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Elma & Yooloo episode progression update
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Poor thing
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Teasers and Teasers and yet there's nothing to fill the wait
Is horrorfag finally gone?
I hope so
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saw part of red snow but it kinda bored me cause it was just torture porn.
does this shit actually get good or is it all literal cartoon snuff faggotry?
it gets better by the time the bat goes mad and turns the tables against the bear around 40 minutes in
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>open red snow
>not even a minute in there's BDSM
I want Yooloo and Elma to fuck
>all the fucking children on the comments
I mean, sure, Poopy Playtime is popular with them, but isn't a fucking snuff film like this animation
Children get everywhere, it's why Youtube went to shit
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This is why Newgrounds should be the only place for this kind of thing
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>40 minutes
and you enjoy this shit?
horrorfag thread, r&i
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mostly for the bat and a bit for the bear
>Who can't hurt a fly
About that
he joined the basedjaks in an attempt to assassinate LDT
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Why don't you and Sorrow make a collaboration or something?
Whats up with this gore fetish thing
think of it as the complete opposite of angel hare
Any more?
>No Luny but unnamed bunny
There’s no anon screaming about groomers and transgenders, so I guess so.
maybe elma took off her hat and yooloo realizes that she isnt a red bat

Kim's wound hasnt healed yet
That’s Elma
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but he is the reason she has that wound
Oh right
She looks so bored
You mean dead inside
That's what waiting years for the continuation of your story does to a person
Away from the antifun and kiddies of social media.
>He doesn't know
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just a few concept renders of her during the vagabond phase
So what are the chances he dies horribly?
Post more, I like it
She's waiting
The person who makes this shit uses real children for reference.
I don't like how her bat ears slowly got smaller and smaller
welcome back horrorfag.
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a redesign
horrorfag slander
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redesign sketches
He was right about Angel Hare, he could very well be right about this considering it looks like it's made by a pedo.
Do you have anything new?
hello horrofag
He gave up the ghost but he was also right about you being schizos apparently

