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>How do I make a comic?

>What if I can’t draw?

>What’s the best site to upload to?

>How do I get more people to read my comic?

List of HYW comics:

Make sure to hide/report shitposts, and avoid engaging with known shitposters.

> Thread Question:
Do you like sharing your work with friends and family, or just online?

>Thread Challenge:
Draw a relatively detailed background.
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>Draw a relatively detailed background.
OK i will
I don't show anyone my comics.
then why the fuck did you post here?
Because I still at least make comics which makes me better than half the posters of hyw who just care about drama
is the preachy faggot who posts incoherent blobs of color and calls them "characters" and "scenes" gone?
Who cares
Great art

His name is Guy and apparentally he's actually a whole organization.
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Did this tonight
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Things are going pretty well so far, out of curiosity anons how much of a backlog should I have before I post? I'm thinking around 15ish pages myself.
Sounds like a decent amount, I was going to shoot for 20 myself.
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That's fair, I'm honestly so excited to post something and see how people think about itthat I am probably going for a smaller amount than I maybe should,
Really just depends on how long it takes you to make a page.
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getting a new drawing tablet soon
this one is gonna have a screen thank fuck
can't wait
The #1 thing to keep in mind is that pleasuring you and meeting your sense of aesthetics is not actually desirable. It’s fucking gross, in fact
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nigga at least what I draw doesn't look like it warrants the artist being shot for degeneracy
i'm having fun with it while you're shitting yourself non-stop over it

any time someone else is happy, it's bad
any time someone else is miserable, you're ok
you'll never be happy faggot
and that's a pretty comforting thought
People literally want the exact style of art you’re already doing but with increased clarity and actual writing. Nobody really minds the colors and harsh shapes, you can keep using those, but you need to learn how to draw actual figures and settings and people in that style, or else no one will be able to read your comic. I would also recommend naming any of your characters and actually progressing a plot instead of just saying scary demons are coming out the robots for 30 pages
I would shoot for whatever feels like a decent amount of story to start with, whether that's 10 or 20 or whatever.
Is it a Galaxy Tab or just a pretend tablet?
You’re a Zoomer completely detached from everything I do. You might as well be a Mongolian traveling to me in America to tell me how to live my life with your corny-ass fake lessons.
> any time someone else is happy, it's bad
>any time someone else is miserable, you're ok
You’re describing my Catholicism, I’m supposed to reject the world. The industry animation community should not be happy as they make bad work for kids or propaganda for kids, they are susceptible to the Millstone passage of the Bible.
> People literally want the exact style of art
And then you tell me to change fucking everything. Obviously you’re adapting grooming for teenagers to figure out what to say to me. “My style” just means you want me to work on fandom slop here to flavor it a little.
> and actual writing.
I literally just published writing for one of the main villains, either y’all didn’t read it or you’re seething that you can’t get writing like that from industry art, which has shitty villains.
> actually progressing a plot
Impatient overgrown snotty child who can’t read, “writing” is just a symbol for being able to tell me what to do. Going to email
You are delusional about what people want to change. Nobody wants you to do gay art or tv cartoons, do want you want but i assure what you are doing isn’t drawing.
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Keep in mind that posters who bitch and moan about "drama (>>146306535, >>146306615) or engage in baiting Guy, who is a legitimate schizophrenic not in control of his faculties, are glowies looking to derail the threads. The sheer amount of creative potential generated by these threads threaten the globohomo status quo- if the glowies can keep the anons infighting, they'll be too busy to make comics. Don't be part of the problem- ignore+ report shitposts, post art, simple as.
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>be me
>come up with not just one but a few ideas for webcomics with my best friend way back in high school
>I write, he draws
>dick around with things in college but finally get things off the ground with a cape comic, launch our website and first chapter
>immediately get hit with the second greatest heartbreak of my life, sends me into spiral of severe depression for next 9 strait years
>finally get my head strait this year, ready to get back on that horse
>domain on our website since expired
>my buddy is now married with an IT career starting, expecting his first kid early next year
>I'm working on thumbnails again but don't quite the same wind in our sail
Be honest, is it too late for us? Buddy has stated he still wants to work on the comics but I can't shake the nagging feeling that our chance to strike the iron came and went
Yeesh, I can’t recommend ‘becoming depressed’ for nine years over a girl. I get it, I’ve been through some rough stuff, but it’s really never an excuse to quit drawing. You’re fine to keep working and can get anything done at any age, but I wouldn’t really blame the relationship for not working during that time
Oh I know that now. She wasn't worth my time or energy, looking back. But when you're practically mere seconds from dropping to one knee and making a wife of her, only to have her drop your dumbass unceremoniously because she can't find herself in an empty room, it's quite the twist of the knife. Had depression issues most of my life as well, that shit was just dumping gasoline on the fire.

My issue now is getting back to work on things at a steady pace. Every time I think "I should doodle a thumbnail or two" I just can't muster the motivation like 90% of the time
Cute? Do I design spaceships to be cute? Is it the sound effects, are they too goofy? Maybe I should just lean into it instead of questioning it.
Well yeah I don’t mean to bum you out but it’s in the style of classroom doodles and it’s cute
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Oh! Because it's just the sketch. Yeah I use a pretty chunky brush for sketching. Don't worry about bumming me out, my baseline style for most things is cute and I'm well aware. I just think it's kind of interesting that the cuteness seeps out of my comfort zone when I'm drawing vehicles.

I can't in full honestly say the spaceship design isn't a little cute, since they're supposed to look buglike.
Even this is friendly and cartoonish, which is good.
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Part of the struggle in planning/drafting the current chapter is that I need to adjust my powerscaling to make a character's actions more plausible. I need a new character to show he's really strong, but not so strong that the heroes of the story can't fight him. So the people he's fighting in the opening scene got powered down a little. Having their vehicle design be kind of silly helps feed into that.

