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the second one
i dont even know what the fuck the third one is
2012 TMNT that aired on Nick
First 3 shows are the only ones I’ve seen and they’re good in their own ways.
All of them are great and terrible in their own ways. The biggest problem is that every time someone is given the chance to make a TMNT cartoon, they always feel the need to go in a drastically different direction than the previous iterations, or they feel like they need a new gimmick or some unique twist on the basic formula. And every single fucking time, they get a few things right, fuck up a few more things, and briefly flirt with something that could be the best version of a character or storyline for a short while before tragically fucking up.

Like, Tales of the TMNT as an example
>[+] Brotherly Dynamic is great
>[+] Animation and action is some of the best the series has ever had (sorry Rise)
>[+] Character development is consistent and strong throughout
>[+] Art and animation style drastically refined from the movie
>[+] Mutanimals and East River 3 all make for really great mutant side characters and memorable antagonists
>[-] noticeably hindered by being tied to Mutant Mayhem and the unfinished sequel, so nothing can truly happen or change
>[-] couldn't get celebrity VAs for half the characters so Splinter is reduced to a running gag (still has a couple really good action scenes though) and other characters are only given occasional mentions
>[-] framing device around both storylines is more confusing and troublesome, because nothing can actually be canon unless the sequel allows it (it probably won't)
>[-] the brothers stay split up for nearly the entire series
>[-] Absolutely worst version of Bishop with the most retarded motivation that makes no sense
>[-] forgettable intro music
>[-] They somehow made black April even more annoying and unlikable
2003 very easily, though it shit the bed towards the end.
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I think it's impressive how they're all pretty fucking good in their own right, few /co/ IPs ever managed that, if you like TMNT you can just watch and enjoy them all, and they each serve as a time capsule of the periods they were made in

Compare that to other long running IPs like Spider-Man, Batman, Scooby Doo, Ben 10 etc that only have 2-3 good series tops regardless of how many they have total and often have to fall back to nostalgia
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I know they’ve done a few crossovers with the 1987 series, but I’m always kind of impressed that they’ve never taken the easy route and just done a follow up to the 1987 show as that seems to be the nostalgic core of the franchise still.
Rise, 2k3, '12, '87 in that order. My nostalgia rates 87 higher but it's objectively the worst.
The worst is easily the next mutation.
Rise, but only by default. It's the only one that died before it was able to suffer through seasonal decay and drag down the quality of the early seasons.

>80s goes down in quality dramatically after season 1, but can still be enjoyed as a shitpost until you hit the Red Sky seasons.
>03 was great until around maybe the Shredder Trial, and then jumps the shark with Fast Foward.
>12 had the most potential, but easily has the lowest lows of any TMNT cartoon. It completely shits the bed at around season 3.
TMNT 03 had some real balls for a Saturday morning cartoon, making you think Leonardo actually sliced off Shredder's head and the reveal was legitimately shocking. I think the show gets caught up in too many 3 or 5 parters that don't need to be that long. Turtles Forever is really good too if you can get past the 87 characters being recast.
>It completely craps the bed at around season 3.
What happens? only ever watched season 1
I'm curious too. I actually watched the Wormquake episode with my kids (they're young and nuts for 87 TMNT) because I read the classic Turtles had a cameo in it. It was alright but I'm surprised how dark and grim the whole thing was.
>rise dicksuckers still on this board
The way they talk about it, I'm convinced that they're writing fanfiction in their heads of what it could have been and pretending as if that was the show they got.
Season 2 was already kind of on shaky ground with most of it taking place in the barn. It was mostly episodic and hit or miss in quality. I specficially remember the one episode that pissed me off was when they were teasing that Donnie was finally moving on with his crush on April, only for April to kiss him OUT OF NOWHERE so she could string him along for the rest of the series.

Season 3 was the space arc, which was just bad all around. Dregg sucked as a villain, they kept throwing in new gimmicks just to see what stuck, like making April a psychic. The whole thing was a slog to get through, it was practically an anime filler arc.
Wait, I got it mixed up. Season 3 was the barn arc, season 4 was space.
Didn't 03 have a season all about time travel? I'm pretty sure TMNT as a whole is cursed with awful shark jumping.
I dropped 2012 when they went into space.
For me it was 2012.
I'd grown up with the original and was introduced to the comics early on (first Archie, then Mirage). I loved them, so it was great seeing adaptations of Mirage stuff. And sometimes it did things better than Mirage, and sometimes Shredder was an alien.
Overall though I just preferred the interactions between the characters in 2012, and the twists and turns the story took. Still very much love 2003, still have a certain "oh you silly" fondness for the original, but of all the cartoons I miss 2012 the most.

