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Post weird autistic crossover ships that only you have.
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reminds me of that darkdp pic
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I suppose the designs do mix, both have superpowers and the age difference has appeal. Funnily enough reminds me of my own WAC ship of Spider-man and BTAS Poison Ivy
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Does /ll/ count?
Vicky being a great babysitter because the powderpuff girls, terrify her is kinda funny not gonna lie.
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bless latinxs
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Idk how or when I started shipping them, like if I saw fanart or something I can't remember but I do like the idea.
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Honestly this crackship is a bit similar to a relationship between two of my OCs. Only difference is the Ivy like character never moved past her nerdy pre powers personality after getting them, and the Spider-Man like guy still has the black suit personality
this is not a crossover or crackship this is just a harem
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Explain yourselves.
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I want him to have a 4 way with these three. I think they all share an interest in skintight costumes.
I wonder how long the girls can put up with how terribly passive Adrien is.
The tick would be a better companion for Ladybug than Chat Noir.
At least he is not a teenager with several psychological problems.
Also, I want to see that huge American destroy that little Asian girl.
She doesn't have the ass for that.
you got a pic of those oc's or anything? Also yeah quite liked the idea of this pair so have quite few comms on it.
Latinx are fucking based.
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Compared to her literal sticc of a gf, she's got all the ass she needs.
This isn't a ship. This is the pair you want to be in the middle of for a bisexual 3-way.
You don't know for sure. OP hasn't explained why they ship these two yet.
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Imagine the crazy things these two would do together and see Hilda as a fool in love.
They have shit taste, that's it
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Well that was insane. Thanks.
I think Clover and Adrien work the best
Mostly because I can see this interaction
>"A momma's boy huh? I will be your mommy~"
>Adrien screams internally
There was a pretty funny one I saw months ago but I'd have to dig around the archive for it...
Only of the girl but I probably won’t post it cause a friend drew the picture and idk if she wants me posting her art. I can describe Their physical appearance if you want a mental image though
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I don't think she'd mind you posting a pic in a niche thread with 3 or 4 people but up to you end of the day so if rather just describe then that's fine.
>Lara: hello brother of Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily! do you want to go play?
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Alright here she is
She’s a very shy and nervous character who obviously doesn’t look like Ivy much now though she can get very Ivy like at times. She’s a civilian but heroes often mistake her for a villain
Her boyfriend has a costume that looks a bit like a mix between SpOck suit, the big time suit, and the PS4 Agent Venom suit but it’s black and green with hints of blue. His main power is speed so no webs
In civilian clothes he looks somewhere between Terry McGinnis and a more delinquent black hair Ben Tennyson
Nerd with edgy jock. Adorable
Thanks. Though both are ridiculously smart
I based them off the idea of looking like an obvious villainous couple, the dark mistress and the fallen hero, when in reality they’re probably some of the nicest people in the setting. Minus their anger issues
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>Lincoln: You know having a best friend from Brazil is not easy but...
>Lara: Loud Brother Loud Brother why are you talking to the wall?
>Lincoln: For the last time i have a name and i amm not talking to the wall im talk....
>Lara: Was that little door always in your room Loud Brother?
>Lincoln:...i never seen that door before I wonder where it will lead
>"They proced to open that door and they have a weird adventure"
aw that's very nice, honestly fun dynamic and interesting idea of a couple. I get the fun and appeal of opposite attracts since often how I do oc pairs or couples.
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I think Kim would work better with Danny. Isn't Shego like an adult? Kim and Danny are teens so they can relate to each other more.
yes but hero on villainess and age gap is gnarly suppose
Does anyone else here Ship Sagelander from the Boys?
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This one is based off of a couple frisky lines of dialogue in Marvel vs Capcom, which gives it more legitimacy than most crackships.
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What the fgck
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He's got plenty to fill the void.
I ship Greg Heffley with Jamie from Dear Dumb Diary but there's nothing with the two, since everyone just equates the Dork Diaries girl to Greg when Jamie is actually insane (sorta) like him.
I was thinking about drawing my own, but I got shit to do in the morning.