...On the other hand the OTHER spaceship design I've prepared for this chapter is ALSO SILLY. This was semi-intentional but I'm going to have to be mindful that the worldbuilding theme of "aliens kind of suck actually" looks like a cope for "I can draw animals but not vehicles"
Thanks, I had to go out of town during the weekend, didn't notice the previous thread died.
Think you're still perfectly able to make something. Is kinda the point of these sorts of things.
>HYW- how's your webcomic
my last comic page got more feedback on Reddit than usual. I think because Reddit loves The Legend of Zelda.
Just become a writefag or something
It was full of playful references. I liked it all through the WIP phase
I got a question about the beginning of my comic. Basically, I have another alien race that comes to earth and it's important to the following plot I want to tell that they appear after WW2. Basically a period where humans where NOT in a good place and wouldn't take meeting a new society very peacefully.
The actual scene is a group of Japanese soldiers coming back to the mainland in a submarine. They're the first to see the race's new continent come down and settle in the pacific ocean.
I don't spend much time on them, just them obviously being upset and angry about the bombings before they see a huge landmass descend from the sky (which they briefly assumed was a third bomb for one dialogue line), but my friends say they think it's a bad idea to start the story with something so controversial as the Japanese military in WW2. They also thought the 'third bomb' line could be seen as insensitive.
I had no worries when creating this because I wanted to create a sort of striking opening but their concerns got me second guessing myself. I have no political intent or message behind this, it's just an attention grabber. What do you guys think? Should I change it?
>What do you guys think? Should I change it?
really this could be good, depending on how you execute it. the idea is the easy part
> I can't make my comic because I'm not in the mood
> Now I can't make my comic because it's too late

Stop with the excuses, just make the thing.
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Good news, everyone: the lore is written!
Bad news, everyone: I have to actually design the characters, plan the plot, and draw the fucking comic.
Rather than have them react like it's something specific, could just have them yiik out like "wtf is that" and speculate if it's another weapon but not specifically the bomb
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Will all fall into place in due time.
Is that what /hyw/s tell themselves?
Unfortunately, I can't work on the project without a proper plot.
But I could do design sheets...
you do you, anon. If you managed lore, it's a nice jumping off point to make a plot that can elaborate from events or things from it.
That's weird, usually I start with characters, then a vague direction for a plot, then reverse engineer the lore to suit the needs of the plot and characters. I guess what I'd do if I ended up backwards like you is, I'd go back to the original ideas that inspired me to make lore, and see if there's a seed of plot sitting there.
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wet girls
In my case, I started with a type of story I wanted to tell, then quickly put together some characters to fit. I know this style of storytelling isn't in with the kids these days though - people tend to make characters and work back, which I've never been much good at because I've always seen characters as functions to tell a story rather than a story as a function to show off a character.

This will probably be one of the reasons my webcomic fails. Nowadays the really popular stuff is basically just written like fanfiction, but the fanfic is for the author's OCs.
>Nowadays the really popular stuff is basically just written like fanfiction, but the fanfic is for the author's OCs.
Painfully accurate
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I like it that way, honestly. I must admit I'm a sucker for ultra character based storytelling - I'm just no good at it. I'm too into my tropes and big silly setpieces

A really good writer is able to turn characters into setpieces. I am not a really good writer.
Are you that artist? I love that character and her fat ass
Ohh guess so, thanks!
The way you tell it, it sounds like you don't actually enjoy writing. Maybe it's just too different from my process. People enjoy writing and reading characters because those are the parts of a work that have faces and say words, this seems like it should be natural and obvious.
The design planning for the ship is cool. When I seen Sargreon's ship, thought it was a neat little design that wasn't particularly flashy which probably suits him.
You guess you're the artist? Sounds like one heck of a case of imposter syndrome.
Well you won't get any better at it by doing nothing about it, maybe try a couple short practice stories first or just do your main story now and improve your writing over the course of writing it.
Oh cool, didn't know these chars were for a comic.
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Some new Tom N Artie with family drama. I'm thinking of changing up the upload schedule with next issue to go along with my next webcomic. May switch to bi-weekly uploads but go twice a week (monday and wednesday), would that be a better method cause weekly has been killing me for some time.

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Transformation for my self insert
Do you mostly base characters off yourself, people you know, tropes you were influenced by, or what the overarching story requires?
I enjoy writing a lot, actually - it's my main hobby, and if I don't do it for long enough, I get very unhappy. I'm just good enough at it to see all the flaws.

Way ahead of you
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I just think of the coolest thing and mix it with the funny way real people look. Cool people looking stupid is my thing
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>Do you like sharing your work with friends and family, or just online?

My family and friends know that I'm drawing this comic, but they don't have idea what is about since they don't have (or want) to read it.

>Draw a relatively detailed background.
The most detailed I could do without using references like stock images.
>Cool people looking stupid is my thing
Based bejitakek
Cause Vegeta’s cool but looks stupid?
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That bnuuy was in danger.
what is the future of webcomics?
/hyw/ being its own audience forever
Surface Pro chads...we don't exist.
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Skill issue. Print up something simple and get it out into the world
>awesome and empowering
I will now never create my own zine
Based and I think I will do this as a 32 year old man. Wish I was cool enough to have known about this in middle school
You wouldn't have had the chance, at least if you're american because mutt schools never promote creativity
>triggered by words
You weren't gonna make it anyway
Can't recommend it enough. If you have creative friends, they'll love it
I suppose if you like webcomics enough, you're bound to make your own.
There are some good comics here, too. It's fun to see artists grow.
People want to make their own stories, webcomics are just the easiest way for them to make that happen.
Any recommendations for fonts I should be using for text and sound effects?
Comic Sans for font, acapella and AI for sfx
Better than having a bunch of gays and coomers rot out all the soul of your work and in return paying you fairly better than minimum wage as you fade away in darkness
>poverty and no views is better than coomkino
I'm torn here.
>AI for sfx
...about panel composition, do people reuse the same panels? not the image within the panel but way the whole page is set up, do mangtakas and comic book artists and webcomic artists do they ever reuse the same page?
i hope im making sense.
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I’m lazy with paneling and don’t know if I’m even that clever with it. I have a 3-panel template and a 4-panel template, but I also have a specific pen that’s just two parallel lines that I use to modify said templates. Pic related.
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these are fun to make. i made a doodle zine to give away and people love them. i gave them away at bars, parties, etc.
i also made half page zines with excerpts of my webcomic.

i just learned this last month!
Unless you're doing the same formula over and over like a 4koma or something, I wouldn't recommend it. If you're trying to tell an actual story you may want to just suck it up and put that rectangle tool to work.
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It depends on how exciting you want your composition to be.
You can have a template that divides your page into four strips (or three if you use american paper). Scribble in what you want happening in each strip and partition as needed. Easy to make, easy to follow.
That's pretty much literally what 4koma are, but that's a pretty specific type/style of manga making to begin with, but longform manga have been made with it.

