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Did you vote?
I doubt it will matter much but I sent in my suggestions.

Bone Jeff Smith
Usagi Yojimbo Stan Sakai
Cassandra Cain Batgirl Kelly Puckett Damion Scott
Captain America gruenwald
Fantastic four walt simon stone
Superman John Byrne
Conan Roy Thomas
Silver Surfer Jim Starlin
Thor Walter Simonson
Avengers Busiek and Perez
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I did. Maybe a couple of my votes mattered.
No, because I assume that would've required me to visit CBR.


1. Atomic Robo by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener.

2. Fantastic Four by Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo.

3. Supreme by Alan Moore.

4. Superman by Curt Swan.

5. Amazing Spider-Man by Stan Lee and Steve Dikto.

6.) Uncanny X Men by Chris Claremont and John Byrne.

7. Justice League of America by Gerry Conway.

8. American Flagg by Howard Chaykin.

9. Captain America by Ed Brubaker.

10. G.I Joe by Larry Hama.
You just need to send an email to the fucklechuck running it
I suspect shenanigans aplenty
Time limit for voting is up.
well then I hope everyone got theres in
best comics I read this year were

flash's gorilla grod story and his barry allen story and his recharge story from the 90s

the hellboy comics
tales of green lanturn crops 1-3
the first half of morbius' 90s run
luke cage from the 90s
secret wars the first run from the 80s
galactus origin story
dazzlers first 20 or so issues
silver sables tie in issues
the new teen titans vol 1 and vol 2
uncanny xmen omnibus 2 thru 5
legion of super heros, prelude to great darkness saga
spectre was kinda cool
and martion manhunter was cool
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>I doubt it will matter much

A lot of the placement on the lists, especially for lower ranked stuff, can be separated by a few points, so a single vote often does make the difference. And /co/ voting more this year than previous years means that we might see some things that are popular here make the list when they wouldn't have if we hadn't voted.
We're likely to still see the awful Claremont X-Men run in the top spot.
Why bother?
There will probably only be like 20 good runs on that final list.
I remember the previous edition getting more attention than this year's on /co/. I made two threads about the topic and they didn't last long.
I imagine it will be a lot of already well known stuff and then as much shilling as they can sneak in.
Oh shit I was going to vote but I guessed it’s closed now. Oh well.
You have shit taste.

You also have shit taste.

It's entirely voted on. They don't just add shit to it.
>You have shit taste.
You absolutely do, faggot.
You like Claremont's C-Men, so you have no say.
You're a faggot with shit taste. Post what you consider good comics so we can all laugh at your shit taste.
>It's entirely voted on. They don't just add shit to it.

>Just email me your votes I'll count them up totally fair like.
Yeah sure. No way of gaming this at all. It's not even a public doc or poll.
I don't have to. You have no authority and no say. You have conceded by expressing your love for C-Men.
I voted for a bunch of shit that isn't going to make the top 100.
You like shit comics and dislike good comics. There's nothing more to it than that.
No cause to believe that past polls were manipulated.
Like what?
>You like shit comics
I'm not the one defending C-Men.
>dislike good comics
I only dislike bad comics like C-Men.
You only like garbage. You only dislike quality.
I accept your concession.
You're a faggot who lost at life.
>split the Claremont run into three separate sections last year to try and oust it from first
>Still dominates

I don't even like Claremont X-Men, but I've come to accept it's a mutie world, and I'm just living in it.
It's one of those really bad comics that people still inexplicably defend.
Did Claremont run over your cat or something? You can sit there and scream all you want but at the end of the day it's one of the most defining and and important long running comic runs of all time.
>Did Claremont run over your cat or something?
I had the misfortune of reading his X-Men run.
>at the end of the day it's one of the most defining and and important long running comic runs of all time
It makes it all the worse because it's so bad. That it's seen as important is part of the reason why cape comics in general are so bad and get no respect.
It was already split in the 2012/2016 editions
You really are a giant faggot.

And you keep refusing to post what you think are good comics because you know that your taste is actually shit.
It's just gonna be mediocre capeshit that people have nostalgia for. Same with all of these community polls.

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