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This is a very common opinion nowadays, and I think I understand why. With our modern social climate, it's hard to deny that sincerity is dead. The idea of someone being genuinely good and a paragon of hope seems so outlandish to us that we’ve become unable to accept it in fiction. Something I’ve noticed with superhero media nowadays is how they don’t really behave as 'heroes', saving the common man, helping an old lady cross the street, or rescuing a burning building. These are things heroes do in their early days, but the moment they face a villain, it’s like those gestures become beneath them. That’s why Supes is special. He’s the guy who’s all about the little things. Saving a planet means as much to him as saving a cat because he’s the superhero who actually gives a shit. Even in his interpretations outside of the comics, he rarely gets the chance to show his humanity and boy scout personality. For some reason, retarded writers reduce him to just punching bad guys hard or saving Lois every five minutes.
You’re retarded. People think he’s boring because his last couple of films have been shit. That’s it.
Not really, the films left a mark sure but I've had conversations with zoomers who tried reading supes most popular stories and they still had that same opinion.
Seriously, have you actually never seen someone talking about why anti heroes and morally grey characters are the only good ones?
No cause not everyone thinks anti-heroes are great. That's usually a television thing.
Majority prefer gun toting vigilante that take matters into their own hands, not morally perfect boyscouts who obey the law. The latter's something that geeks and puritans are into.
tl;dr also you're gay
Okay Superfag. But you know what would make Superman more interesting? If Superman raped Lex Luthor.
He's boring because he has no singular vision, direction, no sense of growth. His moral perfection is more an issue than his actual powers, though him largely getting his powers quickly doesn't help either.
People say manga is succeeding because it has an ending, and that's true to an extent, but it's more that building to an ending, even if it's disappointing, or not definitive. The fact that progress is made draws people in and reals them in.
Fact is a lot of hardcore Superman fans still default to the Silver Age material as the perfect base of the character and frankly it's anemic to what sells today
Superman is NOT sincere. Superman is a jewish trojan horse disguised as a pastiche of americana.
Superman is boring precisely because he's perfect. He doesn't face any risk. He doesn't have any flaws. He will always do the right thing, he will never back down, and he will never break. "But what about the time"- irrelevant. He died. That was a big deal. That was huge. They couldn't let him stay dead. Ever since there have been exactly 0 consequences for him.

Superheroes are interesting because it's the idea of an ordinary human becoming capable of doing inhuman things. Will they abuse their power? Are they tempted? Do they struggle? How does it affect their lives? Look at some classic heroes. Achilles was a wrathful, arrogant battle monster who fell because of his pride. Odysseus defied the gods and suffered for it. Hercules was devoted to redemption for slaying his family in a fit of rage. All of them were flawed, and all have endured for millenia in the western consciousness.

Superman isn't. He's already inhuman, he's just pretending to be human. There's no relating to that. It can be admired for a time but without the human element of flaws and failures it's just another god mythos, and a rather bland god mythos at that. There's nowhere they can escalate, no force that can seriously threaten him anymore. And that makes him boring. It's not people being too cynical, it's just a character that's been written into a corner.
It’s hard to take a guy with a gay son seriously.
That and 'who does he fight?' being the meat and potatoes of Superhero films. Superman does and can fight, but first and foremost he SAVES PEOPLE. You should realistically be able to have Superman adventures where there is no villain, just a disaster to overcome or a situation to resolve. Superman media shouldn't need to stick to the 'Biff, Pow, Zap' required of his stablemates; Superman adventures should just as easily resemble an episode of Thunderbirds or Star Trek.
Bruce has plenty and everyone loves him.
Maybe Superfags would be taken more seriously if they spoke in good faith for a change.
Your opening statement is "people think Superman is boring", but in the immediate next sentence switch gears to it being about people hating sincerity unlike you, a good person.
No. Superman is boring because he gets bad writers. Tomasi was an abomination, Jurgens was even worse, and Simone, Waid and Williamson compete for who can be more tepid. I'll admit Johnson fooled me for a while and I thought he was going to create a real story, but the Warworld saga ended disastrously. I'm not even going to talk about Bendis. Superfags deserve him.
Tim's not his son, and the rest are straight as an arrow.
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Tim is his son.
>post-Dixon Tim
>it's hard to deny that sincerity is dead
Yes, especially when your picture is epitome of dead sincerity

his last couple of films were the last time character was actually adapted, useful And actually inspiring.

>Majority prefer gun toting vigilante that take matters into their own hands
That is Superman. The problem is "people" like OP and other fake fans utterly refuse character to actually be character instead of absolutely empty shell of himself. Which is also why most of This version of Superman fans are dysgenic in real life.

