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Why isn't Halloween as big of a deal as it used to be? There used to be all sorts of specials, commercials, contests, events and stuff all through October leading up to it, but now it just feels like nobody bothers to be festive.
nothing to be festive about when the world has turned to pure shit I guess
1) Covid
2) Inflation
3) Millenials and zoomers don't have kids
4) Gen alpha doesn't like to go outside
This is America. The only people left who really parent their kids are fundamentalists who think Halloween is devil worship. Everyone else gives their kids candy all the time to shut them up.
You fucking kidding me? Halloween has become the anti-Christmas. I've seen more than one Halloween tree this year.
Pains me when I talk to my bible belt coworker and she's just "Ah don't like Halloween"
Because when every night is spooky, nothing is.
Where do you live? I've barely seen ant decorations.
>What the fuck is that? It sounds like a... tricked out '72 caddie 20-inch twinkies and fuzzy bones janglin' off the lookaround!
>fundamentalists who think Halloween is devil worship
Yep. Sadly never got to go trick or treating cause of them.
You can't even watch the specials anymore unless you pirate them or pay Apple to see the Great Pumpkin. Things kids for granted back of generations past aren't as easily accessible today.
As for Trick or Treating people have been trying to stamp that out for years via scare tactics, they finally got their wish via apathetic youth simply not caring about it anymore.
Basically what this anon said >>146055346
Neither parents nor kids really want to go outside at night after Covid, and kids just want to watch Twitch. Halloween is mostly just for aging Redditors now.
My town had a group of fundies who would pretend to beat up a guy dressed as Jesus in front of Trick or Treaters and say, "this is what you're doing to Christ."
>I'm the black Zorro you dirty spics!
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As someone who grew up Catholic this attitude towards Halloween has always been so strange to me. It's literally the pre-festivities of All Saints Day and All Souls Day. "All Hallows Eve" exists because the next two days are dedicated to celebrating the dead, both the saints in Heaven and the penitent souls in Purgatory. Hence the belief that on the night before, the spirits of the dead could walk the earth. That's where the "spooky" aspect of Halloween comes from. It dates back to the Middle Ages, along with the custom of dressing in costumes and masks to frighten off the dead, or at least blend in with them.

"Trick or treat" literally evolved from masked revelers going door to door and invoking the ancient right of hospitality. It's like wassaling during Advent/Christmas.

This attitude is all just incredibly ignorant of the actual history of Halloween.
fuck, meant things kids took for granted.
The English reformation stripped Halloween of it's Catholic significance and America commercialized what remained. I guess the Fundamentalist opposition to Halloween could be interpreted as lingering anti-Catholic sentiment.
>Why isn't Halloween as big of a deal as it used to be?
China doesn't celebrate Halloween.
Around Philly, you're liable to get shot dead in the street for Trick-or-Treating, be it neighbors protecting their homes, drug dealers losing it over a deal gone bad, or cops who can't quite see (or not care) that you're a kid.
All kinds of stuff around me. TCM, AMC, & Freeform running Halloween movies, stores packed with stuff. Not sure what your areas problem is.
So just to get it: the “neo” religion of Christianity just became a bunch of jerks and hate everything they don’t like that was okay back then or whatever.
>american profiting
When will this ever end
Are you imagining your life as a Punisher comic you sensationalist dweeb? -t. posting from Philly right now
5) Some higher-up from California placed their heels down on the existence of Jolly Ranchers, Nerds, Fruit Loops, Skittles, M&M's, etc.

