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which one has bacon?
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Happy Spooktober, everyone. Today's costumes are
As always, the rules are simple, respond directly to the anchor post (i.e., this) with a costume request, and if you get trips/quads, you'll be featured for the next day. If multiple people land trips, that's fine, and if there's no trips/quads for the day, dubs can also get it. The selections only run till midnight (EST) of that day, so if you go over that, it's doneso. You'll need to reply to the next day's post to roll again. Also, do not make multiple requests in a single post. They must be separate posts for equal chances of rolls.
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They ALWAYS duck the best MUs…
Uzi Doorman vs Isaac Clarke

Honestly surprised that this isn’t a more popular matchup considering all the connections and animation potential.
The only chance Isaac has is if he can gib her with stasis and potentially destroy the core. Two problems with this is that the cores can be tanky as fuck and he may have gotten used to the whole "destroy the limbs" approach which would be detrimental against the drones since they can just regen if he somehow did manage to do enough damage
It's a one sided curbstomp but my dumb monkey brain wants to see an animation of the new Ultimate Spider-Man vs Absolute Batman
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Sailor Moon versus Madoka
Gojo and Sukuna jobs by Pomni and Jax
… probably won’t happen thanks to how anal Toei was about Beerus vs Galaxia.
Oh, but they're fine with Goku getting destroyed 3 times.
Wrong message
Plasticman vs Luffy
>Animation potential
Isaac getting turned into a blood stain within 5 seconds of the match starting isn't interesting.
Goku getting destroyed is actually good for his reputation. The crowd likes underdogs; just look at the comments on all three episodes. Most people want Goku to win, and they still cheer him on even after the loss. The only love Superman gets is from Death Battle redditors who accept the words of the pozzed Calarts redneck over the words of the authors themselves.

Hell, look at all the “Goku vs Superman Isn’t Close” vids from powerscaling channels. Even when they admit Superman wins, they never sound happy about that fact, because almost nobody has nostalgia or a personal connection with Clark in the same way they do with Goku.
I am tired of seeing people shit on Superman just because DB doesn't believe Goku can beat him.
Killed Klowns for Outer Space
Unless you count the game as canon, the Broodwich can't do anything to you unless it can convince you to eat it, then can abruptly give you brain surgery if you don't finish it. That makes it either useless in a fight or insanely overpowered depending on its opponent's IQ. This thing would lose to Tien but beat Goku.
yes, and?
Don't you realize that you're not making a good argument using the worst version of the character?
So nice of Goku and Superman to feel sad over Whispy's death
It's complicated
On one hand as a Superbro I have no problem admitting Goku trounces him; no matter what certain fans might try to tell you, the boost he gained from Super was simply too silly for Supes to keep up, because realistically outside of perhaps the Flash, nobody in the JL gets even close to universal
On the other hand I also hate seeing people hate on Superman, I think he's a very interesting character when you look beyond the surface and I feel like Death Battle's terrible portrayals of him have harmed discourse around the character severely
Lol I can picture a meme where you're a goku fan wearing a superman mask and being like "as a superman fan I'd say goku beats him haha am I right superbros hahaha superman sucks hahaha"
That's the problem, people think Superman sucks when he doesn't
Death Battle made him out to be some lamer who effortlessly trounces all his enemies and has no personality
And then people actually assumed he was like that and spent an entire decade shitting on him for it
Art the Clown
Goku at his best can't beat Superman at his best.

...at the "twerking" contest, that is.
>Goku trounces him
The average version of Supes yes, but Super Goku can't beat Superman with all of his mainline comic book feats, regardless though him beating Goku's ass in a fanfiction series isn't a good excuse to call Superman boring and overpowered, his powerlevel is well below the scaling he gets in the DB matches and he struggles plenty of times both with his morality and in physical conflicts.
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>gay FAGGOT fantasies
It's always the fagon fag faggots. Literal cocksuckers, every one.
...'s laundry.
I want more army vs army fighters. Not even full faction fights, just choice slices of two different fictional or not so fictional armies going up against each other.
kek, made me giggle
I’m kinda sad we didn’t get a full-on Viltrum vs Planet Vegeta invasion with Nolan vs Bardock, Nappa vs Conquest, and King Vegeta vs Thragg
Imperium of Man vs Galactic Empire would be nice to see even though its a stomp
Jill (Berserk)
Guts being happy after CHADku killed Femto and the Five Fraud of the God Hand
I can always find special immersion in comparisons between two really clearly defined forces. Like, just talking ground armies the CIS droid army is fundamentally different from a Covenant army out of Halo who themselves function different from how Zerg does it vs a deployment of the armies out of Battletech vs The BETA from Muv Luv.

