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Do you think Mary ever spanked Jesus or put him in time-out? What are some things he would've done to warrant that without sinning?
Do you think mary ever /ss/d with jesus? Platonically of course
>What are some things he would've done to warrant that without sinning?
Running off to Temple for extra prayer, what a Holy Terror.
>Lil' Jesus Christ!
>~always having fun and getting into trouble with the roman authorities ~
Well Jesus was only as perfect as he was physically capable as a human. Just because he was god didn't change the fact he wasn't limited by his human form. As a child he would have lacked abstract thought and probably stole toys from other kids without realizing it was sinful because he would have just been a baby.
How little of a child tho? Because even as a little kid I remember being told that stealing was bad, I really doubt Mary and Joseph wouldn't tell Jesus that stealing is, in fact, a bad thing to do.
jesus was roman
Yet they still managed to slice of part of his cock.
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That's a funny way of saying alien lobster-octopus...
is this loss?
Basically a opposite sex clone of Mary since all his DNA came from her
The artist actually makes it look like that
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Reminder that Jesus is is super best friends with Joseph Smith and that you'll go to hell if you don't accept that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel.
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Who wins?
He was black and it was Ronald Reagan who tempted him in the desert.
>I am dark skinned and bald, so I hate you and I hate Jesus!
Ganesh looks like he's getting fucked up. Broken tusk, getting bitten on the trunk and kicked in the balls. He got a few hits in but it looks like Jesus is winning that fight
What about the arm bite?
I think the blonde boy should bleach the indian loli in a 20 page hentai comic.
Any more ideas? Sounds interesting.
I randomly thought of Ma Dukes this morning and laughed my ass off. What a great fucking show. I saw a YouTube thing with the cast recording the voices a few months ago and it was hilarious, I would pay a decent amount of money for a complete video of the recording of the jimmy rebel episode
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I don't think he was Italian
Broken tusk is actually a pre-battle condition. Has a whole myth about it.
Does anyone remember when Mary was the FoTM earlier this year? what show was she from?
so jesus and, therefore, god is a cute mocha femboy
That's way too stacked for a 13 year old.
There is the non-canon "Infancy Gospel" which I heard about on a History channel documentary. Humorously one of the historians described Jesus as a "Cosmically powered Dennis the Menace." He did shit like sending magic clay birds to attack Joseph, make tutors and people who badmouthed his family impotent, and raising the dead, the putting them back to death to prove a point.


You should check out some of the apocrypha about young Jesus like the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. They're pretty entertaining, with baby/kid Jesus having all kinds of superpowers that he uses to cause mischief and straight up murder other children and people who cross him.
You can tell a kid of any age that stealing is bad, but it takes a while for them to fully get it, and to understand why.
It's all the hormones in that fresh cows' milk they drank back then
Catholics say the damnedest things.
The Star?
Jesus was an Israelite with blue eyes and dirty blond hair.
The Pantera blasphemy is something a pagan Roman came up with, along with claiming Jesus was a sorcerer who learned magic while in Egypt. After that Rabbinic Jews added the Pantera myth into the Talmud because of their hatred of Jesus and Christians. The Catholic Church would never claim Jesus was just a human born of a Roman soldier and Mary committing adultery.
why would the jews give a shit about any of this nonsense
The Talmud was written down after hundreds of years of Jews seething that Christians were taking over.
>why would people who believe all of humanity are their slave chattle that god created to serve them and only them hate the guy who taught people slavery is bad

