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Laura used to be /co/'s favorite character. Oh how times change
They need to make her goth again.
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Fuck that. Make her a prostitute again.
No flavor of the month last forever.
i hate gabby so much its unreal
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Cool your jets, buddy. She's cute.
as a long time laura fan who pretty much dropped off once they aged her up and just made her she-logan the last thing i want is for her to have her own clone daughter. theres nothing wrong with gabby per se it just felt lazy imo to do the same thing they did to logan but to laura and gabbys even younger so shes basically lolsoquirky teenager. not for me. you can like her if you want
They got insecure over her getting blacked.
officially blacked, she prolly had a few black clients during her street days

Just make her autistic again....Laura gets a bullet in her head, lost her memories, go back to watch her friends because she cant interect normal.
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Tom Taylor ruined her. Just like he ruined dick Grayson and co-ruined Jon Kent.
This. If ever I get a marvel job I’m killing her off immediately.
>she can’t die
But she can’t resurrect from being hurled to the deepest corners of space.
She's literally just Wolverine but girl now. She lost her own unique identity because "muh legacy".
don't like sluts, personally

Why Gabby can't die?
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Weirdo, autist Laura was pretty good.
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Made to be held down and fucked until she loves it.
>until she loves it.

So...1second? Because she already loves it!
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She doesn't feel pain, so I wouldn't be surprised if Gabby ends up loving brutal, hardcore sex.

that's the whole old Gabby's treath
still learning a.i., got a better Gabby gen https://files.catbox.moe/pu1f46.png

I need take some vacations and learn to use this iA program.
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You are thinking old gabby lore, she used to be emotionless killing machine. I believe the explanation was once she got her healing factor she rewired her brain. This is why she goes from emotionless to normal quirky girl. So she definitely can feel pain now. probably to keep her from being a full on laura clone so now she's a quirky little sister.
Not bad actually anon, definitely more inline with the characters than last thread. So getting better
still learning, it's fun to mess around with though
I'd imagine and good stuff sticking to it I honestly wasn't expecting another thread so fast. I'm in the middle of practicing myself
it's an excuse to gen more Korra, Azula, X-23 content
Nice, hopefully also more gabby and Bailey too lol
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Neat a new laura thread.
Huh a bit hard to imagine, wasnt on co when it was tho.
The academy x stuff with her was so good.
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She died so Synch could have some semblance of character growth, Anon. You have to let her go...
Anon, krakoa era laura was just a prop for synch, but literally no one treats that laura as the real one. Wolverine laura's only difference was removed already.
Nah make gabby the prositute
Even better. She can find Laura's old clothes, smell the old jizz on them and start dressing like a goth slut like her.
For bailey but yeah this would definitely be a interesting turning point though odds are marvel would never do another slut route for a long while.
take that back
What's with the gabby hate, thought 4chan loved her?
>What's with the gabby hate, thought 4chan loved her?
i explained why i dont care for her here >>146091879 i've always disliked her i dont know about the rest of /co/. not to mention a lot of them probably just like her because they want to fuck her
I can accept not caring just hate is a bit shocking, but I get it. Also honestly a bit of option 1 I suppose but she's fun in light interactions to me. She really saves laura's character to me as she can really hit those modern fem mc vibes but then gabby is around to remind me of laura's lighter and funnier days. But she truly is just x23 2.0 and I've called it out myself. Also called out to keep her from becoming better they nerfed her to hell and it makes her hard to scale or add to non wolverine stuff. As they nerfed her healing factor to being the weakest of the logan line, she only has 1 claw and whether it's adamantium or bone is inconsistent, she lost her emotionless pain negation to make her more wholesome to not be a 1 to 1 x23 clone. An she doesn't even have any specific enhancements like super strength or speed etc. She's basically just slightly stronger than a normal girl her age. So again hard to put her around other kid heroes because she basically has no real power powers. It does make her a bit dependant on laura which I guess was the point.

I still like her design wise and some of her scenes are cute, but I really feel she is just hated because of what they've done to laura. she's swept into being part of her fall off as she was in the run that ruined/made her less x23.
She tonally doesnt really work, while forcing laura into a role that removes what makes her cool.
But laura WASNT a funny and light character. Gabby being so is what shifts the tone so irrevocably.
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To be fair they kind of did that already was my point. But I also get the perspective to a degree. I feel gabby worked best at first when she was another fucked clone.

