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Somehow this is even worse than the flesh abomination outside.
he ain't called the rapesnake for nothing
went to town on that guy's ass god damn
haha Chea pet
Website comment:
>Nice that he’s kept busy while he waited. You should always bring something to do so you don’t make a nuisance of yourself.

Patreon comment:
>Just as a refresher, since it's been a few scenes, but Ruckmearkha popped the heck up out of nowhere and swiped Queen Sonorie, her handmaiden, and Toma's daughter. Their last conversation hadn't gone so great, but before that they seem to have been working together just fine. I wonder what Ruck wants...
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10/10, you're also definitely going to hell
Ufal is straight up dead by this point, isn't he?
Probably staying right where he is and just playing dead. Safest.
>Lemuel? Why, he was eaten by zombies! An ironic fate, some would say.

Was Cope being serious or just being coy? There's no way that's really how Lem died right? Not when we saw his vliegeng flying overhead and he still has rocket boots?
that's just how she tends to talk about anyone who's been offscreen for too long really
Bro I remember that page. All his comrades were dead and the zombies were coming at him. Lemuel is toast.
wonder if all those soldiers imply that at least some of them actually encountered and tried to save Sonorie, but Ruck just fucking killed them all because apparently he's such a brick shithouse that he can casually snap swords in two
Has a drawanon done a Ruck version yet?
Hey Ash, can you do a Ruck version? I'd pick up that month of Patreon.
He killed all her wright bodyguards too. I don't think he's some invincible monster but I think he's very careful to always have the element of surprise, and when he does, it means your ass. Snakes are sneaky.
Christ even with all the high level supernatural shit going on I tend to forget just how terrifying Ruck is on like a base level
One of those characters where it'll feel really good to see someone finally get the drop on him
Nah these things are fucking nightmares, sure they were all hunted down but I always took that to mean like platoons of men with shovels and dogs and weighted nets and fire, in constant pursuit.

CQC tunnel fighting would be a joke, looks like he just crushed most of those dudes in his coils.
I'm ill-at-ease.

It’s very rare for me to have a character who I absolutely despise, but Ruck does that for me. No violent death will be more well-deserved than his.
It is fine anon
It is fine
at last justice

at last peace
doubt we'll hear anything more about it in this book. my guess is POW if he was able to fight of the zeds, picked up by that creasian counter attack force
I'm 100% convinced we won't know for sure what happened til book 2. I just don't believe he's dead for real.
Of course lemon isn't dead, you simple sods. It's like you've never seen an animu in your entire lives. Cope is just rattling the bars of your retard cage.
I imagine she gets great enjoyment out of this.
>was in a dangerous situation
>had a bunch of scary guys attack him
>haven't seen him since
Of course he's dead, idiot.
I wonder if Ruck wants Sonorie to declare Chea as her successor, gives him a human lifetime to play around in Cresce
Look at all those bleeding butts. The rape snake has been keeping busy.
Two words: rocket boots

Dear god, I hope Chea hasn't seen that.
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Hold up. Is Ashley saying Ruck did all that while Chea was there?

I had assumed he'd done all that earlier, while biding his time and waiting for the right moment to snatch the queen. Not that he'd done that after the snatch.

That girl is gonna need serious therapy.
One word: Racketenschuhtreibstoffmangel
it's probably hard to rape and eviscerate a dozen guards silently while staying hidden in the wings
So what are the odds Ruck is death #4 at this point? Things seem to be setting up for him going out with a bang.

Then again, I can just as easily see him surviving all this and living to the next book. Cope seems to like doing things with him, and as a senet beast that's NOT Ilganyag he brings a rather unique character and perspective to the story, one Cope might prefer not to lose.
Is it possible Ruckmearhkha is committing TOO MUCH rape?
Chea confirmed to survive!
Ruber posting? At this time of year?
Real ones know Ruck’s middle name.
Ruck's middle name is Rape
Ruck "Rape" Mearkha
Maybe Sette can do a bit of closed skull brain surgery.
For some reason my mind keeps autocorrecting his name to "Rukh."
I blame Magi.
You want to deny Ruck this succulent Crescian meal?
He didn't become a Level 99 Rape Master by raping too little
Nice quads. But that was not a limp penis they received.
The threshold for rape is pretty high after the whole giant flesh monster born from the suffering of murderaped kids thing
Honestly, if that fucker doesn't bite it, I'm sending another cyclone to Florida : V
Am I the only one that doesn't want to see rapesnake dead?