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>weird autistic crossover ships
I think this is as autistic as it gets
Scarlet Witch and Kramer from Seinfeld.
I fucking hate that my friend is a dead ringer for Regina, it's uncanny.
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Seems fun
Cute weirdos
ayo nice, admittedly OP has me interested in the pair now despite only glimpsing both shows. It'd be a very sassy and charged dynamic that would certainly even with the morality contrast be a step up from Sam.
>"You're not the usual brat I deal with but I can work with this, try and keep up."
"Lady, I've dealt with scarier things out of my frigerator, bring it!"
>"So you gonna leave me leaking ectoplasm or what pasty?"
>"ha where'd you get your quips fro....wait what?"
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checked, also we need more oversized dickin downs
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Not /co/ but fuck it.
Jon Tron and who?
Tsuyu Asui from MHA.
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I don't know if I've ever seen a single piece of fan content that pairs Danny with Shego but now I'm intrigued.
Wait, was I right? IS that actually Jon Tron? Fucking kek
I may have to request some smut for pair in /aco/ now since kinda vibing with it design wise and potential dynamic wise.
Yes and it was kinda a ship sometime ago.
I don't even ship them myself, but I love Marco and the dozen (usually black/brown) girl bits of art from various series. It's just funny to me.
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>ghost cunnilingus! woo woo!
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Well... you did explain yourself.
Sure, self inserter
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It's funny whenever you see one of these and can immediately tell that a woman made it.
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I don't think I’m alone, but I’m definitely in a very small minority
Oh my bucks
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Still doesnt.
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Where? You can’t see them. They’re under the coat
Smeet. You should do more of this but with different pairing.
I just had a thought that Danny could have this weird educational antagonism with Shego which could lead to a whole thing with Vlad being really pissed off that Danny is accepting mentorship from a villain that isn't him.
she'd certainly mentor him in the ways of woman if you get what i'm selling.
i don't
The fact it makes you seethe is why I enjoy it.
i'm talking about sex cause i'm a lurid creature
ew that's gay
straight heterosexual sex is gay?
>Snarky comebacks?
>Misplaced aggression?
>Lacking a mentor figure?
>Oh yeah.
>I'm gonna fuck this teenager.
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>Listen Phanto, you get with me I'll essentially set the standard to high for any girl following after me if you phase on by so don't say didn't warn ya.
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it's kinda funny, I sort of liked the idea of this pair before the MVC rerelease caused it to catch on a bit. I remember one artist liked Dormammu x Trish for some reason.
there are already multiple villainesses with age gap in dannies own setting.
it’d be an incredibly boring ship.
even from a premise setting.
kim would make more sense like that other anon said.
and that’d also be boring in my opinion.
personally i think danny x xj9 would be more interesting take.
how exactly it’d work is anyone’s guess.
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Tell me what their dynamic would be like
Stanford X Rose Quartz AU
Stanford would never cheat on Lilith!
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Curious to know what brought this one on.
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Ends in pregnancy.
Dipper would have been a much better protagonist than Steven. Wouldn't have cried like a bitch. And taken things seriously.
It would be less weird if it was made by a lone autist and was low quality, the fact it has a huge audience is even weirder
>1.75M subscribers
>2.2K videos
Good for him I guess?
>Post weird autistic crossover ships that only you have.

Whenever you think you have an autistic crossover ship noone else has, some 12 year old had already commissioned it to Palcomix.
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Has this been done yet?
jesus fucking christ
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Venom ships are underrated
Genuinely expecting her day one if they did another MVC, these two would interact well off each other and their designs do mesh well.
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It's crazy how well Venom mixes with other Spider-ships.
did remind me of one thread where I brought the topic of if Venom was into the asian ladies of the Spider-mythos like Silk, Yuri Watanabe and Mrs. Chen from the movies.
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He's not into them, they are into HIM.
And this little gem.
Venom being thirsted for strongly by the woman of asia just makes sense, all the elements are there and really it's proof all is good with the world despite it's flaws. I will say the third film cemented in my mind that Venom should go all in on the Chen romance route.
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>Anime girls are just naturally attracted to Venom.
it's the tentacles
don't forget the tongue
I think they're cute together

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