I mean my point was more they swapped the initial edgy mind broke gabby for that one so she'd be different from the OG laura. She basically could be seen as laura saving her past self, she's parenting/sistering Gabby so she doesn't feel isolated like Laura did because honestly wolverine is just a shit parent lol. He has like 2-3 kids and he abandons all of them for some reason. I still think Gabby is fine but I can understand disliking her but feel she's not hate worthy. She's not the one that made laura wolverine and took away her characterization that happened before gabby and was more the new writers let's give the poor girl a break.
It helped bailey to fix her

>but feel she's not hate worthy
You don’t decide that though. Like this is a really autistic mindset to have.
I mean I agree with them and give them their points. Not like I'm saying god gabby is the greatest ever. I admit I see potential in her and that she could also be better. But my point was surprised she gets hate and not more the run itself or writers who are the ones that picked the changes on laura's character. Still I stand by liking her but accept that we don't all like the same thing just giving my own perspective of her.
She never was. For better or worse gabby was very cute and precocious form the start, and that just changes the tone of the book removing all the inrtsting conflicts form laura rather instantly.

Thing is that just doesnt really work. She's too socially well adjsted from the jump. So it just feels like the writer wanting to avoid writing the personality that would follow the background without chaning the background either. And she's not the sorta innocent blanker slate kid laura was either.
This hasnt really been a thing in forever, honestly since 2014 her issue has been that development has just been skipped wholesale to make her fit other character molds.
Based Bailey
Doesnt seem like its actually a thread about laura desu. :/
gotta change that
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You know this scene made me think about it, but does laura sharpen her blades? And if so how?
Gabby herself isn't the problem.
Choi's art for laura was so cool.
Nope, but themetal ones were sharped for her iirc.
Yep, he's got to tame all these new shitty fem heroines
>But my point was surprised she gets hate
Because people find shit like this
>I still like her design wise and some of her scenes are cute
Insufferable. Nobody gives a fuck about “cute” scenes. Let alone when that cuteness is exactly the problem with Laura. So yes, she absolutely deserves the hate and is problem number one that needs dealing with in order for Laura to return to form.

She cannot share page space with her in any way shape or form. Nobody wants “cute” scenes between them.
I swore she was well guess she did drop the black ops emotionless painless killing machine pretty fast. Swear I remember seeing a scene of her wincing at a small cut and laura putting a band aid on it or bandage or something. It was cute but as you said really existed to give that "aaaaww cute" feeling but makes no sense with two girls that were brutalized and traumatized for years.

That I can see feel sometimes they try to show her a bit autistic. But she's way to plucky and jovial for a girl that was treated like a spare tire and saw all her clone sisters die. Wasn't Laura more of the same as gabby? she wasn't a real blank slate either though I believe gabby is a bit older than laura initially was before the age up which honestly always confuses me. But either way I still like her as a concept but yeah she'd be better working with another character like another kid hero or more younger x men. Gives a chance for her to be the edgy/autistic one of the team showing how inhuman she is because of her life experiences. But they'd probably never do that because by nature of sending gabby away to develop could diminish their version of Laura in the new writers heads
Yeah and I guess adamantium can't get dull I imagine.
Eh, she was nice and friendly from her debut. The other sisters were intense but she was perky and ahpy.

Its less laura's "i dont understand this thing of the world" kinda attitude and more "i am always unnaturally happy and peppy" sorta angle. And nah laura was always very serious/tactical, tha twas her personality. Emphatethic but also self hating.
Making her more like Laura only makes it worse. It’s not quite the same but a similar problem DC has with PKJ’s refugee kids. It’s a slap in the face of fans of Jon/Laura to make someone else fill that role rather than just fixing the initial problem.
The Star?
Yeah maybe I've grown apathetic to the poorness of the new wolverine and let things go easier with gabby because I like her. Also you guys aren't wrong per-say and similar to my previous statement could be just so used to that mentality in a character especially girl. Feels like theirs slim pickings when it comes to non plucky/peppy/super happy fem mcs in comics especially marvel. It's so common now we should have a name for it specifically. Autistically happy? Plucky over story?

