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Another bimbo thread
Honestly i am ashamed my penis isn't big enough for such cute girls.
You could tape a dildo on top of it and they wouldn't notice, they'd just comment on how strangely colorful and rubbery your "penis" looked
Get one of those cock dildo sleeves.
Any examples of surprisingly intelligent bimbos?
Pardon me, but could you help out a fellow American who's down on his luck?
I love bimbos
Please may i have more?
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What, in your opinion, constitutes a bimbo? Is it the mass of the mammies?
Even a flat girl could be a bimbo, if she's a bit dim and a bit slutty, but considering that jpg are a visual medium, yeah massive tits are the answer.
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I feel a bimbo could be marginally intelligent in certain ways, but hopelessly ignorant in others.
Do bimbos have to exclusively be busty blonde women?
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Not necessarily. They just have to be ditzy and naive. Blonde, Busty, Slutty, Pink, and more plastic than a tupperware container, are just common stereotypes because the vapid, boy-crazy, fashion obsessed So-Cal Valley Girl is the first thing people think of when they hear the word "bimbo", but you can have them be redheads or brunettes, or goth, as long as they're ditzy, airheaded, and stupid.
So like with sexy, it's a mentality/characteristics sort of thing. So a blonde bombshell can be a top notch scientist and still be a bimbo somewhat?
sloppy bimbo blowjobs...
Dumb but hot
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I mean, if you have microdick then yea i can see why thats a problem, but girls dont mind average.
3 inches flaccid, at least 6 inches erect.
Most erect i have ever been was 8-9 inches.
There needs to be more porn of this show, also the valley girl would count for this thread
Bimbos are so cute. I wish I can retarded with them
Judging from your spelling, you're not too far off with that fantasy
Best girl
wolverine but a, woman without angst and who maintains his shenanigan behavior would have been so based. Sad they made her so gruff as the norm
Are there any flat bimbos?
You're also retarded for necrobumping the thread.
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Harley Quinn I guess
That's a good one though
Yeah, but i get really shy because it's not a foot ling flaccid.
I guess all that NSFW stuff has made me more ashamed of my body.
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>One red bean stuck in the bottom of a tin bowl
>Hot coffee from a crimped-up can
>Me and my girl named BIMBO
>Limbo Spam
Give it to me straight bros, is a 4.3 incher erecr enough?
She's too much for my mirror
She almost make me lose it
The way she abuse it make me never wanna use it
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It's from the series Stripperella.
That webm sucks so I made my own.
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wasn't expecting one so soon but very well
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So who’s your favorite non-blond bimbo?
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I love my tard wife
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Super cute.
When she bends over like that it makes me want to cum
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This whole episode is a bimbo fantasy
Leni is the best out of the trio.
>I wish I can retarded
I have some great news for you, anon
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>Even her sweat canonically smells amazing >>146329018 >>146330086
This just HAS to be the writer's barely disguised fetish, kek.
Indeed, best girl.
It does for Leni? Nice.
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>I wish I can retarded with them
Should we tell him?
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Thank you bigdad Pacifica
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slow thread huh? guess there isn't a lot of bimbo love around at the moment
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For those who hasn't, I'd recommend this comic.
top notch scientist is too smart for a bimbo
she could have really good math skills, but only in regards to something silly like calculating her shopping budget or deals
This is a dream come true
It's about how you interact with people. A top-notch scientist could be a bimbo if she acts so ditzy you'd never guess her true intelligence.
>around 90% completed
>abruptly stops updating it
Sadly, many such cases
its still updating on kobi's deviantart
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what wires in our brains have to cross incorrectly in order to create a fetish for retarded wall-eyed bimbos anyway?
I was NEVER into bimbos until i saw this ai gen of princess peach with wall eyes, drooling with her tits out in only a bra a few months ago
now i can't get enough of it
Wolverine but a woman and almost naked and she fucks and acts like an animal with primal urges, that would be kinda hilarious as a comic story right hahaha
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"niche" fetish with there not being a lot of bimbo characters to post about. that and there is much too much discussion left to be had about bimbos/bimbofication now
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They’d never get away with making a character that both acts and looks like Lindsay nowadays.
The main aspects of a bimbo are dumb and sexed up. Other combinations associated with the type don't work.
>submissive & dumb = maid, slave, etc.
>fashionable & sexed up = model
Also, women can still be ditzy but smart at the same time. That's attractive, but I hesitate to call it "bimbo".
>get blueballs waiting for him to release chapters on Patreon/Kemono
>get my blueballs set back by ~2 months with Kemono switching servers
I am now at inner peace.
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I’ll admit, I did always like this ship
>ghost with hair
does that mean Casper is bald?
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not even chemo could've saved him
Love Leni, simple as.
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I feel like if we're at the point of posting full on bimbofication pics that don't involve /co/ characters, you're better off going to one of the two /aco/ bimbo threads. Or if the infighting between AI Bimbo enthusiasts and anti-AI bimbo enthusiasts is annoying, the /d/ bimbo thread