Of course the peak adaptation was the first live action movie, but that's a whole other topic.
I'll defend April being a psychic to the end.
April in the comics was great as first. "Beauty and the Beasts" just fucking works. But after a while it was clear Eastman and Laird had no idea what to do with her aside from making her the guys' landlord. "Camera cuts to April, who is worried, then back to the guys" is not interesting.
April as the investigative reporter that kept getting caught worked fine for the original cartoon because it was campy. Her constantly getting caught and being useless in a fight doesn't work beyond that. If you want a non-campy series you're fighting an uphill battle with that take. It can work for a bit (the live action movie) but the longer the story goes on...
2003 tried to make her a scientist like in her first comic appearance, but couldn't find a way to balance her as a scientist with "Donny does machines." She was largely useless, a doormat that let the guys slowly take over her life while on more than one occasion saying she wanted to be left out of cool exciting stuff.
2012 came up with a justification for her being an essential character - the Kraang wanted HER specifically, because they'd been meddling with her family's genes and had successfully made her into a living blueprint for how to invade. As a side effect she got mild psychic powers that gave her a "danger sense," justifying the brothers' decision to keep her around while also giving an explanation for why she learned to fight faster than a normal human. She could sense danger and react.
The whole bit with her powering up Dark Phoenix style didn't work, but the core concept was solid. People may bitch off and on but for the most part there wasn't much "why is she there?" when the show was airing, even though she was in most eps.
Then we got Rise. The writers never figured out what they wanted from their April, gave her a weapon she ignored, used her in less than half eps, and even had her look at the boys doing adventureshit and go "leave me out of it."
>guys, we need a new TMNT series, and it's not like people around the world know the personalities of our characters for decades, we need to give them VISUAL DISTINCTION
>oh, I know, I know, let's put a sock on Rapahel's head!
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Don't pretend you don't know what it is, and don't pretend you don't know the thought process that went into the design change. It sure as hell wasn't added to his design just to make him "visually distinct."
First of all, anon, calm your tits. That was just a joke.
>It sure as hell wasn't added to his design just to make him "visually distinct."
So are you implying that that... thing of Don's head was not a way to make his appearance visulally distinct also? And tattoos/scars on Leo's face?
Watched seth rogen's tales of the tmnt and found it bretty good
>I'm pretty sure TMNT as a whole is cursed with awful shark jumping.
welp, funny enought Rise died before jumping the shark. that series end with the really good Krang movie
Yeah, the movie is kinda absurdly good all things considered. The only thing "wrong" about the movie is how it ignores the finale of the tv series but that's mostly because they wanted to give a more proper reason for Leo becoming the leader
I don’t think anything has topped the first season of the original show and the 1990 movie.

>t. elder millennial
Rise was so great. I love how it got me used to the fact the turtles don't have to all look the exact same.
Not this anon, but Raph stuck out like a sore thumb though, just wanna get that out.

This clothes were great, but the size is just much.
tmnt was never good. Don't know how anyone even got behind this ugly 80s slop in the first place.
Rise and it's not even close
I haven't watched any in a while, but I remember 2012 having excellent fight choreography.
Dude the fact that it lasted this long and is still going proves you're wrong and have always been out of touch.
It did and honestly the best shredder.
>if you like TMNT you can just watch and enjoy them all
I can't watch 2003
I'm glad to see a sane person in this thread that recognizes how bad 2012 got. It's crazy to me there are people still obsessed with it. But I guess it's a take that just worked for some people. It stopped working for me near the end of S2, I think. Or early S3, I can't remember.
wanna know what both next mutation and rottmnt are guilty of?

side-lining the foot clan in favor of new villains until the season finale
What are the chances nickelodeon does tmnt 2012 the lost years or a rise of the tmnt miniseries?
Rogen had nothing to do with Tales, but it is pretty good.
Any of the ones where they have teeth. Turtles don't have teeth.
Rumor going around is that Nick/Paramount/Viacom is already working on a new set of live action movies and possibly a new cartoon also. Mutant Mayhem underwhelmed, despite the overhyped praise it got, and having 90% of the cast locked to celebrities who were barely around enough to record the post-it note full of lines they had for the movie just means they can barely do anything with the antagonists they set up. You can already see how badly it fucked up Splinter in Tales.
I haven't watched Tales but the animation in the commercials looks really nice.
If you give it a shot, just be prepared for all the non-action stuff to look surprisingly bad. The first few minutes of the first episode made me dread watching the whole thing until it gets to Leo actually running around and fighting. The second half of the series also does this thing where Splinter is narrating and he's over-animated as fuck, but when they cut to the Turtles watching him, it's so painfully shitty and stiff like they didn't even try.
You thought kids raiding /co/ was a meme?
2nd and it's not even close.
We still got the sequel to mutant mayhem next year
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Yeah, they locked that in before the first movie even released, but we're 1 year in and they haven't said or revealed a single thing about it. Could be the strikes hindering things, but Seth Rogen has also repeatedly refused to side with any of the strikes.
2003 > 80s
The other two don't really merit attention
I like FW Raph and Rise Raph. I never like Raph's pointless anger issues. Only IDW did some interesting explain with this.

