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not even in the top 10 DC moments
It literally took the best story arcs of each character
It's been down hill ever since with a few bumps that don't last very long
Cyborg's only good stories were with the Titans. And don't get me started on the shitty retcons done to B-listers like Captain Atom.
You couldn't even bother to post a high res pic. As low-effort as the New 52 itself.
That Captain Atom comic was actually good. Swing and a miss.
Nothing will ever compare to the first Darkside arc in JL.
I loved the part where they punched Darkseid really hard.
That's literally what super hero comics are all >>146075944
Contrarian retards like you should die.

The best story arcs of every character happened long before Nu52. Nu52 marked the point when DC began to go into absolute depths of shittiness hell from which it still hasn't recovered and possibly never will.
Animal Man and Swamp Thing were very good.
I really liked Demon Knights
Nice bait
Maybe you’re the faggot?
Everybody knows that the only way to defeat the ultimate evil is to punch it really, really hard.
There's never been a peak DC because when 1/3rd of the comics are in a good place, about 2/3s are mediocre or in the gutter. even in a year by year basis.
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No, but this was.
It wasn't.
Now this I could agree with. John's GL run was very fun up until Brightest Day.
nah, it is overrated af

geoff johns just lucked out, GL movie and later whedon's JL what a hack he is
Khan/Giordano/Berger was peak DC and it's been downhill ever since. Didio was absolutely not involved in a peak anything.
Is this thread a joke?
Are you a joke?
Your guys are bunch of Jokers, eh?
No, I don't want to get raped in Arkham.

Are both far better peaks.
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Reelly makes you think
Correct. Except for "necessary" DEIgshit and legacy looney troonism it is Very very solid era. The fact that Action Comics and Superman ended perfectly on 52 makes it ultimate kino and testament.

best and worst, but agree overall, again what was bad in new52 is legacy of late stage Bronze Age and post-Crisis ESPECIALLY , and logically of those writers that "transitioned" from post-Crisis era.

However DC Comics is forever doomed due to how schizoid, hypocritical, tranny, pathetic and fake most fans of Superman and Batman are, and without these two there is no DC, there is no longstanding anything.
Not even the zoomers who were literal children when this happened think that way
"peak" is when Batgirl is in wheelchair forever despite cyborgs and wizards and shrinking people around the corner, Wally West with eternal PTSD and then they bring back COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTER, Superman having 3.5 reboots , Batman is now completely Batroon retard , Wonder Woman is part of the "trinity" AND she has more balls than either of " *men", Peacemaker is now some schizo retard , two steps forward 3 steps back in terms of almost every single creative decision , Morrison with they/them anti-aesthetic because guy doesn't actually like superhero comics , Superboy Prime is completely shitted as is conclusion to COIE