it's a mystery
Might not want to go down that path, Jesus never said anything against slavery despite witnessing it and even healing a Roman's slave. The Apostles afterwards also wrote that slaves should be obedient to their masters, even if the master is cruel.
>baby jesus was just the kid from "it's a good life"
That's terrifying. Also, the 2nd time I make this reference today, weirdly enough
No, Jesus has always been a good boy
Lol imagine being raised by the dead, having no idea what's going on, seeing a five year old saying "See? I told you!" while gesturing to you, and then having the kid turn to you and go "alright thanks, I'll come pick you up in twenty... seven? Twenty seven years." And you get shunted back to Hell before you can respond.
More of a reason to hate is that the message of Christianity is that the Jews have lost their status as super special chosen people and now Christendom has inherited the title, annuling any claim to privilege the jews had in their own religion and in fact even condemning them to Hell if they turn away from Christ and insist upon their talmudic faith. It's part of why they have put in so much work undermining Protestantism in the US to warp it into crypto-judaic worship of the Jewish people and even a continuation of their customs that Jesus (or more specifically Paul, informed through Jesus) forbade (circumcision is explicitly against the written word of the Bible but Americans still did it by majority to their men until the early 2000's despite being predominantly christian yes I'm aware if the Kellog thing, and usury is still illegal in Christianity but is the foundation of the economy nowadays)
>The Apostles afterwards also wrote that slaves should be obedient to their masters, even if the master is cruel.
more than that, the terms "servant of God" or "servant of Jesus" that are frequently used in the epistles are intentionally mistranslated in English to make the language they used less troubling. The Greek translated as servant, δοῦλος (doulos), actually means slave. That was the word a 1st century Greek would have used to describe his slaves, not his free servants.
>It's part of why they have put in so much work undermining Protestantism in the US to warp it into crypto-judaic worship of the Jewish people and even a continuation of their customs that Jesus
well that's crap.
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>brown Jesus
damn i didn't know Roman plumbing was so good they had functional toilets and faucets.
sorry my inner historian couldn't help it.
What would happen if Mary met Kali?
She'd probably pray to God that this demon with a necklace made of heads be smited.
This is a less funny redo of a baby Moses joke where he keeps parting bathwater to stay dry and his mum says "cut the shit, Moses".
Hey, give the guy a break, he's trying to evangelize on Tumblr of all places, some concessions must be made if he wants to get anywhere.
We going to straight to hell with this one
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No. Jesus looks like me because I genuinely believe that I am God.
Regardless of how you want to argue what jesus did or didn't say, the more relevant fact of the matter is that European Christians are the main force that stopped chattel slavery, the main industry of the jews. They need slaves to do basically everything for them because they quite literally can't do anything on their own. They can't clothe themselves, feed themselves, house themselves, govern their own country, nothing. Slaves have always done all those things for them. The modern era with Isreal is the first time in their history they've ever had to run a country and fight wars themselves without slaves doing it for them. And American slaves still do the heavy lifting when it comes to fighting their wars.
>Jesus looks like me
So... brown?
i don't think that's supposed to be THE jesus christ on account of the running water and toilet in the background, but instead a joke where you read his name as hey-zues and then he's on tob of the water making you correct your reading so him being brown was integral to the comic.
if jesus is god then jesus got his mom pregnant
The Bible clearly describes Jesus as white.
Mary and Joeseph left his dumb ass at the temple once because he didn't want to go home. When they went all the way to get him he had to walk home(like 60 miles), and absolutely got his ass beat when they finally there.
To be fair, in deep lore, he wouldn't be in hell. You get sent to Hades, which is basically Gods waiting room, not purgatory mind you, waiting for Jesus to come during the three days before reresection to come pick you up and allow you to "know him."