I would make her a retired togakure ninja, and she is a japanese american.
2003. By far.
None of them
Miragefag here. 03 was the best. It tried so hard to get away from the Cowabunga Pizza Turtles and be more like Mirage. This was what the 87 cartoon was supposed to be.
Tales mogs hard, Rise is straight doo doo dog water
Tales > 2012 > 2003 > 1980s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > Rise
kek Rise lost bigly.
First season 87> Any combo of the first three>>>Tales>>>>>>Rise
03, no question. I did rewatch the entire 87 show a year or so ago, most of it has aged really poorly throughout the years. However, the first season is still pretty solid for what it is.
Wish more people watched Tales. I don't think it does anything interesting with a larger story or setting, but the action and characters are rock solid. Also does a good job of maintaining a strong running theme that talking it out is always an option, but that properly applied violence is an acceptable and understandable solution when their enemies refuse to listen to reason.
The five episode pilot by toei is the goat
I get wanting to make April more relevant to the plot, but I dislike how 12 went about doing so. It felt like they were constantly throwing shit at her out of sheer desperation to keep her relevant. First she has a missing father, then she's Donnie's love interest, then she's Splinter's protégé and Kunoichi, then she's part Kraang, then she's the key to retro mutagen, then she's a psychic, it just goes on and on and ON.

She never felt like an organic member of the cast because the show could never settle on what she was even supposed to BE. She has no character arc or point to make, she's a walking plot device in the most transparent way possible.
I hope ciro's supposed tmnt movie gets off the ground, and i hope that timothy gets cured in the end of it all, since supposedly the movie is meant to stop the mutagen bomb that starts the supposed apocalyptic timeline set itn the future.
It's never gonna happen man. It's already been too long and no one cares.
Couldn't nick make a series of animated anthology specials at some point and include that in?
It really is. I wish the entire series could have kept up that pace. There's tons of cool characterization and worldbuilding stuff in the first season they never really follow up on either (Raph having more edge, Bebop and Rocksteady being violent psychos, Shredder operating a criminal underworld and a gang of human thugs). It's much darker than what would come after but still pretty silly and kid friendly.
I just watched the first episode of the 4th season today and the drop in quality is STARK. Even at the show's worst though, it has good voice acting and each episode has a few funny gags.
Didn't they also have a future arc?
Nickeelodeon Nostalgia does

It's easily the original 87 series, and zoomer can cry till their blue in the face about it.