I couldn't imagine just using stock pages or panels, though. Variety is what allows you to give more or less impact to certain images or pages, and can also help your reader understand the flow of time within the context of the story. A bunch of stock, pre-made pages with the same panel layouts would just be pretty boring, for the most part.
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Based as hell, these look great
Also just started doing this recently. People get excited when you have something physical to give out, maybe it seems more special now that the default is for everything to be online.
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>upload pages or chapters to continue your comic
>post half finished sketches on HYW with the rest of the NGMIs
Option C: Jack off to it then let it rot for 6 months.
Variety is leftist and the death of comics as a medium
What's the point of bumping this thread? I'm never gonna make it anyway...
take note that Merrivius made it. and he doesn't post here now.
Oh yeah they fucking went apeshit on me for drawing. Was getting As and Bs but holy fuck stop this fucking maniac kid he’s working on his own skill too! They won’t let him draw at work! (Clueless that illustration is literally a job)
Hell yeah brother
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Not with that attitude you won't
why OP doesnt keep track of previous posts anymore?
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>Thread challenge
This from a few months ago.
Why numbers poster doesn't into English?
Anon...you are disrupting the class by quietly doodling in your notes!
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To make me post the same page over and over.
Is that a new page? I've seen that one with the samurai swords about 10 times
I don't reuse panels but I often am doing similar layouts. A common one is where I make 5 panels. 4 panels are normal and one is extra wide or long.
Not a comic but I often do illustrations like this in between comic scenes to mix it up
haha fun
How do you like to read or release a webcomic, by page or by chapter?
Chapter. By page would actually be more work to upload, but I realize releasing in larger, spread- apart chunks has also killed my algorithm game. Oh well
I draft the entire chapter, then go back and ink/color and release page by page. I find it easier to keep going forward when I have the plans for a segment of progress already charted out, but I also find it more satisfying to release each page the moment they're finished so that I can get attention right away.
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Doing a design for the Diamond Authority of the mining regime in the Astarian Nights wastelands
Astarian Nights is in the same universe as Steven Universe?
>I also find it more satisfying to release each page the moment they're finished so that I can get attention right away.
Most pagefags aren't big enough to admit that this is the main reason.
It's a mostly coherent picture so congrats
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Not yet. I'm still working in the sixth chapter pages.
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I saw the SpongeBob meme posted in a different thread and had to make my own version
I'm sorry, what?
background looks alright. Gives a decent sense of scale
half way through my self imposed deadline and barely done much. I'll try to write up a few pages today.
Who are your characters? I don't recognize them
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10 pages drawn at the moment. There are 42 in total.
I have a script ready for the first part of the pilot for my project "Dead End Kids".
I will try to finish it by the end of the year.
From my comic Chickadee's; and it's fine because I haven't published much yet.
Looks cool anon, good luck
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Got 8 out of 14 pages of Chapter 0 ready to go and various shorts. I feel it's time that I start posting Abnormal Shift next Friday, go on a bi-weekly upload schedule which should give us time to complete pages without much pressure.
>half way through my self imposed deadline and barely done much.
A tale as old as /hyw/
>"How do I get more people to read my comic?" isn't just a link to tw*tter or a how-to on forming social connections
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The demotivational propagandists are working overtime trying to discourage our work. They hate to see a good thread succeed- ignore them and keep grinding, good work is its own reward dear anons.
>good work is its own reward
Only /beg/s with no views say this and even they don't believe it
Might be cool. Kinda digging the preview stuff.
Pretty nice. Liking how its laid out.
I think it's the residual boomer attitude. When boomers were young getting an education was the most reliable way of making it. You got a degree, defaulted into a good job during economic boom times, and were sitting easy for the rest of your life. That's how it went for my parents. In their eyes nothing mattered except for school, and any time not spent on school was wasted.
do you guys have jobs or do you just make comics reeally slowly?
Sure, crab
In hindsight the level of rage it triggers in them is absurd, I was beaten for drawing too. Joke’s on them now!
Protestants say it
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Made a new villain for Mechanica and wrote a speech for him, Scythe. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lpcyBYfl36185A6wglfFV-txRuuk3dtu8BtRKJiXVaU/edit
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So good that some parasite loser went to harass me in another thread so he doesn’t look pathetic in this one - here’s his anti-review >>146351284
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Sure Guy, you're being "harassed" because you're "too good," not because you're an annoying sperg that floods every thread you touch with nonsense babbling and schizophrenic drawings. Please, tell us how those industry emails are working out for you.
I had plenty of support for my ongoing work, even before I unveiled Mechanica, before psychotic Zoomers stalked all my interactions and so I punished the industry that feeds their psychosis.
I made… 6 comments, which people make for a single page sometimes

If that’s “flooding the thread” you’re saying that my contributions are way more meaningful by far, so you’re a gay communist seeking to cripple my leading qualities.