Oh I meant like they both had similar origins being experiments used as assassins and tortured to make them killing machines. I know laura was always serious, she used to have no character at all I remember some saying so it's ironic. Maybe gabby will become the new laura and get better as they figure out how to rough out those edges.
The who kids? also yeah I didn't mean make her exactly like laura but give her some depth by not being coddled by laura. I feel with laura most of the problems again come from them trying to make her wolverine which she's really not. She doesn't work as wolverine and I guess they felt they could try to do more with her experiment self hatred. But then pussied out, feel a good use for gabby is laura secretly hating her. Kind of a jealous older sister vibe could be shown as petty and add to the whole self hate vibe. She loves gabby but resents her for keeping her innocence and etc. Better than only cute sister stuff, though I do like some of it just know it's bs or doesn't fit most of the times. Like the pokemon go thing.
I think most of the tonal/skipping developement issues can be traced kinda neatly to gabby's introduction. And i mean laura was one of the serious girl characters, but with gabby she had to loose that.

Nah she had character, it was just not in that direction. She was overly serious and laconic, and unlike always angry logan she had trouble expressing emotions like anger. As well as being very order/rule centric.
That too desu
You could make Gabby fundamentally broken psychologically. Laura isn't jealous or resent her, she's deeply unsettled by Gabby's blitheness and anyone who spends a great deal of time with Gabby picks up that something is wrong and just kind of avoids her. Laura is really the only one willing to actually deal with her and tries to use their shared history as an avenue to help her but is completely over her head.
Really, all gabby? I thought it was more when the new writing happened with team ups and turning her into wolverine. I mean feel gabby's barely in some of her worst storylines and runs like the old woman laura and her being prop for another x man.

It's so hard to pin her down as before her newer runs she was very much in the backgrounds. I know her mostly through her animated appearances and a few comics I picked up afterwards because I loved laura but again she was kind of spaced out at times like most characters of her Ilk.
Huh that'd actually be another way to go about it, she just went emotionless the opposite way. Imagine something traumatic happens but she still just has that "We happy few" smile and maybe a stray tear going down her cheek.

I guess that goes into my question to you guys

>How would you fix gabby?
>How would you fix modern Laura?
>Would you keep her as wolverine?
>Laura used to be /co/'s favorite characte

No she didn't. She was always a character for non comic fags to pretend to latch onto because of waifu. She was always annoyingly getting shoved places she didn't belong.

> >How would you fix modern Laura?

Already say...she gets shot on her head, and loose her memory
And he revert to her authystic self
Isn't that depressing and should we want her to be at least a little happy? Also isn't that basically the wolverine origin ending
>How would you fix gabby?
>How would you fix modern Laura?
These two questions kind of feed into each other. Like suggested earlier, make Gabby weird people out through her literal non-stop cheerfulness. Revert Laura to her emotionally buttoned down, laconic self. Play up the fact that they are both off-putting in completely different ways, and kind of work in a savior complex. Laura feels she's the only one who can make Gabby "right" while Gabby feels Laura needs her to break free from her emotional repression, but in reality neither of them actually understand the issues the other are dealing with or how to meaningfully address them, and they're caught in a cycle of trying to "fix" each other. The grand tragedy is that they're actually too close for either of them to properly grow and develop as people. Individually? For Laura bring back Kimura and give her another villain or two to for her to deal with that challenge/relate to her that isn't just a copy of something from Wolverine's playbook. Gabby's a bit harder, but I'd personally lean into her really, really wanting the grand adventure of a superheroic life but unwilling to face the reality that her powerlevel is "preteen girl with a pair of steak knives."
>Would you keep her as wolverine?
I can actually respect all of these good ideas all around.

With Laura agree she really needs to break back into her own unique villains again or more one that question her unique self and correlate with her backstory/origin. I also like the idea of them being opposites on the emotionly fucked up spectrum. A repressed emotionless older sister and a repressed happy go lucky younger sister. Really a good way to play into both being traumatized differently. People are off put by both maybe even play on at first many like Gabby typical mary sue start, but then idk you see gabby smiling and laughing as she watches a murder scene or sees a dog get run over they begin to walk away slowly realizing she's fucked up too.

