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Why is Gabby the cutest little clone?
What happened to the power pack?
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Because she's fun to have around & deserves cuddles
Cause she was cloned from Laura, who's also quite sexy so it makes sense.
Is she still dead? If so, will she ever come back? My poor little bicurious loli.
Cute little lesbian
If Gabby is bi, does that mean Laura is too?
I don't think that's ever come up.

Well as Gabby dosent fell anything, she just dont care if you stick your penis in her.
Luckily, people with CIPA can still feel pleasure so she'll probably like it.

The little rascal trick me!
Worthless Taylor character
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I know she and Laura get along with Daken, but have they ever interacted with Jimmy Hudson?
She's a prankster.
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Oh I was really just about to make this thread lol

I swear went and did a gabby sketch then the other one was 404
It is probably a good idea to post the art made last thread to the /co/ booru.
Very nice, Anon. I was really hoping to see your Gabby pic. Came out great.
Terrible art.
I honestly forget way to often, also I assumed it got 404'd because of peri anon because when I came back I saw peri ass on the main page. I usually don't count that as a official thread death.
Idk about great but was fun plus needed it, originally was just going to be ass then a alt but wanted to push myself and try new brushes.
Yeah lol, not my best been like 2 weeks still getting rust off. But motivated me to be more productive also yeah look at the flag idk what I was doing was rushing to finish before bed then boom dead thread.
She gets piped by a gang of Shotas under the bridge, Oversaw by a gang of dudes.
By gang you mean 1 Bailey and oversaw by guys you mean you, right?
Why is she drawn with an ugly face if she's a Laura clone? Neurotic sabotage?
Is she though? I don't know

Than she is saved by Spider-Boy and enters his Harem
Nah, I'm not into little girls. I like writing about it though. Actually lolicon disgusts me. Bailey who?
Damn how long is she going to live? I guess the line of Wolverine is going to continue for a long time... does this technically mean Logan's her grandfather?
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Just imagine pounding Laura's ass with Gabby hearing all.
Based bailey moves
I'd be interested in reading something from you now anon. Bailey is spider boy, their ship became a meme last thread.

I was also making a green on it but then the great closure happened idk if I should finish it or not.
Someone said it last thread I don't remember it myself but don't read much new marvel and only read one or two issues with her in it.

So in my current canon and green she's a gay
you couldn't hide it, say if Angel and Laura tried anything Gabby is in the next room with enhanced senses and thin NYC walls
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More like why is she in a fridge now so Laura can go clubbing with her shit friends between murders?
She is cute and funny

butt that's the appeal!
It just means Laura would ask Gabby to walk Jonathan often when Angel showed up
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She probably tried that but, Gabby came home early some days and saw things Laura didn't want her to.
I dunno Bailey but my plan was super simple without a lot of thought put Into it. Porn w/out plot basically.
I wasn't planning on actually making anything of it, it was kinda a joke. Not to mention I don't know a lot about Gabby.
Here we go, Maybe someone can adopt and make it better.

Gabby is on a walk, Gang of rough looking boys are chilling under a bridge, Thuggish (No niggers), They catcall her and she doesn't respond, they start hounding her/following her.
That's all I can really muster, I need to be in the mood to write lol
Add some pretty hard kinks, Noncon, Maybe through Laura in there. Idk, Maybe I'll come back to it if no one else picks it up.
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The rate Bailey's harem is expanding is impressive.
Jeez shocked a bunch of normies can get her but really wolerine and his clones don't have much high stats besides the regen.

Also not even spoiling the racist part is what makes this perfect, truly /co/. Yeah I usually would but going to do the next part of my own green but hope something comes of this
Who is the top/bottom bitch of the harem???
Why does she only have one claw per arm? Does she have those weird feet claws?
She's an imperfect clone, all her older sister clones died except one and they all didn't have healing factor or claws, Gabby got healing factor but only 2 claws

He got the karvorka
I don't get cunny vibes from her. Not like X-23 who was ToT perfect.
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>Who is the top/bottom bitch of the harem???
I figure Christina has to be his bottom bitch since she's been with him the longest.

Hulkette is his most recent addition, so she's at the bottom of the totem.
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I can't wait to get more of her. She's got potential to a /co/ fotm.

Imagine be Molly Heynes, you got potential, but you are link to the Runnaways shit group.

Hulkette is free to be who she need to be.
>Seconds before Bailey webs her up and goes to town on her.
Man, I really liked Molly. I mean, I like characters who punched The Punisher but her especially.

She is nice... but Marvel insist putting her with a bunch of retards
I'm not thinking too much until it, Maybe they're just more of them, Or they have some sort of power neutralizer.
She already had some art made last thread and in the drawthread. The former need to be uploaded to the booru.
Maybe there's enough of them that Gabby can't escape without killing them and since she only feels pleasure anyway she just puts up with it.

Then, once Laura shows up, Gabby convinces her not to hurt them either since they're not worth it and they both end up getting fucked together in a dirty alley.
Decided to repost before adding to it

>She's always challenging bailey's authority and trying to fight him
>calls him a spider knock off since he's not even really a clone
>gabby keeps talking about how bad her time as a experiment was and how Bailey doesn't get it.
>she calls him weak because he doesn't go around like a feral bloody schizo all day
>She's talking about her sister and daddy issues 24/7
>Bailey has enough when she tries to tackle him one day bearing her fangs at him
>"fine" Bailey thought "I'll show her real fangs"
>Gabby was shocked when bailey's eyes went strange and crazed like a horrific predator as for a split second his spider eyes appeared
>but as she tried to recoil and step a back from the boy she tried to pin
>his sticky hands had locked around her wrist not allowing her to move a inch.
>She saw it in a brief instant bailey's usually pronounced canines extend into two long sickle like fangs with a strange purplish secretion
>in that mere moment his fangs locked around the side of her neck
>This caused the wild girl to topple over pathetically
>Her limbs limply sprawled on the ground her cute butt slightly up in air
>from where her knees locked trying to catch herself
>Bailey still a bit feral and ticked off snickered at her position though another part of him saw it differently
>Gabe grunted and huffed now that her initial fear had subsided
>Bailey's mouth turned to a smug smirk as he watched her struggle.
>He slowly caressed his digits up her leather spandex as he walked over to the fallen girls face.
>from her boots to her inner thigh
>She pouted at this then Bailey stopped she sighed in relief
>She knew Bailey was better than tha-
>before she could finish that thought she felt a super human slap to her rear
>She could barely breath, it came from no where
>She couldn't believe it as her as throbbed and stung from the empowered boys slap
>She bit her lip and hid her watering eyes from him
>"Oh so you are a perv you are dead once I heal" she said with a huff
>But she wasn't healing the poison her but was slowly feeling better already but she still couldn't move and couldn't figure out why
>Bailey noticed her shocked and confused face
>he crouched down to get close to her current eye level
>"My venom is a paralysis It's not something a body can really fight off easily. It's already all over in a instant and your body sees it as natural."
>"Probably more of my venom in you than your own blood" he said with a cruel grin
>she struggled and fidgeted at this but barely moved a centimeter
>"you'll be fine sooner than most but i gave you a bigger dose as well."
>to Gabby's shock and horror Bailey made sure to be in her line of sight as he began to unbuckle his pants
>Gabby realized what he was planning
>"w..wa..it i..I'm a lesbian!" She said now fear seeping into her once proud domineering voice.
>"Don't worry you won't be for long" the boy said with a wicked grin.
>"W...wait ...I...I'm s...sorry b..bailey I was a b..bitch a l...lot so let's stop the prank here......please" she said the last part in a muted whimper as she saw what the enhanced boy was packing
>"You always believe in might makes right and acting like a beast Gabby so only makes sense we handle this like one. An well seems you've gone " all this came in a sickeningly sweet tone
>as he grabs her rear causing her to struggle more helplessly and whimper
>he then tears the crotch area of her suit as he finishes his statement "From Predator to Prey" he said dripping with venom
>As Bailey rips open her pants and finds she's wearing lesbian pride panties.
>He rolls his eyes and chuckled to himself "Guess I'll be curing you soon"
>As he's about to tear them next he had a better plan these things should go in degrees
>He decided to desecrate her "Pride" he then drops his big member on her right in the valley of her cheeks with a shockingly loud slap noise.
>This feeling made Gabby jump thinking it was another spanking, but it felt different harder throbbing "Oh god" she thought
>As Gabby realized what had happened, she started grunting and squirming as she tried to get away again
>It was a futile effort and just made Bailey feel better her body could barely move but the Squirming made her grind against him.
>He exhaled at the sudden sensation, "Ah thanks Gab, didn't know you were so into me" he said with a cruel smirk
>Bailey then firmly grabs gabby's cute perky toned cheeks, and holds them in places as he hotdogs her buns.
>She couldn't believe this was happening "no way bailey is a hero he wouldn't do this right" she thought
>As she did bailey began to slide himself back and forth between her cheeks, using her as nothing more than a toy
>She could begin to feel her panties getting wet with bailey's pre but she had to admit to herself it was her own juices as well slightly
>She hated this she hated this feeling as she could feel his thrusting getting faster, and herself enjoying the friction and throbbing of himself against her.
>But she was a lesbian she can't let this happen she can't be so helpless she was hoping her body would fight it off and she could stop him.
>As she was deep in thought, suddenly bailey stopped for a second she was overjoyed for a few seconds.
>"B..Bailey I..I think t..that's enough I'm s-" before she could say anything else
>Bailey's forearm was wrapped around her throat forcibly lifting her torso a bit, and taking her breath away she felt her throat constrict slightly as he pinned her down roughly
>Bailey was desperate for his own release, he began to animalistically thrust himself against her
>He no longer cared to hide his raging lust, as he slammed himself forcefully into her cheeks.
>Gabby had forgotten bailey had true super strength and endurance unlike.
>She could feel the ungodly heat radiating from his throbbing member and the friction of him against her cheeks and sometimes grazing her ever wettening mound
>She could barely breath she was a prideful girl trained to be a beast and her eyes were beginning to water as she was being humiliated
>Worst of all she was enjoying it, she felt her sex trembling as a liquid was pooling in her loins.
>She still tried to act tough throwing slurs and threats out at bailey as he continued to ruin her.
>"NO YOU B..BASTARD I..I'LL K..ILL Y..YOU! I'M A X MAN I'LL CUT YOUR PATHETIC PECKER OFF" she barked as she kept going she slowly began to lose faith in her self
>"I..I'LL TELL LAURA AND LOGAN!" as she tried to say more bailey tightened his forarm against her neck.
>He wanted better leverage more than anything, she was nothing more than a tool for his loins release.
>"NO NO NO I HATE THIS" She was screaming in her head
>"I DON'T WANT THIS I DON'T LIKE THIS! STOP STOP" gabby couldn't do anything
>As bailey began his last gasp of thrust grunting and moaning slightly as he glided across her cheeks like a pistoning like a engine
>She hated this but she could feel herself being close as well beginning to unintentionally rhythmically match his thrust and forceful grinding.
>Even the painful slams began to feel exciting as her regeneration and slightly above average body kept her from breaking under the spider boys reckless motions.
>"N..o N..oo I c..can't y..you can't please"
>She breathed in, out. Her breath caught in her throat and she held it in for what felt like forever. Then like a dam being broken she felt electricity running through her as she hit her ecstasy.
>As she did her body was left spasming and helping lead Bailey to his much needed release
>Bailey showed no mercy to her causing her O to be bigger as he kept grinding on her as she was trembling with pleasure and her over sensitive zones being forcibly used and abused caused her toes to curl and more and more to soak and pool her torn pants and underwear
>he let out a loud exhale as he shock his ropes of his "webs" all over her back and ass
>Bailey then grabbed gabby by her hair roughly yanking her up turning her to himself, and in a instant shot the last of his ropes onto the poor girl's face and hair.
>She was barely there her eyes half lidded her mouth slightly a gap as she drooled a bit teething at her tongue and bottom lip trying to contain herself.
>Bailey just snickered as he let goes of her hair and unceremoniously dropped the former "lesbian" bitch back on the hard concrete of the roof top.
>He looks at his handy work seeing her "Pride" ruined as he looks at her slightly stretched and torn panties soiled with his seed.
>Then he notices the puddle of Gabby's juices reaching his feet
>He smirks devilishly "Guess you weren't much of a dyke huh"
>Gabby still squirming and panting as her chest is tightening from the waves of pleasure finally dissipating
>"I'll k..kill you" she whimpers with a slight groan
>"Oh do you think this is over? this is just the beginning gabby"
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posting some images to break up the wall of text