Keep trying to be clever but you’re just doing shitty imitations of my comments from years ago, nothing of your own, parasite
And if you’re trying to count people who freak out because they want to see work from me, well… they should tell people with the money to pay me and stfu.
For me it's both
Same. Having a job is also draining outside of work hours- there's the commute, the time it takes to wind down after work, trying to fit in essentials like groceries, etc. At that point, making comics is competing with things like reading or gaming. I'm trying to dedicate a steady amount of time to it, but it gets draining.
I have a full time job and I run RPG campaigns. And I also make comics really slowly.
Searching "guy" itt, not even 10 of the results are him. Also he seems to mostly only respond to people responding to him so you're the one causing your own "flood" here.
Shut up, fag. 10 emails to industry insiders
Exactly this. Go to work, draw for like an hour, go home and unwind, only feel like drawing again right before bed. I don't know how other people power through it.
>*recoils* I've been found out!
By all means shit up the thread if that's your purpose, just don't make such easily disprovable claims.
looks a bit like an ayylien. Unless I'm forgetting some kinda reference.
I merely use up my entropy, that's why.
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A thread as slow as hyw doesn't belong on a board as fast as co
Nope. Just needs some work to run things smoothly
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>the glowies are trying to stop me from making my autism comics!
Grow up.
The character is often drawn in a chibi style without a nose or mouth.
Just needs a bump every 2 hours or so.
You're the one camping out in a webcomic thread without having an actual comic, crab. Fucking Guy's posts are worth more than your crab shitposting
>suddenly you need a webcomic in order to post in hyw
No one here actually believes this.
I'll certainly give it a curious read when it arrives.
Kinda spooky. Do like the warping effect.
What's the thread named, genius anon?
The thread is called comics and cartoons, if you haven't produced both you don't belong here.
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>The thread is called comics and cartoons
>The thread
First day?
The point is you don't have to have done something to have an opinion on it. Gatekeeping isn't as "based" or "redpilled" as you seem to think it is. All it does is make you look like an asshole.
No need to be so touchy, it makes you look like a fag
Why are you so insecure?
Was wondering what was up with the visual alt and seen note. Just a design decision?
Shut the fuck up
>All it does is make you look like an asshole.
Negro, you are projecting so hard I can see your seething face on the clouds. You are the one who came into a random thread and started talking shit.
Yes. You’re seeing design indecision in real time. This “snake eyes” symbol I’ve settled on is more appropriate and representative.
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Babying the schizo is a greater offense than poking it. Fuck off.
Damn, now the pedo schizo is trooning out too lol
Storyboarded a bunch of pages but have to draw a heap of others before I can use them.
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idk what a Galaxy tab is and I'll have to look but it may be way outta my budget
Thanks man
Did it in MS paint
Sending dozens of emails with a screenshot of you attached for opening your disgusting mouth instead of lurking or better yet, leaving. No one cares if you’re in art school
Independent art threatens established creativity
>screaming because you’re a frustrated child who knows if you let the course of artistic development proceed naturally no one will ever have a reason to care about or notice you
There are webcomics here BLATANTLY influenced by me dumbass kid
>There are webcomics here BLATANTLY influenced by me
I'm genuinely curious which ones, Guy. Not saying I doubt you, I'm just surprised
I’ve been here since 2006 inventing and posting my own artistic philosophy and vision, no need to single them out
People have said the Tab S6 Lite is a decent place to start, personally I don't go lower than an S7 though. Anything more gets pricey though, especially the recent ones.
Eh, I'm less likely to buy your claim if you can't point out anything specific.
The point isn’t to convince people, it’s to advance the interests of creativity. Pretending like I just got here a few years ago and just started influencing a few artists for no reason would not do so. My best friend worked on the biggest internet thing for the time and now I’m developing my sci-fi series I created with her.
Get to work sending those emails guy. I'll keep rising and working my way up, you'll keep blaming others.
Get to work on your emails pussy, because clearly you're getting nowhere with your 'drawings'
Oh hey, it's those great dinner conversations
I admit you have some inspirational ideas I do think about, but overall you are actually a crazy person
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my webcomic is going great
Why does the bottom look so much more detailed and realistic before you expand it

I say I guess a lot

That was the original idea at least, I kind of want to work on a game someday, just need people who can put up with me, but I'd like to at the very least do little single page comics from time to time
Why don't you go to like the indie game dev general and try your luck there or on other social media then? I mean if that's what you actually want.
Something finally clicked and I'm back to scripting after a stall.
Am wondering how much talking heads could be too much in a character interaction. But I feel the dialogue establishes a fair bit of story even when condensed to fit in as few panels.
Like how it makes a cameo every now and then.
Why is he telling them his full address? Art looks nice
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Here's hoping you enjoy it, anon.

I half expect that Webtoons might give us some shit for the monster design but got edits prepped just in case.
It's because then they have to also admit the amount of attention they get is barely more than nothing! For me anyways. But it's enough!
>But it's enough!
Is it though...
If you enjoy the creative process and like your story enough, it is. Having even one external voice agreeing your work is good means it's not all in my head!
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Is that the angry lesbian people are complaining about in the regular show thread
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Terra just uploaded new art to Twitter
Green hair is an anal queen, you just know
I don’t remember the elf or the blue girl

I thought she was a lesbian
Lesbians have buttholes too
>7 waifus and no porn
the reason his comic fails is because they never have sex
I agree there should be more sex, but his comic is one of the most successful projects to come from here.
Teases get more engagement than actual porn
>fails is because they never have sex
comics are judged by different criteria than people, just because people say that about you doesn't mean it makes sense for other things
it still needs official lewd scenes
Anon…there are 8 girls in that drawing.
Okay thread, which one do you choose?
Idk, they all look too young to me,and something about the style doesn't lend itself to being sexy. Maybe it's the big glassy eyes that say "anime- style autism," maybe it's the big heads and noodle bodies, I don't know. Krump is a talented artist, but nothing about his style hints at sexuality
These designs are totally sexless.
Please use a name and tripcode when you shill your comic.
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Character design sheet bump
Does /hyw/ prefer A (maroon with pink stripes) or B (pink with maroon stripes)?
Betz on suicide watch right now.
>he doesn't know
Far right
Considering that the pink color is more predominant in the whole design, I would say A.

Have you made a C and D version with the A wings and maroon back and D version wit B wings and pink back?
Uh, how about no? Any questions?
I hope that faggot buttz gives up on comics soon lol
Another bump
Replying to yourself is cringe, anon
I'm liking A a bit more.
I wonder what mental illnesses and personality disorders he suffered from. In hindsight, Betz was so fucking weird.
Pretty sick monster design.
I hope his wife left him for a better man. I feel bad for them.
Same. I feel so bad for them having to live with that guy.
>more detailed and realistic
I just think that has something to do with the gradients
Check out my webcomic!
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I'm good.
>about 3/4 through Chapter 0
>as I work, I think of ideas for the comic proper
>gradually, my plans drift further away from Chapter 0 in terms of themes, tone, and genre.

when I actually start uploading it, it's gonna be the most ADD shit ever.
Holy fuck this guy is still everywhere. At this point it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume he's the faggot camping in these threads trying to derail them.
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Sure, Coldfusion. Sure.
Rent free.
Terra always was a dick to people
Not too bad. But I feel it is very confusing, almost as if it is trying to start a lot of unexplained plot points immediately. The supposed revival, the ring, large time gap and the genie character. All kinda thrown at the reader all at once in as few pages as possible. Don't know if the reader is going to be able to keep perfect track of those sorts of things if they're just a one and done mention and show up some time down the story.
>a dick
He was 100% correct about Coldfusion.
In all fairness, this is the audience you should expect if you put panty shots into your comic
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nice gossip, ladies. it's funny how none of you have comics.
this, no one cares. Post about webcomics.
Faggots will only ever shitpost because they have nothing of actual value to offer, but still desire attention all the same.
Sad he stopped posting here
He is>>146383764
He was volunteering at the global comix booth during NYC comic con this year
Ok? And? What does that mean and how do you know that?
Based Terra
If globalcomix let's him in at any capacity, he will destroy their institution from the inside, with no survivors.
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Thread Question: I'm not against friends and family reading it. Some of them do read my stuff, which I do appreciate a lot, but I don't go out of my way to show it to ppl I personally know unless they ask to see it.