He's part of an endangered species and older than the world. He could tell so many interesting things. Imagine if we had someone that could tell you which colour Tyrannosaurus was, because he saw it, or how Julius Caesar tasted, because he probably fucked him. You don't kill such a being, no matter how disgusting and vile. You put em in secure confinement and press them for all the info you can.
you can just look in the khert for all that info, the past is right there
Only the past that humans experienced, nothing older. And not sorted in any way.
that's only for actual memories, doesn't the khert have all events past present and future somewhere in it just normally?
I guess stuff from before the khert was created wouldn't be but birdtits said they can't really remember back then anyway
>but birdtits said they can't really remember back then anyway
And she told sette she was sitting on nthe shoulders of the creators and learned secrets from them.

One of these is a lie.

>that's only for actual memories, doesn't the khert have all events past present and future somewhere in it just normally?
I do not think so. It only has humans memories. And those are shredded and only offer short glimses. Even tittybird badly misinterpreted them and she's the best there is sifting through them.
>And she told sette she was sitting on nthe shoulders of the creators and learned secrets from them.
>One of these is a lie.
I think it's that one, if she really knew the secrets of creation she would have been better at manipulating a sharktooth brat
And I think it's the other one. She had no real reason to lie to Sette about that thing, while telling Duane that the Gefendur gods never existed would not have been prudent during that convo with him.
A few rapesnakes are still out there.
>He could tell so many interesting things.
Ruck won't tell lowly human meat these things in good faith. Maybe if you caught him at a smug moment, he'd divulge something.
>You put em in secure confinement
lol lmao
That Quigley story was cozy.
Jesus Christ, I didn't see that at first.
You know, Ashley mentioned how she looked up a lot of de-oculation pictures to draw the Khette stuff. Given the occasional grievous bodily harm in this comic, such as in display presently, how much did Ashley poison her brain with gore pics over the course of this comic?
Pretty sure she was already poisoned by ryona and monsterfucking _before_ she started the comic
Drawings hit different than the real thing. Otherwise we'd all be fucked up just from reading this comic.
I guess? I do t imagine I could've shrugged off human livestock hentai with just a "man, those japs ar fucked up in the head" if it were IRL footage. But then again, it was way easier to get ahold of eal fucked up shit on the interwebs a decade or two ago, so who knows what she had seen
Showing my age, but I was around during that time, so I did see that kind of shit. But that's why I wonder. I know it has a way of sticking in your mind. Even my most direct comparison is kind of fucked up, because I'd compare it to the smell of burning human flesh. That's something you're not likely to forget anytime soon, and it sticks. I smelled it for a week after I was exposed. I was present as an observer during an open heart surgery, and they used an electrical scalpel, no adventure stories here
Guro BL has been my number one kink since I was a kid, baby. Try and find all my old Professor Hojo/Vincent smut. There's always more blood than semen.

Sometimes I think Unsounded would have been more popular if I'd let this all rip more, and gone more balls out with it. My own instinct to keep my interests in check might have held me back too much!
Why I'm not surprised guro baited out the trips xD

can't speak to normie popularity, but I don't feel like Unsounded needs more boobs or viscera. When they put all that shit in the Game of Thrones series I fell off pretty quickly — I didn't mind it in books, but wading through that shit on screen to get to the plot sucked. Sure, Unsounded can get a bit misery-porn-y sometimes, but it didn't come across as too unbalanced. If you went more squicky with, I'm not sure it would be a net improvement. But then again I'm pretty tame with this shit, haven't seen much worse than Pain Olympics, lmao
Wait, I'm such a nigger, never the mind. Rest of the post still stands, though
I think he'll survive. He'll probably be hurt or humiliated, but he'll survive. He's lived all this time precisely because he knows when to pull out
I doubt we'll ever see him again - he'll sleep for a few centuries and plague spider paws in the future
After that vignette, wonder if Sette would like tinned sardines or if they're not weird enough for her. I love the King Oscar Spanish-style ones, but if I'm just after the mustard or hot sauce ones, I roll with cheapo Northern Catch from Aldi.
Ruck not living to see Duane is a Chekov's gun unfired.
Well, my point about the difference between real pictures and drawings stands. As for your second point, that's interesting. There's certainly something of a notoriety media can attain. And Unsounded is somewhat peculiar in being a dark Fantasy under a colorful surface. Terrible things happen in this comic, they are in fact happening right now, but it does not wear the coat of the typical dark Fantasy comic. But at the same time, I at least appreciate it. The fact that the dark and violent is concurrent with the bright and humorous makes everything feel more real.
Well, he can die by Dwayne, I'd imagine he gets back skinside at some point
Her favorite are strawberry fish, so she just might be into cazu marzu instead.
tbqwh the harsh reality facing any being born in Kasslyne shocks and scares me more than any gore
their only hope is for a fix to the previous patch
Cope is a guro weirdo. The kind of person who watches early Peter Jackson and goes 'not gooshy enough.'
I really like that Cope didn't fall into bowdlerizing her vampire, and he's still a scary, predatory rapist.
It's a bold move to create a gay villain so vile and naked in his appetites. He skirts the line between human and animal. There's something childish and animal in how he pursues prey but there's cynical wisdom too. He wants things he hasn't seen before but doesn't seem hopeful he'll find them.