you don't want to get a spam ban
Good shit. Do you have an Ao3 to post this on?
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Isn't she a loli now or something, also many said she's most likely the new spider girl since asian and was turned into a loli
She already has a ton of art lol
Nice, though went the venom/paralysis route as leaves body completely exposed
Lol that's fun and yeah best to just throw ideas out.
Pretty sure gabby is a killer but yeah good idea, though never fan of gangbang stuff myself hope someone plays around with this idea for you guys.
This is the only panel that brings it up. She's still questioning her sexuality.
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They're still around Kevin Feige apparently likes them. An animated show would work best.
Not sure but Gabby is a wonky clone isn't she?
>Isn't she a loli now or something
>also many said she's most likely the new spider girl since asian and was turned into a loli
That's what you'd expect from Slott, but no, it's some other girl under Taskmaster.
Didn't realize we should do that honestly I usually do that with my art, and was original idea with that one lesbian flag sketch but saw thread before I could post text but I'll note that for next one my B.
Nah you got to do the whole membership wait thing so I never made one and I'm more into drawing than text. Just greens are fun like my old bailey stuff but greens let me try more writing side of ideas that are hard to imply.

Like I said last thread plan is to go more gabby's perspective but forgot to add bailey dirty talk. Kind of going a more sexy but psychological dyke breaking/ mind break.
But is the healing factor imperfect too because she has those scars on her face
Huh interesting guys made it seem like she was loud and proud. Now I feel a bit bad about my green that assumed she was a bitchy dyke. I based her more on her original more right after Weapon X self, like her schizo/more aggressive version now she seems really soft.
Weird they did that

Oh weirder, wait so she's evil or is taskmaster another turned good villain under modern marvel?
The runaways are great. It's a shame marvel ruined the show when it should have been easy to adapt

Dont feel bad Anon, they make worst things in Marvel...let's just say it is a alternative bitch Gabby.

Other day if you want you make a funny rascall Gabby.
She's the only survivor because she's the only sister to gain that ability though it's implied it could have only awoken when she died so her scars were before that first death. So maybe her regen gene can't heal pre power wounds.

Also her regen isn't as good as laura or logan's anyway, plus she didn't get any of the suite powers like super enhanced strength or durability but she def peak to slightly above peak human and her regen gave her back the ability to feel pain. So honestly her regen is kind of imperfect.
I feel the goal is she gets broken into a wholesome gabby happy submission lol

An yeah is power of creative stuff greens and art can be anything
The clones were way more aggro after just escaping so that makes sense.

Imagine fucking Laura and her clone sisters in an unforgettable fivesome.
See stuff like this scene made my gabby, just look at her sideways gun trying so hard to look cool. Also really laura in wolverine outfit just isn't it bros, Idk what her outfit should be honestly.

Well it'd be necrophilia since only like 2 are alive kek
There's a chance Laura has done something like that
I never liked her as Wolverine. But I Could've lived with it if she had a better looking costume.
Yep, really tired of all these knock offs and clones. Also wolverine keeps having kids and clones and kid clones. So tiresome and annoying he and spiderman really are the faces of marvel I suppose
Of these four only Zelda is dead. Bellona is still out there doing her own thing.
I'm personally not a fan of hypnosis or unconscious but maybe one of the kids has a docility power? Just makes someone docile and follow order?
That isn't my favorite trope for porn. I like reluctant sex (Dubcon)
What shit would they put Gabby though?
I thought all of gabby's sisters died?
Ah I was just saying my variation for my bailey thing no need to change your idea bros lol.

I do like me some "dubcon" why can't we just say rape lol

Probably just typical gangbang stuff though because light to decent regen they could get really rough, depends on how ryona heavy you want or gore. Could go as light as them putting cigarettes out on her to as dark as making new holes
There's always sexy potential when there's multiple X-23s running around. Wolverine and the X-men had four.
>why can't we just say rape lol
In my mind, rape means the girl 100% doesn't want it or enjoy.

Dubcon means that on some level she secretly is enjoying it, but is denying it to the perpetrator and herself.
Rape is a nasty word, I'm not uncomfortable it's just a word I don't like saying. Never liked saying it.

I didn't think that far but it works. I was thinking more forced rimming, Golden showers etc
Surprise they haven't gone on a x23 clone killing spree feel their are too many of them. An just a writing standpoint makes her less special.
I got a fanfic with Laura and Gabby living in NYC together just before the Krakoa era, I don't lewd the Gabby though, she accidently sees Laura doing something lewd but I don't plan on ever lewding Gabs
Jeez, Hellion in that universe must have a raw dick 24/7 from all 4 of them.
I feel it just means rape without saying it, many artist say dubcon. But you aren't wrong it's just been co opted as a nice way of saying it. Just saying we 4chan a guy just said the n word and no one batted a eye and we are talking about their idea in depth. Just assumed we go all in

I do like this description as is slight route I was going, more how her being bound/helpless and getting off makes her feel like it's her fault and sparks her childhood traumas from weapon X kind of mind breaking her into becoming bailey's bitch lol
Wow going quite the route here and yeah I suppose just honest I also feel it's a word I've heard so much and I wasn't in internet spaces for a long time. so dubcon was confusing to me and still feels weird.

Really yeah wasn't thinking super far just saying your options but quite the ending for poor gabby has my green become the wholesome one kek
who is this loli and why is she cute
Be a man and LEWD HER!, but nah it's cool not to not all fics are made the same
Gabby, a wolverine clone well kind of a laura clone can't remember but now another wolvy kid
Laura is perfect for any and all lewd scenarios, better to just use Gabby as a supporting character
They’re older.
Alex is over 21. Julie is 20. Jack is 19. And Katie is finally a teen at 13/14.
Unfortunately/fortunately, she won’t be a teen hooker like Laura.
I don't understand why Laura was obsessed with being a clone. She's not a clone of Wolverine, it's just his abilities inserted in her. She even had a natural birth. Not even a c section.
Laura is Logan DNA with a damaged Y chromosome that was replaced with Sarah Kinney DNA
You think Gabby has ever gone through Laura's old clothes and smelled the sex and cum on them?
Laura prolly doesn't own her old clothes anymore, Gabby would go though her sister's clothes though and find her more sexy goth stuff like >>146003700
that Laura used to wear just Months before Gabby showed up
Her delivery was natural, but she was specially created and raised to be a living weapon and only because her template was such a good one.

That's bound to give someone clone baggage.
True but I prefer gabby myself
Ironically with all the dead eyes bitchy attitude in her early depiction and black eyeliner and face scars she fits the goth hooker vibe better than laura
It's clear they didn't have her character planned out at the beginning.
Why did they pair Laura with Angel anyway? It should've been Hellion.
More likely the typical girls must all be basic and good thing. Gabby originally definitely fit more of a lose canon kid/stays a merc type she was abrasive and had none of what current gabby had. Remember originally she had no feelings and couldn't feel pain. They messed with them to make them emotionless now she contemplates liking girls and has bratty kid moments most of her vibe is gone
Hellion was dead weight at that time with his no arms whiny self. He was just a load on Laura back when she was breaking out into solo title territory
They're all dead, anon. Except not really but may as well be because you're never going to hear from them again.
Laura likes pretty boys, Hellion was at the mansion while Laura was in the weapon X facility with the time displaced X-Men, her dating options were Scott, Warren, Bobby, Hank, and she picked Scott first, Warren was the consolation prize and the girl needed to get laid, the relationship lasted longer than anyone thought it would
>Charles Xavier begins to rethink the policy on resurrecting clones
If you were blindfolded could you tell the difference between their pussies?

I guess Gabby's would be smaller and tighter though.

Maybe add a little bit of Brutality in there, my vision was the Gangbang gang being rough kids, Maybe working out some anger. On her. And her sister. Through various means.
Honestly the resurrection thing being a big canon thing was retarded to begin with. Why would you make resurrection that's already hated and disliked a canon easily attainable thing?
Yeah I assumed lol, why I said the whole putting cigarettes out on her. But again I wasn't asking you to do it but if you want to I'd def give it a once over
Did they even date?
All I remember is her stalking him during her autism phase.
Gonna take bailey x gabby request related to my green again. Refs much appreciated
Maybe a nice doggystyle pic with her lesbian pride panties pulled to one side and her face succumbing to the pleasure.

reference here.
Between Genosha, M-Day, and some very rough years after they'd been whittling down the mutant numbers. Looking at some cruel and rather pointless deaths, look poor Peepers torn apart by Predator X. This pulled us out of almost two decades of "oh no, mutants are almost extinct" plotlines. I for one appreciate that, however I do not enjoy the fact that they immediately went back to, "oh no, everyone hates mutants and wants us dead," plots. The more things change the more they stay the same.
I doubt I'm gonna do anything about this, I know very little about Gabby other than her name and what she looks like. I watched a few comicstorian videos on Wolverine and shit. I just like making concepts.
Safe to say this dudes have big breakers on them, comically large or just large?
I figure that she doesn't still have her street walking clothes. It's just a fun idea Gabby in the middle of her puberty smelling Laura's slutty outfits and mastrubating while imagining the things she was doing back then.

