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First look
I fucking broke my neck from the whiplash of that animation shift. Peak.
Will Rachel finally make good on her promise to kill Peleken Mischiefmaker?
They showed this at NYCC tonight. Don’t think anyone recorded because they had staff members watching like hawks.
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Feels good to have classic Cusack insanity again. Koala Man felt too watered down, whereas YOLO nails from the start and just keeps that same energy going into the second season. Shit is glorious
Yep, another LGBT/feminism propaganda produced by Jews.
Koala man got turned into Discount Rick and morty.
It was better than Brad Neely's streaming show, but that's not exactly a high bar...
We know you are anon.
Seen a few people who watched this at NYCC claims that The Cool Autistic Gamer 774 makes a cameo in this episode. Any anons here who can back up that claim?
Already off to a great start, I love the way he portrays asshole Australian dudebros
I'm a little surprised this got a Season 3
I'M GOING TO SAY IT:don't care for 'im
China Il was fine, hargin nargin was fucking awful and Harper was the definition of bland. I know his earlier stuff is really well recieved, but at this point seems like other auteurs would be a better gamble

Fucking shame OG Koala Man was scrubbed, the one I saw was great
AS has been going hard for the femstoners, so I'm not. Especially with this being the sole project that has come out of AS that appeals to both dicklets and beaners
I don't think this show is actually meant to appeal to women.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_fnC8gAQSk The pilot, you mean?
Finally, something good
I hope it's a tacit acknowledgement of the fact that Season 2's animation honestly didn't feel rough enough. The humor hits better when there's a minimum number of frames for every action.
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I want to FUCK Koala man's wife

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