Here's some Sharon art.
I remember being really fast back in 2020-21, but since trying to build up skills and a backlog, inking the “second volume” has been taking forever. I at least aim to finish the comic altogether by 2028.
My brother in Christ, it's Coldfusion. Anyone should avoid interacting with Coldfusion.
I wish the clotshot killed him by now
>> Thread Question:
>Do you like sharing your work with friends and family, or just online?
absolutely not. I don't draw anything risque or fucked up, but still I wouldn't be able to honestly express myself if they were in the know.
Ngl, kinda rude. Fans are like family, you can't choose who enjoys your comic.
I want fans.
Coldfusion draws naked children.
Regardless of what y'all think of him he's a more valued member of the community than a bunch of nobodies who sit around talking about drama all day and baiting schizos into pointless discussions that go nowhere.
Thanks haha, now I wish I didn't know that...
Betz has absolutely zero value
We were never given the context of this dm. Going off of what can be read, they just had an argument
what's so wrong with that?
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While Sharon is kinda evil and messed up, I still kinda would.
OK, you know this because you're his gay boyfriend? Congrats I guess?
Face the wall, anon
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There's a few of us who can detect CF posts pretty quickly, he has a way about him and I don't think he's very good at disguising his written 'voice.' I don't think he's the one loudly holding grudges, I've heard him talk about burned bridges of his past and none of the drama derailers sound like him.

My current theory is that there's some completely unknown anon who collects HYW grudgelore and then repeats it just to stir the pot. Why? I imagine it's like shaking an ant farm.
>My current theory is that there's some completely unknown anon who collects HYW grudgelore and then repeats it just to stir the pot.
A sound theory. Honestly, I struggle to grasp how someone like that could possibly get to such a desperate point in their lives.
I don't think they're desperate, it sounds like a pretty casual hobby. If you're browsing /co/ anyways it's not hard to pick up on a few buzzwords that'll throw a bunch of posters into a frenzy. Hypothetical Ant Farm Anon just pops in, says something about Betz, comes back a few hours later, and gets a sensible chuckle at everyone flinging shit at each other.

It's low effort, high reward. Unless you're smart and don't reward it. Just ignore the drama.
Good, we can spread the gospel of evil moms
If you people didn’t harass him so much he might still be around
no. he's a parasitic life form who offers no benefits to anyone.
>this is the beginning of your conversation!
I prefer this version with no context to be honest
Same. Everyone knows I draw, no one knows what.
Did you all forget that he’s said many many times that he doesn’t want to do a fan service comic and intentionally avoids sex appeal?
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>Hypothetical Ant Farm
Anon are you OK, are you OK anon?
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I haven't played too much with that - I'm thinking I'll have to swap out the pink entirely. It was meant to be a lighter, more neutral color to balance out the maroons and creamy browns, but it's all together a bit too loud. I think white might be the correct choice.

I think this design is missing something.
Does the west have anything like Comitia in Japan where small time creators go to shill their OCs and potential comics? Like an independent comic con?
I'm not talking artist alley either because if you tried this in artist alley you'd essentially be pissing away a ton of money
It really is just going to conventions. The key is to spend extra money and get a real exhibitor table and not an artist alley table.
Just being in the proper exhibitor hall makes you look “legit” and people are more willing to look at your stuff and possibly buy a book
I knew a guy who tried to do this in artist alley's to shill his webcomic but it's hard to generate interest in your stuff when you're next to people selling art to the lowest common denominator. Don't know what happened to the guy, he just disappeared into the ether.
People do like artist alley’s, but they primarily go to them for fan art or to get hand drawn commissions. But if you have a table at the exhibitor hall, then you have the appearance of being a professional product or a serious company by proxy of not being surrounded by all of the independent fan art. The big problem is that exhibitor hall tables are usually far more expensive than artist alley tables and you usually need to come up with a company name of some kind
That's been me selling at cons before. When you've just got your books, stickers and general merch you're gonna have a bad time unless your stuff instantly looks similar to some established franchise or you've got a very eye-catching display.

Ironically nothing really tops my first ever convention with the luck me and my artist got there. We had a really small display near back of the alley but Tom King was at the end of our aisle so lines were forming right behind us to meet him. We were selling our book and merch pretty fast to the point we had only 15 copies left near the end.
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>"hows your webcomic?"
I'll post it later. I'm on the toilet now
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We have a couple of small press expos in my cunt. A bunch of indie artists try to sell stuff while someone on a stage babbles about the need for woker comics. The latter is a necessary evil as they'd never get a big locale downtown for the event.
Why this comic is in black and white is something I’ll never understand. A majority of the charm comes from color
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I'd say the big anime cons like anime expo are the closest thing. My oi books sell well at anime cons but don't do so well in artist allies. Usually I have fanart to attract normie attention but I always set up my original stuff next to it.

Comic cons are all about pop culture normie slop so my cat comics and commissions and prints are the main seller there. Oi does better at anime cons and indie comic cons, but most of the indie comic cons have become mini normie slop pop culture cons now. Overall I'd say cons in America are oversaturated and are slowly dying out.
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I'm bored and need a warmup.
Recommend me some /hyw/ characters to draw
>Tad Danger
>Renata Tate
>Tsundere Elf
>Admiral Pizza
Your booth is a cluttered mess. Try making them not look like a flea market
You have 8 of them here
I'll be real I have no clue who these are
You'll have to give me some direction
It's true! I have to figure out a good way to display 9 comics, 2 coloring books, stickers, prints and the original art that sells better. I aim to upgrade in time for anime expo and wondercon next year. The products sell well, now I just have to dramatically improve the display marketing.
It’s called a menu. They’ve existed for hundreds of years
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I have a menu when I got 10x10 booths. How do you advise i best display the books? The main way they sell is people picking them up and flipping through, so I have to keep them toward the front. I need to start pre-planning the booth setup before I go to these shows. I pretty much improvise it every time depending on the show, so it looks different every time and sometimes is better than others.