I would assume Hades has to be nicer then Hell.
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>unarmed human
>4-armed elephant man with an axe
Anyone who looks at that and thinks Jesus is coming out on top is probably part of the 6% that believe "entering sicko mode" will save them.
It works by 40k rules: the one with more and more devout believers is stronger.
Forget the 10% who think they can Baki a lion, elephant or grizzly, who the fuck are the 30% of sissies who think a rat, cat and goose will kick their ass?
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Jesus' whole thing that he's famous for is letting himself be killed, anon...
But it means literally nothing to him because he can heal and revive himself. Even the bible approaches this from the "THE god wasted his precious time on a ritual to forgive you wretched peasants" rather than "it was a hard thing for god to do".
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, maybe it's a case of a realistic encounter with an aggressive rat where it attacks you and you just run away rather than deal with it/fail to neutralize it before it escapes and you just have to go get some painful shots
Trinitarianism is horseshit. The Muslims have it right. It makes absolutely no sense for the concept of God to be divisible at all. Jesus was human, period.
These shitty quizzes never give enough context.
Is winning the fight defined as killing the opponent, or surviving? Chasing a rat to kill is hard, but I imagine killing a house cat or goose is easier, provided it's an enclosed environment.
>But it means literally nothing to him because he can heal and revive himself
His three day revive cooldown is plenty of time to dismember or dissolve a body. He clearly needs a physical medium to make it work, or god raping mary in the first place to make jesus was pointless.
>Not Revalations Jesus with a Sword coming out of his mouth.
>t. definitely not Mohamed/Muhammad/Mohammed
Technicaly Kali is a protective Godess also she has something do to with moterhood as she is also seen as protector. Kali just has very...unorthodox fashion sense
BTW Kaliyuga is from a Demon who has a simmilar name.
She's essentially the nuclear option against rampaging Asuras. If you want to break it down to the crudest of layman's terms she's the ulimate mama bear out to destroy all perceived threats against her cubs.
If we're looking too deeply into this goofy comic, Ganesh is the remover of obstacles, the little girl is simply asking Ganesh to guide her to victory. Were she to call on Kaali it would be to destroy her enemies, which is really not appropriate for a spelling bee.
Similarly don't start the apocalypse to get a leg up on how to spell Niggard correctly.
>Were she to call on Kaali it would be to destroy her enemies, which is really not appropriate for a spelling bee.
This kind of attitude is why you're not a winner.
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stop idolizing and worshiping the empire that killed the son of god
>His three day revive cooldown is plenty of time to dismember or dissolve a body
And more importantly, the kid's spelling bee will be long over by then
Remember to vote for a God-given pornocracy this November!
>Ezekiel 23:20
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Jesus mom has got it going on.
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Aren't you meant to die now for drawing Mohammed?
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The guy who drew this over 30 years ago is still alive.
Let me guess, this guy is French
Well she would propanly direct a pack of bees to shcool and make shure kids scream Bee. So rhat the girl gers how to spell be...now that one anon said Kaali has more in comon with archangel michael who is technicaly a boss of angels and archangels, and he is the guardian prince and is responsible for the care of the people. Plus he beat the shit out of satan so i guess they would have something to talk to.
Man imagine the sparing sessions....
Most Catholic post
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>one of these fuckers shows up
>says you're pregnant now
>and it's not your husband's
>good luck
It's a good reference
>Most Catholic post
>Similarly don't start the apocalypse to get a leg up on how to spell Niggard correctly.
You don't tell me what to do.
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Catholicism is a masochist / momdom religion.
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>Old recordings of music on Yt are now infested with retarded zoomers constantly spamming their regurtitated bs
>Is a poster boy and still a combination of everything bad with analog horror
Ffs even that godzilla stuff is better.
Only in one of the two larger splits of islam. However the other side of the split doesn't really care to protect you if you offend them and are secretly quite glad to kill you over it, because fuck kuffar and all that jazz.
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"gabriel" is zoomercore but biblically, it's on brand.
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>Jesus isn't goldem skinned with platinum hair and blue eyes

Revisionist TRASH and probably, may God forgive me for uttering this word, Protestant
Did spanking even exist as a conventional form of government in judea 2000 years ago?
>Proverbs 13:24: "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him"

