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superpowers that would actually suck irl
>Super strength
>Psychic powers
Superpowers that would be amazing irl
>Shape shifting
>Commanding fish
>Walking through solid objects
What's the downside of those three?
>walking through solid objects
Enjoy falling through the earth and suffocating to death underground.
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If humans could fly, it would be considered a form of exercise and nobody would do it. Furthermore, you quickly realize that the air is full of bugs unless you go higher - at which point you start to freeze.
>Super Strength
Unless it comes with some sort of rapid regeneration, you'd tear every muscle in your body the first time you lift a car. If it does, then you're largely relegated to the guy who helps his friends move their shit - since the 'strong guy' winds up being the least useful in a fight (as you're either outclassed by the other supers or you get shot by a gun).
>Psychic Powers
Actually not sure on this one, unless OP is going for the 'having a bad dream means you wake up to a destroyed house' sort of emotional vulnerability - or any level of intrusive thought immediately comes true.

That said, I'm not sure about the other ones.
>Shape Shifting
Pretty neat but would require a ton of attention to detail to be convincing. If you wanted to be a pessimist you could do the 'shape-shift into a fish but have the intelligence of a fish and therefore not aware enough to remember that you can shape-shift back' type of weakness.
>Commanding fish
This one kind of requires Lovecraft-ian horrors to be real to be cool. Unless you're in a survival situation and you find a river - then you just command a fish to swim ashore each morning and food is solved.
>Walking through solid objects
Best-case scenario, you walk out of your clothes and get a citation for public indecency. Worst-case, you say 'Hey, check this out' and fall into the Earth's core.
>it would be considered a form of exercise and nobody would do it
what? it would be the best way to travel short distances
>Super strength
Great, what are you going to punch?
You can't punch bad guys you may kill them
Originally cool but you don't come with superman's special clothes or special resistance so at best you would be able to fly a few hundred miles in one whole day plus forget about flying inside a city you would crash And wreck something
You can mind read incredibly boring people and collect garbage information
Making random crap fly is fun but it just means you will become a bigger slob
By definition you can only walk through them not fall through them
Technically, skipping is the most calorie-efficient mode of transportation next to a zombie-shuffle but that doesn't make either one a wide-spread form of traveling.

Imagine every time you activate your phasing power all your gut bacteria falls to the floor and you get 3-6 days of violent diarrhea until you get a fecal transplant.
Shape shifting can keep you young, make you extremely rich and grant you access to the craziest sex
Bacteria isn't considered an object
skipping doesn't let you go over traffic
>Super strength
>Psychic powers
All of this would rule IRL.
>Shape shifting
Infinite COOM potential
>Commanding fish
Decent trolling potential. Imagine commanding four quadrillion sardines to go attack a migrant ship.
>Walking through solid objects
Literal get out-of-jail-free card.
>it would be considered a form of exercise
You're American aren't you?
i was thinking making a whale swallow one of the illegal chinese fihing boats
>you quickly realize that the air is full of bugs unless you go higher
Just wear a helmet like motorbike riders
Why does your idea of super strength not come with super strong ligaments bones and joints?
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I’d command a certain whale to put something in her mouth too
even if it does when is it useful?
>healing factor

Earthquake? Plane crash? Have fun begging for death in a dark hole for all eternity.
>Unless it comes with some sort of rapid regeneration, you'd tear every muscle in your body the first time you lift a car.
You're basically adding your monkey paw downsides to somethings and not others. Weirdly selective.

Who is to say, shape shifting, isn't incredibly painful as your form and bones shift? Or that the energy required to do it is too great?
whenever having regular strength is useful but moreso
its a liability at best you destroy private/public poperty, at worst you injure someone
I dunno, people still seem to go the gym
yeah but we are talking about lifting cars and stopping trains
I'm a lazy shut-in but I still have reason to lift heavy objects now and then.
yeah, and if there's at least one time in your life where you'd really need to do that for some reason it'd be better to be able to do it than not
Flying would be fine. Just wear a jacket or a full body costume so people see a guy in a bird suit flying 300 feet off the ground.
Best superpower is healing factor. I'm so tired of hurting all the time.
>You can't punch bad guys you may kill them

Also, you could definitely get manufacturing or construction companies to pay you a lot of money for doing work that would normally require expensive machinery, but that depends on if you care about keeping your powers a secret.

>you would crash and wreck something
Wait so are you flying super fast or aren't you? Because I manage to drive my car in cities all the time and not crash, and that's with other cars and asshole drivers on the road.