>>146045603 is the latest one.
The middle one looks like Elma is using flamethrower
I swear this shit is astroturfed by like 3 autists that can't take a hint and one of them in particular is just looking to get his ego stroked for his shitty art.
leave them be
not worth playing the game of kicking the autist
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They were literally spamming threads to try and make a general at one point, these are the kinds of autists that need a good kicking
That was Horrorfag trying to get it banned. It wasn't from the fans.
Nah, it had the same exact kind of autistic posting style as this. It's the same sort of retard that can't even wait for a new episode for a thread and uses a couple of new pictures as justification to repost the same gay shit
So you are that particular autist, thanks for confirming my suspicions
It's clear that nothing I say will get through to you, so I don't care if you think I am OP or not. Anyway, if you don't like PB just hide it, that's what I do with threads I don't like.
Sure, you just post exactly like that autist that kept reposting threads. Suuuure.
You could at least pretend you're not 14
Artistfag here, I'm okay with the death of this thread; as long as we get a new TDM at the /trash/ dump.
I am not underage, but you know like half the posters on 4Chan are right?
>Im not underage but it's fine if people are!
This is just pathetic
Says the guy throwing a tantrum about a thread he can easily hide. The world doesn't revolve around you, deal with it.
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a mom and her child
what they would do?
I can call out retardation as much as I want, that's hardly a tantrum or even something uncommon on this site. If you wanted a hugbox it sounds like Reddit is more your speed.
Keep seething, you are the one whining about a single thread. You don't have power here, people can post what they want and honestly, this is 4Chan. Not exactly a website you would find quality, like for fuck's sake half the threads here are coom.
You can't even spell the site right lmao, do you really think people can't tell you're an obviously underage tourist? It's the middle of fall, summer ended months ago.
>You can't even spell the site right lmao,
It's called "4chan", dumbass. I don't see any spelling mistakes.
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Bro thinks he is the main character
Says the guy acting like a Janny.
Only newest of newfags spell it as 4Chan
Where is he btw?
no idea, but he and this guy are the only drawfags available, i think they should work together or something
Horrorfag tried to dox him I believe
Now you're just going full schizo
IIRC, he's trying to get the Jaks to dox LDT as well.
Of course he would pull something like that
Fun activities.
Cute buns
>newfag doesn't even realize the mistake he's made
Goddamn the younger generations might be genuinely retarded.
>same format as when the threads were spammed daily
>still no new content or discussion
>only one drawfag that's a confirmed 40 year old DA autist likely having been inappropriate with kids
Man this is a shitshow
i really wonder how this will all end
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Almost certainly the same way as Angel Hare where horrorfag is validated despite not even believing in the shotposts and LCT is revealed to have actually touch led some real life kids
Which is?
It's already been pointed out to you, no one who regularly posts here capitalizes the c
make more children
Something happend with bilibili and it pretty much deleted all old pretty blood content off the site. Which is a shame because there were some gems there.
Sounds like he's doing damage control before he gets outed lol
you don't understand, all of the stuff there was fanmade made by the asian fanbase of PB
good thing that they're still making stuff tho
>the elma anime outro is gone
fuck i liked that one, good thing i had it saved
>thinks LDT can fucking nuke a chinese website using his characters
you just grow more and more delusional
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>Everything before 13 of octuber is just gone
The Chinese probably have a file on him, they don't allow that sort of thing unless you're part of the Party
no its just the chinese who want censor this kind of content, apparently HTF stuff was also nuke but eventually came back on the site after some backslash from its users
It's a Chinese Website.... That he has no control over. Are you intentionally acting retarded?
I don't use some third world bleepbloop shit so I assumed you meant his personal site so >>146063658 sounds more likely, the Chinese probably don't want their kids watching gore porn from a known predator
who's the drawfag btw?
>the Chinese probably don't want their kids watching gore porn from a known predator
They have chat groups where they torture animals, I doubt some animations are their biggest concern.
Of course they don't care about the animals, it's the porn and predator creator stuff that is most concerning
We don't have any more since that faggot Horrorfag chased them away.
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Holy shit, he really is a 40 year old autist
bilibili moderation is similar to youtube's so this is they don't care too much if the content is a bit sexual in nature, as long there aren't titties then it passes
Nice to see mods watch over pretty blood threads with eagle's eyes
Yeah okay Horrorfag
Man you are absolutely obsessed with him, didn't he quit?
Like I said, I think they'd be a bit more stringent against someone actively hunting their children.
its odd but understandable
horrorfag needs his own mod watching over him
muder hobo elma best elma
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those guys are stupidly passionate with whatever that gets their attention
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And I thought the Garten of Ban Ban Japanese fursuit was weird.
At least the worst the Garten dude has done is whore out his brand and doesn't treat their younger fanbase like a buffet table.
Why is it so fun to play with other people's creations? Carol is a generic bunny character then one can easily make, but it's more fun for me to play with her than make my own.
You haven't seen the pretty blood cosplays out there
This is a full fursuit....
because you're lazy to create anything new
Who shit in your bed this morning?
He's not wrong, especially when it's playing with a ripoff like a xerox of a xerox
you take something that isn't yours and play with it like is your doll
holy shit, this thread is still up.
Why are you surprised? The same autist would constantly necrobump them.
But enough about what LCT does to his fans
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bat is patient for the next animation
The Chinese literally made fan animations and stickers on PB, so it’s clear that playing with the ideas of others is indeed more fun.
Or you know, that's just soulless bugmen doing their usual
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Not everyone who likes something you don't like is one anon samefaggin
When they have the exact same posting style they sure are

you're not nearly as subtle as you think
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>recognizes anons by their posting style
Please, take a rest from this site, sounds like you need it.
Kinda hard to not recognize such a prolific and autistic posting style, I can recognize it too
I do agree with >>146044518 though; Newgrounds is king when it comes to hosting content creations.
i love how cute she looks in that animation

also do you guys think that they all wore clothes before they got kidnapped?
You type this like you're on some sort of watch list, Jesus Christ
>You type this like you're on some sort of watch list
You’re on 4chan
>everyone on 4chan types like the BTK killer
you can't be serious
>Threads on incest, underage characters and other fetish crap
Like I said, you type like you're genuinely involved with some missing persons' cases.
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So that's why you replied to me to defend the honor of someone else in the convo? Sure. All me btw
You are on an anonymous website where literally anyone can post but leave little to no trace.
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interesting how the fanmade stuff looks way better than the source material
its kinda always the case with eastern fanbases
Update video
It really looks like this animation is coming in december
its just a bunch of sanrio-like characters in flash
how the hell is it taking so long to make
Flash is an outdated format for a reason anon. Also the author has a life outside of this.
It always does
this is great and snappy what is the song
Dunno found it while scrolling through bilibili
Use shazam
found it