Also I kind of like your gabby idea, could be fun imagine she meets the new champions, and thinks she can join the team. But looks at the roster and realizes as you said "preteen girl with a pair of steak knives." She can't really be of any use. Also maybe give her another pre teen experiment kid who she has to kill really put her happiness and jovial side to the test. Can she in good faith kill a kid who she should be saving if she wants to be a hero etc. Or maybe her inverse, maybe a boy villain who just a schizo really shows her that being a hero isn't glamourous at all especially when you aren't even street level honestly.
She used to be a damaged emo sad girl who finally found her own identity. So of course Marvel let Bendis & Tom Taylor turn her into just a Wolverine expy who acts like Buffy. Then aged her up, blacked her, & replaced her with a clone after killing her. At least the worst things they did when introducing her in the comics was making her a hooker.
Human? You DARE call that thing Human?!?
That's what happens when writers go out of their way to make a fan favorite unrecognizable for the sake of further popularity.
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Does she still hang out with Psylocke? She used to go around copying her.
Honestly yeah, Laura needs her own roster of villains. Most of her story arcs just seem to consist of, "evil scientists have stolen my blood. Again. I must stop them before they try to make any more of me. Again."
no I all it dumb a.i. gens by me
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How often do her claws cause wardrobe malfunctions?

Not offen enoff
We’re in agreement there
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Didn't they ruin psylocke too recently?
Some artist try to render veins to show off their skills but don't often ask should I render veins. Also Laura's young so her veins would be mostly invisible or smaller. Those are like some 40 to 50 year olds veins
Sorry to hear about your vacation anon
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Would this movie have been better?
She's now in lesbians with some other bitch.
I meant they did the thing with fact wasn't psylocke like someone in someone else's body.
How would a comic or movie go with these two?
That's old stuff but yes.
Ah that's kind of sad I liked classic psylocke
Did Kimura ever molest X-23m

They dont need to make Kid Laura have a perfect butt, but i'm glad they make it
I see where Laura's black fetish came from, Kimura was a bigger stronger black woman that abused her physically and sexually.

Kimura should have penis making a big bulge in that pants...
Honestly she needs to come back, one of the few good laura exclusive villians.
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You tell me, Anon
Need her to meet gabby
Right after that doctor walked out of the room, Kimura had Laura get on her knees and made her very familiar with female anatomy.
>One of
Has she had any others?

I don't actually think that would go the way you think it would. Somehow I'd doubt she'd get much fun out of someone who can't feel any pain.
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Gabby's already a lesbian, so I guess Kimura will teach her how to eat pussy just like Laura.
God damn so wrong because laura was a pre teen or teen when they met, but hot asf. She teaches Laura how to satisfy a woman, little did we know during her prostitute days most of her clients were women.
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I mean dakkon? I guess not many I can list

I'm pretty sure they reconned the pain thing a while back. But really I mean it's not about pain it's about power
Did you edit the text off that anons art?

Also yeah I could see that indeed I more meant would she try to kill her or not. Wasn't meant to be so horny lol. Though she'd definitely teach her a thing or two though I feel bailey could fix that
Age didn't really matter to the facility. She was already learning how to kill that young, so she might as well learn how to lick pussy.
I mean both can be wrong anon, but yeah she probably learned a lot of things from that facility
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>Laura finds out scientists have stolen her blood and must hunt them down
>finds and murders them brutally along with the people who hired them
>turns out it's actually a clinic that temporarily splices healing factors onto patients suffering from chronic diseases
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Why she got a barcode on her cheeks?
>Feet detected
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>Kimura already had Bellona working for her.
>After she defeats Laura again, she has all 3 sisters tonguing her pussy and ass as she pleases.
>Kimura wants her number 1 cooch licker back, she's tired of the cheap knock offs
>She does enjoy gabby, she likes the innocence but fear in her eyes
>It reminds her of Laura, though theirs a bit more hope in those eyes unlike with X23
>But she still holds her down all the same.
>Best thing about the x23 toys, they are immortal
>Kimura can be as rough as she wants with them.
>They can hold their breaths as long as it takes for her to reach her big O
>She can even use her powerful thighs and legs to hold them in place or when she gets a bit to spasmy they can survive her watermelon crushers.
>Perfect for her needs, she's been pitching the doctors to make a futa one then she'd have the perfect x23 harem to satisfy her like the nubian queen she is.
it's inherited from Logan
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Based as fuck. Who could pass up a harem of Laura and her clones?
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>Just remember, kid, being an X-Men means never having to say "I'm sorry."
Really seeing images like this of gabby makes her true personality so weird.