Hebrews beat their kids with rods if they misbehaved.
I dunno. Supposedly jesus dying was a bad thing, but he needed to be sacrificed so the souls could be saved according to the lore. So the killing is a good thing right?
Jews/muslims aint big on dairy, cause you cant have cow milk in the same meal as beef or goat milk/cheese with goat.
God made Eve because he saw Adam was sad without a companion.
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>words words words
Why would they have running water in 2AD ?
Do hindus really pray to a talking elephant? Or do they just think it's a supernatural guy that does stuff in heaven?
Well, I got it right away and I wasn't exactly smart nor a good kid, I feel like literal Jesus being raised by Mary and Joseph would grasp the concept pretty quickly.
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Christ is a term meaning savior, not a last name (like Sir).
Jehovah (Lord) is the Son. Jesus is an anglicization of YSHW (Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ), or Yaweh or Joshua)
Elohim (God) is the father and most Christians can't read Hebrew.
He's calling "Abba." Like a kid crying "Dad, why?" Because a bunch of Romans just beat the shit out of him and left him to die.
I'm never gonna get over that our lord and savior is named Josh.
Funnily enough, this is the most Jewish thing you could ever said. The Talmud claims Jesus was the bastard of a Roman centurion. So in your attempt to be a chud, you actually became the biggest Jew in the thread.
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I love this guy's work.
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Pretty sure the Infant Gospel Of Thomas is canon, but the church won't acknowledge them because they want to portray Jesus as a person who was born as God right from the womb, with all His wisdom, instead of as a normal kid with godly powers and the temperament and failings of a normal child, who made mistakes and let that shit go to his head from time to time. There are no books detailing his childhood, which lends even more credibility to at least THAT portion of the Apocrypha. So he was born, did nothing as a kid, then was running around performing miracles as an adult? With no mention of when he realized he had powers? That's a lot to leave out for such an important figure in the religion. They didn't even create a credible alternate childhood storyline for JC. They just straight up don't mention it, instead focusing on the tribulations of the land and his parents fleeing from Pharoah.
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No, the Mary looked different from the one they were posting.
Unless the feet shots make her look slightly different?
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would commit carnal sins with
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I want to strangle him
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Puns and Christianity are this guy's whole deal.
I hold the position that Jesus was a radical Rabbi who was deified over time by his followers, with an uptick after his death.

There is no hard evidence one way or the other is Jesus himself claimed to be divine , there is an argument for him doing himself and him not doing himself.

I personally like the idea of a mortal religious revolutionary Jesus as opposed to a priest claiming to be a divine savior. Gives more MLK and less Jonestown.


>Many christians assume that Jesus was recognised as divine in his lifetime, but most scholars say that references to people “worshiping” Jesus in the gospels refer to a high degree of respect and devotion, but not to worship as to God, which would have been very difficult for a good Jew. Instead, they say, belief in Jesus’ divinity developed over time. The question at issue is over what period of time?

>But scholars also disagree with some sceptics that there is no reference to the divinity of Jesus in the New Testament. At the very least, John’s gospel (generally dated to the late first century) clearly portrays Jesus as God – for example, the statements in John 5:16-18 and 10:31-33 about Jesus making himself equal with God. Many scholars also see evidence of Jesus’ divinity in other places in the New Testament.

>Within this range, the scholars cannot agree – some say Jesus was worshiped as divine shortly after his death, others that this belief and practice were much slower to be adopted.
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>Tom Gould
Did Tom marry Edd('s corpse) or something?
>Pretty sure the Infant Gospel Of Thomas is canon
That's not how it works. Books of the bible are only canon because the church declared that they were, usually because they were thought to be written by an apostle.
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>I know what you are
>It's canon, but the Church won't acknowledge it.

Then it's not canon.
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>The introduction states: "These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down."
>Hidden words

This is the universal sign that this was Gnostic heresy that piggybacked off Christianity to push their views.
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Caterina is cute
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I needed that chuckle today, anon. Thanks :-)
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Million hours in MS Paint
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DAMN, if only I spent a million and one hours in MS Paint!

Damn it all to hell!
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>Don't worry, she's still a virgin, I checked
Really makes the whole endeavor seem rather pontless, I suppose.
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>Mexican baby named Heh-soos floats on water cuz he’s ready to cross the Rio Grande
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She should have spent more time fixing Gilles De Rais
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He was framed, that's why he has Innocent Monster attribute in Fate
They did other things too.
>Dear Lord who art in heaven, Please Bless me because I'd Bless you.
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what do you mean, no companion
he has a leaf giving him a blowjob
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joan goes beyond waifuism
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Ganesh is a humanoid with an elephant's head that replaced his original head after it was cut off, not a Babar-like elephant
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>All these
>Cheeky Razzing the Squires over drinking in Paris
>Joan's literal BAKA HENTAI moment in prison
She didn't deserve her fate.
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Those theories are largely discredited.
The Inquisition didn't need to go to those lengths to get rid of people they didn't like
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>That Rochelle
So...it's not sacrilegious if she's fake right?
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Demons of all shapes and sizes fall before even the invocation of Christ's name
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Nah, I still had fun doing it.
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Could get a lot of mileage out of this one.
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Context for >>146044767
It's very simple Anon, Shiva punted off his young son Ganesh's head beyond the horizon. Rather than finding his head he simply placed an Elephant's head on his and Pavarti said....fine.
Cool thing about Ganesh is that he's one of the Hindu gods who got assimilated into Buddhism, so you can see images of him as far East as Japan. If things had turned out differently a Christianized version of his story could've spread to Medieval Europe like the story of Barlaam and Josaphat
>Fear and Hunger music starts playing
why is he turd color?
>ywn inspect Joan of Arc's hymen
Why even live?
Do you really hold that position? Like you believe it to be true? Like that's your good-faith, honest assessment of the facts? Or is it something you just enjoy speculating on, as people often do with fiction (and history so long past that it feels indistinguishable from fiction)? For fun, even though you know it's probably not true? Just asking
I love Jesus
Now draw Yaldabeoth.
Realistically she would've already broken it from horse riding.
Don't forget, Christ is also translated as 'Annointed One,' and annointing was to cover in sacred oils. So really, with the apostles, our Lord and Saviour could be known as Oily Josh and the Greasy Boys.
During the Middle Ages in Europe there were hundreds of apocryphal stories about Jesus as a child.