California's already been a shithole of a state but this may be the final nail of the coffin.
This was such a boring drag to watch, frol all the halloween specials this felt like te worst, and funny enough I wasn't the only one, I remember most of us back then at kid age just preferred to go play with toya rather than watch this back then.
Media's just changed. It's not a monoculture, where almost every kid in America would be sat down to watch a Peanuts special.
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>placed their heels down
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Now you're getting it.
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I'm not against Halloween but that pic is some reddit shit.
> lingering anti-Catholic sentiment.
Also, Protestantism and Calvinism was a major of early American history and as such it’s still a major force and American culture and specially politics, we are even seeing a revival amongst Republicans. You could say the hatred towards Halloween came from these Protestants who simply didn’t get it, and thus hated it, and maybe it was an anti-Catholic thing.
Anon’s history lesson is interesting >>146055451 because even as a Catholic I always wondered why we were never against Halloween like we tend to be when it comes to other things like abortion, turns out it’s because of Halloween’s catholic roots. I was at mass last Sunday and the church was promoting Halloween events, such as the local Haunted House and the Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll giveaway, and I thought that was strange as hell, until now
What's the point of the image you posted? Do you think Satanism is just Bizarro Christianity or something?
>Him Christian eat breakfast, but me Satanist eat Fixslow!
Any spiritual is reddit
Simple as
>Any spiritual
Suburban moms addicted to true crime have convinced themselves their kids are going to get trafficked if they go trick-or-treating, and that was kind of the main tradition holding the holiday up
In Philly, we get nothing but grown adults with no costume and their whole family with open schoolbags asking for candy.
and yeah, forget going out to do anything. you take your life in your hands
Now do the Muslims
For a while, there were adults doing Halloween shit like going to parties and whatnot, but they all aged out and the next generation just stays at home.
Samefag faggot
Every year I see more and more Halloween merchandise.
awwww don't like people telling you what a shithole the city is?
This what happens when you try to take a custom that evolved in small villages and try it out in a big city. The atmosphere just ain't right.
Trick or Treating it such a very specific type of thing
>town too big, too dangerous and can't do it
>town too small, everything is spread out and you get like four houses done before the night is over
You need the proper condensed sort of suburbia to really enjoy it.
We would get one visit a year so we stopped leaving the light on. Last one I stepped out to ask if any other trick or treaters were on the road and the mom flashed a strobe light at me. Everyone just goes to trunk or treats now.
So what part of the city are you posting from, anon? Take your time to make it believable.
Here in the heart of South Philly, it's business as usual, bright young families and adorable kids in costumes ambling along, stopping for candy from kind old timers on their stoops. But your scary hellscape version is cool too.
Helicopter parents really believed the stories from when they were kids of razor blade candy
Black and brown people don't celebrate it as much because they're much more heavily religious
Really? guess all the junkies ambling up and down Broad Street just disappear when you stroll by. and all the stores are closing for no reason
Because there isn’t a lot of Halloween specials anymore.

Because cable is dead.

And most good streaming shows get cancelled after two seasons and before they can do a Halloween special.
The hurricane probably didn’t help things.
5) colorful individuals and their antics
It's really weird considering this generation is really obsessed with horror, yet Halloween is deader than ever. I guess it just lives on the internet now.
Reminds me of the moral Orel episode were everyone sings the fuck you Jesus dong
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Chicago suburbs (DuPage Co.) I keep seeing 12ft skeletons this year. Apparently they're $80 at Home Depot.
/x/ was right again
Charlie Brown blows. No one wants to admit it because of muh heckin' Snoopy or whatever, but it's always been dull as shit. The Christmas special is worse than the Halloween one. "Happiness and cheer" my ass. Fucking song sounds like a funeral dirge.
Fuck you
Saw someone talking about how covid really changed halloween. Kids trick or treat from the back of parked cars in a parking lot instead of going door to door to avoid spreading the virus.
People still give a shit about the virus? I'm aware that technically it still exists, but I thought everyone would have forgotten about it by now.
It was the 60's equivalent of modern seasonal anime adaptations that are 90% stills. Just an excuse to give voices to the kids from the funnies.
>guess all the junkies ambling up and down Broad Street just disappear
I guess so, yeah. Because this isn't actually a thing.
Halloween is fucking gay now. The cities that don't ban trick or treating outright have shitty curfews or 'approved hours' for it and they're always something retarded like 5 to 7 or something, it's not even dark before kids go home.