87 Turtles is everything Turtles should be; goofy, campy, fun, and doesn't take itself seriously, because the whole reason TMNT ever shits the bed is because it starts taking itself seriously.
80's then 2012. The rest are just blah
Hey don't sweep 2003 under the rug like that.
2003 is just try to be look edgy but still childish.
Its better than red sky.
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Imagine that Mirage/Image Leo will seeing other Leo as cowards.
03' was my shit growing up. I always thought the OG show was too clownish.
>side-lining the foot clan in favor of new villains until the season finale
Is that really such a bad thing? I haven't seen Next Mutation but I really liked Rise's OCs.
I remember how bad 2003 and 1987 got too. A lot of /co/ is in severe denial about that. I think 2003 is the more egregious offender because it set up serious stuff then flubbed the resolution - and I'm talking major things. Hun explicitly murdered the fuck out of Casey's dad, Casey swore revenge, then fast-forward to the "resolution" in which Casey had Hun dead to rights but Hun exploits Casey's "a good guy won't kill someone begging for mercy" stance and gets away. Cue Casey visiting his dad's grave and going "well dad, I didn't kill him, thus making me the real victor!" while Hun was very much still off doing crime.
I'm not that bloodthirsty "the turtles need to kill" retard, I'm just saying the show suffered from weird whiplash because the writers often tried to be dark but then got dragged back into Saturday Morning Cartoon morality.
2012. The Turtles have kill Shredder.
The old one and 2003 one, if we are talking about this four.
Old one ("Donnie" show) is full of fun adventures (except for "serious" first season and "red skies") and high-tech gizmos/interdimensional travels/science thingies with Technodrome being the centerpiece. teenage MUTANT NINJA Turtles.
2003 is "Raph" one - full of cool things. teenage MUTANT NINJA turtles.
2012 is "Leo" one, about responsibility and relationships, also full of drama and whining. TEENAGE Mutant NINJA turtles.
Rise is "Mikey" one - everything is retarded, things happen by magic, Raph is the leader (also a retarded one). TEENAGE Mutant ninja turtles.
First two shows are about cool ninjas, who are also cool mutants. So are 90s movies.
Third and fourth are about teenagers. And the same problem exists with Mutant Mayhem.
Rise Mikey is better than retarded 2012 Mikey
EVERYONE in Rise is as retarded as Mikey - no matter if 12 or Rise one. It is just in Rise Mikey isn't that noticable in his retardation, because everyone is Mikey.
Nevertheless both 12 and Rise are bad TMNT.
1987 is for humor
2003 is for following source material
Haven't watched the others.
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'03 was the best. It falls off for later seasons but I think it had the best dynamics and characters and kept them interesting for the longest time. Also the Shredder design was the coolest he has ever looked
Which series has the best version of Shredder?
>Also the Shredder design was the coolest he has ever looked
Yes. Not only as armor, but as Oroku Saki too. Shame about utrom stuff though.
None. 80s and 03 if we would be speaking only of early iterations.
'03 for all except maybe for story for the later stuff
For danger the dude almost wiped out every version of the turtles and as a consequence himself and all existence.
Mixed bag on utrom. It was a neat reveal in the context of the show and had lots of foreshadowing and allowed them to do cool shit like decapitating him and having him pick up his own head and walk away, bad in that the show slowly became more insane as it continued after the reveal
If other Karai were descendant of Shredder or Splinter., they would never be able surpass Mirage/Image Karai.
Shredder also kills Splinter too. The show gets pretty grim at times.
2003 and it's not even close. Everything else looks like it's trying it's hardest to be repulsive (1987 aside) and to not be taken seriously.
It's such a fucking atrocity that we had 3 or 4 TMNT iterations since then including CGI series and not a single 2007 related one. It was right THERE and it was perfect.
03 hands down. I would wake up every Saturday morning for that shit.
imagi studios went under after astroboy bombed at the box-office
03. The cgi was good. Rotmnt is a really fun action shoe that has little common dna.
>I remember how bad 2003 and 1987 got too. A lot of /co/ is in severe denial about that.
From what I've seen, nostalgia-blindness seems to run rampant in the TMNT fandom. For the most part everybody seems to be most attached to what they grew up with. I can't speak for other fans but /co/ seems to have a very specific idea of what TMNT should be which boils down to
>Cool action
>Dramatic storytelling
>I should want to fuck April
Which I don't understand at all.
You haven't even seen Rise.
I think a lot of online debates in general would be settled if people could admit there's a distinction between "best" and "personal favorite"
I mean, your personal favorite is "the best" to you. You're not going to say an adaptation that doesn't align with your values is the best, that makes no sense, best in what regard?
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Based 2012 Splinter. IDW Splinter should be ashamed of himself.
Unpopular take but I prefer the Nick shows (including Mutant Mayhem) to the rest. 2003 is pretty cool, but the action scenes are not as good and the show went to shit after a while. The original cartoon is just a product of its time, doesn't hold up as well as something like G1 Transformers.
Listen anon, the Raph vs Leo scene was pretty cool, but the rest of the characters barely had anything to do and the villains were crap. It may have had a future if they used Shredder or any of the classic TMNT villains to build a future, but they didn't.
A simple rule of thumb when a bunch of people are talking about their tastes is to mentally append "in my opinion" or "for me" to their statements if they don't do that for you.
Why do the TMNT get lamer and dorkier after 03? They were little tiny kids in the new movie.
If you ask about "the best" without defining any criteria, especially when talking about media - "the best" would be the one best aligning with one's views on what characteristics this show should have.
>but /co/ seems to have a very specific idea of what TMNT should be which boils down to
>>Cool action
Yes. Which means that characters should be cool, not some lame teens from school comedy/teen drama.
>>Dramatic storytelling
Highly optional, was one of the reasons 12 is not a good one.
>>I should want to fuck April
Applies to adult female characters - you are doing an entertainment media, most of the times not even live action one - nothing except some retardation about modern social propaganda stops you from making character visually attractive in a visual fucking media, especially the one about cool action.
I decided to use "dramatic" instead of "edgy" but that's kind of more what I meant. /co/ generally prefers TMNT to be serious and more adult. At least that's the impression I get.
>They were little tiny kids in the new movie.
They were teens. Because they are TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles.
>I decided to use "dramatic" instead of "edgy"
Don't do such a thing next time, it misleads.
>TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles.
The main problem with everything of 12 and onwards. Instead of teenage MUTANT NINJA turtles, they are TEENAGE now. Instead of being cool they are lame. Not that noticeable in 12 as in later entries, but begins from 12 all right.
It's been explained exhaustively before, but them being "Teenage" was part of the pastiche Eastman and Laird were making from all the comic book melodrama and angst that was so common at the time. Their age is conceptually outnumbered 3 to 1, anyways.
This motherfucker died THREE seperate times. You know it's bad when the show finally pulled the plug on him I was more relieved than sad.
1987 was just a generic shitty kids cartoon aimed to pump out toys (that said it's funny sometimes)
2003 was the closest to actually trying to follow the comics
2012 was the era of 'fuck comics, fuck canon and just pump out more toys again'
Rise is not TMNT. It's just using some names and some material but is a seperate thing from TMNT
Maybe it was an aspect they glossed over before, but...it's still part of the name. It's not a problem that a franchise with the name TEENS in it tries to do something with the fact the characters are TEENAGERS.
They are also MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and those things have drastically more impact on their characters than just their age, and also impacts how TEEN-like they can be, considering they are ninjas who live in the sewer with their Rat father.
Personally, my favorite is Rise. The animation is fun as hell to watch, and the show in general is just non-stop stupidity and absurdity. I appreciated the new takes on all the characters, especially all the "Lou Jitsu" stuff with Splinter. Despite the show's ADHD-like attitude, it actually ends up doing the best job of telling a story about a family coming together, I think.