I recently was at anime expo chibi where so many artists had really clean product displays and price guides. It motivated me to step it up for next time. I'm also going to have Keychain charms soon so have to figure out how to add more merch to the setup.
>I have a menu when I got 10x10 booths
To clarify, I meant when I have a bigger booth and am allowed to setup a display behind me, I have a big dry erase board i use as a menu with prices. I guess I should print small price menus for when I have a smaller table. Also I need bigger display art of the oi characters with more dynamic art so it stands out more.
Damn, what turned you into such a passive- aggressive cuck?
>why doesn't the artist want each page to take twice as long to produce
Really nigga
>crab who has never done anything creative ever and just posts in hyw out of spite and insecurity: UM AKSHULLY
Fuck off.
Their opinion and advice is still helpful. I agree with anon my booth undersell the quality of my books. If it looked less flea markety and more like a professional book publisher, I'd probably sell more and get more people to the table. I'll make it happen next time chief
>Their opinion and advice is still helpful.
You've got a good outlook on things. I see this weird, aggro butch attitude, and have to assume whoever's behind it has become too conditioned by 4chan. Being a dick shouldn't be the default online attitude.
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Alright, once more for old times' sake. My comic is called Heaven Forbid.
I see it as honest unfiltered feedback that probably represents what the average person walking past my table at the show thought, and that'svaluable. Usually when you ask people for honest feedback, they sugarcoat or don't want to tell you their true thoughts. I can either listen to anon who i agree with and try to improve next time, or ignore it and keep going to shows with an unoptimized table setup and never improve. That's how I see it. Anons speaking their true thoughts are one of the great things that separate 4chan from reddit.
Some cool action flow.
Holy fucking newfag.
Please never say you're gonna draw /hyw/ characters if you don't even know these characters.
If you don't know these, which HYW characters do you know? I find it hard to believe you've somehow avoided seeing Admiral Pizza, at least.
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NTA but it’s been a LONG while since the 2019-2022 crowd has been here and another while since these threads have been comprehensible without wanton deranged spamming. It is natural that newcomers aren’t going to know them imo.
>Tad Danger
Tad Danger: Substitute Ranger
Goddess for Hire
World in the Waves
>Tsunderere Elf
Not entirely sure, instincts tell me this is Gweneth from the Green Knight, which has been taken down iirc
TIHOMB (hiatus, go read Mister Man Eater)
>Taki & Soren
>Admiral Pizza
title character

Taki, if you are still taking requests please
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Needed to fix the bird's wings.
>honest unfiltered
*contrarian shitposter
Take off the rose-tinted goggles
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finally released chapter 6 of the webcomic im doing, took a while
Anon, even if they were griefing for the sake of the lols and intending to make me feel bad, I don't care and it really doesn't matter. The feedback itself is still valid. The table would improve alot with an upgraded display
Nta but I guarantee you're just trying to be a dickhead and have no idea who any of those characters are. Inb4 you try to dismiss any criticisms by doubling down on accusations rather than providing any actual proof you know who they are.
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Some nitpicks
I'll add a nitpick: Where's the sound effects? is this fight happening in silence?
Give us a link, anon. Very cool background btw
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it's called Coolest kid in town, its a little project i came up with mostly for fun, its up on webtoons and tapas

webtoons link

and tapas link
I don't see how the second version flows awkwardly.
You sure you're not just, you know, "special?"
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No new Valor Preclusion this week, so have some lust-inducing fan art instead.

Thanks for the feedback. I see it's not really clear what exactly is happening, or how fast the action is supposed to be. I had a feeling that might be the case, but I'll have to work on that.

As for the sound effects, I dunno, I never thought they added much to a comic unless the sound made is important for some reason. I suppose they are pretty ubiquitous in fight scenes in general, so maybe it would be a good idea to add some. I'll keep that in mind for future pages.
Nta but sound effects are almost completely optional, that guy is just being autistic.
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I take commissions on the side.
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>thread challenge
well at least some of you are making comics
The next page of Cracked Era Senshi
costume design for this character.
With all due respect, I have no clue what that ring thing is
Also NTA but Watchmen has no sound fx and is better than 90% of comics
No sound effects (except the weird noises Rorschach makes all the time)
As far as HYW goes, Renata has close to no fx. I remember Terra saying in threads many times that he hates them
Common Terra W
I wonder who this person who knows all about Terra is.
He has a lot of friends still in the threads you know.
>everyone is one person syndrome
Many such cases
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l guess guy's claims of people being influenced by him were true kek
Guiding the eye down and then abruptly going right is illogical. It makes more sense for the sequence to continue in the direction your eye is being lead so going down would mean the panel below the second would be the 3rd not the one next to it.

The way this is set up is panel 2 is below 1 but 3 is beside 2 despite 4 being directly next to 1. Efficient flow follows how we naturally read sentence structure which is left to right and when we reach the edge we then go to the level just bellow.
>You sure you're not just, you know, "special?"
>"Because I personally don't see anything wrong with something it means no problems actually exist"

Yes something must be wrong with me for even considering anything could be a problem with the sheer perfection of any comic posted in the legendary /hyw/ threads. How blind I was.
sound effects are stupid and distract from the actual action
it takes a truly deft hand to use them well and most of the time it just adds to visual clutter
unless it's a sound that needs to be described, your mind already fills in those blanks.
best not to use them at all unless it's very necessary
Just because your personal opinion got challenged doesn't mean you have to get all passive aggressive like a woman.
Yeah plus sounds usually only enhance scenes if they're comedic
DESU I think the thread with the circle thing are too much? Leaving the wings a bit simpler and the circles be around the character.
>Just because your personal opinion got challenged

>"this panel sequence has no consistent structure or composition"
>"Well you're a retard"

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I used to not like sound effects, but reading Bomb Devil arc in Chainsaw Man and rereading a bunch of Frank Miller comics made me want to start experimenting with them more. Comics with no sound effects work just fine, it's up to the creator. I think what matters most is being consistent- if you go no sound effects go all in, if you are going to use them you have to stick with it.
yeah, sound effects can be a good chance to way to set the tempo in a comic
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>your mind already fills in those blanks.
Which doesn't happen here, and hence why I said there should be sound effects.