He’s totally going to die Isn’t he?
Welcome to /co/. His age probably means he's been here longer than most of us.
you'd be surprised how many 30+ anons are on this site
I'm there during the
Either him, or Elma.
disregard the first one.
the author would be retarded if he did that
Fuck yes
His death will drive to the abyss
No. I want him to live and to marry Elma. It will piss off the Yuri fags
That thumb is SCUZZY
No one at /co/ is proud of their autism though, extremely cringe to call yourself an "autist artist" while interacting with kids nonetheless.
dude, everyone and their father is autistic here on 4chan. otherwise, they wouldn't be here to begin with.
Like I said, none of the autists here are "proud" of their autists, autist pride shit is gay as hell and dicksucking one of those fags is even gayer.
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whatever bro, have fun with your sorry attempt to control the lives of others.
Oh so you were the autist in question. Imagine being proud of a disability lol literal faggot-tier behavior
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welcome back horror fag
Gay pride but for autism has nothing to do with your imaginary boogeyman, I think even most autists here would be against that shit. Hell, even the rare gay autist that potentially posts here would find the very notion the peak of retardation.
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>things I don't like are bait!
Maybe have a bit less ego about your disability lol
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Sounds like the autist broke
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I guess an autist falling back on his coping mechanism isn't surprising, just wish it was less repetitive
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The only way this will stop, is that you go out and say that All Neurodiversities should be sent to the gallows:

Face it, they didn't admit for being an autist, is because all nerds are autists, and 4chan are for nerds.
Bro what are you even talking about? Is the the Chris-chan strain of autism? I don't give a fuck if you have autism, autism by itself is not an issue. Being an attention whore about autism like any pride faggotry is.
Seems less like pride and more like acceptance.
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Pretty much, we all accept being autists engaging with children; that's the whole point of being an adult.
Acceptance does not mean advertisement, same type of shit as posting rainbow flags all in your bio or pronouns (which he also does unironically lol)

>we all accept being autists engaging with children; that's the whole point of being an adult.
Fucking huh??? You keep throwing these weird as fuck curveballs and I can't tell if you're just pretending or being serious right now.
Fuckin lmao I missed the autist artist shit on their page that's incredibly sad and hilarious at the same time, this coming from someone on the spectrum. It's like those dipshits that talk about fat or disabled pride. Gives us all a bad name.
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dude why are you being such a bigot about neurodiverse people? Go watch some fucking cats for fuck sakes.
>unironically using bigot on 4chan
>after saying I have no problem with autism
oh wow, you're the real deal. Guess the chris-chan strain wasn't far off the mark lol

Now this guy gets it
Like where one the spectrum? Highfuctioning with a family, or low like Christifer.

I'm on the point where I have a fucking job.
Neurodiverse is Latinx for non-brainrotted autists
He's probably talking from his fucking computer from his mother's basement. If he's fucking serious, then he should've gone out and have a fucking life like all of the functioning adults instead of diddling with children.

They shouldn't announce themselves as autists or well harrass them off of 4chan. This proves the point that Pretty Blood and LCT attracts kiddies and kiddie diddlers, and he's specifically a kiddie diddler.

I don't have a fucking problem with your shit, I have a problem with you being fucking triggered by use pointing out that you;re a fucking loser diddling with children. You only prove that you're a diddler.

