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It's the last weekend of October before Halloween, so let's end the season with an old /co/ favorite. We do this every year, and this time's no different. Oldfags and newfags alike are welcome to read this story about creepy ghosts and thicc Russian teens.
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Please bump if you're reading.
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lets go!
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Messed up a little, this is the correct order.
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Yes please and thank you bump.
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I heard they are great, don't poo poo them Anya.
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It's been years since I read this in my Schools library. Hid away in the corner of the library during lunch time on rainy days.
Good times.
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I wish stew would go back to not drawing Anya like a landwhale, the earlier renditions captured her cuteness way better.

>posting images during a storytime
Bad form.
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This comic isn't long enough for posting images to be a problem, desu.
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I first read this on /co/ a couple years ago during a storytime, it's great. Take a bump OP
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Did she suck them off or something
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was this really necessary
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It's the most important part of the book.
It's extremely necessary to me
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Considering how desperate to fit in Anya is, it's surprising to see that she wears plain white panties instead of like a black thong or something.
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God I need a chubby awkward Russian gf slampig
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>implying teenage girls shouldn’t be showing their asses for my enjoyment
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Why are women like this
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I knew an Indian guy from my old middle school with a thick Indian accent that was pretty socially awkward. Can’t imagine how hard was in the US it must be brutal
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So she was a femcel
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>"Hey kid, wanna /ss/?"
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The things women would do to stick with Chad.
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Bump! Blump!
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End of the storytime. Thread was a lot more active last year, proof that /co/ is finally dead. But we knew that already.
This bit always made me sad when I was younger.
Don't get upset OP. At least newfags like me can appreciate you posting this cozy thread for us. Thank you! :)
I was just being quiet and reading the story. A nice blast from the past.
Thanks for posting anon.
Still a welcomed tradition, OP. Thank you very much for the storytime.
That's bullshit actually. I went to one of the top schools in St. Petersburg and even there we had never seen microfilm machines outside of spy movies
Yeah, weird she didn't even have last words just a sigh and accepted she lost and died. Though idk why she went up, she's definitely going to hell.
Anon you might just be old feel like I went to shittier schools and we at least had that and is common in libraries though idk anymore with computers and everything
Do note that Dima means St. Petersburg, Russia and not St. Petersburg, Florida
>Though idk why she went up, she's definitely going to hell.
I just laughed at the thought that she sighs sadly, floats upwards as her bones fall apart, and just before she diapers she's grabbed by demons and dragged screaming to hell, all while Anya watches in shock.
i'm glad you survived Hurricane Milton, anon
I'm surprised this never got an animated movie like Persepolis.
It could be a really good animated movie.
What’s the difference?
I've never read before, actually, thanks OP
I was wondering that myself
Ok this is tragic but hilarious.
>I just imagine her really thinking she was going to heaven and some angel nips that shit in the bud immediately like hell no.
>Then the demons grab her and she starts getting pulled down
>she screams how she wants to be a ghost again
>All while any watches and then has to walk home coping with the fact heaven and hell exist
Also I could have fixed her
Good thread, OP. Interesting story
both are built in a fucking swamp but only one has a dam to protect from storm surges
unironically, how would each of the main characters of this story react to the 2022 Russian intervention in Ukraine?
AI slop and other stuff has kind of just ruined the internet in general for me, but I still try to enjoy /co/. Was fun reading this again OP, thanks
Stacy supremacy.
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>fuck it I guess I’ll just die
But really, I think she was just kind of tired and too defeated to really say anything. I don’t think she truly feels bad about what she did, but in a way she’s just over it. I’d still fuck that ruler ghost body of hers though
I bet it could get one, though I worry some of the more “adult” stuff would be removed if a big studio wanted to adapt it. I need to see any’s panties and fat thighs animated dammit.
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Anya’s*. Also, have you guys read be prepared from the same author? I enjoyed it
Thanks for the storytime anon, I've been meaning to check this one out for a long time
Exactly I could fix her anya was a coward, just lay the law down and then you'll be getting some

Also yeah can see this had a very fuck it I'm done vibe.
Thank you, OP. I love this comic, great October read.
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Well bj because I meant I'd be doing it lol but nice someone made this also the brothers face is adorable.
I need more art of the tomboy friend
Canon, as far as I'm concerned.
Anya's pretty Americanised, so she would agree with the general opinion that Russia is the aggressor.
The Mother would probably refuse to believe that the Russians were in the wrong. She wouldn't condone the invasion, but she would think "it's all a big misunderstanding."
The Brother wouldn't properly understand what was happening.
Dima would talk about how "Putin is so based", and would post about how "those pig fuckers deserve it" on /pol/
Based Dima
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i read this story for the first time, i liked it
plus anya is cute so thx for that
>an old /co/ favorite
what are some other old /co/ favorites like this? art style or storywise
I was reading it but my Internet died
I don't like posting during storytimes until the comic is over
ty bro
If you are ruskie why you have iraki ragheads on your wall you damn dirty commie? Shouldn't you have ortodox Saint Cyka the Bloodboiler killing a hundred demons with a flaming chainsaw?
There was a thread awhile back, but Anya's Ghost actually did almost get a movie, but it would've been live action