But if you want a discussion topic, how's this:
What are non-valley girl Bimbo stereotypes you'd like to see more of? Would Stepford housewives count as Bimbos? How about sweet yet naive farm girls? Those are both dumb yet pretty girl stereotypes
Simpsons characters can't he hot,even in by good fan artists
that's mean
Why do they give Leni and Lori such small boobs on the show?
Same reason for why moms in cartoons tend to have wider hips than busts- boobs are inherently sexual so the censors are more likely to pick up on it
If only she looked like this in canon.
you're saying that like it's a bad thing. if I had it my way women would be able to increase and decrease breast size at will
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Ba Dump Tssh!
>ywn have a loving tard wife
heart-shaped pupils are the best
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That is, without a doubt, the worst case of Tumblr Nose I have EVER seen.
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this better?
You only removed one, but yes, that is better than both of them having it.
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yeah i don't get the tumblr nose's either but her art is good regardless
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at least post more
tell me more
>Captcha: W04A4H
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Entrapta is the only character I consider a 'genius' bimbo archetype. One who is incredible with tech and science but in personality is a total ditz and super cheery/friendly.
>that and there is much too much discussion left to be had about bimbos/bimbofication now
Why do you say that?
for motherhood
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that water pump is me
Mogging Belle
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does ty lee count?
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autism + adhd
Yes, she’s ditzy
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Fuck off.
what's the file space on those?
Melody is the perfect Archie character.
Perfectly respectable reasoning.
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Great coloring. Is this on the booru?
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I think that them are bit more 'bimb' than Tara

i can see those teens midriffs
there's something magical about Asian bimbo's
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you JUST know
It was the style at the time.
well he's already dead...so who cares
Left wants it.
Right is going to take it.
Absolutely wasted in shit show.
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She's a scary-ass girl!
They mog her so hard and they are a package deal
All three aren't good enough for Gaston
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Gaston was a fag then.
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What a boootyful view
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Ladies and gentlemen, we found the origin of Lindsay's design, and it's from a tampon advertisement from 2004.
Classic Canucks
Nazz didn't really strike me as a bimbo, just really easygoing and friendly. Now May? She's definitely close to one given she's clearly the dumbest of the three Kankers
Isn't that just SpongeBob?
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Stepfordization > Bimbofication
How so?
More insulting to the subject's former self
Gaston believes in monogamy and saves himself foe Belle only
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Who the heck is bimbo seeming P'Gell and why didn't Jim marry her?
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nope, totally separate character
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Is this for real?
Oh my god.
I now need art of Lindsay changing tampons.
Kind of based.
Is she really a bimbo?
that and Belle is actually a virgin
I want to see more of this to know
More, I beg you!
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very well
Thanks for explaining.
The 90s casper show had some nice waifus
Who is the most bimbo of them?
Any hag lovers here?
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Perfect hourglass figure
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Is there a difference between a bimbo and a ditz?
A bimbo has sex appeal, dripping with it. A ditz can be attractive, but their figure has to say "sex" in neon lights to be a bimbo.
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Who's the artist?
The best Bimbo is the Bimbo with a heart of gold.
God bless Grimphantom.
what is bustiest in-story pic of Marionette from Micronauts?
Whose the artist?
It's Dumb Bunny of the Inferior Five you dumbass
The only time where I'd consider the bimboification a downgrade.