The entire Superman period from 1986-2010 is Interesting in case of remakes/reboots/parodies on what came Before and in case of Byrne inventing completely new stuff out of fucking blue, but that is because Superman in particular is part of constantly changing story since the beginning due to many reasons.
The absolute damage that post-crisis done tho, and not because of its creative decisions but because Too many fake fans grew up believing that This is "classic" now that This is how things always were. Is really something. Unfortunately unlike Marvel DC retards are too vocal which is why there is no Superman videogame, ever. On horizon. Besides Fortnite.
it was but oldfags dont want to admit it
Oldfags are literally the only people who like the new 52 because they were reading the comics when they came out
I liked the part where they tried to cram in 4 different Robins into the 5 year timeline.
The good Batgirl wasn't in a wheelchair.
This was the death knell of DC.
Demon Knights ruled and I quite liked the Swampy and Animal Man runs but didn't care for much else.
There is no good Batgirl.
>Action Comics
Who thought putting Morrison on a "new universe fresh slate" book was a good idea?
>All Star Western
Heard it was okay? Didn't read it.
>Animal Man
Was solid.
Johns blockbuster stuff, was already planned before the reboot.
Remember The Killing Joke variant controversy? Silly "appeal to new generation" book.
Court of Owls was fine, don't see why it should be evegreen book though, it was originally a Dickbats story adapted poorly for Bruce.
>Blue Bettle, Blackhawks
Didn't read.
>Batman and Robin
Good, continuation.
>Dark Knight, Batwing
Didn't read.
Continuing on from previous series and was good until the marriage controversy.
Poor, coomer covers.
>Captain Atom, Birds of Prey, DC Universe Presents, Deathstroke, Detective Comics
Didn't read.
>Demon Knights
>The Flash
Art was good, story was fine.
>Green Lantern, Corps, The Guardians
Continued from before New 52, Johns run was tiring out.
>Green Arrow
Fucking awful until Jeff Lemire.
>Grifter, Hawk and Dove, Savage Hawkman
Didn't read.
>I, Vampire
>Justice League.
Poor blockbuster, poor characterisation.
>Justice League Dark
People liked this, wasn't for me.
>International, Legion Lost, Legion, Men of War, Mister Terrific, Nightwing, Omac
Didn't read.
>Red Lanterns
>Red Hood and the Outlaws
>Resurrection Man
>Suicide Squad
>Superboy, Superman
Alright book.
>Swamp Thing
Solid like Animal Man.
>Static Shock, Stormwatch, Teen Titans, Voodoo
Didn't read.
>Wonder Woman
Enjoyable but had little to do with other books.
>Dial H
Enjoyable, cancelled too soon.
>Earth 2
Really fucking bad, I miss JSA
>Gi Combat, The Ravagers, The Phantom Stranger, Team 7, Sword of Sorcery, Threshold.
Didn't read.
>Justice League of America
Barely remember, mostly fine?
>Katana, Vibe
Didn't read
Couldn't bring myself to bother with.

Fell off around Forever Evil for most stuff.
> Red Hood and the Outlaws
> Awful
Faggot detected
DCYOU was after and it had a lot of great stuff. It fell off after that. Also Action Comics was kino.
>DCYOU was after and it had a lot of great stuff.
Such as? I checked out a bit then.
>Also Action Comics was kino.
Sure but not a great book to start with for rebooting your universe (in my personal opinion).

The problem is, plenty of the stories were continuations (Green Lantern, Batman Inc, Batman and Robin etc) then half the books were post Brightest Day books retooled into reboots (Aquaman, Animal Man was originally one of the resurrected in Brightest Day but cut, Swamp Thing and Constantine appeared in the final Brightest Day mini and were part of the post-Brightest Day line up) or retooled stories (Court of Owls was a Dickbats story, Snyder had previously done Black Mirror Dickbats story).

Tranny pleb detected.
Gotham By Midnight, Midnighter, Omega Men, Grayson, Martian Manhunter, All Star Section Eight
>but not a great book to start with for rebooting your universe
Maybe, maybe not. But it's a comic that stands the test of time and I can recommend it now or 10 years from now, something that "a great book to start with for rebooting your universe: might not have been.
How'd they explain how Birthright and Secret Origin were canon to Post-Crisis? They still had elements that came about from what Byrne established. How can Lex pretend to be his own son if he and Clark grew up together? How can Cyborg Superman still be a thing if the birthing matrix was retconned out?
Sh-shut up!
I only enjoyed Batman (Snyder), Animal Man, Demon Knights, Swamp Thing, All Star Western, Batwoman, and The Flash (for the art only). The rest was ass.
Oh yeah I remember some of those books.
>But it's a comic that stands the test of time and I can recommend it now or 10 years from now
Yeah, so give Morrison a mini series. Too many of the New 52 titles were disjointed in various ways.

