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Glitch is having their little indie showcase next week
No chill livestream with Viv and Tracy this time , this time it's basically just a Nintendo Direct but with indie shows (12 of them)
Also they made a new OC

Thoughts? Expectations?
This will be the most attention Monkey Wrench has ever gotten.
I wonder if anyone at Glitch has actually seen a single episode
Can't wait for half the shows there to have Michael Kovach, aka the Awkwafina of indie animation
So are we gonna get Gaslight District preview?

Hoping it isn't just Helluva Boss with zombies
I'm getting this weird feeling about how big Glitch is getting. I like their shows but I'm worried about what direction they will take.
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I feel like they'll be fine as long as they keep up their quality over quantity approach for now, and they'll naturally grow over time

Because as much as i love Meta Runner, you can tell they had overblown expectations during that time

pic related
It's about their influence on other indie productions. Like how that Pain Girl pilot had a bunch of their voice actors in there. It's not like I don't like those voices, but I don't want it to become some sort of micro-Hollywood.
well i won't deny that

Elise Lovelock and Michael Kovach have been in like 60% of indie projects since Murder Drones came out, or is that just me talking?
>new mascot
quite the porn bait
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>Youtube version is tiny and half as long as the twatter post
w h y
yeah i dont get it either
Not a big fan of the avatar, she doesn't feel special.
And while I like that we get to see other indie shows, wouldn't it make more sense to have teasers for Digital Circus and their other series? They own those, why only promote other creators? The next TADC episode airs on December, so its not like its that far away
>Not a big fan of the avatar, she doesn't feel special.
sure as hell beats their previous mascot
>And while I like that we get to see other indie shows, wouldn't it make more sense to have teasers for Digital Circus and their other series? They own those, why only promote other creators? The next TADC episode airs on December, so its not like its that far away
They usually don't promote new episodes until two weeks in advance. At most we'll probably get another Gaslight District tease.
Great. The last GlitchX was really fun, despite the failed sharty raid (but that was hilarious with how they got BTFO'd).

I hope they do some more fun stuff with the characters. I still really want to see Uzi reacting to N acting like Jax or something.

>Elise Lovelock and Michael Kovach have been in like 60% of indie projects since Murder Drones came out, or is that just me talking?
Michael Kovach got big from Hazbin Hotel, voicing Angel Dust in the Pilot before all the Pilot VAs were replaced by Vivziepop. Elsie Lovelock was the singing voice of Charlie in the Hazbin pilot too
But yeah, they both majorly hit it off after getting into Murder Drones as their next big project.
>despite the failed sharty raid
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>Enceladus V mentioned
I assume we're getting a new release date for that during the stream since it got delayed.
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During the first GlitchX stream last year, a gaggle of sharteens attempted to organize a raid both on the GlitchX livestream and the threads here on /co/, targetting both TADC and Murder Drones (mainly Murder Drones).
It was a horrendous fail, Glitch themselves knew the raid was coming beforehand as did everyone else - because the sharty fags weren't subtle at all about their planning and the stream was basically unaffected. The threads here were spammed a litrle bit with low quality shitjaks and Nikocado ass voids but the sharty spergs got so butthurt over everyone laughing at their pathetic attempt at a raid they basically gave up after the first hour or so of deletions from the jannies. Keks were had and the Sharty got officially BTFO'd. Hence why a few of them stick around and shit themselves about Glitch's shows. The guy that spams Skibidi Toilet around the board and shitflings towards Murder Drones is one of them.
Gotta be honest, I'm a bit scared of making Ongezellig fan content because of those guys. I don't have a mod team behind my back to protect me.
Now thousands can see the hot babes
Don't let faggots ruin your enjoyment of things.
It isn't about enjoyment, it's about them actually harming me through doxxing or some shit.
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The new mascot is a cutie pie. So, good on them for that.
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Her name is BUG.
Take measures to avoid being doxxed wherever you are online.
Just disconnect your accounts from your real life. Finding your name is impossible if you never write it anywhere.
When I realised this it was too late. I don't post pictures of myself every day but I left quite a few footprints that can lead to me.
>just delete your stuff
There is a lot of stuff I don't want to delete since it took me a ton of effort to make.
gonna be a bit harder for them to do it this time, since their raid board was deleted.
not like it would succeed anyway leh mao
So it's just a Direct? Kinda lame. I liked the panels last year. Also the new mascot sucks. Better be some Digital Circus sneak peeks to put up with all the other shitty stuff they are gonna showcase, none of the clips they showed off look like real shows.
I don't blame them for not doing a Q&A considering the kinds of questions they got last time
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>Also the new mascot sucks
Watch your whore mouth.
Fugg the Bug.
Stupid fuckin anime girls shit ≠ good shows and writing. It's always a bad sign every time.
I think you're taking it too deeply.
Also anime???
Good thing Glitch's shows are good, and it has nothing to do with anime girls. It's not even an anime girl, it's just a fucking mascot for the Glitch X event. How does it look like anime in any way?
She looks like she does anal.
with or without lube?
There was a problem with the rendering.
It's called "paying it forward". I mean, haven't you watched that movie about it with Kevin Spacey?
No lube.
Teeth grit.
my kind of girl
she's cute in a "i'd hurt her while fucking her" sort of way.
It’s not anime though?
Isn't that the one where Sora gets shanked?
Absolute fucking retard.
Does she look better in CG?
again, look up their old mascot Bo
you suck at interaction with other females
with teeth like that I think it'd be the other way
Yeah? And this is way better than that. What's your point?
She's cute.
Looks like this character
You know what I mean faggots. It's anime adjacent uwu-wholesome schlop. Doesn't matter where it came from.
You mean "western OC that was clearly made by a weeb but doesn't exactly look like anime either"?
You can just say that you're gay anon. Its 2024 after all.