I mean kimura mistake was needing the original which lead to her death. But yes a laura harem would be based but could one truly tame'/control them
What would you guys rate the wolverine/laura clans at in terms of strength/who they can fight?
Oh yes. Loli Laura definitely lost her virginity in rough, interracial, lesbian sex with Kimura.
So that's why she got with synch
she got with sync after being dick starved for 100 of the 300 years in the vault
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>New villian steal Laura's sample blood
>Laura thinks that is for make weapons
>Villian just make sex slaves
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Could be fun actually walking in a room of brainless/lobotomized Laura clones. Laura sees how sick and twisted her new villian is. An she knows what'll happen if she loses
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>This character from the cartoon is cool. We have to introduce her in the comics, but how?
>Underage prostitute
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Kind of happened in the same story as >>146105514
>No text version
Nice. The other version still hasn't been uploaded to the booru though.
Why not fag
Huh weird question though why wouldn't they just regen? I feel a wolverine clone and a symbiote is kind of broken instant win. Like how do you beat that without bs?
Laura should have a villain who is just a saccharine psycho Stacy.
Is it? Only one of her interests was black, and it took her literal centuries to even be intrested.
It was a joke anon
She really knew how to put Laura in her place also wait if she tore out the metal claws shouldn't that hand go back to bone claws permenantly
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>Gabby after a few lessons from Kimura.
Laura was ruined the second Bendis got a hold of her. She used to have a real distinct personality like >>146096999 said, overly serious but ultimately empathetic and kind. Now she's literally just female Logan. It's ironic that she was more distinct when she was introduced and turned into a cheap knockoff later.
>She really knew how to put Laura in her place also wait if she tore out the metal claws shouldn't that hand go back to bone claws permenantly
It's just a cover.
She'll be fixed by bailey soon. The reality is kimura messed her and laura up but some good dick gets the straightened out.

Is bendis just marvel poison?
Ah damn, felt I didn't remember something that crazy but really would be cool if it happened. I feel if her only adamantium is in her claws and you are invulnerable to them best to rip them off to cripple her for life.

I lose my faith in Laura on X-men Red, when she was just "I'm a Model".
>Is bendis just marvel poison?

He is worst on DC.
How are these people allowed everywhere?

Bendis is a Jew in a Jew industry.

He also did a lot of "crime/detective" comics, that translate nice to Daredevil and Alias.

But more and more he just start to not care about caracterization... caracter that he dosent care became goofys, and who he likes became super moral becons (like Spider-Woman and Luke Cage) that appers everywhere.

His dialogues became redudante, with every caracter talking like the same Sitcom, and he was just making mre and more caracters that are minorities that every other caracter help, but that dosent really is a superhero and want to help people.
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She lost an arm once and had to get it back to reattach it otherwise because new one that would grow wouldn't have adamantium.
Yeah I was just going to say is the adamantium somehow in her genes lol. Also fucked up idea but if you melted her down and turned the adamantium in her into idk a shield or some type of metal tool. Would she be able to regen?
Ah so he did have at least one or two good runs well then at least it makes a little sense. But sounds about right based on my limited experience with the guy and how he does any of my faves.

Yeah isn't he the one that made miles? and his son is half black and he said he made miles for his son. So of course he'll never let to bad of things happen to him because it's basically a self insert for his son.
More important than having good runs he had runs that sold. Two of his kids are black and he pulls the "for my children" card to the point it kinda feels like he is using them as a shield. Miles isn't an insert for his son, as when Miles was created it would have been before his sone was adopted or when he was an infant. Riri Williams apparently was influenced by his daughter though.

>due to Krakoa-era shenanigans X-666 joins the X-Men
>everyone likes her better than Laura

Yes he made Miles, But his son is not haft black and was born two years after Morales was creates

He adopted two black girls, that he says is why he made Riri Willians (his worst creation).
Ah maybe I got confused, knew it was something. I feel that's kind of a disrespect to his kids making a shit mc. But he really needs to stop also why did he adopt two black girls??? idk people with big white savior mindset and massive apologist vibes make me feel uncomfortable with them having black families especially adoption. Makes me think of Get Out lol
Yeah could see that, also what runs sold sound like most of his runs do poorly numbers wise. They at best break even but back in the day that wasn't even the bare minimum.