CWC, the autistic Troon that's a poster child of degeneracy. and DocMelonhead is one of them.
High obviously, lucky enough where I can still have a degree of self-awareness. I certainly don't have pride in having autism that is just dumb. Same as how I don't have pride in being fat, though that's a bit different since I can change that I'm just lazy and don't eat right because the mouthfeel of lots of veggies ick me out.
Stay mad, Autist Troon. it doesn't denounce the fact that you're are a fucking loser virgin who doxxed himself.
I don't think he touches kids but he's being really embarrassing in this thread right now
t.the other autist
Nobody proud of their faults, nor do they announce their weaknesses. Otherwise they will bet killed and Doxxed like the rest of the fucking Troons. If you don't want to be harrassed then don't fucking paint a target on your god damn backs.

Stop advertising your fucking disabilities or get doxxed!
He's a Proof that LCT attracts faggots and this thread isn't worth saving.
All he did was post his DA page. It's cringe as shit but it's not like he's advertising his name or anything. This isn't KF either, I kinda regret bringing up CWC now.
Well next time he open his fucking mouth or defends degenerates, we will point an laugh at him until he quits; like how the Antis kick Dazmine and KoS out the fandom for aging up characters for porn (like everyone here in the NSFW channels).
Personally I just found an odd humor in watching someone's messed up porn flick then started rooting for the survivors.
>like how the Antis kick Dazmine and KoS out the fandom for aging up characters for porn
I don't even wanna know what this is supposed to mean, that sounds gay as fuck.
To emphasize, I mean knowing what all that means is gay as fuck.
This is what happens if you allowed Teens run a server of a M rated series; you'll get Puritans stirring up drama because they found your stash of Hello Kitty porn that you made (all of them are adults, but they don't fucking care in the slightest).
This is why using discord for anything other than voice chat while gayming is the stupidest shit imaginable
For the sake of these threads I really hope you're just horrorfag pretending to be someone else.
Anything that allows children to run shit are doomed to be flooded by puritans and fun police.
what kind of mental illness drives a man to be like this
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>be me
>check out if pretty blood has a subreddit
>get struck with this
like flies attracted to shit
What did I just fucking told you?
>>146082806 >>146082986
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>makes minors draw his bubble fetish
based retard
It wasn't even that fucking sexy to begin with; all he does is draw characters blow bubble gum. He has a bubble gum fetish.
It doesn't matter how non-explicit it is, talking to minors about stuff you jack off to is retarded. You shouldn't even be talking to minors in the first place.
>horrorfag was right again
Oh no PBbros....
Yeah, it's a shit show; some mod found out this faggot owns that reddit and retaliated through a subreddit purge. They outright banned all of the members off of it.

Fortunately they handed over ownership to one of LCT's posses; even going so far than to restrict it to 15 year olds (could've been higher, like 17, but it won't be fair to those outside the US).
also this donnie guy isn't the author and he doesn't have a personal pedo ring
That faggot wasn't anywhere near as affiliated to LCT.
Wdym? It's normal for me.
Ah fuck, I know this guy. An absolute sperg and a creep who crawls around any website for some fool who's taking requests to draw stuff.
>An absolute sperg and a creep who crawls around any website for some fool who's taking requests to draw stuff.
Gee, that sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?
Yeah, the bubblegum guy. Jerk off to bubblegum blowing (like a bear fucking her victims while strangling them to death).
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He posted on one of these threads before btw.
>he doesn't have a personal pedo ring
Of course.
Because he wants his secrets kept well.
Weird I am not getting that popup, is this recent?
as >>146083208 stated, ownership was transfered over and they're preforming cleanup.
What happened? Who is that guy?
the former owner was DonnieKeller, the bubblegum fucker. Dunno who the Mod was, but they're gone now.
Considering >>146083208 is happening it's probably only going to get worse. Also promoting subreddit here y'all can't be serious. These threads keep proving themselves as a complete and utter shitshow.
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this is what happens if you don't have anything else worthwhile to contribute, you shit on the fandom itself.
Wait, so how is this bubblegum guy any different from the creator?
For one, he didn't make pretty blood
What difference does that make? That isn't the point of contention. If anything he's operating on a smaller scale so that would actually make him seem less negative when you compare to two.
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He should've stick to porn though, or Newgrounds at the very least
I don't think you travel much if you honestly believe that.
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It's a good rule and easy to follow.
Report horrorfag spam and move on.
Oh if only you were right.
Not so easy it seems lol

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