If I remember right it would've been CBS Films making it, and it had a cast ready to go, a director, a script, the whole thing. But the movie just never went forward with filming because the company decided it was done making films, and was going to focus more on making content for their streaming platforms. Only movies that were already deep in the pipeline, or they thought would make more money were allowed to be finished and get made, like "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark"

I don't know who the rights belong to now, I don't know if it's a Bone situation where the creator still has the rights, or if CBS is just gonna horde them. Shame too, this book is begging for a animated adaptation.
>There was a thread awhile back, but Anya's Ghost actually did almost get a movie, but it would've been live action
That was a bullet dodged.
Hopefully we can see an animated film at some point in the future.
dun dun dun
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Additional bump of gratitude to the OP
giwtwm(the ground)
Gotta make up all that lost protein
Did she just hint she doesn't have a job?
>Did she just hint she doesn't have a job?
I didn't read it like that. The child support probably covers the cost of the tuition and maybe some expenses but probably isn't paying for everything.
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It's one of thise weird coronas(but still looks like a raghead)
Am I crazy or isn’t this the same series about the girl going to Russian camp or something
Hot and the true ending
Not the same series, but its from the same author/artist.

Thank you for the feedback. I'll keep it in mind for when I draw her next. I do feel that I've gone a teeny overboard
Same author yeah
thanks for the storytime OP, nice to re-read this again.
Also dayum Anya is hawt.
She's a keeper. Also doesn't double murder refer to two murders or is it just murder-suicide?
Been wanting to read this for some time, might get it for my shelf, thanks!
hnnng giant ghost booba
Well they wanted Emily because she killed the man and the women with the fire. But they never found Emily herself cause she fell down the well. So they wouldn’t list it a Murder Suicide. Plus she never intended to kill herself
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holy shit. I HATE female protags
>get the tingles for an obvious playboy chad and go after him despite him having a gf.
>have a sniveling beta orbiter she watches get bullied and laughs at. only treat him like a human when she can extract labor from him
>treats everyone and everything close to her like crap: her friends, her school, her culture
>the ghost is best girl and is nicer than the protagonist?
>uh oh, cant have that! shes supposes to be evil! uh quick, lets make her go crazy for no reason, want her to live vicariously through our awful mc, and also confirm she murdered a couple offscreen!
Anya is a fat whore and the comic should’ve ended with her not surviving the fall and Emily taking her body.
I wonder when Anya is gonna gain back the weight
I'd do anything for Anya desu
I thought it was a boy.
Don't listen to him, draw her even bigger
Don't do that, but her current size seems fine to me
oh yeah, I remember the pacer test.
>getting pounded at lunch
Dima is a femboy twink?
We all thought Siobhan was a boy. Even I remarked how pervy it was she was following pyshka cakes into the girls bathroom
I like this comic, not much more to say without spoilers.
>I thought it was a boy.
She's just flat
what makes you say she's a tomboy?
Compared to capeshit, yeah, it's immensely superior as a comic and story, but you're forgetting that great comics exist and this, fankly is fucking mid. Sympathetic characters? Who needs that? Everyone is selfish and stupid. Someone died, that's the story. Kinda boring. But it looks cute. Obviously wants to be a melancholy cartoon like Over the Garden Wall or Monster House or Paranorman. Either way, cool pitch I guess but it's not much of an actual comic meant to be more than that. Very little to say about the situation, no reason to care about it, either. Ideas with potential are not in themselves good final works of art. Something like 7 / 10.
> have a sniveling beta orbiter she watches get bullied and laughs at. only treat him like a human when she can extract labor from him
I kind of get this, but at least it was more about her wanting to distance herself from her cultural roots rather than “heh pathetic nerd”. She kind of learns to be better at the end too.
>implying a 7/10 is bad
It’s a simple self contained story about a teen girl growing up, don’t really see what’s bad about it
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Thanks for the story time OP
do these taste good?
The perfect waifu.
Kissing Anya's butt
It's fried cheese
Nope remember thinking same but confirmed just boyish bulldyke.
Idk the pants and cig I guess, but maybe she just wants to be loved to like anya. She'd wear pretty dresses to if her bf asked
i can get behind that kind of breakfast
It’s syrniki
pretty sure that's just a typical cool girl/rebel style.

