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>The Lonesome Cowboy is not having a good day. Out of tobacco, arriving at night and under pouring rain in the small mining settlement of Froggy Town, he soon finds himself in conflict with two of the Bone brothers, somewhat infamous local figures. Unfortunately, Luke’s reputation precedes him, and when the townspeople ask him to investigate a hold-up in place of the sheriff – none other than James Bone – the tension ratchets up another notch…
> Ramona Fradon's Aquaman
That's all I have time for now, but I'll be back with more SoGV threads!
Thanks for the storytime. That was a cute read.
I read the first three volumes of this and storytimed the Billy the Kid story earlier this year. Good shit op I'll give this one a read.
Lucky Luke isn't so lucky.
Thanks, OP.
Based horse.
Bump while I read.
thanks anon
I'm on some Western binge and checking put dollar trilogy and doing a second playthrough of Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (great gaem)
pretty fun. wish we had a cartoon or a modern game of lucky luke
>a modern game of lucky luke


Granted, this came out in 2013, but still... monkey's paw
Thanks for the storytime
Doc bros...
These colours are incredible
Guess I'll read this now
I just read this on a whim...
The fuck?
Wasn't Lucky Luke a texas ranger or marshall or whatever? I thought he had a badge and everything. Was he a bounty hunter instead?
He's basically the roaming gunslinger that was most western heroes in movies who is only in town to shoot the bad guys and is trusted to do the right thing
>wish we had a cartoon or a modern game of lucky luke
Goddammit, no! Fuck you, drop that monkey's paw right now, you fuckhead! Have you learned nothing?

I read the entire series a few months back, in reverse order since the English translations weren't released in sequence anyway, and he never really stays in the same place for any length of time.

He was usually just deputized as a special agent or took up a temporary job as a local sheriff. We actually see him work a few cattle drives, especially early on, and work as a troubleshooter for some of the railroads.

The albums that were made later leaned more and more into stories where people begged him to do a special job for them. A bunch of them basically felt they were made around a template.
I'm amazed how simple they look and yet laser focused to match the art and pacing. Great use of colors to set the mood and also visual hierarchy to separate foreground and background. Someone with less skill might have gotten bogged down with coloring every detail and excessive rendering. This is actually quite educational the more I look at each page.

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