Dude just adopting like a bitch it seems. Is it like a step kid thing or genuinely adopting? Is their a reason for it nothing against it just a bit weird in context

Also this sounds like a fun idea if they did it, your evil clone is more likeable than you. An she makes sure Laura knows it, probably checking her everyday. Sending her group photos with her "friends" even gabby likes her truly social cucking.
He just has two adopted kids along with his bio kids. I try not to read anything into it because that leads to a pretty nasty line of thought. And generally his books did gangbusters until about a decade ago, and sold decently well until around the time his X-men run wrapped up.

It's strange, he had a Biological Daughter, than adopted a African America Girl, than a Etiopian girl, and much later his biological son was born.
Damn wonder what happened and yeah true, I try not to but just feels like you can't parent right if you've got that mindset. It's like being a racist adopting a black kid, your bias will make you more likely to fuck them up even if unintentionally. An just feels he might be the inverse of that mentality but again maybe I've let /co/ brainrot me a bit.

Yeah maybe it's overall time for him to retire his cape
Huh that is weird like I assume you adopt because you can't have kids or you think adoption is better. I think it's a bit weird to mix in adopted kids with bio kids because you might unintentionally favor them. But really more just wonder is it like a he met the kids and just wanted to help them out/save them from some broken home. Or he actively looked for black kids to adopt?
Why the hell did the comics make her so pale with black hair when in her first ever appearance she had darker skin with brown hair?
Because they knew what we wanted, a few runs have tried the darker skin route but most just drop it.
Well I want X23 with dark skin because white women are mid
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You can have brown gabby?
Gabby is a child, Laura is a woman

Unlike most people here i only like women
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Depending on most laura's and the best one was like 16-18 she very much is not a woman. Though now I think she's meant to be more 21-25 I think honestly hard to know.

Either way you can like women or like brown girls can't have both anon.
Comic Laura is clearly not a teen anymore. Just maker her brown it will be more accurate to her og look, no one will really care and i will be happy
I never said I wanted you happy anon. Also I said she wasn't but her peak is most of her aged up comic runs are average to bad of recent.
Ok but consider: i want to be happy
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The only consistently favorite characters on /co/ are Cassandra Cain and Carol Danvers
No one likes Carol Danvers for her, most likely her as a relic of a bygone era and dyke breaking/feminizing.

Is she had Alpha (remember him?) as a Shota Sidekick, people would like Cap. Marvel?
neither of these are x-23 though
This isn't Laura and Jubilee?
Really? also yeah people like some designs of her obviously so yeah she could make it
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When the world needed him, he disappeared.
What is missing from the booru?
These are not on the booru.
It appears a anon uploaded the textless version of that second image from this thread.
Wingbat is prolly mad at a.i. art, all those commissions and money spent and now you can just pump out Laura gens like nothing
Who are all the characters in the first one? I obviously recognize Gabby and Spider-Boy.
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The new champions, a new run of a shit ton of knock offs. People only care about the girls and bailey obviously.
If you're a decent enough person around an artist, then those commissions come with a few dozen free sketches. To add, attention is still a high demand drug, and AI quickly becomes a lonely mansion if you don't have a personality.
From left to right the characters in the image are Hulkette, Gabby, Bailey Briggs/Spider-Boy, Coal Tiger, Hellrune, and Fantasma. They are part of the New Champions line.
well he got butthurt and took all his material away and his website got taken down, was he a decent person?
Basically this, I've made tons of lifelong friends via commissioning. An commed a ai artist once and just like here on /co/ a majority of them are just lazy, and don't even put in the effort to do slight edits. Really I don't even hate AI but most end up spamming or acting like they've found some perfect cheat code. Remember one on twitter who was tricking people into comms and instead of just admitting they were using ai and saying I still did a service the idiot had to gloat about it which lead to them getting harrassed off twitter. But idk why some people have to be so arrogant about ai some ai bros are cool but a vast majority are cunts.
gotta treat it like a tool to mess around with and have fun with, not for serious business
Yeah best way to do it, also again it's more the tech bro mindset. They are obsessed with Fomo and getting some big win.
I just like messing around with different waifus and artist styles
I see my only advice is, just try to not be a spammer that tends to be the thing that pisses people off. I'd say maybe be like ladybug anon and do catbox links so a whole thread doesn't become filled with ai. I'm cool with it and even interested in seeing more gabby stuff but others might not.
yeah, I'm trying to get a good Gabby, I'm messing around with age loras and prompts on an X-23 lora
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Nice hope it works out bro.
Stegosaurus_R3X I'm begging you to stop uploading anything to the booru, you suck.
She was better when she was weird, Quiet, Awkward and autistic. Now she's just another superhero.
What does Laura's snikt-stank smell like?
Helix is the only good Laura ship. Socially competent guy + autismo girl = greatness. That shit with Synch was fucking insulting.
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Preach brother. People used to shit on her for being "wolverine with tits" but she was very different from Logan in terms of personality and had carved out her own niche in the comics. Nowadays that criticism rings unfortunately true.
The question is, how do we go back to that? I vote that they introduce the idea that Laura is masking, the way autistic kids do, these days to better fit in, but her inner self is more like how she used to be.
The design you prefer is literally a child while the design you hate is an adult.
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Outside of that, psychic brainwashing shenanigans or just slotting a new arc in the past, ala Regenesis, or retconning everything since Bendis to be a Skrull imposter, I'm drawing a blank.
>slotting a new arc in the past
>Laura discovers someone has stolen her blood and is making clones of her to use as living weapons
>Laura goes to destroy the facility
>she's captured and put in suspended animation
>the Laura we've been following is actually a clone that thinks its Laura
some Laura and Gabby experiments, and bonus Bailey