I particularly liked the one where Young Jesus was angry at one of his friends, killed him, felt bad about it, and then resurrected him.
Was curious if there was any Joanposting but I'm really glad there is, thank you!
>a whole month
So is the general consensus that she's actually been hearing God?
>voices giving her military victories that a peasant girl couldn't otherwise do
>even if it was from a demon (to have Joan or other people glorify things who aren't God, etc.), she's been fully faithful and completely admitted that if she's somehow wrong, then she's wrong, but as far as she knows, she's faithful to God
Feels like "she was definitely a faithful Christian, therefore what was happening was real". Even if there's the danger of "Satan did this so people would overfixate on Joan", there's her devout faith to be inspired and encouraged by anyway, so it seems like the danger's not really there
Joan was put on trial by clergy who sided with the English and by the end all they could convict her on was relasping from a written pledge to never crossdress after she almost got raped in jail and wore men's clothes again.

A schizo would not have stayed lucid enough to survive a trial.
>took until the multi-parter about the eucharist and kneeling and not saintposting to make me realize that the artist is probably a Cath
I think I was just really hoping that most of the saints were beloved by all
Yeah, I vaguely recall it was some political bullshit, she at least wasn't killed for anything theologically concerning. Think it was
>she's left with nothing but men's clothes, she either has to wear them or get charged with indecency
I hope everyone who was responsible for her sentence was executed
Could you tell me anything about her frens, I only vaguely know about Gilles from Fate
I don't believe in hell but if it does exist I guarantee Joseph Smith is already there.
>I hope everyone who was responsible for her sentence was executed

When the Papacy reopened Joan's case they were so appauled by the injustice that they excommunicated Pierre Cauchon the head bishop of the trial even after he had died.
I don't know the implications of posthumourous excommunication but I guess that's something
Officially the Catholic Church can't declare someone damned to Hell so a posthumous excommunication is the closest way to publicly imply someone is damned. Granted its a blatant misuse of excomunication, but Pierre Cauchon was a cunt who deserved it. Supposedly he tried to also pass off forged documents of Joan "admitting" she lied after she died to save face.
>can just condemn someone to hell posthumoursly
I mean, I HOPE the guy's in hell
>Supposedly he tried to also pass off forged documents of Joan "admitting" she lied after she died to save face.
S to SPIT, what a miserable person
Yeah political pressure makes things difficult or whatever, but especially for a time and context where you sort of, you know, hold virtue and eternal life and posthumous reverence highly, could have just told the English and English-sympathizers to fuck off and you're not doing a farcical trial
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>/co/ having a comfy thread about Catholic comics

I really enjoy this, as a Catholic myself. I genuinely think we do a better job than the Prots at making comics and cartoons. Though Veggie Tales is pretty good, I must admit.