even by the time of anya's ghost publication, it was more common for girls to pick up smoking
Most people dropped the cig by 2011. It always stuck out as out of place even when I first read it back then.
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>Most people dropped the cig by 2011.
not in my country
Did they experiment with each other?
Ruskie genetics
cigarrettes only really started dropping off around mid-2014 and weren't really truly gone until like 2016-2017, with vapes more or less completely taking over from there.
The main problem was how fucking expensive they were (due to tax) and the hostile government mandated packaging design.
I agree was just messing around, also yeah girls love shit like that. Remember in HS when e cigs first came out, a girl would smoke a pen e cig/vape all the time. Was so dumb I couldn't tell if it's attention or girls are more into fads like cigs and vapes.
Ha anon you must live in some wholesome area of the US or another country. I think the true switch didn't start til like 2014-17 when people swapped for vapes and weed being more popular.
Someone should be a real chad and draw the younger bro getting a ghost bj or ghost molested.
The whisperwhisperwhisperwhisper joke always gets me
Why ghost and not sister?
Why doesn't Anya fuck the ghost? Is she stupid?
Cause the ghost threatened to do things to him, and I'm sure easier for ghost to sneak in than sis
Now we're getting somewhere
I member storytiming Anya's Ghost myself years ago (edit is around that time). I see it as a /co/ tradition of sorts, and that is wholesome AF.
What if the ghost possessed her and went on a binge eating spree
What if a ghost possessed me, and forced me to appear at your door with a gun
Nigger, those are indeed saints. The "rags" you see are are aureole
/ss/ with Elizabeth and Anya's brother when?
Ectoplasmic fingers typed this post.
It’s one of my top 20s. Great little story
Try some of the Kerascoët stories like Beauty, Beautiful Darkness, or Miss Don’t Touch Me.
Thanks for the storytime, OP!
considering Anya's actions throughout the comic, even if she were on the fence about experimenting with girls, I can't imagine she'd do it with anyone in her school. then again, maybe Siobhan could convince her since she seems to be able to convince her to do a lot of things.
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/co/ used to like Emily Carrol. A lot of her stuff is genuinely disturbing.
I'd love to spooky sex
the Domo plush really does date this, doesn't it?
After reading this a few times over the years because of /co/, I now kinda want to have a physical copy of this. It's a good classic to me at this point. A must read every fall
You know it's good when the book srarts off with a top tier MILF.
I miss when LA was doodling for fun instead of being a patreonwhore.
I did see a physical copy. I thought to myself, should I buy it? I know the story well because of all the times I read it on /co/.
I did not get it in the end.
Why the FUCK is there no pudgy anya art? She needs a cute kissable tummy
I would have bought it, if it was a fresh copy so Vera would get her cut.
I pirate everything because 99% of what's available is utter dreck that isn't worth paying for, but I buy books to support them if I enjoy them to a degree where I will read them more than once.
What would spooky sex with her be like?
I appreciate it, just didn't want to interrupt.
>I could lose myself forever in that dark hair and those sweet love handles
This implies that Anya subconsciously wishes to be appreciated for her chubby belly
That and the fact that Anya says what year it is in the beginning.
Well she has a point, soft bellies are hot
But I might be biased because my wife is chubby and Russian
You're the luckiest man in the world
Skeleton fucking
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I got here late, I really enjoyed it though. Thanks OP
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Good seeing it storytime again.
Thanks for the storytime OP, always lovely to see some of Vera Brosgol's work.
>Vera Brosgol's work
what other stuff is good by her?
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Be prepared was storytimed here once or twice.
It's decent enough, reads like a semi-biographical account of her childhood and she channels a lot more of her woes of being a second generation Russian immigrant.
The art in it is pretty cute.
The mise-en-scene in this page is gorgeous! Love how it would be expanded in Be Prepared also by Verabee.
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I remember that! A drawfag came by and took some requests during a storytime thread last year so that was nice
You drew this? Neat.
DRAWANONS! You know what to do!
Bumping in case any other anons want to read
will someone storytime it once more? could it happen in this thread?
are there a lot of Russians in the US, where they have summer camps and things like that? are there a lot of Russian things like this?
Mentally unwell, or bot? We may never know...
not gonna lie, I though Siobhan was just a really weird Russian name. didn't realize she was Irish
these few panels actually do a pretty good job of laying out her character, the reason for a lot of her self-hatred, and the issues she has with her weight.
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I heard this is similar did anyone read it?
No. Storytime when?
Adorable goofy lil Emily, anon!
was he wrong?
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Vera Brosgol also wrote this short: What were you raised by wolves?
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>wolf world is mean
>human world is mean
>there is no solution
>there is nothing you can do
>fuck shoes
>here, dead boy, have my scarf
Based mom.
I find her art style very appealing
Thanks for the storytime
Always a good image
Legit surprised this never got a film adaptation
Storylength could easily adapt to a 90min movie without having to add or subtract anything.

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