Really, the action should be a lot more dynamic AND make use of a few sound effects, but sound effects are a nice patch for when you're not the best at portraying an action and need a little more help conveying to the reader what's going on.
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Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/PREDATHEOSIS
Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1434168/1

page 033
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Gave the first episode a read. Think it's a nice introduction to a seemingly quick comparison to a Mad Max like world. Establishes a cool mystery at the start with a twist. Action scenes are pretty sick too.
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New brush self portrait
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ty anon
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11 pages of chapter 7 are drafted. Feeling mostly good about it.
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My comic has a continual story which I'd like to post at this point but the fact is I started it when I was much younger and it's shit at any sort of starting point.

On the other hand despite having a continual story it is a comic strip and the humor could possibly carry it even if people have to piece together the larger story. I certainly think it's funnier than alot of the stuff I see on those webcomix sites.
Reality-shredding metal dragon for my next updates
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Digital egg, expanding Underrealm analogues
You could upload it from the start, readers might find the early stuff charming at least. Otherwise you could make a "story so far"- style summary and start with the newer stuff. Personally I'd vouch for starting from the beginning, as webcomics as a whole could use an injection of personality/ rough earlier works instead of obsessing over everything being polished.
Nice nice
I’ll say it. Harmony is best girl. She’s cute as hell, pink is the best color, and her relationship with Dorian shows that she’s the most feminine of all the girls. Plus she’s a pastel goth, with is a very under used archetype
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This was a fun time.
I love his big poofy hair.
Neat, thank you! Love seeing other peoples' interpretations of my hair logic

Seconding this, my favorite type of webcomic is the pure raw creative energy of someone starting with no experience and sticking to the same story for an impressive amount of time.
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WHERE is she from my good man
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I accidentally screwed up on the upload date and Abnormal Shift got posted early on GlobalComix last Friday. Already got four subs and a comment (which was only reason I found out) before I locked it back up.

That seems like a good sign for the release this Friday.
>my favorite type of webcomic is the pure raw creative energy of someone starting with no experience and sticking to the same story for an impressive amount of time
Any favorites? I'm a huge Bunnyseries advocate for this reason.
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Gertrude from Valor Preclusion. She doesn't dress like that in the comic.
>Any favorites?
A lot of the comics on Reddit (yeah I know) are well done. I don't browse Reddit much or follow any of them specifically though.
Off the top of my head...I'm drawing a blank for SPECIFIC comics but webcomics as a whole embody this. Look at any first and most recent page next to each other. Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures has a dramatic improvement over time. El Goonish Shive does too. I promise I don't just read furry trash but that's what came to mind just now.

I wish we had some kind of webcomic READING general where I could deposit my thoughts consistently. Like a 'How's That Webcomic' instead of 'How's Your Webcomic.' Over time I'm sure I'd have many recommendations.
Flat is justice.
>She doesn't dress like that in the comic
Time to change that!
>Like a 'How's That Webcomic' instead of 'How's Your Webcomic.' Over time I'm sure I'd have many recommendations.
Do it nigga. If you start with a solid 5- 6 recommendations, you'd be good to start a thread. Heck, ape the OP template with resources for where to find webcomics, you might be gold.
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>Time to change that!
The comic is about a bunch of pilgrims traveling to see a prophet in the tundra. Fan service will have to wait a few chapters.
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Okay, this gives me some more confidence, I also realize the good feature of these sites linked is that you immediately start on the most recent page and can flip to the first, and I found myself going to the start, seeing if it was good, and if not skipping to the most recent stuff to see how much it's improved and maybe working out the story backwards. That was just other comic strips I looked at though
Art makes me suspect you draw porn if little boys
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Not my thing, sorry to disappoint.
Trying to pick a brush to draw comics with drives me nuts, I hate being autistic over tiny shit like that.
Nobody is going to care outside of people who don't want to read your comic anyway.
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*blocks your path
Hard round chads unite
Make your own brushes! I'd give more specific advice but every time I learn how to make brushes in a specific program, I make what I need then somehow instantly forget how I did it. Just look up the basic documentation for whatever program you're using and fiddle around with settings for a while.

Maybe someday! I wanted to eventually ask for recommendations to put on an RSS reader so I have multiple motives to make a How's That Webcomic
People itt could post their comic and ask for anyone to read and critique but we're all cowards here and most of us don't want to appear to be shilling or whatever even though imo it's THE thread for it
Telling on yourself?
Why did you start your webcomic? Did you just feel like making something on a whim, have a story in your head for years, or some other reason?
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Hey, what’s Gourry Gabriev doing there?
File deleted.
OK read this
If you dare
I've been wanting to start for years, but unfortunately I am an adult stuck in a life draining, energy sapping, soul crushing job which is the only thing keeping me from being homeless, so I never have the energy to do anything besides eat, shower, and maybe watch a cartoon or stream. I genuinely have no idea how other anons do it.
Really expressive and unique art. Couldn't into the story but that's because I'm a shonenshitter.
what aspect of your style necessitates any particular brush?
ah yes
>its a little project i came up with mostly for fun
The BEST reason to come up with a project desu
>I wish we had some kind of webcomic READING general where I could deposit my thoughts consistently.
...Why not just do it here?

What are you talking about? A bunch of people posted their comics here. Posting your comic is an implicit request for critique, most people just aren't interested enough to give any.
Projection, Niles?
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Thank you for giving it a chance. I tried to do a pseudo shonen style story in volume 3, but it's 500 pages before it gets to that part.
The webcomic I wanted to read didn't exist. So I doodled up some example strips to visualise my ideas and meant to show them to an artist I could chuck ideas at. Years later and the placeholder is still going.
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I mean, I do talk about webcomics here, but I don't want to crowd out the other creators by talking about a comic by some guy who doesn't go here. If you want critique you shouldn't have to wedge it in between my 500-word essays about Gene Catlow.

On a related note, is there any sort of community for the storytime guys? We get annual storytimes for certain comics (Night of the Were-Ed et al) but are those all just unaffiliated guys? Is there any coordination? Is there some specific place to dump full archives I've collected in case other people want to storytime them later?
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Slayers and Record of the Lodoss War are my main inspirations.
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Self-insert panel
No, webcomic creators are an oppressed and marginalized race not just here but everywhere.
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Webcomic POSTERS though! I don't think the people who rerun the storytimes of pain are the actual people who made those webcomics. I mean, masterful maneuver if they are.
>I don't want to crowd out the other creators by talking about a comic by some guy who doesn't go here.
Fair, that is separate topic altogether.
I would encourage more webcomic people here to shill in webcomic threads that pop up. I know a common sentiment is that people don't wanna feel like they're hogging things or self shilling is seen as bad for some reason but you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm just sick of every webcomic threads that comes up on co always being the same shit every damn time, the same recs always.