I'd tease that wannabe punk girl so goddamn bad. She's adorable.
Of course it's all down to the art style and the fantasy I conjured in my head.
Such as?
Nice tits. Mogs Barbara.
Barbara is his daughter.
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I wasn't aware of the thread until now, dang. Fake Lenifag.
Melody is so underrated, wish she got art more or Josie and the Pussycats would get some attention these days.
>Bimbo farts
Not enough of this, it's always the bitch that braps. Actually, it's the bitch who gets most of the fetish art.
She cute.
Who is this ghost, and why did she die? Can you fuck a ghost?
Why didn't Jim marry her?
Because he knows it's a death sentence.
P'Gell has had a hundred husbands and none have survived more than a few days.

No "death by snu-snu" jokes, please. They all seem to suffer "accidents"
She was fine but I prefer a different type of looney.
Looney like how?
Who is she?
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Oh man that gif is really pushing it on multiple rules.
Like Bugs
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All girl braps are just fantastic as long as the girl is attractive. The identity/personality comes second.
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Still my favorite.
Eh, hot but they retarded her too much.
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It isn't very easy to determine whether such a character considers herself a bimbo or not, like her in this case.
What happened to her when she was forced to hitchhike a ride with those truck drivers?
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fair enough then i guess the question is how dumb is too dumb for a bimbo and do they even need to be dumb to be considered a bimbo
Issue # source you namecaller
The other attractive girls in oblongs sre underrated as fuck. I would debbies.
Cutest war criminal
Someone needs to send this to the faggots that bitched about the female cat in puss in boots had a feminine body
That's not looney, that's just gay.
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>is how dumb is too dumb for a bimbo
I think it really depends on the person. For me, the moment people start writing bimbos as pants-on-head retarded or just horny cavewomen it becomes more annoying than hot. I think there still needs to be some braincells in their empty heads, even if it is more focused on fashion than math

That being said
>do they even need to be dumb to be considered a bimbo
YES. Bimbo, back when it was used as an insult for men, meant "unintelligent man". Even though the definition went to referring to women, I think the stupidity factor still needs to remain before the word gets fully ship of theseus'd

Also, side note, Anyone notice that bimbo artists sometimes REALLY don't know how to write valley girls? Sometimes they go full retard and give them caveman speech, sometimes they just throw "like" randomly in the sentence instead of using it the same way someone would use "um" or "uh"
>For me, the moment people start writing bimbos as pants-on-head retarded or just horny cavewomen it becomes more annoying than hot.
Agreed. I mean, I'm definitely down for some horny cavewomen tf, but it's a different thing.
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>For me, the moment people start writing bimbos as pants-on-head retarded or just horny cavewomen it becomes more annoying than hot.
same i'm a sucker for IQ loss especially for smart chicks but not so much when they become actually retarded. not understanding complex math or being too stupid to read is fine but i draw the line at not being able to do basic tasks.
I'm not really a fan of intelligence loss, I just prefer it when they become horny and maybe a little ditzy/clumsy.
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fair enough i enjoy ditzy characters espically in non pure porn stories but i think i difference should be made between a bimbo being ditzy or idiot savant and being outright smart. "smart' bimbos can work in certain cases but i think a lack of intellect should still be a key trait in what makes a character a bimbo to avoid the term getting diluted into simply meaning "horny attractive woman"
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I always imagined ditziness as basically taking a sledgehammer to their attention span. All of her intelligence and knowledge is still in her head, it’s just harder to focus for long enough to put it together
I miss underburbs
me too anon...
>that one scene where it just cuts to her peeing in the outhouse
those show writers knew exactly what they were doing
the end
Old fashion fuckin from truckers, then a ride home that may or may not included handjobs.
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They thought she was a hooker. I just realized that they edited in a a shirt for her so it doesn't look like she's naked when getting raped near the car window.