Also the Catherine of Siena comics are very funny, Catherine herself was actually quite assertive for a woman in the 12th Century. She basically ordered the Pope to go back to Rome after he'd spent centuries in Avignon as essentially a pet of the French monarchy.
catholics are false christians
You misunderstood. He told god to do unto others as he would want others to do unto him. Advice god gave but never followed. Since he's a colossal dick with a god complex and anger issues.
>I'm off to become a real tart
The Joke-o-logy for this one made me grin like a retard.
Why is he black?
Because the government is lying to you about 9/11.
>Catholicism is based
We already knew that
Cute 12 year old mom
Okay, I admit that got a chuckle out of me.
>"Andrew, no. We stopped with the child sacrifices ages ago."
And yet, her maiden hood remained intact. Truly a miracle
There was this gag on the Simpsons where they reenacted the nativity with Homer as Joseph and Jesus (Bart ) being mischievous and Homseph about to get mad until God says Bartsus was gonna get crucified at 30odd.
they probably couldn't bother reading that wall of text
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Mohammed said you should take the golden calf story seriously, no idolatry. No statues or paintings of individuals cause dumbasses in antiquity worshipped them as God and not just a representation. Likewise when he died it's be the biggest fucking retard move to try and depict Mohammed since he literally was trying to beat into people's heads that it's just pragmatically not worth it. Some lazy fucks like Shias in middle ages tried to skirt around it by painting him but putting a veil over his face but that's a pussy move
This might not nessicarily be Muhammad depicted, it could be Jesus or Abraham, or even just a random preislam Arab/ or just a Muslim since the words next to it are talking about them, and there's also a text talking about the noun "Muslim". and they'd probably be aware of the taboo
So youre muslim?
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This isn’t the Old Testament
Someone needs to draw yuri of Joan and her.
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Pretty sure that's just a myth.
Horsecrap, if you will.
>I genuinely think we do a better job than the Prots at making comics and cartoons.
Rec me some, please. All I can think of off the top of my head is Tomics and the one about Catholic school from the guy that made Amelia Rules.
>With no mention of when he realized he had powers?
He's God. He knew he had powers from the get-go.
Reminder that Jeanne was illiterate, but was passionate about learning to write; whenever she had to send a letter she would dictate it to someone else, but she always insisted on signing the letter herself.
Rome was the globohomo of the ancient world
>not picking revelation Jesus
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2.5 million hours in MS Paint
cool it with the antisemitic remarks
That’s a man.
>that gigantic trailing J
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joan looks like minus8's self insert
why did this need so many panels? it could have been done in like 3
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>"so many"
Wild how this standard of "brevity is... wit" is never applied when you call it a "4koma"
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I liked that one guy on The Nevers whose superpower was walking on water so he'd just carry people out to the middle of the lake and hold them underwater, knowing that they couldn't pull him under with them.
Show was neat. Pity it didn't get a second season even the second half of it's first season wasn't aired on its originating channel but, rather, on Roku or Quibi or one of those other places where television goes to die. : (
you realize 1 panel is 25% right? that _is_ considered "many" in this case. imagine i give you 1 dollars instead of 75 cents
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>I know what you are (again)
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I hear that, Agnes.
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>Jesus babies, they make our dreams come true
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Don't look up this saint story, it's actually extremely dark.
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Why did he draw the freaking french as hispanics.....that is even before they started to fuck the ever loving shit out of the africans.
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I imagine we're going to have a lot more weeb priests in the future.
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They're just swarthy, like all Latins.
did she died
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She was an 11 year old girl who was raped and stabbed to death. But she forgave her attacker and he repented, so it turned out okay.
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.....That started to happen after the muslims started to fuck the slaves..... Still does not answer the question why the artist decided to draw the early hebrews and greko's brown as modern californians?
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Jesus never fucking existed. Kike.
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>Why is the according to historical documents olive skinned Joan....olive skinned?
Shut up, Benjamin, you didn't really discover electricity, grannyfucker.
What a shit teacher.
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8% of americans think they can solo an elephant, unarmed. One of those americans happens to be me.
>black jesus
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Levantine jew.
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Now we enter the "Child John the Baptist tries to teach Child Jesus to swim" arc.
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>Jesus never fucking existed.