Wrong. Superman is "what if average joe actually had leverage and found way to exact revenge against the evil without taking flack from thoroughly retarded cowardly society of inert majority". Also it is inherent optimism of Promise that All men in the future will be as powerful.
Love synergy between these costumes.
>Boomer comics fans are still alive
Jesus Christ what the fuck are you doing here old man?
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I still can't get over how DC let a literal fag destroy the perfect legacy character of their most popular brand not named "Batman," just for brownie points. American comics have done a lot of stupid shit over the past decade, but this has to be in the top 5, at least for DC.
Your biphobia is tiring.
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>the rest are straight as an arrow
Are you sure about that?
This. Doesn’t help the movies reuse Lex and Zod again and again.
Wasn't it confirmed that Dick is somehow also bi a couple of years ago?
that was probs just for faggots to get excited over. including myself, i wouldnt take it as canon.
>boomer comics
only real comics
on the opposite, not only I am quite young (but not too young to be pozzed, luckly for me) the original comics will always be relevant, literally Siegel was That smart by 1934-1938 already, without internet he already KNEW how bad things really are and who is the main source of the evil.

Current "Super"man and most of Its fans is just cheap imitation of cheap imitation by comparison.
You can read old comics decdes later , anon.
I'm in my mid 30s and think hes boring. I just want some psychological depth that isn't preachy. I'm not being bored because like op thinks I am sitting there unable to grasp his motive. I'm bored because the depth of the conflict is just stopping a bad guy from being bad. If you fo get a bad guy with some bejind his motive depth I get lectured on why that part of his character is wrong.
No offense but you talk like you don't really read comics. What was the last issue where this happened?
I watch cartoons and rarely read comics.
Stupid secondaries like you should know your place and remain silent while people who engage with the real material talk among adults. Again, no offense.
>the original comics will always be relevant
They aren't though. Film, television and video games are what have the greatest impact on a character.
Only in Gotham Knights. Mainline's into pussy only.
Cartoons are for children, dude. Grow up.
And then Damian happened, and put Tim in his place.
It would more sense for Dick to be the gay one instead of Tim as Dick's fanbase is comprised solely of fujos and gay men.
Is Smallville a good reinvention of the character?
And that's why Dick's lame as fuck. No wonder he gets overshadowed by Jason, regardless of what nerds say or do.
>superman is boring
More of an adult than you in age, writing, and thinking. Keep trying to police communities on places with annonymous posting. Can't downvote, can't identify user names, can't form cliques. Whole function of annonymous posting goes against what you are trying to do. I could be in the next 10 threads you go on or never appear again and you wouldn't know

So are Comics. Check out the name of the board you are on.
Not really. Bruce chose Tim to be his son whereas Damian is an unwanted rape baby.
>Can't downvote, can't identify user names, can't form cliques
It really frustrates you that this isn't reddit, I get it. Next time, just lurk, zip that pretty mouth and listen to people who actually know the character they're discussing about. You might learn something.
Hilarious how it goes from "not trying to be offensive" to trying to be offensive. And doing this level of petty meanness which is the opposite of clark.

Illiterate argument addicted goblin.
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>Superman fan
Tim made his bed when he rejected Stephanie Brown.
Steph is trash.
If only because she hung around Tim.
>Film, television and video games
Most successful Superman related from either of those are original comics based and Least modern comics based because modern comics Superman Can't do anything
An alright one, at very least looked past surface element like red trunks and made people look past it too.
>be manga fan
>I don't like Dragon Ball.
>What!? Ah well ok that's fine
>I don't like One Piece
>What!? Ah well ok that's fine
>I don't like JJK
>What!? Ah well ok that's fine,

>be a comics fan
>I don't like Superman
>WHAT how could you don't you know Superman is an American institution and he's as important as baseball and applepie and did you read the silver age you know he's actually a very human character and very soulful he's great and wonderful I love superman you must love him too or you're a bad person
>I don't like Dragon Ball
>Did you read it?
>Of course, that's how I decided I don't like it.

>I don't like One Piece
>Did you read it?
>Of course, that's how I decided I don't like it.

>I don't like JJK
>Did you read it?
>Of course, that's how I decided I don't like it.