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Well I guess that explains the blue eyes she had for a while. My only gripe is not being able to keep up with how many Laura clones might be running around now and which one's the original.
Just a cop out?
Brain blast.
Onions and an entire Subway. It's sweat and BO in a latex suit.
Laura get's blasted in the head, gets temporary amnesia and starts acting weird again, Jubilee takes care of her and laughs at how weird Laura used to be
Prolly Female Gym clothes but with no artificial scents or anti perspirant because it bothers the nose of enhanced senses type metahumans
I'd take it over what we have now.
These are pretty good, but i would suggest changing art styles. Maybe something like Mrpotatoparty's style.

what site are you using anon?
That's some cute gabby x bailey, and some nice laura as well surprised how fast you got the bailey and gabby's working
this panel does an excellent job of illustrating that this artist gives everyone the same face
Yo Toca didn't know you liked Laura too. Any comms?
But what happens to gabby?
Sliced pickles, old pennies, and raw fish.
Gabby becomes a TEEN DELINQUINT up to no good.
Actually would be interested in where that goes?

>Is it a retcon
>Or is gabby depressed laura forgot her
Having your big sister/maternal analogue suddenly be replaced by someone with a completely different personality who has no idea who you are and everyone is okay with it AND arbitrarily declare the new one to be the "real" one because they no longer view the old one as an actual person due to being a clone in spite of you being a clone as well is bound to fuck up anyone severely.

Gabby joins the Avengers.
No one could, but who's based enough to get it?

Laura and her sisters fivesome:
alt version:
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I'll look into it, also Owler and Incase
genning with my pc, took under an hour to set up

yeah I asked on /g/ how to get gud and they game me some pointers,
Is that bailey too? But nice stuff anon making tons of marvel kino of recent.
I am fine with pale laura but i do tend to get darker skinned laura for my own settings. But very very goth.
That was actually my idea, since avengers arena laura has essentially been fronting what she thinks people want her to be instead of being herself, becuase that experience was that
Hey nice one of mine :)
For sure. I would add arrogant guy with a heart + weird offputting girl is just peak.
yep i do and some!
What's your X-23 budget?
Eh, depends, i get plenty of stuff. Not as much as cass or cass/kon stuff but laura and hellion are the marvel equivalent so a decent amount. Why?
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True sounds fucky, also really would probably mind break gabby too slightly. Her only lifeline is now gone and now it's awkward you basically are strangers and no one cares or wants the old/new laura back.

