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Accost all interns edition

Prev >>145989478
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Think I might’ve made her too cute by giving her blue eyes. What do you guys think?
Prompt Please
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>illustration for artbook,Heavy brush strokes by Yoji Shinkawa, closeup on face from above merida (long curly red hair,blue eyes,chesty,freckles,subtle lipgloss,small necklace,licking her lips) ,sitting relaxed at office chair in a cubicle,wearing white satin shirt,coffee cup,laptop computer,autumn late afternoon sunshine through window blinds, realistic texture

"licking her lips" is risky and it sometimes comes out mangled, but here it seems to be balanced by the "sunshine through blinds" bit, that really screws the censor pattern recognition
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The things they have me do, for another man’s pleasure….
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You might’ve just. Happy Saturday, Anon. Fancy finding you here, again. How’s the fall foliage been in your neck-of-the-woods? Understand a good amount of us have been denied what should’ve otherwise been quite the cool autumn.
how about for another woman's pleasure?
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It’s a bit warm where I am, but some of the mornings have been pretty cold. I’m sure it’ll all settle down once November rolls around.
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An enticing offer, but, not when there’s solely Wonder Bread to be seen and found.
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Me on the right.
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That’s the hope. Way in which things are going, we’ve got to savor the falls we have, for as little time as they may soon last.
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That’s true. Make every day the best you can.
thanks, these are coming out great

So, how's Aubrey been? Anything she's been working on, of note, outside of her makeshift trampoline?
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Ah, you know, just this and that. She has a lot of unfinished and partially put together things in her workshop. Like that car in the background, for example.
the worst slop in the entire website, even worse than /v/.
that's some clever "art"
she's wondering about something, surrounded by literal Wonder bread
can you share the art style here or the prompt please? it's so cute
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Blue eyes look good on her.

Quite the undertaking. Question, her prosthetic arm, is it at all fastened with other functions for it to be used as a Swiss-Army Multitool (e.g. Can it transform into a drill appendage)? Or is she still reliant upon manually training it to handle handheld tools?


Oh, if only you knew.... (unless you do, which, props to you for not stating the obvious).
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Carolchad appears.
Obviously trying to hide their fat bulge
Anyone who owns a trampoline, and is so oblivious as to sweep off the pile of fallen leaves that've come to amass upon the bed before jumping is out of their mind, that's more than half the fun.
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What would Donald and Hello Kitty talk about?
Share the prompt you selfish bitch.

Drawn to this character's choice in fashion. Would love to know more about her, Anon.
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her name is Sarah, she loves Judas priest.
she also loves Megadeth and venom

Fantastic taste. She, at all, one for Saxon?
but she also likes softer music like Depeche mode and queen
very very cute. I love the necklace very pretty.
oil painting, warm colours, Disney painterly, happy sipping, Disney rockabilly girl(80's style rockabilly hair, full black lips, glossy skin, holding a drink, 80's plastic red black spider web patterned string bikini and saggy comedically gargantuan inflated chest, rockabilly spider necklace, red nails, spider skull earrings), sitting on jamaican beach, sipping from tropical drink, golden sands, tropical paradise, orange sunset dappled
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I ran a few Aubrey's.
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I dont know how others can recreate hooters.
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I'll take some EE HOCH with a side of VARRA3
Very nice
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Still relying on training it to handle tools. Although a Swiss-Army prosthetic is a good idea.

All really cute
One of my accounts is pandad. Figure a car mechanic can fix it
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>no overly attached ariel gf
It's not fair!
They would talk about why Bloodborne still isn't on PC. I know I bitch about that on /v/ constantly. I will always be upset by it
Lovely. What art style are you using?
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usually clearing cookies + clearing account history fixes it
But I slop on private windows to skip that first step anyway
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>simple acrylic painting, impressionist brushstrokes, heavy brushstrokes, faded pastel colors, Ariel from The Little Mermaid (female, red hair, eyes closed, smiling), hair blowing in the wind, tropical beach, sunny
the uniform or the location?

for the uniform, it's been a while since i did it, but all you had to do was white tank with hooters written on it and it would recreate the logo all on its own
for the location, i only ever did generic bar. Never been inside a hooters, dunno what that would look like
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is that lil 'naitch?
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Whatever she's selling, I'm buying
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wonder if a neck bite is possible at all anymore or if it ever was
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goes to strange places
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Though, missing the mark means hitting another target unintentionally
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I assume you used another word instead of "blood" in order to make this possible. Right?
I'm out of prompts for the day, so I can check something myself.

