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The lack of scenes like this in kids films are why zoomers are all pussies
op, op,
he's our fag,
if he can't do it
I'm a zoomer and I would kick your ass if said that to me in my face.
I’m not a zoomer and I’d fuck his ass if he said that to your face.
Nobody is scared of twinks with broccoli cuts who listen to Bladee and 100 Gecs
Oh no Jasmine has been turned into a giant snake. Damn genie
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I don't think so. I think they have a poor sense of self due to insufficent socialization, being raised by screens. This is why they tend to take the slightest disagreement personally, and are preccupied with being accepted by their in-group of choice. Never learning to compromise leads to black-and-white thinking as well.
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The only thing you're afraid of is going on a diet. Put down the mcdonalds you obese amerimutt
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Wait, how does that collar work if it's clearly metal, but doesn't go all the way around her neck? Snake hoods aren't hair, they're completely attached to the snake's body.
I'm a zoomer and I watched this when I was like 7. It's not even scary, snakes are cool. There are way creepier cartoons out there.
tell OP big boy
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He did. He replied to OP. Are you dense or something?
tell me big boy
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Tell you what?
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It's okay.
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You couldn't kick rocks you brain rotted little cunt.
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Remember to stay hydrated.
that's one bad banana
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You gotta get a good bunch.
ok you old fart
Fuck, I was expecting a cat....
You can't kick your diabetes you fat retard
>jump to America at the slightest provocation, no matter how unrelated
feels good to live rent free in so many people’s heads
You gotta get bunched up good
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This is a snake thread, you goober.
Also, there seems to be a rage-bait bot in this thread above me. I think its lost.
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it doesn't go completely around her neck
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But how does it stay on, then?
it's magnetic and she keeps a metal ball lodged in her throat to keep it on
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That sounds uncomfortable.
A worthy thread for the greatest Sonic character ever made, Mordred Hood.
get booped bitch
>Booped her nose
He ntr'd Aladdin...
>non american
>thinks their opinion matters
Nobody cares about browns, chinese, japs, etc. Enjoy continued virginity and eating rice instead of potatoes and beans instead of steak, smelly foreigner.
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I've been on the internet for 20 years, seen ungodly amounts of degenerate porn, and somehow snake-on-snake vore is a new one for me
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>behold my cosmic pow-ACK!
Cobra means snake eater in jeet language.
100 gecs is unironically fire and there's nothing you can say to change my mind
>t. old enough to remember watching the towers fall
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I got something even better
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Lol. I'd pay to see that just to see you cry. Zoomers can't even handle anxiety. They're constantly drugged with all sorts of meds let alone get physical with anyone.
Who is the blue one?
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As a boomer myself I have to agree. Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pa6SGYWADU
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Where her cloaca at?
First of all, don't compare me with strawmen you saw on facebook

Second of all, Gen X parents. You guys are literally falling apart and doesn't take much to land you in the hospital.
>giant monster woman
>nice to me
no cap?
how do anthro males ruin it? I can get why if it's a non primarily anthro setting but else wise seems like just the normal standard?
I just don't like male anthros in anything romantic or sexual. As a human I identify with humans. I found myself simply feeling grossed out whenever I saw a male anthro getting sexual with a human woman during for example Bojack Horseman. That is off putting.
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I mean he's not wrong but like... he's still a gigantic fag
The thing making generations into pussies are censorship and having shitty activists in charge of entertainment. No wonder there's great interest in foreign media because the last time America was capable and tough it was the eighties.
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Your hyper-deady female inland taipan gently coils around your arm and gives you this look.

how do you react.
I got a house, got a car, no debts, secure blue collar trade job. Dunno what you're talking about. What do you got?
I wish more kaiju shows would use this type of model instead of cgi lile how they did it in many old tokusatsu shows.
I mean seems slightly hypocritical though I also despise all horses, anthro or otherwise. It really depends for me since I have oc's with anthro and human designs to play around with and some pairs are fun like reptiles on mammal girls.
You now understand women. (mentally insane Twilight fanfic fucked in the head women with the minds of teenage girls)

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