Maybe she even starts wearing them out in the city while Laura isn't around, hoping something will happen.
Gabby goes into Laura's room, goes through her big sister's clothes, finds lace thongs, corsets, tiny tank tops, leather pants, mini skirts, lots of belts and chokers but she never finds pictures of younger Laura
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>that New Mutants story where she was briefly killed and her friends had to Weekend at Bernie's her corpse by having No Girl psychically puppeteer it
Now that I think about, at least a couple of her clients surely took pictures or made videos of her while having sex. There's literal underage shit of Laura out there somewhere.
Hmmm not bad, could go with my next part too lol
Yeah and also honestly mutants became worse in kraokoa time because they became hard to relate too. Before they could be a allegory for things well a light one but now they try to be one to one and it just doesn't work. We have too many mutants and makes their plight and makes them seem like dicks and holier than thou.
Ah the dangerous gang of hung sadistic shotas roaming the town. Trump warned us about this damn muties and woke avengers.

Also yeah I can see that I try to force myself to be more creative but to each their own and no rush or forcing ya bro. Hope you can find some joy in my green
I see it as Gabby jumping the gun with her sexuality. She realizes she likes girls and runs out to buy a bunch of lesbian pride merch. Panties, Stockings and buttons.

She never stops to think that she also likes boys.
yup in the 616 universe there is Laura CP
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Does she find her vibrator? And if she does, would she use it?
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I can fix her.
Laura probably has a very regular sized vibrator, if Gabby found it she would not know what it was until she accidently turned it on which scares her and grosses her out and she would drop/toss it then panic and try and hide it where it was
what's the point or logic behind creating a clone of an inferior version of Logan ? Why not clone him ? What does Laura has that would make her a superior option.
I thought there was some problem with the cloning process and they had to cut out the y chromosome to make it work.
Lol bailey will help her figure it out but in a way that will make her forget about girls forever

Also I ironically have seen this then they make coming out as bi a big deal or try to hide it. Because they threw themselves a massive coming out party lol. Girl gets super aggressive about it, any time a boy looks at her she makes fun of them and says she's a lesbian starts being johnny bravo with hitting on girls even if they have bfs.
They have but 90% of the times to dangerous and goes crazy. Plus girls were experiments and gabby's batch were considered massive failures as they had no regeneration and some had flawed claws like gabby only 1 or even none. Basically just normal little girls honestly but with slight heightened powers.

They seem to doing mix of trial and error and trying to keep from making another logan.
How long until she teams up with Elle Wilson.
Probably never heard elle wasn't a fan fave as deadpool. She may meet but she'll probably be kept as a plot device to be saved and part of wade's development
I like sexual awakenings and awkwardly figuring things out. It's baked in conflict rather than I'M GAY AND EVERYONE CLAP FOR ME. Let the little gay girl struggle.
It's been done.
I liked their arc. He's a jerk that hates her guts and she's awkwardly following him around. Then he nearly kills himself to save her and she becomes attached to him. Then it's dropped and they go their own separate paths. Probably not going to be a couple in Nyx unless there's a big twist.
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I want stupid thick Ellie back.
That's the best variation honestly, and realistic confusion or questioning. I feel it's normal to be a bit confused or questioned both internally and externally. Your parents aren't always alt right bigots sometimes they just confused and want to know when and how. Us humans by nature want answers and think things through. Like asking "but I saw you with a boy just last year etc". Best option instead of 100% acceptance is showing how it effects everyone and both the characters growth and multiple sides of the concept.

Though that's just me overthinking it and tired of as you said "I'm gay so clap" literally TOH did a scene like this as a montage with no dialogue and it held no baring as literally no one had been against luz and amity before or after it. Feel like if you don't want to do anything with it just have them be gay and not say a damn thing.
I like awkward parents like Hank Hill that might either be fine or slightly against it but they love their kid and will ultimately stand by them.
Yeah this peak better than parent bad cause don't accept or parent has no personality at all and just says "Slay queen"
Made to be plapped relentlessly until she throws away her dyke pride stuff.
I'll try and draw bros I swear

Also random Bailey thought but since he's connected to Peter's spider does that mean silk wants to fuck him?
By the way bros, get in your final bailey x gabby request in I'll start drawing in about a hour
I guess so. Besides there is that panel of Silk being very touchy with Bailey.
Wait where i must see
Can I request Bailey with someone else? I wanted to ask for Bailey meeting Fantasma (the one that looks like Hatsune Miku).
Requesting Bailey and Gabby wearing matching Spider-Man shirts.
Bailey deepthroating her in an alley or something.
I don't trust myself to draw her but tell me the idea and I can try but probably won't be today honestly.
Huh damn
Actually could be cute could imply it's after the green also had a idea of her suddenly being really into "spider man" after lol. Any specific shirt or just the symbol?
Sounds hot, any refs?
>Any specific shirt or just the symbol?
Nothing specific. I guess it will just have to be the symbol on a red shirt. Isn't that what most Spider-Man shirts look like anyway?
Yeah though I once had a spider man tracksuit that was blue with a black or red spidey symbol
>Sounds hot, any refs
I don't really have one in particular I'm fond of. Its hard to find a ref that is perfect. This will have to do though except no x-ray, and both are still wearing their superhero suits to imply it's a quicky. Maybe full body for Bailey to see his expression.
Hot indeed maybe I'll try a few these next few will be sketchy compared to others. one I like I'll probably try and color
It's probably for the best not to overcomplicate things.
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Molly, Ellie and Gabby should have like a mutant Power Pack kind of book. Or like a Adventures in Babysitting kind of story where they have to look after Shogo.
I'll try hopefully I can get to everything
Oh no

fuck shogo
That's a baby you sick fuck.
She's perfect
Damn. This is almost a really, really good pic.
If her neck weren't broken it'd be a lot better.
I like the pose and colors.
Seems like all the wolverine clones should be really weak. A shitty wrist blade and regeneration isn't that much in fiction.
Honestly they tend to have worst healing and mostly because unlike wolvy they don't have the adamantium coating. Which means with worst regen and blades they don't have the enhanced durability as you sometimes forget logan is only slightly above normal human tier and the skeleton gives him a boosted strength/damage

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Throw in Valeria and it's perfect.
Why does she have only one claw on each hand?
I proceeded to overcomplicate and did a full bj comic type sketch.


I'll try and do others tomorrow but tired now so I'll be hitting the hay. Drop another part to gabby x bailey green tomorrow morning
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Gabby and Molly would get along so well.
Really good. Looking forward to whatever you do tomorrow.
>wolverine = three claws
>laura aka wolverine's clone = two claws (one on each foot)
>gabby aka laura's clone = one claw (one on each foot)
>daken aka wolverine's kid = three claws but in different arrangement
Wait gabby's a laura clone?
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She looks like the kind of person who is addicted to anal.
Well, the truck driver is dead.
Should've paid more attention to those crossing the street.
>Laura but fun and without all the boring angst
She's perfect honestly.

Now that's a Harem

The Angst is the best part!
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She would absolutely love anal after she gets corrected from her lesbian phase.
I don't like Gabby. She somehow made Laura even worse.
Zelda was pretty brutal.
Too big of a slut to be in a harem.
Why didn't they infuse Laura with a full admantium skeleton?
They only did her claws for some reason.
Better if she's made addicted to anal
Sounds about right bent over and made to love her holes, no girl could compete.

also dyke correction/lgd is so funny when you learn it's not just /co/ or dudebros and many bi/lesbian girls love and started a lot of the fic/art side of it.
Actually in most interactions she doesn't have the adamantium just bone claws. Only laura canon has a adamantium skeleton. But it's because most besides logan died to the adamantium injection/molding. They did a brutal story once on it with weapon XI where basically they scientifically proofed how insane it is. Molten metal put in your body is instant death, even wolverine has died to molten adamantium before. It's like suffocating in the hottest and strongest material. It basically melted them/ruined their insides faster than they could regen and they couldn't regen around it. Logan was a super special case and then gabby and her sisters were half assed clones who didn't have regen her regen only appeared when she was killed. So no way to do it especially since she has the weakest regen of the wolvy clan
Built for getting corrected by Bailey.
Laura didn't get her adamantium skeleton by injection.
When she died, proteus thought wolverines have full adamantium skeletons, so used his powers to give her one while she was in the resurrection egg,
So even lamer and still proving the point it's hard for most to survive the injection/process of the coating
All of the young heroines are built for it

Built for BBC Big Bailey Cock
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Laura's looking sexy as hell
She isn't. I fucking hate Gabby and she deserves death and to be fucking forgotten.
>make a clone
>make it gay
Obnoxious. Automatically. Homosexuality is the fucking worse thing to do to a fictional character. Inspires straight up derision and apathy.
True and Bailey pilled
Thanks happy you guys liked it
Yep bailey is a lil chad
Women are always into rape fantasies and that goes doubly for lesbians into orientation correction.
Yeah looked it up for refs and then immediately found a whole bunch of female written lgd fics and a reddit with like 60k people in it and a lot of them seemed to be chicks. So yeah quite interesting
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Gabby's tongue is the perfect place for a hot load of cum.
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He's gonna put all the girls in the proper place at his knees.
Based, from molested to molester lol. Also loving your art bro and cool seeing gabby in your style. Though hulkette and gabby are my fave ghost rider girl is peaking my interest a bit too.