When I was a kid in the 90s it was an outrage if you came home before 9 or 10.
It's just another filler arc in the Trump Saga now. They keep trying to rehash it with "variants" because they can't think of anything better to do until he wins again.
The major reason no one seems to be able to come up with is because TV is dead. Specials, contests, and events were mostly done to sell advertising space on TV. Commercials for seasonal stuff is lacking because most things are just out in stores in September every year. The thread is dancing around the other main reason but there are lots of things that have caused community to die out. You just have to put the effort in depending on where you are to find where stuff is going down. I went to two Oktoberfest and a pumpkin festival this year. So I am getting a good amount of Halloween. It was easier to get swept up in this stuff when in school because the community. If you are not in a community that hypes up something, it will feel like no one is talking about it.
Well just don't enjoy things untill you die. It's not hard.
just let us know when you switch the BLM signs for For Sale signs on your house. For you people, it's usually after your first mugging.
They did it to all aspects of Briton culture, not just Halloween. Anything that was seen as having a pagan or Catholic origin was an issue. The most radical group involved in this was the Puritans, and they’re (not coincidentally) the ones who fled to America because they wanted to make an ultra moral New Israel on a blank slate of land. That group of people founded most of America’s education system (both elite and public) and their ideological descendants basically still dominate elite opinion in the country. Although, specifically on the Halloween question, they do not oppose stuff like that anymore because their liberalism and anti-clericalism overpowered their latent attachment to Christianity some time in the mid 1800s
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and this
Looks like Harlem from the 70s or Detroit...but Robocop.

Guess it's still a shithole and nothing changed since Stallone shot the first Rocky movie, eh?
>Euros complain about Halloween being an American tradition infiltrating their continent for decades
>Upon learning that it's lost some minor degree of significance within the country, they attack the idea of abandoning it
Fucking insufferable
You think you're a part of something, that's so cute.
The media convinced everyone that we were losing millions of kids a year to child snatchers, poisoned candy, and apples with razors in them, so Halloween is adults only now.
Why are Americans so obsessed with Europeans?
Holy projection, Captain Islam!
You know all those fags that show up once a year to complain about"the war on christmas"?
They won. Now the santa shit is out in august.
Nobody mentioned Europe until you did.
He's not me thoughbeit, and I'm not him thoughbeit.
I would think those people also hate the Coca-Cola Santa, and the overt corporate >>146057024
hithsow Christmas is for decades now. Ca't we have non-commercialized holidays where no one makes money out of them?
Helicopter parents worried too much about their kids' safety and pedos and shit basically won't let their kids go house to house. Likewise a lot of Xers don't want to be bothered all night so they started the practice of turning off the house lights and discouraging kids from coming back. Then you have the issue of Xers/millennials hijacking it to be about drinking and dressing in cheap slutty clothing so the kids are even more ostracized. And the big one is that both it and Thanksgiving got Jannettied by Big Dimes Christmas.
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Even if nobody gives a shit, it fundamentally changed trick or treating. People figured out it was easier/safer/whatever to just do it in specific locations.
>Now the santa shit is out in august.
THIS IS MADDENING TO ME. I was looking for Halloween stuff this month, and some places already have more Christmas stuff out.
I saw eggnog in stores weeks ago. I think they're pushing Halloween to September so they can fully absorb October into Christmas. My main gripe is how of the Halloween stuff we do get, Disney owns like 80% of it. It's all licensed and branded now. It's all Wednesday Hocusjuice Before Christmas featuring Sam from the Trick 'R' Treat series.
Guest starring Art the clown.
>hurr we're a bunch of atheists larping as a religion in order to destroy religious freedom for others
Nobody cares.
For one thing dude every single type of horror has been done. Doesn't matter if its edgy or infantile. All horror ideas have been done and they've been remade as well. Look at the recent Nosferatu remake that's coming this year. This is the second time Nosferatu has been remade. And that's merely one example. Everything has been done.

And all things considered? There are scarier things in real life than demons and monsters like Leftist Agendas designed to ruin the minds of the young generation. That's actually real which leads to disgusting things in real life such as Tranny Reading Hour. Disgusting.