It’s a special kind of autistic interest to compare fictional armies that are relative in enough ways where you can reliably say that a deployment of one isn’t literally ‘invincible’ to the other and that you can then have those tough hashings out to say how a cookie would crumble when the action figures crash into each other. It’s the kinda thing I used to use spacebattle for to browse about because it invites levels of granular comparisons that a 2000 character limit 4chan post just usually isn’t up to snuff to replicate.

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True the Imperium of JOBBERS would get their asses beat by the Galactic Empire since they can't even beat the Galactic Republic.
It's rather unfortunate if Death Battle were to do a theoretical army vs army fight they'd likely just boil it down to the strongest individuals in both sides in a pitched fight and ignore all nuances of logistics, technology, morale, and grand strategy.
Felix the cat vs Morgana
That debate begins and ends with literally any Viltrumite burning the atmosphere of the entire planet and everyone else just going home afterwards.
I never liked him because he's a mediocre character with a few good stories, and gets fellated by superfags constantly as if he's the second coming of christ. Superman vs Elite gets brought up when mentioning new superheroes and their cynicism, but the plot there is literally the author making strawmen out of other comic characters at the time and beating them up with superman to show that he's right and yadda yadda.

GvS is retarded, it's THE flying brick fight where nothing you haven't seen already happens on the screen and DB keeps wanking composite Superman to ridiculous levels, making you wonder about what's the point behind these fights in the first place. They barely view him as a character, only as a super strong bore they can use in conjunction with other wanked characters to show how retarded they look, slurping capeshit when it has died long ago.
It would be a stomp and in the Empire’s side as well but not because of anything to do with bigaton counting just FTL speeds and relative capacities for technological development. Star Wars’ technology iterates, the imperium’s is degrading. 30 years Star Wars time is enough for the venators to be replaced by ISD’s.
Even in a plain hypothetical situation, Imperium's advantage is it's size, and the technologies can seriously vary. This isn't DAOT where humans are implied to rape everything and harness stars as their onaholes, it's people who struggle with interstellar travel because it's built on rape dimension.
Yeah and size is something the Empire has over the Imperium as well thanks to having billions of inhabited star systems while the Imperium only has a million inhabited worlds.
I meant size of their equipment, but that may apply as well. Imperium has population in trillions.
But anon, GYATTperman is a walking homosexual fantasy!
that's DUMPTRUCK omni-man for you
Ball Weevil
>composite Superman
Goku is far more composited than Superman is in every fight they have.
That doesn't take away the fact that they cherrypick feats and steal research from other people so they can make shit up and have their favourite win.

Gokek isn't above this because he gets all his best feats from meme fanfiction. He just needs more, because Toyotaro or Toriyama don't care for dimensional wank as everybody does today, and they can't wank his cosmology to infinite levels.
After Vegeta, who were the biggest jobbers in fiction
>cherrypick feats
Everyone does this through.
That's why DB and community at large sucks and we never get cool matches animated.
>"superman is sooo strong!! just look at him!"
>looks inside
>planetary + solar system feats with variety of "he got boosted to do X"
>"goku is sooo strong!! just look at him!" "he solos"
>looks inside
>planetary to multi-planetary feats (we never seen him bust a planet, he just barely beats people who do or outright loses to them) and anything higher he needed the literal god of his verse to help him do it.
goku beat buu
beerus isn't the god
listen here chud, superman is COMPLEX MULTIVERSAL because he destroyed an anvil
"kingtos is sooo strong!! just look at him!"
looks inside
Canonically multiversal to boundless feats against every boundless enemy he slaughters while still holding back
...until he wakes up and realizes he's low building level.
I wonder how they're going to deal with Kratos' wanking when he struggles against regular bears and shit.

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