Honestly Didio really decided to change a post event shake up into his pet project reboot in such a short turn around that the whole thing was a mess.
No it wasnt
The New52 had a lot of shit but early and mid 2000's DC was no better and niggas need to stop pretending. The edge started there
>All Star Western
>Heard it was okay? Didn't read it.
It was markedly worse than the run immediately before it. They go from one-off stories with a great rotating cast of artists to uninteresting serialization.
I still can’t believe they released the first issue with that art. Moritat was terrible on all his issues, but that first one looks unfinished.
Birthright was straight up disavowed by DC before it came out, with DC basically saying "it's not canon no matter how much Waid bitches and moans about it being the new Superman origin" and basically admitted point blank that they only greenlighted it as a cash grab since Smallville just debuted on the WB.

Secret Origin however has the fig leaf of Infinite Crisis allowing Geoff to reboot Superman's origin and was connected to the carrot of Geoff bringing back the classic Legion to make fans at worst tolerate it.
Swamp Thing was a pure hackjob of rainbow parliaments. I can't say much about Animal Man, but Lemire's for hire work has a distinct phoned-in quality.
I think there was some retarded thing like Superman going through wormhole and arriving into Birthrighted universe

That is not true.
Birthright made K-Metal notion of kryptonite at least somewhat benefitting Earth people (in K-Metal it made Superman normal and men... Super) => Lex in Public enemies shooting himself with kryptonite to boost himself, if Byrne-90s canon was still there he would instead turn into trans-Arm fall off boy or into trans-cancer patient
Besides that S logo BECAME kryptonian symbol, Jor-El now and before Action 850 (ie 2.5 origin reboot) had Birthright design, real Supregirl and real Krypto were now allowed because of Birthright, his costume is krypton materials made once again so cape is indestructible once again unless it's kryptonite or red sun (just like in Pre Crisis Earth 1) and without it being Eradicator made costume like in the 90s after Exile (which was Superman's black suit), kryptonians of Jor-El era aren't cold and calculating, Superman body isn't fully formed when he landed on planet Earth once again (so retrieved immigrant angle), Richard Donner crystal thing is kinda canon for comics now, Lois Lane with straight up black hair (before that since Byrne and until Birthright she was Mostly brown and then ginger) , Lex knows Clark Kent before Superman arrival in Metropolis. Clark Kent is once again a loser/loner/ourcast and secret identity just like with Siegel is influenced by people being scared of Clark using powers (tho that was in 90s retcon episodes too)
Without Birthright Superman For Tomorrow can't happen.
Oh and also after Birthright Lex Luthor is now forever green eyed ginger.
Most of you people don't know it but post Crisis Lex Luthor is originally blue eyed ginger and then they Made him green eyed during President Lex arc, in fact within that President Lex arc there is LAST art where he is blue eyed IN BETWEEN green eyed appearances.
If you look up Lex Luthor the Man of Steel by Bermejo the insides have him green eyed HOWEVER "Luthor" cover clearly has him blue eyed
Pre-Crisis Luthor was either blue or brown eyed.
DCAU is after Telly so brown eyed (Superman in DCAU is also very clearly brown eyed, just compare him with Terry or Bruce Wayne or Wonder Woman lmao HAHAHAHAHA)