Seconding this. Western Civilization has rotted, decayed, and become way too shitty. And it will get worse.
That's one good thing. To hell with Peanuts starting with the retarded title. Why is a franchise about kids called a damn food? At least things like Hey Arnold lets you know that it's about a boy named Arnold. And seeing Charlie Brown suffer and be incapable of fighting back most of the time makes watching anything from Peanuts annoying. And the other characters are terrible Lucy being the most irritating thing not a shocker she gets lots of parodies of she getting killed brutally because she really is that shitty.
The reason this special is bad is because for one thing the idea of Linus being obsessed with the Great Pumpkin is simply idiotic. It's stupid bullshit even for a kid character oh the mighty Great Pumpkin RISE!!! Stupid bullshit. And of course the great plot twist is that there is no Great Pumpkin it's indeed NOT real so nothing happens. Linus is a shit for brains. And the rest of the short is the typical trash as per usual like Charlie Brown not getting candy and is given rocks or something like that. Basically the same routine as any standard episode. Peanuts is shit.

Don't care if it was considered edgy back in the day I simply am not impressed by it. I'd rather stare at nothing than watch something as dull and infuriating as Peanuts. And all things considered lets face reality as far as oldies go Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes kicks Peanuts' ass.
It's still huge in my state. Tons of local Halloween commercials and big name commercials. Lot's of Halloween movie's and specials on tv. Decorations everywhere. News spots. Sorry to hear it fell out of favor for you anon.
A lot of old shit does not hold up. But here's the part that angers me, old things like say Popeye have gone forgotten. But somehow the last Peanuts movie is considered a success. What the fuck does America have wrong with it that they still worship this old trash? Especially because the family estate that owns Peanuts has a rule that they can't modernize the characters too much. So basically what kid can relate to Charlie Brown who does not even own a smart phone or tablet? Come on. This is old grandpa trash.
>For one thing dude every single type of horror has been done.
okay interesting...
>There are scarier things in real life than demons and monsters like Leftist Agendas designed to ruin the minds of the young generation.
Ahhhh kill yourself
Covid and everyone becoming a fucking shut in, i'm sad too, Halloween was pretty much my favorite holiday
1 and 4, dipshit.
Your confusion stems from your belief that the average person has any fucking idea what they are talking about or has done any research to back up their beliefs like (You), a normal person, would. Why actually bother to learn and know shit when you could spend that time being angry at nothing?
There's still plenty of Halloween decorations around my neighbourhood. I don't think there's any less of those than before. There definitely has been a decrease in kids trick-or-treating around here though, and it hasn't just been since Covid either. Even a couple of decades ago more kids started going to the malls for their trick-or-treating fun.
lmao I *knew* you had the scary news reports and footage of Kensington in mind, but being an out of towner just sort of extrapolated that to the entire city.
companies only care about profit and that means selling and doing Christmas stuff extremely early, even before Halloween
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>people less religious as ever
>faggot actually trying to defend Philadelphia
its primarily a kids holiday, and the current generations arent pumping out babies.
Also Women are whores online but prudes outside for some reason so all the sexy halloween is considered bad taste now.
>N-Noo you can't enjoy living in a quaint comfy neighborhood when in other neighborhoods there is sometimes crime!
>when in other neighborhoods there is sometimes crime!
He finally admits it.
don't worry, they'll stay off YOUR street. You just think that
In europe we still remember Popeye. He still has some shine here.
The newspaper comic publishers told Schulz to call it that because one of the execs had kids who saw Howdy Doody and that called the kids in the audience "The Peanut Gallery".
Schulz wanted to call it "Good Old Charlie Brown"
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He still has a presence in the US, even if it's not as pronounced.
I don't think it'd be terribly difficult to make a successful modern Popeye cartoon. Just take The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack and make it more action-oriented. Throw in a little Cuphead. Make a strange little port town with an air of mystery to populate with the old gang and some weird new characters. Build intriguing sets that Popeye breaks open into rich sight gags when shit goes off the rails. Just grease up what always worked with what kids like now. Really old cartoons seem to have this fascination about them, and you could use some of the actual icons here.
You're such a fucking dork dude. Do you tell women you're scared of major metropolitan areas? Well, I guess that's a hypothetical. If you were to talk to women I mean.
That Genddy Animatic movie was pretty fun but that was probably mostly just the hype of uncovering it.
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make an ultra-realistic violent cartoon set circa 1931 with Popeye going on brutal seafaring adventures fighting pirates ghosts and monsters
at this point, it's pretty obvious you're just fishing for (you's)
Half the media that gets put out any more censors the words kill and death. It’s probably a massive pain in the ass to get anything greenlit that deals with a day about facing death and the unknown because it might trigger someone’s no no feelings.
>Why isn't Halloween as big of a deal as it used to be? There used to be all sorts of specials, commercials, contests, events and stuff all through October leading up to it, but now it just feels like nobody bothers to be festive.

