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>AWI Creates an animated PSA demanding higher pay.
>Everyone volunteered for free, no one got paid.

Good job for showing the corpos you can do work for free now. Defeating the argument in wanting higher pay in animation
You're an idiot
Are you retarded on purpose?
The only PSAs worth their shit are the GI Joe ones.

The people who worked on the PSA's should of gotten paid for their time. Just seems counter intuitive when TAG (the animation guild) has a lot of money to pay for these PSA's.
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I always wonder how they never attack Disney in these PSAs and drawings? are they really afraid of Iger applying the same shit Walt Disney did with the first animators strike
>should of
so you are stupid, thanks for confirming
The trust fund babies are employed by the Mouse and don’t want to lose their cushy jobs.
>same shit Walt Disney did with the first animators strike

What did he do?
>*does shit for free.*

What's it like being on the verge of homelessness?
how do you manage to breathe, being this retarded
You are aware that volunteering is, by definition, unpaid work done freely, typically for causes people believe in.
maybe start reading posts before replying you mongrel
And animation is hard laborious work.

Demanding high pay while doing free work for another studio that is not even sanction by TAG defeats your argument.
These PSAs are produced by an indie studio. There is no indication that animators and actors are not being compensated.

Fired them and blacklisted them from the industry, some animators who worked on Fantasia got removed from the credits


Reminder that Jellybox was founded out of spite beacuse Gene Goldstein was tired of the animation industry just wanting reboots and spin-offs with the rejection of Planet Panic being th final blow

They know Disney won't listen to them and maybe they just don't like their Post-Owl House cartoons (probably the same reason why they never attack Nick)
>blacklisted them from the industry
False. They all went down the street to work for UPA
> by an indie studio

Right and if Jellybox Studios (which is not a sanction studio by tag BTW) wanted to strengthen their argument, they should be touting how they paid their workers a fair wage, showing that if Jellybox can do it, so can other corporate studios.

Guess what. Jellbox didn't do that, did they?
Again, they are an indie studio
They have to sell merch to make ends meet, for god sake
>Again, they are an indie studio

Just because they are indie doesn't mean they should pay their workers a fair wage. THE PSA's are VERY pro "Pay the animators a fair wage." propaganda.

It’s contradictory for a studio to complain about unfair pay practices by corporate studios while simultaneously having animators to work for free.

Disney is the only one hiring for DTVA, Pixar, Marvel and Disney Feature so they spare them
>doesn't mean they should pay their workers a fair wage
> while simultaneously having animators to work for free.
Did you have a stroke?
Too bad their 14 year old fanbase doesn’t have money for shitty merch.

What I'm saying it's a massive contradiction.

You can just go animating PSA's touting for fair pay while having people in your studio doing free work.

Free work doesn't pay rent, bills, food,medical, etc etc, buddy.
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It's convention fodder anyways
And you still haven't provided any proof that they aren't being paid
Stop talking out of your ass. There are no upvotes on 4chan

>30 bucks

Rent is due

>And you still haven't provided any proof that they aren't being paid

How come none of them are saying that Jellybox Studios paid them a fair wage?


Wouldn't it strengthen their argument, saying that Jellybox Studios paid them a fair wage?
Wouldn't it strengthen your argument if anybody had a single negative to say about them publicly? It's not like they have anything to lose by tweeting that Jellybox stiffed them.
Nobody has, so guess what?
>it's not like they have anything to lose by tweeting that Jellybox stiffed them.

because it's guise as a, "Good cause". Empty Promises and “Exposure” Don’t Pay Bills. This is grifting 101.
Imagine drawing this and believing any of these shows were of that much value
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Honestly this is kinda sad at this point. What's stopping these people from pulling a Tony Sampson and just going "Fuck this" and working at an oil rig?

Is it hubris, like other jobs are 'beneath' them & they deserve an animation job and nothing else? I get that spending 6 figures on a degree only for the top city to not be hiring sucks shit but aren't there like other local jobs they can work at with transferable skills outside of Hollywood? Why is it Hollywood or nothing?
>What's stopping these people from pulling a Tony Sampson and just going "Fuck this" and working at an oil rig?
the ideal world is where one can follow their passion and get a working living doing something they love

>Is it hubris, like other jobs are 'beneath' them & they deserve an animation job and nothing else?
people want to be able to survive doing animation work, this should be the long and short of it

>Why is it Hollywood or nothing?
except it isnt, a lot of people who work in showbiz have sidegigs or work second jobs to be able to afford to keep working there
what they want is just to be paid fairly and not have to work that second job

thats really all there is to it, they want more fair treatment at the job they have
the world would be better if everyone was free to pursue their passions
Animators are just mad because they think they're at the bottom of the entertainment industry pecking order. They resent the fact that they get half of what live action gets, which is 1/10 of what film gets. They should take a good long look at comic book people and count their blessings. Making cartoons at least gets you to middle class.
What prevents these people from just banding together and open their own studios in other, cheaper and more livable states?
It's not like you need specific infrastructure or geography to make cartoons these days.
Forget the yaoi shit, how the fuck do they expect anyone to take them seriously when they can't even draw hands correctly?
This is retarded, like all of these union thread end up.
Why don't you stop acting like you know anything about the animation industry?
>It's not like you need specific infrastructure or geography to make cartoons these days.
You actually do.
Tax breaks are dependent on geography and producers are basically infrastructure
>doing something you think is important for free
>doing something because it's your job
These are different things.
You can just slap it on youtube these days.
If it's good, people will watch from all over the world, instead of some random station in one country.
And I'm not an expert on US tax laws, but is California really the best state for tax breaks? Or is that specifically in relation to animation?
Infinity Train got plenty of episodes (and fucked up too much of it)
California has producers, marketing people and artists within walking distance. It's just easier
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You can't just crowdfund $100,000 and make your own cartoon, you need to find a producer to raise $20 million and embezzle $19,900,000 into their own shell companies, and then you can make your cartoon.
It's always funny when the communists try to go against the big corporation instead of obeying them and asking for a bone here and there
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>transferable skills
>Opens door to the managers office
>Doesn't let him speak
>I Know I'm 2 hours late but check this out
>Pulls pen from pocket
>Pulls stolen napkins from McDonald's out of pockemon bag
>Draws an amorphous blob on the napkin
Manager looks at you like you are insane
>This shit is going to change the fucking world
Manager is about to call security
>I grab his arm and forcefully make him sit back
>That's nothing look at this
>I write I fucking hate my life and I want to die next to it
>I stare into the managers eyes waiting for him to die laughing
The manager looks scared and is eyeing the door
>It's the he/him
>It's the he/him get it?
>I try to show him the drawing again only to realize I knocked a glass of water over it
>The manager managed to escape and now I'm locked in his office waiting for the police to arrive
>Capitalism ruined society again
God's chosen people won't loan them the money they need as long as their last name doesn't end on stein
It's been attempted before but YouTube will fuck you over
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....what's the story on that backwards, upside down hand professional animators looking to get paid more?
Lord no. There is a reason why all the Marvel films have primary shooting locations in Atlanta.
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that's crazy man
>upside down
Your wrist can't turn that far? It's just backwards.
Nigga, the thumb is literally on the wrong side of the hand. It's a right hand.
Gene Goldenstein needs to embrace his impending baldness and shave off that sad whisp of Mohawk already. He’s like the candy-assed twerps kid who wanted to be a punk rocker and never got over being called a poser so he’s lived the last few decades trying to prove his bullies wrong.
All this talk about how it is the corpos that are forcing them to use overly simplified styles and add woke messages, and yet they haven't made a single exposé.

Chosen law says to lend to yours without interest.

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