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Did she deserve it?
It felt so weird to me, she was the first one to express concern over the fact their were still people living down there but she is the only one to stay with Rourke. Guess it wasn't a moral concern but still weird to have her be the first bring it up
She's the only one in the team who never expreses any remorse for leaving an entire civilization to die by taking their power source.
Her only heroic actions are motivated by revenge for Rourke stabbing her in the back.
>She's the only one in the team who never expreses any remorse for leaving an entire civilization to die by taking their power source
I got that I was talking about when they first arrive she said something about how their weren't supposed to people down here. It just seems like a strange writing choice given later events
Get her fucking rags off!
absolutely not
It does sort of help make her seem harder: she'd prefer not to fuck over people, but she's gonna do it anyway. Which does place her, as seems reasonable, between the rest of the team, who all eventually turn, and Rourke, who couldn't give less of a shit about it all. And all his goons, I guess.

So she totally deserved it, but it shouldn't have happened anyway. Cause she's hot.
It amazes me that she was supposed to come back as a steampunk cyborg or something
I can fix her.
But not too much, of course.
imagine how hard she could make you cum with robot arms
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Deserve what?
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If the Atlantis sequel doesn't exist, then that isn't canon.
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y'all think she gives good head?
What? Was this from the failed tv series bible? How did she survive both her fall and a volcano?
she better does, those lips are made for that
I always found it odd that being the first person on this expedition Milo meets, she doesn't really have as big a role. After the sub crash, they don't really converse much with each other. I get that they needed time to have Milo interact with the rest of the crew, but even that felt a bit rushed.
>gives you an antagoness with a beauty mark fetish
It's a lost art
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Hoe hoe hoe
god helga is so sexy
Pretty sure Rourke didn't feel bad either, given the way he chucks her ass out like he had been waiting for a chance to drop her
She served her part getting him aboard. Did you think she would have slept with him like Elsa Schneider?
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Sex goddess
All the girls were delicious in this
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Something like this?
What's with all the Atlantis stuff recently?
no, not really
I hate to admit it but I think think this bitch gave me a bit of a fetish for girls in nazi uniforms when I was a kid.
I still have one. I'm going to get my blonde blue-eyed ex to dress up as a nazi bitch and have her beg me not to defile her pure womb with my mongrel seed.
>I hate to admit it
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Can you repeat the question?
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>she was the first one to express concern over the fact their were still people living down there
I think it's more like she realized they would have to resort to violence. It wasn't concern for the people but more so realizing the mission got harder.
Iirc she looked like the dude from FMA 2003. Aka really fucking bad
Her tits should be hanging better, she clearly is not wearing a bea under it
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God I just want to lick those 10,000 year old thighs
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a bea?
A bra.
Yes, if by "it" you mean "my peanits"
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That bad, huh? Weird. Though I suppose it might have been able to make some sense in Helga's case, who would have just suffered some falling/crushing damage, not magically have half of her body zapped off and somehow fucking survive despite the fucking side that her fucking heart is on being missing for days
It's a shame she didn't have such a build in the film
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No thank you
Because I know that rabbit hole leads to me wanting to bang a brown girl and I cannot let that happen because I'm racist.
>not liking both
I mean I am racist and I like certain kinds of women, just not blacks
>really bad
What’s the issue? The design posted looks cool.
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She was more of a diplomat/spy than a straight up fighter. The canon femme fetale design was better for her role in the movie IMO.
he's right though. Musclefags ruin good porn.
People draw fanart/porn of characters that give them tits/ass/hips wildly out of proportion to their actual design all the time, why only complain about this?
The fact that she expressed concern doesn't change the fact she was willing to set aside those concerns for a bigger cut of the cash that would come her way

Helga made her choice just like everyone else did
She sure did
Look at that goofy ass fucking face, how can anyone prefer Kida to Helga?
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It really hurts knowing how close she was to surviving the movie. Helga and Rourke were both my favorites so I kinda hate the ending.
She also looks to be genuinely sad about the number of sailors who died when the giant lobster thing blew up the submarine. It was a good choice by the filmmakers, a villain who shows a pang of conscience but then decides to press on with doing evil is much more interesting than a one-dimensional monster.

Not really, but that's how it goes when you are a noir type character.

I think that's natural, really.

It's Milo, he's like 80 lbs. She could have just picked him up, put him in a suitcase, and threw him on board. It's probably happened to him before.
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>""We were going to have a new villain in the story. The villain was going to be wearing big, scary, wool, bulky, World War I-style clothing with a frightening gasmask to obscure its face; a little Darth Vader-esque," Wise explained. "And this villain was going to try and retake Atlantis and finish the job that Rourke was unable to accomplish. And the big twist in the climax of the movie is that the villain is unmasked and it turns out to be Helga Sinclair. Plot twist!""

Probably another think from Mike Mignolia's influence.

Somehow I always figured she wouldn't care about recapturing Atlantis after the movie was resolved. Like, who is paying her anymore?

She wasn't a villain, she was a femme fatale that was paid to do the bad thing at the current moment in regards to current circumstances but was not with the information they set out on. That's how life rolls in 1930s esqe scifi.
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On paper it sounds like a silly character twist but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they never had chance to actually flesh out that arc. Sounds like they thought up what she'd look like before they actually thought of why she would still be alive. The idea of a hulking cyborg clad in salvaged WW1 soldier gear stalking the caves of a lost underworld and haunting Atlantis is pretty damn cool.
My headcanon is that she definitely would've taken Kida or other Atlantean women as prizes given the chance.
Spite I guess? Now that she's nearly died and been turned into a cyborg for the sake of taking Atlantis' riches she might as well finish what she came for or else destroy the damned place in the attempt.
>one cherry picked moment out of the whole film
The FMA guy, Archer, was just incredibly stupid and out of place with the setting, which was meant to be even more grounded than the original manga. The automail, which is what is used to replace the lost half of his body, was treated more akin to a simple mechanical prosthetic when compared to the manga where it was revealed there were things like chainsaw arms and even cannon arms.
But what made it so especially stupid was, again, the man was literally missing the most vital half of his body, the side with his heart. He was somehow split down the middle, and survived. Yes, it was by alchemy, but up until that point, and even in the original manga itself, it was never shown to be able to leave someone in such a fatal state. Not even the teacher woman who was missing some organs was able to shrug off her messed up guts, in fact, she died in between the first anime and its corresponding film.
Going back to Helga, I could maybe have accepted her being a cyborg since she didn't get wrecked liked Rourke did. She fell from a great height and then perished, that was it.
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>tfw no pregnant helga art
you can't impregnate a corpse, anon
She's well written. But she was just like him, since it was very greedy. When she couldn't have it nobody could
Death? I mean, probably. It's a miracle any of them lived to tell the tale. They all "deserved" to die by taking this insane suicide mission to begin with.

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