2012 is a close second. It probably tells a better, general-purpose TMNT story overall, but I've never liked CGI, and the later seasons are sort of a mess, even when they are good. It's still a great show, but Rise edges it out simply for being shorter, prettier, and funner.

I grew up with 1987, but it's mostly unwatchable garbage. There are some episodes that are "so bad they're good", and the 5 episode premier mini-series is legitimately solid, but after that it's just poorly-animated toy commercials for the majority of the run.

2003, I've never seen all of, and I likely never will. It always seemed like it was trying too hard to be Mirage, but it was completely undercut by a Y-7 rating, which just made it cringy. I caught a lot of episodes back when it aired, but every time I try to watch it all the way through, I lose interest really early. It's just everything I hate about mediocre 2000s action cartoons. That said, whenever I read comics, the 2003 voices are the ones I hear in my head, and I'm not sure why. Probably because most of the comics are fairly serious, and all the other casts sound hyperactively cartoony.
>They are also MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and those things have drastically more impact on their characters than just their age,
Why would it? They're teenagers before anything. They're experiencing adolescence and are capable of consuming modern teen culture without being able to directly take part in it. There's no reason for them to resist acting like teenagers except for your stupid headcanon that, "they just wouldn't, okay!?"
Because they haven't lived normal lives in any way and that, before anything else, matters more than if they've watched TV or seen the latest meme on tiktok.
This movie is the most overrated shit ever. And yes, I mean that, even though it rarely gets talked about, because it should really never be talked about unless it's to bash how disappointing it was. The whole script felt like they were just going through the motions. It feels like the writers didn't know anything about the turtles themselves beyond single-sentence blurbs you might find on the back of a toy card.

Like others have said, the Raph vs. Leo tension and the culminating fight were easily the best things about the movie, but even that stuff felt like it was written by an algorwith, and it can't carry the whole movie.
But it's natural for teenage boys to act rambunctious and stupid, regardless of culture. It's just what adolescents do, in almost ANY species on the planet.

And whether or not they've "lived normal lives" it's pretty obvious that Splinter lets the turtles act like teenagers because they're not just students; they're his family. The only thing he forbids is direct interaction with humans because he rightfully fears for their wellbeing.
isn't that the one where he's an incel?
Couldn't even tell you, I sort of gave up shortly after the space arc.
>kids act like spastic zoomers BECAUSE THEY JUST DO OKAY?
Wrong and retarded.
Teenagers are lame. This is why they are not TEENAGERS BEFORE ANYTHING.
Ninjas are cool. Mutants are cool. Turtles on their own are in the middle ground, but mutant aspect, that gets rid of slowness without losing exoskeleton durability, fixes that. NINJA MUTANTS with some good of turtle aspects are cool. Teen part is only there for the ability to embrace modern technologies instead of sticking to ancient traditions only. Not for being lame. Nobody likes being lame nor reading/watching about being lame.
2003 because it has the most consistent quality and pacing out of the TMNT shows. 1986 and 2012 peaked in their first seasons and then dropped in quality very quickly with filler and needless mutant cast inflation, and Rise was annoying spastic filler from the beginning.
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>2003 because it has the most consistent quality and pacing out of the TMNT shows
Its ninja time! Turtle Power!
Still generally holds up better than the later Red Sky seasons and whatever the fuck 2012 tried doing. Rise didn't even last long enough to get a jump-the-shark space/time-travel season and had to condense it all into one movie.
Can you stop being such a faggot? This is exactly what I mean about TMNT fans being weird and nostalgia-blind. There are some of us who don't care about edge and action over everything. Get over it.
Find yourself more suitable for you franchise and stop ruining the existing one. You don't fit in here.
People who don't like TMNT do not get to have an opinion about TMNT.
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The thing that bugs me about 2012 is they have a few interesting human villains who get mutated then just become generic henchmen.
A Chuck Norris pastiche who runs a martial arts school to stealth recruit for the Foot? That's cool.
I agree
And don't get me wrong, I liked Rahzar, but he should've been a separate character because I think Bradford had more value as a human. He was like if Hun was a legit tv celebrity.
2003 IMO, although it obviously dropped off hard towards the end. The quality dip still wasn't as extreme of what the OG series or 2012 had to deal with though. I don't think we've ever had a truly perfect TMNT cartoon but the first season of the original and first four seasons of '03 are super solid.
They lightly toy with the
>being turned into a mutant ruined my life
thing, but never go anywhere with it either. All of the human goons get turned into freaks, and a bunch of the recurring villains were mutated because the Turtles are fuck-ups, and rarely own up to it.
For me its a tie between Rise and 2003.

