, and despite some Popeye momentum building up right now it may be too late to overwhelm Grim.

Daffy and Carl? Yeah, I think they're going to make it back. Spider-Man has a chance to win, but a disadvantage overall. Kermit is probably the biggest underdog this entire round.
Livesey sucked and yes he was a meme and NSA pick. No way he should win over Hank.
Because characters like Popeye, Kermit, Spider-man, Donald, Scrooge, Gaston and Genie are locked out forever because they don't meet the criteria of being from a 10 year span or being on CN
>why are character's popular on the board popular?
Spider-Man has plenty of media across the decades
Was Xavier truly a fluke at this point? 2nd-6th from 2022 all made it back to the top 16 at minimum this year, while Xavier lost to Plankton. Now Plankton's on his second top 16 run in a row, but at the same time you think Xavier could have still pulled off the win.
>It would've been better if a FotM tiktok/twitter meme got in who was literally rigged in by NSA switching him with Mr. Boss
No. At least in 2023 he didn't have the FotM thing even if he was still an NSA pick
>Livesey sucked and yes he was a meme and NSA pick. No way he should win over Hank.
You're saying that because you haven't seen the whole movie, right?
Not many people have. He was mostly voted for the memes.
is there a source for Livesey being an NSA pick or is this just some made up conspiracy bullshit because of a Mr. Boss qualifiers mistake
Livesey's not an NSA pick unless we have proof OFA did art for him, NSA being a dumbass and leaving someone out unintentionally is very likely.
He made E8 in a bunch of /tnt/ tournaments
Eastern European/ Soviet stuff is going to have a hard time here in general. It's more niche. I've nominated a couple myself.
honestly? yeah. his first round in 2022 was basically a freebie, garfield is widely known but lacks passionate fans, and then his match against hades put him in the spotlight which he rode to 8th place.
yeah as a joke that got old
>NSA pick
I don't think Livesey is an NSA pick, watched the whole movie and understand the context, to me he's a really great character to compete with. Last year when his meme passed he made it all the way to round 4, until he lost to Hank Hill. It's a shame he didn't go further this year. As for Mr Boss and if he had passed the qualification he wouldn't have made it to Round 4 that's for sure. So Livesey wins.
NSA didn’t do any of the actual campaigning for Livesey. What she did do was hijack the funeral meme for a "collab" picture that was actually astroturfed.
I think the "worst E8 member" anon who said he got far because he beat low seeds affected it somewhat, same with Max.
I also think the Plankton vs. Mr. Krabs match might've tipped the scales
t. Incredibly Gassy fag
This sentence sucks.
NSA made art of him in 2023 namely for the funeral thing, which you may remember NSA astroturfed by adding in a credits section with a bunch of fake names to make it look like more people were in on it than there actually were. There's proof since it was done on aggie and NSA was the one who added that particular layer but we're on image limit right now, but here's the picture in question that NSA drew
>xavier lost for a krabs vs. plankton match that turned out to be absolutely nothing
There is nothing wrong with fictional characters being pedophiles.
/tnt/ is a fraction of the voter base, and if anything the fact he did better among more dedicated tourneygoers isn't a great sign for his broader appeal. People also have worn on him some there as already mentioned.

It's wild how Dale could have easily ended his run there. Xavier did seem like he had a real chance, but calling it down to luck is also very fair. He jobbed to Zorak in quarterfinals and got 8th place by a clear margin. Even if Zorak won, I feel that it was still a bad showing once he got up near the podium. Not sure I'd write him out entirely since Plankton is looking to be a serious candidate now as I mentioned, but at the same time it at least brings questions to his longevity.
I'm just glad that Mr. Boss was finally able to qualify this year.
How come Bugs practically never gets OC for these tournaments? I know Daffy is more popular but he's a beloved pick too, what gives?
Grim is so hot bros
>now Garfield is confirmed to have one passionate fan, Cheesecakefag
>Rorschach would've been the new Xavier if that didn't happen
If Shake finally made it to elite eight and went all the way to winning Mr. /co/, I could die happy. You can also make the argument he's a hero too, just a violently incompetent one because of his Drizzle persona.
The issue is that this assumes NSA did this out of genuine support for Livesey and not attention. She didn’t draw for him at any other point.
Same here. He may have died early, but he still had a few posts and definitely showed his honor here.

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