I need to draw more gabby bailey and finish my green, and do the hulkette redesign from last thread
You drew this? Good job. Only complaint I have is that it's missing the Magneto sidekick.
Nta, but i don't think she's a new champion anon plus theirs already too many girls
This. Bailey will make a bigot mutant who idolizes Magneto how to love flatscans instead.
>i don't think she's a new champion
She is literally on the cover on their upcoming spin off comic, and featured with the others in a couple of teasers.
Ah well magneto made her sound like a baddie
Does she have a name yet?
I don't think so. It seems like they will try to debut her in New Champions. Marvel mentioned something about how not all new champions will be heroes so we will definitely see her then.
Amazing art, drawfriend. It's truly Bailey pilled.
Truly bailey pilled indeed we need more lolisho anyway. Young boy taming/claiming the girls in his age group kind of hits a vibe
So we have Gabby, Hulkette, and Fantasma. What are the names of the other two? This is great art by the way.
The Asgardian girl is Hellrune. I don't think the Wakandan girl has a name yet.
How will the girls react if Bailey goes down the line fucking them one by one?
>Gabby and Hulkette and bitchy brats that try to use "might makes right" on him
>so they are more shocked and humiliated when made his bitches
>Wakandan girl has never seen a white boy so she's a bit shocked and a bit racist so she's humbled in her own right.
>Bailey got tired of all of her Black panther bs about how great wakanda is and how all of Africa would be best if the white man never came.
>Hellrune is a asgardian so she was either a fighter or was down to clown was just shocked bailey was able to top her with his thunderous backshots.
>The ghost rider girl seems like the normalest and cutest
>So is more surprised at bailey's size and that he'd just go for it.
>She didn't have the social skills to know much and was a frail virgin bailey was gentlest with her.
Hellrune is the name of Thor's sidekick. The other girl doesn't have a name yet, but we learned from a synopsis that she is a "mysterious runaway" from Wakanda. We will probably learn her name in the first issue of New Champions.
Why do they all have different amounts of claws?
Is anyone else tired of wakanda?
For anyone who hasn't read it here is the Ghost Rider issue where Fantasma recently debuted. She shows up in a bonus story, and we see her without the helmet.
>Yeah and also honestly mutants became worse in kraokoa time because they became hard to relate too.
It's a matter of personal tolerance, because frankly all of that stopped being sensible a loooong time ago for me. M-Day didn't make it easier to relate to them, from that point on they started flipping their shit, giving up on co-existence and playing overly defensive, trying to isolate and shut themselves off, and occasionally doing shit like trying to welcome in the Phoenix with big ol' open arms because at that point they figured they'd either get what they want, i.e. more mutants, or the whole goddamn planet can just burn.

>We have too many mutants and makes their plight and makes them seem like dicks and holier than thou.
This is pretty silly, imo. It's like complaining there are too many of any other niche group. Are there too many Wakandans for you to handle, too? Namor tried to do his part but they just went interstellar.

Not like the 15 million they had on Genosha is even much compared to 8.1 billion humans. You hardly have to deal with them all in a per issue basis. They're 0.2 percent of the world population. Still kind of a moot point anyway. Many of them stayed on Krakoa when it went back into the White Hot Room, and some of the mutants were sent back to fight decided to leave Earth with them. We have no idea what their population is right now.

The thing is you were always going to see such a small percentage of them in comics anyway it doesn't matter. They added a bunch of new mutants over the years. When's the last time Teon was relevant? Trick question, motherfucker was never relevant. Same will go for most of the young mutants they introduced, like Cam, Leo, Kappa. Same with the new fuckers they're introducing now. As usual X comics will mostly focus on the familiar faces. Any small time mutants showing up will be lucky to survive the experience.
Hot as fuck. Based Bailey showing these girls who's in charge.
Probably to make each look more distinct.
Yeah but in kroakoa they became full on schizos with no values or difference again classic you can view with slight real world allegories like zootopia. No true one to one allegory but can be fun and interesting. An in the end as you said it's the fact the new writers seem to no longer want co existence and want them to all want revenge. They really did do the dumbest things in recent years.

Yes actually I only need 2 wakandas lol, but my point was more agreeing that a slight purge isn't bad. Also idk why it's wrong to think less is more, most people will tell you that too many characters mean less screen time for the good ones. I just feel it's good to show less of them or cut the numbers down a bit.

Also you understand 15 million is nation size and is bigger than most none main branch ethnic groups. So still quite a lot of them and I get your point but sometimes just get tired of all the add ons in kraokoa and last few years of x men. Like the evil beast thing and the immortality thing was retarded.
Happy you liked just dumb idea, need to draw some more bailey x gabby honestly.
It got Cyclops to lead a X-Men team for the purpose of helping humanity as a means of outreach and and to show how mutants can help protect the world. Krakoa sure as hell wasn't perfect but I'm not sorry it happened. Finally got mutants to stop bitching at Scarlet Witch, finally had non-mutant heroes helping to save them so they can't bitch about having to go it alone. They could actually be cordial with a lot of heroes again, barring some shit with Mr. Fantastic.

And as much as people bitch about the immortality thing, got to say given how often people were coming back to life anyway kudos for a group of heroes that actually decided to actively pursue it. I for one thought it was nice that we didn't have to worry about the ridiculous bs where writers were just spending characters cheaply anyway. Given the X-Men run that happened before HOX/POX this was a breath of fresh air. Were people still dying? Sure. But at least now the deaths didn't matter so the WHY of people dying did.

You know what really feels bad? How the new runs feel like a redux of that prior HOX/POX shit, especially the shit X-Factor is doing.
If you're still taking requests can you do something like this where it's Bailey and Peni correcting Gabby?
hmmm mayhaps, idk if I'll be able to get to it today though who knows
Can't wait to see him quieting their attitudes with his cock.
Deserved for speeding through a zebra crossing
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>Why is Gabby the cutest little clone?
Just is.

Why do these degenerate hack writers insist on making every pure, innocent kid into a faggot though?
More reverse they take all the depth away to make their lil lgbt self inserts perfect. Best when she's a good mix of this and being a bit aggressive and well fucked up cause clone.
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>fucked up
Part of her appeal is that fucked up things happened to her, but she remained optimistic and for want of a better word, good. It was a contrast to Laura and the others.

And none of these homosexualized kids are "perfect", except in the eyes of their writers. They're revoltingly boring.
Well that's why they are boring they have no struggle. Was rewatching toh not to long ago and honestly boring asf second time around as you realize belos had no aura as a villain. Because he never really beat luz long term.

An think you are right about gabby though she wasn't always optimistic which is why her becoming nice and fun is wholesome. She watched her sisters die she was a brainless emotionless child assassin. Honestly think we have laura to thank for her being able to be bratty and childish instead of aggressive rabid schizo because she allowed her to be a kid unlike with logan who kind of fucks off and abandons all his family. From laura to dakkon but laura is a good sister to her so she's got her optimism back
Def hot concept,wonder who'd be first and who'd be his fave. Got to remind them why their are more male heroes than female heroes, put those loli brats in their place
She'd make a good addition.
>Gabby follows Laura and the X-Terminators to night clubs and watch them get wasted and slutled out.
Laura's a bad influence on her. No wonder she needs Bailey to set her straight.
Aren't both two OP and more on the young adult side now???
>Poor gabby wants advice on how to handle her situation with bailey, >then sees her two "sisters" get wasted and railed.
>It then deepens her breaking making her think it's just a girls destiny to get dicked down by a guy.
>She then tries on some of Laura's old clothes trying to look cute for bailey
>hoping that he'll forgive her for being a dumb dyke before.
>Ends up looking like a poorly put together kiddy slut
>But Bailey likes it and helps her get that poorly put on make up off "by making her gag on his huge schlong making her make up run
Don't forget the milf Laura that was around for a while.
Take your time. We could use more correction scenarios with Bailey.
Yeah gonna start sketching something in about 30 mins to a hour. Idk which idea might try something entirely new who knows also need to finish my green
>Laura and Bellona notice Gabby dressing more sluttily and figure out Bailey's been domming her.
>They go to confront him about it, planning on threatening and scaring him into leaving her alone.
>He ends up fucking them senseless and brings the sisters into his harem right along side Gabby.
Bailey is unstoppable he didn't get radioactive sperm little bro got radioactive libido.

But would they be mad at her getting dommed as long as gabby is happy
>Why do these degenerate hack writers insist on making every pure, innocent kid into a faggot though?
He asks in a thread all about porn of her.
They would be angry that some random kid hero they never heard of was fucking their sister.

Until he showed them just how good it is to submit to him.
Sounds about right, though these threads have made me a massive gabby and bailey shipper I do think a good ole sister three/foursome is pretty hot. Bailey the shota who makes girls submit to him
I wanna fuck gala punk Laura.
You mean actual Laura and not her clone we were left with?
Yeah, it's still crazy to me that they did that.
Sorry took so long and didn't sketch anything yesterday but hope ya like anon. I also humored myself and added a slightly less wholesome part but can easily be cropped and same message
Elektra almost had her until she fucked up at the finish line by calling her ‘Ms. Clone’
Very nice! Worth the wait, Anon.
God they fucked up so badly with that and never bothering to touch the implications. What’s even worse is Old Woman Laura never did anything besides come back, be Synch’s arm candy and die. It was pointless
Who would be a good girlfriend for Gabby while she's in her lesbian phase before Bailey dyke corrects them both?
Since he's getting both anyway, def hulkette especially since she's obviously the second fan fave of the threads. An buff and short hair and gives a bit of a butch vibe lol.

Real question is who does he break first and what is the laters reaction/breaking point or start of breaking?
Happy you like it anon, really kind of wish I didn't color the bg but been trying new things so bleh.
For a moment I thought he would finger her ass
HEY! This is a wholesome Christian site, though I did have a idea for finger being more in between her crack. An was thinking of ideas for my green and fingering was a idea maybe bailey turns her into anal slut lol
Again happy you guys like, ironic I originally joined the thread for muscle loli and yet to have drawn hulkette
Mind if I request Hulkette blowing Bailey?
>HEY! This is a wholesome Christian site, though I did have a idea for finger being more in between her crack
Nothing but some edits can do the job

Great work BTW. I like it
Didn't we already have that??? but honestly might just try and draw her in a bit but probably going to do the redesign concept from last thread first.

But doesn't hurt to ask/give idea or ref? Plus depending on complexity bj's can be easy
Hey feel free to edit lol, but yeah happy you like it guys. Really was just me fucking around
How about something like this with Hulkette?
Someone made a Bailey x Gabby x Hulkette on Rule34.

Thanks Supistar
Oh yeah that's from last thread, I knew someone did a hulkette bj already.
Also hmmmmm mayhaps, really need to do next part of my green I know most aren't as interested but it's my heart

An I'll try to get something done probably gonna be sketchy though
We know. It was drawn in the last thread.
Okay real talk why are all of wolverine' s clones women? Is wolverine trans because you can't get genetic information out of nowhere so they must have the same chromosomes given that X is bigger than Y
I think that the Y chromosome was just fucked up in the dna sample they got so they doubled the x and made girls.
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Yeah, Laura was made the way she was because the XY chromosomes The Facility had to work with were too damaged to use and Sarah had to patch some of the XX with her own DNA. Not 100% a wolverine clone, but definitely not a biological daughter like they tried to retcon Laura into being.