2012 felt like it tried to do everything and failed at doing most things competently.

87 started it all and is funny, but its really hit or miss after a certain point.
>Still generally holds up better than the later Red Sky seasons and whatever the fuck 2012 tried doing.
That bar is so low it's subterranean. Doesn't mean it wasn't its own flavor of trash.
A hard sell, because she's usually been the "everywoman" pulled into the craziness of the boys. Alice in Wonderland.
how are you not aware of 2012 but you know of ROTTMNT?
I mean, you're acting like they were throwing shit at the wall randomly while also deliberately trying to list a whole bunch of things separately that weren't separate. Her dad was kidnapped so that initially it looked like she was just a normal kid whose scientist dad got kidnapped, but about halfway through season 1 they find out that actually the Kraang were after April, not her dad. And the Kraang were after April because she was part Kraang, which gave her the psychic powers first seen in like episode 4 or 5 when she was able to pwn The Rat King and HIS psychic nonsense. And her being able to use her psychic powers was what made it possible for Splinter to quickly turn her into something effective. And her being the key to retro-mutagen makes perfect sense since the whole damn reason the Kraang wanted her was that she was the result of generations of genetic manipulation by the Kraang as they tried to figure out how to turn Earth into a mutant-planet suitable for them. You're trying to make out a string of randomness when it's honestly pretty straightforward by TMNT standards.
seen it posted here alot.
Feh, we got movie sequels to Zim and Rocko. They're redoing Ranma, they redid Sailor Moon. 2012 was far more successful than its successors (especially when it came to being dynamite at selling merch). I'm not saying it's a shoe-in, but honestly I see nothing there to suggest it's "never gonna happen" either.

That said, we may end up getting a shitty scenario where Ciro's plans are finally realized... by incorporating them into some "all versions of TMNT meet again!" crossover, or something.
Archie Leo got Hitler to kill himself.
Archie Leo > Mirage.
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I know it's not the best one (it might even be the worst) but the Nick TMNT show was so fucking funny and I grew up with it, for reference I'm 21 now
By nostalgia factor I should prefer the original cartoon, but while it had stuff going for it for its time it's not my favorite. And 2003 should logically be my favorite since I loved the comics and it was faithful fairly often. Yet... nah. It was good, but I always felt like it never quite came together like it should have, and enjoyed it less than BTAS or Gargoyles.
2012 was my favorite version. I think it was the personalities of the main characters, it balanced "ninja" and "teenage" better than the other cartoons did, to me at least.

Of course peak TMNT was the movie, but that goes without saying.
>2012 Raph is an incel, right?