>but it just means you will become a bigger slob
No, *you* would become a bigger slob. I don't see why my ability to make the remote float into my hand would suddenly mean I'd stop going to the gym.

>can climb anywhere
>can move anything
>can win any fight without trying
>can get through any obstacle
I'm beginning to think you just lack imagination. Normal strength rocks, I see absolutely no reason why super strength wouldn't rock more so.
It doesn't heal emotional damage
>Also, you could definitely get manufacturing or construction companies to pay you a lot of money for doing work that would normally require expensive machinery,
Only in a country without unions that wouldn't block the shit out of it and laws to protect the workers from accidents
Your best chance at cash is human test subject or the army
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>Talking to fish
Does that include manatees? Because if it does I'd just go hang out with manatees all day. I love manatees so much.
Better than suffering with both.
Win all MMA fights by slaming your opponents like Broly
Reminds me of when I had a dream me and my friends were in a knockoff justice league and I got Aquaman powers and all I did was chat with a salmon who craved his own death.
Meh, a lot of these are kind of headcanon. While valid, not exactly universal. I'd say the main downside to flying is just that you would attract too much attention and the government would try to kill you or kidnap you. Otherwise, I'd like to imagine it's more like DBZ/Green Lantern where you have a magic forcefield around you that you're able to control with a combination of intuition and physical movement.

Super strength the main downside would be whether or not you can turn it off. If you had to actively summon the energy to use it then there's not as much of a problem, but if you just happen to be strong all the time there's the world of cardboard problem where you might accidentally hurt people you care about when you're not trying to/break everything because it's basically made out of wet paper by comparison. Having super strength in the sense that you're nigh invulnerable would be nice, but only if you can turn it off somehow, otherwise in a medical emergency you might be screwed.

The commanding fish one could be really cool if you factor in just swimming in the ocean. You wouldn't ever have to worry about getting attacked by a shark, barracuda, jellyfish, etc. and if you get stranded in some kind of sinking ship crazy storm situation you might be able to summon a dolphin to swim you to safety or pull a Jonah and the Whale type situation.

It could be nice if you're ever in an unexpected life and death situation like a car crash or elevator malfunction. It might not ever come up but it would be nice to know you don't have to worry about it.

This, like all powers should probably come with a "you an consciously turn it off" type of fail safe. That, or have it only last until the end of your natural lifespan for healing factor.
I feel like the bacteria would count as "you," otherwise you might lose your mitochondria as well, and that would be even worse.
>Unless it comes with some sort of rapid regeneration, you'd tear every muscle in your body the first time you lift a car.
Presumably if you're super strong, your muscles and tendons should be able to handle the load. The real concern are your bones and ligaments snapping.
Wanting one singular superpower is wack as fuck. It would be better to be able to use the Force like a Jedi and have multiple smaller powers.
If everyone got em all would suck.
Niggas with wings. Like angels cept just stealing yo shit through da window.
>Super strength
That hobo yo kicked in the balls yesterday? He already flyin towards ya to launch your sorry ass into the sun. That nigga who was tryna rob ya but you not staggered? You already in da air flyin through da eleventh building and countin. That drunkass guy who called yo mom a whore and called you for a brawl? Five minutes and city in ruins, shit burnin, people dyin, and its not even on the news, its just tuesday.
>Psychic powers
No more shit talkin, now its shit thinkin.
>Shape shifting
Think thats ya girl you havin sex with? Its not ya girl, its ya archnemesis. The guy you hate the most. Sworn enemy tryna bite ya dick off when you least expect it. Cunning bastard.
>Commanding fish
Homie of mine finds peace in fishing. He fucked if fish rise up. Folks will teach em moves and tricks.
>Walking through solid objects
What if a nigga would go through ya wall when you chillin? Watchan yo favourite toon and this crackhead shows up, wrecking yo stuff. Annoyin.
If only I had one? I think I'd figure somethin out, noone would lose an opportunity such as this one. Cool ass.
Don't type like a nigger.
You know how you can hurt your arm from stretching it too far. Well good luck with no pain from shapeshifting.
They are superpowers retard, normal physics and biology dont apply.
Wouldn't that be super-durability?
The bottom-of-the-barrel powers are those that can be replaced with a group of people, like super strength or cloning.
>Actually not sure on this one
I telepathically commanded OP to say it so as to discourage other potentials from developing their powers and challenging the psychic status quo- ah, dammit, I've done it again.
Forget everything you just read.
Stopping time would be cool if you also stopped aging with it.
Shit take
>you quickly realize that the air is full of bugs
this isnt the 2000s anymore
there are more microplastics than bugs in the air
Doesn't wolvie's delete traumatic memories so he keeps forgetting his past?
I always think of the X-Files episode where a guy asks a Genie for invisibility, gets it, then is run over by a truck crossing the street.
>Only in a country without unions that wouldn't block the shit
I live in the USA so this isn't a problem.
Pretty much. If the body's structural systems aren't super strong, then "super strength" is just regular strength with a self-destruction option. Note that this doesn't work the other way. You can be super-durable without having super-strong muscles.
No amount of humans can flip a tank. You can't fit enough people around a tank for the load to be distributed among enough people for that to work. A group of people tied up can't just flex out of the rope. A group of people in prison can't tear the bars open. Differences in quantity can result in massive differences in quality.

