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Why does the state farm car look like it's horny?

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about lmao
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How come living, talking cars seems like a stupid idea but living, talking toys doesn't?
Cars's worldbuilding is very strange conpared to Toy Story's
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I don't find it that weird personally and can simply accept the central conceit that it's a world where cars and people are one in the same
That said, I suppose the magic of the toys' secret lives is contrasted with the normality of regular people
Even if the phenomenon of toys being alive has no explanation, it's more or less a settled matter that they're made by people and their sentience is tied to their bond with children
The cars prompt all of the same "hows and whys" with no grounding human presence
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>Now THAT'S an undercover agent!
It’s because they co-exist with humans.
Do you think she shits from her exhaust pipe
The living talking toys plays with an idea that almost all kids have at some point. Ultimately them living makes sense because all kids imbue their toys with life when making up stories and emotions for them. Living talking cars with emotions is only thought of by absolute loons like pic related.
I don't get it
Worldbuildings importance is too overstated these days
>drive across the country to finally meet someone who's sexually attracted to vehicles like you
>the first thing he does is rape your car/boyfriend in the motel parking lot as soon as you've gone to bed
top ten betrayals right there
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It worked fine back when it was just a humble original Pixar film about talking cars. It's the sequels and further expansion of the franchise that made the world more confusing. A car pope? And wasn't there supposed to be some spin-off about Trains at some point?
>about Trains
Would the trains be autistic old people who take comfort in having their lives staked out in front of them instead of having to deal with lots of choices of where to go? Or would they be some form of prisoner or slave, made to transport important resources like gas and spare parts long distances so that the ruling car class can enjoy their lives more by not having to haul it?
Still has to clean her transmission.
The talking toys still have toy problems.
The talking cars just replace humans for no apparent reason. It's very clearly a movie made to sell toys.
you're watching too much porn, op
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>Steve Loter said the story was "a cross between a specific Walter Hill film from the 70’s and a specific Scorsese film from the 80’s".

Which movies he was talking about, your guess is as good as mine.
The Warriors and After Hours, where the train is tired after a long day and just wants to go home to the train depot for the night but has to stop at the stations and every time he stops he comes in contact with weirder and weirder cars and fellow trains, with some cars also chasing him and trying to intercept him at each station before he can get to the depot?
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Sex with vehicles.
They mostly just rub their dick along the fenders and shit like that. Some try to fuck the tailpipe. Same goes for the people sexually attracted to the Berlin Wall or Eiffel Tower.

t. watched Objectum-Sexual documentaries.
brute force
gear shift up the butt
The fact that these guys give their cars male names and then insist they're not gay is so funny to me. Just give it a female name like with boats! Or don't gender it at all!

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