So that stuff did disappear? I wondered if I just stopped noticing it because I'm so disconnected from modern entertainment but I also suspected that Halloween isn't as big of a deal in terms of television presence like it used to be. I do think Halloween decorating is on the rise though.

>I'm here to randomly say you can't even trick or treat any more in Philly bc of the purge, so sad
>I live here and trick or treating is still celebrated and its actually pretty wholesome
>Uh no, check out these clips of crime I saw on the internet
>You're a pussy
>s-stop fishing for yous
everyone hates everyone else
you fag
Yeah if you're an OG Catholic, you're definitely going to be perplexed by the kinds of things fundamentalist/evangelical Christians think the Bible says.
>As for Trick or Treating people have been trying to stamp that out for years via scare tactics,
I for one cannot believe that christian fundamentalists would be incredibly ignorant about something
>Black and brown people don't celebrate it as much because they're much more heavily religious
I've seen black kids dressing up and trick r treating every year since I was a kid and even now that I'm almost 30 and passing out candy now. Don't notice too many Hispanic or Asian kids doing it, but it might just be my neighborhood is mostly white.
>Also, Protestantism and Calvinism was a major of early American history and as such it’s still a major force and American culture and specially politics, we are even seeing a revival amongst Republicans.

Interesting bit of history I read recently: In the late 1970s and 1980s, the Republicans successfully used the abortion issue to attract previously Democrat evangelicals to their party, making abortion rights a major source of the divisions between the two parties. It hadn't been, before. The Republicans tried to do the same thing with Catholics, but it didn't work. Catholics were die-hard Democrats who voted based on socioeconomic class rather than religious beliefs, and though they opposed abortion they generally only switched to Republicans if they got rich.

This has nothing to do with /co/ or halloween. Sorry. But I thought it was cool when I read it.
It’s parody, idiot. Charles Schulz was deeply religious. He’s using the great pumpkin as a stand in for Santa Claus. If you think Linus is ridiculous for believing in a pumpkin that would give him candy and toys then you got the point, you just didn’t make the connection to Schulz’s point…that Santa is equally ridiculous to believe in (meaning Christmas should be about Jesus…which is also funny if you really think about it).
I’m not religious at all. I can just read subtext.
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Peanuts thread?
It's very simple. You see, the almighty Lord Moloch wants to destroy everything good, pure and beautiful, because it offends Him like a powerful stench. Anything that brings joy to children must go. Everyone needs to grow up knowing one simple truth: that all of mortalkind exists for the singular purpose of suffering for Lord Moloch's amusement. He hates all of us and He wants to punish us for being born.

Imagine a world where billions of people are being tortured, over and over again, forever. Let that image be burned into your mind.

Because that's what the future looks like.
That whole Halloween special was a parody for Christmas?
God schulz sounds like a weird guy for a boring franchise
People in my area have literal Halloween lights and yard decor like it's Goth Christmas
Not him, but there's not much to over think about with the special. Linus before misheard and pretty much made up his own figure for Halloween with a Santa type thing going on. The rest of the special is simple just kids having Halloween traditions of parties and trick or treating, carving pumpkins, jumping in leaves. There's really nothing to over think about it. There is no plot twist. If anything it's about childhood and about the simple things, Linus looks for a sincere pumpkin patch because we all look for sincerity. This was written from a simple and sincere point, the current times cynicism doesn't understand that.

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