And getting a group together to do something doesn't give them each a copy of your mind. You'd be herding cats, not working in sync like an ant colony. Cloning can be extremely game-breaking depending on the specifics (e.g. deathlessness, personal army).
>Technically, skipping is the most calorie-efficient mode of transportation next to a zombie-shuffle
Bicycling is. But for bipedal gaits in humans, walking is the most efficient. Skipping never is, though it approaches the efficiency of running in low-gravity environments.
Honestly, the amount of time it would save me parallel parking downtown would be enough on its own. Some fields of work would be easier, like cleaning or any job involving a forklift. Even something as mundane as carrying groceries would make me want to buy in bulk more to save money, or if we're not in a "government will kidnap you to study you" situation, lift people up as a party trick, start giving your wife piggyback rides every day.
I don't think super strength inherently implies zero control over it either. Property damage feels like mostly a result of superhero antics. Hurting people is kinda the same as any regular strong person right now not being careful, but Dwayne Johnson isn't at any increased risk of harming people compared to me now.
whats wrong with shapeshifting?
>Super Strength
> you'd tear every muscle in your body the first time you lift a car.
That's fuckin' retarded. Definition of the word "strength" already includes being able exert said strength. What you're describing is not strength, it's a failed overclock attempt.
>these powers would suck because [headcanon I just made up]
>superpowers that would actually suck irl
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What would be the downside to Plastic-Man esque stretching power? Thats the pne Ive always wanted, would be super useful.
They'd eat their way out of it like in Alien.
What’s to say that your shapeshifting isnt painful as shit? Unless you have pain resistance, matter manipulation, and regeneration, you’d be comforting your body into abomination shapes like something out of Resident Evil. You might not even be able to turn back if you don’t have the mental capacity for it.
what a weird way to interpret super strength first if you had incredible strength you don't necessarily have to be relgated to being a moving buddy you can easily become a power lifter, pretend to struggle to not raise suspicion, and piss off Eddie Hall and Halfthor when you crush their records. Also super strength isn't just the ability to pick something up and put it down it means your muscles are super strong that means running is faster, jumping is faster, and even your punching should be faster. If all super strength did was increase your bench press it would be called super lifting.
It's pretty much implied they're just being autistic
You could still pull yourself out of those situations it would just be painful.
It's the damage, it's trapped and not being able to move. I think Wolverine is afraid of flying for this reason, because if the plane goes down over the ocean he's all kinds of fucked.
In a world with immortality you would think they would have tools to get out of situations like that.
What if you shape shift in a molecular level?
Only NPCs choose flying
Give me ONE downside of electricity manipulation (electrokinesis)
just manipulation or also storage?
When wouldn't being super strong be useful? Everyday life is easy, you walk with confidence and the assurance that almost nobody can realistically hurt you, you'd be an immediate world-class athlete in every sport and could make endless cash through that or through influencer-like lifestyles.
Have you ever held an eggshell before? You know that you can adjust your strength when you move, right? I don't always need to use my maximum grip strength when I'm shaking someone's hand, and when I walk, I don't actually burst into a full sprint. Even Brian Shaw, strongest human to ever walk the Earth, can sign his name with a simple wooden pencil without snapping it in half because his watermelon sized hands aren't always working at 100%.
i get that, im /ck/ as fuck but sometimes the eggshell is too weak and sometimes im drubk imagine fucking up once with a person
You know that drunk people can kill people NOW, right?
I want to have Gladstone Gander-level luck.
Story-wise, it's extremely abuseable. A smart shapeshifter can break a lot of stories and settings.
Electric arcs produce UV light, which with extended exposure can cause skin cancer and cataracts. Remember to wear PPE.

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