I pick top row leo, third dow don, second row mikey, last row raph
>2012 was "fuck comics, fuck canon"
2003 had already adapted damn near all the Mirage stuff worth knowing about and a few stories that probably should've stayed forgotten too. There's not much point in "faithfully adapting" the same story over and over and over again. That just gives the world a 50th "faithful adaptation of A Christmas Carol."
They took the broad strokes of the characters and did something new. I thought they did as good a job as you can hope to do when someone else has already done the "faithful adaptation" and you're left trying to put a new spin on things.
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For me is '87 for the villains designs
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I never like time travel in TMNT because it mostly didn't led to some story development. We know that 2003 Donnie went to a dark future timeline. But in S4, when Leo become grumpy and more serious, and Donnie has no empathy for Leo's changes. It's feel like he just he forgot about it after he return and never reminded it.
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Bigger tits tops... She's about to get plapped.
OG, even though I lost interest around the time the introduced the new turtle character (who was rightly omitted from this picture)
I know this may be controversial somehow,
But what if the Turtles lineup was shaken up a bit? Like I’m talking
>replacing or changing a few things out of Turtles themselves ranging from gender to personality
Like imagine if Donnie was a woman or Ralph, or Mikey or Leo.
Hell imagine if one of them was replaced with a robot and they’re just 3 turtles
I would kill for that since it would spice things up for once, oh also that masked vigilante guy could replace April no offense.
I’m not deep into the TMNT stuff so I’m just not sure on many things but I’m trying
no... just make good written characters
I hated that the 87 show introduced new characters all the fucking time ehi never reappear. It was like they were test running seven-hundred different Poochies to see which one would stick and when none did, the cancelled the show
For me, Mikey and Donnie are older brother, Leo is youngest brother. Mikey and Donnie will get more spotlight in fight scene. They were are two most dangerous fighter of the four from start. Mikey is like Dante from DMC, teasing his enemies and kicking their asses. Donnie is like Batman.
sound idea, maybe call it turtle soup
>Like imagine if Donnie was a woman or Ralph, or Mikey or Leo.

All that would happen is people bitching about woke, while still fapping to porn of the girl turtle anyway.
Say what you want about next mutation, but its kinda goofy, also didnt help that it released a year after '87 ended
White guys
White guys
Leo is Asian, Donnie is Hispanic, Ralph and Mikey are white
Black guys
It only works if the intent is sincere. Despite bouncing off of Rise multiple times, I can at least say that their gimmick of Raph being the big dumb leader wasn't done to fulfill some malicious, vague agenda. They wanted to shake things up just a little bit and see where it took them. Not so much that they held contempt for the other character or the premise, as is usually the case with gender and race-swapped remakes.

However, I don't think gender swapping a couple of the turtles would do much, aside from encourage obnoxious twitter trannies to project even more bullshit onto the series than they already do. The fundamental problem is that if they make changes to the formula, but are not willing to explore what those changes entail, then there's no point in doing them. Genderswap a few of the turtles, but still playing them mostly the same except, maybe, the girls of the group occasionally make quips about watching sappy romance movies, or makeup, or whatever, and it's not really serving a purpose.
Fix your auto-correct phonefags.
I remember a thread on /pol/ about some guy saying he tried to show tnmnt to his kids and they said it look "ugly" the amount of seething was unprecedented.
time don't stop.
None of them
I mean, he kind of DID get over his crush.
It was still there, but he wasn't chasing her or humping her leg every episode.
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best female mutant ever
Thats a cute venus
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Who is best girl?
And the movie you bitch about so much is the first one in a while to actually do something with the fact they are mutant turtles
Good choice
It was a hard pick between april and karai.
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She's a more ethical female Vince McMahon. With a really nice ass.
Prooobably the 2003 one.
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Lads, I have a big favor to ask. In brief: I might be attached to write an original TMNT project. It's not a sure-fire thing, but the likelihood of my crossing with the boys is more than a 50% chance. Now, I'm familiar with the first three films, the cgi movie, the first season of the 2003 series, and I've read up to the Fugitoid in the original issues along with the introduction of the Triceratons; however, if you are aware of more encompassing media to help me gain the broadest sense of the turtles' world and characters, I would be very thankful. I'm known for being doctorly when it comes to my work and doing the most possible within the limits of this potential assignment. This one gives me freedom I do not wish to waste. I would appreciate any recommendations you all have. I'm already in the phase where I'm outlining and going over potential thumbnails already. No, I can't tell you guys what the project is beyond the fact it is self-contained, not a video game, nor is it a theatrical release. Maybe a mini-series. Nothing large-scale, but the idea is it will be a sleeper-hit.
If you'd like some input, perhaps involve brad garret krang from tmnt 2 out of the shadows 2016, he did vow to return.
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Can't beat the original, much though it makes zoom zooms seethe.
The most important things are as following.

Early Mirage comics.
1990 movie.
First few seasons of the 2003 cartoon.
First few seasons of the 1987 cartoon.
First few seasons of 2012 show.
Some specific stuff from the IDW comic.

I am assuming you might be doing some sort of writing work for IDW?
Worst incarnation of TMNT character for you?

Leo: 2007
Raph: MM
Donnie: IDW
Mikey: 2012
Splinter: IDW
April: Rise
Casey: 2012
Shredder: 2003
Karai: 2003
Bishop: IDW
Stockman: FW
The "No Kill" thing has never made sense for IDW. When this started, the 2012 show was also going. The 2012 show was the flagship of the brand at the time; the most visible, the most notable, and the one most likely to be seen by kids. And guess what? THE TURTLES KILL IN THAT ONE. It's the only other version after the Mirage comics where the Turtles themselves get to kill Shredder.