I don't know why President Lex era people suddenly decided he is green eyed but Birthright completely cemented it.
Just like how recent new52 with Jurgens and Rebirth made Lois Lane to be purple eyed freak forever.
Except for all the other Darkseid stories.
Also I just remembered, at that end of Action Comics 805 world is assumingly buck broken beyond just pretending it isn't, and also public is suspicious of Superman because Avruskin Zod who looked Just like him + American Flag cape did a lot of bad stuff.
So Birthright is also soft reboot of that point, but also being sequel to that with public Indeed being suspicious of Superman due to Lex Luthor manipulations through media and usage of kryptonite.
Predicted Zack Snyder directing Batman v Superman and onwards, including Rebel Moon ie adaptation of all classic Superman lore he wasn't able to adapt under WB. Including same characters having R-rated sex scenes.
Honestly, I'll take New 52 over current clusterfuck anyday. At least N52 had SOME books I was fond of.
If it was up to me, she would be. I've heard it make for interesting character arcs.
Actually, have they ever updated Henshaw's origin? That birthing matrix crap hasn't been canon in twenty years.
It ruined DC
>I only enjoyed Batman (Snyder)
Didio was also prominently influential in both eras. Though one can still make a case that DC was better/worse before Harras joined in.
>Honestly Didio really decided to change a post event shake up into his pet project reboot in such a short turn around that the whole thing was a mess.
I would argue this is why it wasn't a mess? It was still shit but ultimately it was a post-event reshuffle with a slight rebranding. The people acting like it ruined continuity don't seem to understand that continuity had already been ruined by each calamitous event and the creators constantly wanting to top each other with some big new "epic" thing, continuity be damned! For me it is the equivalent of people getting mad over Disney calling the old Star Wars EU legends. What is or isn't canon didn't matter. Are the stories good or not.
New 52 was like reinventing the wheel, only to realize you don't know how to properly attach it, and you're not sure where you want it to take you. So you give up after endless driving and now you're stranded in the ghetto.
Peak DC will be when I buy the IP from Wanrer Bros in 2033 for $4billion
N52 Captain Atom is best Atom tho
No, that would be the Bates/Weisman run.
Nah, bro.
Krul's Atom was so crap that it was cancelled after a year and they had to bring Bates and Weisman in during Rebirth to make him more like the character as they conceived it.
>they had to bring Bates and Weisman in during Rebirth
Nobody remembers that crap.
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This is what peak DC looks like.
Lex had green eyes in his Who's Who Update 87 entry, anon.
...in Super Friends.
the entire "bat family" concept is retarded and it should go away.
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Rebirth Cap was ok, but N52 Cap was definitely peak Cap. I do appreciate retro Cap too but he's more of a glorified Suicide Squad character there. N52 Cap was a less pissy Dr Manhattan and while his series ended in a rather underwhelming manner, it was solid and could've evolved into something truly good.
With the n52, basically the less "superhero-y" the book was, the better it was.
I agree but N52 Aquaman for example was pretty decent.
New 52 > Pre-Crisis >>>>>> Post-Crisis
BASED. Truth speaker anon, right here. anons.
That only applies when the character has nothing going for them like Barbara. Its
better to replace nothing with something
kek no
V4 Green Lantern + Blackest Night is the most recent 'legendary' run in my opinion
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New 52 - Appealing to complete normalfag teens that want high-speed quippy action from young studly heroes
>ends up being a bunch of shitty, out-of-character, cringy writing with characters being unrecognizable

Modern DC - Appealing to complete tumblrite woke teens that want high-density virtue signalling from fictional characters
>ends up being a bunch of shitty redesigns and character rotations of making people black, gay, etc. with terrible writing and franchises left unrecognizable
How the fuck New 52 still did the same mistakes as Post Crisis?
this death really seemed like a sacrifice rather than the corporate decision of "Okay, who dies in this event?"
I have only seen big mainstream media outlets mention comics a few times, sometimes in relation to the MCU, one tiny article about the New 52, one article about Hydra Cap and one about Batwoman not being allowed to marry.

I've always thought the problem with comics is in part the complete lack of marketing which feeds into distribution and quality and everything else. New 52 did have a sales peak but still failed because there was no actual push behind it. Most of its books were generic blockbuster titles which in more hands probably would have created more readers but there was no attempt to actually market it.
But in the end, it was clearly just the latter.
These reboots only generate cash flow while the issues are in the single digits, and DC knows this; they are not going to throw a bunch of marketing into the futile effort of making Superman a big-seller again. The audience for floppy comic Superman Adventures is niche as fuck.
Sure, renumbering and new series do generate cash flow based on that but I'd argue that there is no sustained push to market books beyond or get past this numbering barrier. Yeah comics are niche but better digital services with comics marketed or better formatting for screens and you'd get a wider audience.

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