Gabby and the others meanwhile were straight up clones of Laura.
I mean do we see the girl om the bus.
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I just realized Annie and Mayday are gonna grow up idolizing Bailey and probably have crushes on him until they get old enough to act on them.
Forgot he's officially older than them, and grows up into a chad canonlogically. Yeah probably will happen also canon wise 70% of the time peter dies before any of his kids grow into adulthood.
I'm confused. How is he older than them?
He'd be older than the 616 version of Mayday and Annie, not their counterparts. That is...assuming Bailey doesn't just fade into the ether after Slott and the rest of the Quesada loyalist Editorial all die of old age.
Timeline wise I meant, not alt universe variations.
Seems unlikely miles lasted and no one liked him for a long while. Bailey is fairly well liked mostly because he's a bit like young peter with the more light hearted adventures without all the bs and cuck dramas. Also heard rumor he might be mentioned/shown in the next spider verse so odds are that'll get him even more love.
I hope not, Annie and Mayday are for incest.
>He'd be older than the 616 version of Mayday and Annie, not their counterparts
That's if Marvel will ever allow Annie and Mayday to ever happen in Earth 616. They fucked over Peter and MJ for a long time.
Lucky Bailey
Will be thankfully forgotten like all of the creepy child lesbian propaganda masquerading as characters
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Was just having fun with it and tried to do the redesign a few anons talked about last thread, I tried to give her a bit more muscles and bratty vibes.

Couldn't think of a good pose so just went for a basic flexing thing.
I'll do this one next kind of like part two too this one. Imagine this as set up lol.
Nice work
Happy you liked it, from the first image to this think I'm getting the rust off art wise lol.
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>Bailey wakes up surprised and flips off his covers to find teen Annie May and Mayday sucking him off.
>They admit to having crushes on him for as long as the remember and want to thank him for looking after them when Peter died.
>Bailey feels bad fucking his mentor's daughters, but two tongues on his cock is hard to ignore.
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I'd fuck milf Laura and clone copy Laura.
how many costumes has gabby worn any image of all of them
I'm fine with that. Cuddles is all she deserves
How long has gabby been around and where should one start with her comics?
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She came out in 2015. You should read All New Wolverine series. She first appears in issue 2.
2015? damn she way older than I thought but kind of sad because means she's super irrelevant
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>Laura training gabby to be a goth slut too
No wonder why she's a lil dyke
You think Laura had many female clients when she was a teen prostitute?

She learned from older, more experienced lesbians, so it's only natural she passes those skills on to Gabby.
Groomed to groomer the true lez pipeline kek

But I see her being lesbian before then all the miles of dicks ruined her
The more I see of her more I like her hope new champions doesn't ruin her
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Finished next part came together as a nice little comic I think. I feel I've done my part adding to the little chad bailey concept

Full thing
Just second part
I've been out of date on Laura content for years now, does Gabby have a solo book or anything?
Great stuff, Anon. I really like how the shadow on her face turned out.

She's learning what her mouth is good for.
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Here's Gabby once again tempting fate by teasing Bailey. I'm sure he'll react in a reasonable manner.

Bailey will fuck every girlfriend she ever have until Gabby begs
On the one hand I prefer Daken being his usual slimy, evil self using seduction against everyone to exploit them. On the other hand I do kind of like big brother Daken.

Daken needs be a villian, because we need villians more than we need heros.
Thanks anon happy you liked it, and yeah really hard part was doing the green blush but felt same hue as shadow idk if it translate well
Damn nice now you making me feel self conscious about mine though lol.

But great stuff anon, what brushes do you use by the way?

Also she's truly tempting fate here, motivating me to finally update my dyke correction bailey x gabby green.
That's kind of hot asf, makes her watch as he makes every girl she's loved moan his name and admit how pathetic gabby is. Just to break her til she wants him herself perfect way to train your ex lez wife
>That's kind of hot asf, makes her watch as he makes every girl she's loved moan his name and admit how pathetic gabby is. Just to break her til she wants him herself perfect way to train your ex lez wife

Thanks, you can add this...it's not my vibe, but I imagine that as a coletive story this is the next step.
Hot. How would Gabby react if Bailey pressed is face into her panties and took a big whiff of her dyke pussy?
Trash character that nearly killed my interest in X-23 next to that abysmal fucking writer that introduced this piece of shit to begin with.
Lol, I might make a separate one. My own is already going in a specific direction though do need ideas for what happens after assjob but either way. Also I'm more of a dyke breaking where lezbo becomes gf/slave wife

This thread has truly sold me on dyke gabby though I wonder if I was unintentionally the one that started it with my first green in the hulkette thread?
I’m sure she’ll be back but yeah I was scouring the wiki one day and learned that shit and it pissed me off too. I really don’t understand the point of that whole thing. If the result is that we still have a Laura running around, why make a whole story arc about the “real” one being displaced just to kill her and replace her with…her?

From a casual perspective it’s
>oh man I remember X-23, that solo run she had had some beautiful artwork, lets see what she’s up too
>actually she’s dead and that’s really a clone that’s doing stuff now
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Since I've finished my Hulkette mini comic, does anyone have any ideas for my bailey x gabby green or other dykebreaking/correction green ideas. Also open to more sketch ideas
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The Krakoan story arc and its consequences have been a disaster for the mutant race
Do you think they'll drop the x men/mutants and focus on solos? Wolverine is already his on industry name and storyline, he has laura now gabby and dakkon. He really could easily be separated from x men/mutants and not much will be lost
He's been Jason Todd'd. Except he's not the edgiest one.
Teenclops plapped that right?
Imagine pounding Gabby's ass with Laura hearing it all.
How long till Kamala gets railed? There's no way a turbo slut like Sophie isn't encouraging her to snort coke and get fucked in a club bathroom.

Someone tell me she's very affectionate with him
Jesus I have no idea what's up with Marvel these days. Who the hell is the ghost rider kid?
Bailey is a lucky boy, but also maybe a bit to cocky banging a girl where her sister can hear
Isn't she twice Bailey's age?
Depends on continuity sometimes she's still a baby others she's about powerpack age but more recently she's been a teen girl. So worst maybe like 4-6 years older than bailey. Best same age, plus think she was recently deaged because they love them some kids with powers
A fine addition to the /co/llection.
Her name is Fantasma. See this for her debut issue. >>146032730
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How will Laura and She-Hulk deal with the fact that both their sidekicks have become cumsluts for Bailey?
They will join his harem. Bailey likes older women such as Screwball and Sakura Spider.

Krakoa was just feces...

She-Hulk loves shota...years and years sucking Franklin Richards cock.
Obviously they'll either be made to watch as he destroys their sidekicks innocence or he'll turn the tables on them as well when they confront him about his slowly forming harem. The adult should also be punished for their bratty wards.
Any gabby x bailey art request? preferable dyke breaking or pronebone stuff
How about Bailey fucking Gabby in the dirt, while she begs him to slow down since it's her first time with a boy.

Heh the good ole pronebone, like my green. I remember that's one of the sketches I meant to do but forgot. I'll have to do it tomorrow anon. Truly a hot idea though
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Decided to do a small drabbling based on this concept