Why then, in this comic that is the secondary arm of the brand, that is explicitly aimed at an older audience, are they not allowed to kill, but they ARE allowed to kill in the extremely visible show that is ostensibly for kids!? Even the weasels got a friggin' kill, and they're supposed to be actual children! What was the logic!?
For what it's worth my kids LOVE TMNT...but only the 87 show. To be fair, it's the only one that feels strictly like a kid show and not something trying to also court a nostalgic adult audience
I feel like rise raph is more awkward than mutant mayhem
>April: Rise
Why, because she's Donnie's friend in it? No that's not it.
My work will not be squarely with IDW since they are not long for this world, and we all know why that is. I will state though that this project is in a visual medium you're familiar with. Publishing/distribution sounds like an experimental but confident approach (with help from another brand) when it comes to how it will be released—if this project comes to fruition at all, be it under my helm or another candidate's. Still, your suggestions are very helpful. Where do I start with IDW's Turtle Series, if you don't mind specifying? I've gathered they have two continuities? Asking this since I'm essentially brainwashing myself into being a turtle afficianado whether I get the gig or not. I really wish I could be more specific, but I just hope it happens to begin with.
The one your grew up with
what about rottmnt?
It did nothing that you can't find in literally every other TMNT series to ever exist in any medium because the majority of its ideas were
>Hey remember turtlemania in the 90s?!
Different anon, but to add to what this guy said:
>Some specific stuff from the IDW comic.
If you're going to read the IDW stuff, either find the collected volumes or find a reading list, because some of the best material happens in mini-series and side comics.

It's best to just read everything sequentially, because with very few exceptions, it's just one big on-going story with very little downtime or continuity breaks. The first 100 issues get a lot of praise that I don't think they fully deserve, but there's granules of great ideas in there all the time. It's really only the first 50 and the connected mini-series stuff spliced in there that's more good than bad, but Tom Waltz is really only good for digging up ideas from every previous iteration of TMNT, putting a decent little spin on them, and then botching the execution because he's already thinking of the next action figure he wants to take out of the dusty old toy chest and show off.

Nearly all of the narrative decisions he makes are not made with any good long-term plan, beyond eventually getting around to copycatting some other event, like doing his own version of City at War, or building up to his own version of The Rat King and doing a version of the Rat King tormenting a trapped Splinter.

As an example: Tom wanted to have all the turtles wearing the red masks as a nod to the Mirage TMNT, but he also wanted a good reason for it... So he decided to have Raph, after being mutated with everyone else, separated from his brothers. So Splinter, having his past life memories to give a mix of the Splinter-as-a-rat and Splinter-as-mutated-Hamato-Yoshi ideas, decided he would have his other 3 reincarnated sons, now turtles, wear Red masks for over a year while they tried to find Raph, because Red was his favorite color in their past life. What was meant to be a little nod to past TMNT series becomes an increasingly stupid, contrived, elaborate clusterfuck of dumb ideas.
Hit text limit.

Anyways, that red mask stuff is only the first couple issues. And after they reunite with Raph, he's pretty much instantly folded into the team as if he didn't miss out on a year of training and family bonding, and it's many, MANY issues later that they try to explore Raph's anger having to do with him growing up homeless for a year, but that's also undercooked, because they didn't want to really do a whole big explanation for how a giant mutant turtle just wandered around with no idea who or what he was for a whole year without ever being found or reported or seen by anyone, which is a thing that seems to matter more in the IDW story because they go a very long time with the turtles being a secret that only a few people truly know about...

But I'm just bitching now. I'd say read IDW but recognize the way that the cool ideas fall apart because Tom Waltz didn't think ahead and didn't have any plan besides throwing in old characters with a small, cooler twist on their shtick.

Also, I'd say avoid The Last Ronin. It's pitched as the true ending to TMNT as envisioned by Eastman and Laird themselves, but it's really not that at all. It's Tom Waltz's fanfiction with the creators' names stamped on it. TLR doesn't understand TMNT and it doesn't tell a TMNT story. It tells a poorly conceived cyberpunk story with TMNT names attached to it.
The reincarnation of the turtles was a wasted. This is actually about the grudge between Yoshi and Saki, and the other one is about Saiki's past life being related to a dragon god. The Turtles? They are nothing, just because they were Yoshi's children in their previous life. Campbell's QNA time magic make this even worse. What's funnier is that in IDW TMNT Sourcebook, even Splinter already forgot his child's japanese name.

I prefer that only two turtles are Splinter's children in previous life. The other two have their own previous life story that wasn't even related to the Foot Clan or Homato family.

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