>No Viv

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>it took this much funding and team expansion for Glitch to make a presentable looking 3D anime chick
Cool, i guess
Fuck Tori
Even as someone who adores Meta Runner, even i have to admit the weird mocap style (especially in S1) hasn't aged well

Glitch ought to remake it with this new style we're seeing with Bug here

i dont see the similarity
Bo was just anime
not really
And this isn't.
All we needed was a gremlin.
yes. that's the point.
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Cute Uzi
Look at these little creatures.
la gremlina
Say no to Pigziepop.
Yeah, Q&As are a double-edged sword

On one hand, insightful information

On the other hand, what if Sonic met the Joker?
Would. Yeah. Would.
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I just want more droens. Especially doll
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She lives on in my heart... doll's love will never fade
you sure?
i want gaslight district news / teasers
Maybe we'll get some. It's highly likely.
I wonder if Gaslight District will be as well-recieved as Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus.
i have high hopes, i expect youtube's algorithm to not benefit the show by a lot (TADC) and to not fuck it either (MD), the merch might be the weakest thing because how are they going to make cute marketable stuff with zombies?
>i expect youtube's algorithm to not benefit the show by a lot (TADC) and to not fuck it either (MD)
TADC was most likely shown to a larger audience due to its family-friendly content, appearance and visuals
MD did not have such boost simply because of the word Murder in its title
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MD is just a more niche show and concept, not easy for a wider more general audience of normies to easily get into. Despite that, amassing 20 million + views per episode is pretty damn impressive considering the subject matter. I wouldn't say it got fucked by any metric, the show did really well and apparently made a fuck load of money in merch considering how big Glitch grew, how many new animators they started hiring, and how much higher quality the show's production became while it ran.
They should have a child
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Uzi shall give birth in 2030.
are you really that worried about merch?
>the merch might be the weakest thing because how are they going to make cute marketable stuff with zombies?
Anon, GLITCH made cute marketable merch of a robot fused with the flesh of a human girl possessed by an evil eldritch abomination.

I'm sure they'll manage.
Shame. I really enjoyed the live stream last year. I wonder why they're not doing the same thing this time. I really liked the VAs for the shows fucking around and doing improv skits. Was hoping for more funny audio.
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Would N like this birthday gift?
>considering the kinds of questions they got last time
Liam Vickers had to answer a fucking question about Pizza Tower. You could hear the audible confusion.
pretty sure the tail could chew through the ropes
Yeah but the solver thinks it’s funny
Which is more heartbreaking:
Tessa being forced to watch the AS torture her drones or her drones being forced to watch as it tortures her?
Why do you ask these questions, anon? Are you okay?
>Are you okay?
>On 4chan
Fuck off ESL
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I am not okay and I can't stop coming back to this place.
No, he's from a different game.
drones being forced to watch (especially for J)
Tessa probably can't regenerate her body parts. That makes it a lot worse than dismembering drones.
Mostly morbid curiosity, boredom and because I’m slowly going insane due to college stress and would like to distract myself from it through the strangers on the internet.
>I’m slowly going insane due to college stress
been there
and I might be there right now
I have no idea of when this nightmare will end
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Link to where Liam had to answer pizza tower question. Also why didn’t he just skip it?
Nta but it’s fun seeing the different responses from anons.
Imagine the Codependency
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Why is there so much MD art and stuff posted here on /co/ compared to TADC? I know that both shows have children within much of their viewership (that's the case for pretty much most cartoons, honestly, even "adult" ones) but is there just stronger autism for MD here? I'm imagining that the upper age range is a little higher and it just appeals to autism more.
Murder Drones is the kind of IP that will never have much mainstream appeal but happens to appeal a lot of appeal to the kinds of nerds/neckbeards that browse something like 4chan.
Her face is alright, but her hands look weird to me.
From the video from last year
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The coloring isn't great but A for effort.
>but her hands look weird to me.
Pretty sure that's mainly to do with squash and stretch frames from the animation, in motion they look fine.

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