>I would debbies.
That episode when one of the debbies became ugly and became friends with the clubhouse kids despite annoying them was really cute. I always thought that someday she might end up with Milo just like how Pickles and Bob did. It would be karma biting Pristine's ass if it did.
Is there a full comic for that, or is it just a oneshot image?
oneshot i'm afraid
ah right he does side and alternative stuff. I wonder if he'll continue the main comic
The Test twins have always made me horny since I was a boy.
>Also, side note, Anyone notice that bimbo artists sometimes REALLY don't know how to write valley girls? Sometimes they go full retard and give them caveman speech, sometimes they just throw "like" randomly in the sentence instead of using it the same way someone would use "um" or "uh"
Most bimbo artists are really bad at actually writing bimbos. It's hard to even think of any standouts. Sortimid is good. From what I can remember, Cuisine/MissPhase is pretty good. Fellatrix is fine. Tebra was the best.. And even some of those choices aren't entirely fair, writing a good bimbo can sometimes be entirely different from writing a good transformation. Bimbofication artists and authors don't need to keep writing the bimbo once the transformation's complete, cause then it's over, you just need a decent glimpse.
I don't remember the shirt.
It's allright.
Aw, I want to fuck poor Kitty and take care of her.
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IQ loss from really intelligent women is pretty great
second one is cutest
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Dean Yeagle’s Mandy
Never heard of her but she fits the bill to a tee. She got a comic?
are there any examples of bimbofication in non-porn, cartoons or comics? feels like theres a example of every other fetish
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>feels like theres a example of every other fetish
Other fetishes don't include characters becoming dumber, bustier, and hornier. You can't play that off as being something else, it's transparently a fetish. Animal tf, feet, gender swapping, mind control, farts, inflation, vore, fat, etc, can be way more inconspicuous.

That being said, there are psuedo examples. The photoshop episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch gets brought up a lot. There's also another episode where her evil doppleganger uses a spell to turn her stupid and boy-obsessed. Not a cartoon but based off a comic.

Metal Men issues #46 - #48 has Platinum Tina become very handsy and flirty.

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1 (2021) has a pretty straight example of himbofication through a He-Man parody.

Excalibur (Inferno) Issue #7 has Kitty dealing with a Freddy Krueger parody and there's a brief moment where she's in a cheerleader outfit and makes a comment to herself about "acting like a bimbo".

The webcomic "Eerie Cuties" also has a brief cheerleader themed bimbofication sort of thing.

And The New Mutants Summer Special by Ann Nocenti has this consumerist superficial bimbo character with "Buy Me" written on her chest that sort of seduces and begins to bimbofy Rahne, but we don't actually see anything.
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From the Guardians annual.
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From Excalibur #7.
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Rahne and "Buy Me" in The New Mutants Summer Special
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No Luanne? Is this a joke?
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Eerie Cuties.
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I forgot, there's also the DASTARDLY AND MUTTLEY comic DC published by Garth Ennis that has a woman become Penelope Pitstop. I might have that somewhere.

The Dragon's Lair comic also apparently has Daphne become stupider the longer she stays in the bubble. I don't have that anywhere.
Don't have any of the Dastardly and Muttley stuff but All Star Section Eight (also by Ennis) has Wonder Woman become kind of bimbo-y after getting hit in the head.
Any time I see her, all I can think of is that mosquito joke.
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Gotchu senpai
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>Implication that she was trying so hard to change back was because she was married
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That’s actually pretty cute
She's cute.
always a good one
Nice detail
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Luanne is a weird one since she fluctuated between being a bimbo, a retard, and sometimes being the smartest girl. Kind of wish the writers had really picked a damn lane and stuck with it since it did get a bit annoying when she's seemingly on the path to raising herself out of her trailer trash ways, to just diving back into headfirst with a man who was somehow dumber the guy who fried his brain staring into the sun
I mean it’s a good one
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If you could make a cartoon heavily featuring bimbofication what would it be like?
ranma 1/2 but replace the gender swap with a tomboy switch between herself and a bubbley bimbo
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but enough about Harley
Harley's great but yeah, I'd argue she's not quite a bimbo. She's a smart person pretending to be a bimbo because she knows that's what Mr. J likes. She plays the role exceptionally well, but I think it's just that - she's playing a role. Left to her own devices Harleen Quinzel is not a bimbo.
Would say it also depends on the series, since some instances of Harley do let her keep her smarts while others have her become almost like a cock-hungry whore for Joker's pasty clownish dick. In BTAS, it did sometimes seem like she was kind of dumb, but that could be chalked up to having various writers doing the scripts. Might have also been a result of them shifting the relationship dynamic to be more abusive compared to how it was early on where Harley actually could assert herself and make Joker nervous about her wrath.
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kek I got to check this out
Jungledyret Hugo
Evil mad scientist lady accidentally turns herself into a dizy super heroine
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Damn this takes me back.
God they actually fixed her design.
Is there more to this? What's the source?
shit anon I learned something today
God bless DB, she's so cute and clueless, but she doesn't stop being herself.

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