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Son, I'm naming you Philip J. Fry in honour of my little brother, who I miss every day.

I love you, Philip, and I always will.
Didn't the robot end up raping his corpse or something? My dad tried to get me to watch this but it was too boring to pay much attention to.
zoom zoom ragebait zoom
Speak English, please.
Forced Kino
Disingenuous sentimentality
“Show don’t tell” principle: violated
God I hope this place shuts down
no cap finna rizz desu desu famalam baka
Sorry but most of the jokes were too dated. The only funny parts, for me, were occasional wordplay and parts like when they have to beat up the main guy to get him to cry out the slime person. I'm sure it was great when it was first airing.
Try watching it with Subway Surfers playing alongside it
The only thing that hypothetically dates the episode is the usage of "Don't You Forget About Me" in the ending scene, which still functions on its own because it plays into the message of the scene. The fuck are you talking about?
What happened?
Was he...?
Don't You Forget About Me doesn't really depend on cultural context to hit emotionally, I doubt most of the people here had seen Breakfast Club before they watched this episode.
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>Retconns your heartwarming moment
I choose to believe it just created two alternate past timelines otherwise things don't really make sense
I had a huge crush on Fry when i first saw futurama (And still do)
>watching after season 4
Perfect finale for the show, they never needed to make a new zombie Simpsons
I want Amy the Martian to stick her fingers in my ass. We're like the same person.
Can I finally call out how contrived it is that they researched a dead guy and neither the entire planet express crew (including the proffesor who would know his family history) nor the robot ever realized he was born after Fry was frozen? People get too caught up with the heartstring pulling in these episodes
amy makes me cum like a firehose
I rewatched Futurama recently and Barrigan is still one of the funniest animated characters i've seen, every episode he's in has atleast one moment where I laugh

>in a game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces
And Fry's dog. Which is a good retcon, let the dog have his peace.
The Proffesor wouldn't know his family history from a thousand years ago anon, and we're probably talking a few years apart, if his brother was lying about his name (as Fry suspected) I doubt they'd make a deal about his date of birth, if it was even revealed
Someone set us up the bomb
Yeah that's why I put "hypothetically", in the context of the episode it functions completely fine as a standalone piece. I genuinely can't think of anything else that would otherwise date it.
Isn't that modified by the episode-long bait-and-switch that Seymour was an asshole who hated his brother?
We get signal.
any more buzzwords you sperg?
>Wingus? Dingus? Listen up!
That line from Zapp still gets me every time
>based trips
It's not always just the lines, but the way he delivers them, like when he changed the course of the cruise, and two minutes later Kif asks him

>sir, do you remember when you took us off course?
>I'm the man with no name
>Zapp Brannigan, at your service!
When I was a kid, I honestly expected this go the cynical route where she calls him retarded for choosing that name
Probably the first scene in an adult cartoon I saw that felt truly sincere
Anon, these are people who live in an entire society that has forgotten that Christmas once didn't have a murderous robot Santa traveling the globe to satiate his bloodlust
Yeah. I'm sure Farnsworth wouldn't know he's related to the first human to land on Mars. He knows about his ancestor from the war of Independence but not this one
>I"m willing to sacrifice wave after wave of men to your cause. Right men.
>You suck!
The episode that reached too hard for more glurge after they got lucky ripping off the Hachiko story
Yes, it's called "glurge". The series leaned far too heavily on it after its early good seasons. It's emotional gruel with no substance.
Am I going crazy or was there not an exchange like:
>Wingus and Dingus here
>Which one of us is Dingus?
>You're both Dingus