>I don't like Superman
>Have you read any Superman comics?
>>Have you read any Superman comics?
>A few, but the cartoons and movies too, just not the type of character I like
>kek, you didn't read the REAL Superman, the real Superman is the Heebie Shysterberger run, issues 3422-27531(not 3490-398 those were fill-ins and tie-ins), this out of continuity miniseries..
>Read ALL Those and only then can you say you dislike Superman
>>WHAT how could you don't you know Superman is an American institution and he's as important as baseball and applepie and did you read the silver age you know he's actually a very human character and very soulful he's great and wonderful I love superman you must love him too or you're a bad person
This is literally what his fans are like. They're typically always faithless people who've replaced Jesus with Superman.
>Have you read any Superman comics?
>A few
Nobody says this. They say, "no."
>The idea of someone being genuinely good and a paragon of hope seems so outlandish to us that we’ve become unable to accept it in fiction

A lot of retards like to parrot the idea that the core of superman as a concept is that he is a paragon of virtue and all issues of popularity stem from how people feel about that aspect but that's never been the case. If you ask the average person what his deal is they're not going to say "oh he's a goody goody boyscout and that's lame/I love it" they're going to say "that's the guy that flies around and has laser eyes". Superman IS the bog standard generic super hero character. He exists as the eternal true north by which all other stories go "what if our superman was evil isn't that crazzzzzzy". His home grown kansas blue blooded american shit is something I've never seen a single person hone in on beyond people online bitching that it's clearly a reason people don't care. Even in terms of time frame shit Superman's main gimmick over the last 90 years has not been "the supremely moral sincere American hero". He had a fucking 20 odd year stint where his entire gimmick was "what if insane nonsense happened to him even beyond the average super hero".
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Why does he need to have a cape and trunks? Wouldn't pic related be more relatable to the average person and also in tune with his humble upbringing?
"Pic related" as you call it is a comic that came out. They did the attempt. People weren't interested.
Death of superman is genuinely one of the worst things that has ever happened in the entire history of fiction and its consequences are still relevant to this day.
Because comics are for nerds. I'm talking about adaptations. Why keep the outdated shit that doesn't work anymore?
I wasn't aware Batman's cape doesn't work anymore.
Well said. Some people don't like MAWS, but he literally saves a cat. He repairs the city after a supervillain fight. The only time we see him mad at a supervillain is because that supervillain is being careless when people could get hurt.
Nobody cares about fanfiction, animeonly.
Sure, audience perceptions are mostly adaptations but going a step below that, normal joe public say:
>he is too strong and has no struggles and is boring and is etc etc
Ultimately comicbook characters are only about a thin perception that people have of them.
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>Superman is great because he's all about positivity!
You make Superman sad.
All these
>You make Superman sad.
are so fucking culty. The equivalent of "that's not a very Christian attitude to have." You know liking Superman hasn't replaced my religion right?
>Wouldn't pic related be more relatable to the average person and also in tune with his humble upbringing?
Yes. Superboy is good example; most people like the t-shirt and jeans look but comic nerds hate it.
>Why does he need to have a cape and trunks?
Because comic nerds would have a meltdown since they believe the trunks are the most important aspect of his character. It's a losing strategy for DC to try appeal solely to an ever shrinking consumer base of geriatric fanboys instead of making their products more palatable to mainstream audiences.
>The equivalent of "that's not a very Christian attitude to have."
Yeah, because Jesus is pretty specific.
>the sun is coming from above so the rimlight from below will be bright yellow
What was Brad "Wiz Kid" Anderson cooking with this one?
Dude wears his underwear over his pants lol
DC is dead anyway, doesnt matter what they do at this point, superman is an omnipresent archetype they cant undo, so chill the fuck out.
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This. Fans need to stop fucking caring what normies think and acknowledge that adaptations are shit. Stop pushing this "ONLY GOOD HEARTED PEOPLE LIKE ME LIKE SUPERMAN" shit. Stop trying to convince retards that they're wrong, they'll either pick up a comic book on their own or keep watching TikToks. Stop letting that shit bother you already
He's not
>This is a very common opinion nowadays
Is it? Because the only place I ever see this opinion, is here in one of these types of threads.
I love Super when he fights Dark Zeith. The fight has actual stakes for him.
posers that don't actually read anything, let alone piece together history of this character and where it all comes from and why
>that adaptations are shit
Zack Snyder's Superman films are more accurate to the core of the character than 80% of Superman comics.
>He repairs the city after a supervillain fight
He also literally almost cut Deathstroke in half with his heat vision which in this version is 100% tv Homelander laser eyes.
You are gay browngroid. You aren't Superman fan.
>good faith
What does you being right wing have to do with anything?
>Superman is boring precisely because he's perfect. He doesn't face any risk.
Wtf did I just read?
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>racist claims to be a Superman fan
You're overthinking this shit.
>You're overthinking this shit.
Yeah I know, overthinking kids cartoons and comics is the entire point of this board.
It's like that toxic positivity shit.
I don't know but apparently you didn't comprehend anything beyond that.

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