>Gabby's eyes begin to open as she's awoken to a strange sound.
>She is met to the harsh brightness of a strange room
>As she tries to stretch and get her barring she realizes her arms are bound with something
>This caused her to be even more alarmed at her predicament
>As she tried to put together the last things she remember
>She vaguely remembered being with bailey earlier today
>Because of her experiences and being a mutant "which is like the best thing in the world" she might add
>Gabby has a habit of pulling rank on the other rookie heroes especially bailey, she kind of dislikes how popular he is even though she's been around longer.
>She's heard he has merch and whole websites dedicated to him, while people call her a knock off or sidekick to her sister laura.
>Why is he so popular? Well whatever either way
>She was messing with Bailey earlier in the day chastizing him for being to naive and a cherry boy.
>"He doesn't even kill his villains" she chuckled at this
>"I bet you wish you were a mutant then you'd actually have somewhere nice to stay" She giggled as she teased the boy during another team up adventure
>Bailey tried to tell her what to do during the mission as if he was in charge
>This actually ticked gabby off
>She hated even more he was able to save her because well he has real powers
>"how dare this goodie two shoes be more powerful than her and try to show her up" she thought
>Later as they were both putting back on their casual clothes
>Gabby jumped at the opportunity to tease him
>"Hey Bailey" she beaconed
>As bailey turned around his face went flush a bit as he saw gabby slowly pulling down her spandex
>"See something you like Spider-BOY" she emphasized the last part with a smug snicker
>"Too bad for you I'm a lesbian and I have a girlfriend" she said with a grin.
>Gabby was satisfied with her bullying of Bailey
>Little did she know this was bailey's last straw
>She was snapped back to reality from her deep thought by more of that strange sound
>As she finally located the origin fo the noise and her eyes were able to focus from her unconscious
>She was left in stunned silence of what she was seeing
>She saw bailey the spider boy, and her girlfriend
>They were they were f...fucking
>She couldn't believe it as her eyes widened in shock of the scene transpiring in front of her.
>Gabby tried to move but she was bound by what she now realized was bailey's webs
>Even her claws were sealed unable to slide from their holster
>She was forced to squat their watching as bailey worked over her gf
>They were much in love both outspoken lesbians, everyone accepted them and they were big about showing off how gay they were
>But somehow that same girl was getting her back blown out by bailey and worst of all she seemed to like it
>Gabby's girl friend had this ditzy grin on her face as drool dribbled down her chin as she was getting fucked
>The two of them were going at it like beast and on gabby's bed no less
>Her girlfriend was a delicate flower who was super wholesome they had done it a few times and she was never one to make faces like that or try to be so lewd
>But here she, with bailey's huge cock going in and out of her, as he had his hand on her throat as leverage plowing into her petite ass giving it a slap every so often
>Gabby tried to yell at them but her voice felt so small and weak compared to her girlfriends loud moans that seem to echo in the large room
>She had to tell her self it was all fake a lie, her girl friend would never let a guy fuck her
>"it was rape that's right rape" she thought
>"Finally feeling a bit of confidence again she projected her voice at the two lovers "Y..YEAH OF COURSE YOU H...HAVE TO RAPE PEOPLE YOU FUCKIN VIRGIN" She shouted more for herself than them.
>As said this it finally caught bailey's attention, with a sadistic smirk he say "Hey if it isn't sleeping beauty"
>"Also rape I'm not raping anyone she's here willingly" He said nonchalantly to the bound girl
>"Of c..course she's not you bastard, you are in for a world of hurt when I break free" Gabby said with a snarl
>Bailey just shrugs and grabs the girl under him, putting his fingers in her mouth and pulling the back of her head close to his face.
>All while staying inside her and making sure Gabby can see where they are connected.
>Bailey then ask "Am I forcing you sweetheart?"
>The girl becomes lucid from her sexual stupor and through moans and pants whimpers a meek "N..o, gabby I want him to do this?"
>Gabby was shocked "W..w..why"
>"I was going to tell him no at first but then he whipped it out and it was just so big. I had to try it" she said a bit ashamed
>Gabby was dumbfounded by this but her girl friend was obviously confused and gaslit
>As she tried to piece together a excuse, bailey noticed this and was having none of it
>Grabbing the other dyke by her hair pulling her head back so she had to look up into his eyes.
>He asks cruelly making sure Gabby could hear "So do you want me to stop?" It was a simple question but he knew the answer could destroy gabby
>The room was terribly silent and felt like hours passed for the bound girl as she looked at her Gf with pleading eyes
>But in reality it took her all of 2 secs to decide "I want more spider-boy, please give me more dick"
>Gabby's heart sunk at this, and worst of all they went right back to it as if they never stopped
>Bailey still pulling at her hair using her as if she was just a toy, but her gf loved this even syncing her hips to match his might thrust.
>The sounds of her moans were deafening
>As Gabby sat their in stunned silence forced to watch as His cock slid in and out of her gf.
>She couldn't help but think of how it felt so wrong b..but right
>The way her hole was soaked her, snatch hungrily took the mighty member back in with strings of fluids connecting them.
>It was as if they were made for one another.
>But the worse was yet to come of Bailey's little tragedy he had set up for the little dyke
>As Gabby had sat their for what felt like hours, she had become a bit complacent at what she was seeing.
>Her heart was already broken and she felt so helpless, but she thought she could rationalize it
>She could find someone else, even though her eyes were locked on the scene in front of her.
>Then bailey began to ask her gf questions like "Who's better me or bailey, Why were you even with her to begin with, are you really even a lesbian, etc"
>An as he did she answered brutally honestly too
>She shouted her answers to the heavens with her lustful moans almost as if she had forgotten about Gabby's presence
>"YOU O..OH GOD YOU BAILEY!" She shouted
>Bailey made sure to reward her by speeding up his tempo
>"Gabby would always try and use toys b..but they just can't compare to the real thing"
>Bailey just smuggly smiled occasionally sending a cruel glance or two gabby's way as he ruined her once girlfriend
>But she kept going even without his commands at this point
>"I was a lesbian until your dick, it's just too good not like gabby"
>"I..I'm s..so Ahh Happy I can be with you spider boy, you are a real hero unlike pfft the honey badger over there."
>Bailey and her gf just laughed at her "Yeah she only has 1 claw, she's a knock off of a knock off"
>This went on for the whole session, as bailey asked her girlfriend became more open and cruel about her true feelings to her ex gf
>But worst of all gabby hated how hot it all was
>Bailey's dominance, her humiliation, her gf obviously preferring a real man over her
>She couldn't stop looking at them fucking, or at least that's how it started
>First Gabby was only looking at her gf through tear filled eyes
>but then she began to look at them both with anger
>but next she began to stare at where they connected with curiosity and displeasure.
>Now she couldn't help but stair at the girthy member that had stolen her gf, and turned her into a brainless slut
>She could almost feel it's radiating heat and throbs from where she was in the corner.
>Unbeknownst to her all this abuse and humiliation had made her start to drip
>She hated this but she couldn't stop staring at Bailey's figure and his stupid cock
>He was just so manly suddenly, the way he was plowing her gf
>He had now cum inside her at least 5 different times, now having her in a mating press position
>They were kissing as he held her legs over her head as he slammed himself into the poor girls abused hole
>Gabby hated how for a split second she imagined if she could survive such a onslaught imagining herself in her gfs place
>Shaking her head trying to fight it and hold onto the last glimmers of her pride
>"She was a lesbian" she thought
>But as she tried to hard to fight it she could feel her body heat up and her loins tighten at the sounds of the animalistic lovemaking
>It was the grand finale as bailey was finishing up with her gf, she couldn't contain herself and belittle gabby even more
>"Idk why I was ever with that loser dyke, I just needed a man to fix me"
>"I wish I hadn't have wasted so much time on girls"
>"Gabby's so pathetic she could never make me cum like this thank you thank you"
>"I can't believe I was even with that mutant freak, she's just a genetic dead end, well even worse she's a clone of a clone so she's a true genetic dead end"
>"Please let me have your cum as that loser cuck watches bailey"
>Gabby was crying as she watched the whole thing, but all the while her chest tightened and she could feel herself covered in a cold sweat
>Why was it so hot hearing this why was bailey doing this making her pants begin to get a bit moister
>While she tried to fight her own lust, she heard the thunderous moan and scream of her gf as bailey finished inside of her.
>It was so much she thought as bailey pulled out his half mast elongated cock with a plop
>Strings of their fluids connected the two to show off her gaping holes
>Bailey then walked over to her, Gabby tried to shuffle backwards but her bindings made it hard
>Bailey just snickered at this, "I've noticed you been staring a lot"
>"O..f co..urse y..you were fucking my girlfriend you freak" She meekly snapped back trying to act tough
>"I think you were actually staring at this" Bailey then smacks her with his half mast meat
>As she reels from this he makes sure to leave it right in her face
>his member was caked in the fluids of her ex
>She tried to not look at it but everything about it got her so hot she could feel a small tingle in the back of her neck traveling down her frame
>As this thing that had ruined her love life was proudly place in front of her
>her lesbian panties now filled with a pathetic puddle of lust and shame
>He then gives her a choice "If you leave now without sucking me off, that's it I'll never bother you again but if you don't the-"
>Before he could even finish gabby began to service his girthy member, licking all around
>trying her best to take it in her mouth with her little of experience
>Bailey just chuckled at this
>"Couldn't even wait huh?" He guided the bound girl down further
>"Come on make sure to get all of your girlfriend off of me you little cuckquean"
>Gabby could feel herself gagging, and tried to retreat but bailey forced her down further
>She found it ironic how she felt she was better than him, but then remembered he had real super strength as she was being used as nothing more than a fleshlight
>She learned in that instant, regeneration doesn't help with a gag reflex and actually just means you can take more abuse.
>But Gabby loved being used like this as bailey reached his final climax so did she reach her.
>She was laid out on the floor, her nose and throat filled with the overflow of cum and passed out from exhaustion
>Bailey throws her over his shoulder and takes her away leaving her gf on her bed.
>It was always about gabby anyway he wanted to break to be his cute little dyke wife
>As gabby wakes up in Bailey's house she once made fun of she could see him gesturing to her to service him
>As gabby rushes over to get on her knees like a good girl, she then stops for a second as she sees herself in the mirror and sees her pride panties.
>She then just giggles and cuts them off with her claws
>She had nothing to be proud of

Ok finally finished, was meant to be a lot shorter but had a bit of fun with it. Hope you guys liked felt like doing some good ole dyke breaking/cucking. Sorry if feels a bit sloppy and rushed, it's late as hell and wanted to finish the whole thing before ko'ing.
This was fantastic. A perfect lesbian correction fic. And you included ideas from the earlier pictures. Great job.
Happy you liked it anon, and yeah lol was gonna keep the virgin/cherry boy angle but said might as well use the text that already exist. Plus idea came from a anon replying to that anyway so might as well use it. Really had no idea for gf though so left her kind of empty was more focus on gabby's perspective and break down.
So good. You've really got to make a fanfiction. net account or Ao3 to post this stuff.
Lol way to lazy and more for me about the art just write greens randomly/for fun. But feel free to screenshot and keep or repost in the next thread. I'm just happy to make you bros happy, really just draw and write for fun and self improvement when it comes to drawing

But again you could post it or whatever but for me this def wouldn't be a green I'd go around posting myself feel that ending alone sounds hot/cool but really some may read mean spirited.
>Gabby's face when she sees Bailey's cock for the first time.
>anons making random fanfictions about a shota making an harem out of lolis he have never meet
I'm pretty sure I have seen this happen before but don't remember where
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How old is she?
>Gabby was in a mix of shocked and disbelief, she had never seen a real cock before just laura's old toys.
>She was a lesbian, but after seeing that she felt maybe she was mislead
>She had heard from girl talk about how guys couldn't satisfy women and only a girl could understand another girl
>But as gabby looked at that t..thing she couldn't help but imagine what it would taste like or feel like inside her
>Her chest tightened at the thought, she felt her pride panties moisting as she bit into her finger to contain her heavy breathing.
>She couldn't help herself from staring at the throbbing girthy beast next to her.
>As she did she began to grab at her chest with her free hand as if to calm her beating heart.
>Even her legs were trembling and grinding together trying to calm her ever heating sex
>She couldn't believe something so fierce was attached to someone so cute like bailey.
>Gabby didn't realize it but she had been staring at Bailey's cock for a full minute in the New Champions locker room.
>Bailey called out to Gabby, she's brought back to reality
>An tries to hide her pathetic state, wiping the drool from her mouth
>Her face beet red as she turns away in shame and tries to regain her composure.
>An trying to play it off, chastizing bailey for trying to talk to her as she was changing/while his c...coc thing was out.
>Bailey was left wondering what that was, "what was she looking at?"
>He looked down at himself and thought "no way was she staring at this isn't she a lesbian?"
>Bailey couldn't help but snicker at that
>"Maybe this team up will be more fun than I thought" He said with a grin
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Thanks bro, for take my little ideia and transform into art and culture!
Fuck, lesbian pride panties are so sexy. Showing a girl surrender to her body's natural instincts and taking cock despite her sexuality is such an underappreciated fetish.
Requesting Gabby getting "webbing" all over her face. Also fuck this new captcha. 15 minutes to post each time is bullshit.

Stupid fucking character who only weakens X-23 by being around.
We need a fusion of Bailey's harem with loud house.
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Happy my autistic ramblings are being enjoyed, and was definitely a kino idea. If people take my ideas/greens and enjoy them or use them for headcanons or anything then we've done our parts as creatives.
Happy you liked mine, though the latter was obviously better lol.
Tis a hot concept though and happy a anon pitched it last thread
>This was also a fun image from that last thread as well

Idk about underappreciated seems lesbian cucking is quite common now, like 60% of lumity was cuck art. An know theirs a whole subreddit for it and tons of art now.
What type of insane bs did someone do in your region to make you have to wait 15 mins?

Also kind of hot concept their lol might be a quick sketch depending on how much you'd want shown. Any refs?
>seems lesbian cucking is quite common now
Not /co/ but yuri manga seems to have cheating most of the times from what I heard, I guess cucking infect every group
Idk seems with girls it's a massive fetish, like with guys most aren't into the idea. As it fundamentally goes against our values or whole thing of being dominant or reliable. But girl's seem to be into it specifically/especially lesbians.

So probably is a fantasy thing, why for a show that's super lgbt like owl house so much of the stories are cuck stories written by girls. Idk maybe it's because most girls like to be dominated so concept of man ruining them is hot to lesbians.
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Based Bailey making the dykes drool.
Indeed and soon have another sketch or two to post lol
>concept of man ruining them is hot to lesbians
I wasn't talking about lesbians getting dicked but just cheating between girls, I don't know how spread that genre is in manga/anime
Is she in the New Champions?
Alright done, kind of forgot some of the core theme as I did final text but non con is my thing so kind of turned out ok lol.