There's new shit made on the weekly or monthly so you'd think there would be new stuff people would push but nope.
Sometimes people get mad when you shill but it's good to do it anyways.
I never got why people get mad about that since it's highly likely alot of stuff in those threads are self posts without admitting it.
It's because the tried and true stuff will always be good and no one wants to take a chance on new comics, also not many people make it a point to spend their time just reading webcomics when they could be consuming other media instead.
>Posting your comic is an implicit request for critique
Sure but people might assume it's not strictly for critique and decide not to step on any eggshells by reading it and pointing out flaws, others might just not assume it's for critique unless that's explicitly stated by the poster and will otherwise not read it if they have no reason to be interested in it. As cruel as it is for us amateurs, high quality media is easier to access than ever so taking the time to instead look through some random people's comics isn't as enticing as it otherwise could be. It's media tinder out there and we're the incels of the art world.
No problem, keep up the good work.
>Years later and the placeholder is still going.
That's happened to me with character designs before
>people might assume it's not strictly for critique and decide not to step on any eggshells by reading it and pointing out flaws
What the fuck has 4chan become. Sometimes I wish I could line all of you up and slap some sense into you.
It's bizarre, but autists gonna autist
I've done it before, had people respond 'wow someone else reads Laserwing!' and I've responded 'ha ha, reads, yes *wink*' type shit and haven't gotten run off yet

I've considered storytiming the whole comic but that might be overstepping the line
Think of it in terms of "why should I waste my time reading shit I don't care about if the retard who posted it will probably just sperg at the slightest criticism?"
Webcomics posters will just post the ones they're interested in, unless they have some reason to branch out they're just going to post what they like.
Yes. I'm asking if they have an organized community. That was the original question.
I don't know much about it but it's most likely they storytimed some stuff, got a good turnout/reception, maybe did it some more and now it's something of a tradition. If you or some other person felt like going and storytiming whatever, I wouldn't worry about pushback or rather you could use that to gauge how people react to your presence in regards to whether or not you're stepping into someone else's "territory" in storytiming webcomics.

tl;dr try it and see what happens, who cares since we're all anonymous anyway and if you're a creator and don't want to be outed or whatever, storytime a handful of comics and throw yours somewhere in the middle I guess
>never got why people get mad about that
Crab mentality. The majority of people on this site would rather have the most popular products shilled to them rather than some person's or smaller team's works.
/v/ and its consequences have been a disaster for this entire site. You can't even so much as talk about something you like without being labeled a shill and disregarded entirely. Even if there's zero profit for anyone involved, it's somehow still shilling. The retards infesting this place would rather spew buzzwords than give anything new an honest try.
I've seen people successfully shill their games or WIP on /v/ in recent days. The only difference is people never make a thread about only their work, just use an existing one to get interest and typically it goes well.

If you do that on /co/ with a comic then people call you a shill and to GTFO. For some reason indie animators are the only ones here that don't get that shit, they're the only people on co that won't get as much hate for blatant shilling.
My hope was to have a centralized place to upload and download full comic archives so that if I have to go afk a different guy might pick up the storytime, stuff like that
You could start your own webcomic-posting trend and keep a list linked in each OP, like a pastebin of works you've covered and where to find them or something. I guess a good example would be Conductor in those sonic storytime threads, after finishing official stuff he even started doing fan comics.
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>how's your webcomic?
on hiatus for a bit.
Don’t babble at my posts, like a baby. Saying nonsense
That's fair. I wish I could slap the spergs even harder.
Violence is never the answer.
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At last, my girls are finally completed:

Bridget - An outgoing tomboy from the city who is bold and adventurous, but also stubborn and careless.
Hal (Hailey) - A shy girl that loves to dance but gets scared by anything. She's basically the more feminine counterpart to Bridget.
Yuki - A smug foreign exchange from Japan who loves to play tricks on others and has a sly humor.
Penny (Penelope) - A chubby girl who's dimwitted and clumsy, and has a sweet nature. She also has a gluttonous appetite.
Fox (Fionna) - A little girl who has the personality of a wild child and likes to wear animal costumes just to show her unruly side.
Lucy - Youngest of the group who's cheerful and a real cutie but also childish, just like any other little girls. She is the little sister of Olivia.
Olivia - Older sister of Lucy who is courteous and often acts older than her own age. However, she is just as childish as her sister and usually has quarrels with her.
Emma - The brains of the group who creates useful gadgets that either succeed or fail. She's mostly serious, but she does posses a dry sense of humor.
Irma - A typical teenage girl who is vain and self-centered, but still cares about her friends. Both she and Bridget often have conflicts with each other.
Meg (Megan) - A tough girl who is the oldest of the group and is like an older sister to the others. While has a sense of responsibility, she does have a fun side to her.

I'm really sorry for not working on the webcomic that I promised months ago due to getting sidetracked constantly.
Now that I finished drawing the main cast, I can finally work on designing the characters correctly and keep it mind, there maybe some changes too.
Any thoughts are welcome.
I think I realised a big problem with a webcomic idea i wanted to go with. I already start off with the heroes having to fce an evil empire of alien invaders, so its already quite a high escalation as far as threats go. Would it be boring if i went to dealing with regular bank robbers or other low level threats oncet hey are dealt with? I could always throw in other super powered characters or super natural entities as othert heats here and there perhaps.
There are decent stories that start at a tense point but the story has to be built around making the most out of that rather than acting like we should already care about things as though we've been following this setting for a while before now. Alternatively you could do a flash forward then jump back in time and build up to that point.
>A lot of the comics on Reddit (yeah I know) are well done
Bullshit. The vast majority of webcomics people shill on places like /r/webcomics are unfunny, or uninteresting (but most Redditors go for "comedy"), garbage that looks like it was drawn with the stylus clenched between the creator's ass cheeks. Shoving shards of glass down your urethra is more fun than reading Reddit's comics.
post a comic you find funny. otherwise I just think you're being a crab.
This isn't arcane knowledge, fucknugget. I literally gave you the subreddit in question. Go look for yourself.

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