In the lawcomic's lesson on how the Hebrews invented monotheism and law, one of Nathan's comments makes the case that there probably was a historical Jesus. https://lawcomic.net/guide/?p=7371#comment-209008

Since he also says God is "let's face it, a fictional character," I'm inclined to credit his assessment of Jesus.
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The end.
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>literally written by a kike
Yeah, not a credible source. That's like asking me to believe holocaust recounts from people that weren't even born yet.
>literally written by a kike
I believe he's on record saying he was raised Catholic. Not that either faith has anything to do with the fact that he's clearly an atheist now, who thinks the Bible is almost entirely a work of fiction, but who still sees there's evidence that Jesus was a real person.
I want to know what this one is in reference too.

Ganesha repels phys
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Jesus being able to support the weight of another kid plus the anvil that kid is holding I get, cuz y'know, he's God. But Paul being able to hold said anvil with his arms stretched out, without even trembling is where I'm getting confused.
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Same logic.
Jesus's years between being a baby greeted by the three sages and his 40s are absent. I would guess he went through his own fall and a redemption arc.
people were built different back then
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You could have screenshotted it at least.
>the nazis only used ovens
Still running with that myth, huh?
I don't know to believe that the Abrahamic god is the way it works, but I go as far as to say there's no possibility of a god, as we define a god. There's always the possibility of some comic entity we haven't seen yet.
Better comic than cosmic.
If you read Genesis you'll see God is a pretty funny guy, especially when giving things names. A lot of dad jokes, fittingly.
Your infallible god really fucked up when he made eve, huh?
I think this one takes the cake for least informed post in this thread.
I think it was this:
>>the nazis only used ovens
>Still running with that myth, huh?
Until somebody discovers a couple million remains, yeah
You would guess wrongly though, because Jesus is perfect.
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Actually she managed to fend off the rape attempt (she's venerated as a Virgin), and was stabbed for refusing to submit to her attacker.
Also, fun fact, after 27 years in prison, said attacker, Alessandro Serenelli, in addition to repenting, went on to become a Franciscan Brother, and got to be present for Marietta's canonisation ceremony, alongside her mother whom he had previously begged on his knees for forgiveness.
No that's stupid
He's all about how everybody sins and even if you fucked up hard you can be forgiven
You don't become wise by sitting on your ass, twiddling your thumbs and praying
I don't care he's the son of God, he's still human in this form
He's human but also God. He's exceptional. Like, the ultimate exception.
>trying to reason with an Arian
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It's funny because he's an incel AND a spic LOL!
Hades is the realm of non-existence. You're not even a "soul" there. Even nothingness doesn't exist there.
That image alone would get you beheaded, for Jesus is an honored prophet for them.
He absolutely did, this atheist historian will walk you through it.

best Bible story is that guy wrestling an angel till he gives him a blessing
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Modern, sanitary burial cremations are done one body at a time, usually including a coffin, at temperatures capped by safety regulations, in ovens that are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses, and in which the remains of the deceased are fully cremated. Without all of these considerations a cremation could be done in under half an hour in the 1800's: https://ia802607.us.archive.org/11/items/cremationdead00eassgoog/cremationdead00eassgoog.pdf (page 125).
No it wouldn't. Jesus is a Prophet but there is nothing stating you cannot have images of him. Muhammad (PBUH) specifically says you can't (because he was autistic, the Hadith is basically people trying to explain why Muhammad's weird autism is all part of Allah's plan and you should just accept that after you've finished a meal, Muhammad doesn't want to small talk and wants you to fuck off home). Only really autistic fundamentalist type Muslims would get mad at images of Jesus and that's not really 'because he is Jesus' thing but because the idea of imagery suggests you 'worship' or 'rate' something so much that you give it a visual reminder for yourself when you should be thinking how you should please Allah, not looking at images of your kids or a nice painting. Since it's shirk.
He had Lilith but she had a brain
Jesus as a person most likely did exist. He was executed not for being the 'Son of God' but for claiming he was 'King of the Jews'. Therefore Jesus being an actual person is likely... Whether he was the Son of God and had magical powers is where you can start asking questions. But seeing as the Bible was written several hundred years after his death and by several people and then collated and then translated by Greeks who in turn chucked away several books because they were too 'problematic' (such as Book of Mary) for current society, it gets a bit fishy.

Either way, the idea that Jesus was just an every day guy who tried to teach people to be nice and shit and is now considered the Son of God is quite amazing. Like imagine if he was alive right now and he was just a guy and was like 'Yeah I wasn't trying to be anything special'. Think it's kinda cool in a way.