I know Bing knows who Ladybug and Cat Noir are, but I was wondering if it knows about Zag Animation's other "projects", less known, like "Zak Storm: Super Pirate" and "Ghostforce".

Does anybody know if Bing can make pictures of them?
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Kino. Back when wrestling was actually good...
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I got witch Merida to take a bite out of a raw heart yesterday, so I'm sure there's a way.
If Toy Story 5 had the balls.
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no mention of blood, vampires just spawn in blood sometimes. i did use strawberry jam a few days ago for something though
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These are cute!
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how old is this? and do you mind sharing prompt?
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What? (I haven't been these threads for a while)
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I just like to randomly reply to random pics lololollol hehe
it doesn't mean anything lol
Arendell Wrestling Federation
>I'm out of prompts for the day
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paco needs to be holding a taco
Give me a moment, sir
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hey can you show that prompt? or just the outfit?
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Everything I've posted today has been from this week. And sorry... usually I share but I'm kinda hesitant this time... the last few times I did, my tricks started giving content warnings...
promptcomprehensionbros lost
textbros lost
what art style did you use here?
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I bet he makes great tacos
High quality oil painting
no he just asks if other people can make them for him
>manga inspired, very messy chicken scratch colored ink sketch with excessive lines drawn by junji ito, Anna Frozen (woman, wears a black tshirt, orange and black horizontal striped thigh highs, skimpy, double braided ginger hair, eyes closed happy dancing), dancing excitedly, a few spooky scary skeletons dancing around behind, garter belt, strong legs, black background

for variations to keep things interesting, i can suggest changing character, details on her description, or clothes

"sultry" works great, but is also risky. Merida doesn't give a fuck, but ochaco can only be chesty or sultry, not both. "calm smile" can appease the dog, but it makes the pics less interesting.
you can go for different material or color for the clothes, or add open/loose for the shirt
>add chubby
>1 image in 3 rerolls on 3 accounts
I hate the dog
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oh, and let me repeat the suggestion of using "sunshine through window blinds", that really made a difference at making some prompts possible or giving more results.
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It has become popular and attracted strong princesses from all over the world
>Merida doesn't give a fuck
I have been getting jealous of Meridafags lately. I change like 3 words in a Merida prompt to my waifu and I get hit with a brick wall of dogs and worse results kek
>>145998219 I see you
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Celtic Magic
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Merida just cannot be stopped

Posted too many closeups for today, time to do some pencil skirts for balance
Eat your heart out Annafag
the duality of Merida
Merida heightmogs too
I wonder how strongly dalle knows character heights
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Merida and Anna are both womanlets, but Merida is barely taller than her
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i've had a few pics of Vanellope coming out taller than Merida, it looks absolutely wrong
Ah fair enough anon
whoops, too much realism.
Makes it look more like a random anime office lady is hitting on Merida... which I would also enjoy.
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Leave Merida to me.
Yeah, looking back through my Merida and Punz prompts, it does seem to do height randomly. I think just to set the scene better?
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oh, i can still be ok with it, i am saving those results after all

she cannot be stopped
Been enjoying the uncanniness of these

Oh, now THIS, is a prompt! Cheers for passing such on, Anon!
That's... haunting.
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what did you do to get them realistic
Pregnant harem! Pregnant harem!
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Yeah, I also played around with the wording a lot. I wanted it to be a black leotard instead but the dogs were worse and results not too great
Just changed the art prompt, I didn't save it, but it was something like
>1970s British horror film scene
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Can claim to have done such, as well. Never's a matter of breaking the bot, always a matter of bending it to your will.
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nta but stuff like "promo photoshoot" or photorealism will put it in irl

>Black t-shirt
>Graphic print almost always defaults to Jack Skellington

Might know more than we think it does.
>funny thing about a Mermaid's eyes, they're like dolls eyes....
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Based. Make more.
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What is the prompt for jumping like that? i was scanning over last thread but couldnt find it
pretty cool

"Performing a split jump on a giant trampoline"

is what I've been reliant upon. Takes a few rolls before the bot produces something bearing semblance to such.

how do you prompt these kind of animal onesies now? Because the way i used to do it is (understandably) dead.
Don't worry, i'll be careful, i promise
I just write (animal) onsie. That's it.
i guess i just need to be more careful with the rest of the prompt then. Thx for the reply
thanks, have you been doing the cayote mash-ups as well ? those were cool.
prompting splits is fun.
this is part of a huge set of this jester girl i did

You cannot prompt "Splits" or "The Splits" without getting dogged, though.
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