this has stuck in my head forever, but zero google results
>I'm sure it was great when it was first airing.
The only thing that has suffered is the attention span of your generation. I'm sorry.
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>I want Amy the Martian to stick her fingers in my ass. We're like the same person.
>amy makes me cum like a firehose
Pegged by Amy. In either costume.
Great reveal, and I think that episode is better than Jurassic Bark (I like it as well), but imo the best of all the sad "Fry' past" episodes has to be Game of Tones
first costume please
What !
>set in the year 3000
nice try
Always prefer left over right. I love Halloween and costumes and I will always prefer a girl who loves them too to one that only views it as an opportunity to slut up for attention.
it was made in the early 2000's anon, it's not like today where things are as trite and formulated
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Fry may be an idiot, but at least he's a cute idiot.
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Unfortunately even Futurama isn't immune to such shameless attempts at swaying audiences through poorly constructed emotional beats.
Fry and Yancey were the MC and his brother.
Seymour would be the dog.
Main screen turn on.
Shitting on broccoliheads is an old tradition here.
I'm sorry a tourist like the one who outed themself (You) couldn't understand.
That episode was terrible and the crew should be ashamed to think that it would be emotional.
Farnsworth has dementia. It's a miracle he remembers much of anything.
Luck of the Fryrish came out first.
Eh, he's just old and forgetful. No dementia or Alzheimer's diagnosis would make sense.
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The few fans who still keep up with this show on Reddit were impressed it seems. I feel like Futurama fans have grown too easy on these writers. They're the same fans who insist Disenchantment "wasn't that bad."
Disenchantment was boring the worst thing a show could be.
if you think the show is bad wait until you see the ending
It wasn't just boring though. They kept acting like they were putting all their eggs in the plot basket but they were clearly making all that shit up as they went along. And they really weren't good enough to pull somethint like that.
The entire series was leading up to a twist they couldn't commit to because they spent too much time fucking about going nowhere.
I can get why you'd fall for it with season 1 but after season 2 I don’t get how people didn't see the bullshit.
Found last few episodes of the last season to be an improvement. Even the anthology episode about children's mystery stuff wasn't bad, even if the early season was rough.
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No Seymour is the man and Fry is the dog
Philip J. Fry
>SpongeBob Voice Actor
Yancy Fry Jr.
>Shaggy Dog
Seymour Asses
Everybody wants Fry to name his son with Leela Yancy as a way to return the favor, but everybody also forgets he already has a son named Yancy with Mildred.
skibidi figma sneed cityslickers onions desu senpai,do you wanna more faggot?
IDK if I had a friend who was born in the late 1500s and ended up in the 2000s thanks to being frozen in time,
and that friend said Shaekspeare stole his idea for something or other,
I probably wouldn't think to factcheck my friend and instead go enjoy some graverobbing. And its certainly not gonna be precise dates I'd know off the top of my head.
No. It'd be like your friend was frozen exactly on the year 1000th moron. It's not a random year you can miss. It's the turn of a millenium
Can you say that again but not in amerifat
Okay anon off the top of your head name me a famous person from the years 1000-1024.
The zoomer is right, Futurama has always been the most overrated cartoon comedy by a huge margin. It was when it was originally airing. It was when it got cancelled and brought back. And it it still is today.
It's not of the top of anyone's head you idiot. They research the guy and watch a documentary about him in the episode.
bad ep, it was boring to watch and characterization was weird but i found this the saddest thing that ever happened in the show. wish it wasn't wasted with the other parts
I think that was Mom in one of the specials
It should have been about challenging Fry's integrity and to what extreme he'd have to go to begin cheating.
You will never be special.
You will always be special~
What if you saw Fry in real life?
I would tell him the pizza order is a prank and to start checking the names on the orders before he leaves the store
You will sometimes be special.
Jurassic Bark is an overrated episode and that sad ending is completely unearned.
Luck of the Fryish is superior in every way
You will NEVER be special.
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how would you react if you woke up 1000 years into the future?
I'd be pissed off and depending on the healthcare available I'd probably go full hedonist for a while to cope. See if my crypto is worth anything and immediately spend it on xeno pussy.
it doesnt tho, they cannonically changed the past
Would I be rich because i accrued 1000 years worth of compound interest or would I be in debt for missing 1000 years of taxes?

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