The contrast with Iganyeg is cool too. She's the strict eternal mother contrasted with Ruck the lazy, sensual eternal bachelor. She wants to fix and nurture, he wants to fuck and eat and play.
>It's a bold move to create a gay villain so vile and naked in his appetites. He skirts the line between human and animal.
He's honestly a lot like Dracula, though Dracula's possible homosexual urges as they apply to Jonathan Harker are much more circumspect.
Makes me want more side stories from his perspective. He’s fun in his bitchiness.
He's too dangerous and wily to live
This anon just wants to get willingly Raped Snaked or She's one stupid mother fucker who's gonna get Raped Snaked. It doesn't matter what he's been through, what he's seen, or what you can learn from him. Ruck is going to fucking rape murder you because he doesn't think we people.
Read the unsoundedcomic tumblr, Ashley has been posting some short stories for Whumptober; two of which have featured Ruck!
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Reading the whole thing from the beginning, didn't realize Lemmy was one of the first characters shown.
He is honestly one of the most genuinely terrifying monsters in this comic. It's also quite something to see someone depict a monster that is so unapologetically monstrous, I feel like we don't see that as much these days-- we've been on a genre trend of monsters being excused and redeemed. But there is nothing redemptive about Ruck. He is what he is, forever and ever.
Have they actually shown an effiby get killed at all by humans in this comic? It talks a lot about how humans hunted them to near extinction, but I don't think we've actually seen a human kill one
When would the comic have had the opportunity to show an efheby getting murdered by humans if they're mostly dead already? It's only concerned with one and he's been too important to certain people to get killed until very recently.
I was just curious to see what kind of force a human or group of humans would have to bring to bear to kill one. Since we know for a fact humans are more powerful than them. Regularly trained people with normal swords and gear obvious aren't enough.
It doesn't matter what you can bench, if you get stabbed in the neck you're gonna die. Probably similar with efheby - get the drop on them or overwhelm them with numbers and even a pointy stick with a sharp rock on the end of it will be enough.
Yeah Ash has talked about this iirc, they're big and strong and smart but still mortal, in a straight up fight they can be killed by enough violence same as anything
Also just because you can't use magic on them doesn't mean you can't use it at them. They might(or might not, I'm not too clear on the details) be immune to a punch that delivers the weight of a mountain, but they definitely aren't immune to a big rock thrown with that force.
i like it as it is! if you went all out with the ultraviolence and rape in the beginning it would be a lot harder to recommend to other people. this way, they have to get invested before they get to the harder stuff. i've never had anyone take me up on it though. someday, someday.

unless ashley throws a curveball, i'm certain of what will happen to him, but not how it will affect things. it's gonna be great
You're right, it would be a waste. He needs to be decapitated and sent to the efheby scale farm.
Well, I think your sophisticated enough to show what is necessary when it's necessary.

I think a lot of people here are pretty familiar with artists like Waita Uziga and aren't worried about unsounded going askew leaning into the edge like "crossed" for example
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It may not make sense but everyone ive shown unsounded never stick with it. [They then turn around and sing the praises of 'one piece' and other objectively inferior media]

Laissez-faire c'est la vie, all I can say is i up my patreon pledge to cover for people who I thought would stick around.
Is that a bug?
Yeah I'd really like to see it. It's one of the main things I've been looking forward to seeing in this comic ever since learning the lore behind them and how humans wiped them out, I've been wanting to see a human or humans kill one and show us how monster slayers do their thing, especially with ruck, I've been looking forward to seeing someone wreck his shit for a good while.
You base your decision too much on the potentially good outcomes and not enough on the probability these outcomes will actually occur. Most people, certainly most people in Kasslyne, are not so far removed from risk as you. They can be trusted to make the correct choice:
Murder the rape snake.
Just find whatever hole they're hiding in and superheat the air inside.
The real question for the concerned conservationist is how do we force the makers to come back and make more senet beasts?
I wish we had more art shifts like this. Ashley's improved her art a lot but I don't think anything quite has this level of detail anymore.
I for one thank you, this comic is about as gory as I'm comfortable with. I've read far worse but not enjoyed it.
We used to call him Blondo mchansome or something like that on the old formspring
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>yfw Ruck used Chea as a hostage to throw everyone off guard before literally raping them to death

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