Wait what you must have miss spoke then? you said yuri anon, yuri is lesbian bro. Which is how I got to my point, but yeah maybe it is though manga and anime barely count since the east has a massive ntr fetish in general, and the guys are overly submissive at least making their mcs and protags that way a lot of the times
Thought she was with all the discussion of her and bailey and the new champions coming out
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Damn bailey already has a day what a little chad
Nice delivery. Is he fucking her pussy or ass here? Either way he's giving it to her hard.
Need more art of Gabby in lesbian pride panties
I say pussy the ref didn't show seems pose is just implied whichever hole. I was going to have her saying
>Please not inside
>I'll make sure you never think you're a dyke again

So yeah pussy in my head but guess open for anyone lol.
I did imply them in my new sketch but was hard to show with her outfit being orang and white as well
We got a Gabby walking in on Laura gen, time to reverse the order?
Lol a fine idea though I'm a bit pooped art wise and wanted to finally add to the main green. But depending on how I feel a bit later I just might any refs???
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actually this is the cutest clone
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>Wandering around the New Champions base, Bailey stumbles upon Hulkette and Scout in an intimate moment.
>Will he run out embarrassed, stay and watch, or will he take control of the situation?

This is basically the before scene from my pic in the last thread, so it's not really a mystery what he's gonna do.
You mean gabby? Also kino as always bro really out here blowing my stuff out of the water, you've got a unique style and I'm kind of loving it.

Wait so this is before the bj scene and riding scene? Also good stuff indeed I also saw them as each others gf before bailey "fixes" them.

An nothing wrong with doing a good ole continuation my recent gabby sketch was meant to kind of be a lose continuation of your lesbian panties one.
Pretty sure Scout is her hero name after Gabby stopped going by Honey Badger.
>already have green lips
>use green lipstick

Okay how about just to end the story...

Just Bailey using the "lesbo panties" from Gabby after the blowjob scene?
I'va always found Gabby really cute, which series should I read to be a real Gabby-pilled?
Oh wow, both kind of ass lol. Honey badger cuter scout sounds basic. Also I make jokes on her but gabby kind of weak compared to other heroes. She basically just a little girl with claws
The story never ends anon, though using a girl's "pride" panties to clean off her and her gfs juices is ultimate example of lgd.
Think she's only really prominent in the new wolverine runs.
How can anyone like this ugly turd
Who hurt you?
Bailey is gonna have these two eating his load out of each other's holes.
Cope incel
Atleast he's still letting them love each other. Truly a kind dom
cope about what? not being an ugly turd worshipping freak?
Cope about being an incel
this thread sucks balls
He'll like them and the other New Champions girls>>146031793
play with each other when he's busy.
why were you thinking about sucking balls? do you have something to tell us?
trump lost
so you admit trump lost instead of the election being rigged?
thanks for clarifying because trump would disagree with you and say he won, by the way typing in all caps doesn't make you cool
Is this a samefagging schizo or just the weirdest start to an argument?
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That's clearly Empath's endgame.

let's get back to talk about our favorite Loli-clone
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Sounds like a plan

>Ok what's better goth kind of edgy original gabby or newer more wholesome kiddy gabby?
I've been wanting a team-up between these 3 for a while.
I feel like the biggest flaw in gabby honestly was them nerfing most of her initial stuff
>No longer is emotionless
>Can feel pain now
>Has weakest regen of the wolverine clan
>Lost her experiment strength boost
>Now she's basically confirmed to be just a normal little girl with claws
>Her only boost comes from her moderate regen that gives her basic peak human boost but she basically is peak human but as pre-teen/teen
>So she's basically as strong as average grown man.

Overall I know you need to nerf to give her stories and make her more relatable as they realized with previous stuff she was just basically a young new Laura. So they did need to break some molds to make her more unique.
>Cam, Leo, Kappa
the fact that I actually recognize those names is kind of embarrassing
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Wholesome is infinitely better. Every other aspect of the entire wolverine family of clones is edgey, no need for more. Plus, she rubs off on them which is good.
i like villains who are total slimeballs with a soft spot for those they consider "innocents"
I suppose and it does lead to cute sister moments


Also are they sisters or is she technically her mom? I prefer sister laura than mom laura
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Well this is cute, maybe someone that knows her best should do a gabby storytime. I feel I'm a bit rusty on her and definitely don't know every issue she appears in
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>putting Bailey between a tomboy loli Hulk and a dyke (bisexual) loli Wolverine clone
Here lies Spider-Boy. He was prostate milked to death
Gabby can stick a dildo on her claw and go to town while Hulkette has him in a firecrotched-head lock.
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>Rest in Peace Bailey Briggs. He died of a broken pelvis.
I like dominate Bailey, but him being used as a living sex toy for older girls is also pretty hot.
>using a girl's "pride" panties to clean off her and her gfs juices is ultimate example of lgd.
Bailey cleans his cock with her panties and shoves the dripping cloth into her drooling mouth.
The price of being a shota is that sometimes girls want to do weird things to your boyhole
Why is his suit ripped like that? Why is he holding a giant glowing yellow dildo? Who drew this cover?
I mean doesn't he beat hulkette in the new comic? And gabby's mostly a normal girl with regen. So seems more likely he'd be the one destroying their holes
I think he'd be the only one that could keep up with hulkette super endurance and strength and all. Also they are the same age
Now this is truly based right here. I kind of like the end goal being gabby and he dyke breaks her gf just for fun and to cuck her. Then he gets himself a perfect dyke fleshlight. Had a idea for a sketch about it but idk if I'll make it by the time the thread dies.

Someone that know how to sell a comic
He also doesn't have a dick

Are you thinking about Bailey's dick, Anon?
I noticed an anon was uploading art made her, but forgot to add these >>146031793 and >>146053955. The tags are also incomplete, and each post needs a source added.
They didn't even bother to tag this as Gabby. The other ones don't even have the Marvel, Bailey, Spider-Boy, or scout tag.
Can you edit tags?
Yeah if anyone knows how to work the new site, just add the desu for this and the old hulkette thread as both are where the art started
>Can you edit tags?
One can but better leave it to people more experienced. Sometimes when you try editing tags it unintentionally clears all the others.
I loved this mini. Laura and Megan's day out was so cute. Kyle/Yost's run of X-23 (minis, New X-Men, X-Force) was great. Character hasn't been the same since.
On the contrary, Laura's healing factor is superior to Logan's. Logan constantly has to fight off adamantium poisoning so his healing factor is reduced. Laura's only got her claws so she heals much faster.
I can't believe they killed off the REAL Laura so irreverently just to make Synch sad. Laura is a way more interesting character than Synch; she deserved so much better.
I meant gabby, and yeah laura has the best of the family well besides maybe deadpool who's regen is insane at times
True welp honestly just happy to be involved.
>True welp honestly just happy to be involved.
You could still try. If something gets messed up someone will fix it.
Was Logan getting the adamantium worth it?
It is better to have an unbreakable skeleton or better regen power?
I would probably put the adamantium only on the claws
Eh I got a rule I don't post my own stuff but if by next thread/when the new champions book finally drops it's still not right then I'll edit it.
To be fair laura having better regen is weird as sometimes she does other times her's and dakkon's are shit compared to wolvy's.

Also remember they regen from a nexus point in the body, adamantium became wolverine's in most continuities which is how he can survive nukes. But laura in the same situation got vaporized so she couldn't regen but wolverine regened from his smoking metal bones. So it's very hit or miss but guess works out unless he's fighting magneto.

Also the reason they don't give any of them the full adantium skin is it's implied most either die to the poisoning or to the fact the metal liquified them faster than their regen could catch up. Implying peak wolverine regen is godtier.
Well, it depends on what you're expecting to encounter. Logan was supposed to be an unstoppable weapon. There are people out there who can straight up disintegrate you if you don't have sufficiently enhanced durability. Laura straight up gets killed and resurrected by Belasco during the limbo arc of NXM. She's a precision instrument compared to Logan's berserker nature, so she benefits from quick heals.
Though she does lose that super human strength and endurance he has. She really is as you said a precise instrument but a bit of a glass canon as her quick heals do tend to get fucked over a lot too.
Yeah, she wasn't really intended for X-Men level fights. She was built and trained to take out human or slightly superhuman targets. She could theoretically dismantle an infinite amount of gunmen or weak robots but she can be overpowered by those not even in the particularly high tiers of the setting.
Has Kaine & Laura teamed up for maximum clone baggage & shenanigans?
Yeah why I roasted gabby in my greens a bit, as she honestly is not built for bailey's antagonist. She barely has anything going for her, she's practically just a normal girl she really could be man handled by a slightly stronger than average guy. An her regen is weakest of the family as she was considered a failed experiment.

So yeah honestly weird to even make laura new wolverine when she's barely a X men. She can help a bit with raw regen but after a certain point she's fodder.
No, but there was this funny exchange when Yost wrote Kaine. I would love to see Laura and Kaine trying to be dark and hardcore while Gabby and Aracely drag them into the sunshine.
>Laura & Kaine are going to....interrogate some mook. VERY Violently.
>They enter the room with the mook running to them because Aracely & Gabby just won't stop talking and he'll tell them everything he knows.
>The Marvel Team Up we had to call "Of Clones and Swear Jars."
Edit the pants out please
They kind of make the scene and started the concept with gabby as a whole anon. Editing them out is like editing out the soul of this thread
I just want an image of Kaine and Laura with thousand yard stares while the ADHD duo feed into each other's excitement with nonstop talking
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Apparently her name is Coal Tiger, which is a reference to Black Panthers original name.
Some wolverine spinoff clone ? Shit man just realized how out of touch I am with comics and all the new characters.
Should we take bets how long it will last
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Probably like six issues, maybe one of the characters is a breakout and the others only ever show up in flashbacks when they were hanging out with the popular one.
So basically like the set up?

>Bailey being the only one with a true solo run his run being about 2ish years old
>An they've introduced at least 2 or 3 of them in his serious like hulkette

I think at best maybe ghost rider girl sticks around but depends on her personality. If she's a cunt like a lot of plucky new kids then she'll lose all her popularity from her design alone. Hulkette might be something I've seen people both here and twitter simping for her. But the rest are knock offs that already exist.