I feel she's to low tier for the avengers maybe she could be a ok new champion kek
Well that's always good nice when the channels are friendly and creative together. Hopefully they can keep helping you out.
I kind of forgot they were a ship, but I don't remember if I ever heavily shipped these two. But power to you anon, good stuff as always didn't realize you were the cass comming anon. Were you one that comm'd the bondage cass stuff?
Well current book is teasing some form of interaction again, after the last one was him being her dead future husband

Not bondage cass stuff, im the cass/kon guy.
She's not really an Avenger she just swiped Beast's access credentials and lives there while the Avengers pretend to not notice her because they know the X-Men are going to make things weird and violent if they find out.

Just joking.

>I'm not a murderer.
>I don't believe you.
>Why not?
>Because you don't believe you.

>They're doing that weird intense stare thing again.
>Just wait for them to get bored. So what's your story?
>Telekinesis. You?
Idk why but hellion reminds me of btas robin that hairstyle lol. I really need to draw some cass stuff myself she's like my second fave batgirl. Ah well I knew that but assumed you just comm'd cass in general.

aIso I kind of do wonder what they'd do with her and him, but anything is better than her weird thing with synch. She was more of a weird prop for his development which is weird when she's a mainline popular character and he's more of a bg x men. Really idk who I used to ship laura with maybe iceman he used to be my fave. I remember the ole bobby harem days. It's hard being a bobby fan now like it's hard being a laura fan it seems.
>a weird prop for his development
What fucking development? If anything that storyline was a man slipping into delusional levels of coping when confronted with the fact that Krakoa's resurrection process was basically a xerox machine.
I'm more shocked beast card still works with the whole Machiavellian villain arc thing. Kind of sad as well she lives there like a lost kitten. She basically just chills there because let's be honest the avengers barely live at the tower outside of animated series and pre event stuff. Most of them have families and kids so they can't stay at their little frat house. So most of the time it's gabby's to just hang out.

The question is who's asking who? I feel it's weird cass stopped murdering she should be like jason or damien. An this does remind me of superbly now canonlogically having some type of telekinesis but it's a special type.
I mean that's development when everyone's cool with it. Though I meant more what was basically being used to focus on him and his own story at the expense of her own character.
Ah gotcha

And kek yeah. Funny since its kon and laura that are the clones while cass and julian are from rich families techincally. Still the way laura and cass match is uncanny.
Just mean you have a type
Well when they stripped away pretty much everything that made her the character /co/ liked it was pretty much a given that this place would stop giving a shit about her.
Both for characters and ships, 100 percent. If there's another couple dynamic like them i would probably like it too.
Lol cute, idk any other good dynamics like this. I usually ship whatever myself I have no one size fit all ship.Maybe sette x jivi from unsounded, broken autistic abused girl who's a clone and neglected head strong boy who's street smart, or maybe gwen x superboy prime. idk theirs definitely more but they are obscure so hard to come up with.
especially such a volatile, angry and unpredictable version of her
one of my stories has an autistic tomboy and smug nerd duo as rivals-to-friends-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-?????
but they're both kinda(very) psycho and fairly similar in their weirdness when not putting up a persona so idk if they fit
also she's an OC and he's a very AU version of a canon character so...
Nah, it's Hellion. I just had the idea her him getting caught up in the Alchemax situation and helping her and the clones out which leads to Zelda surviving.

Atferwards he and Laura finally hook up, but her sisters interrupt. Unlike her, they don't have any experience with sex.
I think they'd probably need designs or to be canon for him to comm lol. but I'd be a bit interested in hearing more myself and
definitely in seeing if you've got some concepts.
Nice and yeah I realized it was him, it had just been ages since I've seen him I think. I really don't read the new wolverine stuff, think my last thing was the "piss boy" comic lol so about a year or so ago.

But hey doing good work indeed anon, so draw whatever I've gotten plenty of bailey and gabby kino from ya
The dialogue works both ways.
gwenpool need to find a x23 that could save her universe because milf Laura died trying to save her younger sister/daughter.
Only able to find a Laura that still works as a prostitute/ called girl in new York
That teenage ass silently visible under her pink hospital gown.....
About Gabby being a lesbian, why and how can the writers make a 12 year old fate to be lesbian !? Children at that age should not be exposed into this kind of complex sexual interest
What are they thinking!?
Which ai site did you use ? Looks very beautiful
Hot loli dyke sex
Should have been Peter Parker. I remembered a number of art between the two

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