Anyway yeah, Jesus as a person most likely did exist and most historians say he did. Whether he was the Son of God is really the only question and comes down to your beliefs.
>the eternal seething frog
>But seeing as the Bible was written several hundred years after his death

The first gospel was written like 30 years after his death. Paul's letters were even earlier.
Yes it was, but I'm not talking about that. At that time Christianity was essentially just a weird sect of Judaism (or a branch of Judaism if you must) and hadn't really developed any of its mythos and shit. The gospels didn't get written until after everybody who started the sect were dead.

Everything that we know about Christianity (regarding Jesus) came after his death. Not beforehand. Since we were talking about Jesus being a real person or not, I thought that was implied.

Jesus most likely did exist (note I say most likely, doesn't mean he did) and that's basically it. Whether he was [insert claims] is another question. Was he a rabbi who just wanted more power? Was he a rabbi who just wanted people to be nice? Was he just a random rabbi who wanted to oust the Romans and the best way to do that was to form a religious uprising (that wouldn't get the Jews purged)? Was he the son of a virgin? Did he have a brother? Was he executed? Was he crucified? Did he rise from the dead?

Some of these have answers, a lot of them are "Some Roman historian said so" and it's kinda left at that. We're not going to know. But it seems incredibly weird to invent a fictional person and base an entire cult around it when it would be easier just to pick a real person who was persecuted or popular and base it around him. Like, I dunno, Alexander the Great or Saint George Floyd.
But, it wasn't funny.
>temperatures capped by safety regulations
Burning hotter would cause damage to the furnaces, resulting in MORE downtime for repair/rebuilding
>ovens that are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses
You think Germans didn't clean theirs?
>the remains of the deceased are fully cremated
This detail is crucial to your theory of the missing remains. If not fully cremated, where are they?
Fake and gay
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>This detail is crucial to your theory of the missing remains.

Only deniers say they're missing you idiot. They're in the same mass graves they've always been in. What's missing are Mattogno's purported GPR scans disproving the existence of the mass graves he won't let anyone see. And why not I wonder?

Mass Graves at Nazi Extermination Camps

Human remains inside the mass graves at Chełmno, Bełżec and Sobibór

Mass Graves and Dead Bodies
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Professor Kola published his work, not sure why Mattogno won't share his. But for deniers Mattogno's "dude trust me" is more trustworthy than Kola's archeological surveys so it doesn't matter.
Okay, where are the rest?
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Yes now we've switched goalposts from "where are the bodies" to "where are all six million bodies, huh?!" Well I'm afraid that not every holocaust victim was killed in the camps so they're spread around a bit.
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why are we talking about the holocaust, again?
Won’t he just keep resurrecting?
because /pol/, see >>146059307
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And that's just a reply to a comment? It's refreshing when someone online actually seems to know wtf they're talking about.
Roman is a race?
i like this guys expressions
This guy gets it.
Ok it sort of got me.
Oh nooooo
i wanna fuck him so bad
>Why is the according to historical documents olive skinned Joan....olive skinned
That just enforces that anon's question. If her skin tone was such an exception they made a point to specify it in records, why is everyone in those comics the same tone as her
Does Hellboy count?
>Warhammer 40k
>Where are all 6 million bodies?
You're so, so close.
Spread around where?
Actually most people are shown as paler than her, the only people with commonly similar skintones are her fellow soldiers....it's almost as if their tan skinned is because...they're all constantly outside
I haven't read it, but from reading just the creator's Wikipedia page, with him saying he doesn't have religious convictions but still holds some reverence for the Catholic Church, I'd put it in a grey area.
Definitely gonna read it one of these days, though.
Because 4chan.
The idea that hinduism is a unified religion with a common set of gods or dogma or beliefs or whathaveyou is faulty. Hinduism is all religious practice in India that isn't Christian, Islam, Jain, Sikh or Buddhism. So yes, there are probably some Hindus pray to a talking elephant. Ganesh is not a talking elephant, as others have pointed out. And yes, technically Judaism is Hindu.
He's God incarnate, why wouldn't he be in a temple dedicated to him. They probably chalked it up to that.
T. Muslim coping

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