>Dr strange had a knock off before
>Ms marvel is literally currently a knock off
>Thor girl might get some love but she's also a knock off of a super hated knock off i.e lady thor
>juggernaut kid ain't getting no love
>Coal tiger might pop off as a cute brown waifu but odds are slim
>Rest aren't even worth mentioning because their designs are nothing special
Not anymore. Thanks to Duggan, she now has a full adamantium skeleton just like her dad
But was this a one time canon thing? also wouldn't the adamantium poisoning slow her regen down too?
"Don't be silly, she's not Laura anymore. She's a clone of Wolverine, ergo she is now Wolverine but a woman."
-Current Marvel writers (probably)
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Will Bailey claim this new girl as well?
Fantasma has already made her debut in Ghost Rider's comic (see here >>146032730). The others appeared in Spider-Woman, except for Hulkette who is going to be in Spider-Boy. A lot of people liked Fantasma's design so Marvel will probably consider her marketable enough for a longer existence.
Good to know. It helps with booru tagging.

Yeah, 12 caracters on one book is just a fail

Shota in Spandex OK
Loli in Spandes Nono

that's just Hypocrisy.

But, Yeah this one is straith to harem
I am curious about what her deal is. She knows Bailey's name so they likely going to have a personal relationship.
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Made it and finished one last sketch was trying some new brushes too.

If thread still up by time I get back I'll try and add a green to it. Came from a weirdly horny idea

Final sketch of thread
Gabby sex sleeve
It’s a canon thing. Apparently Proteus thought that all Wolverines had an adamantium skeleton when they resurrected Laura he gave her one
So wait she's really wolverine? doesn't that destroy her nuance of her growth and character. Weird how in trying to one up the male old guard they end up destroying the girls they covet.
Of course he will he's the best spiderman we've got right now.
Yeah I heard she might have, was she fun though? Because fotm is a thing and she needs a bit more to get attention even bailey stuck around because he had a lot going for him. I was referencing the fact that they all don't have a solo run and none of them could probably lead one alone.

I did also say she had the most potential but again design alone doesn't make the character. Though she could be a good side kick for someone like bailey or gabby and other younger heroes but like most knock off sidekick rookie copy heroes they'll all fall flat but 1 or 2.
Yeah that two though I mean avengers and such did well so it's more about quality but the quantity makes it hard to characterize them all. An worse they all are literal clones of another character so little hope of any true depth.
Weird I guess to give her a boost and seniority since not having the iconic bones is a bit lame.
here https://files.catbox.moe/ntgkz3.png

image by Andava
Do you have a name?
He can also claim Laura, Laura can do a little straight shota - https://files.catbox.moe/zzgt1s.png




At least now they have a reason so her head dosent explode when she get shot.
So given that Deadpool has a daughter about Gabby’s age who has also gotten in on the family business, how long before Marvel does the obvious thing and has them meet?

Why would they meet? they are the same caracter.
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>that second image
lol, I didn't see the penis arm
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Too late anon, like a day to late lol. Maybe next time I'm definitely invested in gabby x bailey/bailey harem.
Nope but soon, one day soon. Also happy you like my stuff anon
You know bailey has red hair right?
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Like big sis!
Is she wearing a full suit or just the top half? And there's the return of the yellow dildo sword.
Since we are finally at the end don't forget to upload these >>146031793 >>146053955 >>146080242 to the booru. Until next time, anons.
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>edit where Bailey's suit is torn at the crotch with his cock out
>stick horn thing is now a golden dildo
yeah I just genned 1 guy, shota, 1 girl, laura kinney, etc, just happened to have a shota gen
Quick green based on the idea

>It had been a long while since gabby and bailey started dating
>He found it funny she was once a "lesbian" as she was always at his beckon call
>She was always willing and ready to meet up
>she'd even tell Laura they were doing team ups and secret missions so they could spend more time together
>But sometimes her bratty side would come out, like how she'd sometimes deny they were dating
>I guess she felt embarrassed about converting back to "normal"
>She had pride as a lesbian still which was a bit annoying
>She'd even talk down on bailey around others saying things like
>"Ha the two of us dating come on get real he's a loser"
>Other times she'd act like his boss, she felt she had seniority because she's a X-men or because she's ex black ops or whatever.
>Bailey had grown a bit tired of it he guessed it was time to lay the law down
>He invited Gabby over for a "mission" she was already planning out some stake out
>As soon as she came in he sat her down on the bed and before she could say a word
>Bailey had whipped it out, his "Dyke Breaker"
>She was put into a temporary stupor
>Gabby barely was able to regain focus once seeing Bailey's massive member
>She chastised bailey "C..come on I'm serious we have a mission to do"
>Bailey rolled his eyes but he planned for this
>So he said all he need was a quickie to help him focus
>Gabby blushed and was more than willing to do it "but only a quickie" she said
>"I swear Scouts honor" he said with a finger crossed behind his back
>As gabby started to drop to her knees bailey stopped her on her knees she had leverage
>He told her to lay on his bed
>She was confused but she did what the boy said
>Gabby was even more confused when bailey asked her to lay on her back and hang her head a bit off the edge
>As she was nagging about how weird it was she saw the looming shadow of bailey's cock over her face
>Shutting her up as she whimpered under it's mighty girthy
>Her legs squirmed and rubbed against each other as her loins heated in anticipation
>Bailey softly grabbed her chin to tilt her inverted head towards himself so he could glide right into her gullet
>She whispered meekly "Please be gentle and remember this is just a quickie"
>Bailey loved how cute gabby could be really if it wasn't for her childish pride they'd be the perfect couple.
>But he'll fix that now, "Of course" Bailey said with a fake smile
>He then slowly pressed his tip against her cute soft pillowly lips, he could feel as he slowly guided himself into her throat
>Bailey went extra slow he wanted her to feel every inch, loving her little trembles and whimpers as she gagged.
>They'd learned regeneration is bad for gag reflexes she always gags no matter how many times she's taken him
>Gabby was finally getting used to him as she had finally gotten to the hilt, but he could see her throat bulging.
>As he felt her panting and chest slowly regain its normal rhythm
>Bailey knew it was time for his plan
>He then moved his hand from her chin to her throat, locking both of his hands around it
>Gabby's eyes widened with shock
>As bailey then began to thunderously thrust into her throat
>She kicked and flailed at first even trying to pull out her claws
>He just snickered at this as he tightened his hands around her throat as he pushed down on her to keep her in place
>She was cute she forgets how weak she was
>Her kick and arm movements stopped within only a few seconds, as she was now on the verge of her big O
>He knew she loved it, she couldn't handle a real superhumans powers
>As he began to truly face fuck her, his balls slamming into the poor girls face like a wrecking ball
>Bailey was putting his whole weight into each thrust
>She realized a bit to late that bailey wasn't holding back as she felt his strong palms as it felt like he was jerking off through her
>Her regen was perfect for him, he could go all out and she'd be fine "eventually"
>He knew this was the perfect way to finish taming the shrew
>Though bailey may have taken advantage of her regeneration a bit
>He thought not like she needs to breath or anything she'll be fine.
>Gabby's throat was divine it was as if it wanted to milk all of his juices out
>It constricted and slicked with fluids as he continued to use her.
>He went at it for who knows how long
>They were caked in sweat and the room became hot and stuffy
>The only sounds were their young bodies slamming together and the gags and moans of the girl under him.
>She was like the perfect fleshlight
>He could even feel her throat regenerating around him it was a insane sensation
>He knew he'd only ever get it from her.
>His plan was only to correct her a bit but as he heard a alarm sound, he realized he'd been at it for two whole hours
>As he bottomed out inside of gabby's swelling stomach
>He stumbled back a bit feeling as if he had run a marathon
>"Wow that was something, you still there gabby?" He asked almost concerned
>Bailey saw her reddened face a few of his hairs latched to her saliva and cum caked face.
>He even realized her nose was bleeding a bit he wonder if it was from the lack of oxygen or him slamming into her like a piston.
>As he tried to get her attention gabby finally spoke
>It was mostly gurgles and gags guess he may have filled her up to much, but as he was about to try and help between the groans and moans
>He saw gabby's eyes looking a bit lifeless then they shocked back up as she let out a strange giggle
>"B..Bailey w..was gabby a good girl?" she said in a strangely innocent tone
>Bailey helped her up worried a bit
>"Gabby?" he asked a bit concerned now
>He expected her to be a bit mad, but she just lept at him and hugged him tightly kissing him all over
>"Bailey your the best bf"
>Bailey was dumbfounded, he then asked "aren't you mad"
>She just shake her head "of course not I'm a silly little dyke you had to teach me a lesson"
>Gabby was the perfect gf for about a week or so then she got really pissed suddenly
> Bailey realized he had found something like her reset button
>Gabby actually did keep some of the qualities afterwards a bit more submissive and affectionate
>But occasionally when she was being a bad girl or bitch
>He'd give her a bit of a tune up

Alright done happy I got one last drawing and green in, super fun threads bros
Great read and great thread
Heh nice though why does this look like adinleen style? But who do you think taught her
Yep, be cool if someone did always cool when a thread gets some good content.
weird can't just gen bailey or red head but it is a bit of a art than a science I'd imagine.
if there was a Baily lora it would be much easier
Happy you liked anon, was a very productive thread
a lora helps you generate more accurate; characters, poses, costumes, etc, I found a Bailey lora https://civitai.com/models/718260/spider-boy-bailey-briggs
Huh weird, really not a big ai guy so I'd never know lol
>>>146081292 (You)
>Heh nice though why does this look like adinleen style? But who do you think taught her

It's X-23 from "Target X", draw by Mike Choi.
Absolutely. I have no idea why anon didn't upload these along with the rest. Fortunately, the tags and sources were fixed for them.
>Yep, be cool if someone did always cool when a thread gets some good content.
Ah why she got cream in her mouth?
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I mistyped and forgot a comma

Yep, be cool if someone did, always cool when a thread gets some good content.

It is a edit from a fan, so people think she has a mouth full of cum.
Ah yeah felt porn esque, I just assumed it was some classic comic horny.

Marvel need bring back the MAX seal, and make some horny comics.
If they did it'd be like DC where it's only allowed if the girls are gay, or it's the guy sexualized. Like the weird obsession with Nightwing now a days. But I'd love to see some new horny comics again but could always check indie for it. Or the Euros they have tons of horny french comics

There good erotic porno like Alfie now.

But yeah, on the MAX time, only "extras" get naked
Good thread, hope we can do it again sometime. Night bros
True, honestly be interesting to see if that becomes a genuine format in mass. Like how their are pornwha's which are pretty popular in Korea even more so than hentais in japan.

I think it'd be interesting to see a shift into more acceptance of lewd art, but we're in a weird time. We accept sex work and etc but then a drawing is seen as sexualizing. Who knows what the future of erotica holds
Hope find you guys in the future!
I just started a few weeks ago


the perfect ending...
Well maybe next you can find a hulkette and gabby one. Hopefully by next thread you could show even more though don't become a spammer please lol

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